Item 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL submitted by Bob Barrie at meetingCopy For: Subject: Honorable Mayor Don .Higginson Councilman Cunningham Councilman Vaus Deputy Mayor Grosch Councilman Mullin Date: I 1 1� Item #: 6. Sub RM Itt by: , e 1J Copy of comments by Bob Barrie to the Poway City Council Meeting Feb 18, 2014. ' IOf�- Good evening Honorable Mayor, City Council Members & Staff I'm Bob Barrie K1 ROA, my wife and I for the last 31 years have lived at 12812 Camino del Valle, here in Poway. We are incomplete support of the PARS recommendation that Poway come into compliance with federal regulations for amateur radio regarding effective communications. We are retired and have some free time now and want to do things to help others. We are both enrolled in the Poway Fire Department CERT Academy..... THANKS FOR THAT EXCELLENT TRAINING PROGRAM! My desire is to install a flagpole type mast and antenna to have available for emergency communications. Now....Before I continue, I would like to make something perfectly clear... I am not looking to point a finger at any particular Poway employee... I don't want to throw anyone under the bus! What I am suggesting is that the current MDRA process, for amateur radio antennas, does not meet the needs of the residents of Poway. After several weeks of work I have had conflicting guidance from the desk. Also, some MDRA requirements appear TOTALLY unnecessary, One example: A Preliminary Title Report (within the last 6 months) is required I was told it was used to see all easements. The existing Poway file records show all, our easements. I was also surprised as over the past 31 years, we have completed 2 major add on remodels to our home and never had this requirement. The estimated cost for this Preliminary Title Report is: $500 - $700. This goes on and on... We need to find a better less difficult, less expensive process for Ham Radio Antenna installation approval. thank you for your attention and look forward to your rapid and effective solution for this issue.