Item 3.2 - Reso Adopting TransNet Local Street Improvement Program FY 2014/2015 - 2018/2019Gt� OF POIP�J T City of Poway IN THE COUNCIL AGENDA REPOR ■ APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED O (SEE MINUTES) DENIED O REMOVED O CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. 14 -0110 DATE: April 15, 2014 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Tina M. White, Interim City Manager, '" INITIATED BY: Robert J. Manis, Director of Development Servicesp "v Steve Crosby, City EngineerSG Jeff Beers, Special Projects Engineer SUBJECT: A Resolution of the City of Poway Adopting the TransNet Local Street Improvement Program List of Projects for Fiscal Years 2014/2015 through 2018/2019 Summary: SANDAG, as the regional Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is required by State and Federal laws to develop and adopt a Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) every two years. The RTIP is a five -year program of proposed major highway, arterial, transit, pedestrian and bikeway projects that are funded by revenues from the TransNet half -cent sales tax. Pursuant to the TransNet Extension Ordinance, all local agencies are required to submit a list of proposed capital projects to be included in the proposed RTIP. The 2014 RTIP includes the list of proposed projects which will be fully or partially funded by TransNet revenues for Fiscal Years 2014/2015 through 2018/2019. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Resolution (Attachment A) adopting the TransNet Local Street Improvement Program List of Projects for Fiscal Years 2014/2015 through 2018/2019. Background: The goal and purpose of the RTIP is to enhance the regional transportation system and improve regional air quality. In order for local agencies to receive their allocated portion of annual TransNet half -cent sales tax funds, projects must be included in the RTIP, and must comply with the requirements as outlined in the SANDAG memorandum dated January 10, 2014. The SANDAG Board is scheduled to adopt the 2014 RTIP at its meeting of September 26, 2014. 1 of 7 April 15, 2014 Item # 3.2- A Resolution of the City of Poway Adopting the TransNet Local Street Improvement Program List of Projects for Fiscal Years 2014/2015 through 2018/2019 April 15, 2014 Page 2 Findings: The TransNet Extension Ordinance requires local agencies every two years to adopt a five -year list of projects to be included in the RTIP and funded with TransNet revenues. In developing the list of projects, local agencies shall give a high priority to the use of these funds for improving regional arterials and related facilities contributing to congestion relief. Attachment B is the 2014 RTIP five -year list of projects for the City of Poway. The City of Poway's total share of the TransNet revenues for local street and road program improvements is estimated at $7,665,000 over the five -year period covered in the proposed 2014 RTIP. The TransNet Ordinance requires that at least 70% of the revenue be used for congestion relief improvements, and that up to 30% can be used for maintenance purposes. Funds that are not used during each Fiscal Year are rolled over to next year as part of the total revenues available to the City. Several projects which were identified in the City's 2012 RTIP have been completed including the 12/13 and 13/14 Overlay projects. Others, such as the Poway Road Corridor Study and Midland Road Improvements are in process. Fiscal Impact: Based on SANDAG projections, the estimated TransNet revenue for Fiscal Years 2014/2015 through 2018/2019, as shown in Attachment C, is $7,665,000. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to review under the 2014 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Public Notification: A Notice of Public Hearing has been published in the Poway News Chieftain. The notice is required by TransNet Ordinance. Attachments: A Resolution B City of Poway 2014 RTIP Five -Year List of Projects C TransNet Revenue Forecast MACIP_DevelopmentUP Admm\Agenda Reports\2014 Reports\2014 RTIP\2014 RTIP docx 2 of 7 April 15, 2014 Item # 3•�, RESOLUTION NO. 14- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE TRANSNET LOCAL STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2014/2015 THROUGH 2018/2019 WHEREAS, on November 4, 2004, the voters of San Diego County approved the San Diego Transportation Improvement Program Ordinance and Expenditure Plan (TransNet Extension Ordinance); and WHEREAS, the TransNet Extension Ordinance provides that SANDAG, acting as the Regional Transportation Commission, shall approve a multi -year program of projects submitted by local jurisdictions identifying those transportation projects eligible to use transportation sales tax (TransNet) funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway was provided with an estimate of annual TransNet local street improvement revenues for Fiscal Years 2014/2015 through 2018/2019; and WHEREAS, the City of Poway has held a duly noticed public hearing with an agenda item that clearly identified the proposed list of projects prior to approval of the projects by the City Council in accordance with Section 5(A) of the TransNet Extension Ordinance and Rule 7 of SANDAG Board Policy No. 31; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The 2014 Regional Transportation Improvement Program list of projects for fiscal years 2014/2015 through 2018/2019 is hereby adopted. Section 2: Pursuant to Section 2(C)(1) of the TransNet Extension Ordinance, the City of Poway certifies that no more than 30 percent of its annual revenues shall be spent on local street and road maintenance - related projects. Section 3: Pursuant to Section 4(E)(3) of the TransNet Extension Ordinance, the City of Poway certifies that all new projects, or major reconstruction projects, funded by TransNet revenues shall accommodate travel by pedestrians and bicyclists, and that any exception to this requirement permitted under the Ordinance and proposed shall be clearly noticed as part of the City of Poway's public hearing process. Section 4: Pursuant to Section 8 of the TransNet Extension Ordinance, the City of Poway certifies that the required minimum annual level of local discretionary funds to be expended for street and road purposes will be met throughout the five -year period consistent with the most recent Maintenance of Effort Requirements adopted by SANDAG. 3 of 7 ATTACHMENT A April 15, 2014 Item # 3•V' Resolution No. Page 2 Section 5: Pursuant to Section 9A of the TransNet Extension Ordinance and the City of Poway Municipal Code Section 15.06.050, the City of Poway certifies that it will extract $2,209, plus all applicable annual increases, from the private sector for each newly constructed residential housing unit in the City of Poway, and shall contribute such exactions to the Regional Transportation Congestion Improvement Program (RTCIP). Section 6: Pursuant to Section 13 of the TransNet Extension Ordinance, the City of Poway certifies that it has established a separate Transportation Improvement Account for TransNet revenues with interest earned expended only for those purposes for which the funds were allocated. Section 7: Pursuant to Section 18 of the TransNet Extension Ordinance, the City of Poway certifies that each project of $250,000 or more will be clearly designated during construction with TransNet project funding identification signs. Section 8: The City of Poway does hereby certify that all other applicable provisions of the TransNet Extension Ordinance and SANDAG Board Policy No. 31 have been met. Section 9: The City of Poway will use TransNet revenues to fund its annual share of the Regional Arterial Management System (RAMS) maintenance and operation cost, and to authorize SANDAG to withhold $7,300 annually for Fiscal Year 2014/2015 through Fiscal Year 2018/2019 at the beginning of each fiscal year for this purpose. Section 10: The City of Poway agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend SANDAG, the San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission, and all officers and employees thereof against all causes of action or claims related to the City of Poway's TransNet funded projects. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 15th day of April 2014. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk 4 of 7 April 15, 2014 Item 0.1 Resolution No. Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) I, Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 14 - was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 15th day of April 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC, City Clerk City of Poway 5 of 7 April 15, 2014 Item # 3.%-- City of Poway 2014 RTIP Five -Year List of Projects PROJECT FY 14/15 FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 RAMS* $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 Arterial Patching $230,000 $120,000 $160,000 $200,000 $100,000 Overlay Edgemoor Street $130,000 Overlay Evanston Drive $80,000 Overlay Piaute Place $50,000 Overlay Via Stephen /Via Lisa $150,000 Overlay Ann -O -Reno Lane $140,000 Overlay Carriage Road $130,000 Overlay Alpine Drive $70,000 Twin Peaks Road Medians $150,000 ** $200,000 $600,000 Overlay Garden Road $700,000 Overlay Stowe Drive $300,000 Overlay Poway /Pomerado Intersection $50,000 Overlay SPP Danielson to ECL $480,000 Overlay Pomerado /Kaitz to Hospital $300,000 Overlay Francine Terrace $70,000 Overlay Adah Lane (public portion) $50,000 Poway Grade Intersections $300,000 Poway Road Medians $400,000 Neighborhood Sidewalks Project $300,000 Annual Total (70% Projects) $987,300 $1,027,300 $1,067,300 $1,107,300 $10157,300 70% of projected TRANSNET revenue $991,900 $1,029,200 $1,068,900 $1,110,200 $1,164,800 *Regional Arterial Management Signal System support and maintenance ** $150,000 funding from development impact fees 6 of 7 ATTACHMENT B April 15, 2014 Item # 3.2- O O O Vf O N U- 0 Ln r O N LL O 4- N d C a W O a� (Q E .N W n a h 7 of 7 T C O v O Q Z) Q c c a 0 a, E a) cz 7 N Of Of «1 0 c a N w av LA N � � C N 12 V -O a X 4J a1 E U Q r0 X O C N w v O >, c_ .a o c rO a r0 C ru a E -0 m v c m o rn m a) v a a c c m c a' 2) E C - N aJ O Q% N -0 o m 5 v 7 O O n v E o v n o c g ro � N _ o Q O 2 0 z r`'L O Q E o - v) 0 N ra o fu c a N C D O v p O c: -o aj r0 c - v N (u to O C O o aj 'a v N v M V c O o 2 0 a v v E a- V V ra v� W C N 2 N a1 Q 2 (u Q) L] c0 -0 O 0 N S - 3 c o v -a o 0 a a, o c c o p d c _ ` V u 0 rQ 3 o a 0 _0 C E N L7 .-• O v C ra N c v ro 0 c: -o m O ro Q v rE 0 0 a N O n _o al c m 0 N N O 6 C p 0 V -O v Ln O N V N (u va -a -p 0 N v o E c r`o v 3 - o rn :3 O a, ro 0 -0 (D o i o o v a � a v -o o a,-2 > ° E c T o 0 0„ a, N 0 C C C W p c 0 0 N O j cL N Q p N 7 O C _ v d O n N O 0 N a -0 rl "= = w C N ro m U r0 q Ln ATTACHMENT C April 15, 2014 Item # 1.2- M N O M O lD V' W ';t M L.O 0'q W ';* M Ln O W r- N In M M W M ',D r4 M LO W LD N r- W M N M Ct' d' r- Q1 Ul LD Nl l0 W M r- r, r- 0 ID Iq M Ol M M N Ln r M l.0 b9 b9 N M b4 b9 Lr V b9 119 ifl N Ln Ln Ln lD O N b9 w b° by b4 kil bA by bS M b9 b9 - v� W b9 b9 b'i U. LL M O O M r- M M r- M r- l0 W M Ill 'It 00 It N N O O N M Ln M T M It Ln Ol M 00 l0 M O CO Ln CO LD pp O N lD N M � r, r- W r- O W Ln n Ol y - Ln M N C ry b4 b9 N kil b9 - b9 b4 b4 N O Ln lD b4 b9 b9 b9 b9 b9 t/1 b9 b9 M b9 .- 00 b9 b9 N b9 b9 b9 } U- 0 Ln M Ln W r- m n M O N d' n M M n W •- M M O M lD M lD Ln lD O O O M `7 M N m n Ln .- W M 00 M n W M M r- 3 lD k.D n n O LD Ln NT M CO �- M M O (n O N Lr b9 b9 N M b9 kn 2 3: .- N b4 b9 kil N M Lr L.rl N kit b9 b9 bH b9 b9 b9 k!1 b9 M b9 lbl b9 r, b4 bH b9 } LL N M co r- W Ln O N '3- co Ol n O) Ln M Ln lD Ln co M n 00 Q0 O r- co O O 0o n r- M Ol O O N Ol r- M O r- r- Ln - M LD 14 lD O r, M - N 00 - N M O W r- r N bA b9 N _ ryi b9 b4 bl N M -q Ln N b9 b9 b9 b-V b4 b9 b9 b4 M b9 b9 .— 419 r� b9 bH b9 >- LL W N W N W LD M W Ln M Ln O r- O N N M N n W r- n L(1 lD m Ln N m m W m LD m M O N n kil W O r O N Lrl bH b9 N fYl b9 b9 b9 b9 d` �- O b4 b9 N N >- d' Ln !1 b4 b9 b9 b9 kii kii M b4 .- r- b9 b4 N b9 b9 b9 } LL r- M M M lD � W r- M n 110 lD W O n W M M - O v Ln r-� N W N 4 lD m r- - l0 O 00 O n r� of M m C d' N dl L.0 Ln l0 O W of N N V lD .- cn lD C m lD M l0 M O N W l0 't d' W O M W O M n � W C d' O m W lD m � r O N 0 - Iq 14 M 14 N M W M M N O O M N Iq - O + W M O O Lx lD W Ln W Ol 06 r-. Ln N Ln N O N f6 O N N O LD t N Ln N m l0 q N W Ln .- Ol � Ln - - O.. M 0 CL � 0 o � O C O O O ro m > 2 p cu dCC _0 - -0 0 0 O G C C C p _ GO O W l'/a 1 n ` 2 r C v O O r0 + ra rp +. :3 01 O O W W J J O COL ll In l l V 7 of 7 T C O v O Q Z) Q c c a 0 a, E a) cz 7 N Of Of «1 0 c a N w av LA N � � C N 12 V -O a X 4J a1 E U Q r0 X O C N w v O >, c_ .a o c rO a r0 C ru a E -0 m v c m o rn m a) v a a c c m c a' 2) E C - N aJ O Q% N -0 o m 5 v 7 O O n v E o v n o c g ro � N _ o Q O 2 0 z r`'L O Q E o - v) 0 N ra o fu c a N C D O v p O c: -o aj r0 c - v N (u to O C O o aj 'a v N v M V c O o 2 0 a v v E a- V V ra v� W C N 2 N a1 Q 2 (u Q) L] c0 -0 O 0 N S - 3 c o v -a o 0 a a, o c c o p d c _ ` V u 0 rQ 3 o a 0 _0 C E N L7 .-• O v C ra N c v ro 0 c: -o m O ro Q v rE 0 0 a N O n _o al c m 0 N N O 6 C p 0 V -O v Ln O N V N (u va -a -p 0 N v o E c r`o v 3 - o rn :3 O a, ro 0 -0 (D o i o o v a � a v -o o a,-2 > ° E c T o 0 0„ a, N 0 C C C W p c 0 0 N O j cL N Q p N 7 O C _ v d O n N O 0 N a -0 rl "= = w C N ro m U r0 q Ln ATTACHMENT C April 15, 2014 Item # 1.2-