Item 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL posted 3/18/14From: Wayne Brannon [mailto:brannonwayne @gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:26 PM To: Carol Legg Subject: Water To whom it may concern, I am concerned that east Poway is once more getting passed over for water, East Poway voted for water several years ago, many of us who live in the area have suffered for years with poor water wells. My brother and I have 8 dry wells on our property, and three more that produce less than a gallon /minute. Many of our neighbors are also suffering from lack of water in the area. If Poway is considering giving water to Old Coach, then they need to include East Poway. Sincerely, Dr. Wayne A Brannon 1 of 1 March 18, 2014, Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Rebecca Brannon 17268 Dos Hermanos Rd RECEIVED Poway CA 92064 MAR 17 2014 City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Dr CI7YOFPawAY CITY MANAGERS OFFICE Poway CA 92064 March 17, 2014 Honorable Mayor and City Council members Your agenda for March 18, 2014 shows a discussion on water for homes in the Old Coach area of Poway. As a resident of East Poway I want your records to reflect the following comments. Our area has been considered for city water numerous times since our purchase of our land forty -four years ago. Each time something has happened to deny or delay any action on the matter. I think the fact that the Old Coach area has been supplied with water and you are now considering extending water to additional lots shows partiality to certain residents of the City. East Poway has always needed water with many lots having insufficient wells for their needs. In addition to your consideration for water in the Old Coach area I ask that East Poway be considered for water as well. Rebecca Brannon 1 of 1 March 18, 2014, item # 5.1