Item 5 - DR 85-19 Poway Commerce Center ' AGENDA REPORT � G�'C WNY CITY OF POW. AY \ T yf .,...... ,w ;,t0 r� lN THE CO�. T0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man� INITIATED BY: John E. Bridges , Acting Director of Planning Services DATE : March 4 , 1986 SUBJECT: Development Review 85-19 - Poway Commerce Center , Applicant: A request for approval for a light industrial complex with 39 ,013 square feet of building area in the MS (Manufacturing Service ) zone located in the 14200 block of Poway Road. APN: 323-190-21 , 22 , and 66 ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: Sharon Crockett , Assistant Planner PARCEL SIZE: 2 .61 Gross Acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Manufacturing Service ZONZNG: Manufacturing Service SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS : (See Attachment 3 ) RELATED CAS�ES : None CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED : None ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Issue a Negative Declaration STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions ACTION: MpR 4 198o i T E M 5 1 QF. 2 7 Agenda Report March 4 , 1986 Page 2 BACRGROQND A. Project Description The applicant requests approval for a light industrial complex to be located in the 14200 block of Poway Road in the Manufacturing Service zone. The project proposes two buildings : Building A with 16 ,813 square feet, and Building B with 22 , 200 square feet. A total of 33 rental suites are proposed. The average square footage per suite is 1 ,100 square feet ( see Attachment A) . One hundred and nineteen on-site parking spaces are proposed . Section 17 . 08 of the Municipal Code requires Development Review approval prior to issuance of a building permit for commercial or light industrial buildings . The regulations allow the Council to evaluate the project on design principles in conjunction with . meeting all the other requirements of the Zoning Ordinance . Staff has been evaluating all proposed developments at the inter- section of Garden Road and Poway Road with the intent of developing a unified theme through similar architectural styles , building materials , colors , and landscaping. On May 14 , 1985 the Council approved Development Review. 85-02 for the Schauder Commercial Center which is directly west of the proposed project. On November 19 , 1985 , the Council approved Conditional Use Permit 85-OS and Development Review 85-12 for a 7-Eleven convenience store on the south side of Poway Road and south of this proposed project and the Schauder Commercial Center . The project is designed as an "L" shaped complex. Building A con- tains 13 suites , and Building B contains 20 suites . Each suite has an office , reception, restroom area , and a large manufacturing area. Access to the manufacturing area for Building B is from metal ro11-up doors located adjacent to the entrance doors . Access to Building A' s storage areas are located behind the building. The applicant is proposing a three foot roof overhang and recessing of the entrance doors and bay doors three feet from the buildings face . Staff is recommending increasing the roof overhang to five feet and adding one foot square columns to the fronts of Buildings A and B to increase the proposed building ' s architectural compatibility with adjacent proposed commercial developments . Approval of a detailed landscape and irrigation plan will be required prior to building permit issuance . The applicant is pro- posing a three foot high landscape earthen berm along Poway Road to soften the visual impact of the parking lot and the overhead doors from Poway Road and the condominium project to the east of the pro- posed project. A comprehensive sign program is required for this development and it will be the subject of a future application. 2 pF Z 7 MAP, 4 1986 I l � ��i � Agenda Report - March 4 , 1986 Page 3 This project proposes the following exterior materials : 1 . The walls will be constructed of sandblasted concrete tilt-up panels ; 2 . The windows will utilize gray tinted solar glass panels with gray glasweld panels below the windows ; 3 . Dark gray metal overhead doors will be installed along the west elevation of Building A and on the north and south elevations of Building B; and gray metal doors are also proposed for the west eleva tion of Building A; and 4 . Red French style doors are proposed both for the east elevation of Building A and the south and north elevations of Building B. The construction of an eight foot concrete block wall along the westerly and northerly property line will help to block the view of the roll-up doors from adjacent properties . The Schauder Commercial Center ' s existing and proposed building are not proposing windows along the easterly face of the building , and therefore would not be visually impacted by the proposed development . The visual impact of the proposed development on the apartment complex to the west and the church to the north will be softened by the wall and a five foot landscape strip along said property lines . Although the applicant has proposed gray asphalt roofing tiles , Staff is recommending gray coacrete tile roofing materials . Section 17 . 12 .050 of the Zoning Development Code lists the permitted and conditional uses in the MS zone. The applicant is proposing a multi-tenant industrial warehouse, manufacturing, and retail shell . Manufacturing , compounding, assembly, or treatment of articles or merchandise such as the following is permitted: metals , plaster , tex- tiles , electrical and related parts , electrical appliances , motors , and devices . Warehouse use would required approval of a conditional use permit . Retail commercial is permitted when in conjunction with a permitted or conditional use and not occupying more than 25 percent of the gross floor area . The applicant has agreed to prohibit automotive and truck services through recorded CC&R' s (Conditions , Convenants , and Restrictions ) . The proposed project complies with the property development standards of the MS zone in regard to required setback areas , coverage , distance between structures and building height . A required 25 foot building setback area and an eight foot concrete block wall will separate the RA zoned property to the west from_ the proposed manufacturing complex. Staff is recommending extending the eight foot wall along the northerly property between the church and the proposed use . 3aF27 MAR 4 1986 I T E Ivi 5 Agenda Report March 4 , 1986 Page 4 Section 17 . 42 .030 of the Code provides regulations for off-street parking requirements and property development standards . The regula- tions for a manufacturing use require one space per 750 square feet of gross floor area devoted to manufacturing, plus required parking for other uses . Total building area is 39 ,103 square feet. Of this total area, 8,976 square feet is devoted to the office, reception, and � restroom area. Therefore, the remaining 30 ,037 square fe2t of building area divided by 750 equals 43 spaces . Therefore , the total required on-site parking spaces is 73 . The applicant will need to redesign the site plan to provide for 25 feet of back up area for 90° angle parking spaces plus parallel loading spaces at ten feet (width ) x 35 feet (depth ) x 17} feet ( height) and comply with required dimen- sions for parking spaces . Surrounding land uses and zoning are as follow: to the west is an apartment complex under the RA (Residential Apartment) eone and Schauder Commercial Center under the MS (Manufacturing Service) zone; to the south are various auto service businesses and the future loca- tion of the 7-Eleven convenience store within the MS zone; to the east is a condominium complex under the RC (Residential Condominium) zone; and to the north is a church. within the MS zone. B . Development Facilities Access to the project site will be taken from Poway Road . The appli- cant was not able to reach agreement with the property owner to the north to develop a joint driveway. Therefore , the Public Services Department has recommended reducing the length of the concrete median on Poway Road to allow a left turn lane into the project. A recipro- cal access and parking agreement will be required of the applicant so that when the property to the north develops , a joint driveway can be constructed . The second driveway will be relocated approximately 25 feet south of the proposed location to allow for a safer loading area in front of Building B. A third driveway will be constructed at the most southerly terminus of the proposed project along Poway Road for emergency fire access only . The required eight foot concrete block wall along the westerly pro- perty line was discussed in previous paragraphs . Staff is recom- mending continuing the wall along the westerly property line south to the building wall of the existing building on the Schauder Commercial Center , constructing the wall at a height of six feet to the front setback line on the west property line , and constructing a concrete wall along the northerly property line at eight feet in height . A merger of the three parcels is required prior to building permit issuance. Additional requirement pertaining to sewer lines , fire hydrants , sprinklered buildings , and r=quired on-site and off-site drainage improvements have been incorporated in the resoluti.on of approval . " QF 2� maR � 1986 i i t ,y, � Agenda Report March 4 , 1986 Page 5 C. Environmental Review This project will require the merger of three lots into a 2. 61 acres building site. An Italian restaurant and a single family residence will be demolished prior to building permit issuance. There are several mature pine, pepper, and eucalyptus trees on the proposed building site. There is no native vegetation on the site , and the botanical resources are typical of disturbed lots in that the unmain- tained parts of the lots are covered with herbaceous weedy species . No cultural resources are located on the property . A review of the Environmental Initial Study and on-site inspection of the property has determined that potentially significant environmental impacts related to the cumulatiye impacts of noise , additional traffic generated by the project, and the projects impacts on area-wide and on-site diainage haye been identified . Staff recommends the issuance of a Negative Declaration with mitigation measures for noise , traffic , and drainage, as well as other conditions as noted in the staff report and attached resolution . D . Correspondence Notice of Public Hearing for this project has been sent to adjacent • property owners approximately ten days prior to the hearing. Legal notice advertising the recommendations for a Negative Declaration was published in the Poway News Chieftain . FINDINGS The proposed development conforms with the Poway General Plan require- ments for commercial use , density, and improvements . No adverse impacts of aesthetic , safety , or architectural nature upon adjoining properties will occur because building locations will be varied and the colors , styles , and building materials are compatible with adja- cent commercial developments . The construction of the eight foot concrete block wall between the RA (Residential Apartment) zone and the MS (Manufacturing Service) zone will mitigate noise and visual impacts of the use upon the residential properties . The project with recommended modifications meets the Zoning Ordinance ' s criteria and encourages the orderly, harmonious appearance of the City because it is similar to other proposed development (llR 85-02 and DR 85-12/CUP 65-OS ) . �j �p z � MAR 4 1996 I I c r,i 5 Agenda Report March 4 , 1986 Page 6 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Development Review 85-19 subject to conditions contained in the attached resolution and issue a Negative Declaration. JLB:JEB:SEC: is Attachments : 1 . Proposed Resolution DR 85-19 2 . Standard Conditions DR 85-19 3 . Surrounding General Plan and Zoning 4. Proposed Site Plan DR 85-19 5 . Proposed Building Elevations A and B 6 . Proposed Floor Plans A and B 7 . Building Elevations of Schauder Commercial Center 8 . Building Elevations for 7-Eleven Store 6 aF �7- MAR 4 1986 I T E M 5 RESOLUTION N0. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVZEW 85-19 ASSESSOR' S PARCEL NUMBER 323-190-66 , 21 , AND 22 WHEREAS , Development Review 85-19 , submitted by Poway Commerce Center, applicant, requests approval for a light industrial complex with 39 ,013 square feet of building area for the property located in the 14200 block of Poway Road, in the MS (Manufactu'ring Service) zone; and WHEREAS , on March 4 , 1986 , the City Council held a hearing on the above-referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Findings : 1 . That the proposed development is in conformance with the Poway General Plan. 2 . That the proposed development will not have an adverse aesthetic, health , safety , or architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties in that it is similar in design to other projects that have been approved in the area. 3 . That the proposed development is in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance in that it complies with the property develpment standards of the MS zone . 4 . That the proposed development encour-ages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City. Section 2 : Environmental Findings : The City Council finds that this project will not have signifi- cant adverse impact on the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration . Section 3 : City Council Decision : The City Council hereby approves Development Review 35-19 sub- ject to the following conditions : 1 . Within 30 days of approval , the applicant shall submit in writing that all the conditions of approval have been read and understood. � oF Z� MAR 4 1986 I f t rvi 5 Resolution No. P- Page 2 2 . A revised site plan and building elevations incorporating required changes to the driveway parking plan, locations , and elevations shall be submitted and approved prior to building permit issuance to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services . 3 . An eight foot concrete masonry wall incorporating pop-outs shall be constructed between the residentially zoned pro- perties to the west and the subject site. Said wall will continue southerly along the property line to the existing commercial building on the Schauder Commercial Center. Then the concrete wall shall be extended to the front set- back line at the height of six feet. An eight foot concrete block wall shall be constructed incorporating pop-outs along the northerly property line to the 20 foot front setback line . The design, location, and materials should be subject to approval by the Director of Planning Services . 4 . A minimum three foot high landscape earthen berm shall be constructed in the front setback area. Fifteen gallon trees , 20 feet on center , and shrubbery shall be installed and maintained along the inside of the wall in a five foot wide raised landscape planter along the westerly property line . Said landscaping shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services . 5 . The width of the building canopy shall be increased to five feet and said canopy shall be supported by columns for the east and southeast elevation of Building A and the south elevation of Building B. The redesign , the materials , and the colors of all elevations shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services . 6 . A demolition permit is required for the removal of the existing building . 7 . Street Improvements A. Repair damaged curb , gutter , and sidewalks along pro- perty frontage . B . Existing driveways proposed for closures shall be replaced with a PCC curb, gutter , and sidewalks . Replacement curb , gutter , and sidewalk shall be per City of Poway Specifications and/or per the San Diego Regional Standards . - , ._ $ aF �7 MAR 4 i986 I T t �v� 5 Resolution No. P- Page 3 C. In areas where there are no existing PCC curb, gutter , and sidewalks along the property frontage, new PCC curb, gutter , and sidewalk shall be constructed per City of Poway Specifications and or San Diego Regional Standards . D. New standard alley entrances and commercial driveways along property frontage shall be PCC per City of Poway Specifications and/or San Diego Regional Standards . E. A portion of the existing concrete median opposite the most northerly driveway to the project shall be removed the length of which shall be per City Engineer approval . Where median is removed, street paving and median nose shall be reconstructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer . 8 . Water A. The developer shall pay the City for a water system analysis to establish proper size and location for a , public water system prior to submittal of improvement plans . B . Should there be a requirement for a public water system on site, a 20 foot minimum width of easement shall be granted to the City of Poway. All cost associated with easement dedication shall be the developers and/or owners responsibility. C. Should the water main lines encroach on another pri- vate property, developers and/or owners shall acquire for dedication to the City an easement having a minimum width of 20 feet. All costs shall be borne by the developers and/or owners . D. All easement dedication to the City shall be recorded prior to issuance of a building permit . E. New public water system shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer . F . Improvement plans for the construction of the public water system shall be prepared by the Registerd Civil Engineer and submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Engineer . G. Water meters can be installed within the easement only . MAR 4 1°86 I T t iw 5 9oFZ7 Resolution No. P- Page 4 ' 9 . Sewer A. The developer shall investigate the feasibility of a sewer main exterior from Garden Road northerly to the site or from an existing line east of Poway road across the proposed southerly driveway. B . Minimum size of a sewer main shall be eight inches . Fixtures appurtenant to the sewer main installation shall be per City of Poway Specifications and/or San Diego Regional Standards . C. Should the sewer main encroach on another private pro- perty, developers and/or owners shall acquire an ease- ment ( 20 feet wide minimum) to be granted to the City of Poway. All costs shall be borne by the developers and/or owners . D. Improvement plans for the construction of the sewer main shall be submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Engineer . 10 . General A. All utility boxes within the area , where new sidewalk will be installed, shall be reset to be flush with the finish grade or relocated behind the sidewalk within the street right-of-way. It shall be the respon- sibility of the developers and/or owner to coordinate with utility companies for comments and/or approval . There shall be no cost or liability to the City as a result of resetting or relocation of these utility boxes . B . A reciprocal access agreement shall be executed between the owner of this project with the adjoining owner to the north for consolidation into one common driveway . Driveway width shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer . The reciprocal access agreement shall be reviewed by the City prior to recordation at the County Recorder. Recordation shall be done prior to issuance of a building permit . C. If a reciprocal access agreement is not acceptable to the northerly adjoining owner , the developers and/or owners shall reserve an access easement within the northerly 54 feet of the property . Said easement reservation shall be recorded prior to building permit issuance. MAR 4 1986 I T E wi 5 10aF27 Resolution No. P- Page 5 D. The developers engineer shall provide *_he City a detailed hydraulic/hydrology analysis to determine the run-off to be produced by the development and its effect on the existing drainage devices to be used by the project. Should the capacity of these existing devices be lower than the amount of run-off as a result of the development, the developers and/or owner are required to construct additional drainage devices . Such devices shall be per City Engineer ' s approval . Surface drain shall be directed to the street. E. Parking spaces within the project shall be per City of Poway Specifications . F . Where City of Poway Specifications are mentioned, it shall mean to include but is not limited to CALTRANS , Specifications and specifications of the construction of public works . G. Prior to issuance of a building permit , all affected parcels shall be merged according to the requirements of the City Engineer . 11 . The following improvement shall be required subject to the . ` satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services: A. A Fire Department "Rnox Box" key entry system shall be required prior to occupancy . B . The applicant shall meet the sprinkler requirement for full coverage . C. Three fire hydrants shall be required. 12 . Emergency access shall be provided at the southerly ter- minus of the property along Poway Road . Said access shall incorporate grass-crete , pilasters , and bollards . The design, location , and installation of said driveway to the satisfaction of the Directors of Planning , Safety , and Publir_ Services . 11 flF��,� h1AR 4 1986 I T t ivi � Resolution No. P- Page 6 Section 4 : City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Development Review 85-19 sub- ject to the attached Standard Conditions . APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 4th day of March, 1986 . Carl R. Kruse , Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten , City Clerk 12 oF 2 7 n1AR 4 ��_;r _ ,,; � ;�:. �= ������ ,; STANC- RD CONDITIONS OF " PPROVAL Subject: r� �� � � — '- - — - _-- - �.ppllcant:��y Gt7MME{�t! C,6J�7T�_� � ' '-- Location• 1�Z�-o TC f4Z54 P!'�' h�.y FZC� -1Q�- (/�jZ-i� 22) .���t�. Those items eheeked are conditions of approval. CITY OF POWAY I. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE OEPA[iTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SEAVICES REGA[iDZNG COMPLZANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITLONS: A. SITE DEVBLOYt1ENT . �1. Site shall be developed in aecordance vith the approved site plans on file ln the Planninq Services Department and the canditione eontained herein. C�2. Aevised site plans and building elevatians incorporating all conditians aE approval shall be submitted to the Planning Servicee Department pcioz to lssuanee of building permits. �3. AQproval af this request shall no[ vaive compliance with all sectiona oE the Zoning Developmen[ Code and all other appli�able Clty Ordinances in effect at the time oE building Pezmit Lssuanee. Q 4. The develooer shall pravide a minimum of 258 of the lots vith adequate sldeyard area Eor reereation vehiele storage pursuant to City standazda, and the C.C.ca. 's shall prohibit the storage oY recreetianal vehlcles Sn tne zequlred Eront yard eetbe�k. � 5. Mall boxes, on Lote 30,000 square feeG oc less ln eize and in areen vhere sidewalks are required, shall be inscalled and loeated by the developer subject to approval by the PLanninq Servlcea Department. ' �- � 6. The developes shall in[egrate an aporopria[e variecy of ��proved roof matezials and colots inGo the design of the zesidential development !n a manner which is both compa[ible and eomplementary among each oE the residential units. �/]. Trash receptacle � � d�ooments shall be eaclosed by a 6 foot high masonsy wall with view-obstruetinq gates pursuant to City 9tandaxds. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Secvices Department. �. All rooE appuetenances, lneluding air condi[ioners, shall be architecturally integrated, shielded fzom view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services Department. f� 9. Prior to any use of the projeet site or business activity being commeneed thereon, all eonditions oE approval contained heceln shall be completed to Ghe satisfaetion of the Direc[or of Planninq Services. �10. The apolieant shall comply vith the la[est adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform Heehanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electcic Code, Uniform Fire Code, and a11 other applieable eodes and ordinances in effect at the time of bullding permit Lssuance. �11. Priar to the Seauanee o! building permita for combuetible construction, evidenee shall be submitted [o the Dizeetar of Sa£ety Setvicea thut vater supply and facilitles foc fire proteetlon is avallable. whece addi[ional fir� proteetion is - zequlied by the Direetor of Safety Sezvices, it shall be serviceable prior tv the time af construetion. � 12. For a nev residential dvelling unitls) , the applicant shall � pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may inelude, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Cheeking Fees, Sehool Fees (iri aceozdance with City-adopeed policy and/or ordinaneel , water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid: � a. Pcior to final map approval. 1 3 QF Z 9 � b. Prior to building permit Lssuance. �1'�AR 4 �986 �T t IVI �j �3. For a ner commercial or industrial developmen[, oc addltion to an existing development, Ghe appllcant shall pay development fees at the establlshed ra[e. Such fees may tnclude, but no[ be 11mLted Go� Pecmit end PLan Checklnq Fees, wa[er and Sever - Service Fees. These Eees shall be paid: � � a. Prior to final map approval. � b. Pcior to huilding permit Lasuanee. 7�14. Shle appzoval shall become null and void 1f building permits ase not issued for Ghis projeet vithin one year fram [he date a£ pcoject npproval. � �5. Street names shall 6e approved by the Planning Services Oepartment prioc y} aa -- - - - - - to the issuance of building permite. �6. BuildSng idedtiElcation and/oc addresses shall be placed on all nev and exinting buSldings so as to be plainly visible fzom the street or access road; coloc oE identification and/or addresae� ehall eontzast with their baekground colar. B. PAREING AND VEHICOLAR ACCESS . f/ 1. All parking lot landscaping shall consist oE a minimum of one Eifteen (151 gallon size tcee for every three f31 parkinq spaees. For parking lot lslands, a minimum 12 inch vide valk adjaeent to parking stalls shall be provided and be separated Erom vehicular areae by a 6 lnch htqh, 6 Lnch vide portland . conezete eement cuzbing. �2. Parkinq lot lights shall be 1ow pressure sodium and have a maximum height of etgh[een (181 fee[ from the finished grade of [he parking surface and be directed away from all property � lines, adjacent streets and residences. �3. All two-way tzaffic aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet vide and emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and clear, a minimum of 24 feee wide at all timea durinq construction ln accordance vith Safety Services Depaztment requizementn. , �/. All parking spaces shall be double striped. C. LANDSCAPING 1. A detalled landscape and irriqation plan shall be su6mitted to and approved hy the Publie Services Departmen[ and Pianning Services Department prior to the issuance of buildinq permits. �2. A Master PLan of the existing on-site [rees shall be provided to the Planning Serviees Department prior to [he lssuance oE building permits and prior to qrading, to determine which trees shall be retalned. �. Existinq on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be [rimmed and/or topped. Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous trees shall be approved for removal at the discreGion - of the Planninq Services Department during the reviev of the Master Plan of existing on-site trees. Those Grees which are approved Eor removal shall be replaced on a tree-for-Cree basis as required by the Planning Sarvicee Oepertmen[. �. Stzeet trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be lnstalled Ln aecocdance with the City of Poway Ordinance and shall be planted at an average of every 30 feet on interioz streets and 20 feet on exteriar streets. Q 5. A minimum of 50 trees per qross acre, comprised of Ghe folloving sizes, shall be provided within the development; 208 - 24" box or larger, 70! - 15 gallon, and 108 - 5 qallon to the satisfaction oE the Director of Planning Services and in accordance with the approved landscape plan ln a11 multifamily and PRD projects. �' 6. A1�1 landscaped areas shall be maintalned in a healthy and thrlving eondition, free from veeds, tzash, and debris. � 4 cf2� MAP, 4 19"6 i � � ,.� o. sxcas �Any signs proposed for this development sha11 be designed and approved 1n eonfatmanee with the Sign Ordinance. . " � 2. A Comprehenslve Sign Pragram for this development shall be submitted [o the Planninq Services �epartmen[ -for their teview prior to issuance of building permi[s. Approval sha11 be by the City Covneil. � E. AECREATSON � 1. On Lots having a psivate or public equestzian/pedestrian trail on or adjacent to theiz property, the developec is requized to have cantained vithin the C.C.aR. 's the Eolloving 9YaYement: In puzchasing the home, I have iead the C.C.6R.'s and understand that said lot is auhject to an easement for the pucpose of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traFfie. � 2. The developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail eystem in accordaace with the adop�ed sign standards and to � the satisfaction of the Directors of Public and Planning Serviees: � a. Prior to final map approval. ' � b. Prior to building permit issuance. � � J. An open spece easement shall be granted eo the Ci[y over, upon, across nnd under Ghe area deflned on the final maps as an equeetrtan trall and no bullding, structures or oth>r thinqa shall be eonstruceed, erected, placed or malntain ed on eubject easements except for the canstruetion and maintenanee of said trail and s[ructures appuztenant to the trall. Q /. DedieaGe the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian [rails [o " the satisEaetion a£ the Dizectors o£ [he oepartments oE Public and P1anning Serviees in accordance �ith the Master - Plan of Trails Element. � 5. Parkland Oedication or payment of Park Fees at the established rate shall be made: Qa. Prior [o final map approval. � � b. Prioc Go building permit issuance. � P. EXISTING STROCTURES � Q 1. Provide complianee vith the Uniform Building Code for property line clearanees considering use, area and fire—resistiveness of existing buildinqs. � 2. Existing building(sl shall be made to comply with current Euilding and zoning regula[ions for the intended use or the building shell be demolished. �3. Existinq sewaqe disoosal facilities shall be removed, fllled and/oc capped to comply vith appcopcta[e qrading prac[lces and the Unlform Plumbing Code. . C. ADOITIONAL APPROVALS REOUIP.ED � 1. Development Reviev oi Minor Developmen[ RevieW shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a buildlnq permit. � 2. �evelopment Review or Minoz Development Reviev shall be aceampllahed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map. Q 3. Thls CondStional Use Permit is qranted for a period of monthle) a[ the end oE which time Ghe City Council may add or delete condlGSons, or revoke the Conditional Use Permit. � <. The developer shall display a curren[ 2oning and Land Use Map ln the sales offiee at all times, and/oc suiGahle alteinative � J� Of � � [o the satisfaetion of the Diceetoc of Planning Services. • MAR 4 1986 I 1 t �.� 5 � 5. When publlc oc prlvate equestrlan/pedestrian tzails are � requiced ae a part of the eubdlvision, the developer shall dlsplay a map !n the sales office, of sald au6division, Sndlcatinq the tralls. � 6. All aales mapa tfiat are distributed oc made avallable to the public shall lnclude but not be limited to trails, future and existing sehools, packs, and streets. � 7. The developer ahall provide a noise display board in [he sales affiee to the aatisfeaGion of the planning Se[vices Direetor. The dinplay shall lnelude the site plan end nolse study. � 8: Working dravings shall lnclude a certiflcation by a ceeognized acouatieal expect that the requirements af the City of Pouay's noine ordlnance wlll be met. � � 9. At the completlon of eonstructlon, and prioc to occupancy, interior and exterior CNEL ehall be determine� by field teeting at�developer's expenee. Tests to be eonducted by a recvgnlzed acoustical expert. No oecupancy permits shall be gran[ed until Condition G-7 is met to the satlsfaetion of the Building Code flatest ad opted editionl •Sound Tranamission Control.' �0. The appllcant shall �provide verificatlon of S[ate eoacd of Equallzation notifieation and [hat appropriate reviews and/or approvals have been accomplished to the sa U sfac- tlon af the �lrector of Administrative Serviees. II. APPLZCANT SBALL CONTACT ?NE PUBLIC SERVICES DEYAATMEN�L REGARDING CONPLIANCE WZTH THE FOLLOWSNC CDNDITIONS: • H. GAADING . �1. Grading of the subjeet property shall be in accordance vith _ the Unlform Building Code, City Grading Ocdinance, appraved grading plan and geoteehnical report, and accepted grading� praetiees. �2. The grading plan shall eon[ain a� certificate signed by a registered civil engineer that the grading plan has preeerved � a mtnimum of 100 square feet of solar access for each dwelling unit apd far eaeh futuze bullding site vithin the subdivision. �3. A soils repart shall be prepared by a qualified engineec licenaed by the State of California [o perform such vork: � a. Prior to final map approval. � b. Prior to bulldinq permi[ issuance. Q 4. A geological zeport shall be prepared by a qualtEied engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. � 5. The Einal gzading plan shall 6e subject to review and approval by the Planning Services and Public Services Department and shall be completed prior [o i.a°^-'-"- - - ,y��+ ;���-Y--� lssuance of building permit�u�'^�_ ---- —t. Q 6. A pre-blast survey of surrou�dlnq pcoperty shall be conducted to the satisfaetlon oof the City Engineer prior to any rock blaeting. Seismlc cecordings shall be taken for all blas[ing . and 6lastinq shall occur only at locatlons and levels approved � by the Ci[y Engineet. 2. STREETS AND SIDEWAL3C5 Q 1. All Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated and improved to CizculaGion Element road standards and to the specificatione of the Director of Public Sezvicea. 1 6 oF 2 � MAR 4 1986 I i t �.+ 5 Q2. The dev=loper shall pay a pro-cata share for the lnstallation . or mo���Scaelon of the traffic stqnals at . � � a. Prior to ESna1 map approval. _. � b. Prioc to bullding permit lssuance. � ]. Vehlculat aceees righ a to C rculation ��� ORJV�yt/.�.y�'(�y Wtt}i '773� !lKr�PTiON �lemen r-P� oads sh�al�l be E dedieated tv the CS[y of Poway and labeled vn the Final map to the eatiafactlon of the Dizectcr af Public Servieee or by eeparste doeument. � 4. All SnterloL and exterioc pu611c streete shall be conatructed to public atreet etandarda. _ � 5. Sidewalke f4.5 / 81 Eeet in width ehall 6e requlred on (both/onel eide(el of ° �. Recipsvcal aceeee and malnGenanae and/or agreements shall be provided ln�uring acteae to all parcele over pclvate roads. dclvee or parking areaa and maintenance theceof [o tne eatliEaetlon of the Oiseetor of Publie Servleee. � 7. Btreat etrlpSng and elgoing ehall be lnetalled to the • eatlsfaction oE the OSraetor of Public Servicee. � 8. All etreet atrvetucai aectlona shall be aubmltted to, and npproved by the �lreetar oE Publlc Serviees. j�9. Stzeet improvemenG plans prepared on standard slze sheets by a Reqiatered Clvll Enqlneer shall be eubm(tted for approval by [he �Srectoz of Publle Services. Plan eheek and inspectlon ezpeneee ehell be paid by [he developer. �10. All exterSar etreet lmprovements shall 6e constructed prior to lesuanee oE bullding pe�mlts. to the eatlsfaetlon oE the 0lzector oE Public Servlces. � 11. StreeG impcovementn that 1neLude, but ace not llmited [o: ✓ e. Sidewalke e. Crosa guttec � � _�Lb. Orlvevays f. Alley guGter .� c. Wheel ehaiz rampa _g. S[reet pavinq �Ld. Curb and gutter _h. Alley pavinq ehall be eona�tr�vo�d ptlor !o the occupaney of the units to the saliafaction of the Olrector af Pu611e Services. � �12. all damaged oLE-eite pu611c worka faelllties,lneluding parkvay treesr ehall be cepalred or ceplaced prlor to exoneratlon oE bonds and lmprovements. [o the eatisEacelon oE the DeparGnent oE Public Servieee. - �'17. Pcior to eny vock being pecfocmed ln the publlc rlght-of-way, en encroaehment permlt shall be obtalned Erom the Public Services offlce and approprlate fees pald, Ln addiGlon to any other permitg requlred. �ld. The developec ahall pay one half the cost oE a Clty approved landacaped median alonq [he pcoject fron[agelsl : � a. Pr1or to flnel map approval. Crr b. Prlor to building pe�mit lssuance. �5. Slreet improvemente an maintena ehnll be made !n eceordance vlth Clty Ordinanea aten� i�i, a. Urban etreets ?owAy �"C��71 � � b. Sami-rural stzee[e � c. Dedlcated rural streels � d. Non-dedleated rural streets 16. TAe developer shall pay the TcaEfic Mltlgation Fee at the eetabllshed rate� � e. Prior to final mep approval. 1 7 �F Z 7 � b. Prlor to bullding permit issuance. �AR 4 �ggg � T � M C J S. DRAIHAGE ANO PLOOD CONTROL � 1. Interaectioa draLns vill be required at loeatlons specified 6y the OScector of Public Services and in aceordance vith � etandard engineering practices. � � 2. The pcoposed project Ealls vithin areas lndicated aa subject ta EloodSng under the National Flood Insurance Program and ls aubjeet to Ghe provisions of that program and City Ordinance. � 3. A drainage syatem oapable of handling and disposing of all � eusEace water orlginating viGhin the subdivision, and all sueface vatera that may Elow onto the subdivisian fzom adjacent landa, ehall be re9uired. Satd dcainage system shall laclude any eaaemen[s and etructuree aa requLred by the �Srector of Puhllc Servicee to properly handle the drainage. Q /. Poctland eement concre[e czoss gutters shall be Lnetailed vhere water erosees the coadvays. � 5. The Master Plan of Oralnage Fee shall be paid at [he establiehed rate ln accordance with the Drainage Ordinance: � a. Prioz to final map approval. - C� b. Prior to building permit issuanee. �. Concentzated £lova across drlve�ays and/or sldevalks shall not ba permLtted. � R. PfZLZTIE9 „rj ��1. All propoeed ut111tSes within the project shall be installed underqround including existinq utllities alonq CSrculation Element roads and/or hlghvays Less than 34.5 RV. �2. UtllSty easements shall be provided to the specification of [he servinq utillty companLes and the �irector of Public Services. ��3. The developer shall be responslble for the celocation and underqroundinq of exlstinq publlc utSlltles, as cequired. � 4. Water, sewer, antl Fire protection sys[ems plans shall be designed and constzuc[ed [o meet requtrements o£ Che CiGy of Paway and [he Health �epartment o£ the County of San Diego. �5. Prior to acceptance oE property for sever service, annexation ta the sewer impzovement area shall- occur. �6. The appllcant sha11 pay for a water system analysis to establish the proper sice and location foc the puClic water system. The amount vill be determined by the cost of the analysls and shall be paid: Qa. Prior to final map approval. � b. Prior to buildinq permit issuance. �. The applicant shall, vithln 30 days aEter receiving appcoval o£ the tentative Gract map, tentative parcel map, use permit, ok development review, aoply Eor a Letter of Availability (LOA) to rane[ve seweraqe availability end post vi[h the CS[y, a noncefundable reserva[ion fee equal to 20! of the aporopriate seweraqe com:=_ction fee in effect at the time the LOA is Lsaued. � �eveloper shall construct a light system conforming to Ci[y of Poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject to the follovinq: a. Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which vi11 pcovide [rue 90 degree cutoff and prevent projec[ion of Light above [he horizontal from the lowest point oE the lamp or 11ght emittinq refractor or device. b. All Eixtures shall use a clear, lov pressure sodium vaoor Llqht source. '. a oF 27 P�AR a t�a6 i � t ;�� -, e. Advanee enerqy chacges and Ols[rict englneering charges eha11 be paid by [he developer. _ d. Annexatlon to the lighting district ehall be aceompllshed � and evidence of annexation and payment of lighGing fees shall be preeented [o Ghe City pcior Go final map npproval or building permi[ insuance. �hichever ocevrs . fizst. Q 9. Cable televisian services shall be provided and installed . underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when tzenchinq for utilities is to be accomplished. , L. CENEAAL REpUTAEMENTS AHD APPROVALS Q 1. Permita Erom other aqencies vill be required as follows: a. Caltrans b. San oiego County Flood Contzol oistrict c. Other: �2. A copy of the Ccvenants, Ccnditions and Restrietions (CC6R's) and/or Artieles oE Incorporation of the "araa+��--c��-'-"-nG.��"(��'� shall be subjeet to ehe review for eomplianee vith conditions herein, to the satlsfaetion ot the City Aetocney and Oireetac of Planning Services, and shall be flled vith the Secretary of State, the County Recarder and the Clty Clerk at..ih�►wn�ef iL■��=o�� •Pfs4,t7fL-'TO OCLl1?A4LC.y . � 3. Prioz to recocdatton, a Notice of Intention to form Landscape and/oc Lighting Distriets shall be filed With the City Couneil. The engineering costs involved in distzict formaeion shall be borne by the developer. Q 4. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and procedures. � 5. By separate document prior Go the zeeording of the final subdivision map, ar on the final subdivision map, thece shall be granted to the City. an open space easement over Lota , eommon areaa Said open spaee � easement shall be appcoved as to torm by the City Attorney and shall limit the use oE said open space to cecseational purposea, including buildings, structures and improvemenes. � 6. Should thls subdivieon be Eurther dlvided, each Einal map shell be submltted for approval by the Direetor af Public Serviees. � � 7. All provisions of the Subdivison Ordinance of the Poway Munlcipal Code shall be met as they relate to the . division of Land. Q8. Those portlons of [he subject pzoperty proposed to be held under common ovnership shall be labeled such and ldentified by a separate lo[ number on [he final map. Q 9. Prior [o Einal map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by quaranteeinq installation vithin two yeazs from map recordation oc prior to building permit issuance, vhiehever occurs first, by the execution of a oerfozmance aqreement, secured with suffieient securities, in a form aoproved by the city , Attorney. All neeessary processing fees, deposits, and eharqes shall be paid prior to Einal map approval. Q 10. Prior to final map aporoval, all dedications shall be ._. made and easements granted as required above. � � 11. The tentative map approval shall expire on unless an applieation for time extension is received 4(j days prior to exoiration in aeeordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinanee. 19 oF Z 7 MAR 4 1986 < < _ ,:� 5 . — — . .......�.:.�...�,..�..7:•.�..;�y.y. ��.. . .....::. , .... i� �: � s a •�.� • 4�:� r r ri� . ���� :>'• � �:a!� a:<:. . • ♦ ►� MJ'°s��.::�w-,�. �y � ..... -�� . � � ! �'..* i ► R 1:.:�'+ 1� .• ♦ • l... � • '. ';<�'. � I^��°• i..C�'d• 1 �' . � �� � _ ... � ;i. 1,ii�. � <l=i.e4��GtI;�>;i' :' :� i...�,,..�. . . . . - � �!•i!1 •..� RNGi�s�► . .._ ... _... - .. �::i.�...�.,*.u! • MniliCy^1'„�•♦ � -� i. ♦•. !i ��.� � � • • ry d/�/ i„a� iw1 1�>.1 ��i�N r �.��;"')"i �.: • •'i � ' • • • ♦ `�7<`� • � s : .� . �. . . . • • j_.� .: • •.! • • • • `� �� a �.�� �. _. _.� . ;. 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W�ww�Y Y.Y y �� � _� eutcua � � i � � n � MORn1EtEY. CITY OF POWAY ITEM : D� �_�� ��n TITLE :��via�� '�'A.5 � + SCALE : ��� ATTACHMENT : �-�3 _ : ..- .-, h1AR 4 �986 ITEM 5 _ ��. � ��� (�,..,.�.�,. -- � � r--�... v-�'_ -_-_ r' '�_��--?���i=->�'��� = -�==y=�=�- ��-_ _ _ � � r — — — — ef -- — — — — — , I I � f ...a+ , � �'; ��v _. . _ . I '��'. I �-� � � I— .- � i 4 '-.,� � _ _ � . . . . .r��n.�.�w� I ' .... aw�w�.i��J . NGRTH QrY. rr r...� n��/�� ' r_._..�._.__.: '. ,a::� — x��-� _— -.:...:._:_.=r—�-�:—_ - x -- -- I = 1 - 1 � - - ' _- --- � . L._�..._ _ _ ,.____1 - S��,,. �� . ��� - ____--- -- = , - ----- (�/I � I � 0����0 1 I r•��•��• � ' EAST ELEV. . . w�w�w rYI�T� ��/�IY � ' . . . . . L �_F�"i s�'='_- \ -� C___�� . '_as: '�3s^_� � � � '-�?T. -,r3a � . �i �.� .. _.. _�-__. �� ' 1 WEST ELEV. W�1��M CITY OF POWAY ITEM : Aa- $s-i4 ��� �.��ct�5 oF TITLE : r.��i�p�►.l� " B•• �� SCALE : NOI.1�. ATTACHMENT : s'� Y �� _ - tr1AR 4 1986 I T E N� � . ; - � � � I - I i ; ; , � � I � � � ; ; i - . I � � , ' I � i I "� ' � � ' ; � I � � p ' � � � � ; i i r� � � , �.. �. . i , , � � ; � � ; ; � Lu ' , , � � � � , , � , , �, �� � E i �� � � , , �, i � � . , � � `�:� . � � i .- � � �.� , h � ! ,f I \� \`�,� \ \�(� BL00 'A' PIAN \ ....� u CITY OF POWAY ITEM : a� �= �R �� �� T I T L E : Q�� °F �� vA� SCALE : N� ATTACHMENT : G �� Z4C`•�l h1AR 4 1986 I T E M � ��� __ _ � I I � I i i � ' � � . . . . � - - - - - - - � . � - � - - -�} - � -�� �- - � �� _� �� � � _. � I � � � --- � --- I � • � � � � , . __ . _. . _ ,- �' �-��,� -_ �.:� - ��oo ro•nuN � CITY OF POWAY ITEM : �iZ �5-��/ Pf�F�sE P Fc.G�lz TITLE : �'� � &'� � ��� SCALE : Nd�F ATTACHMENT : �� � 5oF � 7 MAR 4 1986 I T E N� � . ,y:`�:,� -,; �� . �'r�?''�; _ _ sr -� �x uu u :.: �- . .�,�_ . Q�D �Q �t . — '^ ' ��1� �� ��I �� �.�y�ILSI �iiil �l ii ii� i I� �� •�_L :uG�—� `17. - '�H. u� wLW� �S dYi.4��a[Y..� I-+��w.i��re�_� �ye��ai�� _ _—J�A Is.nw� — _ !!!T i110NT[L[Y�TION ..wiq�pa�a . ,iXef(/�iLdlf[/q�,�/p 7y � if�. - �[� ��r �.���.. � �. �� . I I� �U �_���� � / 1II i.� u.� • �� I i ������!�!��� �� ..:� I � . fOViM 1110x1 fLlY1T101� ��'� M Jl . �7 l2 �3/ ��yr GL:1 ��� ' _-- '�-�rn.. �/ L: _ _ —___ . sr1,zIiIf1I p . CC❑ . —1'1'�''C.r<e. ___ ___ —_ .1 I '- _..� � i�:L;2a• _J!�uwYl M!t}i�OMt Cl[YITIaN ' CITY OF POWAY ITEM : p� SS -r�_ SC.�-�+�-�� T I T L E : ��'�^ - �r�2 SCALE : ���- ATTACHMENT : � � � . � „� _? MAR 4 '986 I T E M � _�,__ � - � ��-`a, __yi'E�`� p„'giq�'-s _ _ � e�� __�___ ..�+ - .�s..i1C� , y: , •�� •: ' �i='z'�� - a.«:.:�w4a - - �+�.�rrs-=a _ .�t� �:''�- tt _ . . . 1 -- -------_-^ . . ' �� �,�� .��. . Y . 1 . . - - � 't� ��i •�_�7.. . ..��� - .� �;ili, � t� I � I �• � �1� I� '��t � �� . �� . I1� �. �-'•...� � �l ., �:1+ .�:.P . '- . . c� �1►aYr � -1.�a:.y ',q...�t...:l�. �N _ - a 's. � � � �- n . - - � � �. � .. ,-_ � --:�a�r� � � _ - •� ,� �,.- - :�`"�`- .:', {__•�,�.,.r,�,1=_� . �- --r= � _ . -��s..-.J .s �.-:.za_ ��,jtr'a�.'. .. .� .'�+. ` .�i _ �k✓' �����-�:'"y � .,y�wii- r�: •�� �, ��'�. .•` -, •_�iCalic - - - �- . � �` - , • / • 1 •- C I ' - . +` �� _ 1 • � • � - ��� UfS �'� Resolution No. P- - Page 4 9 . Sewer A. The developer shall investigate the feasibility of a sewer main extension from Garden Road northerly to the site or from an existing line east of Poway road across the second driveway to the north. B. Minimum size of a sewer main shall be eight inches . Fixtures appurtenant to the sewer main installation shall be per City of Poway Specifications and/or San Diego Regional Standards . C. Should the sewer main encroach on another private pro- perty, developers and/or owners shall acquire an ease- ment ( 20 feet wide minimum) to be granted to the City of Poway. All costs shall be borne by the developers and/or owners . D. Improvement plans for the construction of the sewer main shall be submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. General A. All utility boxes within the area, where new sidewalk will be installed, shall be reset to be flush with the finish grade or relocated behind the sidewalk within the street right-of-way. It shall be the respon- sibility of the developers and/or owner to coordinate with utility companies for comments and/or approval . There shall be no cost or liability to the City as a result of resetting or relocation of these utility boxes. B. A reciprocal access agreement shall be executed between the owner of this project with the adjoining owner to the north for consolidation into one common driveway. Dsiveway width shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer . The reciprocal access agreement shall be reviewed by the City prior to recordation at the County Recorder. Recordation shall be done prior to issuance of a building permit. C. If a reciprocal access agreement is not acceptable to the northerly adjoining owner , the developers and/or owners shall reserve an access easement within the northerly 54 feet of the property. Said easement reservation shall be recorded prior to building permit - issuance. MAR 4 1986 I T E M 5