Item 14 - Mid-Year Budget Adjustments FY 85-86 - ' AGENDA REPORT �`t� W9r � CITY OF POWAY ` This ceport is included on Che Consent Calendaz. There will he no separate discussion of [4e r y ' repozt ornor co acproval Sy [he City Council unless memners of [Se Cour.cil, staf.` or public �'F �..,.�„ ,a „�� zequest it .o �e r_roved :mm !.".e Consent Calendar and discussed se?azatel7. If you �wlsh m C� �N Tt+E CO"� have t4i5 :eport ouiied `or discussion, please Ei11 out a slio indiwcing the report number and give iC to the City Clerk prior [o che beginniaq of [he Ci[y Council neeting. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To: Honorable Mayor and Manbers ot the City Council -� �,\ �� Fran: James L. Bv.�ersox, City Manag� J Initiated By: Kay D. Jimno, Director of Ac�iinistrative Services = ' Greg Hill, Finance Manager � Date: March 4, 1986 Subject: Mid-Year Budaet PdiusUnents - Fiscal Year 1985-1986 P,BSTRPL..'T To provide for mid-year budget adjustments, it is necessary to authorize certain additional appropriations. BP�KGRCUPID Water purchases and related expenditures for piutping power exceeded the budget estimate by $234,009. This additional P�cp�nditure will be offset by increased reves,ue from water sales. Poway has been fortunate riot to e�erience the sa[ne rate of increase in insurance costs that have hit many local governments. we have determined; however, that an additional $161,620 will be required in this year's budget to fund general liability and other insurance programs. The two adjustrnents described above comprise the follaaing proportions of the total mid-year adjus�nent: � Adjustrent 8 of Total Adjustment Water Purchases and Related Paver 53.0 Insurance 36.6 Total 89.6 Other additional appropriations aze detailed on the attached resolution. ACTION: IMAR 4 198& I T E M 14 1 of 4 __ Agenda Report �d-Year Budget Pr3justmPSts Fiscal Year 1985-1986 FIAIDINGS Pdditional appropriations aze needed fran the following funding sources: General Fund $201,420 Water Fund 234,009 Capital Replacs�nt F�uid 5,710 Total $441,139 REC�IDATION It is recacmended that the City Council adopc the attached resolution approving mid-year budget amendments for fiscal year 1995-1986. JLB:EmJ:jt Attachment: 1) Resolution Approving Mid-Year Budget Aire.ndcrents MAR 4 '986 I T E M 1--; 2 of 4 _ RESOLIJTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'PFIk: CITY OF PCWAYr CALIFORNIA� APPRGVING THE MID-YEAR BUCGET AN�IDMEN'PS FOR FISC.�.L YF.AR 1985-1986 S�HEREAS, a mid-year review of the 1985-1986 budget has determined the need to authorize additional appropriations to certain fund activities, and NGW, THERFJF'ORE, the City Council of the City of Poway dces hereby resolve and order as follows: Section 1: The PoLlowing appropriations aze authorized to be made fran t1�e unappropriated £und balance of the General Fund: a) $2,000 to account 101-281 for personnel recruitment b) $16,800 to account 106-215 for purchase of telephone equiLxnent for City Hall c) $161,620 to account 107-522 for insurance expense d) $b,000 to account 300-331 for provision of roof repairs for the planning building e) $15,000 to account 300-332 for modification of the air conditioning systan in the Planning building Section 2: The following appropriations are authorized to be made frcm the retained earnings account of the Water Fund: a) $198,805 to account 404-214 for water purchases b) $17,432 to account 404-240 For pu�ing power plant c) $232 to account 404-243 for pu�ing pwrer, ID 1 d) $3,369 to account 404-245 for pu�ing paaer, ID 4 e) $327 to account 404-249 for pu�Qing pcwer, Convair f) $13,844 to account 404-252 for puc�ing power, Ca[rnl Back Section 3: The following appropriations are authorized to be made fran the unappropriated £und balance of the Capital R�lacarent FUnd: a) $2,310 to account 108-621 for vehicle purchase b) $3,400 to account 409-fi51 for replac�nent of stolen shop tools. tlote: Insurance recovery on this loss was $3,500. 3 of 4 MAR4 1986 ITEM 14 Resolution No. 86- Page 2 PASSID, ADOPTID AND APPROVID, by the City Council of the City of Pcway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 4th day of March, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATPFST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk u of 4 MAR 4 1986 I T E M 14