Item 10 - Appointment to Citizen Advisory Committee for Solid Waste Management Plan Review ' AGENDA REPORT ��� w9r - CITY OF POWAY �\ Thia raport is Sncluded an Ne (bneaM Calendar. TAere vill De no sepazate dincussion of the � �i zeport priar to aQproval by tha CSty Couneil enlesa members of the Couneil, etaff or puClie F'c ' '� �:� s�queet it to 6e removed from the Canaani Glmdaz and discuased sepazately. 2f you vish to � M TME �� have ehis zeport pulled for discussion. pleasa fill wt a slip SndicatimJ the report numbez and give it to tha Clty Clezk prios to the beqinninq of tha City Council meetinq. TO: Honorable Mayor and Mer.ibers of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana� INITIATED BY: Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services t;_:� - � , DATE: March 4, 1986 SUBJECT: Appointment to Citizen Advisorv Committee for Solid Waste Manaqement Plan Review BACXGROUND: The current County So1id Waste Management P1an (CUSWMP) was approved by the California Waste Management Board (CWMB) on November 18, 1982, following approval by all 16 cities and the Board of Supervisors. State law requires that the County' s Solid Waste Management Plan be reviewed and revised at least every three years to be consistent with state policy. To assist the County in the preparation of the plan - revision, the Board of Supervisors authorized the Department of Public Works to establish a Technical Advisory Committee and Citizens Advisory Committee who will participate in the revision process. FINDINGS: The County Department of Public Works is requesting that each city appoint a citizen to serve on the committee. In 1982 , when the current plan was approved, Poway did not appoint a citizen to the advisory committee. A citizen appointee is important for cities that have solid waste sites within their jurisdictions, or a city ' like San Marcos which is proposing a SANDER project. The County Department of Public Works has advised the City that the citizen appointee can be a Ci*_y staff inember who is familiar with the Solid Waste Management Plan. According to the County, the Citizen Advisory Committee will begin meeting in February, 1986 . The County estimates approximately six meetings of the committee during the 1986 calendar year. If the City should appoint a citizen, attendance at the meetings is not _ ACTION: 1 o f z MAR 1 1986 I T E NI i ;j Citizen Advisory Committee Solid 6^7aste Manaqement Page 2 March 4 , 1986 mandatory. However, the person will be expected to review the draft revisions and make comments if necessary. Rr.C 0,"4MENDAT I ON: It is recommended that the Mayor and City Council appoint Jeffrey C. Parker, Administrative Analyst in the Public Services Department, to the Citizen Advisory Committee for the review of the County ' s Solid �Aaste tdanagement Plan. JLB:ADA: lg 2 of z �"�?,4R 4 1986 I T E M 10