Item 1.4 - Implementation of RHSP for Non-Safety Bargaining & Mngt./Confidential Groupy • \ �j AGENDA REPORT • 0.a DATE: March 18, 2014 APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED O (SEE MINUTES) DENIED O REMOVED O CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. H-007 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Tina M. White, Interim City Manager '4 INITIATED BV: Scott Edwards, Director of Administrative Services Lisa Torres, Human Resources Manager SUBJECT: Implementation of. a Retirement Health Savings Plan for the Non - Safety Bargaining Unit and Management/Confidential Group Summary: The existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Non - Safety Bargaining Unit :expires on June 30, 2015. Among the MOU provisions, both parties agreed to establish a joint committee to evaluate the possible implementation of a Retirement Health Savings Plan (RHSP), which is an investment plan for retirement health -care costs. The joint committee recently completed its evaluation of plan provisions, and a tentative agreement to implement a RHSP was ratified by the Non- Safety Bargaining' Unit on January 30, 2014. A side letter to the Non - Safety MOU is attached, which summarizes the RHSP provisions for regular full -time and part-time benefited employees. With the implementation of a RHSP for the Non - Safety Bargaining ;Unit, the Management/Confidential Group represents the sole group without a RHSP in',effect. Accordingly, staff has prepared an addendum to the Management/Confidential Group Salary and Benefit Plan to implement a RHSP that is similar to the Non - Safety Bargaining Unit. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Adopt the resolution approving the side. letter to the Non - Safety MOU,,: and 2. Approve the addendum to the Management/Confidential Group Salary and Benefit Plan. 1 of 11 March 18, 2014 Item # % Y Retirement Health Savings Plan March 18, 2014 Page 2 Background: The City's existing MOU with the Non - Safety Bargaining Unit expires on June 30, 2015. Among its provisions, the MOU includes the following under Article 8: Section 7 — Retirement Health Savings Plan The City and Bargaining Unit agree to establish a joint committee with up to three (3) Bargaining Unit Representatives to evaluate the implementation of a Retirement Health Savings Plan (RHSP) for the Bargaining Unit. This committee will work toward developing a RHSP recommendation to provide employees with a mechanism to save for retirement healthcare costs and encourage prudent sick leave usage. The goal is to complete the evaluation and consider implementation of a RHSP by January 2014. Management representatives and members of the Non- Safety Bargaining Unit established a joint committee in August 2013 for this purpose. Following the committee's review and evaluation, a tentative agreement was reached to implement a RHSP. The tentative agreement was ratified by the Non - Safety Bargaining Group on January 30, 2014. With Council approval of the proposed resolution, both Safety and Non - Safety Bargaining Units will have a RHSP established for their respective memberships. The City also has a Salary and Benefit Plan in effect with the Man agement/Confidential ,Group that expires on June 30, 2015. Following the ratification of the RHSP by the Non - Safety Bargaining Unit, staff approached the unrepresented Management /Confidential Group to establish a RHSP. An addendum to the Salary and Benefit Plan is also proposed for Council consideration. ;Findings: A RHSP is an employer- sponsored, employee- funded, health benefit that aids participating employees in planning for health -care costs in their retirement. Key RHSP provisions are as follows: 1. Contributions are mandatory for all members of a designated group that meet specific criteria. 2. Contributions will be made from an employee's annual conversion of sick leave as well as the final sick leave payout upon retirement. 3. The first annual conversion is effective the last full pay period of FY 2013 -14 (i.e., pay period ending June 22, 2014). 4. Participants can only request withdrawals upon retirement. 2 of 11 March 18, 2014 Item # /.t Retirement Health Savings Plan March 18, 2014 Page 3 5. Contributions and withdrawals are tax - free. 6. Internal Revenue Code medical expenses of the participant, spouse, and /or IRS - qualified dependent(s) qualify for reimbursement /withdrawal. 7. Any fees related to the RHSP will be paid by employees. 8. In the event of an employee's death, if the employee.,is a participant in the RHSP. and does not have a surviving spouse or surviving IRS qualified dependents, the employee's Retirement Health Savings account, balance shall .remain in the trust (i.e., RHSP) to be allocated among all RHSP employee participants in the same group. The allocation will be on a pro -rata share,- based upon RHSP employee participant account balances. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact associated_ with this report. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: Notice was provided to Chester Mordisini, President of California Teamsters Local 911. Attachment: A. Resolution approving the implementation of a Retirement Health Savings Plan for Non - Safety and Management/Confidential Employees 1 3 of 11 March 18, 2614 Item # /. �� RESOLUTION NO. 14- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A RETIREMENT HEALTH SAVINGS PLAN FOR NON - SAFETY AND MANAGEMENT /CONFIDENTIAL 'EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and the Non- Safety Employees is in effect through June 30, 2015; and WHEREAS, the current Salary and Benefit Plan for the Management /Confidential group is in effect through June 30, 2015; and WHEREAS, representatives of the California Teamsters Local 911 and the City of, Poway •completed a thorough evaluation of "a Retirement Health Savings Plan (RHSP); and WHEREAS, the City wishes to encourage and support the prudent use of employee sick leave; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway wishes to adopt said Retirement Health Savings Plan NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: 1 That the City of Poway shall enter into an agreement with ICMA Retirement Corporation to ,provide a Retirement Health Savings Plan for the employees of the Non - Safety bargaining unit and the Management/Confidential group 2. That the plan shall be structured according to the provisions set forth in the Side Letter Agreement between the City of Poway and California Teamsters Local 911, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and the Addendum to the Salary and Benefit Plan for the Management/Confidential group, attached hereto as Exhibit B PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this ** *day of * ** 2014. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Sheila rR. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk _ 4 of 11 Attachment A March 18, 2014; Item #1.4 Resolution No. Page 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Sheila R. Cobian, City .Clerk, of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 14 - * ** was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the * ** day of * ** 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk City of Poway Attachments: Exhibit A Exhibit B 5 of 11 March 18, 2014, Item #1.4 SIDE LETTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF POWAY AND CALIFORNIA TEAMSTERS, LOCAL 911 JULY 1, 2013 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2015 Whereas, the City of Poway ( "City ") is the employer of the City of Poway employees; and Whereas, the California Teamsters, Local 911 represents certain City employees (Non- Safety Employees); and Whereas, the current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and the Non - Safety Employees is in effect through June 30; 2015; and Whereas, during MOU negotiations both parties agreed to establish a joint committee to evaluate the implementation of a Retirement Health Savings Plan (RHSP); and Whereas, the joint committee was formed and a thorough evaluation of a RHSP has been - completed. Now, therefore, the City and Non- Safety Employees hereby agree to the following, which replaces the MOU language contained in Article 6, Section 2.F Annual Conversion of Sick Leave and Article 6, .Section 2.G Payout of Sick Leave, concerning regular full -time employees, and Article 6, Section 2.F concerning regular part -time .employees: PART I. FULL -TIME EMPLOYEES Article 6. Leaves r. Section 2 —Sick Leave F. Annual Conversion of Sick Leave In the last full pay period of the fiscal year, Non - Safety Employees must convert sick leave to 'cash under the following conditions: 1. After conversion, employee must have a minimum balance of 168 hours•of sick leave. 2. The employee has used 32 hours or less of sick leave in the immediately :preceding 12 months. Sick leave use includes use of family sick leave. 3. An employee shall convert 50% of the annual sick leave accrual, less sick leave used, in the immediately preceding 12 months, up to a maximum of 40 hours. Example: employee used 16 hours in preceding 12 months 96 hours of annual accrual x 50% = 48 hours 48 hours - 16 used = 32 hours converted to cash EXHIBIT A March 18, 2014 Item # 6of11 G.Refirernent Health Savings Plan A Retirement. H ea Ith Savings Plan (RHSP) will be implemented'for regular full-time Non- Safqty'Employees as follows: 1. Regular full-time employees that satisfy the provisions contained in Article .6; Section 2.F, must contribute 50% of their annual sick leave conversion to �a ;Retirement Health Savings. Account as a cash deposit. (e.g., an employee that is eligible to convert 40, hours" of sick .16ave, would receive the equivalent of 20 ' hours In cash and the equivalent of 20 hours would be contributed to their Retirem , ent Health Savings, Account as a, cash deposit), 2'. Any fees related' to the RHSP will be paid by employees. ,3. The first annual RHSP contribution shall be the last full pay period of Fiscal Year I 2013-14•(i.e.j pay period ending June 22, 2014). 4. In the event of a Non7Safety Employee's death, if the Nbn-Safety is -a participant in the RHSP and does not have-a' surviving spoq . se; or, su ry v n i i'g I qualified. dependent/s, the Non-Safety Empl , oyee's Retirement ,Health Savings account. balance shall remain in the trust (i.e.,, RHSP) to be allo6'ated among all RHSP Non-Safety Employee participants. The allocation Will be on a pro-rat - a-share,' based uponPHSP Non-Safety Em ployee participant account balances. H. Payout of Sick Leave After ten (10) years of employment with the City and upon termination or retirement, a regular full-time employee Will receive compensation for unused sick leave as follows: 1_Upon, retirement, an employee will receive 50% of all sick leave 'hours accrued. C61cul6tio'ns will be atj:the.employe.e's rate of pay at the time of retirement, subject to .maximum annual..retirement sick'leave payout restrictions then in effkt;.' 2. Upon retirement, irement, an. employee shall convert 100%. of the .'sick leave payout to a Retirement Health Savings Abcount.a& a cash deposit. 3. The maximum annual retirement sick leave payout (payout),, currently $5,0.00, shall increase with the annual- across-the-board salary increases under Article 5, 'as follows: a) The maximum payout shall be $5,1 a0, effective February 1, 2014, or as soon as practicable, subject to the implementation. of a RHSP (e.g., The maximum .Payout Of $5,000 x'1.02 $5,100). b) The. maximum payout shall be $5,2021, effective the beginning. of the pay period Which includes July 1, 20 ' 14, or as soon as practicable, subject to the implementation of a RHSP*(e.g., The maximum payout of $5,100 x 1.02 $5,202). c) The maximum payout thereafter shall increase ,by the same percentage as future, . I EXHIBIT 7 of 11 March 18, 2014 Item# 11 y MOU salary increases, effective the same date as that salary increase. 4. Upon leaving• City employment for reasons other than retirement, employee will,. receive 50% of all sick leave hours accrued. Calculations will be at the employee's- rate of pay at the time of termination and that payout will not exceed $2,000. 5. Upon the death of an employee, compensation for unused sick leave shall be at- the same rate as the retirement benefit. Payment shall be made to. the .employee's designated beneficiary. PART II. PART -TIME EMPLOYEES Article 6. Leaves Section 2 — Sick Leave F. Retirement Health Savings Plan A Retirement Health Savings Plan (RHSP) will be implemented for regular part - time',, Non - Safety Employees as follows: I. Any fees related to the RHSP will be paid by employees. Z In the event of a Non - Safety Employee's death, if the Non - Safety Employee is a participant in the RHSP and does not have a surviving spouse or surviving IRS' qualified dependent /s, the . Non - Safety Employee's Retirement Health Savings account, balance shall remain in the trust (i.e., RHSP) to be allocated among all RHSP.Non- Safety Employee participants. The allocation will be on a pro -rata share, based upon RHSP Non - Safety Employee participant, account balances. G. Payout of Sick Leave After ten (10) years of employment with the City and upon termination or retirement, a regular part -time employee will receive compensation for unused sick leave as follows: 1. Upon retirement, a - regular part -time employee shall convert 100% of the sick leave payout to a Retirement Health Savings Account as a cash deposit. 2. The maximum annual retirement sick leave payout (payout) for_ regular part-time employees, currently $2,000 ($3,500 for regular three - quarter -time employees), shall increase with the annual across - the -board salary increases under Article 5, as follows: a) The maximum payout for regular part-time employees shall be $2,040 ($3,570 for regular three - quarter -time employees), effective February 1, 2014, or as soon as practicable, subject to the implementation of a RHSP (e.g.,`The maximum payout of $2,000 x 1.02 = $2,040 for regular part -time employees; $3,500 x 1.02 = $3,570 for regular three - quarter -time employees). b) The maximum ' payout for regular part -time employees shall be $2,081 EXHIBIT A March 18, 2014 Item # � y 8of11 ($3,641 for regular three- quarter -time employees), effective the beginning of the pay period which includes, July 1, 2014, or as soon as practicable, subject to the implementation of a RHSP (e.g., The maximum. payout of $2,040 x 1.02 = $2,081 for regular part -time employees; .$3,570 x 1.02 = $3,641 for regular three- quarter.-time employees). c) The maximum payout thereafter shall increase by the same percentage as future MOU salary increases, effective the same date'as that salary increase. d) Upon leaving City employment for reasons other than 'retirement, regular part- time employees will receive 25% of all sick leave hours accrued (37.5% for regular three - quarter -time employees). Calculations will be at the regular part- time employee's rate of pay at the time of termination and that payout will not exceed $1,000 ($1,500 for regular three- quarter- timeemployees). 3. Upon the death of an employee, compensation'for unused sick leave.shall be at the. same rate as the retirement benefit. Payment shall be made, to the. employee's designated beneficiary. This agreement does not diminish or affect City's rights as described in the MOU. EXHIBIT A 9of11 March 18, 2014 Item # City of Poway ADDENDUM Management /Confidential Group Salary and Benefit Plan 1. This addendum will be effective July 1, 2013 — June 30, 2015. 2. As soon as practicable' following City Council approval on March 18, 2014, a Retirement Health Savings Plan (RHSP) will be implemented for Management /Confidential Employees as follows: Article 2. Leaves Section 3. _ Sick Leave E. Annual Conversion of Sick Leave In the last full, pay period of the fiscal year, Management /Confidential Employees must convert sick leave to cash under-the following conditions: 1. After conversion, employee must have 'a minimum balance of 168 'hours of sick leave. 2. The employee has used .32 hours or,. less of sick leave in the immediately preceding 12 months. 3. Employees ,can convert. 50% of their annual sick leave ,accrual, less sick leave used in the immediately preceding 12 months, up to a maximum of 40 hours. Sick leave use includes use of family sick leave. Example: employee used 16 hours in preceding 12 months . 96. hours of annual accrual x 50% = 48 hours 48 hours — 16 used.= 32 hours converted to cash F. Retirement Health Savings Plan 1. Employees in Group 1 that satisfy the provisions contained in Article 2, Section 3.E. must contribute 100% of their annual sick leave conversion to a Retirement Health Savings Account as a cash deposit.- 2. Employees in Group 2 -4 that satisfy the provisions contained in Article `2, Section 3.E. must contribute 50% of their annual sick leave conversion to a Retirement Health Savings Account as a cash deposit (e.g., an employee. that is eligible to convert 40 hours of sick leave would receive the .,equivalent ­of 20 hours in cash and the equivalent of 20 hours would be contributed to their Retirement Health Savings Account as a cash deposit). 3. Any fees related to the RHSP will be paid by employees: r. EXHIBIT B March 18, 2014 Item # 1. q 10 of 11 4. The first annual RHSP contribution shall be the last full pay period of Fiscal Year 2013 -14 (i.e., pay period ending June 22, 2014). 5. In the event of a Management /Confidential employee's death, if the Management/Confidential Employee is a participant in the RHSP and does not have a surviving spouse or surviving IRS qualified dependent/s, the Management /Confidential employee's Retirement Health Savings account balance shall remain in the trust (i.e., RHSP) to be allocated among all RHSP Management/Confidential employee participants. The allocation will- be --on a pro rata share, based upon RHSP Management /Confidential employee participant account balances. G. Payout of Sick Leave After five (5) years of employment with the City and upon termination- or retirement, a Management/Confidential employee will receive compensation for unused sick leave as follows: 1. Upon retirement, an employee" will receive 50% of all sick leave. hours accrued. Calculations will be at the employee's rate . of pay at 'the .time of retirement, subject to `maximum annual retirement sick leave payout restrictions then in effect. 2. Upon retirement, an employee shall convert 100% of the, sick leave payout to a Retirement Health Savings Account as a cash deposit... 3. The maximum annual retirement sick leave payout (payout), currently. $5,000, shall increase with the annual across - the -board salary . increases under Article 1, as follows: a) The maximum payout shall be $5,100, effective March 18,'2014, or as soon as practicable thereafter., subject to the implementation of a RHSP (e.g., The• maximum payout of $5,000 x 1.02 = $5,100). b) The maximum payout shall be $5,202, effective the beginning of the pay period which includes July .1, 2014, or as . soon­ as practicable thereafter, subject to the implementation oV a RHSP (e.g., The maximum payout of $5,100 x 1.02 = $5,202). c) The maximum payout thereafter shall increase by the., same percentage as future MOU salary increases, effective the same date as'that salary increase. 4. Upon leaving City employment for reasons other than retirement, .an employee will receive 50% of,all "sick leave hours accrued. Calculations will be at the employee's rate of pay at the time of termination and that payout will not exceed $2,000. 5. Upon the death of an employee, compensation for"'unused sick leave shall be at the same rate. as the retirement benefit. Payment shall be made to the employee's designated beneficiary. All other . provisions of the existing Salary and Benefit Plan for the Management /Confidential Group will remain in effect. 11 of 11 EXHIBIT B March 18, 2014 Item #