Item 15 - Resolution Establishing Plan Check and Inspection Deposits and Fees ��GENDA REPORT ' "'-' w Y CITY OF POWAY :his report Sa Snclud�d on U� Cbns�nt Glandar. Th�r� ri11�L� no rparate di�cussion of t6� � + zeport prior to appmval by iM Clty Council unle�s a�mMr� ot t2N Counel.l, staff or puDlic `'�"� fi request it to W �mwd frw Na Coneant Glandar and discuae�d ��paratsly. If you vls� to �M � ��� have thia report pullad for diccuseion, plsa�� £ill out a �lip indicating the report number :,d give it to [h� City Clerk pzior to N� bsginning of tha City Council meeting. � mp: Honorable Mayor and Marbers of the City Cauncil F%M: James L. Bo�wErsaac, City Mmn�y V INITIATID BY: Alan D. Archibald, DirectQr of Public Sexvices/City FSzgineer �..- i1T�TE: Decenber 23, 1986 , :v'B.7FX.Z': Resolution Establishinq Plan Q�cic and Inspection Deposits # i and Fees I � ��CXXC�dO[JNID• �:i DecenL�r 1982, the City Council oassed Resolution PIO. 325, (Attactamnt 1) , -,stablishing a schedule of fees ared deposits for private develog�nt. 'he plan check ar� inspectioa� deposits we.re established at 3-�8 and 38 �espectively, of the improva�it oosts regandless of tl�e size of the pxoject. � �ith large projects such as Fax�cho Arbolitos and the P�a�eraclo Husiness Park, � 1ze plan check aryd inspection deposits can far exceed the mxmal costs of City services. Reviewing the total deposits posted by Skandatd Pacific for the 13 phases presentlY �4 P�sed, it was dete.xmined t2�at the City was holding $683,765.72 in 46 deposit accounts, (Attacta�nt 2) . Not o�il.y is this amount faz in excess of the fimds needed to plan check az�d inspect the Rancho Arbolitos pzoject, but the 46 different deposit accounts require a trarendous anount of acoo�mting and a�niziistrative effort. FaIDII�GS: 'Ib si�lify the acoauiting for large projects, Standard Pacific has suggested ard staff �nsurs, that a master accamt should be utilized. Also, tl�e plan check and inspec�tion accamts should be based upon the following sliding scale, with �Y�++++�* deposits of $50,000, for bot2i plan checking and inspection i in�rovesrent and grading plans: .�TIO N: � DEC 2 3 1986 tTEM i5 1 of 14 Plan Q�eak and Inspecti,oai peppsi}s • Page 2 Dece�nber 23, 1986 P� �ckim-�nsit IIp to - 100,000 3�8 $100,000 - 500,000 2-�8 500,000 - 2,500,000 28 Over • 2,SOU,000 $50,000 InsPection Deposit Up to - 100,000 38 100,000 - 500,000 2-�,$ 500,000 - 2,500,000 28 Over 2,500,000 $50,000 RD�3�TI�I It is reoart�ended that the City Co�cil rescind Resolution No. 325, and adopt the the attached resolution, Attactmpnt 3, revising the scheduie of plan check and inspection deposit and fees. JLB:AI�A:pq Att'arinron{� (3) 2 of 14 oEC z � 1986 iTEM 15 r� ♦I. �� ._. .. ♦ .. e ,. .. 1 . �' RESOLUTION N0. '_26 • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA RESCINDING RESOLUTION N0. 253 AND ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF FEES AND DEPOSITS FOR GRADING� SUBDIVISION� AND PERMIT ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, Sections 87.216 through 87.220 of the City Code, as enacted by Ordinance No. 77, authorizes the City Council to establish certain fees and deposits for the processing, checking, and inspection of grading plans and permits by resolution, and WHEREAS, Sections 81.402, 81.406, 81.407, 81.502, 81.701.4, and 81.801 of the City Code, as enacted by Ordinance No. 80, authorizes the City Council to establish certain fees and deposits for the processing, checking, and inspection of subdivision maps, parcel maps, boundary adjustments, improvement plans and public and private improvements by resolution, and W[iEREAS, Sections 51.511.2, 71. 314, 71.315, and 71.408 of the City Code authorizes the City Council to establish certain fees and deposits for the processing, checking, and inspection of street and curb permits, � utility permits, construction and excavation permits, and other activities within public rights of way, by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Poway that: 1. Resolution No. 253, establishing a schedule of fees and deposits is hereby rescinded. 2. That the attached "Schedule of Fees and Deposits for Gradinq, Subdivision, and Permit Activities" is hereby adopted and established for the above. 3. That the deposits adopted herein are to cover the expenses of the City of Poway, its officers, employees, aqents, contractors, and assigns incurred for all its engineering, administrative, professional and technical services, including, but not limited to, all those necessary to accept, process, check, examine, revise, administer, prepare and approve. Grading plans, erosion control plans, grading permits, landscape and irrigation plans, improvement plans, subdivision maps, parcel maps, boundary adjustments, reversions, mergers, certificates of compliance, plats, dedications, convenants, agreements, and related reports, studies, calculations, exhibits, and permits, and to inspect and administer the � construction of same, and to ascertain or determine their compliance with the Grading Ordinance, Subdivision Ord- � inance, State subdivision Map Act, and any other applicable local, county, state or federal code, statute, policy or regulation. DEC 2 3 �986 ITEM 1J 3 of 14 ATTACHMENT 1 I � A ,. .i; � Resolution No. �,3Z5 `"`r� '�� Page 2 I I � 4. That from time to time, the City Engineer or other duly authorized officer, may cause an accounting _ to be made of the City's charges against any such deposits. If the actual costs incurred by the City, including a reasonable charge for overhead, exceed the deposits paid, the applicant, subdivider, permittee, owner, or appropriate party shall, upon demand by the City, -deposit with the City, an additional sum in an amount deemed sufficient by the City Engineer, to complete the work in progress or to make up any shortage. If such additional deposit is not paid upon demand, the City may recover the same by action in any court of competent jurisdiction. Until any such additional deposit is made, any pending sub- division map or parcel map shall not be submitted to the City Council for final map approval, nor shall the City Engineer issue any grading pezmit or grant any other approval, nor accept for review, any grading or improvement plans or final maps, nor shall any im- provements be accepted or improvement securities be released, which are related to the deficit account. 5. That should an accounting show that any deposit is in excess of the charges incurred, including overhead, such excess shall be returned to the depositor within � a reasonable period after completion of the required improvements on the subdivision or parcel map and their final inspection and approval by the City Engineer and/or City Council, or after the recordation � of the final subdivision or parcel map, where no im- provements are required, or after the completion and i approval of the grading, or other permitted work, whichever shall be the case. PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, . California, at a regular meeting thereof this 28th day of December, 1982. ��l.�. .,a� Ma Shep rdson, Mayor ATTEST: 'l a f� 5� � ; �n,�.�. � �c�-1�.-5�� �� Mar7orie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk l_ 4 of i4 DEC23 1986 ITEM 15 ' r -�� CITY OF POWAY - Schedule of Fees and Deposits for Grading, Subdivision, and Permit Activities 1. GRADING PERMIT FEE a. Reqular Permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 per 1,000 cu. yd. up to ! (Section 87.218) 100,000 cu. yd, and $4.00 per 1,000 cu. yd. thereafter; minimum: $10 b. Permit issued after start. . . . . . . . . . . Regular permit fee plus $SO of grading. (Section 87.220) 2. GRADING PLAN CAECKING DEPOSIT (Section 87.216 and 87.217) a. Preliminary deposit: to be paid prior to any review or checking) � Grading Plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . $300/sheet; if four or more sheets: � erosion control plans:. . . . . . . . . .. . $200/sheet �� Landscape/irrigation plans. . .. . . . . . . 5300/sheet; if four of more sheets: � $200/sheet � Report review. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .$50/report. Geotechnical, geologic, geohydrolic, and agronomic) b. Final deposit: to be paid prior to permit issuance) Grading, erorion control, land-. .. . .3 1/2$ of improvement costs ei� scape/irrigation plans: I NOTE: Preliminary checking deposits shall be credited against � the final checking deposit amounts. If the preliminary � checking deposit exceeds the final deposit, no final deposit is required. 3. GRADING INSPECTION DEPOSIT, , , , , , , , , , , , , , 3$ of Improvement Costs � (Section 87.219) � NOTE: Improvement costs shall include grading, landscaping and irrigation of slopes; and on-site drainage control. Total cost estimate shall include 10$ for contingencies and is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. `� DEC231g86 ITEM 15 5 of 14 .Y I t'4!:.�'S. i`yr � � > 1� -2- � ,. q, FINAL MAP CHEEJCING DEPOSIT (Section 81.402) Includes subdivision maps, parcel maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300/sheet reversion maps, condominium maps, merger maps 5_ BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT REVIEW DEPOSIT (Section 81.502 Including adjustment Certificate of Compliance. . . . . . . . .$450 � 6, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DEPOSZT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$350 �, CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DEPOSIT (Final Map Waiver) . . .$400 g_ MERGER (WITHOUT PPRCEL MAP) DEPOSIT (Section 81.408.2) .$250 g, REPRODUCIBLE MYLAR COPY OF RECORDED MAP AND PRINTS, , , _ .Actual cost of (Section 81.406) if not provided by subdivider duplication plus S10 10. MAP RECORDATION FF.E (Section 81.406) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Actual cost per County (if recorded by City) Recorder's schedule plus $10 � 11. STAY APPLICATION DEPOSIT (Section 81. 309) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5400 12. IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECKING DEPOSIT (Section 81.704.1) a. Preliminary deposit (to be paid prior. . . . .. . . . . . . . .$400/sheet; if four to any review or checking) or more sheets: $250/sheet b. Final deposit (to be paid prior to. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .3 1/28 of improvement cost plan approval, or approval of any final map, whichever occurs first) NOTE: Preliminary plan checking deposit shall be credited against the final checking deposit. If the preliminary deposit exceeds the final deposit, no final deposit is required. 13. IMPROVEMENT INSPECTION DEPOSIT (Section 81.801) . . . . . . . .38 of improvement costs NOTE: Improvement cost amounts shall include 108 for contingencies and is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 14. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FEES a. Issuance Fee;, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,$10/each permit � 6 of ia DEC 23 1986 ITEM 15 i / . -3- �. b. Miscellaneous Inspection. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ - 5 minimum on each) 1. curb and gutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 0.15 per linear foot 2. sidewalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 0_OS per square foot 3. driveway (curb cut1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .5 30 each . 4. pipeline or conduit installation. . . . . . . . .5 0.05 per linear foot 5. pavement or pavement replacement. . . . . . . . .5 0.05 per square foot 6. curb drains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 10 each 15. UTZLITY PERMITS � Applicable to Pacific Telephone, SDG&E, Cable TV franchises, and other bone fide public utilities and franchise holders, as defined by State law. a. Issuance Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .5 10/each permit or $200/yr• b. Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Office engineering and in- spection costs at actual cost, plus overhead. I �r i i � � af 14 DECZ31986 ITEM 15 I ����-,� S T A N D A R D P A C I F I C -�� ;.- a O F 5 A N D I E G O � � � November 3, 1986 R E�. E 1 V� D �� . NOV �198G Mr. A1 Archibald City Engineer PUBLIC SERYICES DEPT. Dept . of Public Serives City of Poway P. 0. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 Subject : Standard Pacific - Current Deposits for Plan Checking & Inspection , Rancho Arbolitos Dear A1 : We appreciated the opportunity to discuss our current ( 10/30/86) deposits in developer accounts with the City of Poway. The sums indicated on the enclosed summary prepared by your office from computer printouts are significant to say the least . Total net deposits are $683, 765. 72. — We respectfully request the City consider sweeping all deposits into a master account similar to Cadillac-Fairview' s South Poway project . We would suggest the following refund, accounting and deposit method: ° Refund to Standard Pacific the even sum oP $600 , 000. 00. ° Whenever the account drops to approximately $20, 000. 00 Standard Pacific , upon request , will increase the account to $50, 000. 00. Apparently, the utilization of good consultants and fast follow-through by Standard Pacific and the City Staff has not resulted in substantial City charges and overhead. Utilizing a master account will also result in less of a problem to the City as it relates to each tract . If this request is favorably received and approved, we hope the refund can be implemented prior to December 31 , 1986 which is the end of Standard Pacific ' s fiscal year. Very truly yours , STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO /�`°"" David H. Phares Vice President cc : Mr. James Bowersox w/enc . Mr. Jerry Saxe w/enc . DEC23 1986 ITEM 15 ATTA�VT 2 8 of 14 7290 Clairemont Mesa Blvd./San Diego,California 921ll/(619)279-2042 - C-TY OF POWAY F ,� �� ,uq i'nftl F KRl'SE 1.1ar��r _. M.4R1' cHEP.4R(��l�ti. [l�putc Mavor PRUl�6 TAF7}'.l\,unalm��mhrr j LINI�A UR.4\'E�'.(:ounnlmemhcr � � —_-- � ptlNEA1ERl'.Cuun:ilmrmher 'S'f '� '-o- \ ,',..,`'rH���� ' October 30, 1986 Standard Pacific Attn: Dave Phares 7290 Clziremor.t Mesa Blvd. San Dieao, CA 92111 RE: Status of Rancho Arbolitos accounts Dear Dave: The following is a summary of all developer accounts with the City of Poway for the Rancho Arbolitos project. Rancho Arbolitos Swin & Tennis CUF81-13,G186 / � 812 : Gradinq Inspection +$ 2,021.57 / �� 829: Security Deposit +$ 20,000.00 Rancho Arbolitos TM4113-3, G264, G278 � 810: Grading Plan Check +$ 27,802. 16 � 812 : Gradinq Incpection +$ 20,660.41 814: Final Map Check -$ 132.89 816: Improvement Plan Check +$ 21,937.00 818: Improvement Inspection +$ 19,512.46 822: Misc. Eng. Review -$ 1 ,157.89 824: Security Deposit +$ 20,000.00 Rancho Arbolitos T^14113-2R, G238 610: Gradinq Plan Check +$ 39,498.43 812 : Gradir�g Inspection +$ 26,171.96 814: Final Map Checx +$ 99.04 816: Imorovement Plan Check +$ 25,133.47 818: Improvement Znsi.7ection +5 6,751.50 822: Misc. Enq. Review +$ 100. 00 824 Security Deposit +$ 20,000.00 ` oEC2 � i986 ITEM 15 \ 9 of 14 Ciry Hall Located a[ 13325 Civic Center Drive �Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Pow�ay, California 92064 • (619) 748-660Q (619) 695-1400 ,. : - Standard Pacific October 30, 1°AC paae two Rancho Arbolitoc TM9113-1 , G191 612: Grading Inspection +$ 8,575.40 816: Improvement Plan Check -$ 75. 39 818: Improvement Znspection +$ 2,q07,pq 824: Security Deposit +$ 29,600.00 Rancho Arbolitos TM3495 '� 618: Imyrovement Inspection -$ 5,428. 30 826: County Deposit +$ 59,573.69 ✓ �Q� Rancho Arbolitos TM4107 ✓ 826: County Deposit +g 48,002.93 ►� �y8� �— Rancho Arbolitos G276,G261, TM9191-1R 810: Grading Plan Check +$ 40,952. 39 812 : Grading Inspection +y 27,514. 16 814: Final Map Check +$ 2,401.77 � 816 : Improvement Plan Check +$ 54,275.53 818: Improvement Inspection +$ 45,564.02 822: Misc. Ena. Review -$ 739. 33 824: Security Deposit +$ 20,000.00 Rancho Arbolitos G303, G286, TM4191-2R 810: Grading Plan Check +$ 26,064. 31 812: Grading Inspection +$ 26,132.76 816 Improvement Plan Check +$ 6,868. 20 818: Improvement Inspection +$ 9,583.26 822: Misc. Eng. Review +$ 36.78 • 824: Szcurity Deposit +$ 32 ,000.00 Rancho Arbolitos TM4191-3R 810: Grading Plan CHeck -$ g2_9z 816: Improvement Plan Check -$ 165.84 818: Improvement Inspection -$ 48.42 822: Misc. Eng. Review +$ 703.47 Rancho Arbolitos TM4191-4R 822: 91isc. Eng. Review +$ 1,569.81 Rancho Arbolitos TM9191-SR 822: Misc. Eng. Review +$ 1,251.11 Rancho Arbolitos TD79191-6R 810: Grading Plan Check +$ 1,000.00 818: Imo-ovement Inspection -$ q8.42 822 : Misc. Ena. Review -$ 2,059.79 Rancno Arbolitos TM4191-8R 822 : Misc. Eng. Review -$ 2,059.79 � G83, 7GS• 72 lo of 14 DEC z 3 1986 ITEM 15 RESOLUTION NO. � A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA RESCINDING RESOLUTION N0. 325 AND ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF FEES AND DEPOSITS FOR GRADING, SUBDIVISION, AND PERMIT ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, Sections 16 . 44 .170 through 16 .44 . 210 of the City ' s Municipal Code, as enacted by Ordinance No. 77 , authorizes the City Council to establish certain fees and deposits for the processing, checking, and inspection of grading plans and permits by resolution; and WHEREAS, Sections 16 . 12 .020, 16 . 12 . 060 , 16 . 12 . 070 , 16 . 14 . 020 , 16 . 18 .010 , and 16 . 20 . 010 (F) of the City' s Municipal Code, as enacted by Ordinance No . 80 , authorizes the City Council to establish certain fees and deposits for the processing, checking, and inspection of subdivision maps, parcel maps , boundary adjustments, improvement plans and public and private improvements by resolution; and WHEREAS, Sections 12 . 12 . 140 , 12 .12 . 150 , and 12 .16 . 090 of the City ' s Municipal Code authorizes the City Council to establish certain fees and deposits for the processing, checking, and in- spection of street and curb permits, utility permits, construction � and excavation permits, and other activities within public rights- of-way, by resolution. � NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Poway that: 1. Resolution No. 325 establishing a schedule of fees and deposits is hereby rescinded. 2 . That the attached "Schedule of Fees and Deposits for Grading, Subdivision, and Permit Activities" , Exhibit A, is hereby adopted and established for the above. 3 . That the deposits adopted herein are to cover the expenses of the City of Poway, its officers , employees, agents , contractors, and assigns incurred for a11 its engineering, administrative , professional and technical services , in- cluding, but not limited to, all those necessary to accept, process , check , examine, revise, administer, prepare , and approve. Grading plans , erosion control plans , grading permits , landscape and irrigation plans , improvement plans, subdivision maps, parcel maps , boundary adjustments , revisions , mergers, certificates of compliance, plats, dedications , covenants , agreements , and related reports , studies , calculations, exhibits, and permits , and to � inspect and administer the construction of same, and to ascertain or determine their compliance with the grading ordinance , subdivision ordinance , state subdivision map act, and any other applicable local, county, state or federal code, statute , policy or regulation. DEC 2 '' i986 1TEt�lt 15 11 of 14 ATTACHI�TP 3 Resolution No. Page 2 � 4 . That from time to time, the City Engineer or other duly authorized officer, may cause an accounting to be made of the City ' s charges against such deposits. If the actual costs incurred by the City, including a reasonable charge for overhead, exceed the deposits paid, the applicant, subdivider, permittee, owner, or appropriate party shall, upon demand by the City, deposit with the City, an additional sum in an amount deemed sufficient by the City Engineer, to complete the work in progress or to make up any shortage. If such ad- ditional deposit is not paid upon demand, the City may recover the same by action in any court of competent jurisdiction. Until any such additional deposit is made, any pending subdivision map or parcel map shall not be submitted to the City Council for final map approval, nor shall the City Enqineer issue any grading permit or grant any other approval, nor accept for review, any grading or improvement plans or final maps , nor shall any improvements be accepted or improvement securities be released, which are related to the deficit account. 5 . That should an accounting show that any deposit is in excess of the charges incurred, including overhead, such excess shall be returned to the depositor within a reasonable period after completion of the required improvements on the subdivision or parcel map and their final inspection and approval by the City Engineer and/ or City Council, or after the recordation of the final subdivision or parcel map, where no improvements are required, or after the completion and approval of the grading, or other permitted work, whichever shall be the case. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at a regular meeting thereof this day of December, 1986 . Bruce Tarzy, Mayor � I ATTEST: l 12 of 14 DEC 2 3 1986 iTENf Z� Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO. CZTY OF P(7WAY Schedule of Fees and Deposits for Gradinq, Subdivisio:�: and Pexinit Activities 1. GRADING PEL�IIT FEE a. Regular Pe.nnit. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.00 per 1,000 cu. yd. up to 100,000 cu. ��d. , and $4.00 pex 1,000 cu. yd. thereafter; miniumun: S, 0 n b. Pennit issued after start. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Regular t�=�'tit fee plus $50 of grading. 2. PI�AN Q-IECKSNG DEPOSIT . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3'za up .__ . ),000 2z% $lOG, _� . - S 500,000 2 0 $SOi; , . - 2,500,000 $50,000 . s 2,500,000 Preliminaiy wst estimate shall be suLznitted with the first plan check for deposit calculation P�P�ses. 3. INSPECI'ION DEPOSIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3°s up to . 000 (Min. $75) 2zo $lOG,�-'��� .-��:�00,00 - 20 $500,�; ->2,500,000 $50,000 0�:�_��._ '�2,500,00 4. FINAL MAP QIEQCiNG DEPOSIT Includes subdivision maps, parcel maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300/She. revision maps, condmniniwn m3ps, merger maps 5. BO[R�IDARY AA7[JSZMET7f REVIh�rI DEPOSIT Including adjustment Certificate of Ca�liance. . . . . . . .$450 6. CC�'ERTZFICATE OF CONIPLIANCE DEPOSIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5350 7. CEEYPIFICI�TE OF ��SPLIANCE DEPOSIT (Final Map Waiver) . .$400 8. MEEtGER IWITHOUP PF1RCFd, A9AP) DEPOSIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250 9. REPRODUCISI�E MYIAR COPY OF RECORDID MAP AND PE2INTS. . . .Actual 3uplication If not provided by subdivider plus $ii: 10. MAP RE(URDATION FEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Actu�:l :_� ,.� �unty Recorder's (if recorded by City) scheduL: �l; 11. STAY �1PPLICATION DEPOSIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5400 ._ : iT =: �I 15 13 of 14 -z- 12. CONSTRUCPION PF13�1TT E'EES a. Issuance Fee.. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15/each permit b. Inspection Fee. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .3$ of approved cost estimste ($25 minim�un) 13. [TPILITY PERMITS Applicable to Pacific Telephone, SDG&E, Cable TV franchises, and other bone fide public utilities and franchise holders, as defined by State law. a. Issuance Fee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. .$ 10/each nP„�;t or $200/year b. Inspection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .Office engineering and inspection costs at actual cost, plus overhead ($25 miniimun) 14 of 14 DEC 2 3 1986 ITEM 15