Item 4.2 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL posted 4/14/14 G,,�.� of PoW�r A. og 40 CITYOFPOWAY OF ► MEMORANDUM �017'1' IN THE c'CiJa�4 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (Agenda Related Writings/Documents provided to City Council or Staff after distribution of the Agenda Packet for the April 15, 2014 Council Meeting) TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Morgan L. Foley, City Attorney `(1, SUBJECT: Approval of Employment A reement for the City Manager Summary: The City Manager Employment Agreement originally included in the publication and distribution of the April 15, 2014 agenda has been modified. The revised Employment Agreement is attached to this report. The Poway City Council sits as the Poway Planning Commission, the Poway Housing Authority, the Public Financing Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Poway • Redevelopment Agency. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the attached City Manager Employment Agreement between the City of Poway and Daniel Singer. Fiscal Impact: None. Environmental Review: Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. Public Notification: A copy of this report has been provided to Mr. Daniel Singer and to Ms. Teri Brack- Brann of Teri Black & Associates LLC Attachment: A. City Manager Employment Agreement 1 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 CITY MANAGER EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT Between the City of Poway, a Municipal Corporation, and Daniel Singer 1. Parties and Date This Agreement is dated April _, 2014, and is effective as of May 31, 2014, by and between the City of Poway, California, a municipal corporation (the "City"), and Daniel Singer, an individual (the "City Manager"). A. The City requires the services of a City Manager. B. The City Manager has the necessary education, experience, skills and expertise to serve as the City's City Manager; C. The City Council of the City (the "City Council") desires to employ the City Manager to serve as the City Manager of City; D. The Parties desire to execute this Agreement pursuant to the authority of and subject to the provisions of Government Code Section 53260 et seq.; and E. In consideration of these Recitals and the performance by the Parties of the promises, covenants, and conditions herein contained, the Parties agree as provided in this Agreement. 2. Employment The City hereby employs the City Manager as its City Manager, and the City Manager hereby accepts such employment. 3. Commitments and Understandings A. The City Manager's Commitments (1) Duties &Authority (a) The City Manager shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the City and be responsible to the City Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the City. (b) The City Manager shall perform all of the duties of the City Manager as set forth in Section 2.08.070 of the Poway Municipal Code (the "Municipal Code"), the California Government Code, and City policies and procedures approved by the City Council, as may be provided from time to time. (c) The City Council has designated and may also designate the City Manager as the chief executive of other City-related legal entities. Such other legal entities include the Poway Housing Authority; the City in its capacity of successor agency to the former Attachment A Page 1 of 14 2 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 Redevelopment Agency of the City of Poway; the City's financing authority; and its joint powers authorities. (d) To accomplish this, the City Manager shall have the power and be required to: (i) Attend all meetings of the City Council, unless excused by the Mayor, and take part in the discussion of all matters before the City Council. (ii) Review all agenda documents before preparing the agenda for any regular or special meetings of the City Council. (iii) Direct the work of all appointive City officers and departments that are the concern and responsibility of the City Council, except those that are directly appointed by or report directly to the City Council. The City Manager may undertake any study or investigation that is necessary or desirable, or as directed by the City Council. The City Manager shall endeavor to implement changes that the City Manager believes will result in greater efficiency, economy, or improved public service in the administration of City affairs. (iv) Recommend to the City Council adoption of such measures as the City Manager may deem necessary or expedient for the health, safety, or welfare of the community or for the improvement of administrative services. (v) Consolidate or combine offices, positions, departments, or units under the City Manager's jurisdiction. The City Manager may be the head of one or more City departments. (vi) Conduct research in administrative practices in order to bring about greater efficiency and economy in City government, and develop and recommend to the City Council long-range plans to improve City operations and prepare for future City growth and development. (vii) Provide management training and develop leadership qualities among department heads and staff as necessary to build a City management team that can plan for and meet future challenges. (viii) Exercise control of City government in emergencies as authorized by the Municipal Code and California law. Page 2 of 14 3 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 (2) Hours of Work (a) The City Manager is an exempt employee without set hours of work, but is expected to be available at all times and to engage in those hours of work that are necessary to fulfill the obligations of the City Manager's position. (b) The City Manager shall spend sufficient hours on site to perform the City Manager's duties; however, the City Manager has discretion over the City Manager's work schedule and work location. (3) Disability or inability to perform In the event the City Manager becomes mentally or physically incapable of performing the City Manager's functions and duties with reasonable accommodation and it reasonably appears such incapacity will last for more than six months, the City Council may terminate the City Manager. If the City Council does elect to terminate the City Manager due to incapacity, the City Manager shall receive all severance benefits provided in Section 6(C) below. B. City Commitments (1) The City shall provide the City Manager with the compensation, incentives and benefits, specified elsewhere in this Agreement. (2) The City shall provide the City Manager with office space, staff, equipment, supplies, automobile allowance, and all other facilities and services adequate for the performance of the City Manager's duties. (3) The City shall pay for or provide the City Manager reimbursement for all actual business expenses. The City shall provide the City Manager a credit card to charge appropriate and lawful business expenses. (4) The City agrees to pay the professional dues and subscriptions on behalf of the City Manager for participation in national, regional, state, or local associations and organizations, as necessary and desirable for the good of the City, and for the City Manager's continued professional participation and advancement. (5) The City agrees to pay the travel and subsistence expenses of the City Manager for purposes such as official functions, meetings, occasions, short courses, institutes and seminars that are necessary for the good of the City or for the professional development of the City Manager. (6) The City shall provide a monthly technology allowance of $150 which reimburses City Manager's technology expenses such as computer, laptop computer, high-speed internet access, cellular phone, pager or similar devices. Page 3 of 14 4 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 (7) The City shall provide City Manager with a temporary housing allowance for temporary housing located within the City, in the amount of$2,500 per month, for an initial period of up to three (3) months. If the City Manager does not secure permanent housing within the initial three (3) months, City Council may approve an extension of the temporary housing allowance for up to three (3) additional months. All applicable IRS regulations will apply to this temporary benefit. (8) The City shall pay up to $7,500 toward the actual costs incurred for packing and moving from Ojai, California, to San Diego County, or such amount in excess of $7,500 as may be approved by the City Council as reflected in receipts for the actual services to pack and move the City Manager's household furniture and goods to San Diego County. C. City Council Commitments (1) The City Council sets policy for the governance and administration of the City, and it implements its policies through the City Manager. (2) Except for the purpose of inquiry, the City Council and its members shall deal with all subordinate City employees, officers, contractors, and consultants solely through the City Manager or the City Manager's designee, and neither the City Council nor any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinate of the City Manager, either publicly or privately. (3) The City Council agrees none of its individual members will order the appointment or removal of any person to any office or employment under the supervision and control of the City Manager. (4) The City Council agrees that any criticism of a City staff member shall be done privately through the City Manager. (5) Neither the City Council nor any of its members shall interfere with the execution of the powers and duties of the City Manager. The City Manager shall take orders and instructions from the City Council only when it is sitting as a body in a lawfully held meeting. D. Mutual Commitments (1) Performance Evaluation (a) The City Council recognizes that for the City Manager to respond to its needs and to grow in the performance of the City Manager's job, the City Manager needs to know how the City Council members evaluate the City Manager's performance. To assure that the City Manager gets this feedback, the City Council shall evaluate the City Manager's performance not later than the 90`h day after the effective date of this Agreement, and quarterly thereafter for the first year of his employment. Thereafter the City Council shall conduct an evaluation of the City Manager's Page 4 of 14 5 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 performance at least once each year, and/or when it deems necessary to discuss any concerns or direction in performance. (b) The City Council. and City Manager shall jointly define goals and performance objectives which they deem necessary for the proper operation of the City in the attainment of the City Council's policy objectives, and shall establish the relative priority among the various goals and objectives. (2) ICMA Code of Ethics (a) The Parties acknowledge that the City Manager is committed to the ideals of the International City Management Association ("ICMA"). The Parties mutually desire that the City Manager be subject to and comply with the ICMA Code of Ethics (Attachment A). (b) The City Manager commits to comply with the ICMA Code of Ethics. (c) The City and the City Council agree that neither the City Council nor any of its members will give the City Manager any order, direction, or request that would require the City Manager to violate the ICMA Code of Ethics. 4. COMPENSATION The City agrees to provide the following compensation to the City Manager during the term of the agreement: A. Compensation & Required Employer Costs (1) Base Salary (a) (1) The annual base salary for the position of City Manager shall be $219,950. This salary will be increased at the same time and amount as that of other Poway management employees. Unless the City of Poway's compensation philosophy is amended by a majority of the City Council the salary of the City Manager shall be no less than the bottom of the top third (number six) of City Managers in San Diego County, effective July 1 of each year. (2) If the City Manager receives a favorable review following the first quarterly performance evaluation, as described in Section 3(D)(1)(a) of this Agreement, the City Council agrees to increase the annual salary by 2.75% effective the 91st day of his employment. This initial salary increase is in lieu of any salary increase given to the Management/Confidential Group 1 on or about the first pay period in July, 2014. Following this first salary increase the City Manager's base salary shall thereafter be Page 5 of 14 6 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 adjusted at the same time, and in the same percentages, to match that which is provided to the Management/Confidential Group 1. (b) The City Manager shall be paid at the same intervals and in the same manner as regular City employees; in the event that there are more than twenty-six pay periods in a calendar year the periodic payments shall be adjusted accordingly so that the salary shall not exceed any amount approved by the City Council. (c) The City shall not at any time during the term of this Agreement reduce the base salary, compensation or other financial benefits of the City Manager, unless as part of a general City management salary reduction, and then in no greater percentage than the average reduction of all City department heads. (2) Required Employer Costs (a) Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) (if applicable), including Medicare. (b) Unemployment Compensation. (c) Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). The City contracts with the California Public Employees' Retirement System for retirement benefits. The City will pay the City's share, and the City Manager shall pay the employee's share (e.g., 7%), for participation in PERS. (d) The cost of any fidelity or other bonds required by law for the City Manager. (e) The cost to defend and indemnify the City Manager a_s provided in Section 7(F) below. (f) Workers Compensation. B. Basic Benefits (1) Holidays The City Manager is entitled to those paid holidays in accordance with the provisions of the Salary and Benefit Plan for the Management/Confidential Group 1. (2) Leave Allowance (a) The City Manager shall receive the same vacation and sick leave accrual and benefits as provided to the Group 1 Management class of City employees. The City Manager shall be paid for any Page 6 of 14 7 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 unused accrued vacation upon either voluntary or involuntary termination of employment. (b) The City Manager shall be provided with 80 hours of vacation leave credit effective upon the execution of this Agreement. The City Manager shall also continue accruing vacation at a rate of 7.662 hours per bi-weekly pay period beginning with the next full pay period, and for each subsequent pay period thereafter, following the effective date of this Agreement. (c) The City Manager shall be entitled to executive leave per year in accordance with the provisions of the Salary and Benefit Plan for the Management/Confidential Group 1. (3) Automobile The City Manager shall be provided a monthly automobile allowance of $633.33 in exchange for making a vehicle available for the City Manager's own use and for City-related business and/or functions during, before and after normal work hours. The City Manager is not precluded from using City vehicles for City business during, before, and after the normal workday on occasion, when appropriate. (4) Benefits that Accrue to Other Employees The City Manager shall be entitled to all benefits, rights, and privileges accorded to non-public safety City Department Directors except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. If there is any conflict between this Agreement and any resolution fixing compensation and benefits for non- public safety City Executive Management employees or other non- classified employees, this Agreement shall control. 5. SECURITY A. Pensions (1) Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) For the purposes of PERS reporting, the City shall incorporate into the reported base pay as compensation earnable, but only to the extent, if any, that PERS will consider it to be compensation earnable, the Section 4.A(1) base pay. (2) Pre-Retirement Optional Settlement 2 Death Benefit This benefit will be provided by the City. Page 7 of 14 8 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 (3) Deferred Compensation (a) Section 457 Plan The City will make, in equal proportionate amounts each pay period, an annual contribution that is calculated at 90% of the maximum contribution allowed by the Internal Revenue Code and its related regulations (excluding any age-related and "catch-up" provisions that are now or may in the future become applicable) into a qualified Section 457 Plan from one of the City approved plans as selected by the City Manager. Amounts contributed under this section shall be to the benefit of the City Manager in accordance with the Deferred Compensation Plan participation agreement. As of the date of this Agreement the maximum contribution is $17,500; therefore the initial annual contribution will be $15,750. (b) Section 401(a) Plan The City will make, in equal proportionate amounts each pay period, an annual contribution of $6,000 into an Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a) account. (c) Internal Revenue Code Compliance All provisions of this Section 5(A) are subject to the provisions and limitations of the Internal Revenue Code and its related regulations as amended from time to time. No requirement of any provision of this Section 5(A) shall be effective if it would violate any provision of the Internal Revenue Code or its related regulations. B. Insurance (1) Disability Insurance Long Term Insurance is provided. 6. SEPARATION A. Resignation/Retirement The City Manager may resign at any time and agrees to give the City at least 45 days' advance written notice of the effective date of the City Manager's resignation, unless the Parties otherwise agree in writing. If the City Manager retires from full time public service with the City, the City Manager may provide six months' advance notice. The City Manager's actual retirement date will be mutually established. Page 8 of 14 9 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 B. Termination & Removal (1) Manager is an at-will employee serving at the pleasure of the City Council as provided in Government Code Section 36506. (2) The City Council may remove the City Manager at any time, either with or without cause, by a majority vote of its members. Notice of termination shall be provided to the City Manager in writing. The City Council may also elect not to renew this Agreement. Notice of nonrenewal shall also be provided to the City Manager in writing. The City Council understands that termination or nonrenewal of employment without cause could result in an adverse financial impact not completely mitigated by any severance compensation as provided in this Agreement. Therefore, the City Council agrees that if termination or nonrenewal is made without cause it shall provide not less than nine (9) months' notice of termination to the City Manager. If the City Council elects not to renew this Agreement the City Council agrees that it shall convene a meeting to evaluate the City Manager's performance at its next regularly scheduled meeting or a special meeting, but in no event later than fifteen (15) days after notice of nonrenewal is delivered to the City Manager. If the City Manager resigns after receiving notice of termination, or notice of nonrenewal, the resignation shall be considered "involuntary" as described in Section 6(D) of this Agreement. Termination as used in this section shall also include a request that the City Manager resign, a reduction in salary or other financial benefits of the City Manager (excluding a general City Management salary reduction), a material reduction in the powers and authority of the City Manager, or the elimination of the City Manager's position. Any such notice of termination or act constituting termination shall be given at or effectuated at a duly noticed regular meeting of the City Council. (3) As provided in Municipal Code Section 2.08.090, the City Manager shall not be terminated during the 90-day period following any City election for membership on the City Council. C. Severance Pay (1) In the event the City Manager is terminated by the City Council during such time that the City Manager is willing and able to perform the City Manager's duties under this Agreement, then in that event the City agrees to pay the City Manager a lump sum cash payment equal to the lesser of (a) the actual number of months' salary remaining and benefits on the current term of employment, and (b) twelve (12) months' base salary and benefits then in effect as provided in Section 4(A) above. It is the intention of the parties that this paragraph complies with the requirements of Government Code Section 53260 et seq. In the event of any conflict between this provision and those code sections, the terms of those code sections shall govern the contractual relationship between the employer and employee. Page 9 of 14 10 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 (2) In addition, the City shall extend to the City Manager the right to continue health insurance as may be required by and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 (COBRA). (3) In the event the City refuses, following written notice of non-compliance, to comply with any provision in this Employment Agreement benefiting the City Manager, or the City Manager resigns following a suggestion, whether formal or informal, by a majority of the City Council that the City • Manager, resign, then, in that event, the City Manager may, at the City Manager's option, be deemed to be "terminated" as of the date of such refusal to comply or suggestion to resign and this severance pay provision shall be actuated. (4) All payments required under this Section 6 are subject to and shall be interpreted to comply with the limitations set forth in Government Code Section 53260. D. Involuntary Resignation (1) In the event that the City Council formally or a majority of the City Council informally asks the City Manager to resign, then the City Manager shall be entitled to resign and still receive the severance benefits provided in Section 6.0 above. (2) The City Manager has relied upon the provisions of the Municipal Code upon entering into this Agreement, as it pertains to the City Manager's role, powers, duties, authority, responsibilities, compensation, and benefits. In the event the City Council adds, deletes or amends the Municipal Code without the consent of the City Manager, and such addition, deletion or amendment is inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement and the City Manager's role, powers, duties, authority, responsibilities, compensation and benefits as currently provided, then the City Manager shall have the right, at the City Manager's sole option, to give the City Council notice that such amendment(s) constitute a request by the City Council for the City Manager's involuntary resignation. (3) Upon receipt of such notice the City Council shall have thirty days in which to do one of the following: (a) rescind the amendment(s); (b) renegotiate this Agreement to the City Manager's satisfaction; (c) confirm that The City Manager is being asked to involuntarily resign; or (d) take no action. In the event that either (c) or (d) occurs, or the City is unable to accomplish (b), then the City Manager is entitled to resign and still receive the severance benefits provided in Section 6(C) above. E. Separation for Cause (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6(C), the City Manager may be terminated for cause. As used in this section, "cause" shall mean only one or more the following: Page 10 of 14 11 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 (a) Conviction of, or no contest plea to, a felony; (b) Conviction of, or no contest plea to, any illegal act involving moral turpitude or personal gain; (c) Continued abuse of non-prescription drugs or alcohol that materially affects the performance of the Manager's duties; (d) Any act constituting a knowing and intentional violation of the City's conflict of interest code; or (e) Repeated and protracted unexcused absences from the City Manager's office and duties; (2) In the event the City terminates the City Manager for cause, then the City may terminate this Agreement immediately, and the City Manager shall be entitled to only the compensation accrued up to the date of termination, payments required by Section 6(F) below, and such other termination benefits and payments as may be required by law. The City Manager shall not be entitled to any severance benefits provided by Section 6(C). (3) If the City Manager is terminated for cause, and "cause" meets the definition of "abuse of office or position," as defined in Government Code section 53243.4, the provisions of Government Code sections 53243 through 53243.4 shall apply and prevail over any contrary terms and conditions of this Agreement. F. Payment for Unused Leave Balance (1) On separation from City employment, the City Manager shall be paid for all unused accrued leave allowances provided in Section 4(B)(2) above in accordance with the current salary and benefits plan for Management/Confidential Group 1 employees. Accumulated leave balances shall be paid at the City Manager's monthly base salary rate at the effective date of separation. (2) In the event the City Manager dies while employed by the City under this Agreement, the City Manager's beneficiaries or those entitled to the City Manager's estate, shall be entitled to the City Manager's earned salary, and any in-lieu payments for accrued benefits, including compensation for the value of all accrued leave balances. G. Joint Statements of Separation In the event of resignation or retirement of the City Manager, termination by the City (with or without cause), or other separation of employment as described in the Section 6, the City and the City Manager agree that neither any member of the City Council, or the City's management staff, nor the City Manager, shall make any written, oral or electronic statement to any member of the public, the press, or any City employee concerning the City Manager's termination or separation, except in the form of a joint press release or statement, the contents of which is mutually Page 11 of 14 12 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 agreeable to both the City and the City Manager. The joint press release or statement shall not contain any text or information that is disparaging to either Party. Either Party may verbally repeat the substance of this Section 6(G), and the joint press release or statement, in response to any inquiry. 7. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. Term The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period of thirty-six (36) months beginning May 31, 2014 and continuing until 12:00 p.m. May 31, 2017 (the "initial Termination Date"). B. Subsequent Terms Unless the City gives the City Manager written notice of non-renewal at least nine (9) calendar months prior to the initial Termination Date or the termination date of any Renewal Term (as hereinafter defined) this Agreement may be renewed by the parties for one or more additional terms of up to three (3) years each, each renewal term to be reflected by a written amendment signed by the parties. If the parties cannot mutually agree to the term of any renewal this Agreement shall continue in effect for automatic renewals of one (1) year each (whether renewed by amendment or renewed by operation of this Section each, a "Renewal Term"). C. Provisions that Survive Termination Many sections of this Agreement are intended by their terms to survive the City Manager's termination of employment with the City, including but limited to Sections 6 and 7(E). These sections, and the others so intended, shall survive termination of employment and termination of this Agreement. D. Amendments This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual agreement of the City and the City Manager. Any amendments are to be negotiated, put in writing, and adopted by the City Council. E. Conflict of Interest (1) The City Manager shall not engage in any business or transaction or have a financial or other personal interest or association, direct or indirect, which is in conflict with the proper discharge of official duties or would tend to impair independence of judgment or action in the performance of official duties. (2) The City Manager shall also be subject to the conflict of interest provisions of the California Government Code and any conflict of interest code applicable to the City Manager's City employment. Page 12 of 14 13 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 (3) The City Manager is responsible for submitting to the City Clerk the appropriate Conflict of Interest Statements at the time of appointment, annually thereafter, and at the time of separation from the position. F. Indemnification (1) To the full extent of the law, the City shall defend and indemnify the City Manager, in his capacity as City Manager, and as the chief executive of other City-related legal entities as provided in Section 3(A)(1)(c) above, against and for all losses sustained by the City Manager in direct consequences of the discharge of the City Manager's duties on the City's behalf for the period of the City Manager's employment, save and except those losses sustained as a result of the willful act or omission of the City Manager, including any "abuse of office or position," as described in Section 6(E)(4) of this Agreement. (2) The City shall defend, save harmless and indemnify the City Manager against any tort, professional liability claim or demand or other legal action, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an alleged act or omission occurring in the performance of the City Manager's duties as City Manager. The City may compromise and settle any such claim or suit and pay the amount of any settlement or judgment rendered thereon. (3) Whenever the City Manager shall be sued for damages arising out of the performance of the City Manager's duties, the City shall provide defense counsel for the City Manager in such suit and indemnify the City Manager from any judgment rendered against the City Manager; provided that such indemnity shall not extend to any judgment for damages arising out of any willful wrongdoing. This indemnification shall extend beyond termination of employment and the otherwise expiration of this Agreement to provide protection for any such acts undertaken or committed in the City Manager's capacity as City Manager, regardless of whether the notice of filing of a lawsuit occurs during or following employment with the City. This indemnity provision shall survive the termination of the Agreement and is in addition to any other rights or remedies that the City Manager may have under the law. (4) The City and all parties claiming under or through it, hereby waives all rights of subrogation and contribution against the City Manager, while acting within the scope of the City Manager's duties, from all claims, losses and liabilities arising out of or incident to activities or operations performed by or on behalf of the City or any party affiliated with or otherwise claiming under or through it, regardless of any prior, concurrent, or subsequent active or passive negligence by the City Manager. G. Severability If any clause, sentence, part, section, or portion of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or unenforceable, such clause, sentence, part, section, or portion so found shall be regarded as though it were Page 13 of 14 14 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2 I not part of this Agreement and the remaining parts of this Agreement shall be fully binding and enforceable by the Parties hereto. H. Laws Affecting Title In addition to those laws affecting a City Manager, the City Manager shall have the same powers, rights and responsibilities as a Chief Executive Officer, City Administrative Officer, Administrator, and City Administrator as those terms are used in local, state or federal laws. I. Jurisdiction and Venue This Contract shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and the Parties agree that venue shall be in San Diego County, California. J. Entire Agreement f This Contract represents the entire agreement of the Parties, and no representations have been made or relied upon except as set forth herein. This Contract may be amended or modified only by a written, fully executed agreement of the Parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF POWAY CITY MANAGER By: By: Don Higginson, Mayor Daniel Singer ATTEST: By: Sheila Cobian, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Morgan L. Foley, City Attorney Page 14 of 14 15 of 15 April 15, 2014, Item #4.2