Item 4 - REVISED Public Hearing to Consider Modification of MUP P81-13 ~ -,4lGENDAD~i~~:~Tf 7/:; IS; /~/ 0." Jt1 CITY OF POW A Y REV I SED TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana~ ~ INITIATED BY: Reba Wright-Quast1er, Director of Planning Services ~ PROJECT Mariio Van Dyke, Associate Planner~ PLANNER: DATE: July 16, 1991 SUBJECT: Public Hearing to Consider the ReQuest for the Modification of Maior Use Permit P81-13 - Rancho Arbolitos Swim and Tennis Club. APN: 314-722-40 It has been reQuested by Standard Pacific that this item be continued to August 6, 1991 in order to allow them sufficient time to further review their files and staff's report. RECOtMENDATION It is recommended that this item be continued to August 6, 1991. JLB:RWQ:MVD:pcm Attachment: REPORT\2P8113.AGN ACTION: Coot10"d to "",t 6, l"l.~~ u eputy City Clerk ~ 1 of 2 JUL 16 1991 lTEM~7 ,") @) '''<r. , <;;j STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN OIEGO A Division of Standard Pacific, LP, RECEIVED July 3, 1991 JUL :3 1991 Ms, Reba Wright-Ouastler, Director CITY OF POINAY Department of Planning Services PLANNING DEPT. City of poway Post Office Box 789 Pcmay, CA 92074-{)789 Re: Public Hearing: Modification of Major Use Permit P81-13 Rancho Arbolitos Swim & Tennis Oub Dear Reba: We respectfully request the subject scheduled public hearing be continued from July 16, 1991 to July 30. 1991, We have not had the opportunity to review staffs report on this matter and wish to avail ourselves of sufficient time to review our extensive files on the Swim & Tennis Oub, We additionally want to bring to staff's attention that Standard Pacific did not, and has not, requested any modifications to the original Major Use Permit or even Development Review 84-21, The Notice of Public Hearing should not have indicated Standard Pacific as Applicant In our opinion the public hearing was originated and Initiated by staff, We are extremely disturbed the City even considers that further review of Use permit P81-13 is necessary, Attached Is a copy of the approved Use Permit P81-13, Development Review DR84-21 (approved November 13,1984), and most importantly, a memo from Steve Eckis, City Attorney, stated January 10, i991, indicating his opinion of the validness of the existing CUP, All the documents Issued by the City included approval for lighting fixtures for all nine tennis courts, Standard Pacffic will be furnishing a report from a qualified lighting engineer in compliance with DR 84-21, Section 3, Item 4, as required, Again, In our opinion, the City should not be considering further review and public hearings on a matter that was fully reviewed In a previous pUblic hearing, Very truly yours, STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO tu- - David H, Phares Vice President Acquisition & Development DHP:tjd cc: James Bowersox, City Manager ATTACHMENT AUG S 1991 IT~II.'J 4 2 of 2 7290 CLAIREMONT MESA BOULEVARD / SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 iTEM 7 (619) 279-2042/ FAX: (619) 279-{)190 JUL 16 1991 tr ~AGENDA REPORT; CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man~ INITIATED BY: Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services~~ PROJECT Associate Planne~' PLANNER: Marijo Van Dyke, DATE: July 16. 1991 SUBJECT: Public Hearing to Consider the Request for the Modification of Major Use Permi t P81-13 - Rancho Arbo1itos Swim and Tennis Club. APN: 314-722-40 ABSTRACT Staff has received a request by Standard Pacific of San Diego to install court lighting on the three remaining unlighted tennis courts at the Rancho Arbolitos Swim and Tennis Club. Two adjoining residential neighbors have submitted letters in opposition and have requested a public hearing of the matter. A publ ic hearing has therefore been set in conformance with MuniCipal Code Section 17,48.140 Annual Review. BACKGROUND On April 28, 1981, the County of San Diego approved Major Use Permit P81-13 on behalf of the City of Poway, under City interim standards. The complex was constructed in 1984 according to the approval except that no lights were installed on the eastern three courts. The resolution of approval was based on findings that illustrated the swim and tennis club's compatibility with the master planned single-family community of Rancho Arbolitos. One of the findings however, appears to have been made in error in that it suggests that the pad elevation of the tennis courts were to be placed lower than all adjoining properties, thereby presumably providing a pr i vacy and noise buffer for the residences from the club. The ACTION: 'I AUG 61991 IT:II.'J 4 1 of 11 JUl 16 1991 lTEM 7 ").' """".,. " ~., ~ ~ ~.'.' Agenda Report July 16, 1991 Page 2 actual condition is directly opposite, as the tennis complex relates to the residences directly to the east. In fact, there is a sizeable grade separation but, with the tennis court complex is higher. Had this been correctly cited during the original approval process, no doubt some design changes would have been warranted to insure better long-term compatibility. In recent weeks, Standard Pacific has posted "No Trespassing" signs to alert players to moderate their tendencies to retrieve stray balls, and has planted new trees along the slope above the residential lots, in an attempt to provide additional screening for the homes, It also appears that at least one neighbor's rear fence contains a gate allowing access between his/her yard and the swim and tennis court property, albeit only the slope area. Nevertheless, it appears that trespassing has been occurring from both directions and that the gate may be inappropriate. DISCUSSION The letters from adjoining neighbors indicate a growing dissatisfaction with the conduct of players who trespass into residential yards to retrieve tennis balls. There is also dissatisfaction with the general lack of privacy because of the orientation of their rear yards to the club's courts due to the grade separation placing the courts high enough to allow outsiders a view into their private yard spaces. The desire for outdoor quiet time uninterrupted by the noise and awareness of court play seems to be a high priority. Section 17.48.140 of the Poway Municipal Code requires that all conditional use permits undergo an annual review. Where there have been no complaints regarding the use, the review is conducted on a staff level. However, where complaints have been received, a public hearing is required to consider possible modification or revocation of the permit. No unsolicited complaints were received regarding the conduct of the subject use until staff polled the neighbors concerning the plans by the operator of the club to light the remaining courts. The public hearing was thus precipitated, Based on several conversations with the neighbors directly adjacent to the subject courts, it appears that they would be satisfied if the easternmost court (Court *8) were to remain unlighted. AUG G 1991 rr:M 4 2 of 11 JUL 16 1991 lTEM 7 ,~ 4j ./ - Agenda Report July 16. 1991 Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project is categorically exempt (Class 3) under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) . RECCWNENDATION It is recommended that City Council amend Major Use Permit P81-13 by the addition of a condition restricting the installation of lighting to Court 8. shielding the lighting for Courts 6 and 7 and recording a covenant to that effect. JLB: RWQ:MVD: pcm Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution 2, Letter. Mr, and Mrs, Tone, June 11, 1991 3, Letter, Mr. and Mrs. Berger, June 14, 1991 - REPORT\P8113.AGN - AUG 61991 m:M 4 JUL 16 1991 ITEM 7 ) ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING MODIFICATION OF MAJOR USE PERMIT P81-13 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 314-722-40 WHEREAS, a request has been submitted by Standard Pacific of San Diego to install lighting for three remaining tennis courts within the Rancho Arbo1itos Swim and Tennis Club; and WHEREAS, a request has been made on the part of adjoining property owners for the modification of the CUP pertaining to the operation of the complex; and WHEREAS, it has been found that an original finding justifying the construction and operation of the tennis court complex was made in error; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered staff's report and has considered other evidence presented at the pub1 ic hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1 : Environmental Findings: The City Council hereby declares that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, Class 3 - New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Section 2: Findings: All original findings in support of the approval of P81-13 are considered valid except for Item 5 which states: The suitability of the site for the type and intensity of use or development which is proposed: The fact supporting Finding (a-5) is as follows: The site is suitable inasmuch as it is at a lower elevation than the proposed homes to the south and east. In addition, sufficient areas have been set aside for landscaping. The City Council finds that the site is suitable because the operators of the tennis club have installed additional trees and landscaping to act as a visual buffer and that lighting of the court nearest the affected residences to the east shall be 4 of 11 JUL 16 1991 lTEM 7 (" ) -' _ Resolution No. P- Page 2 prohibited. These measures, along with clear prohibitions against trespassing, act as sufficient mitigation to allow the tennis club to continue operating adjacent to residential lots. Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby amends Major Use Permit P81-13 imposing the following conditions: 1. Within 30 days of approval (1) the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood; and (2) the property owner shall execute a Covenant on Real Property. 2. The use conditionally granted by this permit shall not be conducted in such a manner as to interfere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of surrounding residential and commercial uses. 3. Light rays emitted by the tennis court light fixtures shall be projected below the imaginary horizontal plane _ passing through the lowest point of the fixture and in such a manner that the light is directed away from streets and adjoining properties. 4. Lighting of the subject tennis courts Court *8 shall be prohibited. 5. A dense landscape screen shall be installed and maintained along the eastern slope, to the property boundary. 6. The interior of the tennis court shall be posted with a notice to players prOhibiting trespassing on adjoining residential properties. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 16th day of July 1991. Jan Goldsmith, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk AUG 6 1991 ffi:M 4 5 of 11 JUL 16 1991 ITEM 7 v ') t~ ~-:~ ,,~-. -,'. ",'.'" - ~ ;:, J,,;;, '1\," , -... ~...~ J " -~~ ,-G' ;J June 11. 1991 JUN 12 1991 c! [Y vr '_' ~ CITY . ' ,).. ( jl,lAN/\GER~:" ":'\:-f-'-' C: ty CJ: ?Owdl' .J 'v',-r;i,;E Department of ?1an~ing Serv:ces ?:. 30:< ""80 D.......;"., ~.~ . o...,....-:>._...."':"po - ""'""'....~ , .:....-'''''1 .....''-' ~~~_. ~e~a W~:g~~_0u~~~ler .... ..... ., -.J .... ..1. '"' '_~"" .. ~ar:jc Van Dyke Re: Rancho Arbo! Itos Swt~ ~~d !e~~:s C:~b Appl ~ca:!~r. 1..,-., ..!.....\..,l.. ':;-,e ..v _. ';::1"- :~~ee ex:st:ng ~astern Tenn:s Courts. :e3.':- ?e8? 1:'::; ~,3.:":~:)~ As ~".e c')ner cf lot 81 direc~ly EdS~ of and BELOW t~e co~..:-:s ., ~~"':.'s~ :O~, ',,:e C:~p~SE.' t~e :r:sta.:~atior: cf :~ese : : :;r.:s. t~e:-:. '"ie .....,-" .-....- ,.......-0:, ,,- ::':0:"'. "":":::3 :): 3~ ?:-'::i.L.:: ?~:::~: :~:, - ~ ......::, . .......... -- ......."':.:.:..... .~.... .:'-'''''', ..- . ..A-..... .' ~..,.,- . c: :r:e .t._,.... ~r,c : ~hese - ._~ ::--:ree GC;..:-:S ~,;ere ;.::;: :::: ,:>2 I..a.....~ .:::.~~ ' - ~ . 3~:::;.....se ~:~e ~~~~~3 =o~:~s are ab::;ve the e:e'''3.~::):: ~,- ::::'--'~ ?:-::::;:e::-:::: J .~ , ,:i-:d :he three b3~~ bed~ooms, ",., .....,.. s..:-e :he c~: :~re~s :-c~~s, ~- ',' ~d ............,; t~~ te;::; I s ~::r..;=-t s:de, t~e ~o!se a~d glare w~:~ ....0.....1..:::....' ,. \.-..,:) .......... ~ <"'1.. t ....... :::s~:...;r~::-:g. 7he ~emorandum sent to you on January 10, 199: by ~r,Ste?he" ~, Ec~Is, Cltl' At:crney, states In sec::c:l 2. ~~at the ....se be compatible with surrounding propertIes. Since the propertIes are a 1 ~ o~c;.;.?:ed by the cr~ginal owners, who better to decide ~hetr.e: or not the 1 ighting cf these courts ~ou:d be, I.: :act, cor.:patlb~e with these properties. In exami~l~g ~he wording of the orlgi;:,~: use per:nit, .,..:e be: >~'!e 1::" ~ _,.J: _,_ ':: ' D-....o:, ":' ....~ ~~e 3ppr8va1), ~~:ch st3~es ~~.~~ :~t" '3::: e - .......-..;1 '"" ',I.. c.~.~ '_' .....1- ,- 3:" : ~ a~ : e :nas:::uch ~s ' . is at ~~ 1 c~..;e C' e 1 e v.3,: ~ on than the h::~es :~ " the east, is not true; b'" in :act, the cppcs~te cc~dlt:c~ v, . e:<:s:s. AI; th:ee of the ~roperty owners in ~uesticn are agai nst '-;"Q. ".I..... 1 :ght:r:g of these tennis co~rts. Sta~dard PacIfic has ~aGe ~8 c":.....""l- to com~unicate with us to work cut ani ~lab;e sC;ut:~~; -""...... .. ::;,.,..... :act, haven/t ar.swered a letter sent to them by ~::-. :'''''.'::''''''/ .....1......, . d ........w._.. .... Berge:. .~galn, r..JI thout ~ny :orr~~unicatic~, Standard ?ac:ti: has l~sta!led unsightly signs behl~d ou~ propert:es st~t:~g, n'.1"'"1 ,'v 7RES?ASS:~G, VIOLATORS fNILL 3E PROSCECUTED. 1I :Jne of '~ih 1 ch was i"stalled directly behind cur gate wh:ch ?~eve"ts 1 t cpen::;.g ;:;.... t . We question whether they should have a per~i: f:):- :~ese 8:;:;S. AUG 61991 ITi:M 4 6 of 11 ATTACHMENT 2 JUL 16 1991 lTIM 7 -- J ';Ie ~?)O~.;:::: ~::;pe +-l-.:.;,j. ~~e ,...:.." r" 11 re~:;:(~~ ~~,e 2..pp;O'~',::. ; ~ ..."... t~:s '...-.'. .... ~ ...; N.,. ~ ...j~ ....-,... ~,...- ~ ....... (.eep -.J::~ -'0 ....co...., ; ....Q,.....:a."'l.. , 3.: " '::e ::;)r7'.:;a::::e ',J::~ ;:'....'.."...... ;I....... ....,,, ~ ..... "':l.... l .. ............ ~ . ~~~ - the surround;ng properties. We would a sc ~cpe :h,~.~ :he c~'ty would be as wi i 1 ing to uphold the rights of the I ndl v 1 dua 1 hOr:le owner rather then bend to large developers. ~, , ..~~r1.'< you / ~f;/~-r~ ....,...'"' _~;:e ~:~;j :.: :-:ts. :'c:1e '.......... :):~5 ...l:~:)~.:)~:: 3:: :-~~~ ?c.,,:ay, ~. o~:6~ ....."1 ,..,... ......... ~ .. ... Gc ;:::5:7:: t:ro: , ~ayo:- ....:Li. Bo~ :..:7.e ~ 'i J :ep:..:';, \~~ '/,...... ..-. '-".. ~^ .-:::;;11:5::::-:, ,....... ......: 1 -co...........:.- -'''' . "" ....''"'........ . ....~ .o;.....'~ _ - Sr:esk::;, :::c~;:-:c: :::-:e7:::;:e::- . .~ .;, ~.' ~ ... ;... ., ~;:::::"'.:'j':e , Cou:;::: :::;embe~ ..4......;. ~ ::.:::es 3owersc:<, Cl ~y Manager "'L':""Q1'" :.;~< ~ s, ..... ~ !-. ~ A: :o~~e:i )....../.". ......... - -~ AUG 61991 m:M 4 7 of 11 JUL 16 1991 ITEM 7 . ) 'J ~~/O~ RECEIVED JUN 19 1991 14 June, 1991 13112 Woodmont Street CITY OF POWAY Poway, CA 92064 CITY MANAGERS OFFICE 748-8854 City of Poway Department of Planning Services P.O. Box 789 Poway CA, 92064 Attn: Reba Wright-Quastler Subject: Tennis Court Lighting at the Rancho Arbolitos Swim and Tennis Club. Reference: (a) Public Notice of Minor Development Review, MDRA 90-26, dated March 21, 1990 (b) Neighbors letter, dated March 29, 1990 (c) Standard Pacific of San Diego letter, dated , November 7, 1990 ! (d) Poway Directoi of Planning Services letter, dated December 4, 1990 (e) Poway City Attorney Memorandum, dated January 10, 1991 (f) Rancho Arbolitos Swim and Tennis Club Newsletter, dated April 1991 (g) Edward Berger letter, dated May 22, 1991 (h) Notice of Approval of Major Use Permit P81-013 by Poway City Council, dated June 2, 1981 Dear Reba, Reference (a) notified the public of a pending minor development review to install lighting on the three remaining tennis courts at the Rancho Arbolitos Swim and Tennis Club. The property owners immediately adjacent to the Swim and Tennis Club and 8 of 11 AUG 61991 IT~ 4 ATTACHMENT 3 JUL 16 1991 aT 7 . ,-, .c) - directly affected by installation of the lights responded to the public notice with reference (b), strongly opposing the installation of the subject lights. Reference (c) indicated Standard Pacific "desires to aggressively move forward with the installation of tennis court lights....., expressed their opinion that Major Use Permit P81-013 is still in effect and that Standard Pacific "does not need to submit a new application" . Reference (d) is your response to the Standard Pacific letter indicating .. ...research has turned up some startling facts concerning the permitting and occupancy of the club.... The evidence taken together suggests that a new public hearing is warranted because the original use permit cannot be found valid. In addition, the present permit situation is technically a zoning violation which requires immediate remedy considering the complex's wide use by the community" . Reference (e) is a memorandum from the Poway City - Attorney on the subject application for tennis court lighting, and states that .. ...the use be compatible with surrounding properties" and the ". ..application may only be approved and permits issued if the stiff is satisfied that the lights are designed in such a way that their u~e will be compatible with adj'oining property". Reference (f) informed the Rancho Arbolitos Swim and Tennis Club members that lights are currently being ins taIled on the remaining tennis courts. Reference (g) notified Standard Pacific that "property owners adjacent to the Rancho Arbolitos Swim and Tennis Club are adamantly opposed to the installation of lights" and stated our intention "to aggressively oppose the intrusion on our rights to solitude and privacy". We have not received a response from Standard Pacific to our phone calls or reference (g). We are very disappointed that we were not afforded an opportunity to collectively resolve this matter with - Standard Pacific prior to their arbitrary decision to install the subject lights, We are therefore petitioning the Poway City Council to revoke the permit for installation of the subject lights based on our position AUG 61991 m:M II 9 of 11 JUL 1 6 1991 lJiM 7 J S9 ~ .':~-> that lights on the tennis courts immediately adjacent to our properties are an infringement on our rights to privacy as their use is not compatible with surrounding properties. We have also been advised by council to consider pursuing civil action for recovery of all damages, based on the Declaration of Restrictions signed by Standard Pacific on 23 September, 1983. It is also of interest to note that the Poway City Council, in reference (g), approved Major Use Permit P81-0l3, indicating the Swim and Tennis Club " ...site IS suitable inasmuch as it is at a lower elevation than the proposed homes to the south and east". In fact the reverse is actually the case; the tennis courts are at a higher elevation than our homes to the south and east. If the use permit stipulation is correct in the City Council approval, the tennis courts have been installed in violation of the original permit. Standard Pacific has recently installed "NO TRESPASSING" signs on tall metal posts immediately adjacent to our properties. The signs are intended to warn that trespassers will be prosecuted. One of the signs blocks the gate to the property of John and Linda Tone. The si~ns are vague as to which property is supposedly protected, have no legal basis and are nothing inore than an eyesore, It is apparent to us that Standard Pacific will go to any lengths to have the lights installed, objections of neighbors notwithstanding, thereby increasing the profitability of the club. 10 of 11 AUG 61991 ffi:1L'J 4 JUL 1 6 1991 ITEM 7 . ~ . (- j ., - We are adamant in our position that installation of lights on the remaining tennis courts violates our rights to privacy and we will not be deterred in pursuing this matter to a conclusion that respects our rights as property owners. We request prompt City Council action to our petition, as installation of the tennis court lights is in progress. Respectfully, ~dward B(I(J Bonnie Berger Cf!~~ . ~~ G:?.... .'" ~~ cc: J an Goldsmith, Mayor - Bob Emery, Deputy Mayor Don Higginson, Council member Tony Snesko, Councilmember ! Kathy McIntyre, Councilmember Jim Bowersox, City Manager Steve Eckis, City Attorney ~- AUG 61991 m::l.'J 4 11 of 11 JUl 1 6 1991 11li i M 7 DISTRIBUTED car~- /-/77/ ~ ~;-v<'---./ , ' ff'#AI '7:oo~,,,,~ -- 15415 San Moritz Poway, CA 92064 (619) 451-6035 August 2, 1991 poway City Council City Hall 13326 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 RE: Country Montessori School Expansion Dear Council: We are Patrice and Norman Switzer, residing at 15415 San Moritz, poway. Our property backs up against the empty lot adjacent to and east of the Country Montessori School on Monte' Vista Road. We are very much in favor of allowing the Country Montessori School to expand their facilities. The property they wish to use is a valuable commercial lot and, if not allowed to expand, they will surely sell the property and move or discontinue the school. There are very few uses of this property that we would prefer over the Montessori School. ,For instance, presently across Monte vista from our lot is the National HealthCare Center, a nursing care facility. Although this would appear to be a peaceful neighbor, the cars of visitors and employees come and go at all hours of the day and night. There is also the noise of trucks and sirens from the frequent visits of paramedics, ambulances and fire trucks. There is no denying that poway needs every educational facility possible, public and private, to help with the overcrowding in the poway Unified School District. It does not make sense to limit facilities like the Montessori School and discourage their expansion. Country Montessori School has tried and is trying to work with the city and the surrounding neighborhood to make the expansion of their school as acceptable as possible at great cost to the school. Their efforts are admirable. " Again, we wholeheartedly support the expansion of the Country Montessori School. Sincerely, , /- -,1- ) ~ 7~i~ ff.-,~~ / .~,-.,.-- ,\ j --/.- " , , ,___/c~_, , I ~ Norman K. Switzer -~ CC: Country Montessori , 11, , tl :~;J AUG 6 1991 ITEM 5 DISTFBUTED a{.L/:l(l.Y/ r;~/ If""!.../~ ~ I. / ,5'_1-.-9/ .z : .z D 1'" '" ~- City of poway Attn: Mr. Tony Snesko City Hall 13325 Civic Center Dr. Poway, CA 92064 August 5, 1991 Dear Mr. Snesko, On behalf of the parents, children and staff of Country Montessori School, located at 12642 Monte Vista Road in Poway, I urge you to approve Conditional Use Permit 91-08 and Development Review 91-25. My two children have been attending Country Montessori since it's inception in 1989. I have found the school to be an excellent model of a Montessori environment, as well as a place where parents can become very involved in the operation of the school. poway needs educational alternatives. I have chosen Montessori over public school thus far because of the small teacher-student ratio, and individual attention received by the children. In order for our school to continue operating in a financially viable way, we must expand. It is in our best interests to keep the school a manageable size. Our current expansion plans keep the size feasable, while allowing us to provide improvements for our current and future students. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jeanne Sapp Board of Directors Country Montessori School 15209 Del Poniente Court " Poway, CA 92064 - ~ i ,~ ~~, AUG 6 1991 ITEM 5 ., ~'XFUBU" gr- (b~'~S;/Y9J The Santina Ql~e ~menT rOD}J d . 14133 Mountain lew Court Poway, Ca. 92064-4948 .;-;-.. 'pC ':1 :;., '1 '~~~~ 'y:.--, - 619-748-0007 ,.=.:~ ~ .... ,:t.. "1 '--'" ~, ,~ -.~:-; ~ ',"'-' } ," Mr. Jan Goldsmith 1\UG 'r~ '1991 City of Poway P,O, Box 789 "'1' \-~) ~~ Poway, Ca. 92074 \...:: \ ,., ,~ 619-748-0007 ('\TY;:\'j -- ~ Mr, Goldsmith, August 1, 1991 My name is Paul Santina and I own and operate two businesses in Poway, a Development company and a Manufacturer's Representative company, I am writing regarding the plans for expansion at the Country Montessori School near Pomerado Hospital. ,I want to express to you just how important that school is to myself and my family, It is easily the best school we have ever found. We need the expansion to ensure that additional elementary grades are added to the curriculum, The expanSIOn will house those higher grades, Country Montessori School is a significant asset to Poway. Residents such as myself picked Poway to move to expressly because of the schools. Country Montessori is the answer to that goal. The management and staff are outstanding and their educational contribution is unparalleled. I am intensely concerned about the continued growth of Country Montessori School. ~ - My develor.ment compaj has built several large single family residences in Huntington Gate, Green Val ey Estates, an Green Valley Summit. Not surprisingly, I have probably paid around $50,000 in school fees in addition to my regular taxation, I was horrified at the experience we had at Midland School, when I enrolled my daughter there last September, but luckily found the new Country Montessori School which literally saved us from movmg away! The point I am trying to make is that I feel it is especially ironic that despite the la~e school fees and taxes I pay, that I can't send my daughter to the local school because it is so i erior, but rather must pay additional fees to a private school to accomplish our educational goals. I think that at least I should get the support of the CiZ Council in making certain that the school that does indeed meet our needs be supported by t e City Government. Please support the Country Montessori Schools' expansIOn to meet the needs of Poway residents who are constructive contributors to Poway's growth and improvement, I am sincerely an active supporter of you and your policies. Although irrelevant here, I did in fact vote for you. I am, however, counting on you to continue with your excellent plans for Poway's growth and improvement by supporting the expansion of Country Montessori School. Can I count on your support? \ - Paul Santina 619-748-0007 Fax:619748-1001 AUG 6 1991 rrEM 5