Item 14 - Poinsettia Mobile Home Park Feasibility Study � AGENDA REPORT � -�� ,��f CITY OF POWAY This report is induded on the Consent Calendar.There will be no separa[e discussion of the repon pnor to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council,staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and . distussed separately.If you wish[o have[his report pulled for dis<ussion,please FlII out a slip indicating the report number �f� ..,.-.,,, ,+° ��at� and give it to the City Clerk prior ro the beginning of the Ciry Council mee[ing. ��^' T�E °O T0: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Redevelopment Agency \ ' FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive Direc�or INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services "� DATE: July 21 , 1987 SUBJECT: Poinsettia Mobile Home Park Feasibility Study BACRGROUND On July 9 , 1987 staff presented the feasibility study concerning the potential conversion of the Poinsettia Mobile Home Park to resident ownership to a City Council subcommittee. The written report was provided to the entire Council . Since Mr . Emery is abstaining on this item, no action could be taken on July 9 . Staft suggests that it is appropriate to continue with the "Negotiation" and Implementation" phases. Specifically, this would include: 1. Continuation of negotiations with park owner. 2 . Investigation of forms of ownership as outlined above. 3 . Drafting of implementation ordinances . It is estimated that this will cost approximately $15 ,000 in con- sultant and computer time . RECOMMENDATION Authorize expenditure of $15 ,000 and direct staff to report back in 60 days . JLB:RWT:pcm I/A-7-21 .1 ACTION: JUL 21 t987 ITEM