Item 7 - TPM 88-17 Time Extension Ahmad Sedehi .- - ~ AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POW A Y TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Ma~ INITIATED BY: Reba Wright-Quastler, Director of Planning Services (2)>'~ , PROJECT . PLANNER : Stephen A. Streeter, Assistant Director of Planning .!~\ Oda R. Audish, Planning Intern DATE: October 1, 1991 MANDATORY ACTION DATE: October 1, 1991 SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 88-17 Time Extension. Ahmad Sedehi, APplicant: A request for a one-year time extension for TPM 88-17 which subdivides 2.56 acres into four parcels; located on the west side of Espola Road approximately 400 feet south of Del Poniente Road in the RS-2 zone. APN: 321-011-36 ABSTRACT The applicant is requesting a one-year time extension for Tentative Parcel Map 88-17. BACKGROUND On September 5, 1989, the City Council approved Tentative Parcel Map 88-17. The map proposed the subdivision of 2.56 gross acres into four parcels. The site is located on the west side of Espola Road approximately 400 feet south of Del Poniente Road. The zoning in the area requires a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. The applicant is requesting a one year time extension in order to complete the conditions of approval for TP~ 88-17 and to record the final parcel map. ACTION: l 1 of 19 ocr 1 1991 7 ---.- Agenda Report October 1, 1991 Page 2 In December of 1985, the City Council adopted Resolution P-85-095 which established criteria the Council could consider when evaluating the progress of each map prior to granting a time extension. These criteria include payment of fees, submittal and/or approval of grading and improvement plans, posting of bonds, construction of improvements, acquisition or granting of easements, formation of landscape maintenance districts, payment of deposits for engineering reviews, demolition work completed, and completion of archaeological, biological, or other environmental mitigation requirements. The criteria for granting a time extension for this map have been met. The applicant has paid the required fees, obtained a sewer Letter of Availability, submitted improvements plans, begun an agreement to share improvement costs with the owner of adjacent property, recorded off-site and on-site road easement, and completed first map check. DEVELOPMENT FACILITIES Development facilities pertaining to access, street improvements, grading, drainage, public services, and facilities to serve the proposed development have been required through approval of TPM 88- 17 and are contained in the approved resolution. Sewer capacity for the project has been reserved. Ordinance No. 83 requires payment of a fee for extension of a letter of availability in the amount of an additional ten percent of the connection fee. CUrrent drought conditions may limit the ability of the applicants to obtain water service for new homes. However, staff assumes a reasonable probability that water will be available, although with the imposition of additional conditions for conservation offsets in order to obtain building permits. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW A Negative Declaration was issued on September 5, 1989. No new significant impacts have occurred or will result with the granting of the time extension and further environmental review is not necessary. CORRESPONDENCE Public notice of the hearing for this project was published in the Poway News Chieftain and mailed to ~ surrounding property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 2 of 19 - -- - Agenda Report October 1, 1991 Page 3 FISCAL IMPACT None. FINDINGS Granting of the one-year time extension will allow the applicant time to record the map. There have been no significant changes in circumstances since the original map approval and the project is progressing in conformance with the terms of Resolution P-89-104. The map is consistent with the City's Comprehensive plan and zoning Code in terms of land use, design, and improvements. The site is physically suitable for the proposed type and density of development. The design of the project and its proposed improvements will not cause substantial environmental damage as mitigation measures have been included as conditions of approval. The project will not result in serious public health problems in that essential public services will be provided. The project will not conflict with any public access easements. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council find that the Negative Declaration for TPM 88-17 (previously issued on September 5, 1989) adequately addresses the concerns of this project and that the City Council approve TPM 88-17TE subject to the conditions contained in the attached resolution. JLB:RWQ:SAS:ORA:pcm Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution 2. Surrounding Zoning and General Plan 3. Tentative Parcel Map 88-17 4. Resolution No. P-89-104 REPORT\TPM8817TE.AGN .- 3 of 19 OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 88-17TE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 321-011-36 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map 88-17TE, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Ahmad Sedehi, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property described as a portion of the east half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 6, Township 14 South, Range 1 west, San Bernardino Meridian in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to official plat thereof into four lots, regularly came before the City Council for public hearing and action on October 1, 1991; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning Services has reconunended approval of the Map subj ect to all conditions set forth in the Planning Services Department report; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered said report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental FindinQs: A Negative Declaration was issued on September 5, 1989. No new significant impacts have occurred or will result with the granting of the time extension and further environmental review is not necessary. Section 2: FindinQs: 1. The proposed project will be consistent with the existing general plan and there is a reasonable probability that the project will be consistent with the proposed general plan. 2. The tentative parcel map is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans; because the lots proposed are for residential use. 3 . The design or improvement of the tentative parcel map is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans; because the lot sizes created are larger than the minimum size required in the RS-2 zone. 4. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; in that reduced grading techniques will be required of all residential development in areas with a slope in excess of 25 percent. OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 4 of 19 -- - -- Resolution No. P- - Page 2 5. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed because it is an "in-fill" project completing a previously established land use pattern. 6. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat; because the sensitive riparian woodland and freshwater and marsh habitats have been placed in an open space easement. 7. The tentative parcel map is not likely to cause serious public health problems; because extension of public water and sewer will be required as conditions of approval. 8. The design of the tentative parcel map will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now or record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision; and overhead utilities will be undergrounded. 9. That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration has been issued with mitigation measures. 10. The effect of subdivision approval on the housing needs of the San Diego region has been considered and balanced against the public service needs of poway residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. 11. The design of the subdivision has provided, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision. 12. That the parcel map will create four residential lots and will be located in the RS-2 zone. The project qualified for sewer allocation per Ordinance No. 281 by providing the following benefits to the community. a. Public improvements to the unnamed private road and Espola Road including curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, and fire hydrant. b. The project is an "in-fill" proj ect which will abate blight. Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Tentative Parcel Map 88-17TE - subject to the following conditions: 5 of 19 OCT 1 1991 rTEM 7 Resolution No. P- Page 3 1- Approval of TPM 88-17TE is based on its conformance with the conditions contained in City Council Resolution P-89- 104. 2. This time extension shall expire on October 1, 1992 unless an application for an additional time extension is received 90 days prior to expiration in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 3. Within ten days of City Council approval of this time extension, the applicant will pay to the Engineering Department a nonrefundable fee equal to ten percent of the sewerage connection fee in effect at that time. Failure to make the payment within the ten day period shall render the LOA and project approval null and void. This payment will be credited toward the final sewerage connection fee. In addition, the applicant shall pay a nonrefundable charge to the City equal to $5.00 for each equivalent dwelling unit or $50, whichever is more. This latter charge shall not be credited toward the sewerage connection fee. 4. Use of ultra low flow plumbing fixtures shall be required for each new home constructed within the subject parcel map. Additional water consumption requirements may be imposed prior to building permit issuance. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, state of California, this 1st day of October 1991. Jan Goldsmith, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 6 of 19 - .- - I , ! ! i . [ -CJ I :>C. '''11'''1 ... _" - =____0._____;:::__._______ ________ ____..___ .. .. .. .. I I I : , I , , >-- R'IC [RRr CJ , i I ~ I CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: _,\1' M RS - nTE - Zo~~ @ SCALE, TITLE: {""I'1N\'~ PICUf'\ N,,1'\l ATTACHMENT: 2 7 of 19 () or 1 1991 ITEM 7 . ! I !.I 'II! : I fA I , i I i-I :. Illp" J'I :j 'j :. J jl : . ,)..1 t . · t . - - . 'z . .:.1 J:. 'I, II ,. 1-.', . . - I ., . a. I Hil III :;1 'I' if:l Ii I I . <! t j It- . j 1-:' . !'t ! !' ,.J" I" 1 i J:;: . 11 :::E i.1 ,'I:' IIi; II J' t' J !PII. .. I!". . I'. ;. 1! 1 '1,,1 ~ !Jil: . I' ':. il~ 1 LIII ~ i. hilJ l'l! ~il 'f') J 1:11 ." a:: ""jlfll I J I ;1! I.. _ J~i1.1 ~ ' iJ · I' '-1 fl'! I . ." 11 0: ; f"j!~il ! J H ih', Ii i I f ~II;;! w ,n II"" "__._ ... .11_1 > -- ..-.- . ,...,... ~ !!t~ d!~ ~... i ~; . . J]l j "'l;~.~U_ ... .. .. . .. it n ~ i! Ii' . .."'i ~~. ~.. :. i' , . i --- j! -----4j--.:. , ~I ,.;. -- ..... . I! II _Z ~.. ~ - l. ~ :; , I CD CITY OF POW A Y ITEM: ....JPM l?lS- 17 TE ?rof'''SAc.l kkiiv<.. r7\:\ TITLE: ?llArf..1 W\"'p '8 SCALE: lVONc ATTACHMENT: 3 J 8 of 19 OCT 7 - - . - .- RESOLUTION NO. p_89-104 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 88-17 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 321-011-27 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel Map No. 88-17. hereinafter "Map" submitted by Ahmad Sedehi. applicant. for the purpose of subdividing the real property described as a portion of the east half of the southeast quarter of the north- west quarter of section 6, Township 14 South, Range 1 West. San Bernardino Meridian in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to official plat thereof into four lots, regularly came before the City Council for public hearing and action on September 5. 1989; and WHEREAS. the Director of Planning Services has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Planning Services Department report; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered said report. the Environmental Initial Study, proposed Negative Declaration with mitigation measures, and has considered other evidence presented at the publiC hearing. - NOW. THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Environmental Findings: The City Council finds that this project will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration with mitigation measures as contained in the conditions of approval. Section 2: Findings: The City Council makes the following findings in regard to Tentative Parcel Map 88-17 and the Map t~ereof: 1. The tentative parcel map is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans; because the lots proposed are for residential use. 2. The design or improvement of the tentative parcel map is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans; because the lot sizes created are larger than the minimum size required in the RS-2 zone. 3. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed, in that reduced grading techniques will be required of all residential developments with a slope in excess of 25 percent. 4. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development pro- - posed; because it is an "in-fill" project completing a previously established land use pattern. _ OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 9 of 19 ATTACHMENT 4 - ._- J Resolution No. P- 89-104 Page 2 , 5. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wlldlife or their habitat; because the sensitive riparian woodland and freshwater and marsh habitats have been placed in an open space easement. 6. The tentative parcel map is not likely to cause serious public health problems; because extension of public water and sewer will be required as conditions of approval. 7. The design of the tentative parcel map will not conflict with any ease- ment acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision;.. and overhead utilities will be undergrounded. 8. That this project wHI .not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration with mitigation measures is issued. 9. The effect of subdivision TPM 88-17 on the housing needs of the San Diego region has been considered and balanced against the public ser- vice needs of poway residents and available fiscal and environmental resources. 10. The design of the subdivision has provided, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision. 11. That the parcel map will create four residential lots and will be located in the RS-2 zone. The project qualifies for sewer allocation per Ordinance No. 281 by providing the following benefits to the cOlTrnunity. a. Public improvements to the unnamed private road and Espola Road including curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights and fire hydrant. b. The project is an "in-fill" project which will abate blight. Section 3: City Council Decision: Tentative Parcel Map No. 88-17, (a copy of which is on file in the Planning Services Department), is hereby approved subject to the following con- ditions: Within 30 days of approval, the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOllOWING CONDITIONS: OCT 1 199'. ITEM 7 10 of 19 - -- Resolution No. P- - Page 3 [ SITE DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Prior to any use of the project site all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 3. Construction of the crossing for Parcel 4 shall be in keeping with the recommendations of the biological study on file in the Planning Services Department. A pier bridge, or alternative acceptable to the Director of Planning Services, shall be used to cross the riparian habitat. Location and design of said crossing shall be approved by the Directors of Planning and Public Services. 4. For a new residential dwelling unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Pennit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees (in accordance with City-adopted policy and/or ordinance), Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid prior to final map approval (map and map plan checking); and prior to building pennit issuance (water, ,sewer, drainage, traffic mitigation. If t deferred to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, a security deposit shall be posted prior to parcel map approval). 5. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map, and street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building pennits. LANDSCAPING 1- A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building per- mits. 2. A Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be provided to the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building pennits and prior to grading, to detennine which trees shall be retained. 3. Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be trimmed and/or topped. Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous trees shall be approved for removal at the discretion of the Planning Services Department during the review of the Master Plan of existing on-site trees. Those trees which are approved for removal shall be replaced on a tree-for- tree basis as required by the Planning Services Department. 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the City of Poway Ordinance and shall be planted at an average of every 30 feet on interior streets. 5. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving con- dition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. 11 of 19 OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 Resolution No. P-S9-104 r Page 4 6. The subject development shall be annexed into the appropriate Landscape Maintenance District (LMD) prior to final map approval. 7. All landscape plans and landscape development will confonn to the City of poway Guidelines to Landscape Development and City of Poway Landscape Standards. 8. All developments required to construct public LMD improvements will be responsible to maintain those facilities for a 12 month period to City standards. 9. A detailed improvement plan for LMD facilities shall be prepared to confonn to the City of poway Guidelines to Landscape Development and be approved by the Director of Community Services prior to building pennit issuance. 10. Construct all LMD improvements prior to building occupancy. SIGNS Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. r RECREATION 1. An open space easement shall be granted to the City over, upon, across and under the area defined on the final maps as an equestrian/pedestrian trail and no building, structures or other things shall be constructed, erected, placed or maintained on subject easements except for the construction and maintenance of said trail and structures appurtenant to the trail. 2. The developer shall pay the Park Fee at the established rate at the date of final inspection, or the date of the Certificate of Occupancy, whichever occurs later but a security deposit shall be posted prior to parcel map approva 1. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED 1. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a building pennit. A minor development review for an entry gate and monument sign shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior to the erection of either structure. 2. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Map in the sales office at all times, and/or suitable alternative to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 12 of 19 OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 " .' . - .' - Resolution No. P- 89-104 r Page 5 3. All sales maps that are distributed or made available to the publiC shall include but not be limited to trails, future and existing schools, parks, and streets. 4. When public or private equestrian/pedestrian trails are required as a part of the subdivision, the developer shall display a map in the sales office, of said subdivision, indicating the trails. 6. The document which recorded the existing open space easement (January 14, 1981 as File No. 81-012367, Official Records) shall be provided to the Planning Services Department. A revised open space easement, in a fonn satisfactory to the Directors of Public and Planning Services, shall be recorded prior to the fInal map. 7. At the completion of construction, and prior to occupancy, interior and exterior CNEL shall be detennined by field testing at developer'S expense. Tests to be conducted by a recognized acoustical expert. No occupancy per- mits shall be granted until Condition G-7 is met to the satisfaction of the Building Code (latest adopted edition) "Sound Transmission Control." 8. Any dwelling proposed on Parcel 4 shall observe a minimum setback of 71 feet - from Espola Road as established by the acoustical analysis for TPM 16230 on l file in the Planning Services Department. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: GRADING 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Unifonn Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved grading plan and geotech- nical report, and accepted grading practices. 2. The grading plan shall contain a certificate signed by a registered civil engineer that the grading plan has preserved a minimum of 100 square feet of solar access for each dwelling unit and for each future building site within the subdivision. 3. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perfonn such work at first submittal of a grading plan. 4. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. 13 of 19 OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 Resolution No. p_89-104 r Page 6 5. The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Services and Public Services Departments and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance of building permit, whichever comes first. 6. The use of multiple foundations, stem walls, and other reduced grading tech- niques shall be employed on Parcels 1, 2, and 3 due to the steep slope. A slope analysis within the proposed limits of grading shall be provided on conceptual grading plans. 7. A pre-blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted to the satis- faction of the City Engineer prior to any rock blasting. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting and blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the City Engineer. 8. Conceptual pads for all parcels and the proposed access road with pier bridge shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Director of Planning Services prior to recordation of the final subdivision map. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS { 1. The easterly 47 feet of Parcel 3 PM 10915 (also being the easterly 47 feet of the proposed subdivision) shall be dedicated to the public for street purposes. The offer of dedication shall be made on the parcel map. 2. The westerly half of Espola Road, contiguous with the subdivision's boun- dary, and transition northward and southward beyond the subdivision shall be dedicated and improved to City of Poway Circulation Element - Secondary Arterial Road Standards. Improvement shall include, but is not to be limited to, widening the half street pavement width to 37 feet including transition improvements beyond the subdivision frontage, construction of concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk, and installation of street lights. Location of street lights shall be as designated by the City upon submittal by the applicant to the City's Public Services Department of a plot plan showing the location of existing street lights in Espola Road within a 500 foot radius from the subdivision's exterior boundary. Said plot plan shall be submitted concurrent with street improvement plans. 3. The tentative parcel map Indicates an existing 44 foot private road easement for access to the subdivision. Said easement is not reflected in that "Interim Binder Form A", being referred herein as Preliminary Title Report, issued by Chicago Title Insurance Company on November I, 19B8, No. 706158-02. Therefore, off-site access (road easement) to the site from Del Poniente Road shall be acquired prior to map approval. The road easement shall have a right-of-way width of 50 feet. On-site portion of said ease- ment shall be shown on the parcel map and shall be labeled as "private road easement reserved hereon". 14 of 19 OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 ~ - - - Resolution No. P- 89-104 r Page 7 Also, both off-site and on-site portion of the above-mentioned easement shall be irrevocably offered for dedication (100) to the City for street purposes. The off-site portion of said 100 shall be recorded prior to map approval and the on-site portion shall be made on the parcel map. 4. The private road easement, from Del Poniente Road, to the subdivision shall be improved to City of Poway's Semi-Rural - Local Street Standards. Reference is hereby made to City Code Sections 12.20.070 and 12.20.080 for criteria and specifications. A road maintenance agreement for said private road, in a fonn satisfactory to the City Attorney, shall be executed and recorded prior to map approval. 5. Improvement plans for street ~nd other public utility lines (i.e., water, sewer, drainage) that may be required and shall be prepared and submitted to the City's Public Services Oepartment for review and shall meet the City Engineer's approval with required securities posted and standard agreement for its construction executed prior to map approval. All of the improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of a cer- - tificate of occupancy. t 6. The tentative parcel map indicates that the existing 40 foot private road easement, in Parcel 3, PM 10915, be vacated. Said easement is for access from Espola Road to Parcel 2 of said PM 10915, of which is not a part of the proposed subdivision. Therefore, prior to map approval, a copy of recorded quitclaim or relinquishment deeds from easement holders (owner of Parcel 2 and any other holders as disclosed by preliminary title reports to be sub- mitted by applicant) shall be furnished to the City's Public Services Department prior to map approval. 7. Vehicular access rights to CirculatIon Element roads shall be dedicated to the City of poway and labeled on the parcel map to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or by separate document recorded prior to map approval. 8. Reciprocal access and maintenance and/or agreements shall be provided insuring access to all parcels over private roads, drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services and/or the CIty Engineer. 9. Street striping and signing shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Oirector of Public Services. 10. All street structural sections shall be submitted to, and approved by the Director of Public Services. OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 15 of 19 q Reso 1 ut i on No. P- 89-104 r Page 8 13. Street improvement plans prepared on standard size sheets by a Registered CivIl Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. Plan check and inspection expenses shall be paid by the devel- ope r . 14. Street improvements that include, but are not limited to: X a. Sidewalks e. Cross gutter X b. Driveways - f. Alley gutter X c. Wheel chair ramps X g. Street paving X d. Curb and gutter h. Alley paving shall be constructed on or prior to the completion date of the standard agreement for public improvements or on or prior to occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 15. All damaged off-site public works facilities, including parkway trees, shall be repaired or replaced prior to exoneration of bonds and improvements, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Services. 16. Prior to any work being performed in the public right-of-way, a right-of-way [ permit shall be obtained from the Public Services office and appropriate fees paid, in addition to any other permits required. 17. The developer shall pay the Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established rate at the date of the final inspection or the date the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, whichever occurs later but a security deposit shall be posted prior to map approval. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL 1. Intersection drains will be required at locations specified by the Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices. 2. The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program and is subject to the provisions of that program and City Ordinance. 3. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within the subdivision, and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage system shall include any easements and structures as required by the Director of Public Services to properly handle the drainage. 4. Portland cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed where water crosses the roadways. 16 of 19 OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 . . - - . - Resolution No. P- 89-104 f Page 9 5. The Master Plan of Drainage Fee shall be paid at the established rate in accordance with the Drainage Ordinance at the date of final inspection or at the date the certificate of occupancy is issued, whichever occurs later. 6. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. UTILITIES 1. New water maln shall be extended from Del Poniente Road to the subdivision. The size and location shall be as determined by a water systems analysis to be prepared prior to map approval. An easement, a minimum of 20 feet wide shall be dedlcated to the City, also prior to map approval. 2. Sewer main shall be extended .from Del Poniente Road to the subdivision's cul-de-sac. A 20 foot wide easement for sewer line shall be dedicated to the City prior to map approval. 3. All proposed utilities within the project shall be installed underground including existing electrical utilities less than 34.5 KV along Circulation Element roads and/or highways. - 4. Utility easements shall be provided to the specification of the serving util- i lty companles and the Director of Publlc Services. 5. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and undergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. 6. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City of poway and the Health Department of the County of San Diego. 7. Prior to acceptance of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement area shall occur. 8. The applIcant shall pay for a water system analysis to establish the proper size and location for the public water system. The amount will be deter- mined by the cost of the analysis and shall be paid upon demand by the City. 9. The applicant shall, within 30 days after receiving approval of the ten- tative parcel map, apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA) to reserve sewerage availability and post with the City, a nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 20% of the appropriate sewerage connection fee in effect at the time the LOA is issued. 10. Developer shall construct a light system conforming to City of Poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject to the following: 17 of 19 OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7 . Resolution No. P- 89-104 [ Page 10 Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will provide true 90 degree a. cutoff and prevent projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device. b. All fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor light source. c. Advance energy charges and DIstrict engineering charges shall be paid by the developer. d. Annexation to the lighting district shall be accomplished and evidence of annexation shall be accomplished at the time of final inspection or certificate of occupancy, whichever occurs later. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE SAFETY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. A new fire hydrant shall be installed at a location to be determined by the City Fire Marshal. The hydrant is to serve Parcels 1, 2, and 3 and to be placed along the 50 foot private easement at the northern property line of new Parcel 3. l 2. Prior to delivery of combustible building materials on site, water and sewer systems shall satisfactorily pass all required tests and be connected to the publiC water and sewer systems. In addition, the first lift of asphalt paving shall be in place to provide adequate, permanent access for emergency vehicles. The final lift of asphalt shall not be installed until all other construction activity has been substantially completed to the satisfaction of the City. GENERAL REOUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS 1. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions {CC&R's} and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association shall be subject to the review for compliance with conditions herein, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State, the County Recorder and the City Clerk at the time of final map consideration. 2. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and procedures. J. Should this subdivision be further divided, each final map shall be sub- mitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. 4. Complete boundary adjustment prior to application for final map. 5. All provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. 18 of 19 OCT 1 1991 ITEM 1 - . - -- . . . - _. Resolution No. P-89-104 [ Page 11 6. The tentative map approval shall expire on September 5, 1991. Application for time extension must be received 90 days prior to expiration in accor- dance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of 00l;fo,,',. th" 5th d., of 5.pt....'. '9'9. (l;\ ~AC r- Carl R.- ruse, Mayor ATTEST: )1/) CL--t ~\\,.;.( k" ') L' (t.. L~ -t;:,; Marjorie K~ Wahlsten, City Clerk \ , ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) - ) ss. { COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) I, Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereb1 certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution, No. P-89- 04 , was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 5th day of September ,1989, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: BRANNON, EMERY, GOLDSMITH, HIGGINSON, KRUSE NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE ABSENT: NONE , 1 / \,r; -,'I -)(. -.1 !' :0 ,{),!,..--..:. .1- I I ..L'1 ',..l.~.~ Marjorie K.\ Wahlsten, City Clerk City of poway -. R/R-9-5.10-20 19 of 19 OCT 1 1991 ITEM 7