Item 22 - Report of Administrative Action Taken on City Council/Public Inquiry Items AGENDA REPORT SUM\fARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ Penny Riley, Senior Management Analys DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJECI': Report of Administrative Action Taken on City Council-initiated and Public Inquiry Items ABSTRACI' A policy for the disposition of issues introduced at Public Oral Communications or under a City Councilmember's agenda item was discussed at the March 22, 1994 City Council meeting. City Council directed staff to work directly with concerned citizens on issues and report the conclusions of those discussions in a report for the Consent Calendar. This report covers the period of December 5, 1994 through January 2, 1995. - ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACI' None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACI'ION - "= 1 of 4 JAN 3 1995 Ij¿iW 22 ~ AGENDA REPOR'I CITY OF POW A Y This «port is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Councol unless members of the Council. staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have \his report pulled for discussion. please fiii out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager Penny Riley, Senior Management Analy~ DATE: January 3, 1995 SUBJ ECT: Report of Administrative Action Taken on City Council-initiated and Public Inquiry Items BACKGROUND At the March 22, 1994 City Council meeting, Deputy Mayor Emery discussed the City's practice of responding to issues introduced at Public Oral Communications or undér a City Councilmember's agenda item. A policy for the disposition of such matters is outlined in Resolution 86-135 (Exhibit A). City Council directed staff to work directly with concerned citizens on issues and report the conclusions of those discussions in a report for the Consent Calendar. FINDINGS This report of administrative action covers the period of December 5, 1994 through January 2, 1995. Staff has been in contact with the individual discussed in the report. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Disposition 11/29/94 Susan Sheldon Creek on Library Site Letter sent from the Director of Engineering Services ACTION: 2 of 4 )) IiEM . J/l.N 3 1995 ' ~ Agenda Report - January 3, 1995 Page 2 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental review is not required for this agenda item according to California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fi sca 1 i mpact. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. Attachment: Exhibit A - Resolution 86-135 penny\pubi nq3. rpt 3 of 4 I1'EiIA 22 JAN 3 1995 J£SOWrIa< R:). 86-135 A RESCWIIa< Œ' mE ern a:w::IL Œ' 'mE ern Œ' ~, ~, IS'rABLISHING JIRX::EIXnW, JIJUS ~ o:HPLY 11m! G:M:IHÐIT cxœ SEC'l'ICNS 54954.2 AND 54954.3 1I!E:RFAS, 8ICC8pt U prOYÍðeð t:hcein, California GoY8rJID8nt c::o:5e l8:t.ians 54954.2 8ZII! 54954.3, effe:t.!ve o'IIInuary 1, 1987, _tabliah 1Jm1taticns upon dia~sing, ani! ~Clhibit 1:aking 8Ctien 11¡)CIn itcDI of buI~-. ~ at City CmIc1l_UzIgs blt IIØt ÇP8ILriDg en t:be agm:k, ani! 1IŒJŒ.\S, t:be City Q:IImcU wishes 1:0 a:mply with both the ç1rlt ani! the 18tter of 8&1d MC:t1cna and 1:0 be U r8ÇClM1 ve 1:0 ..... of t:be puc: as pu1ble, 8ZII! 1IŒJŒ.\S, the City AttcrD8:i IIu cp1Deð that, 8CCIIpt U p-c:M48ð in aid MC:t1cns, the City CcImc1l ahcu14 De1tber di8cuu IICIr act vp::m oU1gtnða itans 1D1tiat.8ð by staff or o.""'~ '-"wa, ani! 1I!E:RFAS, the City Attorney IIu cp1n8! that u.id 8CtJ.cna ~ IIØt Fchibit dia~slon of off1gtnða itcls ~ by t:be public: ~ that 110 actJ.en is taken. 104, ~œ!., DE c:r:t'Y CXIJNCII. Œ' DE ern Œ' 1OfAY, CAUPœNIA, teES 8EREBY A%XPI' mE 1"CIt..t.CIaNG JmZS Œ' ~)U:¡ crm:ImH:i 1'1'S MEE'mGS a:HIE2CNG ~ 1, 1987& 8cticn 1. It8Ds of b.2a1Mu IIØt çpering en a City CmIc11 89«'115aanð tmrcdlx:ed t¡ a CciUnc11m8nber or by 8taff ahall be refer&! 8IZtœatically ani! wit.hcut any .a=uion or act1en 1IIat8\W by C'cunc1l 1:0 t:be City ManagE (1) for 8C't.ien by the City Manager 1f the _tter is ~tive in -ture, or (2) for p1accD8nt upon a City Ccunci1. agtnða within fcur (4) .... 1f the _tter rer;uir- actJ.cn by the CDmcl1. 1'be City -g. 8ball np:Irt 1:0 the C1 ty C:uncil within fcur (4) .... any 8ðD1n1atrative act1CID t:M81. 8:Ith1D9 herein ahall prchib1 t or 1Jm1 t err;¡ 0.",('4 ~ frCIII ~~ at a 88etini of the C'cunc1l err;¡ _tte of CI:IICC'D 1:0 IIUCb . ~ . It8Ds of b.2a1Mu IIØt ÇP8U'iDg ell a City C:IImc:1l a;m5a ani! in by a 88ber of the public -y be di8cuu1l!! by t:be City C'cunc1l, I:Iut 110 act1en 8b&ll be t:M81 tberean. All 8UCb it818 8ball be men-II!! autc:alati- cally ani! vi1:bcut err;¡ 8C't.ien WaWrc 1:0 t:be City 1IIDag. (1) for 8Cticn by the City ManagE 1f the _tte is å1D18tmtive in -=-, or (2) for p1ac8I8nt apcn a City CImc1l ag.. with1D fcur (4) .... 1f t:be _tte nqIIir. 8Cticn - t:be CcamcU. !!be City 1IInq. 8ba11 np:Irt 1:0 t:be City QImcU withiD fcur (4) W8Ica 81t1 ~tJ.ve 8CtJ.cD taUn. JUS!:), atJCI'm) MD APPR:1'n:D, - the City C:uncU. of the City of JQey I CaUfom1a, at 8D 84jc:1œD&! r~ 88ti.D; t:bc8CIf Wa 11th - of ÐeorbIr, ..". ~ ........ .fa..- '. ~p ì~ ~~T¡: liar : e It. tel, City Clerk \ 4 of 4 Exhibit A JAN 3 1995 ITEM 22