Item 20 - Release of Retention for Service Area VI ° AGEIVDA REPORT ' ��.�.� F W,,r � CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will �be no separate discussion of the �y M p+ report prior to approval by the City Council unless members o£ the Council, s[aff or public f�tiY�N TNE �OV�S request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. IE you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the zeport numbet� and qive it to the City Clerk pzior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. Tp; Honorable Mayor and MeRbers of the City Council FgpM; James L. Bowersox, City Manager � �7TT��p gY: Patrick Foley, Assistant to the City Manager ��; Deceirber 23, 1986 �[7gJECT; Release of Retention for Service Area VI ABSTRACT Staff is requesting the City Council to appropriate $14,936.79 for the final payment to Viewland Construction Co�any for the c�ork they co�leted in Service Area V1. BACICQ20UUb11D Viewland Construction c�ras awarded a bid in June 1981, for the construction of a pimq� station, reserwir site, and pipeline to supply water primarily for the future development of the Bridlewvod subdivision. In Januaiy 1982, the State of California, Division of I,abor Standards, filed a stop notice with the City. The Division of Labor had taken legal action against Viewland for failing to pay the prevailing �rage rate to contractors on the project. FII�]DINGS The retention the City was withholdinq on this project in 1982 was $14,936.79. At the end of Fiscal Year 1982-83, the retention was appropriated to the City's water fund, and the capital project account closed out. On November 21, 1986, the Division of Iabor Standards Enforcement sent the attached letter requesting the City to release the $14,936.79. 7.b comply with their request, the City Council �st appropriate the $14,936.79 from the water fwid to this project. ACTION: \ 1 oF 3 DEC � � 1986 ITEM 20 Release of Retention for Service Area VI Page 2 December 23, 1986 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $14, 936 . 79 from the water fund account number 60-8950 to account number 60-406-662, and authorize the final payment of $14, 936. 79 to Richard Corona and Associates. 2. Direct stafE to mail the final payment check to the City Attorney for appropriate disposition. JLB:PF: lg Attachment DEC231gg6 ITEM ,�J 2 oF 3 STA7E OF ULIFORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEIIAN, Gererrwr DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAI REUTIONS - DIVISION OF LABOR STANDARDS ENFORCEMENT � {e. BUREAU OF FIELD ENFORCEMENT � � `�`,:�,, . 8765 AERO DRIVE, SUITE 110 ' SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 941I7 ' ' (619) 237J090 __ IN MEFIT REiEP TO: 27-6435-065 November zt , i9se � � � � i V E D iV GV.? 5 i966 City of Poway � .o . Eox 7b9 PUBLIC SERVICfS DEPT. Poway , CA 92064 . At[n : Alan Archibald ice : ftemoval oi 'r'inal Siop ivo[ice Against Viewland Investment Co . , dba Viewland Construc[ion Co . - Poway Service Area VI Dear Mr . Archibald , On Novenber 20 , 1986 , this office accepted a settlement offer for paymen[ of wages due on work perforrued by the above referenced conirac[or for [he� City of Poway . - At [his time we no longer require [hat you withhold thq total amount of $ 14 ,936 . 79 fron final payment . This letter vill serve as a release of Che Final Siop Notice and an au[horization to make payable the total amount due ta Richard Corona fi Associa[es Trus[ Fund at : Richard Corona 6 Associates P .O. BOX 882168 San Diego , CA 92108 Once the funds are received the cross-complaint against the City of Povay will be removed by Richard Corona 6 Associa[es . Thank you for your coopera[ion in resolving Ehis ma[ter . Please do no[ hesitate [o call should you �have any questions . Very truly yo rs , P u J . H y s Depu[y a or Com issioner - PJH/hh cc : 2ichard Corona 6 Associates 3 oF 3 DEC 2 3 1986 ITEM 20 ATTACHMENT