Item 14.1 - Claims Denial - AGENDA REPORT SUMMARY - TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant city Manager~)t ~ Peggy stewart, Director of Administrat ve s~ice Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager,. '.I; DATE: April 26, 1994 SUBJECT: Claims Denial - Robert Frank and Laura Zeaman ABSTRACT l. Robert Frank - On January 16, 1993 Mr. Frank was involved in an automobile collision in which four members of the Wisniewski family were injured when their vehicle was struck, broadside, by the Frank vehicle. Mr. Terry Wisniewski filed a claim against Mr. Frank and Mr. Frank has filed for indemnification from the City of Poway. 2. Laura Zeaman - On January 8, 1994 a vehicle struck a fire hydrant ~ at the corner of Range Park Road and Espola, causing flooding to Ms. Zeaman's property. Claim amount is $3000.00 plus. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Review is not required for this item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE None RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council deny these claims ACTION . II 1 of 7 APR 2 6 1994 ITEM 14,1, , ,~._._------ _.....____~m___"___.__...___...._._ __" .!AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city council FROM: James L. Bowersox, city Mana~ ~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City ManagerC~\ QV Peggy stewart, Director of Administrat ve SerV1 es Douglas A. Milton, General Services Manager;!=) L-----' DATE: April 26, 1994 SUBJECT: Claim Denial - Robert D. Frank BACKGROUND: On March 10, 1994 a claim for indemnity was received from Robert D. Frank. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS: On January 16, 1993, Mr. Frank was involved in an automobile collision in which four people were injured. The other vehicle was carrying four members of the Wisniewski family when it was struck broadside by the Frank vehicle. It was raining on the day of this collision and the Sheriff's Department stated that Mr. Frank was driving at an unsafe speed for the wet road condition. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Review is not required for this item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the city Council deny this claim. Attachment: Claim for indemnification filed by Robert D. Frank ACTION: 2 of 7 APR 2 6 1994 ITEM 14./ PROOF OF SERVICE - SUMMONS fU,r-.p.,.te proof of ..rvice fOf ..ch penon I' -. '~d} 1. I served tne . a. B summons CJ compl.&' CJ amended summons B aminded complaint completed end blank Case Questionnaires Otner (speci(y): b. on defendant (neme): - c. by serving CJ defendant CJ other (nllme ilnd titl. or relllrionship 10 person $e~d): d. D by delivery D at nome o It business I1J dale: 121 time: 131 address: a. D by maili".g ., m date: 121 place: 2. Manner of service (check prop.' box): a. B "'rsonal service. By personally delivering copies. ICCP 415.10) b. Substituted ..rvice on corporation. unincorporated ...ociation (including plnner.hipl. or public entity. BV leaving. during usual office nours, copies in tne office of tne person served witn tne person wno apparently was in cnarge and tnereafter mailing Iby firsl-class mail, postage prepaid 1 copies to tne person served at tn. place where tn. copies were left. ICCP 415.20101l c. D Substituted ..rvice on natural person. minor. con..rvatH, or candidate. By leaving copies at the dwelling houI.. usual ploc. of abod., Dr usual place of business of tne person served in tne presenc. of a competent member of tne nousenold or a person apperently in cnarge of tne office or piece of business, at least 18 years of age, wno was informed of the general nature of the papers, and there.ftet mailing {by first-cllss mail, poste;e preplidJ copies to tne person served It tne place wnere tne copies were left. ICCP 415.201bll (Attech .eperete det:leretion or .ffide,,/t .teting ect. reOed on to estebOsh reesofllble diOgence in fitlt .ttempt}ng ,..tlon.'..rvice.) d. D Man and acknowledgment service. By mailing (by first-cl..s meil or airmlil, postage preplidl copies to tne I)erson .erved, together with two copies of the form of notice and acknowledgment and I return envelope. postege preplid, addressed to tne sender. ICCP 415.301 (Attech completed ecknowledgment of receipt.) e. D Certified or registered man service. By mliling to In Iddress outside CIHfornil lby first.class mail, postege prepeid, requiring a return receipt 1 copies to tne person served. (CCP 415.40) (Att.ch eigflld retum receipt 0' othe, .vidence - of .ctu.1 de(ivery to tho p.tlon .erv.d.) . f. D Otner (specify cod. s.ction): D edditionll plge is Inlcned. S. Tile "Notice to tne Person Served" (on tne summons I WIS completed as follows ICCP 412.30, 415.10, and 4741: a. B as an individuII defendant. b. as tne person sued under the fictitious nome of (sp.cify): c. on benllf of (specify): under: B CCP 416.10 lcorporotion) ~ CCP 416.60 (minor I D otner: CCP 416.20 Idefunct corporation) CCP 416.70 (conlervetee) CCP 416.40 lassociotion or plrtnersnip) CCP 416.90 (individuII) d. D by personl' delivery on (dare): 4. At tne time of service I was It least 18 years of Ige Ind not I Plrty to tnis lotion. 5. Fee for service: $ 6. "-rson serving: e. B Californil sneriff, marsnol, or constable. f. Nlme, eddress and telepnone number Ind, if appliceble, b. Registered California process server. county 01 registrltion and number: c. Employee or independent contractor of I registered Cllifornil process server. d. B Not I registered Celifornio process server. a. Exempt from registration under Bus. & Prof. Code 22350Ib). I decllre under penalty of perjury under the laws of the Stlte (For C.'Nomle ./terfff. metlhe/, or cOn6teble u.e only) of Californil that the 1oregoir.g is true Ind correCt. I certify tnlt tne foregoing is true and correCt. Olte: Oete: ~ ~ ISlGNAT4IRII 1$IGNATUltEi ....".1111 l"-v .-nu.'y 1. 1IU] ~ .~ ~.,. ""(Re>",. 'oN) 3 of 7 ~PR 2 6 1994 ITEM 14.1 -----,- ~__H__._" SUMMONS I CROSS-COMPLAINT fC/TAC/ON JUD/C/A~ CROSS- 'Olf tOUlfT us, ONt 'f NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (Aviso iJ ACUSiJdoJ ,SOlO IWIA USO DE ~A (OITE) THE CITY OF POWAY, and ROES 1 through 5. rRECEIVED, Inclusive MAR 1 7 1994 , , CROSS-COMPLAINANT: "- CITY OF POWAY - YOU ARE BEING SUED BY 1fI.AWJ1flP; CITY CLERK'S OFFICE (A Ud. Ie esta demandandoJ ~ /D'Io___ ROBERT DAVID FRANK IllqlJ~1 11111'~llm~11 You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this sum- Despues de que Ie ent~uen esta citacion judicial usted mons Is served on you to file a typewritten re- tiene un plazo de 30 DIAS CAlENDARIOS para presentar aponse at this court. una respuesta escrita a m"quina en esta corle. A letter or phone call will not protect you; your Una carla 0 una lIamada telefonica no Ie ofrecera typewritten response must be in proper legal proteccion; su ~puesta escrita a m"quina tiene que form If you want the court to hear your case. cumplir con las formalidades kgales apropiadas si usted H you do not file your response on time. you may quiere que la corle escuche su caso- lose the case. and your wages. money and pro. Si usted no presenta su ~puesta a tiempo, puede perrier perty may be taken without further warning from eJ caso, y Ie pueden quitar su salaria. su dinero y otras casas the court. de su propiedad sin aviso adicional por parle de la corle. There are other legal requirements. You may Existen otros requisitos legales. Puede que usted quiera want to call an attorney right away. H you do not lIamar a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un know an attorney. you may call an attorney refer- abogada. puede lIamar a un servicio de referencii rei service or a legal aid office (listed in tbe phone abof,ados 0 a una oficina de ayuda I~al (>'I!a el direct"..J I bOOk). . teJe onicoJ. I CM.;;~;~t- 1ft c..o, The name and address of the court is: lEI nombre y direcci6n de Ii corre esi SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COtJN'l'Y OF SAN DIEGO lJ2zo W. IIlOAIlWAY Cl1501-S5 SIlml 0325 S. IlEUC$E C1250 E. MAIN Cl500 tlII1lll SAIl DIEGO. CA SAIl DIEGO, CA VISTA, CA !I. CA.lON. CA CIIUtJ. VIstA CA 12101-3'01 Ul01-11'S 120S3-SU7 12020-3113 11810-551.' The n.me. Iddress. and telephone number of plaintiff's Inomey, or plaintiff without In anorney, is: lEI nombre. la direccion y el numero de te/~(ono del abogado del demandante, 0 del demandante que no tiene abogado, es) Philip H. Cohen, Esq. (619) 528-2400 RICHARD H. PATTERSON & ASSOCIATES 3131 l~m~no del Rio North, Suite 1550, San Diego, California 92108 ....1 5 7 - KENNETH E. MARTONE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT - DATE: HAR 09 a4 by eputy IFKhaJ lActu.riO) (Dele,,, IIEA1.l NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You Ire served 1. B as an individuII defendlnt. 2. IS the person sued under the fictitious nlme of 16pecify): "f;J on behllf of 16pecifyJ: (!d y 0 r=- ?OGlJ ~ ,","" ~ '" "'" ,~-,."' EJ '" """0 'm"'" CCP 416.20 (defunct corporation) CCP 416.70 (conservlteel CCP 416.40 lassociltion or partnership) CCP 416.90 (individuII) other: 41". $V k" )(~ EIoJ"T17'( 4. by personal delivery on (date): - - 4 of 7 )CUeCl tly R",le ge2 1994 I!l:... rMl.r.e for Proof of Service I ,..- 'AGENDA REPORT - CITY OF POW A Y This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed fr?~ ~e ~onsent Calendar and discussed separately_ 'fyou wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the city Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ INITIATED BY: John D. Fitch, Assistant City Manager~\ ~~ Peggy stewart, Director of Administrat ve SerV1 ~s Douglas A. Milton, General Services ManageEJrl' . I DATE: April 26, 1994 SUBJECT: Claim Denial - Laura Zeaman BACKGROUND: On January 21, 1994 a claim for damages was received from Laura Zeaman. The claim amount is $3000.00 plus. It is recommended that this claim be denied. FINDINGS: On January 8, 1994, an automobile driven by an unknown person, who fled the scene, struck a fire hydrant at the corner of Range Park Road and Espola Road. The hydrant, broken from its base, poured water over the area including the property of Laura Zeaman. Ms. Zeaman claims the water spilled for 30 minutes and feels that the time to respond was excessive. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Review is not required for this item according to CEQA guidelines. FISCAL IMPACT: Unknown ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND CORRESPONDENCE: None RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council deny this claim. Attachment: Claim for damages filed by Laura Zeaman ACTION: ~ 5 of 7 APR 2 6 1994 ITEM 14.} ---. ~-'-."--- --..._..._--.._---_._~------ --.._. I City Of Poway 00 Uill CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF PONAY .JAN 2 I Received by ~4{L17~ vIaff Clerl(1 TIIllI S I'I;l CITY OF POWAY RISK MANAGEMENT U.S. Mail Inter-otfice Man ~I J"C ~~f Over the Counter ?tJ3 -9v -(''-/ / ,. , A claim must be filed wlth the City Clerk or Risk Manager of the City of PrNlay wlthln 6 months after which the Incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim Is against the City of PrNlay, not another public entity. Where space Is Insufficient, please use additional paper and Identify Information by paragraph number. Completed dalrns must be mailed or delivered to The City of Poway, 13325 CMc Center DrIve,Poway, CA. Q2064 ( P.O. Box 789). AtIn: Risk Manager . iOTHE HONORASl.E MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY OF POWAY CALIFORNIA .. . The undersigned respectfully submits the followlng claim and information relative to damage to persons and/or personal property: . . 1. Name of claimant L" ro :;! t? tll?'1.1l J-1 .. . . - a. Address of claimant J If.::J3 ?3 ~""j,o Pa r K Kd RJI':J 9e206 y. . PhOneN? 7'fI--SPR-h b. e. Date of birth .~ -Ji-- 'It, d. Social Security No. (J 73- 3t:-I/.2P-P-e. Driver's We. No. PI) c)/ 0 ~/P 2- Name, telephone and post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent If other Jhan above: )J/A . 3. Occurrence o~ i;j;om which the claim arises: .. a. . Date b. Time :/1. . - c. Place ( exact and specific location) do HrNI and under what circumstances did damage or Injury occur? Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional paper if necessary ). I ---- ---- - e. What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged damage or Injury? /I- 1/"J1 ell 1:.71 6 of 7 APR 2 6 1994 ITEM 14.\ 4. GNe a desc�ipdon of ine lnjury, p►opeRy damege or loss, so fu �a k known at the tlme ot this �- daim. M tlifro were no'injurfes, e'No tnJurte3? '� � - . . , �, s a - -_'. 3. Cilve name(s) ot the Gty �rt�ptoyee(s) esusinp the ap or injury: � .. � � , y b. Name and address ot any other person Injured: � � • � � ':.3 7. N e and: address o! tha owner ot any damaped property: w _ -; 8. Damapes daimed: . • • a, Amount Gaimed as ot this date $'��� = b. Estimated amount of future casts: S � c, • Total amount ctaimed: S d. Basis for com utation of•ampunts Gaimed (1 Gude co ies"ot'atlbitls, nvoi s, estimates, ete) ; d � 9. Name nd addresses ot-all esses„hospi Is, doctors, etc. � a o � / Fire Phar�rn �t-' b. �0 ! . . e. - �SS d - - T ., 10. Any additional iniormation:that might be helpful in considering this ctaim: ,,:;r . ::�., ; �r` �K . �, ;: . �G� �''x ' ,i.� ;:; - WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSB CLAIMt (Penal Code g72; �s:i insuranee .Code g 556.1 ) . � t have natl.the matters snd statemertt; made In the abo�!e ushn and I know tl+e wme to be we,of my own knowleCte, �:! txeept as to tt+ose matters ststed upon Iritomutionbr belief ss to wch mattenl DeBeve the iame to Oe We. I cenity u ;5�; penaRy:ot perJury tt+al tfieJore,oing ES TRUE and CORRECT. ` ' ::� ' Sipned thts �� day of SQ /L _ 19�, � lJ :`;:i .;;, . �_ `: `z . C imanct Sig ro � rr� Offxa ot the.Cfty CIOi� powaY.,Ca1�omla ' DOCUMENT h0. FIIED 7 of 7 APR 2 6 1994 IT�M 14.1