Item 9 - Approval of Minutes d��� ���,� t. � �,� � a�s: � . _ . ,�. csr�c � �s, � rmu� c� � crr�r c�u. �marz�x r�rn�c D�C.H�.R 9, 1986 The Decanbes 9, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of pcHray was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Tarzy at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic C�ter Drive, Po+�ay, California. 0� At�RII1G %�d, C1�,id. Linda Brannon, Bob F]nPSy, Don Higginson, Carl Kruse, Bruce Tarzy S'II9FF N�S+IDE[LS Pt� James Bowersox City Manager Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Steve Eckis City Attorney John Fitch Assistant City Manager Patrick Foley Assistant to the City Manager Susan Pulone Director of Ac�ninistrative Services Lee Lewis Director of Ca[mLmity Services Alan Archibald Director of Public Services Bill Toon Director of Safety Services gdaa Douw Director of Planning Servic�s Jahn Bridges Assistant Director of Planning Services Jay IaSUer Sheriff's Captain Su�anne Oliva D�uty City Clerk Pi� CS� Ai�.FJGIANCE Deputy Mayor Flnery led the Pl�ige of Allegiance. PROCCAFP�TICN Mayor Tarzy re3d and prase�ted to Mary Beyer, President of Rxray Wa�n's Club, a groclamation declaring Decanber 14-20, 1986, "Christznas Basket Project Week." Ft]BLIC CgtAL CCM+YJDIICATIQZS Mayor Tarzy explained the proc�lure for Public Oral Camwnicatians. There Wras m one present wishing to spealc. ITFMS 8-13 CONSF.�Tr CALE�]DAR Mation by Councilmanber Kruse, seconde3 by Councilmanber Higginson, to adopt the Cansent Calendar as follows: oEC z 3 �gas ITEM 9 2390 V���1�� {y7 -�-� .. aG � � Y Y "EI/ a � ,� A /�I��� Ft��i�j , I .:�\��F P A:!'4.1. �` .� f�Z1 �:.� C`li..i Ii L'�i�i�•"W� ev LW1:i✓' Page 2 - CZTY OF POFTAY - Decanber 9, 1986 8. Approval of Minutes - City Council October 30, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting NovanbPS 6, 1986, Adjourne3 Regular Meeting Novanber 12, 1986, Regu]ar Meeting 10. Ratification of Warrant Re�isters - Novanber 21, 25, and 26, 1986. 11. Adoption of Resolution No, 86-132 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Cwncil of the City of Poway, California, Ordering the Stmtnary Vacation of Lot D and all Abutters Rights of Access Appurtenant to Lot D in and to Da�art Drive, all as Dedicated by Belvedere Estates, Unit No. 1." 12. Denial of claim against the city: Joseph H. Arena 13. Authorization to contract with Lincroln National Insurance Canpany far medi- cal, dental, and life insurance benefits per the anployee health plan can- mittee recaanendation. Motion carried luu�nimously. ITFS1 5 TENTATIVE TRAC.'T I�41P 86-OS VARIANCE 86-04 APPISCANP: II�IIL NAG7�ER Introduction by City Manager BowPSSOx. This itan was mntinue3 fran Nwanber 12, 1986 to allaw presentation of alternative designs. Mayor Tarzy stated he c�s not present at the Nwanber 12th cneeting but has listene3 to the tape and is pregsred to discuss and wte rn this itan. He indi- cate3 both Counci]manber Brannon and CouncilmsnbPS Higginson were pres�t in the audience at the Nwenber 12th hearing and they are also prepared to vote. Staff report by Director of P]anning Services Touw. The request is to subdivide 3.3 acras, consisting of 16 single family lots locate3 630 feet north of Hilleary Drive on the east side of Camiunity Road. The Variance request is to reduce the required lot depth by 7 feet on Iats 1 through 6 and 11 through 16; a reduction of 20 feet on Lots 7 and 10, and five feet on Lots 8 and 9. She prr sented six proposed altesnative designs. Based on analysis of thase designs, staff feels the original subdivision provides the m�st regular lot con- figuration. Staff recacmendation is approval subject to conditions and to issue a Negative De�laration. Spealcing in favar of staff recarmendation: Don Ayles, ERB Eaigineering, 13260 Paaay Ra3d DEC � 3 �g86 ITEM. g 2391 '�% °uY' +:A� • � �� � •1 + I�.'� !'J� (,� ,���5�.'. ��'•� L`�rJ' `}' . . h S ]1 Sr tpc}�4f✓L'�y c �% Yo✓�:% Page 3 - CITY OF PONTP.Y - Decanber 9, 1986 Twv slips were sutmitted in favor but did not speak. Council requested a condition that would r�uire t1�e wooden fence to be main- tained by the property aaners. Motion by Ca�nciLnanber Kruse, seconded by Councilmenber Brannon to close the public ha3ring and adopt 12ESOlution No. P-86-85, entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Povray, California, Approving T�tative Tract Map 86-05 and Variance 86-04 Assessor's Parcel Ntm�ber 317-111-16," amended to include the placing of a covenant on the face of the msp requiring m3intenance of the fence to be the responsibility of the property wmers to the satisfaction of the Departrnent of Planning Services. Motion carried 4-1 with Councilmenber Dnery wting "no." Mayor Tarzy suggested staff look at other small, subdividable g3rcels in the City to detennine if there is a logical subdivisian and if the current land use designation is proper. ITFM 6 1986 REUISI�I OF THE SAN DIDGO REGIONAL - SOISD V�1STE P'II�I�V7.' PIAN Mayor Tarzy opene3 the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Baaersox. State law requires that the County's Solid Waste Managana.nt Plan be review�l and/or revised at least every three ya3rs to be consistent with state policy. In addition, the Solid Waste Managanent P]an revision must be approved by the Board of Supervisors and a majarity of the incorporated cities in the region. Staff recannends approval of the resolution a�roving the 1986 revision to the San Diego Regional Solid Waste Managanent Plan. There c,as no one pr�;ent wishing to speak. Council requested alternative means of solid vraste disposal be looksi into and offered their support in e.x��esimental efforts to alleviate canyons having to be filled in. Motion by CouncilmanbPS Flmsy, seconded by Counci]manbas Eiigginson to adopt Resolution No. 86-133 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of pv,aay, California, Apprwing the 1986 Revision to the San Diego Regional Solid Waste Managanent Plan." Nbtion carried unanimously. DE� z 3 tge6 ITEM � 2392 � �� ��� v�'�J r' ����r�°�"�°! � � Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY - DecenbPS 9, 1986 ITF2S 7 �2DIIVl1NCE N0. 204 - FIRST READING TITLE 17 (ZONIIdG) MAS(J�7RY WALIB APID �IAL L�IGFiTING Mayor Tarzy opened the public hearing and resd the title of Ordinance No. 204, "An Ordinance of the City of Pocsay, California, Amending Certain Sections of Title 17 (Zoning Developnent Co3e) of the Pavay Municipal Code." Staff report by City Mar�ager Bvaersox. Council recently directed staff to amend the Zoning Develognent Code in order to provide a definition for the term "m�sonry wall" as it is used in the Zoning Develognent Code. Also, the Planning Sesvices D�arhnent rena�mends an amenchmst to the Code requiranent for caimer- cial lighting, in the process of reviewing carmercial develo�nent plans, it has becane evident that the existing regulations may not be appropriate or workable for large p3rcels. Allaaing taller light standards will reduce the nwnber require3. There �s no one present wishing to spealc. Niotion by CouncilmenbPS IInery seconded by Counci]manber Kruse, to waive further reading and continue the public hearing to Decenber 16, 1986, far second r�ding of Ordinance No. 204 and issue a Negative Declaration. Motion carried unani- mously. CITY �R ITII�1S 14. City Manager Baaersox presented an off�]ocket itan requesting a "No-Passing Zone" on Martincoit Road fran Stone Canyon Road to Orchard Gate Road be established. Motion by Councilmanber Fhiesy, seconde3 by Councilmanber Kruse to adopt Resolution No. 86-134 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Paaay, California, Establishing a "No Passing Zme" on Martincoit Iaoad Between Stone Canyon R�d and Orchard Gate Road." Motion carrie3 una- nim�usly. QTY CWNCIIrINITIATID PPII�IS 16. Councilmanber Brannon asked about the feasibility of having left turn arrows added to the signal at Crnm�ity and 'ltain Pa31cs Roads. Director of Public Services Archibald indicated it will be done as part of the Capital Improvanent Project widening 7.tain Pe31cs Ra3d. aEC z 3 19�6 ITEM 9 2393 f�, If;�b�}11 �A�:� "4 r` -•"� �'i.* `c "Y�°T�,, K � ip r, �:, "lt�' ' t� � � .:� �'�F�,k3' � i? "r. , � �=:, , 4-'t. f, _ Page 5 - CITY OF POFIIIY - 1�canber 9, 1986 17. Councilcnembes F�reiY requested Council concurrence in directing staff to resa3rch the possibility of limiting the sale of alcoholic beverages at gasoline/miniinarts as well as "single serving" liquor samples at checkout stands. Other cities in California are exploring measures to curtail this practice. Council support�l Cwncilmanber Diw_ry's request and requested a workshop session on January 29, 1987 to discuss sales of alcoholic beverages at gas stations. Staff will investigate ardinances in effect in other cities and the status of lawsuits. 19. Cainci�s Kruse discussed traffic problans during the morning and after- noon hours at PoFray High School with the left turn onto Titan Way fran Espola Ra3d. He requested Council concurrence for a patrolm3n to direct traffic during those hours until that intersection is improved. Cwncil requested a staff report on the problan to determine if there is an unnediate solution. 20. A. Mayor Tarzy requested and received Council concurrence for the follchri.ng appointments to the Parks and Recreation Camuttee: 1) Counciltnanber Brannon appointe3 Hank Acquarelli; 2) Councilmanber Higginson re-appointed Jce Coxsey; and 3) Counci]manbPS Kruse re- appointsi Dmnne Fsickson. B, Mayor Tarzy appointed Councilinanber Brannon to sesve rn the R�ray/Santee Sphere of Influence Sub�annittee. C. Mayor Tarzy discussed a City youth cannission that �,ould coordinate youth activities within the City. Councilmanber Brannon stated a group of citizens are working to form a networking group for local youth organi�ations within the grivate sec- tor. She suggasted offering the City's assistance and �couragsnent to get than started rather than malcing it a City reorganization. Chuck McIntyre, 13553 Pequot Drive, state3 the first meeting of the netwnrking group is scheduled for January 12, 1987 at 7:00 p.m, at Pamsado School. Council re�uested a staff manber attend that meeting. Caincil re�uested the coordination of youth group activities and appropriate city representation and assistance be discussed at the January 8, 1987 workshop. �JEC � 3 1986 ITEIV� � 2394 �,� ,:t a�;''�� �,,�f -Ja ��.;;.� ��4 ��:� +�:G� .� Jd • .i ,5� ` � �� c ii � ._ ..v �"� :1.�4._:r'' V ,aa.J� Page 6 - CITY OF PCJWHY - DecanbPS 9, 1986 AD�7CAIa�Y��NP Upon motion by Councih�r F2ne�.y, seconded by Councilmanber Rruse, Mayor Tarzy ordered the meeting adjourned to Thursday, Decanber 11, 1986 at 4:00 p.m. The tune of adjournment was 8:05 p,m. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Pcxaay cEC2319&6 ITEM y 2395 ' —, "� 'n .�]32,.5 � 2{� , U,' �a' � � :� � �^� ':.rT �f...q �.�T.. , J..e +`�y /"c s .i . : < . :..IA'..:.:if �r .u,J�.'r'1 ����y�� /�y� �1li/el}�l )lA/'y�C�Ny��[{1�1/T\T1�'l/4yY�Cl�4�l�.Lf}f��y���p ��{�y� _•.. !•3Ylw/L^�� V1 1��• V111 lAA/�Rw• •• !lWW1Y�/ 1\C11]ll1iYl 1•1GC�11YR� DHCE�IDER 11, 1986 The DecanbPS 11, 1986, �ting of the City Council of the City of Po�ay, adjourned fran the Decenber 9, 1986, regular meeting, was called to arder at 4:07 p.m. by Mayor Tarzy at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic C�tPS Drive, PeHray, California. OOUL�IC.II�'� Pt�TP AT RO!IS, C1�I.L Linda Brannon, Bob EYnery, Don Higginson, Carl Kruse, Bruce Tarzy STAE�' NII�'JBF.RS P� James Baaerswc City Manager Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Steve Eckis City Attorney John Fitch Assistant City Manager Patrick Foley Assistant to the City P7�nages Lee Lewis Directar of Cacmunity Services Jd�n Bridges Assistant Director of Planning Services ITEM 2 PRE-DE�/EI,OP[�1T CONFf:RII�E � APPLICANP: JOI�1-F�6S PAFrP.1ERS There was no one present r�resenting the applicant, At the close of the meeting, moti� by Councilmanber IImsy, seconded by CouncilmanbPS Higginson, to consider this itan at the workshop of January 8, 1987, if the applicant so desires. Motion carried unanimously. ITFS�I 3 BROWN ACT REVISIONS City Attorney Eckis presented to Cauncil amer�nents to the BrcHm Act which will becrn�e effective January 1, 1987. �e primary change is the limitation on Cwncil to not discuss ar take action on itans not appearing on the agenda. The agenda must be posta3 no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting. Attorney Eckis stated it is his opinion that it is nP*�*�;ssable for the City Council to discuss itans brought up by the public under Oral Camiunication in order to clarify the oublic's position or request, but no action can be tak�. Fbllaaing extensive discussion including Pxceptions, posting supplan�ntary agendas, liabilities, motion by Councilmanber Fn�esy, seconded by CrnuicilmsnbPi Kruse, to adopt Resolution No. 86-135, entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Establishing Procedural Rules to Caaply With Govesrnnent Code Sections 54954.2 and 54954.3." Motion carried unani.urously. Council directed staff to prepare a press release regarding the new restrictions and also publicize thsn in Paa�ay Today. oEC z � 1986 ITEM 9 2396 ��,e?-n �^ a ,.� .i �� . -- ,•.. .... _ �_ J F Y J c �::. ... "(—'t1!.1-� 6I'� � a , . '-1 .. v.:Y _ ....a._.i Page 2 - CITY OF PGWAY ApJ0U18•7Ep gEQ7iAI2 MEETIN� _ Decanber 11, 1986 City Attorney Eckis pointed out that the provisions of the Brown Act applies to all the Council-appointed Camuttees. QA6ID SESSIQd In accordance with request by the City Manager, Mayor Tarzy called for a closed session under provisions of the Gwesnment Code Section 54956.8, real pro�esty negotiation. The propPSty involved is on the wast side of Midland Rosd between Te�le and Aubrey Streets, and the city is negotiating with San Diego Trust and Savings as trustee. The time was 4:52 p.m. CALL TO �ER Mayor Tarzy called the meeting 1a3ck to order at 5:09 p.m., with all Council- manbers present except Counci]�nanbess Brannon and Higginson, and stated the City Manager had been given instructions to continue negotiating. P,DJCX]I�E1df Upon motion by Council�nanbPS IInery, seconded by Councilmember Kruse, Mayor Tarzy ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjourrnn�nt was 5:10 p.m. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Parray DE� 2 .s 198& iTEM y 2397