Item 18 - Increasing Level of Street Sweeping City Wide aGENDA REPORT -- CITY OF POWAY . city '!, ~: ~r 16, 1986 ~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ~1 of S~t ~p~9 City Wi~ ABstRACT As part of the City-wide cleanup pro?r, a~, staff is recom~_nding that the City Council allocate $10,581 to begin w~k3.y street sweeping in the c~m~rcial areas, and start bi-weekly street sweeping Ln the residential areas frcea May through On September 16, 1986 the City Council authQrized the impl~,=ntation of a City-wide cleanup program. Part of the program included increasing the street sweeping in the ccm~_rcial areas frc~ bi-weekly to weekly, and in the residential areas from monthly to twice monthly, May through October of each year. F]/qDINGS Proposals have been received frc~ our street sweeping contractor to.incr~a.~e the sweeping in the cc~Tercial and residential ar~_~. Weekly street sweeping in cc~rercial areas frc~ Jan,,~y to JuD~ will cost an ~tional $4,301 in FY86-87. Twice monthly street s%~eping in the residential areas frcm May through October, ~rill cost an additional $ 3140 per month, l~sidential areas would be swept twice monthly in May and October of FY 86-87. ~TION It is recommended that the City Council authorize an appropriation of $10,581 from the Street Development Unappropriated Fund Balance, to the Street F~4ntenance Object Account (21-403-358) to increase the level of street sweeping in the ~ mercial and residential areas of the city. A_CTION: