Item 8 - Business Incubator Program -- AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ _ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manage~ ~' Warren Shafer, Director of Redevelopme Service GO DATE: September 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Business Incubator Program ABSTRACT At the June 13, 1995 City Council meeting, staff was requested to review the potential of working with the San Diego Incubator Corporation to create a business incubator program in Poway. This report explains what we have learned about the incubator program. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. - FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be sent to Fred Day, Acting Executive Director, Poway Chamber of Commerce, and Larry Cruse. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. ACTION -... \data\agenda\bip.cov SEP 1 9 1995 ITEM 8 1 of 3 ---- - AGENDA REPOR'l CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members~e City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Managerc('?I (s Warren Shafer, Director of Redevelopment Services L~+~ ~ DATE: September 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Business Incubator Program BACKGROUND At the June 13, 1995 City Council meeting, staff was requested to review the potential of working with the San Diego Incubator Corporation to create a business incubator program in Poway. Staff contacted the San Diego Incubator Corporation and Contracting Opportunities Center to find out about the City of San Diego's Program and about incubator programs in general. We received an explanation of how the Center is funded and operated. We also received some background information on incubation centers in general and some critical factors for successful centers. FINDINGS Incubator centers are more than a collection of small businesses that share space. The successful centers appear to have the following as keys to their success. First, the center provides a wide variety of support services (marketing, accounting, production planning, etc.) to the businesses. This is generally provided through the. staff of the center, augmented by other specialized groups. Second, the operation is subsidized in some manner. These subsidies vary, but can be from grants provided by pri vate bus i nesses or governmental entities, or from free or very low rents for the occupied spaces. Often these spaces are in older buildings that have been given or rented to an Incubator Program for very nominal sums. With this low rent basis, the center can generate enough revenue to cover the needed support services. The San Diego Center is supported primarily by grants from the City of San Diego and the private sector. They don't have any plans to expand at the current time, but do provide advice to others thinking about starting their own center. It doesn't appear that the timing is good for Poway to start an incubator program. First, funding would be very difficult since neither the City or Redevelopment Agency has any available funds for new programs. Locating private funding is an alternative; however, with one center already in the County it ACTION: J 2 of 3 SEP 1 9 1995 ITEM 8 - .- Business Incubator Program September 19, 1995 Page 2 would likely be difficult. Second, it doesn't appear that we have the type of space available at low enough rates to provide the rental income necessary to cover the overhead cost for the required support services. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This action is not subject to CEQA review. FISCAL IMPACT None. ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE A copy of this report will be sent to Fred Day, Acting Executive Director, Poway Chamber of Commerce, and Larry Cruse. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. - c:\data\agenda\bip.rpt - SEP 1 9 1995 ITEM 8 3 of 3