1986 12-02 Agenda , � .. �. . . -<_—� CP1R C� P(�IAY QTY CQ7NCIL AC�ESIDA I�7GOLAR 1�T1"IIQG - DmCES��ER 2, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. CSTY CGONCII, (� - 13325 CIVIC CINPER DRIVE MEETING ci+r.r.Fn Tp ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING OONAffSSIOfI/PEDEEVELppMENT AGIIJCy 1. ROLL CALL - FMERY, K1t�JSE, ORA�7F7C, SHEPARDS�1, TARZY 2. PI,IDGE OF AIS,DGIANCE - DEpU'iy MAYOR FMERY 3. *NOVIIVIDER 4, 1986 GEI�ERAL MONICIPAL II�7C'PION A. City Clerk's Certifi tion of Election Results B. Resolution No. 86-� - Declaring Results C. Ar3ninistPSing �th of Office to Linda Brannon, Don Higginson and Carl ICxuse D. Seating of New Caincilmanbers 4. PUBISC ORAL CQ+'MUNICATIONS � CALII�IAR - �It� TO POBLIC ITFMS NUMBERED 7 THI2p[JGH 14 MAY BE FNACPID IN � MO`i'SON AT THIS PpINT IN 'PHE MEETING. 2HERE WILL BE Np SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF TFIFSE ITESIS PRIOR TO THE TIME CO[JPICIL VOTFB ON THE NY�PION UPII,ESS THE N�IDERS OF CpUD7CIL, STAFF, OR THE pUBI,IC RDQUFST SPDCIFIC ITFMS TO BE RIIKpVID ADID DISCUSSID SEPARATELY. TH06E ITEhIS [�hiICH ARE RII�IOVED WILL BE CONSIDERID IN THE ORDER IN LdiICH TFIH,'Y APPEAR ON THE PGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO AILL AN ITFfi4, PLF,ASE FIIS, OUT A SLIP APID GIVE TO Tf� QTY CLERK. C�Il�A7ID PfJBLIC HEARII� 5. *Ordinance No. 203 - Second Reading "An Ordinance of the City of poway, California, AmPnding Section 1.08.010 of the Rxaay Municipal Code to Increase the Maximtinn Fine Assessable for Misdsm�nor Violation and to Authorize the Issuance of Citations for Violation of the Poc�ray Municipal Code If Council desires to adopt ordinance, read title and waive further resding (unanimous vote) . Clase public hearing arul adopt. (Roll call vote.) STAFF REPOIi15 6. *Donation to Paaay High School IInerald Brigade iNarching Band for Fiesta Baal ccmpetition. CITY N�.NAGER'S RECCt�P'�]DATION: Authorize donation of $1,500 (�II`71.' CAIFI�IDAR 7. *Ratification of Warrant Register - Nwanber 20, 1986 8. *Denial of claim against the City: Lisa Anderson *�iZBIT INCI�OSED D� RFSOIATIIX9 N0. IS 86-130 #�IIBIT IN PREPP.RATION I�}�IP ORDINANCE N0. IS 204 1� PLAI9NNING RFS. N0. IS P-86-84 NEXT REDEVEIAPMENT RES. N0. IS R-86-21 CITY OF P(�111Y CITY CWDICIL A�S7DA DecanUer 2, 1986 Page 2 9. *Approval of annual review of Conditional Use Pennit 82-10, Paaay Country Preschool, Mary Tamayo, applicant; 14411 Norwalk Lane. 10.*Resolution No. 86- - Apprwing application for grant funds for Poway Ca�munity Park WPSt Development Projects. ll.*Award of Bid for Banking Services 12.*Approval of change in long-term disability insurance carrier. 13.*Resolution No. P-86- - P.�rwal of Develognent Review 86-19, R.B. McCanic, Inc., applicant: construction of seven single family homes at the northeast corner of Espola and Iake Paaay Roads. 14.*Clarification of side„*alk requiranent on 7.Win Peaks at Tierra Bonita - Country Creek. CITY � I'�S 15. CITY ATIC�SIEY ITII�1S 16. CI7."1 CQRJCII, I7�MS 17. I.INDA BRAIaION 18. ROBERT FS'lERY 19. DON HIGGINSON 20. CARL KRUSE 21. BRUCE TI�RZY - concurrence for pre�levelopmest conference - John-ROSs Partners for two restaurants at 12400 Poway Road. AQTW133�� - to reception in lobby