07-15-14 Agenda PacketAmended July 8, 2014 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA July 15, 2014-7:00P.M. City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive , Poway, CA 92064 THE CITY COUNCIL ALSO SITS AS THE CITY OF POWAY PLANNING COMMISSION, POWAY HOUSING AUTHORITY. PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Cunningham, Vaus, Mullin , Grosch , Higginson PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Deputy Mayor Grosch PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Persons speaking during Public Oral Communications may address the Council on any subject matter within the Council's jurisdiction that is not listed as an item on the agenda. State law generally prohibits the Council from taking action on any issue not included on the agenda . Your concerns will be referred to staff. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes. NOTE: The agenda is posted and provided 11 days prior to the City Council meeting. By State law, items can be added up to 72 hours prior to the meeting. Items with a "#"symbol are in preparation. If items are added after original agenda is posted, new items will be listed on an Amended Agenda posted the Friday prior to the meeting. For your convenience, a complete Agenda Packet is available for public review at City Hall and on the City's website at www.poway.org. Page 1 City of Poway-City Council Agenda-July 15, 2014 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved By Roll Call Vote) The Consent Calendar may be enacted in one motion by the Council without discussion unless a Councilmember, a member of the public, or City staff requests that an item be removed for discussion. 1.1 Approval of Reading by Title only and Waiver of Reading in full of Ordinances on Agenda. 1.2 Ratification/Approval of Warrant Registers for the periods of May 19 through May 23, 2014, May 26 through May 30, 2014, June 2 through June 6, 2014 and June 9 through June 13, 2014. 1.3 Approval of the June 3, 2014 Regular City Council Minutes. 1.4 Adoption of a Resolution entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, revising the City of Poway Master Fee Schedule with formatting changes to clarify the Methodology for Calculating Building Permit Fees previously approved and extending the effective date of the approved fees." 1.5 Acceptance of the Fire Station 2 Kitchen Remodel Project, Bid No. 14-011, from Cyber Professional Solutions Corp., as complete; Authorize the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion; Authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $1 ,481.15, if unencumbered, 45 days after City Council acceptance; Release the Bond for Material and Labor in the amount of $29,623.00 and retain the Bond for Faithful Performance for a period of one year. 1.6 Award of Contract to A.O. Reed & Co., for As-Needed Plumbing Services; RFP No. 14-010. 2. ORDINANCE (Ordinance(s) that do not require a Public Hearing) 2.1 None. 3. PUBLIC HEARING 3.1 None. 4. STAFF REPORT 4.1 Approval of Minor Development Review Application (MORA) 14-006: A request to install a gated entry on a private road for a 4-lot residential project located at the southerly terminus of Toothrock Road. Applicant: High Valley Toothrock LLC. Page 2 City of Poway-City Council Agenda-July 15, 2014 City Manager's Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Minor Development Review Application 14-006 APNS 321-100-43 and 46." 4.2 Point Lama Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit and Potable Water Reuse. City Manager's Recommendation: Receive and file this report. 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 None. 6. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 7. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 7.1 CLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9) Name of case: Preserve Poway, etc. v. City of Poway San Diego County Superior Court Case No. 37-2013-00067667-CU-TT-CTL 8. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL-INITIATED ITEMS JIM CUNNINGHAM 8.1 Metropolitan Transit Systems (MTS) Board Update (verbal report). STEVE VAUS 8.2 Discussion regarding a Tribute/Memorial to Tony Gwynn. JOHN MULLIN DAVE GROSCH 8.3 Off-Leash Area for Dogs at Silverset Park. DON HIGGINSON ADJOURNMENT Page 3 City of Poway-City Council Agenda-July 15, 2014 The Poway City Council welcomes you and encourages your continued interest and involvement in the City's decision-making process. The City of Poway complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Upon request this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities as required by section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk's Office at 858-668-4530 at least State of California County of San Diego 24 hours before the meeting, if possible. ) ) ss. ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Rosa Martinez, Acting Deputy City Clerk of the City of Poway, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that this notice of a Regular Meeting as called by the City Council of the City of Poway was posted and provided on July 8, 2014, at 10:00 a.m. Said meeting to be held at 7:00p.m., July 15, 2014, in the Poway City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. Said notice was posted on the Bulletin Board at the entrance to City Hall. Rosa Martinez, Acting Deputy City Clerk Page 4 Item lal Approval of Reading by Title Only and Waiver of Reading in Full of Ordinances on Agenda. 1 of43 APPROVED D APPROVED AS AMENDED D City of Poway , COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT (SEE MINUTES) DENIED D REMOVED D CONTINUED ____ _ DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJE<;T: Summary: RESOLUTION NO. ___ _ July 15, 2014 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager CZ)-4 _ Scott Edwards, Director of Administrative Servicesf!' Andrew White, Finance Manager c;V Ratification of Warrant Registers for the Periods of May 19 through May 23, 2014, May 26 through May 30, 2014, June 2 through June 6, 2014 and June 9 through June 13, 2014 The attached warrant register reports for the periods of May 19 through May 23, 2014, May 26 through May 30, 2014, June 2 through June 6, 2014 and June 9 through June 13, 2014, are submitted to the City Council for ratification/approval. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council ratify/approve the warrant registers for the periods of May 19 through May 23, 2014, May 26 through May 30, 2014, June 2 through June 6, 2014 and June 9 through June 13, 2014. Background: Weekly 'registers of audited demands are periodically submitted to the City Council by the Director of Administrative Services for ratification/approval. Findings: Date May 19 through May 23 Amount $6,928,290.47 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant June 2014 Medical Insurance Premium Wastewater Transportation Charges Local Agency Investment Fund Deposit Check Number 00225836 00225852 00903081 Amount $ 197,777.19 $ 928,217.00 $5,400,000.00 July 15,2014 Item# 1.2 2 of43 Warrant Report July 15, 2014 Page 2 Date May 26 through May 30 Amount $5,486,063.95 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant April 2014 Water Purchases Payroll5-16-14, Retirement Payroll 5-30-14 Local Agency Investment Fund Deposit Date June 2 through June 6 Amount $634,173.25 Check Number 00226022 00903082 00903083 00903089 Amount $1,073,919.90 $ 144,439.74 $ 459,724.39 $3,500,000.00 Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant None Date June 9 through June 13 Amount $15,196,155.08 Check Number Amount Warrants for amounts in excess of $100,000 for this period include: Warrant Building Inspection Services week-ended 5'-16-14 2000 Tax Allocation Bond Debt Service 2001 Tax Allocation Bond Debt Service 2003 Tax Allocation Bond Debt Service 2007 Tax Allocation Bond Debt Service Payroll for 5-30-14, Retirement US Treasury Investment Payroll for 6-13-14 City Office Building Debt Service GE Capital Investment Check Number' Amount 00226225 $ 101,252.66 00903093 $ 128,835.78 00903094 $2,809,971.31 00903095 $7,362,118.00 00903096 $ 602,195.51 00903097 $ 145,059.17 00903098 $2,055,686.14 00903099 $ 469,170.80 00903104 $ 186,368.55 00903105 $ 989,465.38 July 15, 2014 Item# 1.2 3 of43 Warrant Report July 15, 2014 Page 3 Fiscal Impact: The total amount of warrants for the period of May 19 through May 23, 2014, is $6,928,290.47. The total amount of warrants for the period of May 26 through May 30, 2014, is $5,486,063.95. The total amount of warrants for the period of June 2 through June 6, 2014, is $634,173.25. The total amount of warrants for the period of June 9 through June 13, 2014, is $15,196,155.08. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: None Attachments: Warrant Register for the period of May 19 through May 23, 2014 Warrant Register for the period of May 26 through May 30, 2014 Warrant Register for the period of June 2 through June 6, 2014 Warrant Register for the period of June 9 through June 13, 2014 July 15, 2014 Item # 1.2 ~ The City of Poway Director of Administrative Services Submits the Following Register of Run Date: 22-May-14 0 Demands for the period 5119/2014-512312014 and Recommends its Ratification/Approval: Page: 1 of9 .... ~ w Check Number Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00225831 22-May-14 @00004762 Abcana Industries 941727 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 ~-840.08 942273 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 482.02 Total for Check 00225831 1,322.10 00225832 22-May-14 @00011 084 Advanced Charger Technology 030665 Radio battery charger 100 0501 4318 200 120.00 030665 Radio battery charger 100 0501 4318 200 8.80 030665 Radio battery charger 100 8644 -8.80 Total for Check 00225832 120.00 00225833 22-May-14 @00002106 Airgas USA, LLC 9918126576 Oxygen supplies 100 0503 4750 200 1,042.73 9918126577 Oxygen supplies 100 0503 4750 200 452.69 Total for Check 00225833 1,495.42 00225834 22-May-14 -----Alliant Couple and Family Clinic FER 5/3/14 Final Event Charges 5/3/14-PCPA 100 0204 7471 400 600.00 FER 5/3/14 Final Event Charges 5/3/14-PCPA 100 0204 7471 400 -1,570.00 FER 5/3/14 Final Event Charges 5/3/14-PCPA 100 0204 7622 400 -152.00 FER 5/3/14 Final Event Charges 5/3/14-PCPA 100 0204 7623 400 -368.00 FER .5/3/14 Final Event Charges 5/3/14-PCPA 100 0204 7476 400 -150.00 FER 5/3/14 Final Event Charges 5/3/14-PCPA 100 8646 6,498.00 FER 5/3/14 Final Event Charges 5/3/14-PCPA 100 0204 7623 400 -8.50 Total for Check 00225834 4,849.50 00225835 22-May-14 @00004463 Anthem Blue Cross 000388911C Vision Insurance Premium-June2014 100 8728A 2,647.68 000388911C Vision Insurance Premium-June 2014 100 87288 40.32 Total for Check 00225835 2,688.00 00225836 22-May-14 @00004463 Anthem Blue Cross 000301428E Medical Insurance Premiums-June 2014 100 8720A 203,523.68 c... 000301428E Medical Insurance Premiums-June 2014 100 8720C 4,517.51 c: 000301428E Medical Insurance Premiums-June 2014 100 8720 -10,264.00 -< Total for Check 00225836 ...a. 197,777.19 U'l -;,so225837 22-May-14 @00000145 Appliance Repair Bookkeeping OBTL Appliance repair 100 0501 4308 200 ~69.95 q;ro225838 @00000152 Aramark Refreshment Services 1232467 Refreshment service 100 0106 4760 100 418.80 ~ 1232468 Refreshment.service 100 0106 4760 100 448.83 ;::; 1232471 Refreshment service 100 0106 4760 100 140.82 (I) 3 Total for Check 00225838 1,008.45 -225839 22-May-14 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 588-6631426 Towels and mats for Sta 3 100 0501 4928 200 21.40 N 588-6633323 Towels and mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 7.40 588-6633325 Weekly Mat Service-PCPA 100 0204 4928 400 17.08 (1'1 Register of Demands Page 2 of 9 0 Warrants From 511912014-5/23/2014 .... Check ..j:ll. '*umber Date Pa~ee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Or~n Acct Profi. CheckAmt 00225839 22-May-14 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 588-6635603 Towels and mats for Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 7.40 588-6640122 Weekly Dock Attendant Laundry 100 0202 4928 400 13.10 Total for Check 00225839 66.38 00225840 22-May-14 @0001 0111 AT&T 5369982 858-487-5798 -Sta 2 phone 100 0501 3310 200 16.67 5369983 858-668-1726 100 0106 3310 100 1,257.19 5375139 85848601697741rrigation 4/10/14-5/9/14 100 0418 2200 300 14.90 5375165 858-486-0228 WTP SCADA/911 modem line 510 0402 3310 300 16.78 5375168 OPP Porter House Phone Line (858) 486-3210-100 0205 3310 400 46.44 5375172 8584865694376 Vehicle Main! 4/10-5/9/14 611 0413 3310 300 16.68 5375180 858-513-0625 Lake Phone Line -5/14 100 0202 3310 400 61.58 5375183 Library Alarm (858) 513-1785-5/14 100 0206 3310 400 61.32 5375186 8585133835180 Parks 4/10/14-5/9/14 100 0418 2200 300 16.36 5375188 8585138221856 Parks 4/10/14-5/9/14 100 0418 2200 300 16.36 5377750 OPP Train Depot Phone Line-5/14 100 0205 3310 400 45.48 5378773 8585134376778 4/10/14-5/9/14 100 0400 3310 300 61.01 Total for Check 00225840 1,630.77 00225841 22-May-14 @00000286 Benchmark Landscape Construction Incorporated 110867 BP Restaurant Site Landscape Maintenance 720 0704 4120 100 129.00 00225842 @00002701 BJ's Rentals Inc. 543306-5 Propane 211 0411 4760 300 27.59 543888-5 Propane 211 0411 4760 300 31.37 Total for Check 00225842 58.96 00225843 22-May-14 @00010983 Blue Locker Commercial Diving Services LLC 0006 Lake Poway three "trash" racks (screens): 510 0402 4120 300 4,500.00 00225844 @00005327 Body Beautiful Car Wash of Poway, Inc 85-414 Vehicle car washes 100 0301 3130 100 9.49 85-414 Vehicle car washes 100 0306 3130 100 279.49 Total for Check 00225844 288.98 00225845 22-May-14 @00011048 Business Copier Solutions 129474 Museum Archive Project 100 0205 4936 400 182.82 00225846 @00004756 Cal-State Auto Parts Inc 325638 Unit #92: Filter; Generator: Battery 611 0413 4799 300 97.75 c_ 325640 Unit #900: Filter 611 1: 0413 4799 300 25.54 -< 326860 Unit #62: Turri Signal Switch 611 0413 4799 300 261.27 ...a. 326866 Unit #62: Sensor 611 0413 4799 300 58.85 ~(1'1 327428 Unit #92: 6 Batteries 611 0413 4799 300 782.65 1\) 327584 Units 10, 20 & 63: Batteries 611 0413 4799 300 505.49 0 ...a. ..j:ll. Total for Check 00225846 1,731.55 (;'0225847 22-May-14 @00006901 California Commercial Asphalt, LLC 138888 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 4,586.19 3 138936 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 6,565.77 ·~ 138980 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 10,217.48 ...a. 1\) 139017 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 4,375.16 0') Register of Demands Page 3 of 9 0 Warrants From 5/1912014-512312014 -Check ~ <ivumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund OriJ.n Acct Pro/I. CheckAmt Total for Check 00225847 25,744.60 00225848 22-May-14 @00000516 Chicago Title Company 73713012747-1 317-500-38/35 12742 Roca Grande: Prelim Rep520 0405 4120 300 300.00 73713012748-1 314-133-36 13844 Pomerado Rd: Prelim Report520 0405 4120 300 300.00 73713012749-1 314-133-17 13812 Pomerado Road: Prelim Rep520 0405 4120 300 300.00 73713012753-1 317-031-58 13767 Eisenhower Ave: Prelim. Rep 520 0405 4120 300 300.00 73714001121-1 275-380-34-00 Valle Verde Estates vacant land: 520 0403 4120 300 300.00 73714001591-1 314-371-21-00 12700 Sagecrest Dr: Report fee 510 0402 4120 300 300.00 Total for Check 00225848 1,800.00 00225849 22-May-14 @00000539 City Treasurer 1000100381 FY11: MIWWCP Permit Administration 520 0403 1726 300 17,602.00 00225850 1000103293 FY14/4thQtr: North Basin Sewerage O&M 520 0403 2820 300 3,712.00 00225851 1000102979 FY13 EOY Reconcile: North Basin Sewerage 0 520 0403 2820 300 2,911.00 00225852 1000103290 FY14/4thQtr: Metro Sewerage System O&M 520 0403 2810 300 928,217.00 00225853 @00006221 Code Publishing Company 46577 Electronic Update 100 0011 4120 100 107.25 00225854 @00004966 Conceptual Designs JAN/APR 2014 WTP: Jan/Apr 2014 SCADA service calls 510 0402 4120 300 4,250.00 00225855 @00010388 Controlled Environments LLC 2973 2014 Poway Dam: weed application 510 0402 4120 300 850.00 00225856 @00010175 Corodata Media Storage Inc. DS1262509 Offsite backup tape storage April 2014 100 0104 4120 100 143.87 00225857 @00002830 Costco Wholesale 077513031216 Comm Park Teen Night Out and Cleaning Supp 100 0208 4760 400 39.42 077513031216 Comm Park Teen Night Out and Cleaning Supp 100 0208 4720 400 21.36 077514040720 Comm Park Cleaning Supplies & BBQ supplies 100 0208 4760 400 190.34 077514040720 Comm Park Cleaning Supplies & BBQ supplies 100 0208 4720 400 65.50 0775510111854 Teen Night Out Supplies 100 0208 4760 400 98.05 Total for Check 00225857 414.67 00225858 22-May-14 @00010332 Country Montessori School FER 5/4/14 Final Event Charges-5/4/14-PCPA 100 0204 7471 400 -940.00 FER 5/4/14 Final Event Charges-5/4/14-PCPA 100 0204 7623 400 -23.00 FER 5/4/14 Final Event Charges-5/4/14-PCPA 100 8646 4,928.00 FER 5/4/14 Final Event Charges-5/4/14-PCPA 100 0204 7623 400 -230.00 (... FER 5/4/14 Final Event Charges-5/4/14-PCPA 100 0204 7476 400 -150.00 s:::: FER 5/4/14 Final Event Charges-5/4/14-PCPA 100 0204 7471 400 600.00 -< FER 5/4/14 Final Event Charges;5/4/14-PCPA 100 0204 7623 400 -8.50 ...II. Final Event Charges-5/4/14-PCPA U1 FER 5/4/14 100 0204 7622 400 -100.00 1\) Total for Check 00225858 4,076.50 0 ...II. ,;w225859 22-May-14 @00003472 County of San Diego DEH DEH14-0355-D11 4/10/14: Recycled wtr test 12300 Crosthwaite Ci510 0406 5730 300 1,278.00 ;: t<J225860 DEH14-0356~D11 4/24/14: Recycled wtr test 12305 Crosthwaite Ci510 0406 5730 300 639.00 ~ 0225861 DEH14-0366-D11 4/24/14: Recycled wtr test 11860 Community R 510 0406 5730 300 639.00 ~ 0225862 @00000813 Cox Communications 006918601-3/14 Cable Serv. Fire Station 1 3/8/14-4/7/14 100 0106 2200 100 74.77 .JW225863 006918601-4/14 Cable Serv. Fire Station 1 4/8/14-5/7/14 100 0106 2200 100 74.78 1'00225864 006918601-5/14 Cable Serv. Fire Station 1 5/8/14-6/7/14 100 0106 2200 100 79.87 ....,. Register of Demands Page 4 of 9 0 Warrants From 511912014-5123/2014 -~ Check "!vumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00225865 22-May-14 @0001 0420 Cutwater Investor Services Corp. 00225866 @00010127 Dave's Sport Sales & Screenprinting 00225867 22-May-14 -----David, Vernon H. 00225868 @0001 0073 Department of Public Health 00225869 @00005345 DL T Solutions 00225870 Ellis, Jennifer 00225871 @0001 0024 Escondido Asphalt 00225872 @00004733 Escondido Metal Supply 00225873 @00006933 Fastenal Company 00225874 @00000897 FedEx 00225875 @00001144 Ferguson Waterworks 00225876 22-May-14 @00000915 Fire Etc. 00225877 @00004918 First Bankcard Center e,_ ~ ~0225878 22-May-14 @00004918 First Bankcard Center @?25879 @00001 085 Garnishment Recipient 1'Q0225880 @00011 019 Gateway ED I; LLC ~225881 @00001207 Grainger Inc ~ ;- ~ 0225882 22-May-14 @00001208 Grangetto's Agriculture Supply Jll)225883 @00001157 Haaker Equipment Company iv 18852A 13289 13290 RW14-0086 D2 32862 4366873A G1616-08WCF 31098 539540 CAPOW30526 2-649-18837 0471305 0471963 0473340 0474101 0474114 0474165 0474434 CM038688 61090 26563926-5/14 26563926-5/14 26563926-5/14 26563926-5/14 26563926-5/14 52305721-5/14 PPE 5/11/14 2V4P051400 9441459881 9441459881 107218 C03025 C03290 Investment Advisory Services 04/14 100 0103 1799 100 Recreation Staff Uniforms 100 0201 4928 400 Lifeguard Uniforms 100 0203 4928 400 Total for Check 00225866 Release of Securities for ROW 14-0086 762 0399 5980 900 Renew D2 #32862, 6/1/14 510 0401 4924 300 Yearly Autocad Subscription Renewal 100 0304 4120 100 release of erosion control 761 9021 5980 900 Bulk emulsion 211 0411 4320A 300 Unit #584: Chopsaw cut charge 611 0413 4799 300 Industrial Paint 100 8189 Human Resources-Testing & City Mgr Paperwo100 0101 4934 100 Water Dis!: Ridgid tapping tool drive 510 0404 4760 300 Neoprene gaskets 510 0404 4 760 300 OD Mtr Gasket 3/4 510 0404 4 760 300 Water Dis!: MTR FLG ANG VALVE 510 0404 4 760 300 Stowe Dr: Parts for 2" recycled emergency repai510 0404 4 760 300 Stowe Dr: Copper tubing for 2" recycled repair 510 0404 4 760 300 Water Dis!: Bronze Saddle 510 0404 4 760 300 Water Dis!: Ridgid tapping tool drive returned 510 0404 4760 300 Total for Check 00225875 Engine supplies 100 0501 4308 200 Admin. Serv. Director's credit card 510 0404 4822B 300 Adl)1in. Serv. Director's credit card 100 0104 4308 100 Admin. Serv. Director's credit card 100 0101 4934 100 Admin. Serv. Director's credit card 611 0108 4822B 100 Admin. Serv. Director's credit card 100 0100 3140 100 Total for Check 00225877 May 2014 CSD Credit Card 1 00 0200 4924 400 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 Electronic Claims April 2014 100 0102 4120 100 Spoons, forks, hydrant wrenches 100 8189 Spoons, forks, hydrant wrenches 510 0410 4710 300 Total for Check 00225881 Hilleary Park Mainline Project 100 0418 4770 300 Unit #?A: Hydraulic Directional Valve 611 0413 4799 300 Unit #65: Weldment, inlet boot, coil 611 0413 4799 300 CheckAmt 2,331.03 616.68 419.90 1,036.58 5,000.00 80.00 3,221.00 2,000.00 401.14 20.34 69.36 203.35 3,021.49 67.02 461.70 777.95 1,211.23 415.92 205.87 -2,515.94 3,645.24 552.42 60.76 429.90 76.23 820.91 139.18 1,526.98 75.00 35.00 19.50 159.66 .202.20 361.86 85.83 422.06 1,273.65 co Register of Demands Page 5 of 9 0 Warrants From 5119/2014-5123/2014 .... .~=oo Check '1vumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00225883 22-May-14 @00001157 Haaker Equipment Company C03300 Unit ?A: Deep-vac tube, & vac trap 611 0413 4799 300 00225884 22-May-14 @00010752 Hadronex Inc. 00225885 @00005130 Hanson Aggregates Pacific Southwest, Inc 00225886 @00001502 Hinderliter, deLiamas & Associates 00225887 22-May-14 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Account 00225888 00225889 00225890 ,00225891 1:00225892 '< ..a. U'l ~225893 ib225894 ;::i<J225895 ~0225896 ;Q0225897 ..a. 1\) 22-May-14 @00001770 @00011072 @00007019 @00007056 @00001341 22-May-14 ----- @00010160 @00010805 @00010287 @00001673 HydroScape Products Inc Ice Machines Plus Imperial Sprinkler Supply, Inc. JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc. Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc Kirkley Corporation, Inc. Kleppel, James Kronos Inc. Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. McDougal Love Eckis Boehmer & Foley W34022 Unit 7 A: Hose reel serviced 611 3121 1456254 022453-IN 022453-IN 022453-IN 1211809 1223~16 2223291 4223469 5223424 5223441 6211877-2014 6223405 6223413 7211869 7223370 7223370 9223570 8118210-00 INV-IMP000915 1976226-00 618614 000104676-0614 000104676-0614 MDRA13-036 PHTLS 10848670 08953857 85930 85931 85932 5/6/14: Service power pack@ J6-013-SM manh520 3/4 Rock 100 Sales Tax & Audit Services 2nd Qtr 2014 100 Sales Tax & Audit Services 2nd Qtr 2014 100 Sales Tax & Audit Services 2nd Qtr 2014 100 WTP: junction box; 1" conduit 510 Battery Charger cord extension 611 WTP: steo drill bit; silicone adhesive tube 510 Cooler, shade canopy 231 WTP: black tubing; anti-ox compound; rubber c 510 Signage installation supplies 231 Keys, propane cyclinders 211 MHY tarps 231 WTP: assorted brass pipe and hex nipples 510 · WTP: brass cap and union flares; flex coupling 510 Comm Park Small Tools and Blinds for Rec Offi 100 Comm Park Small Tools and Blinds for Rec Offi 100 WW: Unit 25 anti-bacterial disinfectant 520 Irrigation supplies 100 Mantowic NEO UD-0140A Air-cooled Ice Machi 100 Lake Poway Park: Irrigation supplies 100 FY 2013/2014 Chlorine 510 Medical Insurance Premiums-June 2014 100 Medical Insurance Premiums-June 2014 100 release of erosion control security 762 Tuition Reimbursement-PHTLS 100 Telestaff Software 7/1/14-6/30/15 100 Torch Repair 510 Professional services through 4/30/14 P0.032 100 Professional services through 4/30/14 P0.159 100 Professional services through 4/30/14 P0.176 100 0413 4799 300 Total for Check 00225883 0405 4120 300 0418 4760 300 0103 7131 1000 0103 7131A 1000 0103 1799 100 Total for Check 00225886 0402 4760 300 0413 4760 300 0402 4760 300 0412 4760 300 0402 4760 300 0412 4760 300 0411 4760 300 0412 4760 300 0402 4760 300 0402 4760 300 0208 4516 400 0208 4304 400 0405 4760 300 Total for Check 00225887 0418 4770 300 0203 6199 400 0418 4770 300 0402 4502 300 8720B -- 8720C Total for Check 00225892 0399 5980 900 0101 4926 100 0501 4120 200 0404 4308 300 0012 1702C 100 0012 1702C 100 0012 1702C 100 CheckAmt 550.72 66.48 2,312.91 120.00 1,113.84 552.48 184.16 900.00 1,636.64 82.66 14.55 62.00 103.65 62.18 78.38 18.03 161.87 106.68 19.34 53.94 70.58 10.77 844.63 795.38 1,499.99 573.49 2,318.32 40,127.84 4,306.54 44,434.38 2,000.00 86.31 4,156.35 124.61 732.00 112.00 44.00 CD Register of Demands Page 6 of 9 0 Warrants From 511912014-512312014 -Check .flo. %"umber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Or!J.n Acct Pro!J. CheckAmt 00225897 22-May-14 @00001673 McDougal Love Eckis Boehmer & Foley 85933 Retainer Fee FY13/14 100 0012 1702A 100 12,000.00 85934 Professional services through 4/30/14 PO.SAOO 100 0012 1702C 100 1,004.41 85962 Professional services through 4/30/14 P0.168 100 0012 1702C 100 52.95 Total for Check 00225897 13,945.36 00225898 22-May-14 @00005391 Meadowbrook Middle School FER 5/1/14 Final Event Charges-5/1/14-PCPA 100 8646 1,470.00 FER 5/1/14 Final Event Charges-5/1/14-PCPA 100 0204 7632 400 -155.00 FER 5/1/14 Final Event Charges-5/1/14-PCPA 100 0204 7623 400 -513.00 FER 5/1/14 Final Event Charges-5/1/14-PCPA 100 0204 7623 400 -8.50 Total for Check 00225898 793.50 00225899 22-May-14 -----Meyers, Scott W. 81588-07 release of erosion control security 761 8894 5980 900 2,000.00 00225900 @00001840 Napa Auto Parts/Poway 941312 Stock: Single edge blades 611 0413 4799 300 14.03 941318 Stock: Filters, brake ext, battery accessories 611 0413 4799 300 244.87 941319 Stock: Batterv cable ends 611 0413 4799 300 6.02 Total for Check 00225900 264.92 00225901 22-May-14 @00006611 Network Printing 52032 Water Conservation: (500) door hangers 1167A 1000P 4922 900 279.72 00225902 @00007430 North County Spring 205793 Unit #95: Remove & install springs 611 0413 4312 300 3,558.08 205794 Unit #85: Remove & install spring 611 0413 4312 300 563.07 205795 Unit #71: Remove & instlal spring 611 0413 4312 300 745.07 Total for Check 00225902 4,866.22 00225903 22-May-14 @00000775 Office Depot Business Services Division 704144592-001 WW Collection: digital cameras for field use 520 0405 4828 300 259.17 708571626-001 Office supplies 100 0500 4710 200 10.79 708658229-001 Office Supplies -PCPA 100 0204 4710 400 56.31 708658559-001 Copy Paper-PCPA 100 0204 4710 400 75.25 711539923-001 Office Supplies 100 0011 4710 100 66.81 711673330-001 Office Supplies -2nd Floor 100 0300 4710 100 55.11 712082305-001 copy paper and office supplies 100 0300 4710 100 62.75 (... 712082305-001 copy paper and office supplies 100 0305 4710 100 164.85 r:::: '< Total for Check 00225903 751.04 ~ ~Qft:J225904 22-May-14 @00002007 Pacific Pipeline Supply 166192 Water Dis!: 375-65 Hydrant Adapter 510 0404 4760 300 130.19 ~225905 @00002099 Parkhouse Tire Inc 3010185554 Units 900 & 902: Tires 611 0413 4799 300 693.36 ::,0225906 @00006746 PARS 28663 Monthly Admin Fee-March 2014 100 8719 2,500.00 00225907 -----Pasalich, Joe CNCL4/26/14POOL Refund-Cancelled Pool Birthday Party Pkg 4/26 100 0203 7697 400 46.00 (i0225908 @00004291 Pers Long Term Care Program 10006543 CaiPERS Long Term Care Program, 05/12/14-0100 8642 102.04 =io225909 @00002313 Petty Cash Fire Department FDPC.052014 Fire Department Petty Cash 100 0501 1394 200 136.96 ;t: FDPC.052014 Fire Department Petty Cash 100 0503 4908 200 47.20 ~ N FDPC.052014 Fire Department Petty Cash 100 0501 1520 200 28.36 FDPC.052014 Fire Department Petty Cash 100 0501 3140 200 10.00 ..a. Register of Demands Page 7 of 9 0 Warrants From 5!19/20/4-5/23/20/4 9. Check fj;-umber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00225909 22-May-14 @00002313 Petty Cash Fire Department FDPC.052014 Fire Department Petty Cash 100 0501 4308 200 12.00 FDPC.052014 Fire Department Petty Cash 100 0501 4760 200 16.51 f;DPC.052014 Fire Department Petty Cash 100 0502 4760 200 38.64 FDPC.052014 Fire Department Petty Cash 100 0502 4~908 200 30.00 Total for Check 00225909 319.67 00225910 22-May-14 @00007109 Pinpoint Pest Control Co. Inc. 331620 5/9/14: 13251 Avenida La Valencia/bees in met 510 0401 4120 300 75.00 331621 5/9/14: 12835 Gate Or/bees in meter box 510 0401 4120 300 75.00 Total for Check 00225910 150.00 00225911 22-May-14 @00000173 Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation 05142014 Foundation ticket sales transfer-PCPA 100 8641 614.00 00225912 @00002686 Poway Computers & Electronics-Radio Shack Dealer 10254595 Battteries for welding helmet 611 0413 4760 300 12.94 00225913 @00002702 Poway Firefighters Association PPE 5/11/14 Fire Association dues for PPE 5/11/14 100 8615 1,773.20 00225914 @00004300 Poway Historical Memorial Society 3/13 & 4/02 Museum Archive Project 100 0205 4904 400 150.17 5/13 Class Tour Valley Elementary 5/13 100 0205 4120 400 54.00 517 & 5/14 Class Tour Tierra Bonita 5/7 & 5/14 100 0205 4120 400 66.00 Total for Check 00225914 270.17 00225915 22-May-14 @00002712 Poway Irrigation Landscape Supply A-76903 Hilleary Park Mainline 100 0418 4770 300 38.38 A-76920 Sch 80 unions, Sch 40 bushings 100 0418 4770 300 71.05 Total for Check 00225915 109.43 00225916 22-May-14 @00002719 Poway Midland Railroad Volunteers 5/13 Class Tour Valley Elementary 5/13 100 0205 4120 400 81.00 5/7 & 5/14 Class Tour Tierra Bonita Elementary 5/7 & 5/14 100 0205 4120 400 99.00 Total for Check 00225916 180.00 00225917 22-May-14 @00002741 Poway Unified School District 15684 Crossing guards for April 2014 100 0504 4109 200 2,650.55 00225918 15681 Bus Transportation for Teen Aquatica Trip 100 0208 "4760 400 490.36 00225919 @00002752 Precision Dynamics Corporation 2522429 Wristbands-Pool 100 0203 4760 400 279.51 00225920 @00010911 R & B Pinto Properties LLC LKCONCMAY51114 Lake Weekly Concession Payment May 5-11, 2 100 8647 3,631.24 c.Q.0225921 @00011095 Rancho Bernardo Signs 201,4-4639 Lake Banner Replacement 716 7662 4932 400 178.20 c 2014-4639 Lake Banner Replacement 100 0202 4932 400 -< 178.20 ..a. Total for Check 00225921 356.40 ,?1 ~225922 22-May-14 @00002245 Reynolds, Patrick FY14 CELLPHONE Reimburse FY14 cell phone 510 0404 3311 300 36.98 ~225923 -----Rogers, Ronald RW13-0207 Release of securities RW13-0207 762 0399 5980 900 5,000.00 ~225924 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Electric 1118382407 5/14 16275 Espola 4/10-5/11/14 100 0418 2110 300 101.55 -320896888-5/14 Skate Park (13090 Civic Center) Electric May 2 100 0208 2110 400 CD 202.88 3 3222233251-514 3222233251 Monthly Electric-Lake-5/14 100 0202 2110 400 617.08 ::t:l: 3243084418 5/14 14022 1/2 Pomerado 4/10-5/9/14 100 0418 2110 300 9.79 ..a. 4163961022 5/14 15001 Hwy 67 4/11-5/12/14 100 0418 2110 300 8.57 N 5997168701-514 Pwy Historical Society Gas & Electric 100 0205 2110 400 311.90 ~ Register of Demands Page 8 of 9 ~ Warrants From 5119!2014-5!23/2014 0 Check -fAr umber Date PaJ:_ee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund 0r£_n Acct Pro£_ CheckAmt 00225924 22-May-14 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Electric 6015334224-514 Kumeyaay Electric 100 0207 2110 400 89.12 8208113748-514 15498 Espola Rd, PCPA Monthly Electric Chgs-1 00 0204 2110 400 12,522.99 8679773765 5/14 13250 Pomerado 4/10-5/9/14 100 0418 2110 300 10.39 9532131 079-0514 14322 Pomerado Road-Sta 3 100 0501 2110 200 2,397.87 9958016173-514 Veterans Park Electric 100 0205 2110 400 57.01 Total for Check 00225924 16,329.15 00225925 22-May-14 @00010672 San Dieguito Engineering Inc. 37879 Survey Services Espola Road 12010A 1000P 1799 600 1,387.50 00225926 @00004843 SCS Tracer Environmental 0228996 FY14 Safety Consulting Services for Public Wor510 0402 4120 300 4,871.26 00225927 @00007252 Shade, Liz ES.REIMB.051414 Reimburse for purchase of water for SVPs 1160A 1000P 4760 600 93.60 00225928 @00002814 Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Center 2711252973 Quinn: Baseline physical 231 0412 4916 300 85.00 00225929 @00010645 Siemens Industry Inc 5620000980 Parking Lot Lights Feb 2014 100 0419 4120 300 566.00 00225930 @00007183 South Coast Emergency Vehicle Service 471693 Unit #922: Belt 611 0413 4799 300 80.24 471776 Stock: Fire pump screens 611 0413 4799 300 195.80 Total for Check 00225930 276.04 00225931 22-May-14 @00006522 Spanky's Portable Services, Inc 988704 Portable services for the training tower 100 0501 4908 200 126.38 990856 Portable Services-Lake (5/8-6/4/14) 100 0202 4120 400 545.19 Total for Check 00225931 671.57 00225932 22-May-14 @00005200 SQS Video Communications 20141092 FY14 Telecasting City Council Regular Meeting 100 0106 4120 100 400.00 00225933 @00005541 Statewide Safety & Signs, Inc 3436/1 Street Signs 211 0411 4514 300 207.62 00225934 @00006600 Stotz Equipment P11046 Units #544 & 595: Mower blades 611 0413 4799 300 151.37 P20481 Unit #584: Winch strap, pin fastener 611 0413 4799 300 26.03 Total for Check 00225934 177.40 00225935 22-May-14 @00010822 Strapac, Steven 52014 mileage reimbursement 100 0308 3110 100 81.20 00225936 @00010936 TelePacific Communications 55902180-0 City Hall Internet Connection May 2014 100 0106 2200 100 1,039.24 00225937 @00002780 Thomson Reuters -West 829585004 CA Codes V66C-67B (5 bks.) 100 0012 4924 100 253.85 00225938 -----Tony Garczynski Development, Inc. WCF 14850 release of erosion control security 761 8880 5980 900 2,000.00 ~225939 @00006004 Tow Pros, Inc 9456 Unit #26:Twin Pks @ Midland to Lake Poway R 611 0413 4312 300 180.00 ~225940 @00007243 U.S. Bank N.A. PPE 5/11/14 PARS employee/er contributions Plan #674602 100 8724 3,126.16 -eD225941 PPE 5/11/14 PARS contributions for PE 5/11/14 Plan #67460 100 8721 41,912.23 ~oo225942 @00010879 United Concordia Dental Plans of CA 096760660 Dental Insurance Premium-June 2014 100 8727B 590.39 N 0 096760660 Dental Insurance Premium-June 2014 100 8727A 17,228.60 ~ .,. Total for Check 00225942 17,818.99 (i0225943 22-May-14 -----Patient ***** Overpayment on account 100 8141 1,276.30 :i0225944 @00002663 Village Lock and Key 8007 Unit #61: Duplicate keys 211 0411 4760 300 12.85 :W0225945 @00002730 Waxie 74591032 Lk Poway Rec Ctr: Sanitation supplies 100 0419 4720 300 12.39 N 74591037 PW -Sanitation Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 89.25 ...a. Register of Demands Page 9 of 9 1\) Warrants From 5//912014-512312014 g_ Check f!rumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00225946 22-May-14 @00002794 Western Mower and Engine 4702' 5119 00225947 22-May-14 @00002943 Wolpert, Joseph 2091.409-10.148 00903078 19-May-14 @00010569 US Dept of the Treasury 051914 PE#10 051914 PE#10 00903079 19-May-14 @00010570 Employment Development Department 051914 PE#10 00903080 @00010571 Garnishment Recipient 051914 PE#10 00903081 20-May-14 @00001372 LAI F Director of Administrative Services Approved '---/}llf/ 1 c. VJ1' c.. 1: -< ...a. ~(11 1\) 0 ...a. ~ <D 3 :t:t: ...a. 1\) Date ~1 -~1 Total for Check 00225945 Sharpen saw chain 100 0418 4308 300 Chainsaw 211 0411 4516 300 Total for Check 00225946 Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#09 100 8621 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#09 100 8624 Total for Check 00903078 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#1 0 100 8622 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 LAIF Transfer 05/20/14 100 8202 Register Total CheckAmt 101.64 9.00 291.59 300.59 1,064.00 60,525.1_2 16,193.12 76,718.24 21 '115.01 763.37 5,400,000.00 6,928,290.47 ..a. The City of Poway Director of Administrative Services Submits the Following Register of Run Date: 30-May-14 w Demands for the period 512612014-5130/2014 and Recommends its Ratification/Approval: Page: 1 of9 0 .... ol=lo w Check Number Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00225948 30-May-14 @00004762 Abcana Industries 942561 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 491.68 942731 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 958.52 Total for Check 00225948 1,450.20 00225949 30-May-14 @00005973 Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. 221179 Commercial Crime policy 7/1/14-7/1/15 100 0107 5108 100 2,738.00 00225950 @00005011 Aqua-Metric Sales Co 0052029-IN 3/4 Sensus I perls 510 8189 14,409.06 00225951 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 588-6642377 Towels and mats for Sta 3 100 0501 4928 200 21.40 588-6644263 Towels and mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 7.40 588-6644265 Weekly Mat Service-PCPA 100 0204 4928 400 17.08 588-6646528 Towels and mats for Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 7.40 588-6651146 Weekly Dock Uniform Laundry 100 0202 4928 400 7.10 588-6655440 Weekly Mat Service-PCPA 100 0204 4928 400 17.08 Total for Check 00225951 77.46 00225952 30-May-14 @00010111 AT&T • 5375171 858-486-4810 PCPA Alarm Line-5/14 100 0204 3310 400 32.34 5375229 858-592-4791 Sta 2 Modem 100 0501 3310 200 45.79 5377171 858-748-6163 Sta 1 Phone 100 0501 3310 200 61.39 Total for Check 00225952 139.52 00225953 30-May-14 @00006936 Aztec Landscaping Inc. 0026176-IN Landscape Maintenance 100 0418 4116 300 2,311.42 0026177-IN Landscape Maintenance 100 0418 4116 300 191.72 Total for Check 00225953 2,503.14 00225954 30-May-14 @00004317 Boot World Inc 1110039-IN FY14 safety shoes allowance 520 0405 4928 300 168.13 1110039-IN FY14 safety shoes allowance 510 0404 4928 300 165.22 111 0039-1 N-A FY14 safety shoes allowance 231 0412 4928 300 136.06 1110039-IN-B FY14 safety shoes allowance 100 0202 4928 400 170.00 c... Total for Check 00225954 639.41 c: "110225955 30-May-14 @00003870 Bound Tree Medical, LLC 81424207 Medical supplies 100 0503 4750 200 95.47 U'l 81425645 Medical supplies 100 0503 4750 200 1 '196.60 ..., Total for Check 00225955 1,292.07 0 ..a. 30225956 30-May-14 c----Bowers, Justin 2008249.001 'Refund on Deposit Rental Cancelled Permit #131 00 0205 7471 400 184.00 ~225957 @00004756 Cal-State Auto Parts Inc 330800 Unit #902: ·Battery 611 0413 4799 300 98.71 0225958 @00006901 California Commercial Asphalt, LLC 139132 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 5,631.25 =1:1: 139175 1 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 3,539.09 ..a. 139214 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 5,994.01 ..., 139253 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 150.57 ...a. Register of Demands Page 2 of 9 .l:b Warrants From 5!2612014-5/3012014 S. Check flsrumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Amt Total for Check 00225958 15,314.92 00225959 30-May-14 @00005556 Cannon Pacific Services, Inc 900812 Shelters -Maintenance Services 1242A 1 OOOP 4120 600 1,399.40 00225960 @00000516 Chicago Title Company 73714001677-1 Title Report for 14158 El Dolora Way 1201 OA 1 OOOP 1799 600 300.00 00225961 @00000519 Childress, Debbora 5111.400-12.14B Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 1,598.40 00225962 @00007263 Childress-Nichols, Kellie 5121.400-08.14B Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 1,176.00 00225963 @00006780 Choice Ticketing Systems 139572 Internet ticketing fee-5/1-5/15/14-PCPA 100 0204 5116 400 850.00 00225964 @0001 0630 Claycomb, Dave 2091.412-13.14 Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 1,350.00 00225965 @00010997 Commercial Aquatic Services 114-1217 FY13/14: Monthly Pool Maintenance & Repair 100 0203 4120 400 350.00 00225966 @00000813 Cox Communications 095748401-05/14 Internet Fee-May 2014-PCPA 100 0204 2200 400 109.00 00225967 @00011 089 Cyber Professional Solutions Corp. P1400274-1 Fire Station 2 Kitchen Remodel Project 617 0105 4304 100 9,937.07 00225968 Digirad Corporation 157-00700-02 Closing Balance Refund, Overpayment, 157-00510 8120 526.12 00225969 152-00700-02 Closing Balance Refund, Overpayment, 152-00 510 8120 257.20 00225970 @00010659 DLM Engineering, Inc. Wl14-001 fire flow & fire sprinkler analysis reports 100 0305 4122 100 5,050.00 00225971 @00000752 E-W Truck & Equipment Company, Inc 327483 Unit #953: 2 switches 611 0413 4799 300 150.87 00225972 @00000799 Ed Jones Company 29724 Badges for uniforms 1 00 0502 4928 200 188.04 00225973 @00005838 ElderHelp of San Diego APRIL 2014 HomeShareProgram oversight and administrati 5961G 5000P 1799 600 6,175.22 00225974 @00003453 EMS Personnel Fund-Calif. EMS Authority P28664-2014 PM License Renewal 100 0503 4908 200 200.00 00225975 @00006995 Enniss ln.c. 390691 Dump Fees -7 loads 211 0411 4520 300 280.00 00225976 @00006933 Fastenal Company CAPOW30398 Drop Plate, Bolts, Carriage bolts 510 0404 4760 300 192.69 CAPOW30398 Drop Plate, Bolts, Carriage bolts 100 0419 4760 300 244.94 CAPOW30398 Drop Plate, Bolts, Carriage bolts 211 0411 4760 300 6.97 CAPOW30453 Nuts, Bolts 510 0404 4 760 300 81.97 CAPOW30453 Nuts, Bolts 211 0411 4760 300 6.97 CAPOW30589 Socket set screws 100 0419 4760 300 12.96 Total for Check 00225976 546.50 00225977 30-May-14 @00001144 Ferguson Waterworks 0474220 Drop in gaskets 510 8189 1,627.24 00225978 @00000915 Fire Etc. 61252 Personal protective equipment 100 0501 4760 200 915:20 COI)225979 @00010711 Fire Service Corp 32M 661834 Facilities: Fire Sprinkler Inspections & Main!. 100 0419 4120 300 216.76 225980 @00000183 Fleet Pride/Associated Truck Parts 61287806 Unit #953: 2 air springs 611 0413 4799 300 426.48 ..Q.0225981 @00010870 Fortel Traffic Inc . 7860 Modem Service Fee (1 month/10 modems) Jun 275 04 70 4326 300 299.90 ~C8o225982 @00010003 Goldfarb & Lipman LLP 112357 Legal services -affordable housing 721 0705 1702B 100 873.00 ~225983 @00001207 Grainger Inc 9439242893 Backpack Sprayer 231 0412 4760 300 204.42 9440405810 ..II. .J:b Dock Supplies 100 0202 4 760 400 31.29 Total for Check 00225983 235.71 ;- ;!0225984 30-May-14 @00004430 Hal Snyder, Signwriter 52114 Signs for OPP 100 0205 4514 400 732.00 :;aD225985 @00010885 Harris Computer Systems MN00076813A Harris NorthStar Software Support 100 0102 4120 100 1,135.00 :'00225986 @00001447 Heaviland Enterprises Inc 7577 Grove: Irrigation Inspection 264 0422 4 770 300 343.20 1'.1 7581 Poway Rd Medians: Irrigation Repair 100 0418 4116 300 63.51 ..a. Register of Demands Page 3 of 9 U'l Warrants From 5/2612014-5/3012014 g_ Check f&-umber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00225986 30-May-14 @00001447 Heaviland Enterprises Inc 7582 Poway Rd Median: Repair Netafim Drip 100 0418 4116 300 7583 Titan Way: Replace battery timer and misc. par 264 0422 4 770 300 7584 Irrigation Repair: master valve 269 0425 4770 300 7587 Recycled Water Irrigation Inspection 269 0425 4770 300 7593 Espola Road/Trailwind: valve replacement 264 0422 4 770 300 7631 Country Day: Remove large broken branch 264 0422 4 770 300 7635 Recycled Water Irrigation Inspection 269 0425 4770 300 7637 Remove storm damaged trees from slope 269 0425 4770 300 Total for Check 00225986 00225987 30-May-14 @00005500 Hill Brothers Chemical Co. 1389529 WTP: Aqua Ammonia shipment 5/9/14 510 0402 4502 300 00225988 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Account 0211961 GFCI for radio charger 611 0413 4760 300 3223486 Dimmer switches 100 0419 4760 300 3223492 WTP: heavy-duty cleaner; clamps; bottles 510 0402 4 760 300 7223017 Equipment Repair-Pool 100 0203 4308 400 8223600 lnstaii/Admin Generator 231 0412 4760 300 8223602 MHY maintenance supplies 231 0412 4760 300 8223614 Installation supplies/ Admin Generator 231 0412 4760 300 9211979 Chain saw oil 211 0411 4760 300 9223580 Comm Park Event and Recreation Supplies 100 0208 4 760 400 9223584-2014 Salt for wash rack water softener 611 0413 4760 300 Total for Check 00225988 00225989 30-May-14 @00001656 Hose Pros, The 956303 Unit #95: Air coupler 611 0413 4312 300 00225990 @0001 0529 Hotalen, Cheri 5417.410-14.14A Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 00225991 @00006463 lnfoSend 80170 Statements-5/2/14 to 5/14/14 100 0102 4120 100 00225992 @00001328 Intermountain Radiator 22382 Unit #59: A/C Compressor & Accumulator 611 0413 4312 300 00225993 -----Jenkins, David 432-03900-62 Closing Balance Refund, Overpayment, 432-03 510 8120 00225994 @0001 0792 Johnson, Charles P1406 Kid's Night Out Presenter (06/07/14) 100 0208 4120 400 Cllll225995 @00001306 JRC Printing LLC 33310 Printing 100 0501 4922 200 225996 @00001317 Judicial Data Systems 4532 Parking activity for April2014 100 0504 4919 200 ..Q.0225997 @00010414 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Mid-Aijantic Stat 201406-104262 Retired Medical Insurance Premium-June 2014100 8720C ~ca:J225998 @00005310 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc 5733838 Poway Signal Synchronization Project 1341A 1000P 1714D 600 ~225999 Krznaric, Frank 328-13200-13 Closing Balance Refund, Overpayment, 328-13 510 8120 10226000 @00001522 Lighthouse Incorporated, The 0043268 Unit #65: Strobe tube 611 0413 4799 300 00226001 Mandel, Jeffrey or Cindi 350-07700-57 Closing Balance Refund, Overpayment, 350-07 510 8120 Cio2260o2 McCullough Design Dev. Inc 496-00350-00 Closing Balance Refund, Overpayment, 496-00 510 8120 =io226003 McMaster-Carr Supply Co @00001684 84465826 WTP: silicone rubber 36"x36" 60A Durometer 510 0402 4 760 300 ~226004 _., @00001804 Miramar Bobcat Incorporated P47699 Unit #407-1: 72" edge/sweeper 611 0413 4799 300 N P47861 Unit #531: hydraulic couplings 611 0413 4799 300 CheckAmt 67.14 121.37 71.25 34.10 8.31 115.90 75.55 226.91 1,127.24 4,474.40 14.01 21.54 40.58 14.07 85.32 28.20 15.63 10.77 401.60 20.65 652.37 65.81 361.50 1,742.67 571.95 81.23 100.00 564.30 100.00 1,753.00 1,990.00 85.64 165.65 24.43 143.74 250.85 681.77 185.78 .do Register of Demands Page 4 of 9 en Warrants From 512612014-513012014 0 Check .... 'f1rumber Date PaJ:.ee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orfi.n Acct Prof!. CheckAmt Total for Check 00226004 867.55 00226005 30-May-14 @00006922 MMASC DUES FY15 Annual dues FY15 100 0100 4924 100 75.00 00226006 @00001840 Napa Auto Parts/Poway 942682 Unit #928: fitting 611 0413 4799 300 17.54 942686 Units 504 & 407-1: screws, washers 611 0413 4799 300 18.01 942784 Unit #584: screws 611 0413 4799 300 7.56 943307 Units 40, 16 & stock: A/C refrigerant 611 0413 4799 300 111.75 943431 Shop tools 611 0413 4516 300 243.56 943869 Fire Station: spark plugs & tire gauge 611 0413 4799 300 59.95 . 944102 Power Steering pressure hoses 611 0413 4799 300 80.43 944412 Stock: Gasket sealer & nuts 611 0413 4799 300 30.21 944745 Unit #923: Lamp, oil filters 611 0413 4799 300~ 34.23 944889 Shop tools: brushes, hose 611 0413 4516 3.00 41.07 Total for Check 00226006 644.31 00226007 30-May-14 @00010905 North County Buick Cadillac GMC 138109 Stock: handles 611 0413 4799 300 118.80 138122 Unit #22: ABS module 611 0413 4799 300 886.00 Total for Check 00226007 1,004.80 00226008 30-May-14 @00011028 Novusolutions 23349 Software Installation, Deployment 100 0011 6122C 100 9,384.67 23349 Software Installation, Deployment 100 0106 4120 100 1,757.42 23349 Software Installation, Deployment 1101A 1000P 6122C 600 3,457.91 Total for Check 00226008 14,600.00 00226009 30-May-14 -----O'Hagan, Patrick 2008336.001 CX OPP Fac Rental Permit #13937 100 0205 7471 400 619.00 2008336.001 CX OPP Fac Rental Permit #13937 100 8632 141.00 Total for Check 00226009 760.00 00226010 30-May-14 -----O'Hagan, Patrick 2008335.001 Deposit Refund OPP Permit #13937 100 0205 7471 400 284.00 00226011 @00000775 Office Depot Business Services Division 708136715-001 Office Supplies -2nd Floor 100 0300 4710 100 75.25 c... 708571528-001 Office supplies 100 0501 4710 200 101.15 s: 712256587-001 Copy paper 510 0410 4710 300 53.66 -< 712256587-001 Copy paper 510 0404 4710 300 53.67 ..a. ~(1'1 714208771-001 Utility Systems: Admin office supplies 510 0401 4710 300 17.01 N 714306505-001 0 Office Supplies 100 0106 4710 100 160.01 ..a. Total for Checl< 00226011 460.75 ~ fl!!226012 30-May-14 @00005664 Paley, Blythe 7617.400-01.14 Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 462.00 :f0226013 @00002103 Parkway Business Centre 410110CU 6/14 410-11 0-CU Assessment Fees June 2014 510 0410 5730 300 1,115.00 =t:t 410110CU 6/14 410-11 0-CU Assessment Fees June 2014 100 0418 5730 300 725.00 ..a. Total for Check 00226013 1,840.00 N /' ..a. Register of Demands Page 5 of 9 ...... Warrants From 5/2612014-5/30/2014 0 Check .... ~umber Date PaJ!.ee/Vendor Invoice· Comment Fund Orfi.n Acct Profl. CheckAmt 00226014 30-May-14 @00002314 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0101 4934 100 12.42 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0300 3110 100 16.24 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0305 3140 100 15.00 05i21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0307 3140 100 6.00 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0010 3140 100 110.85 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0301 3110 100 42.40 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0010 3140 100 27.25 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0103 3140 100 24.00 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0305 3110 100 31.37 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0503 4908 200 52.01 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0100 3140 100 22.57 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0100 4710 100 30.00 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0104 3110 100 87.74 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0205 4928 400 69.11 05/21/2014 Petty Cash General 05/21/2014 100 0204 3110 400 26.32 Total for Check 00226014 573.28 00226015 30-May-14 -----Pineda, Lorenzo 2008345.001 Refund Deposit less OT Charges permit #1286 100 0208 7623 400 -75.00 2008345.001 Refund Deposit less OT Charges permit #1286 100 0208 7471 400 -69.00 2008345.001 Refund Deposit less OT Charges permit #1286 100 0208 7471 400 300.00 Total for Check 00226015 156.00 00226016 30-May-14 @00002526 Pomerado Hospital 50314 AED/First Aid -Blue Sky/CP/OPP 100 0205 4908 400 650.00 50314 AED/First Aid -Blue Sky/CP/OPP 100 0207 4908 400 390.00 50314 AED/First Aid -Blue Sky/CP/OPP 100 0208 4908 400 130.00 Total for Check 00226016 1,170.00 00226017 30-May-14 @00000173 Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation 05222014 Foundation ticket sales transfer-PCPA 100 8641 731.00 00226018 @00002742 Poway Valley Senior Citizens Corporation 587 Phone/cable tv reimbursement 5/15-6/14/14 100 0106 3310 100 250.00 587 Phone/cable tv reimbursement 5/15-6/14/14 100 0106 2200 100 77.93 c... c: -< Total for Check 00226018 327.93 -e0226019 30-May-14 @00010525 PSG Environmental Services 43600820218 Poway Household Hazardous Waste Services 1697A 1000P 4120 600 9,118.00 . 43600836589 N Poway Household Hazardous Waste Services 1697A 1000P 4120 600 13,968.00 0 Total for Check 00226019 23,086.00 ..a. .1:1- 00226020 30-May-14 @00010911 R & B Pinto Properties LLC LKCONCMAY121814 Weekly Cone Pymt (5/12-5/18/14) & CC Adjust 100 0202 5116 400 -139.59 (I) LKCONCMAY121814 Weekly Cone Pymt (5/12-5/18/14) & CC Adjust 100 8647 3,212.36. 3 Total for Check 00226020 3,072.77 =It :-60226021 30-May-14 @00002239 Rex Trophies 052114 Brass Engraved Plates 100 0101 4506 100 52.81 ~226022 @00002290 San Diego County Water Authority 0414-11 APR 2014: Water deliveries and charges 510 0402 7647 300 -542.10 ..a. Register of Demands Page 6 of 9 Q) Warrants From 5/26/2014-513012014 S, Check flrumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00226022 30-May-14 @00002290 San Diego County Water Authority 0414-11 APR 2014: Water deliveries and charges 510 0402 2710C 300 00226023 30-May-14 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Electric 00226024 30-May-14 @00002312 San Diego Gas & Electric/Sundry c... s::: -< ..a. ~(11 N 0 ..a. ,J:ao. S" 3 =l:t: ..a. N 0414-11 APR 2014: Water deliveries and charges 0414-11 APR 2014: Water deliveries and charges 0704702278-0514 12335 Crosthwaite Cir-Fire Training Tower 2319466890 5/14 MHY 12325 Crosthwaite Cir 4/11-5/12/14 2648032724-514 Meadowbrook Electric 3732576307 5/14 12207 Old Pomerado 4/11-5/12/14 4826246631 5/14 12490 1/2 Old Pomerado 4/11-5/12/14 4830145076 5/14 14283 SilverRidge 4/11-5/12/14 4874508946 5/14 13100 Poway 4/15:5114/14 51260647432 514 Acct: 5126 064 743 "2 (4/11-5/12/14) 6402516694 5/14 13544 Aubrey 4/14-5/13/14 70195729909 514 Acct: 7019 572 990 9 (4/10-5/9/14) 7120521572 5/14 13221 Midland Rd A 4/15-5/14/14 7126092874 5/14 150031/2 Pomerado 4/15-5/14/14 8205827156 5/14 14467 Lk Poway 4/11-5/12/14 8246542485 5/14 14795 1/2 Silverset 4/15-5/14/14 8247599764 5/14 13306 1/2 Midland 4/15-5/14/14 8380079610 5/14 14155 1/2 Pomerado 4/15-5/14/14 8992222409 5/14 14038 Midland Rd A 4/15-5/14/14 93224921321 514 Acct: 9322 4921321 (4/11-5/12/14) 93262241491 514 Acct: 9326 2241491 (4/11-5/12/14) 937 4684606 5/14 137 43 1/2 Carriage 4/15~5/14/14 9952297601 5/14 14401 Pomerado 4/14-5/13/14 0679332006-5/1.4 Group Sundry Bill 0679332006-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 3150777677-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 3150777677-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 3150777677-5/14· Group Sundry Bill 361948.9005-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005-5/14 Group Sundrv Bill 3619489005-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 3619489005-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 510 0402 271 OB 300 510 0402 271 OA 300 Total for Check 00226022 100 0501 2110 200 510 0410 2110 300 100 0201 2110 400 100 0418 2110 100 0418 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 264 0422 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 267 0424 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 100 .0418 2110 300 100 0400 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 269 0425 2110 300 275 0470 2120 300 100 0418 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 Total for Check 00226023 100 0205 2110 400 100 0204 2110 400 100 0205 2110 400 275 0470 2120 300 275 0470 2130 300 611 0413 2110 300 100 0205 2110 400 269 0425 2110 300 265 0423 2110 300 264 0422 2110 300 263 0421 2110 300 100 0418 2110 300 275 0470 2120 300 CheckAmt 305,979.00 89,919.00 678,564.00 1,073,919.90 2,487.66 108.73 505.85 28.64 85.40 10.26 8.32 10.03 934.57 10.17 37.40 8.32 1,040.60 268.35 33.73 9:62 78.60 10.26 55.38 161.29 211.45 6,104.63 84.13 321.13 428.01 1,768.00 26,255.85 853.04 247.88 129.86 9.17 71.10 47.51 555.97 1,983.06 -"' Register of Demands Page 7 of 9 CD Warrants From 5126/2014-5/30/2014 0 Check -fJslumber Date PaJ:.ee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orfi.n Acct Profi. CheckAmt 00226024 30-May-14 @00002312 San Diego Gas & Electric/Sundry 3619489005-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0208 2110 400 26.80 3619489005-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 510 0404 2110 300 10.26 3871898157-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0501 2110 200 86.42 3871898157-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0208 2110 400 135.54 3871898157-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0204 2110 400 142.59 3871898157-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0202 2110 400 307.30 3871898157-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0106 2110 100 999.95 5224316782.514 Monthly Gas Sundry -Pool -5/14 100 0203 2110 400 3,832.26 683160456-5/14 Comm Park Electric (13098 Bowron Rd) May 20100 0208 2110 400 6,514.89 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0208 2110 400 2,491.64 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0204 2110 400 265.59 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 263 0421 2110 300 47.53 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0205 2110 400 900.00 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 264 0422 2110 300 20.08 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0501 2110 200 2,636.15 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 275 0470 2120 300 286.01 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 267 0424 2110 300 18.39 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0202 2110 400 1,634.39 7003797598-5/14 Group Sundry Bill 100 0418 2110 300 180.25 Total for Check 00226024 53,290.75 00226025 30-May-14 .@00010094 Sarmiento, Emma 5417.401-08.14A Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 458.40 00226026 @00005393 SCS Engineers 0232573 Environmental Services for Twin Peaks clean-u 5989H 5000P 1799 600 322.88 00226027 @00010645 Siemens Industry Inc 5610001316 Street Light Knockdown Repair-Twin Peaks/Silv 275 0470 4327 300 4,210.00 5610002302 Twin Peaks/Espola: relocate overhead signal 275 0470 4326 300 720.00 5610003285 Street Light Knockdown Repair (Wild Holly/Orch275 0470 4327 300 4,555.00 Total for Check 00226027 9,485.00 00226028 30-May-14 @00010060 SoCo Group Inc. 0037268-IN FS3: Diesel del 5/15/14 611 0413 3120 300 1,828.75 c... 0037287-IN 15W40 del 5/14/14 611 0413 4760 300 1,650.33 c: 0038486-IN Unleaded del 5/15/14 611 0413 3120 300 11,220.99 -< -"' Total for Check 00226028 14,700.07 U'l ,ij)226029 30-May-14 @00007183 South Coast Emergency Vehicle Service 471829 Unit #925: Thermostat 611 0413 4799 300 356.99 ~226030 @00007160 Specialty Electric Supply Co. 7148-522970 plate adapter, slide dimmer 100 0419 4760 300 41.64 ~226031 @00003069 Standard Insurance Company 518464.0614 Basic Life/AD&D/L TD/EAP 100 8725 4,423.74 -518464.0614 Basic Life/AD&D/L TD/EAP 100 8726 14,777.50 (I) 3 518464.0614 Basic Life/AD&D/L TD/EAP 100 8626 2,364.05 ~ 518464.0614 Basic Life/AD&D/L TD/EAP 100 0101 4120 100 23.05 -"' Total for Check 00226031 21,588.34 N ~ Register of Demands Page 8 of 9 0 Warrants From 5/26/2014 • 5!3012014 g_ Check tlfumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00226032 30-May-14 @00010311 Staples Advantage 00226033 @00003075 Stark Manufacturing Company 00226034 @00005541 Statewide Safety & Signs, Inc 00226035 30-May-14 @00006600 Stotz Equipment 00226036 @00003132 Sundberg, Greg 00226037 @00002556 Tifco Industries 00226038 @00010706 Toshiba Business Solutions 00226039 @00002452 U-Haul International 00226040 @00006718 Univar USA 00226041 @00002583 UPS 00226042 @00003270 Verizon Wireless 00226043 30-May-14 @00003270 Verizon Wireless 00226044 @00007191 Vision Internet Providers Inc. 00226045 00226046 00226047 c... r:::: @00002730 Waxie @00005639 West Coast Arborists, Inc. @00002794 Western Mower and Engine '< ...a. @226048 30-May-14 @00006505 Zoll Data Systems tWJ903082 27-May-14 @00007257 CaiPERS ~903083 29-May-14 @00003518 Union Bank-San Diego ol:l> ;::; CD 0903084 30-May-14 @00006266 Manufacturers & Traders Tnust Co. Bank ..B£)903085 iQ)9o3086 8029920379 Mouse Pads for Emergency Operations Center 100 0104 4710 100 38.99 79265 Awning for First Aid Building 100 0419 4304 300 690.00 3468/1 Signage materials 211 0411 4514 300 171.96 3472/1 Signage materials 211 0411 4514 300 97.26 Total for Check 00226034 269.22 P11334 Unit #515: Cables 611 0413 4799 300 67.67 PETTYCASH-LAKE Start-Up Money for Back-up Change Bag· Lake 100 8004 300.00 70950230 Mise hardware supplies, grease, choke-kleen 611 0413 4760 300 313.60 10971823 Copiers 4/25/14-5/24/14 100 0106 4308 100 1,815.11 4166345 SD732616 000065V940214 9724813045 9724813045 9724813045 9724813045 9724813045 9724813045 9724813045 9724813045 9724813045 9725146930 27352 74596301 96582 5209-2014 5422 9013245 052714 PE#1 0 PPE 5/25/14 PPE 5/25/14 457 PPE 5/25/14 401A PE 5/30/14 ROTH PE 5/25/14 Propane 211 0411 4760 300 73.81 FY 2013/2014Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda510 0402 4502 300 5,905.36 Shipping 611 0413 4760 300 73.68 Cell phones for Safety Services 100 0502 2200 200 38.01 Cell phones for Safety Services 100 0500 3311 200 -44.10 Cell phones for Safety Services 100 0500 2200 200 38.01 Cell phones for Safety Services 100 0501 3311 200 86.67 Cell phones for Safety Services 100 0503 2200 200 304.08 Cell phones for Safety Services 100 0504 2200 200 38.05 Cell phones for Safety Services 100 0504 3311 200 0.66 Cell phones for Safety Services 100 0500 3311 200 133.45 Cell phones for Safety Services 100 0502 3311 200 56.23 Total for Check 00226042 651.06 Lake Ranger Cell Phone 100 0202 3311 400 30.97 Website Hosting· May 2014 100 0104 4120 100 200.00 Janitorial supplies 100 0501 4720 200 242.96 Parks: Tree Trimming/Removal/Replacement 100 0418 4120 300 970.80 2 chains 100 0418 4308 300 47.49 Chainsaw battery 231 0412 4760 300 215.99 Total for Check 00226047 263.48 RescueNet Maintenance 6/15/14-9/14/14 100 0102 4120 100 400.00 PERS EFT Debit for PE#1 0 100 8722 144,439.74 Transfer net payroll to Union Bank -PPE 5/25/1 100 8003U 434,271.56 Transfer net payroll to Union Bank -PPE 5/25/1 100 8003U 25,452.83 Total for Check 00903083 459,724.39 ICMA 457 Deferred Camp Deductions for PPE 100 8617 31,114.50 401a employee/er deductions for PPE 5/25/14 100 8618 10,151.32 ROTH IRA-employee contributions for PPE 5/2100 8627 245.00 ~ -llo Register of Demands Page 9 of 9 Warrants From 5/2612014-513012014 S. Check flsrumber Date Payee/Vendor 00903087 30-May-14 @00006266 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. Bank 00903088 @00003518 Union Bank-San Diego 00903089 30-May-14 @00001372 LA I F Invoice RHS PPE 5/25/14 053014 DISC BEN 053014 DISC BEN 053014 DISC BEN Director of Administrative Services Approved , , --, - t... 1: -< -llo !JI ~ 0 -llo .~:b. ;:; CD 3 =It -llo ~ b Date , ~i' Comment Fund Or!.n Acct ProG. CheckAmt Retirement Health Savings Plan-PPE 5/25/14 100 8717 1,662.86 Flexible Spending Register May 2014 100 8016 5,976.25 Flexible Spending Register May 2014 100 8016 -5,976.25 Flexible Spending Register May 2014 100 8625 5,976.25 Total for Check 00903088 5,976.25 LAIF Transfer 05/30/14 100 8202 3,500,000.00 Register Total 5,486,063.95 N The City of Poway Director of Administrative Services Submits the Following Register of Run Date: 05-Jun-14 N Demands for the period 61212014-61612014 and Recommends its Ratification/Approval: Page: I of 12 0 ..... ~ w Check Number Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00226049 05-Jun-14 @00005371 A 0 Reed & Co 78705 Library: HVAC Maintenance Services 100 0419 4302 300 620.13 78705 Library: HVAC Maintenance Services 100 0206 4302 400 122.12 78705 Library: HVAC Maintenance Services 100 0204 4302 400 336.42 78706 PCPA: HVAC Maintenance Services 100 0206 4302 400 302.80 78706 PCPA: HVAC Maintenance Services 100 0204 4302 400 834.20 78706 PCPA: HVAC Maintenance Services 100 0419 4302 300 1,537.67 78707 City Facilities: HVAC Maintenance Services 100 0419 4302 300 5,477.67 78708 Clean HVAC at Hamburger Factory/Museum 100 0419 4302 300 3,481.00 Total for Check 00226049 12,712.01 00226050 05-Jun-14 @00006354 Advanced Chemical Transport, Inc. 52397 Haz Mat Removal 211 0411 2910 300 453.14 00226051 @00010000 Afiac 944362 May 2014 Premiums 100 8619 1,876.95 00226052 @00000061 Agricultural Pest Control 332988 Pest Control: Various Parks 5/23/14 100 0418 4120 300 855.00 333869 Pest Control -Various Bldgs 5/23/.14 100 0419 4304 300 525.00 Total for Check 00226052 1,380.00 00226053 05-Jun-14 @00002106 Airgas USA, LLC 9027879937 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 360.61 9027879938 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 360.61 9027879939 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 360.61 9027879940 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 346.18 9027879941 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 400 311.93 9027879942 Chemicals for Pool 100 0203 4502 4oo 192.33 9027891060 WTP: MIG welding wire 510 0402 4760 300 .52.48 Total for Check 00226053 1,984.75 00226054 05-Jun-14 @00000079 Allstar Fire Equipment, Inc 173~75 SCBA equipment 100 0501 4308 200 68.75 00226055 @00004106 American Fence Company, Incorporated 1773037 Big Stone Lodge Temporary Fence 720 0704 4120 100 542.50 ~226056 @00004913 American lnnotek Inc 593761 Disposable relief bags 100 8189 1,243.50 "CC0226057 @00005671 AmeriGas 3029755900 Forklift Propane 611 0413 3120 300 49.06 ~226058 @00004833 Aquatic Design Systems, Inc 27742 Library June Aquarium Service 100 0206 4304 400 277.08 -;.so225o59 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 588-6572665 Weekly Dock· Attendant Laundry 100 0202 4928 400 16.53 0 588-6595832 Weekly Dock Attendant Laundry 100 0202 4928 400 7.53 ..do. ~ 588-6653470 Towels and mats for Sta 3 100 0501 4928 200 21.40 ;::; 588-6655438 Towels and mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 7.40 CD 588-6662527 Weekly Dock Attendant Laundry 100 0202 4928 400 14.40 3 =It Total for Check 00226059 67.26 ..do. ~226060 05-Jun-14 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 15739729 Dock Attendant Uniforms 100 0202 4928 400 230.50 00226061 @00010111 AT&T 5369981 Acct: 8584874205339 (4/6-5/5/14) 264 0422 2200 300 16.36 1\l Register of Demands Page 2 of 12 W Warrants From 61212014-61612014 S, Check flsrumber Date Payee/Vendor 00226061 05-Jun-14 @00010111 AT&T c... 1: -< ...II. _c.n 1\l 0 ...II. .lil0226062 ;#0226063 (J) 3 ::f:l: ...II. tij)226064 00226065 05-Jun-14 @00000287 Bendixen, Suzanne @00002701 BJ's Rentals Inc. 05-Jun-14 @00007007 Broding's Battery Warehouse, Inc. @00011048 Business Copier Solutions Invoice 5375177 5375189 5376941 5412706 5421177 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421178 5421184 5421185 5421186 5421187 5421189 5421191 5421193 5421234 5421448 5422281 5422353 5422906 5423165 4/30/14 546522-5 547497-5 37259 128199 Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Acct: 8584869813614 (4/10-5/9/14) 275 0470 2310 . 300 Acct: 8585138316551 (4/1 0~5/9/14) 264 0422 2200 300 Acct: 8584861370545 (4/10-5/9/14) 269 0425 2200 300 Acct: 3383718653215 (4/20-5/19/14) 275 0470 2310 300 8583850256713 4/24/14-5/23/14 100 0418 2200 300 C60222187977.7 Group Bill 100 0418 2200 300 C602221879777 Group Bill 510 0402 331 0 300 C602221879777 Group Bill 100 0205 2200 400 C602221879777 Group Bill 100 0106 2200 100 C602221879777 Group Bill 271 0429 2200 300 C602221879777 Group Bill 275 0470 2310 300 C602221879777 Group Bill 100 0501 3310 200 C602221879777 Group Bill 100 0106 3310 100 C602221879777 Group Bill 100 0202 331 0 400 C602221879777 Group Bill 100 0201 3310 400 C602221879777 Group Bill 510 0404 3310 300 C602221879777 Grouo Bill 520 0403 231 0 300 C602221879777 Group Bill 100 0204 331 0 400 C602221879777 Group Bill 510 0410 3310 300 858-679-0942 Alarm Lines 100 0106 3310 100 858-679-2045 General Services 100 0106 3310 100 858-679-2182 General Services 100 0106 3310 100 Comm Park Fax Line (858-679-2710) May 2014100 0208 331 0 400 858-679-3008 Citv Hall-Data Line 100 0106 3310 100 858-679-4689 WTP sprinkler fire alarm lines 510 0402 331 0 300 Meadowbrook Alarm (858) 679-4957-5/14 100 0201 3310 400 Kumeyaay Fax Line (858) 679-0268-5/14 100 0207 3310 400 858-679-0734 Alarm Lines 100 0106 3310 100 C602224013777 4/24/14-5/23/14 100 0418 2200 300 858-679-0969 Lake Alarm Line-5/14 100 0202 331 0 400 Data Line to Lake 100 0106 2200 100 Irrigation 8584863699984 4/24/14-5/23/14 100 0418 2200 300 Total for Check 00226061 Payment for April Farmers Market 100 0205 4120 400 Propane 211 0411 4760 300 Propane 211 0411 4320A 300 Total for Check 00226063 WTP: 12V 9AH SLA BATTERY (8) 510 0402 4760 300 OPP Museum Archive Project 100 0205 4936 400 CheckAmt 16.36 16.36 16.87 822.72 32.70 98.41 70.82 179.84 3,295.42 32.70 33.01 62.19 2,577.30 62.43 123.76 33.40 33.01 275.89 183.93 91.86 29.47 29.47 92.57 29.47 120.02 91.88 226.27 150.71 33.01 33.01 3,600.06 33.01 12,544.29 4,476.33 41.96 28.73 70.69 203.99 231.87 N Register of Demands Page 3 of 12 -l=oo Warrants From 61212014-61612014 9. Check flsrumber Date Pa]J_e_t?_/Vendor Invoice Commel}t Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00226066 05-Jun-14 @0001 0463 CA Short Company 00226067 @00004756 Cal-State Auto Parts Inc 00226068 05-Jun-14 @00010353 California Building Standards Commission 00226069 05-Jun-14 @00006901 California Commercial Asphalt, LLC 00226070 @00011051 California Safety Products 00226071 @00010705 Fordyce Construction, Inc 00226072 @00007403 Capital One Commercial 00226073 @00010349 Century Forms Inc. 00226074 00226075 00226076 00226077 00226078 00226079 00226080 00226081 00226082 00226083 00226084 00226085 00226086 c... s::: -< ..a. U'l @00004515 Chillinsky, Michael @0001 0170 City Electric Supply @00000538 City of San Diego Treasurer @00000539 City Treasurer @00004564 Clark, Michelle @00010997 Commercial Aquatic Services @00000786 County of San Diego Auditor and Controller @00000813 Cox Communications CXT Incorporated @00010859 DeHART BACKFLOW r-ij)226087 05-Jun-14 @00000453 Department of Conservation 0 ..a. ,J:o. 05-Jun-14 @0001 0073 Department of Publi~ Health 0226089 @00004897 Diamond Environmental Services ..a. N 1026225 336550 373373 2ND QTR 2013 3RD QTR 2013 139453 2014-145 P1400215-2R 137350285211 190441 050114-053114 POW/009492 1000105591 1000100640 32413 114-1225 COP APR 2014 PHS APR 2014 067845201-05/14 062872701-05/14 062624301-05/14 290942 Rl 2706 2706 2706 2706A 2713 1ST QTR 2014 4TH QTR 2013 9749 7/1/14 204653 207149 207150 Service Award Selection Packets 100 0101 4506 100 Unit #40: fuel send asm, fuel pump kit, strainer 611 0413 4799 300 Battery Cores 611 0413 4799 300 Total for Check 00226067 Building Standards Administration 4/1-6/30 201 100 0303 1706 100 Building Standards Administration July-Sept. 20 100 0303 7734 1 00 Total for Check 00226068 3/8 Type Ill 211 0411 4520 300 Safety Vests -mesh back 1 00 8189 FY 13/14 ADA Barrier Removal-Old Poway Par 15481 1000P 6414 600 Concessions Supplies-PCPA 100 0204 4 799 400 11,000 AlP checks 262751-273750 100 0103 4922 100 Contract plan check and inspections for May 20 100 0502 4112A 200 WTP: Connectors; compression lugs 510 0402 4760 300 Fire Dispatch Fees for 4-1 to 6-30-14 100 0501 4106 200 FY12: MIWWCP Permit Administration 520 0403 1726 300 Retiring employees gift cards purchase (2) 100 0010 4904 100 Replacement Valve-Pool 100 0203 4308 400 City of Poway parking activity for April 2014 100 0504 4919 200 Poway High School parking activity-April 2014 100 0504 4919 200 Cable TV-Public Works Ops Center 5/24/14-6/2 100 0106 2200 100 Cable TV-Internet Direct Line-Citv Hall-5/22-6/2 100 0106 2200 100 Cable TV-Public Works Treatment Plant 5/24-6/100 0106 2200 100 Iron Min Restroom repair supplies 100 0418 4304 300 Backflow Testing and Certification 263 0421 4120 300 Backflow Testing and Certification 264 0422 4120 300 Backflow Testing and Certification 271 0429 4120 300 83-1A: Backflow Repairs 263 0421 4120 300 LMD 83-1A: Backflow testing and repair 263 0421 4120 300 Total for Check 00226086 Fee Report-January through March 2014 100 0303 7734 100 Fee Report-October through December 2013 100 0303 7734 100 Total for Check 00226087 Don Roth: Renew D4 #9749 due 7/1/14 510 0401 4924 300 Blue Sky Porta Pattie 100 0207 4120 400 Kumeyaay Site restroom service 5/2/14-5/29/14100 0418 4120 300 Iron Min Trail Restroom service 5/2/14-5/29/14 100 0418 4120 300 CheckAmt 22.88 298.73 -97.20 201.53 700.00 414.00 1,114.00 150.57 129.60 367.00 684.94 1,272.39 5,239.93 318.32 22,015.00 17,726.00 800.00 99.14 12.50 25.00 67.25 146.11 67.25 999.60 140.00 35.00 35.00 120.00 85.00 415.00 1,301.41 2,178.99 3,480.40 140.00 236.82 80.50 532.39 ~ Register of Demands Page 4 of 12 U'l Warrants From 612!20/4-6/612014 g_ Check fls.rumber Date Payee/Vendor 00226090 05-Jun-14 @00001070 Dudek & Associates Inc 00226091 05-Jun-14 @00010620 Dunn Edwards Paints 00226092 @00000752 E-W Truck & Equipment Company, Inc 00226093 @00003453 EMS Personnel Fund-Calif. EMS Authority 00226094 · @00006995 Enniss Inc. 00226095 @00010024 Escondido Asphalt 00226096 @000111 00 eScreen Inc. 00226097 @00006933 Fastenal Company 00226098 05-Jun-14 @00001144 Ferguson Waterworks 00226099 @00000915 Fire Etc. 00226100 @00004918 First Bankcard Center 00226101 00226102 00226103 ~226104 ~226105 -ocl226106 , .. ~ 0 """" .s:b 05-Jun-14 @00000183 Fleet Pride/Associated Truck Parts @00010705 Fordyce Construction, Inc @00001085 Garnishment Recipient @00001207 Grainger Inc @00003690 Hawthorne Power Systems (i0226107 05-Jun-14 @00001447 Heaviland Enterprises Inc 3 =It """" ~ Invoice 20141905 20141948 2072084043 327680 P23957-2014 390735 31244 4772176 CAPOW30611 CAPOW30612 CAPOW30616 CAPOW30670 0474657 61749 09451222 05/14 09451222 05/14 09451222 05/14 09451222 05/14 09451222 05/14 61480874 P1400215-2 PPE 5/25/14 PPE 5/25/14 9453302615 PC00007 4 769 PS000726955 PS000727072 7514-2014 7514-2014 7514-2014 7514-2014 7514-2014 Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Total for Check 00226089 Poway Today 100 0013 1799 100 Design services: Oak Knoll Sewer Siphon Struc 1829A 1000P 1714G 600 Water Dist: VIN-L-STRIPE white paint 510 Unit #28: Circuit board oil pressure 611 Paramedic license Renewal -Colorina 100 Dump Fee -1 load 211 Bulk Emulsion 211 Pre-employment Drug Tests-April 2014 100 WIN Disposal: SS half-slot strut channel 520 Credit: Ref lnv CAPOW30454 paid May 2014 520 WTP: contact adhesive tube 510 Batteries 100 MA236206E381XOL 8" FLG Dl RW OL GATE 510 Equipment 100 Director's MasterCard Statement 100 Director's MasterCard Statement 100 Director's MasterCard Statement 100 Director's MasterCard Statement 100 Director's MasterCard Statement 100 #49: valve; stock: 12# Chock 611 FY 13/14 ADA Barrier Removal-Old Poway Par 15481 Payroll Garnishment 100 Payroll Garnishment 100 4" couplings Unit #681: Block Unit #681: Block & Hoses Unit #681: Block PCPA: Landscape Maintenance PCPA: Landscape Maintenance PCPA: Landscape Maintenance PCPA: Landscape Maintenance PCPA: Landscape Maintenance 520 611 611 611 100 100 100 100 100 Total for Check 00226090 0404 4 760 300 0413 4799 300 0503 4908 200 0411 4320A 300 0411 4320A 300 0101 4916 100 0403 4 760 300 0403 4 760 300 0402 4 760 300 8189 Total for Check 00226097 0404 6118 300 0501 4760 200 8644 0419 4760 300 0419 4760 300 04f9 4760 300 0419 4760 300 Total for Check 00226100 0413 4799 300 1000P 6414 600 8620 8620 8189 0413 4799 300 0413 4799 300 0413 4799 300 Total for Check 00226106 0206 4116 400 0418 4116 300 0504 4116 200 0501 4116 200 0204 4116 400 CheckAmt 849.71 3,382.02 3,136.21 6,518.23 34.54 78.67 200.00 40.00 324.00 96.00 223.21 -233.32 23.61 94.60 108.10 7,703.10 3,660.73 ~12.75 159.33 12.75 141.91 173.98 475.22 125.03 6,973.00 121.40 35.00 77.44 -7.20 395.64 19.76 408.20 748.18 293.60 374.08 1,694.72 496.26 N Register of Demands Page 5 of 12 en Warrants From 61212014-61612014 S. Check fJrumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00226107 05-Jun-14 @00001447 Heaviland Enterprises Inc 7515 LiviD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 271 0429 4116 300 ) 00226108 05-Jun-14 @00001499 Hilti Inc 00226109 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Account . c... 'r::::: -< ..a. !JI N 0 ..a. .1:1> ..Q0226110 ·;-0226111 =l0226112 "ifu226113 __.,_ j.B0226114 05-Jun-14 @00006792 Hose & Rubber Products @00001770 HydroScape Products Inc @00007056 JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc. @00005405 John Zeltner Floor Covering Inc. @00001306 JRC Printing LLC 7515 7515 7515 7515 7515 7515 7515 7515 7515 7575 7578 7579 7580 7585 7588 7589 7592 7642 8218-2014 8219 4604139468 0204433 0212136 0212147 0212159 1212130-2014 7121820 7223645 9212195 9223183 48476 8127015-00 620269 22710 33335. 33364 LMD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 265 0423 4116 300 LMD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 268 0428 4116 300 LMD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 264 0422 4116 300 LMD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 269 0425 4116 300 LMD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 266 0426 4116 300 LMD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 263 0421 4116 300 LMD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 100 0418 4116 300 LMD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 267 0424 4116 300 LMD 83-1A: Landscape Maintenance 262 0427 4116 300 Recycled Water Inspection: Repair worn parts 269 0425 4770 300 Recycled Water: Repair kit 269 0425 4 770 300 Recycled Water Inspection/Repair Kits 269 0425 4770 300 Recycled Water: Replace Toro regulator/repair 269 0425 4770 300 Recycled Water Irrigation Inspection: repair part269 0425 4770 300 Irrigation repairs 269 0425 4770 300 Recycled Water: Repair parts 269 0425 4 770 300 Replace nozzles/Clock U Recycled Water 269 0425 4 770 300 Recycled Water: Repair kits/mainline repair 269 0425 4 770 300 FY14 Landscape Maintenance Service at variou510 0402 4116 300 Arbolitos Park-Landscape & Irrigation Maintena 100 0418 4116 300 Total for Check 00226107 Shop Vac 211 0411 6199 300 Community Park Sign Supplies 100 0208 4 760 400 Water Dist: pipe thre,ad sealant; blue glue 510 0404 4 760 300 Ball Valves 211 0411 4760 300 PW Admin Generator install supplies 100 0419 4760 300 PW Admin Generator install supplies 100 0419 4760 300 Credit for returned items-Lake 100 0202 4 760 400 Lake Operating Supplies. 100 0202 4 760 400 WW Disposal: Malathion for LS-2 520 0403 4760 300 Water Dist: 2x4 studs 510 0404 4 760 300 Total for Check 00226109 Unit #49: · Karnack fittings, bushing, adapter 611 0413 4799 300 Irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 FY 2013/2014 Chlorine 510 0402 4502 300 OPP Facility Carpet 1 00 0205 4899 400 Wildland fire handouts 100 0501 4922 200 Movies in the Park 2014 Flyers and Posters 716 7681 4922 8000 CheckAmt 276.87 479.45 623.43 7,354.15 16,824.21 1,098.87 4,335.31 3,896.85 673.07 1,379.12 108.29 38.85 128.50 287.59 98.83 70.59 66.73 39.20 115.46 1,374.41 1,346.33 44,222.95 1,123.52 21.57 89.26 19.14 73.18 15.64 -33.01 51.21 63.81 6.24 307.04 183.19 962.42 . -2,318.32 455.00 264.60 449.06 N Register of Demands Page 6 of 12 ""' Warrants From 61212014-61612014 0 Check .... 'f1rumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Ors.n Acct Pros. CheckAmt Total for Check 00226114 713.66 00226115 05-J un-14 -----Kasate,Anna 2008358.001 CX Fac OPP Permit #13671 100 0205 7471 400 129.00 00226116 2008357.001 CX Fac Deposit Refund OPP Permit #13671 100 0205 7471 400 84.00 00226117 @00005310 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc 5753279-A Services rendered through 5/20/14 CIP #12008 12008A 1000P 1799 600 11,060.00 5753279-8 Services rendered through 5/20/14 CIP #12010 12010A 1000P 1799 600 11,845.00 5753281 As-Needed Traffic Engineering 100 0307 1714D 100 6,022.70 Total for Check 00226117 28,927.70 00226118 05-Jun-14 @00007079 Koi City 011-3379 Maintenance: OPP Fountain, OPP Koi, & Aubre 100 0206 4304 400 120.00 011-3379 Maintenance: OPP Fountain, OPP Koi, & Aubre 100 0418 4304 300 240.00 011-3421 Pond/Fountain chemicals 100 0418 4760 300 11.87 Total for Check 00226118 371.87 00226119 05-Jun-14 @00006740 KTU&A Landscape Architecture & Planning 26749 Professional Services: Landscape Design 510 0402 4120 300 1,050.00 00226120 @00006982 Lawson Products, Inc. 9302477719 Ear Muffs 100 8189 78.59 00226121 @00010539 Mail Dispatch 133548 Mail Courier Service-June 2014 100 01Q6 4120 100 1,007.04 00226122 @00001896 Moore lacotano Goltsman 0037509 Phase 1: Develop & Prepare Design Developm ·617 0105 4304 100 442.25 00226123 @00010694 MPC Containment International LLC 0175085-IN FY14 WTP Clearwell Cover Cleaning Services: 510 0402 4120 300 7,600.00 00226124 @00001840 Napa Auto Parts/Poway 944734 Tools 611 04f3 4516 300 164.49 944740 Tools 611 0413 4516 300 9.15 944750 Tools 611 0413 4516 300 45.75 945026 Tools 611 0413 4516 300 161.49 946271 Unit #612: fuel filter 611 0413 4799 300 5.92 946272 Stock: fuel filter 611 0413 4799 300 5.92 946451 Unit #545: spark plugs 611 0413 4799 300 11.83 947135 Unit #58: U-joint 611 0413 4799 300 22.67 947762 Unit #40: hose 611 0413 4799 300 9.20 Total for Check 00226124 436.42 ~226125 05-J un-14 @00004385 National Safety Compliance, Inc 59950 Alcohol Misuse & Substance Abuse DVD 100 0101 4908 100 159.86 -< 59991 April2014 Additional DOT Test 100 0101 4916 100 69.95 ..a. Total for Check 00226125 229.81 _c.n ~226126 05-Jun-14 @00006611 Network Printing 52040 Printing Budget Covers 100 0103 4922 100 12.15 -e<J226127 @00001991 N clan, Bruce FY14 SFTYSHOES FY14 safety shoe reimbursement 510 0401 4928 300 170.00 SUP SHIRTS FY14 reimburse purchase (5) supervisor-style shirt 510 0401 4928 300 76.63 ;::; CD Total for Check 00226127 246.63 3 $226128 05-Jun-14 @00010905 North County Buick Cadillac GMC 138217 Unit #1: Switch 611 0413 4799 300 72.20 ....lo. 138365 Unit #58: Sensors 611 0413 4799 300 208.42 N 138379 Unit #58: Connectors 611 0413 4799 300 36.72 '~ ~ Register of Demands Page 7 of 12 00 Warrants Fr'om 61212014-61612014 0 Check -~umber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund OrG_n Acct Pro G. CheckAmt 00226128 05-Jun-14 @00010905 North County Buick Cadillac GMC 138383 Unit #8: Bumper; #59: Handle 611 0413 4799 300 121.82 Total for Check 00226128 439.16 00226129 05-Jun-14 @0001 0578 Nyquest Consulting 1022 Banner/Oracle Technical Support 100 0104 1712 100 1,800.00 00226130 @00000775 Office Depot Business Services Division 708571627-001 Office supplies 100 0502 4710 200 144.18 712793770-001 Office supplies 100 0301 4710 100 66.87 712827353-001 Old Poway Park Office & 4th of July Craft Suppli100 0205 4710 400 234.64 712827353-001 Old Poway Park Office & 4th of July Craft Suppli1 00 0205 4760 400 35.63 712835092-001 Craft supplies 4th of July. 100 0205 4760 400 17.59 71.4172132-001 Supplies for JPIA Training (to be reimbursed) 100 0400 4760 300 132.90 714208527"001 Recycled Water: digital camera for field use 510 0406 4760 300 82.07 714591401-001 Office supplies 100 0500 4710 200 46.39 Total for Check 00226130 760.27 00226131 05-J un-14 @00006338 Olson, Mark CASH BAG-POOL EXtra Cash for Pool Change 100 8004 110.00 00226132 @00002457 OneSource Distributors S4337850.001 WTP: Micrologix SCADA modem 510 0402 6136 300 1,010.36 S4337864.001 WTP: Micrologix SCADA modem 510 .0402 6136 300 1',01 0.36 Total for Check 00226132 2,020.72 00226133 05-Jun-14 @00007268 Ortiz, Rodney ENG100/HIST102 Tuition Reimbursement-ENG1 OO/HIST1 02 100 0101 4926 100 445.31 00226134 @00002099 Parkhouse Tire Inc 3010186179 Units 72, 532 & 950: Tires 611 0413 4799 300 1,251.03 3010186212 Tire Disposal Fees 611 0413 2910 300 131.22 3010186374 Stock & #48: Tires 611 0413 4799 300 773.02 3010186990 Stock: PW & Fire 611 0413 4799 300 1,496.85 Total for Check 00226134 3,652.12 00226135 05-Jun-14 @00002703 Perry Ford of Poway 5013931 Units #940 & 951: Elements &Exhaust Emission611 0413 4799 300 234.40 00226136 @00004291 Pers Long Term Care Program 10015097 CaiPERS Long Term Care Program, 05/26/14-0100 8642 102.04 00226137 @00007109 Pinpoint Pest Control Co. Inc. 331618 Remove bees in valve box in median (Carriage 100 0418 4120 300 85.00 331744 5/20/14: 15161 LaManda Or/bees in meter box 510 0401 4120 300 85.00 c... 331745 5/20/14: 12355 Kozy Crest Ln/bees in meter bo 510 0401 4120 300 85.00 1: -< Total for Check 00226137 255.00 ... _Qlb226138 05-Jun-14 @00002526 Pomerado Hospital 4/30/14.112313 CPR/First Aid Training c 100 0207 4908 400 140.00 ~226139 @00002547 Post, Scott FIREPREVENT2C Tuition Reimbursement-Fire Prevention 2C 100 0101 4926 100 253.30 -80226140 @00000173 Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation 05292014 Foundation ticket sales transfer-PCPA 100 8641 2,833.00 00226141 @00002702 Poway Firefighters Association PPE 5/25/14 Fire Association dues for PPE 5/25/14 100 8615 1,773.20 (i0226142 @00004300 Poway Historical Memorial Society 5120 & 5/21 Class Tour Painted Rock Elementary 5/20 & 5/2100 0205 4120 400 66.00 3 5/22/14 Class Tour Valley Elementary 5/22 100 0205 4120 400 87.00 ~ 5/27/14 Class Tour Sunset Hills Elementary 5/27 100 0205 4120 400 39.00 ..II. ~ Total for Check 00226142 192.00 N Register of bemands Page 8 of 12 CD Warrants From 61212014-61612014 g_ Check '!lrumber Date Payee/Vendor 00226143 05-Jun-14 @00002712 Poway Irrigation Landscape Supply 00226144 @00002719 Poway Midland Railroad Volunteers 00226145 05-Jun-14 @00007106 Prast, Nancee 00226146 05-Jun-14 @00010232 PrintStar 00226147 @00005510 Progressive Technology Security Systems Inc 00226148 05-Jun-14 @00010911 R & B Pinto Properties LLC 00226149 @00006244 Rancho Bernardo Printing, Inc 00226150 -----Ray's Bad to the Bone BBQ Catering 00226151 @00006488 RBF Consulting 00226152 @00002239 Rex Trophies 00226153 @00003764 RoadOne 00226154 00226155 00226156 00226157 c.. 1: -< ..a. ~CII N 0 ..a. ,J::Io. S" 3 ~ ..a. N @00011 011 Rotork Controls Inc. @00002982 S K S Petroleum Distributors Inc @00002318 San Diego Gas & Electric @00002312 San Diego Gas & Electric/Sundry Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt A-76922 Water Dist: SCH 40 90; SS bushing 510 0404 4 760 300 15.88 5/20 & 5/21 Class Tour Painted Rock Elementary 5/20 & 5/2100 0205 4120 400 99.00 5/22/14 Class Tour Valley Elementary 5/22 100 0205 4120 400 130.50 5/27/14 Class Tour Sunset Hills Elementary 5/27 100 0205 4120 400 58.50 Total for Check 00226144 288.00 PRAST.040114 Reimburse for SVP printing and office supplies 100 0504 4904 200 74.64 PRAST.050614 SVP 20th Anniversary Book 100 0504 4904 200 664.20 PRAST,020514 Reimburse for SVP office supplies 1160A 1000P 4710 600 214.89 PRAST -052914 Reimburse for supplies for SVP 20th anniv part 1160A 1000P 4760 600 138.74 Total for Check 00226145 1,092.47 35134 Envelopes 100 8189 820.70 32750 FS#2: rewired heat detector 100 0501 4308 200 105.00 32751 Library/Mig Room -DVD 100 0206 4308 400 210.00 32761 Library/Mig Rm -copied security footage 100 0206 4308 400 105.00 Total for Check 00226147 420.00 LKCONC-5192614 Weekly Concession Payment (5/19-5/26/14) 100 8647 6,049.92 41254 OPP Brochures 100 0205 4922 400 529.20 123000 Employee Picnic June 19, 2014, Deposit 100 0101 4506 100 1,237.50 878316 Poway Corp Cntr WQTR/Hydromod Analysis 763 0399 5980 100 1,020.00 052814 EOQ and EOY-plate updates 100 0101 4506 100 16.00 554198 Unit #40: Otis Place to Lake Poway Road 611 0413 4312 300 110.00 RSI48026 Installation assistance & startup/commission for 510 0402 6199 300 3,056.00 CL59853 Fire Dept: Fuel thru 5/15/14 611 0413. 3120 300 1,186.11 15011872037 514 Acct: 1501 187 203 7 (4/15-5/14/14) 275 0470 2120 300 9.11 0492013340 5/14 Utilities & Ops power: 4/11-5/12/14 510 0402 2110 300 242.17 0492013340 5/14 Utilities & Ops power: 4/11-5/12/14 510 0402 2140 300 50,574.46 0492013340 5/14 Utilities & Ops power: 4/11-5/12/14 520 0403 2140B 300 2,635.71 0492013340 5/14 Utilities & Ops.power: 4/11-5/12/14 520 0403 2140H 300 106.22 0492013340 5/14 Utilities & Ops power: 4/11-5/12/14 520 0403 2140M 300 404."84 0492013340 5/14 Utilities & Ops power: 4/11-5/12/14 520 0403 21400 300 1,113.86 0492013340 5/14 Utilities & Ops power: 4/11-5/12/14 520 0403 2140U 300 95.13 0492013340 5/14 Utilities & Ops power: 4/11-5/12/14 510 0406 21408 300 2,045.14 0492013340 5/14 Utilities & Ops power: 4/11-5/12/14 510 0410 2110 300 1,286.83 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill Cycle 14) 263 0421 2110 300 54.12 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill Cycle 14) 264 0422 2110 300 38.46 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill Cycle 14) 100 0418 2110 300 7.22 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill Cycle 14) 265 0423 2110 300 20.28 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill Cycle 14) 267 0424 2110 300 29.97 W Register of Demands Page 9 of 12 0 Warrants From 6/212014-6/6/2014 !a. Check flrumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00226157 05-Jun-14 @00002312 San Diego Gas & Electric/Sundry 04944440039 514 Ace!: 0494 444 003 9 (Group ·Bill Cycle 14) 269 0425 2110 300 00226158 05-Jun-14 @00010672 San Dieguito Engineering Inc. 00226159 @00006857 Savmart Pharmaceutical Service 00226160 05-Jun-14 @00005845 Scripps/Poway Fence Builders 00226161 05-Jun-14 @00004843 SCS Tracer Environmental 00226162 05-Jun-14 @00002814 Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Center c... 1: -< ..a. ~(1'1 N 0 ..a. ~ (fo226163 =io226164 i§b226165 j80226166 00226167 05-Jun-14 @00010645 @00002986 @00006465 @00006993 @00010060 Siemens Industry Inc Sloan Electric So Cal Signs, Inc. SoCal Chapter STMA SoCo Group Inc. 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill cycle 14) 266 0426 2110 300 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill Cycle 14) 268 0428 2110 300 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill Cycle 14) 271 0429 2110 300 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill Cycle 14) 275 0470 2130 300 04944440039 514 Acct: 0494 444 003 9 (Group Bill Cycle 14) 275 0470 2120 300 37898 582932 583025 0519201402 0529201401 0217028 0217028 2721256607 2721257088 2721257534 2721257717 2721257945 2721258025 2721258127 2721258257 2721259061 2721259161 2721259414 2721259416 2721259431 2721260176 5567422968 0063595 3215 OMOR12014 0032724-IN Total for Check 00226157 Survey Services Espola Road -12010A 1000P 1799 600 EMS 100 0503 4740 200 EMS supplies 100 0503 4740 200 Total for Check 00226159 Installation of 45 LF of 36"-Hiah Hand Rail, 100 0419 4120 300 Comm Pk Dog Park: installation of roll gate 100 0418 4120 300 Total for Check 00226160 FY13 Safety Consulting Services for Public Wor211 0411 4120 300 FY13 Safety Consulting Services for Public Wor231 0412 4120 300 Total for Check 00226161 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-empfoyment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 DMVexam 100 0418 4916 300 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 Pre-employment Physical 100 0101 4916 100 7ML5004-2AA10-1A Siemens LU02 Controller 510 PS-1 Pump 1 pump/motor repair: LABOR 510 Name Plate 100 Omori-2014 Memberhip dues 100 Unleaded & Diesel DeL 5/1/14 611 Total for Check 00226162 0402 0402 0011 0418 0413 6199 300 4308 300 4710 100 4924 300 3120 300 CheckAmt 210.12 18.84 19.44 9.40 290.90 922.45 60,125.56 3,083.75 690.50 2,189.50 2,880.00 1,335.00 950.00 2,285.00 837.00 739.51 1,576.51 94.00 124.00 94.00 94.00 58.00 94.00 94.00 59.00 94.00 94.00 58.00 58.00 94.00 58.00 1,167.00 13,441 .97 21,641.93 37.00 35.00 11,339.74 w ..a. Register of Demands Page 10 of 12 Warrants From 6/212014-61612014 2. Check 'flrumber Date Payee/Vendor 00226167 05-Jun-14 @00010060 SoCo Group Inc_ 00226168 05-Jun-14 @00005136 Solid Rock Gym 00226169 @00007183 South Coast Emergency Vehicle Service 00226170 05-Jun-14 @00005200 SQS Video Communications 00226171 @00001238 Terra Costa Consulting Group 00226172 @00006453 Thatcher Company of California 00226173 @00000240 U.S. Bank 00226174 05-Jun-14 @00010371 U.S. Bank Corporate Payment System 00226175 c... t: -< ..a. _c.n ~226176 05-Jun-14 @00007243 US. Bank N.A. :i:J226177 3 ;t: ..a. 226178 @0001 0380 Ultimate Labs Inc. ~226179 05-Jun-14 @00010115 UT Community Press ) I Invoice· Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 0042058-IN Diesel del 5/29/14 611 0413 3120 300 Total for Check 00226167 SAFPAT.0513-22 Safety patrol event for May 13 and 22 100 0504 4 760 200 471828 Stock: Suction screens 611 0413 4799 300 471833 Unit #927: strainer screen 611 0413 4799 300 Total for Check 00226169 20141094 FY14 Telecasting City Council Regular Meeting 100 0106 4120 100 140501 Old Coach Trail Bridge-Design & Specifications 100 0107 5760 100 232554 FY14 alum supply from"S/13/14 thru 6/30/14 510 0402 4502 300 3687310 Trustee fees for 2005 COPS 311 2001 5116 700 3687310 Trustee fees for 2005 COPS 720 2001 5116 700 Total for Check 00226173 19140674 5/14 CaiCard purchase-Public Works 611 0413 3120 300 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4924 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0500 4 760 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0502 4904 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4899 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0504 4937 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4828 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4828 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0500 4904 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4924 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4318 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4120 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4760 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4908 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 8644 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0503 4908 200 4555679376-0514 Credit card charges for Safety Services 100 0501 4710 200 Total for Check 00226175 PPE 5/25/14 PARS employee/er contributions-Plan #67460 100 8724 PPE 5/25/14 2840 2876 94653 94727 PARS contributions for PE 5/25/14,Pian #67460 100 Water Dis!: R17 Bioburden & Ttl Coli 510 FH Midland drwy/WaiMart Bioburden & Ttl Coli 510 Legal 14-042 Legal 14-046 100 100 8721 0404 1708 300 0404 1708 300 Total for Check 00226178 0308 4932 1 00 0419 4932 300 CheckAmt 1,808.85 13,148.59 1,080.00 178.79 20.53 199.32 400.00 19,285.30 3,325.33 981.56 1,581.44 2,563.00 33.38 10.08 333.76 548.93 776.63 2,523.21 5.52 68.95 27.44 125.94 157.00 159.92 74.92 449.56 -15.60 385.00 35.63 5,666.89 3,214.21 42,366.01 70.00 70.00 140.00 142.60 266.60 W Register of Demands Page 11 of 12 N Warrants From 612!2014-6/6/2014 S, Check ~umber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Amt 00226179 05-Jun-14 @00010115 UT community Press 00226180 05-Jun-14 @00003270 Verizon Wireless 00226181 00226182 @00010618 Vidacare Corporation 00226183 @00002663 Village Lock and Key 00226184 @00005030 VIP Janitorial Service 00226185 05-Jun-14 @00011 029 Virata, W. Jay 00226186 @00007141 WateriSAC 00226187 @00002730 Waxie c.. s::: -< ...a. @226188 ~226189 ~226190 ~226191 -CD 3 :t:l: 05-Jun-14 @00005639 West Coast Arborists, Inc. @00006353 Western Fire Protection, Inc. @00002897 Willcox, Robert @00011096 Winner Chevrolet .JID903090 02-Jun-14 @00010569 U.S. Dept. of the Treasury N 94757 94916 94955 95205 95410 95412 95413 95414 95416 95418 95419 95420 9725578538 9725543272 134350 8048 3013 3014 29673 2014 PRO DUES 74597236 74612644 74612645 74615232 74615233 74623910 96836 57973 FY14 CELLPHONE 3149 3150 060214 PE#11 060214 PE#11 Legal14-047 100 0011 4932 100 142.60 Legal 14-048 100 0011 4932 100 210.80 Legal 14-049 100 0011 4932 100 62.00 Legal 14-058 100 0011 4932 100 161.20 Legal 14-050 261 0420 4932 300 145.70 14-051 261 0420 4932 300 155.00 Legal 14-052 261 0420 4932 300 148.80 Legal 14-053 261 0420 4932 300 148.80 Legal 14-054 261 0420 4932 300 148.80 Legal 14-055 261 0420 4932 300 164.30 Legal 14-056 100 0011 4932 100 68.20 Legal 14-057 100 0011 4932 100 65.10 Total for Check 00226179 2,030.50 Emergency phones 4/21/14-5/20/14 100 0106 3310 100 2.64 Field/Mobile Broadband Data 100 0104 2200 100 38.01 EMS supplies 100 0503 4750 200 3,355.40 Library bathroom: deadbolt & keys 100 0419 4304 300 354.06 Monthly PCPA Janitorial-5/14 100 0204 4114 400 4,297.60 Janitorial Supplies-PCPA-5/14 100 0204 4114 400 503.90 Total for Check 00226184 4,801.50 Event attendance fee for CA UAS Summit on 6/100 0014 4908 100 40.00 2014 Pro mmbrshp dues /48,261 population se 510 0402 4924 300 999.00 Comm Park Ctr: Sanitation Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 1,017.61 Lk Poway Rec Ctr -Sanitation Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 829.74 Lk Poway Rec Ctr -Sanitation Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 177.31 Lk Poway Rec Ctr-Sanitation Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 813.14 Lk Poway Rec Ctr -Sanitation Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 395.28 Comm Park Ctr: Sanitation Supplies 100 0419 4720 300 844.73 Total for Check 00226187 4,077.81 Parks: Tree Trimming/Removal/Replacement 100 0418 4120 300 1,972.30 Replaced PIV tamper switch 100 0419 4120 300 350.00 Reimbursement for Cell Phone Purchase 261. 0420 3311 300 200.00 Chevrolet Tahoe SUV, Four-Wheel Drive 611 0108 6104 100 . 33,704.75 Chevrolet Tahoe SUV, Four-Wheel Drive 611 0108 6104 100 31 '193.75 Total for Check 00226191 64,898.50 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#11 100 8621 67,746.69 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#11 100 8624 17,248.56 W Register of Demands Page 12 of 12 W Warrants From 61212014-61612014 2. Check f&-umber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Amt 00903091 02-Jun-14 @00010570 Employment Development Department 060214 PE#11 00903092 @00010571 Garnishment Recipient Director of Administrative Services Approved / ::>¥Y, k ...... ...,4 --- (... c:::: .:c ~ ~CJ'I N 0 ..a. ,J:Io s- 3 =It ..a. N Date -1 "'~..p· 1F Total for Check 00903090 84,995.25 Payroll W/H EFT for PE#11 100 8622 24,100.74 Payroll Garnishment 100 8620 763.37 Register Total 634,173.25 w The City of Poway Director of Administrative Services Submits the Following Register of Run Date: 12 -Jun-14 .s:. Demands for the period 619/2014-61/312014 and Recommends its Ratification/Approval: Page: 1 of 10 0 ..... ~ w Check Number Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00226192 13-Jun-14 @00002106 Airgas USA, LLC 9027939041 EMS supplies 100 0503 4750 200 190.00 9027989833 EMS supplies 100 0503 4750 200 100.65 Total for Check 00226192 290.65 00226193 13-Jun-14 @00010108 Alpha-Numeric 1010 AlP folders & labels for FY15 100 0103 4710 100 684.77 00226194 @00010642 American Messaging L10739040F Fire department pagers June 2014 100 0501 4106 200 347.57 00226195 @00005011 Aqua-Metric Sales Co 0052163-IN 3/4 I PERL water meters 510 8189 21,785.12 00226196 @00005241 Aramark Uniform Services Inc 588-6657815 Towels and mats for Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 7.40 588-6664902 Towels and mats for Sta 3 100 0501 4928 200 21.40 588-6666875 Towels and mats for Sta 2 100 0501 4928 200 7.40 588-6666877 Weekly Mat Service-PCPA 100 0204 4928 400 17.08 588"6669171 Towels and mats for Sta 1 100 0501 4928 200 7.40 588-6673832 Weekly Dock Attentant Laundry 100 0202 4928 400 8.40 Total for Check 00226196 69.08 00226197 13-Jun-14 @00010111 AT&T 5421182 858-679-0353 Sta 1 Telestaff 100 0501 3310 200 149.87 5421194 858-7 48-0439 Sta 3 phone 100 0501 3310 200 62.41 ~5427650 858-67 4-1 049 Sta 2 phone 100 0501 3310 200 17.00 5427651 858-674-5963 Sta 2 phone 100 0501 3310 200 16.66 Total for Check 00226197~ 245.94 00226198 13-Jun-14 -----Atom Engineering Construction, Inc. ERA14-0004 permit not required -refund fee 100 0305 7736 100 308.00 00226199 @00000229 Bainbridge, Susan 6182.400.14 Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 315.00 00226200 @00010986 Barbosa, Andrew 7600.401-02.14 Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 996.00 00226201 @00011038 Bernardo Heights Middle School FER-5/14/14 Final Event Charges-May 14, 2014-PCPA. 100 0204 7623 400 -567.00 FER-5/14/14 Final Event Charges-May 14, 2014-PCPA 100 8646 3,054.00 FER-5/14/14 Final Event Charges-May 14, 2014-PCPA 100 0204 7632 400 -497.00 c... s:::: Total for Check 00226201 1,990.00 -< ..00226202 13-Jun-14 @00005545 Bevis Respirator Consultants 2239 2014 Fit Tests/Respirator Training 520 0405 4916 300 375.00 ~01 2239 2014 Fit Tests/Respirator Training 510 0406 4916 300 62.50 N 2239 2014 Fit Tests/Respirator Training 100 0418 4916 300 187.50 0 ..a. 2239 2014 Fit Tests/Respirator Training 231 0412 4916 300 312.50 ~ ;::; 2239 2014 Fit Tests/Respirator Training 510 0402 4916 300 312.50 CD 2239 2014 Fit Test;SIRespirator Training 510 0401 4916 300 312.50 3 2239. 2014 Fit Tests/Respirator Training 510 0404 4916 300 437.50 =It ..a. Total for Check 00226202 2,000.00 N 00226203 13-Jun-14 @00002701 BJ's Rentals Inc. 548798-5 Propane 211 0411 4760 300 34.78 w Register of Demands Page 2 of 10 C1l Warrants From 6!912014-6/13/2014 0 Check .... flsrumber Date PaJ:.ee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Or~n Acct Pro~ CheckAmt 00226204 13-Jun-14 @00006588 Black Mountain Middle School FER-5/23-25/14 Final Event Charges-May 23-25, 2014-PCPA 100 8646 4,260.00 FER-5/23-25/14 Final Event Charges-May 23-25, 2014-PCPA 100 0204 7623 400 -2,249.25 FER-5/23-25/14 Final Event Charges-May 23-25, 2014-PCPA 100 0204 7632 400 -436.00 FER-5/23-25/14 Final Event Charges-May 23-25, 2014-PCPA 100 0204 7622 400 -256.00 Total for Check 00226204 1,318.75 00226205 13-Jun-14 @00011106 Boomers Vista 0000005080 Lake Poway Day Camp Field Trip 6/26/14 100 0202 4760 400 1 '165.50 00226206 @00004317 Boot World Inc 111 0445-IN-A Safety Shoes 611 0413 4928 300 170.00 111 0445-1 N-B Dock Attendant Boots 100 0202 4928 400 155.48 1110678-IN Safety Shoes 611 0413 4928 300 170.00 Total for Check 00226206 495.48 00226207 13-Jun-14 @00003870 Bound Tree Medical, LLC 81438774 EMS supplies 100 0503 4740 200 2,505.55 81438775 EMS supplies 100 0503 4740 200 97.59 81438776 EMS supplies 100 0503 4740 200 39.43 Total for Check 00226207 2,642.57 00226208 13-Jun-14 @00006901 California Commercial Asphalt, LLC 139591 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 4,851.84 139638 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 6,659.47 139685 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 359.55 139806 3/4" Asphalt Base Course .................... $66.87 211 0411 4320A 300 4,851.84 Total for Check 00226208 16,722.70 00226209 13-Jun-14 @00011051 California Safety Products 2014-141 Adjustable and flexfit hats 100 8189 700.92 2014c148 Safety Jackets w/lntemal parka 100 8189 444.69 2014-149 Polo Shirts 510 0402 4928 300 Total for Check 00226209 1,256.58 00226210 13-Jun-14 @00005556 Cannon Pacific Services, Inc 900969 Special Sweeps 211 0411 4332 300 100.00 900980 Special Sweeps 211 0411 4332 300 87.55 c.. 900985 Street Sweeping 211 0411 4332 300 16,953.63 I: Total for Check 00226210 17,141.18 -< (jl226211 13-Jun-14 @00006780 Choice Ticketing Systems 139666 Internet ticketing fee-5/16-5/31/14-PCPA 100 0204 5116 400 442.00 ~226212 @00005793 Christophiades, Arthur 3013.401-11.14 Instructor Payment Spring 2014 100 0208 4118 400 1,596.00 ~226213 @00010834 Clinical Laboratory of San Bernardino Inc. 936145 FY 2013/2014 Monthly Wastewater Analysis: 520 0403 1708 300 112.00 "00226214 @00006221 Code Publishing Company 46667 Poway Municipal Code update 100 0011 4922 100 193.05 ;:::; 46766 Poway Municipal Code update 100 0011 4922 100 75.00 CD 3 Total for Check 00226214 268.05 =It ..J.i0226215 13-Jun-14 @00002830 Costco Wholesale 077510010913 Kid's Night Out & Old Fashioned Fourth Supplie 100 0205 4760 400 107.12 N 077510010913 Kid's Night Out & Old Fashioned Fourth Supplie 100 0208 4760 400 103.29 W Register of Demands Page 3 of 10 0') Warrants From 61912014-611312014 2, Check f)-umber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog Check Amt 00226216 13-Jun-14 @00002828 Council of Water Utilities 00226217 @00006320 CRAFCO Inc. 00226218 @00000949 Culligan Water Conditioning 00226219 13-Jun-14 @00000301 D & D Services Inc. 00226220 @00006337 Department of Justice 00226221 @00003453 EMS Personnel Fund-Calif. EMS Authority 00226222 00226223 00226224 00226225 00226226 ,.00226227 s:::: -< ...a. !.11 ~226228 iQ226229 S" 3 ~ ...II. @0001 0024 Escondido Asphalt @00006808 Escondido Humane Society @00000870 Esgil Corporation 13-Jun-14 @00004968 Evoqua Water Technologies LLC @00006933 Fastenal Company 13-Jun-14 @00000897 Fed Ex @00001144 Ferguson Waterworks j.80226230 13-Jun-14 @00001016 Fisher, Michael 00226231 @00010816 Fun Flicks TotalforCheck00226215 210.41 6-17-14 MEETING June Meeting-Scott Edwards 100 0100 3140 100 25.00 00425133 Detack & valves 211 0411 4320A 300 616.85 90373591 FY 2013/2014 50# bags salt, as needed 510 0402 4502 300 504.74 959155 FY 2013/2014 Twin Water Softener System rent510 0402 4502 300 250.00 Total for Check 00226218 754.74 77311 Dead animal removal services 100 0301 4120 100 1,850.00 038178 May 2014 Fingerprint Apps 100 0101 4934 100 800.00 P18861-2014 Paramedic license renewal -La Corte 100 0503 4908 200 200.00 P18858-2014 Paramedic license renewal -Del Bono 100 0503 4908 200 200.00 31375 Bulk Emulsion 211 0411 4320A 300 177.42 555 May 2014 Animal Control Services 100 0200 41 02 400 18,518.33 WE 4-18-14 WE 4-18-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1706 1 00 39,226.91 WE 4-18-14 WE 4-18-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1707 1 00 1,648.01 WE 4-24-14 WE 4-24-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1706 100 12,394.52 WE 4-24-14 WE 4-24-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1707 100 845.65 WE 5-16-14 WE 5-16-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1706 1 00 11,899.00 WE 5-16-14 WE 5-16-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1707 100 2,344.03 WE 5-2-14 WE 5-2-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1707 1 00 1,468.17 WE 5-2-14 WE 5-2-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1706 1 00 9,136.45 WE 5-22-14 WE 5-22-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1707 100 1,492.55 WE 5-22-14 WE 5-22-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1706 1 00 8,014.58 WE 5-8-14 WE 5-8-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1706 1 00 10,800.86 WE 5-8,14 WE 5-8-14 building inspection services 100 0303 1707 100 1,981.93 Total for Check 00226225 101,252.66 901724092 5/21: MHY& Old Coach odor control agent deliv 520 0403 4502 300 4,915.46 CAPOW30651 Hex Cap Screws, Squinchers pops/electrolyte 100 8189 649.87 CAPOW30651 Hex Cap Screws, Squinchers popsl,electrolyte 510 8189 1,016.41 CAPOW30738 Batteries 100 8189 42.95 Total for Check 00226227 1,709.23 2-678-16794 2014 RMP Reporting -ESA delivery to EPA 51 0 0402 3320 300 37.34 0476273 10 and 8" gate valves 510 0404 6118 300 6,014.94 0476540 Straw Waddles 100 8189 1 '166.40 CM038916 return of wrong PVC schedule 520 8189 -83.13 Total for Check 00226229 7,098.21 3115/14-TUNING Piano Tuning-PCPA 100 0204 4120 400 140.00 467215 Screen for Movie in Park June 28 716 7681 4936 8000 408.00 w . Register of Demands Page 4 of 10 ....... Warrants From 61912014-611312014 0 Check -f&-umber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund OrG_n Acct ProfJ. CheckAmt 00226232 13-Jun-14 @00006090 Gary F. Hoyt, Landscape Architecture Inc. CP-1919 Landscape plan check/inspection-April 2014 763 0399 5920 100 150.00 CP-1920 Landscape plan check/inspection-April 2014 100 0301 1.799 100 400.00 CP-1920 Landscape plan check/inspection-April 2014 100 0301 1799 100 400.00 CP-1921 Landscape plan check/inspection-April 2014 763 0399 5920 100 120.00 CP-1921 Landscape plan check/inspection-April 2014 763 0399 5920 100 570.00 CP-1921 Landscape plan check/inspection-April 2014 763 0399 5920 100 60.00 CP-1921 Landscape plan check/inspection-April 2014 763 0399 5910 100 480:00 CP-1921 Landscape plan checklinspection-April2014 763 0399 5910 100 120.00 CP-1921 Landscape plan check/inspection-April 2014 763 0399 5910 100 210.00 CP-1921 Landscape p[an check/inspection-April 2014 763 0399 5910 100 420.00 CP-1921 Landscape plan check/inspection-April 2014 763 0399 5910 100 150.00 CP-1921 Landscape plan check/inspection-April2014 763 0399 5910 100 60.00 Total for Check 00226232 3,140.00 00226233 13-Jun-14 -----Gibson, Doug 403-12800-31 Closing Balance Refund, 403-12800-31 510 8120 431.62 00226234 Good Life Property Management 491-02150-56 Closing Balance Refund, 491-02150-56 510 8120 44.80 00226235 @00001207 Grainger Inc 9456198168 Hand Pumps 100 8189 411.16 9456198176 Flex Couplings 520 8189 76.46 Total for Check 00226235 487.62 00226236 13-Jun-14 @00005130 Hanson Aggregates Pacific Southwest, Inc 1464164 Crushed Aggregate Base 100 0418 4760 300 500.22 1467081 Crushed Aggregate Base 100 0418 4760 300 1,031.02 Total for Check 00226236 1,531.24 00226237 13-Jun-14 @00001239 Harrington Industrial Plastics Inc 004E6402 WTP: ammonia feed NH3 pump press. switch 510 0402 4760 300 401.76 004E6403 WTP: pump pressure switch 510 0402 4760 300 418.28 Total for Check 00226237 820.04 00226238 13-Jun-14 -----Hirsh, Andrew J. 34 7-03200-16 Closing Balance Refund, 347-03200-16 510 8120 222.10 00226239 @00001645 Home Depot Commercial Account 3205010 WTP: PVC 90 El, male adapter, 1/2"x2" pipe 510 0402 4760 300 24.31 c:... 3205026 Comm Pool: door closer 100 0419 4760 300 80.29 1: -< 4212321 Hilleary Pk: mise plumbing supplies 100 0419 4760 300 43.71 ..a, 5212290 Water Dis!: shade canopy and stand 510 0404 4760 300 247.30 ~c.n 5212301 Porter House: door lock 100 0419 4760 300 23.62 1\l 5212305 WW Collection: spring clamps; ABS cement 520 0405 4760 300 46.16 0 ..a, ~ 6212267 Water Dist: 2x6-12FT premium Doug Fir 510 0404 4760 300 8.19 ;::; 9212180 Water Dis!: 0.563 in 19/32 CAT Sheathing Fir 510 0404 4760 300 28.47 CD 9212222 Sawblades 100 0501 4750 200 168.19 3 =It Total for Check 00226239 670.24 ..a, ~226240 13-Jun-14 @00007019 Imperial Sprinkler Supply, Inc. 1990812-00 Lk Poway Park irrigation supplies 100 0418 4770 300 129.61 00226241 @00010792 Johnson, Charles LPDC-ENT-7/3/14 Lake Poway Day Camp Entertainment 100 0202 4760 400 100.00 '\ W Register of Demands Page 5 of 10 00 Warrants From 619/2014 -'6/13/2014 g_ Check f)-umber Date Payee/Vendor 00226242 13-Jun-14 @00001306 JRC Printing LLC 00226243 13-Jun-14 @00006144 Kimball-Midwest 00226244 @00005310 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc 00226245 @000014 7 4 Kissinger Trucking 00226246 @00000953 L N Curtis & Sons 00226247 @00006982 Lawson Products, Inc. 00226248 @00001435 Leatherman, Richard 00226249 @00004118 Life-Assist, Inc. 00226250 13-Jun-14 @00006964 Maintenance Solutions, Inc. 00226251 @000111 07 McGrievy, Joseph 00226252 -----Mid Wilshire Apartments 00226253 @00004787 MK Signs and Banners 00226254 @00002018 Municipal Alarm Tracking 00226255 @00006611 Network Printing 00226256 @00006932 Nexgen 00226257 @00000775 Office Depot Business Services Division c... s:::: -< ..... @226258 13-Jun-14 @00005911 Ohlin Sales Inc 1\) 0 ..II. .J:Io, ;:;: 13-Jun-14 @00010846 Olson, Joanne 0226260 @00002457 OneSource Distributors ..II. 1\) Invoice 33369 33378 3585669 5493955 201405-22 6045914-00 9302483903 1247.400-10.14B 676327 676374 52718108 LPDC-ENT-7/1/14 320-00400-63 7589 MAY 2014 52241 081152 712678889-001 7127256467001 714666639-001 715402729-001 715402729-001 715402729-001 715450128-001 715645977-001 715651067-001 00295642 00295642 00295642 2091.421.14 S4064278.002 S4290424.001 Comment Summer Concert Flyers Bus Cards Valentino; Greschke 180grit paper, lubricant, deodorizer Poway Signal Synchronization Project 2014 City of Poway Annual Asphalt Program Personal protective equipment Tyvek Coveralls Instructor Payment Spring 2014 EMS supplies EMS supplies I Drain opener Lake Poway Day Camp Entertainment Balance Refund, 320-00400-63 2014 Movie in the Park Banner False Alarm & Permit Fees May 2014 2014 Movies in the Park Flyers & Posters Drain Cleaner Admin. Serv. Supplies May 2014 Office supplies Office Supplies-Pool Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office supplies Office Supplies -2nd Floor Returned items Batteries Batteries Batteries Instructor Payment Spring 2014 Warranty return: AB Stratix 2000 switch WTP: Allen Bradley Stratix 2000 switch Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 716 7662 4922 400 318.60 510 0410 4710 300 49.68 Total for Check 00226242 368.28 100 8189 704.55 1341A 1000P 1714D 600 3,042.50 211 0411 4320A 300 22,878.38 100 0501 4760 200 1,875.95 100 8189 1,083.76 100 0208 4118 400 2,476.50 100 0503 4750 200 1,044.12 100 0503 4750 200 4,359.89 Total for Check 00226249 5,404.01 100 0419 4760 300 458.50 100 0202 4 760 400 160.00 510 8120 71.33 716 7681 4932 8000 302.40 100 0301 4120 100 1 '746.40 716 7681 4922 8000 353.16 100 0419 4760 300 191.82 100 0100 4710 100 126.35 100 0501 4710 200 183.51 100 0203 4710 400 100.88 100 0106 4710 100 7.41 100 0103 4710 100 68.19 100 0104 4710 100 8.01 100 0013 4710 100 58.22 100 0300 4710 100 55.83 100 0011 4710 100 -19.95 Total for Check 00226257 588.45 100 0501 4318 200 427.37 100 0501 4318 200 31.49 100 8644 -31.49 Total for Check 00226258 427.37 100 0208 4118 400 774.00 510 0402 4760 300 -385.56 510 0402 4 760 300 424.44 Total for Check 00226260 38.88 w Register of Demands Page 6 of 10 CD Warrants From 6/9/2014-6/13/2014 0 Check -flrumber Date Pa~ee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund OrG_n Acct Pro G. CheckAmt 00226261 13-Jun-14 @00005469 Pavement Recycling Systems, Inc. P307228 Asphalt Grinder/Operator Services 211 0411 4320A 300 19,018.00 00226262 -----Perez, Eric 308-03400-59 Closing Balance Refund, 308-03400-59 510 8120 50.22 00226263 Petersen, Brisena 433-021 00-1 0 Closing Balance Deposit Refund, 433-02100-10 510 8661 402.00 433-02100-10 Closing Balance Deposit Refund, 433-02100-10 510 8120 -391.75 Total for Check 00226263 10.25 00226264 13-Jun-14 @00002314 Petty Cash General Reimburse General Petty Cash, 6/10/14 100 0102 5720 100 0.14 Reimburse General Petty Cash, 6/10/14 100 0104 4822B 100 21.58 Reimburse General Petty Cash, 6/1 0/14 100 0301 3110 100 53.32 Reimburse General Petty Cash, 6/10/14 100 0103 3110 100 17.60 Reimburse General Petty Cash, 6/10/14 100 0010 3140 100 176.91 Reimburse General Petty Cash, 6/10/14 100 0013 4710 100 4.32 Reimburse General Petty Cash, 6/10/14 100 0305 3110 100 30.81 Reimburse General Pettv Cash, 6/10/14 100 0300 3110 100 31.81 Total for Check 00226264 336.49 00226265 13-Jun-14 @000111 03 Pinnacle Consulting LLC 10003 Training Software 100 0503 4908 200 2,597.50 10003 Training Software 100 0501 4908 200 2,597.50 Total for Check 00226265 5,195.00 00226266 13-Jun-14 @00002552 Postmaster CCR MAIL 2014 2013 CCR saturation mailing in 2014 510 0402 3320 300 3,169.60 00226267 @00000173 Poway Center for the Performing Arts Foundation 06052014 Foundation ticket sales transfer-PCPA 100 8641 2,124.00 2184 Reimbursement for ABC permit fee 100 0204 5730 400 500.00 Total for Check 00226267 2,624.00 00226268 13-Jun-14 @00010656 Poway Dance Boosters FER-5/15-16/14 Final Event Charges May 15 & 16, 2014-PCPA 100 0204 7622 400 -152.00 FER-5/15-16/14 Final Event Charges May 15 & 16, 2014-PCPA 100 8646 1,990.00 FER-5/15-16/14 Final Event Charges May 15 & 16, 2014-PCPA 100 0204 7632 400 -198.00 FER-5/15-16/14 Final Event Charges May 15 & 16, 2014-PCPA 100 0204 7623 400 -836.00 Total for Check 00226268 804.00 (... 5o226269 13-Jun-14 @00010911 R & B Pinto Properties LLC LKCONC527-6114 Weekly Concession Payment (May 27-Jun 1, 20100 8647 4,824.93 10226270 @00006244 Rancho Bernardo Printing, Inc 2014-4651 Summer Concert Banners Stage & OPP 716 7662 4932 400 356.40 _Q!o226271 -----Ray's Bad to the Bone BBQ Catering 123000B Employee Appreciation Picnic 100 0101 4506 100 1,237.50 ~226272 @00002235 Reuben H Fleet Theater RF01290338 Lake Poway Day Camp Field Trip 6/19/14 100 0202 4760 400 450.00 -@0226273 @00002245 Reynolds, Patrick WDS Tuition Reimbursement-Water Distribution Syst 100 0101 4926 100 50.00 00226274 @00010408 RJM Design Group, Inc. 25230 Cafagna Center Schematic Design 1502A 1000P 1799 600 18,546.25 (;'0226275 @00002318 San Diego Gas & Electric 1453224891-6/14 13094 Civic Center-Monthly Electric Service-6/1100 0203 2110 400 7,095.20 :io226276 -----Sauer, Elizabeth 327-27200-35 Closing Balance Deposit Refund, 327-27200-35510 8661 200.00 ~ 327-27'200-35 ..a. Closing Balance Deposit Refund, 327-27200-35 510 8120 -14.47 ....., Total for Check 00226276 185.53 .f:io. Register of Demands Page 7 of 10 0 Warrants From 61912014-6/1312014 g_ Check flrumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00226277 13-Jun-14 @00011 090 Schneider Electric Buildings Americas Inc. 00226278 @00005393 SCS Engineers 00226279 @000111 08 Skyriver Communications Inc. 00226280 00226281 00226282 00226283 00226284 00226285 00226286 00226287 00226288 (... t: -< ..lo. ~UI -1\,) 0 ..lo. ,f:lo. c;- 3 ::Jt ..lo, N @00002986 Sloan Electric @00006969 Smith, Chad @00003023 South Bay Foundry Incorporated @00006883 Stericycle, Inc. @00003669 Swank Motion Pictures, Inc @00006453 Thatcher Company of California @00005982' Tolliver, John @00004950 Truesdail Laboratories, Inc @00010371 U.S. Bank Corporate Payment System 541550 City Hall: Replacement Reheat Valves 100 0419 4302 300 0232571 Detention Basin Monitoring & Sampling 100 0308 4120 100 INV00033886 Backup Internet Connection-100 0106 2200 100 0063615 Raw Water PS #1: mfr motor shaft, pump #3 510 0402 4120 300 CALSTATEMARSirlA Tuition Reimbursement-Cal State Marshal's 1B 100 0101 4926 100 0142829-IN Galv Steel stormwater Grates 231 0412 4760 300 3002648127 Hazardous waste disposal 100 0503 2910 200 RG1185293 Royalty Fees for Movie in Park June 28 716 7681 4120 8000 232683 FY14 alum supply from 5/13/14 thru 6/30/14 510 0402 4502 300 FY14 SFTYSHOES Reimbursement for safety shoes 100 0306 4928 100 151412 Second Contract Amendment 7/1/2013-6/30/20 510 0402 4120 300 01835530-5/14 CSD CaiCard-Sarah Becker May 2014 100 0205 3140 400 01835530-5/14 CSD CaiCard-Sarah Becker Mav 2014 100 · 0205 3140 400 01835530-5/14 CSD CaiCard-Sarah Becker May 2014 100 8644 01835530-5/14 CSD CaiCard-Sarah Becker May 2014 1189A 1000P 4760 600 01835530-5/14 CSD CaiCard-Sarah Becker Mav 2014 716 7667 4760 400 01835530-5/14 CSD CaiCard-Sarah Becker 2014 716 7667 4760 400 01835530-5/14 CSD CaiCard-Sarah Becker May 2014 1189A 1000P 4760 600 01835530-5/14 CSD CaiCard:sarah Becker May 2014 100 0205 3140 400 02056128-05/14 CaiCard Mav 2014-Belinda Romero 100 8644 02056128-05/14 CaiCard May 2014-Belinda Romero 100 0208 4 760 400 02056128-05/14 CaiCard May 2014-Belinda Romero 100 0208 4 760 400 0228-5321-5/14 CaiCard May 2014-Carrie Sanchez 100 0208 4 760 400 0228-5321-5/14 CaiCard May 2014-Carrie Sanchez 100 0208 4 760 400 0228-5321-5/14 CaiCard May 2014-Carrie Sanchez 100 8644 17611106-5/14 CSD CaiCard-Annie Ransom Mav 2014 100 0207 4516 400 19239906-5/14 CSD CaiCard Sean Hill May 2014 716 7667 4 760 400 19239906-5/14 CSD CaiCard Sean Hill May 2014 100 0205 4760 400 19239906-5/14 CSD CaiCard Sean Hill May 2014 100 0205 3140 400 19239906-5/14 CSD CaiCard Sean Hill May 2014 100 8644 19239906-5/14 CSD CaiCard Sean Hill May 2014 100 0205 4 760 400 19239906-5/14 CSD CaiCard Sean Hill May 2014 716 7667 4760 400 1923-9914-5/14 Cal Card May 2014-Ashley Cain 100 0208 4932 400 1923-9914-5/14 CaiCard May 2014-Ashley Cain 100 0208 4720 400 1923-9914-5/14 CaiCard May 2014-Ashley Cain 100 0208 4760" 400 40017610991.514 CSD Calcard-Greg Sundberg-5/14 100 0202 4760 400 40017611049.514 CSD Calcard-Mark Olson-5/14 100 0203 4308 400 40017611049.514 CSD Calcard-Mark Olson-5/14 100 8644 40017611049.514 CSD Calcard-Mark_Oison-5/14 100 0203 4308 400 40017611684.514 CSD Calcard-Lisa ·Najmi-5/14 100 0204 4799 400 CheckAmt 1,047.60 341.00 499.00 573.64 285.00. 810.00 575.58 874.00 3,370.08 170.00 2,850.03 20.45 5.19 -22.14 21.02 1.12 31.93 262.78 115.61 -4.02 4.02 705.90 916.34 12.40 -12.40 58.40 22.57 19.20 118.55 -41.77 343.01 369.11 350.00 442.86 201.28 29.98 10.83 -10.83 155.96 74.63 ~ ...II. Register of Demands Page 8 of 10 Warrants From 619120/4-611312014 S, Check flsrumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog 00226288 13-Jun-14 @0001 0371 U.S. Bank Corporate Payment System 00226289 13-Jun-14 @00002466 Underground Service Alert 00226290 @00002473 Uniforms Plus 00226291 13-Jun-14 @00003270 Verizon Wireless 00226292 13-Jun-14 @00003270 Verizon Wireless c... s:: .:c ...II. _c.n t\) 0 ...II. ~ ;::; CD 3 =It ...II. t\) 40017611684.514 CSD Calcard -Lisa -5/14 100 40017611684.514 CSD Calcard-Lisa Najmi-5/14 100 40017611684.514 CSD Calcard-Lis·a Najmi-5/14 100 40019187378-514 CSD Cal card-Austin Coates-5/14 100 40019187378-514 CSD Calcard-Austin Coates-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 40019290206.514 CSD Calcard-Christine Hill-5/14 100 520140517 MAY 2014: (47) POW47 new ticket charges 510 35693 Uniforms 100 35697 Uniforms 100 9726151174 Wireless Services May 2014 100 9726151174 Wireless Services Mav 2014 100 9726151174 Wireless Services 2014 100 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges4/29-5/28/14 520 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 510 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 100 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 211 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 100 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 231 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 231 9726052683 Pub Wks_cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 611 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charaes 4/29-5/28/14 100 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 510 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 275 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 100 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 510 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 510 0204 4 760 400 0204 4 799 400 0204 4 760 400 0203 4908 400 0203 4760 400 0202 4 760 400 0202 4 760 400 0202 4 760 400 0202 4 760 400 8644 0202 4 760 400 0202 4760 400 0202 4908 400 0202 4 760 400 0202 4 760 400 Total for Check 00226288 0404 4924 300 0501 4928 200 0501 4928 200 Total for Check 00226290 0304 3311 100 0304 2200 100 0306 2200 100 Total for Check 00226291 0405 3311 300 0401 2200 300 0418 3311 300 0411 3311 300 0419 2200 300 0412 2200 300 0412 3311 300 0413 3311 300 0417 3311 300 0404 3311 300 0470 2200 300 0419 3311 300 0402 2200 300 0402 3311 300 CheckAmt 14.16 215.70 18.71 210.00 19.68 154.80 26.23 63.66 89.07 -12.58 11.38 82.35 10.00 142.26 1.20 5,248.60 70.50 291.60 8,918.95 9,210.55 1.54 38.01 129.09 168.64 8.88 38.01 6.66 0.88 38.01 38.01 2.58 2.32 0.22 11.41 38.01 22.75 38.01 8.39 ~ Register of Demands Page 9 of 10 N Warrants From 6/912014-611312014 0 Check -f&-umber Date PaJ!.ee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orfi.n Acct Prof!. CheckAmt 00226292 13-Jun-14 @00003270 Verizon Wireless 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 510 0404 2200 300 152.04 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 520 0405 2200 300 152.04 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 510 0406 2200 300 38.03 9726052683 Pub Wks cell/ wireless charges 4/29-5/28/14 510 0401 3311 300 28.38 Total for Check 00226292 624.63 00226293 13-Jun-14 @00005030 VIP Janitorial Service 3011 Janitorial Services -City Facilities 100 0206 4114 400 1,327.97 3011 Janitorial Services-City Facilities 100 0419 4114 300 13,954.63 3012 Iron Mountain-May 2014 100 0418 4120 300 230.00 3015 Library: towel dispenser 100 0206 4720 400 98.93 3016 Janitorial supplies: May 2014 100 0419 4720 300 1,899.98 3017 Powerwashed Poway Pavillion 100 0419 4114 300 180.00 3018 Iron Mountain emergency cleanup 100 0418 4120 300 180.00 3019 Powerv.iash, Window/Light fixture cleaning 100 0419 4114 300 520.00 Total for Check 00226293 18,391.51 00226294 13_-Jun-14 @00011 001 YC Power Systems SI174510-A QT027 27kW Generator 617 0105 4304 100 594.00 00226295 @00002381 Yokogawa Corporation of America 7002093530 EJA 11 OE-DHS4J-912EB/FF1/D1 Differential Pr 510 0402 6199 300 11,894.39 00903093 09-Jun-14 @00000240 U.S. Bank 2000 TAB 06/14 2000 TAB Debt Svc Pymt 06/14 720 8084A 128,835.78 00903094 2001 TAB 06/14 2001 TAB Debt Svc Pymt 06/14 720 8085A 2,809,971.31 00903095 2003 TAB 06/14 2003 TAB Debt Svc Pymt 06/14 720 8087A 7,362,118.00 00903096 2007 TAB 06/14 2007 TAB Debt Svc Pymt 06/14 720 8088A 602,195.51 00903097 11-Jun-14 @00007257 CaiPERS 061114 PE#11 PERS EFT Debit for PE#11 100 8722 145,059.17 00903098 @00000248 Union Bank 912828FP1 Purchase US Treasury 10-31-17 Maturity 100 8212 2,000,000.00 912828FP1 Purchase US Treasury 10-31-17 Maturity 100 8212A 51,406.25 912828FP1 Purchase US Treasury .1 0-31-17 Maturity 100 8161 4,279.89 Total for Check 00903098 2,055,686.14 00903099 12-Jun-14 @00003518 Union Bank-San Diego PPE 6/8/14 Transfer net payroll to Union Bank for PPE 6/8/ 100 8003U 427,742.25 c... PPE 6/8/14 Transfer net payroll to Union Bank for PPE 6/8/ 100 8003U 41,428.55 1: Total for Check 00903099 469,170.80 '< -@0903100 13-Jun-14 @00006266 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. Bank 457 PPE 6/8/14 ICMA 457 defer~ed comp deductions -PPE 6/8/100 8617 45,938.22 -oo903101 401A PPE 6/8/14 401a employee/employer de.ductions PPE 6/8/1100 8618 10,324.39 0 401A PPE 6/8/14 401a employee/employer deductions PPE 6/8/1100 0103 7891 100 -4,813.03 -I> ~ Total for Check 00903101 5,511.36 (fo9o31o2 13-Jun-14 @00006266 Manufacturers & Traders Trust Co. Bank ROTH PPE 6/8/14 ROTH IRA-employee contributions PPE 6/8/14100 8727 245.00 :io903103 RHS PPE 6/8/14 Retirement Health Savings Plan-PPE 6/8/14 100 8717 12,372.86 ~903104 @00000240 U.S. Bank 2012 COP 06/14 2012 COP Debt Svc Pymt 06/14 311 8052A 186,368.55 j80903105 @00000248 Union Bank 36962G6K5 Purchase GE Capital11-20-17 Maturity 100 8243A 6,461.56 36962G6K5 Purchase GE Capital 11-20-17 Maturity 100 8161 1,003.82 .f:b Register of Demands Page 10 of 10 W Warrants From 61912014-611312014 S. Check fJlrumber Date Payee/Vendor Invoice Comment Fund Orgn Acct Prog CheckAmt 00903105 13-Jun-14 @00000248 Union Bank 36962G6K5 Director of Administrative Services Approved ~ {,,/t ' Date t ~ c... r:: -< ..a. ~U'I 1\) 0 ..a. ,J::b ;::; CD 3 =It ..a. 1\) Purchase GE Capital 11-20-17 Maturity 100 8243 982,000.00 Total for Check 00903105 989,465.38 Register Total 15,196,155.08 DATE: City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT July 15, 2014 APPROVED D APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED D REMOVED ·o CONTINUED----- Resolution No. '- TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager Sf)d, INITIATED BY: Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk f1JJ Rosa Martinez, Senior Administrative Assistant f!..M. SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes Summary: The Minutes of the June 3, 2014, Regular Meeting of the Poway City Council are attached for approval. The Poway City Council sits as the Poway Planning Commission, the Poway Housing Authority, the Public Financing Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Minutes of the June 3, 2014, Regular Meeting of the Poway City Council as submitted. Fiscal Impact: None. Environmental Review: Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. Public Notification: None. Attachment: A. June 3, 2014, City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 1 of6 July 15, 2014, Item# 1.3 NOTE: These draft meeting minutes are not official until approved by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 3, 2014 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California (Per Government Code 54953) (Meeting Called to Order as City Council/City of Poway Planning Commission/Poway Authority and Successor Agency to the Poway Red'eve/'opn CALL TO ORDER Mayor Higginson called the Regular Meeting to ROLL CALL STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Daniel Singer, City Manager; Tina Attorney; Sheila R. Cobian, City Bob Manis, Director of Development Scott Edwards, Director Services; Captain J (Note: Hereinafter Manager, City indicate anager; Morgan L Foley, City of Community Services; Director of Public Works; nchez, Director of Safety , City Manager, Assistant City Administrative Services shall be used to Chair, Councilmember/Director, City 'Assistant Executive Director, City urnt,Tnr of Administrative Services/Finance Officer.) Deputy Lodge 2 uced Dave Mullett, the new Exalted Ruler for Poway Elks ge of Allegiance. Immediately afterwards Mr. Mullett gave a brief ove City Clerk Sheila Cobian administered the Oath of Office to newly appointed City Manager Dan Singer. Mayor Higginson gave a presentation regarding the New Rapid Transit Service scheduled to begin service on June 8, 2014. 2 of6 9921 July 15, 2014, Item# 1.3 City of Poway-Minutes-June 3, 2014 PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Sergio Garcia asked for support of the release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi who is being held in a Tijuana, Mexico prison. Joy Fodor suggested the following: • Adjust pool hours to allow class participants to enter the pool area at least 15 minutes prior to class beginning. In the winter time, the pool opens at the same time class begins. • Increase pool space for water aerobics class. e The City adopt an ordinance prohibiting dogs in unless the dog is a service dog. 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved by Roll-Cal/ Vo Motion by Councilmember Cunningham, approve Consent Calendar Items 1.1 th roll-call vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: ch, Higginson 1.1 Approval of Readi in full of Ordinances on Agenda. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 for the periods of April 21 through April ouncil Minutes. Plan Review and Inspection Services for the City ment between the City of Poway and Verizon Wireless for n of a telecommunications facility located at 17301 , CA 92064 (Boca Raton Reservoir). 1 .6 Second nd Adoption of Ordinances 764 and 765 repealing Poway Municipal Code (PMC) Chapters 15.18 and 15.22, and adding ·new Chapters 15.18, and 15.22 to the PMC, adopting by reference the 2013 California Energy Code and the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code. 1.7 Cancellation of the July 1, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting. 2. ORDINANCE (Ordinance(s) that do not require a Public Hearing) 2.1 None. 3 of6 9922 July 15, 2014, Item# 1.3 City of Poway-Minutes-June 3, 2014 3. PUBLIC HEARING 3.1 Adoption of a Resolution entitled "A Resolution of the City of Poway, California, Amending the Master Fee Schedule, Development Services-Building Division." Director of Development Services Bob Manis presented the report. No speakers. Councilmember Cunningham confirmed with staff the res It of the amendment to the Fee Schedule would be an annual revenue increase · ately $40,000- $45,000. Director Manis explained that the City is operatin so the increase is needed to maintain the cu In response to an inquiry from Councilme that the contract with Esgil is a long te by either party with a 60 day notice. Councilmember Cunningham impacted by the proposed in :J-.;.-tsfo'•s Councilmember Vaus asked industry. Director Manis replied Councilmember the City cove with p u .. ., • ..,..,, permits would not be \A/FI-,'IT<"'negree the 25% collected by Manis replied that the 25% associated the costs. easier to add an annual cost of living ng few years which results in a more Attorney Foley advised the City is only permitted to . to provide service and there is a possibility of litigation the service. community receives high-quality letter in the Agenda Report, Deputy Mayor Grosch asked ivery times were and the consequences if service times are not met. Director is replied that the service times have been met and pointed out that service times are actually less than the current standards required in the contract. Deputy Mayor Grosch suggested that staff review the contract on a routine basis. Director Manis explained that the contract does have room for flexibility and that the City is constantly working to improve processing times. 4 of6 9923 July 15, 2014, Item# 1.3 City of Poway -Minutes -June 3, 2014 Mayor Higginson spoke in support of the great service Esgil has provided to the City of Poway. Motion by Deputy Mayor Grosch, seconded by Councilmember Vaus to. £lose the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 14-030 amending the Building Valuation Table of the Master Fee Schedule. Motion carried unanimously .. 4. STAFF REPORTS 4.1 None. 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 None. 6. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 6.1 City Manager Singer community. He also commented preparation for the tough year ahead, provide education and outreach to the co Poway and in ices to 7. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 8. 7.1 None. Councilmember v,U.IiiHI onh<:orn 8.1 "Hike, Bike and Ride across Poway"-(verbal report) c Councilmember Cunningham gave a PowerPoint presentation providing photos and details of the Rattlesnake Canyon and Tooth Rock Trails. conu .. €J City Manager Dan Singer to the City of Poway . •• the intersection of Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon brought up the May 20, 2014 Council Meeting where during Public Oral unication the three members of the public asked for re- consideratioo of the proposed all-way stop sign which was denied at the April 1, 2014 Council Meeting. He suggested that the new information presented warrants reconsideration of the issue. In the interest of public safety, he urged the Council to reconsider the item at the earliest opportunity. Councilmember Mullin asked what the process is for reconsideration of an item. 5 of6 9924 July 15, 2014, Item# 1.3 City of Poway-Minutes-June 3, 2014 Mayor Higginson responded that since there was no applicant for installation of the stop signs, there was no· need to have new evidence in order to reconsider the item. He stated that if Council concurred, they could direct staff to bring the item back. Attorney Foley explained that Section 2.18.1408 of the City's Municipal Code requires that "A motion to reconsider any action may be made only at the meeting and only by a member who is on the prevailing side." Mayor Higginson suggested Council direct staff to evaluate the use of AB1572 funds for the installation of flashing warning signs at t location, rather than reconsideration of the stop sign issue. He stated that · nts living close to the intersection have expressed their support for such wa Councilmember Mullin said that he was in allocate the AB1572 funds for that purpose. Councilmember Cunningham spoke in the cost and feasibility of the traffic calm Councilmember Vaus also spoke intersection safer. Councilmember Mullin Councilmember Mullin repo Anniversary Celebration of the Deputy Mayor Grosch Deputy Mayor Dearborn M nice speech inclusion in th uncil to advise igginson. make the the 29th ncilmembers attended the anked Councilmember Cunningham for a ief Mark Sanchez had been selected for High. Assistant City Manager Tina White with a staff ition of Peer Standouts) lapel pin for her leadership while The meeting was rned at 8:19p.m. 6 of6 Rosa Martinez Senior Administrative Assistant City of Poway, California 9925 July 15, 2014, Item# 1.3 APPROVED 0 APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT (SEE MINUTES) DENIED 0 REMOVED 0 CONTINUED ________ __ DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: Summary: RESOLUTION NO. ______ _ July 15, 2014 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager ,<Q..A • · Robert J. Manis, Director of Development Service~ Format Revisions to the City of Poway Master Fee Schedule, Development Services-Building Division Over the years, the Development Services -Building Division section of the Master Fee Schedule has been amended several times and as a result, has become increasingly difficult for users to understand. Minor revisions are proposed that will assist with calculating building permit fees and make it more understandable. No changes to the fees are proposed. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution (included as Attachment A) amending the City's Master Fee Schedule, Development Services-Building Division. Background: The Development Services -Building Division section of the Master Fee Schedule contains all of the fees associated with obtaining a building permit for construction. The first part of the fee schedule contains tables with the formulas for calculating plan check and building permit and inspection fees. The second part of the fee schedule contains the building valuation table, upon which building permit and inspection fees are based. On June 3, 2014, the City Council approved revisions to the Master Fee Schedule to update the valuations used in the calculations. At the same time, some revisions were made to the tables with the calculation formulas. The revisions to these tables entailed minor format changes and clarification of some terms used. No changes to the actual fees or the calculation formulas were made. In light of the new terminology used in the fee schedule, a few additional revisions are necessary to further clarify how building permit fees are calculated, as further described below. 1 of 8 July 15,2014 Item #/.t.f Format Revisions to the City of Poway Master Fee Schedule, Development Services - Building Division July 15, 2014 Page 2 Minor revisions are proposed to the format of the Development Services -Building Division section of the Master Fee Schedule to help clarify the fee calculations and make it more understandable to all users. The revisions are highlighted in red in Attachment B. There are no new or revised fees and no changes to the calculations used to determine the fees. The revisions to the fee schedule merely clarify which building permit fees are used to calculate plan check fees. All of the building permit fees used for this calculation will be grouped together in one portion of the table and clearly labeled. There is no change in the way plan check fees have always been calculated. But without the proposed revisions, it is not clear for someone trying to determine the fees associated with a project. This will make it clear as to which building permit fees are used to calculate plan check fees. The revised language· has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney. These revisions will provide a benefit to the public. Anyone wanting to estimate building permit and plan check fees will be able to access the Master Fee schedule on the City's website and do the calculations with better clarity. A step-by-step procedure will also be developed and placed on the City's website. Fiscal Impact: None. Environmental Review: This item is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to the provisions of Section 15273(a)(1) of the 2014 State CEQA Guidelines. Attachments A. Resolution (includes Exhibit A -Amended Master Fee Schedule, Development Services-Building Division) B. Strikeout/Underline of Master Fee Schedule, Development Services-Building Division 2 of 8 July 15, 2014 Item#/.~ 0 RESOLUTION NO. 14- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, REVISING THE CITY OF POWAY MASTER FEE SCHEDULE WITH FORMATTING CHANGES TO CLARIFY THE METHODOLOGY FOR CALCULATING BUILDING PERMIT FEES PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AND EXTENDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE APPROVED FEES WHEREAS, on June 3, 2014, the City Council for the City of Poway, following a duly noticed public hearing, adopted Resolution No. 14-030, approving amendments to the building valuation table, upon which building permit and inspection fees are calculated and other minor amendments; and WHEREAS, the approved master fee schedule, as included in Resolution No. 14- 030, has been modified from time to time, resulting (over time) in the use of certain terms that are no longer used by the City and therefore do not clearly identify which fees are to be included in calculating building permit fees and plan check fees, even though the fees (due to historic use in calculations) were understood by City staff in imposing the fees; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council that the public, and those persons conducting business with the City, have a clear understanding of the costs associated with developing, constructing, and remodeling their homes, offices, and other structures; and WHEREAS, by minor revisions to the descriptions of the previously approved fees, and without increasing any of the fees, the City Council believes that the public will have a better understanding of City-imposed building permit and plan check fees in order to more precisely determine the financial feasibility of proposed improvements; and WHEREAS, in order not to prejudice those persons planning on seeking building permits, who might not understand the current methodology for calculating the adopted fees, and in compliance with California law, the City Council finds that the date of the effectiveness of the fees approved by Resolution No. 14-030 shall be extended to August 2, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The foregoing recitals are true and correct, and the City Council so finds and determines. Section 2: . The revised Master· Fee Schedule, Development· Services - Building Division Table shown in Exhibit A is hereby modified as set forth in Exhibit A. 3 of 8 July 15, 2014 Item# f. 4 ATTACHMENT A Resolution No. 14- Page2 Section 3: The fees and valuation rates shown in Exhibit A shall become effective on August 2, 2014, the provisions of Section 4 of Resolution No. 14-030 notwithstanding. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway at a regular meeting this 15th day of July, 2014. ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DI~GO ) Don Higginson, Mayor I, Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk, of the City of Poway, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 14-was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 15th day of July 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway Attachment: Exhibit A-Amended Master Fee Schedule, Development Services - Building Division 4 of8 July 15, 2014 Item# /. 'f City of Poway Master Fee Schedule Service Description Fee Development Service s -Building Division Total Building Permit Fees (1-4) 1 . Building Permit and Ins pection Fees (See Schedule 1) Valuation $1 to $500 $ 25.44 Valuation $501 to $2 ,000 $ 25.44 for first $500 plus $3.18 each add' I $1 00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2 ,000 Valuation $2 ,001 to $25,000 $ 76 .80 for first $2 ,000 plus $14 for each add'l $1 ,000 or fraction thereof to and includino $25,000 Valuation $25 ,001 to $50,000 $ 398.80 for first $25,000 plus $9.54 for each add'l $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and includino $50,000 Valuation $50 ,001 to $100,000 $ 637.30 for first $50,000 plus $6.60 each add'l $1 ,000 or fraction thereof, to and includino $100,000 Valuation $100,001 to $500 ,000 $ 987 .30 for first $100,000 plus $5.36 for each add' I $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 Valuation $500,001 to $1 ,000,000 $3,131 .30 for first $500,000 plus $4.45 each add'l $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1 ,000,000 Valuation $1 ,000 ,000 and greater $5,356 .30 for first $1 ,000,000 plus $2.86 each add 'l $1 ,0 00 or fraction thereof. 2 . In Combination Fe es (a s sociated with Building Permit) Plumbing permit 6% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee Multi-Fam il y Plumbing permit 10% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee Electrical permit 6% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee Multi-Family Electrical permit 10% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee Mechanical permit 6% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee Multi-Family Mechanical permit 10% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee 3 . En e rgy Complia nc e Fe e 15% of Building Permit and Inspection Fees and In Combination Permit Fees 4. Dis abled Access Compliance Fee (applies to Commercial , Industrial , Assembly, 10% of Building Permit and Inspection Fees and In Educational and Multi-Family type projects as Combination Permit Fees required by State Building Code.) Individual Pe rmit Fees (not associated w ith Building Permit) Plumbing Permit $ 175 Electrical permit $ 175 Mechanical permit $ 175 Water heater perm it $ 85 Solar Water Heater $ 130 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Svstem $ 130 5 of8 J u ly 1 5, 2 014 It em #/.'{ EX HIBIT A City of Poway Master Fee Schedule Service Description Fee Development Services -Building Division Plan Check Fees 75% of Total Building Permit Fees 25% of Individual Permit Fee (when plan check is requ ired) Total permit fee for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System shall be reduced by 25%. Permit Issuance Fee $ 45 per permit Plan Check and Inspection Fees Related to 2010 California Green Building Standards Code One hour of building plan check fees and one hour of building inspection fees in addition to standard fees for any new single family residential construction . $90 per hour for Plan Check. $83 per hour for Building Two hours of bu ilding plan check fees and two Inspection. Refer to Res . No. 11-049 Effective 9-17-11 . hours of building inspection fees in addition to standard fees for any new multi-family residential or non-residential construction. Note s~ (Residential subdivision or tract development projects may have production units that are duplicates of the model units reduced to 30% of the plan check fee .) A Build ing Permit shall include only a single issuance fee if the permit has a combination of activities, i.e. Building, Plumbing , Electrical or MechanicaL Expedited processing is only available for unusual circumstances as deemed appropriate by City Staff. Charges for expedited services shall be determined by using an hourly rate of two times the current preferred hourly rate as established by EsGil Corporation . Projects requiring additional inspections, additional re-inspection or additional plan check of revised plans shall be determined using the current preferred hourly rate established by EsGil Corporation (one-hour minimum). 6 of8 July 15, 2014 Item# I . "-1 EXHIBIT A City of Poway Master Fee Schedule s.vlce Desalptlon Fee DevJIDP ... Il Services-...... Dluislall Total Building Permit Fees (1-4} 1. Building Permit and Inspection Fees (See Schedule 1) Valuation $1 to $500 $ 25.44 Valuation $501 to $2 ,000 $ 25.44 for first $500 plus $3.18 each add'l $1 00 or fraction thereof, to and includinQ $2,000 Valuation $2 ,001 to $25,000 $ 76.80 for first $2,000 plus $14 for each add'l $1 ,000 or fraction thereof, to and includinQ $25,000 Valuation $25,001 to $50,000 $ 398.80 for first $25,000 plus $9.54 for each add'l $1 ,000 or fraction thereof, to and includinQ $50,000 Valuation $50,001 to $1 00,000 $ 637.30 for first $50,000 plus $6.60 each add'l $1 ,000 or fraction thereof, to and includina $1 00 ,000 Valuation $100,001 to $500,000 $ 987.30 for first $1 00,000 plus $5.36 for each add'l $1 ,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000 Valuation $500 ,001 to $1 ,000,000 $3,13 1.30 for first $500,000 plus $4.45 each add' I $1 ,000 or fraction thereof, to and includinQ $1,000,000 Valuation $1 ,000,000 and greater $5,356.30 for first $1 ,000,00 0 plus $2.86 each add'l $1 ,000 or f raction thereof. 2. In Combination Fees {associated with Building Permit) Plumbing permit 6% of Building Permit and Ins pection Fee Multi-Family Plumbing permit 10% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee Electrical perm it 6% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee Multi-Fam ily Electrical permit 10% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee Mechanical permit 6% of Building Permit an d Ins pection Fee Multi-Family Mechanical permit 10% of Building Permit and Inspection Fee 3. Energy Compliance Fee 15% of Building Permit and Inspection Fees and In Combination Permit Fees 4. Disabled Access Compliance Fee (applies to Commercial, Industrial, Assembly, 10% of Building Permit and Inspection Fees and In Educational and Multi-Family type projects as Combination Perm it Fees required by State Building Code.) Individual Permit Fees (not associated with Building Perm it) Plumbing Permit $ 175 Electrical permit $ 175 Mechan ical permit $ 175 Water heater permit $ 85 Solar Water Heater $ 130 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System $ 130 7 of 8 ATTACHMENT 8 J u ly 1 5 , 2014 Item# f . 'I STR IK EOUT/UN DERLINE BUILDI NG VALUATIO N TABLE City of Poway Master Fee Schedule Service Desalptlon Fee Dev1111111-ll s.viCIIS -...... Dlulslon 75% of Total Building Permit and lns~esti en Fees Pl an Check Fees 25% of Individual Permit Fee (when plan check is required) Total permit fee for Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System shall be reduced by 25%. Permit Issuance Fee $ 45 per oermit Plan Check and Inspection Fees Related to 2010 California Green Building Standards Code One hour of building plan check fees and one hour of building inspection fees in addition to standard fees for any new single family residential construction. $90 per hour for Plan Check. $83 per hour for Building Two hours of building plan check fees and two Inspection. Refer to Res. No. 11-049 Effective 9-17-11. hours of building inspection fees in addition to standard fees for any new multi -family residential or non-residential construction. (Residential subdivision or tract development projects may have production units that are duplicates of the model units reduced to 30% of the plan check fee.) A Building Permit shall include only a single issuance fee if the permit has a combination of activities, i.e. Building, Plumbing, Electrical or Mechanical. Expedited processing is only available for unusual circumstances as deemed appropriate by City Staff. Charges for expedited services shall be determined by using an hourly rate of two times the current preferred hourly rate as established by EsGil Corporation . Projects requiring additional inspections, additional re-inspection or additional plan check of revised plans shall be determined using the current preferred hourly rate established by EsGil Corporation (one-hour minimum). 8 of8 AITACHMENT 8 July 15, 2014 Item# I . 'f STRIKEOUT/UN DER LI NE BUILDING VALUATION TABLE APPROVED 0 APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED 0 City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT REMOVED 0 CONTINUED----- RESOLUTION NO. ___ _ DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: July 15 , 2014 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager ~ Robert J. Manis , Director of Development Service ~ Steve Crosby , City Engineer ~(., Jeff Beers , Special Projects Enginee ~ Acceptance of the Fire Station 2 Kitchen Remodel Project ; (#01 05); Bid No . 14-011 Summary: This project involved a full remodel of the existing kitchen at Fire Station 2 . New cabinetry , flooring , paint and appliances were installed . In addition , the ceiling was raised and the adjoining day room was painted. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council : (1) Accept the Fire Station 2 Kitchen Remodel Project as complete ; (2) Authorize the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion ; (3) Authorize the release of the retention in the amount of $1 ,481 .15 , if unencumbered , 45 days after City Council acceptance; (4 ) Release the American Contractors Indemnity Company Bond for Materia l and Labor in the amount of $29 ,623.00 , after the release of retention ; and (5) Retain the American Contractors Indemnity Company Bond for Faithfu l Performance for a pe riod of one year. Background: On April 1, 2014, the City Council awarded the contract for the Fire Station 2 Kitchen Remodel Project ; (#0105); Bid No . 14-011 , to Cyber Professional Solut ions Corp ., in the amount of $29 ,623 .00 . Findings: There were no change orders to this contract. Staff finds the project to be complete in accordance with the standards and specifications of the contract. Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds are available in the project account (#01 05) for the release of the Fire Station 2 Kitchen Remodel Project retention . 1 of 2 July 15, 2014 Item# /, 5" Acceptance of the Fire Station 2 Kitchen Remodel Project July 15, 2014 Page 2 Environmental Review: This action is not subject to review under the 2014 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Public Notification: Cyber Professional Solutions Corp. 3441 Main Street, Suite 104, Chula Vista , CA 91911 Attachment: None M:\CIP _Development\ClP Admi n\Agenda Reports\20 14 Reports\Fire Station 2 Kitchen Remodei\Acceptance Report.docx 2 of2 July 15, 2014 Item # /. 5" APPROVED D APPROVED AS AMENDED D (SEE MINUTES) City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT- DENIED D REMOVED D CONTINUED-~----,--:---:-=-:- RESOLUTION NO. ___ _ DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: Summary: July 15, 2014 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager ~ ~ Leah Browder, Director of Public Worksf Eric Heidemann, Public Works Administrator Award of Contract for As-Needed Plumbing Services, RFP 14-010 A notice inviting proposals for As-Needed Plumbing Services was duly advertised on June 12 and 19, 2014. Five proposals were received and opened on June 24, 2014. A.O. Reed & Co. was selected as the vendor best meeting the evaluation criteria. The first term of the Contract is one (1) year and eleven and one-half (11-1/2) months beginning July 16, 2014 through June 30, 2016. The Contract may be extended through a total of three separate one-year extensions. The maximum length of the Contract would be up to five (5) years. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council award the Contract for As-Needed Plumbing Services, RFP 14-010, to A.O. Reed & Co., and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents. Background: This Contract is intended to cover as-needed plumbing services for all projects assigned to the Contractor. In addition, any single project that is estimated to exceed $5,000.00 will be bid separately and is not considered to be covered by this Contract. The Contractor shall furnish all professional services, skilled labor, materials, equipment, tools, insurance, permits and fees, as necessary, to render the services according to the specifications set forth in the Request for Proposals. Findings: Five proposals were received and opened on June 24, 2014. Staff determined that A.O. Reed & Co. best meets the City's requirements. Evaluation criteria for the proposals included overall experience; government agency experience; breadth and duration of experience; technical expertise; work force coverage capacity; references; and cost of' service. Also considered within these criteria were Cai/OSHA safety program compliance, technical training program, and service rates. A.O. Reed is the current provider of as-needed plumbing services to the City and has met or exceeded all 1 of 8 July 15, 2014 Item# /. {Q Award of Contract for As-Needed Plumbing Services, RFP 14-010 July i 5, 2014 Page 2 contract requirements-and performance expectations. Based on their experience and - staffing, the City has confidence in A.O. Reed's ability to respond quickly to all plumbing service needs. The length of the initial Contract is one (1) year and eleven and one-half (11-1/2) months beginning July 16, 2014 through June 30, 2016. The Contract may be extended subject to Council appropriation of funds through a total of three separate one-year extensions. The maximum length of the Contract would be up to five (5) years. Fiscal Impact: Sufficient funds for award of this Contract are budgeted in Fiscal Year 2014/2015 (Account 0419-4120). Environmental Review: This action is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: A copy of this report has been sent to A.O. Reed & Co. Attachment: A. Contract and Proposal Tables. (The entire Contract and RFP are on file with the Office of the City Clerk.) 2 of 8 July 15, 2014 Item# -LJ/.L.Yln~- CONTRACT AS-NEEDED PLUMBING SERVICES THIS CONTRACT, made and concluded, this 161h day of July, 2014, between the City of Poway (hereinafter collectively referred to as "City"), and A. 0. Reed & Co., hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." The initial term of the contract is from July 16, 2014 to June 30, 2016. The Contract may be extended with a total of three (3) separate one-year time extensions. Each extension will be dependent on the appropriation of funds by the, City Council. Adjustments to service costs are based on Section II, item 29, Contract Renewal. ARTICLE I. That for and in consideration of payments and agreements ·hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the City, and under the conditions expressed in the bonds attached hereto, if any, Contractor. agrees with City at Contractor's cost and expense, to do all the work and furnish all the materials except such as are mentioned in the Specifications (attached hereto, at Section 3) necessary to construct and complete in good, workmanlike and substantial manner, all to the satisfaction of the City of Poway, in accordance with the Special Provisions for this project as set forth herein. ARTICLE II. Said Contractor agrees to receive and accept as full compensation for furnishing all materials and doing all the work contemplated and embraced in the Contract an amount equal to the sum of the totals for the items of work. The total for each item of work shall be calculated by determining the actual quantity of each item of work and multiplying that actual quantity by the unit price proposal by the Contractor for that item of work. Contractor further agrees to be responsible and hold City harmless from all loss or damage arising out of the nature of work aforesaid, or from the acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by City. Contractor agrees to be responsil;>le and hold City harmless from all risks of every description and under the control of Contractor pursuant to the terms of the Contract, and connected with Contractor's performance of this Contract. The Contractor is responsible for all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and/or faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the Plans and Specifications and requirements of the City. ARTICLE Ill. The City hereby agrees and promises the Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ, said Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices stated, and hereby Contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth. Said parties for themselves, to their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, do hereby agree to full performance of the Covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV. It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there be any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of the said terms of proposal conflicting herewith. ARTICLE V. Contractor shall defend and otherwise hold City harmless from any and all claims, complaints, causes of action, of any nature whatsoever, arising from Contractors 3 of 8 ATTACHMENT A July 15, 2014 Item # -'-'/.'--=(,'------ performance of the Contract. In performance of this Provision, Contractor shall name City as additional insuredqn Cl policy ofgenere:~l.liability as required per Section II, item 20. The Covenant contained herein applies to all sums paid as a result of the above claims, including court costs and reasonable attorney fees whether or not the matter results in judgment. ARTICLE VI. Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, provisions for substitution of securities for performance retentions will be allowed. ARTICLE VII. EACH AND EVERY COVENANT, CONDITION AND PROMISE contained in the Specifications, General Provisions and Special Provisions for said project are herein incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein and constitute a material part of the consideration to the City in entering into this Contract with Contractor. (All Items in the Contract will be the same as in the Proposal.) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to those present have hereunto set their names in the year and date first above written. Contractor: Signature Title: Signature Title: City Manager of the City of Poway: ------,------- ATTEST: City Clerk: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: Director of Public Works: _____________ _ APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney: _________________ _ 4 of 8 July 15, 2014 Item # /. (p . PROPOSAL TABLE HOURLY !RATES Service Type Mon-Fri After Hours & Sundays/Holidays 7:00am-4:30pm Saturdays 1 plumber, 1 vehicle $103.00 $152.00 $201.00 2 plumbers, 1 vehicle $206.00 $304.00 $402.00 Slab Leak Detection Equipment $160.00 $240.00 $320.00 Sewer Camera Equipment $160.00 $240.00 $320.00 Router Equipment $124.00 $186.00 $248.00 Mon-Frl7:00am to 4:30pm: One (1) Plumber and One (1) Vehicle: TOTAL AMQUNT IN WORDS:. _____________________ _ __ o_n_e_H_u_nd_r_e_d_T_h_ffi_e_D_o_ll_ar_s ____ DOLLARSand~D~O _________________ ceNTS After Hours & Saturday: One (1) Plumber and One (1) Vehicle: TOTALAMOUNTINWORDS:. ______________ ~------- _O_n_e_H~u~n~d~re~d~F~ift~y~T_w_o_D~ol_la_rs ____ DOLLARSand~o~o ____________________ CENTS Sunday and Holidays: One (1) Plumber and One (1) Vehicle: TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS:. _____________________ __ ~T~w~o~H~u~n~d~ffi~d~O~n~e~D~o~ll~a~~~------DOLLARSand~O~O _____________ C.ENTS Mon-Fr17:00am to 4:30pm: Two (2) Plumbers and One (1) Vehicle: TOTALAMOUNTINWORDS:. _____________________ __ ~T~w~o~H~u~n~d~re~d~S~ix~D~ol~la~rs~-----·DOLLARSand~O~O ______________ ceNTS After Hours & Saturday: Two (2) Plumbers and One (1) Vehicle: TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS:. ______________________ __ ~T~h~re~e~H~u~n~d~re~d~F~o~u~r~D~o~lla~rs~ ____ DOLLARSand~o~o __________________ CENTS Sunday and Holidays: Two (2) Plumbers and One (1) Vehicle: TOTALAMOUNTINWORDS:. _______________________ ~-- Four Hundred Two Dollars ~LLARS and ..:o~o _______________ ceNTS Proposing Contractor's Slgnatur~ Date: 6/24/14 Proposing Contractor's Title: Steven B. Andrade President & CEO 23 5 of8 July15,2014 Item# /.(, PR_QP_P~Al,. T~t.J: H_Qlj~LY -~T~_SFOR PREVAILING WAGES (For work valued over $1,000 per occurrence) Service Type Mon-Fri After Hours & Sundays/Holidays 7:00am-4:30pm saturdays 1 plumber 1 vehicle $124.00 $171.00 $228.00 2 plumbers, 1 vehicle $248.00 $342.00 $456.00 Slab Leak Detection Eauloment $160.00 $240.00 $320.00 Sewer Camera Equipment $160.00 $240.00 $320.00 Router Equipment $124.00 $186.00 $248.00 Prevailing Wage Mon-Frl 7:00am to 4:30pm: One (1) Plumber and One (1) Vehicle: TOTALAMOUNTINWORDS:. ______________________________ ~---------- One Hundred Twenty Four Dollars DOLLARS and ....;;0..;;.0 ______ ~---------------CENTS Prevailing Wage After Hours & Saturday: One (1) Plumber and One (1) Vehicle: TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS:. ________________________________ __ One Hundred Seventy One Dollars DOLLARS and -=O..;;.O ____________________ CENTS Prevailing Wage Sunday and Holidays: One (1) Plumber and One (1) Vehicle: TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS:. ________________________________ __ Two Hundred Twenty Eight Dollars DOLLARS and ...:O...:.O ______________ CENTS Prevailing Wage Mon-Frl7:00am to 4:30pm: Two (2) Plumbers and One (1) Vehicle: TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS:. __________________________________ __ Two HundredFourty Eight Dollars DOLLARS and ...:o_o ____________ CENTS Prevailing Wage After Hours & Saturday: Two (2) Plumbers and One (1) Vehicle: TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS: _________________________ _ Three Hundred F6urty Two Dollars DOLLARS and _o_o ____________ CENTS Prevailing Wage Sunday and Holidays: Two (2) Plumbers and One (1) Vehicle: TOTAL AMOUNT IN WORDS:. ___________________________ __ R Four Hundred Fifty Six Dollars ~D. LARS '" .. d ....:o_o ____________ CENTS Proposing Contractor's Signature: __......._..:__~£ Date: 6/24/14 .,_ Proposing Contractor's Title: Steven B. Andrade President & CEO 24 6 of8 July 15, 2014 Item# I. ftJ Requests for additional infonnation, notice of award aWcreontracts will be addressed to -proposing-Contractor with the provided information below. Please note all Contract documents will be handled through the email address listed here. Business Name/Proposing Contractor Please Print: A.O. Reed & Co. ---------------------------Authorized Agent or Officer. Jaimi Lomas ~---------------------------------------- Title: General Manager Service Department Address: 4777 Ruffner St. San Diego, CA 921 '11 Service Address: Same· as Above -------------------------------------------------- Telephone No: 858-565-4131 Fax No: 858-292-6958 --------------------Email: jlomas@aoreed.com City of Poway Business Certificate No.: Expiration Date:· [Remainder of Page Left Blank Intentionally) 25 7 of 8 July 15, 2014 Item# /. (, fo'ROPOSA~FORMS To the City of Poway, herein called the "City" for AS-NEEDED PLUMBING SERVICES to be provided to said City: . Pursuant to and in compliance with the Request for Proposals (RFP) and In accordance with the Specifications contained herein, the undersigned proposing contractor, having became familiarized with the terms of the contract, plans, specifications, and addenda, hereby proposes and agrees to perform, within the time stipulated, the contract, including all of Its component parts, and everything required to be performed, all in strict conformity with the plans and specifications and other contract documents, Including all addenda for the sums .. set for the sites listed herein; It is understood and agreed that the contract amount includes all appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties, and fees. In the case of discrepancies between n'-'mbers of the bid amount and the words stating the amount, the words shall govern over numbers: IN COMPLIANCE with the Notice, . Specifications, and special provisions hereinbefore stipulated, the undersigned, with full comprehension thereof, hereby proposes to perfonn the entire work for the prices set forth below upon which award of Contract is made; Work nat identified in the contract will be billed on a time and materials basis using the same standard hourly rate (which shall include labor, vehicle use, tools and equipment, overhead and profit). For the purpose of proposal evaluation, proposing contractors shall enter on the two proposal tables the hourly rates as requested. Bidder. A~-­ Signature: 7~ Print · Name: Steven B. Andrade President & CEO Date: June 24, 2014 22 8of8 July 15, 2014 Item# /. " City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED D APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED D REMOVED D DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: Summary: CONTINUED----- Resolution No. July 15, 2014 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager Qv<J. · Robert J. Manis, Director of~· ev opment Services fA/\ Rich Whipple, City Planner · Jason Martin, Senior Planner\ Minor Development Review Application (MORA) 14-006; High Valley Toothrock LLC, Applicant: A request to install a gated entry on a private road for a 4-lot residential project located at the southerly terminus of Tooth rock Road. APNs: 321-100-43 and 46 This is a request to install a gated entry on a private road for a four-lot residential project located at the southerly terminus of Toothrock Road. It is City Council policy that requests for entry gates on private roads be brought before the City Council for consideration. The' design of the gated entry for this subdivision will accommodate public access to a recreation trail that bisects the project site, which will connect to existing trails to the west and south. The gated entry will also incorporate hardware to ensure emergency vehicle access. · Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve MORA 14-006, pursuant to the attached Resolution (Attachment A). Background: In 2005, the City Council approved a five-lot subdivision under Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 03-02, which consists of four residential lots ranging in size from four to six acres, one 65-acre open space lot, and public recreational trails. Subsequently, the City Council approved the Final Map for the project, and City staff approved the project's grading plan and street improvement plan. The site has been graded and some of the infrastructure improvements have been constructed. However, as a result of the economic recession, homes were never constructed and the site has been the subject of a foreclosure. The new owner of the project site, High Valley Tooth rock LLC, wishes to install an entry gate that would ultimately serve future residents, and also prevent the loitering and trespassing activity that currently occurs on the site. Findings: The project site is located at the southerly terminus of Toothrock Road, which is a private road located east of Espola Road on the south side of High Valley Road, and 1 of 12 July 1~, 2014 Item# 'I. I MORA 14-006 July 15, 2014 Page 2 within the Rural Residential A zone. The location and zoning map is included as Attachment B. A copy of a portion of the project's Final Map, which shows the four residential lots, the terminus of Toothrock Road and trails that will bisect the site, is included as Attachment C. The gated entry for the subdivision would be installed over Toothrock Road on private property as shown on the exhibit included as Attachment D. The gate call box is located along a proposed vehicle turn out area on the easterly side of Toothrock Road. Placement of the turnout area and call box in this location is not a conventional design since it will require vehicles that do not have automated entry through the gate (i.e. non- residents) to cross a lane of oncoming traffic to access the call box'. However since the gate serves only four lots, the number of vehicles using the call box and vehicles coming from the residences will be minimal. Also important to note is that a conventional design would necessitate grading. The gated entry will be equipped with hardware that will ensure emergency vehicle access. The applicant has provided a manufacturer's specification of the proposed gate, which is included as Attachment E. The gate is decorative iron, however, no detail has been provided by the applicant on the exterior design of columns that may be used to support the gate. The site plan does show the potential location of a pair of four foot by four foot columns. The applicant has indicated that they may use columns or they may use iron poles to support the gate and they prefer to maintain the flexibility for either. If columns are used, the applicant has indicated that they would be masonry block that is either stuccoed or surfaced with rock veneer. The height of the columns or iron poles is limited to seven feet and will be ensured through plan review for the building permit. The gated entry has been designed to accommodate public access along a recreational trail easement that is located on the east/southeast side of Toothrock Road. The trail will provide public access to existing trails that are west and south of the project site as depicted on Attachments C and D. It is acknowledged that vehicles using the call box to gain entry through the gate will be briefly situated in the trail easement area. However, as noted above, the number of vehicles using the call box will be minimal. In the unlikely event of a conflict, trail users can either wait for the vehicle to move, or they could easily go around the vehicle. To further promote public access on recreational trails in the area, the applicant has agreed to provide a trail easement that would provide an additional connection from the existing trail easement to the easterly property where it will connect with an existing worn trail. Fiscal Impact: None. 2 of 12 July 15,2014 Item#'{,( 3 of 12 MORA 14-006 July 15, 2014 Page 3 Environmental Review: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the 2014 CEQA Guidelines, in that the project involves the installation of a small structure which is accessory to a residential use. Public Notification: Public notices were sent to property owners that are contiguous to the project site Attachments: A. Resolution B. Location and Zoning Map C. Copy of a portion of the Final Map D. Site Plan E. Gate specification July 15, 2014 Item# '-{,/ RESOLUTION NO. P-14- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION 14-006 APNS 321-100-43 and 46 WHEREAS, Minor Development Review Application (MORA) 14-006, submitted by High Valley Toothrock LLC, Applicant; is a request to install a gated entry on a private road for a four-lot residential project located at the southerly terminus of Tooth rock Road in the Rural Residential A zone; and WHEREAS, on July 15, 2014, the City Council held a duly advertised public meeting to solicit comments from the public, both for and against, relative to this application. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Poway as follows: Section 1: The proposed project is Categorically Exempt as a Class 3 Categorical Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15303 of the 2014 CEQA Guidelines, in that the project involves the installation of a small structure which is accessory to a residential use. Section 2: The findings for MORA 14-006, in accordance with Poway Municipal Code (PMC) 17.52.010 Purpose of Development Review, are made as follows: A. The project has been designed to ·conform to the General Plan and City development standards. The proposed gated entry for. the four-lot residential subdivision at the southerly terminus of Toothrock Road is designed to accommodate a public recreation trail which bisects the subdivision and connect with other public trails in the area, and emergency vehicle access. Therefore, the development respects the interdependence of land values and aesthetics to the benefit of the City. B. The project encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and properties within the City in that the proposed gated entry has been designed to be visually pleasing, and consists of decorative iron. C. The project will not have an adverse health, safety or aesthetic impact upon adjoining properties in that the proposed gated entry has been designed to be visually pleasing, and consists of decorative iron. Section 3: The City Council hereby approves MORA 14,.006, as shown on the approved plans on file in the City, subject to the following conditions: 4 of 12 ATTACHMENT A July 15, 2014 Item# If, I Resolution No. P-14- Page 2 A. The applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the -City, its agents, officers, and employees from any and all claims, actions, proceedings, damages, judgments, or costs, including attorney's fees, against the City or its agents, officers, or employees, relating to the issuance of this permit, including, but not limited to, any action to attack, set aside, void, challenge, or annul this development approval and any environmental document or decision. The City may elect to conduct its own defense, participate in its own defense, or obtain independent legal counsel in defense of any claim related to this indemnification. In the event of such election, applicant shall pay all of the costs related thereto, including without limitation reasonable attorney's fees and costs. In the event of a disagreement between the City and applicant regarding litigation issues, the City shall have the authority to control the litigation and make litigation related decisions, including, but not limited to, settlement or other disposition of the matter. However, the applicant shall not be required to pay or perform any settlement unless such settlement is approved by applicant. B. Approval of this MORA request shall apply only to the subject project, and shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Ordinance and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of Building Permit issuance. C. Within 30 days of the date of this approval or before submittal of a Building Permit application, whichever occurs first, the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. D. The conditions f.or the project shall remain in effect for the life of the subject property, and shall run with the land and be binding upon future owne'rs, successors, heirs, and transferees of the current property owner. E. Prior to construction the applicant shall obtain a Building Permit. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant shall comply with the following: 5 of 12 1. The site plan included with the building plan check shall be consistent with the approved site plans on file in the Development Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Title 24 California Building Codes, which include CBC, CPC, CMC, CEC, Chapter 17.07 PMC, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect.at the time of application. (Engineering) 3. The additional improvements shall be coordinated with the improvement plans for subdivision TM-03-02. A construction change to the improvement plans shall be submitted and approved. July 15, 2014 Item# '1. ( Resolution No. P-14- Page 3 4. Water Quality Control -Design and Construction A revision and/or addendum to the Water Quality Technical Report (WQTR) prepared for Grading Permit G1521-05 site shall be submitted to address the impact of the additional runoff to the storm water treatment facilities. The report revision shall include necessary changes to the operation and maintenance plan. The revision shall be approved prior to the approval of the improvement plan construction change. 5. Erosion control shall be installed and maintained by the developer from October 1 to April 30. The developer shall maintain all erosion control devices throughout their intended life. 6. Prior to start of any work within a City-held easement or right-of-way, a Right-of-Way Permit shall be obtained from the' Engineering Division of the Development Services Department. All appropriate fees shall be paid prior to permit issuance. 7. Any private improvements within any publically held easement or Right-of- Way may require an Encroachment Agreement as determined necessary by the City Engineer. All necessary Encroachment Agreements shall be submitted and approved prior to permit issuance. 8. The existing PRIVATE ,ROAD, DRAINAGE AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT, document# 2009-0397981, recorded July 20, 2009, shall be amended to include the repair and maintenance of the proposed private entry gate, or a separate agreement shall be recorded to establish a method for the repair and maintenance of said gate among existing and future lot owners. (Fire Department) 9. The electric powered gate across the private road shall be equipped with a Knox override key switch. This switch is ordered through the City of Poway Fire Department. 10. The approved key-operated switch shall be dual keyed, or dual switches shall be provided, to facilitate access by law enforcement personnel. (Public Works) 11. A minimum of six feet of unobstructed width shall be maintained for the public recreation trail in the immediate vicinity of the gate and shown on the site plan included with the Building Permit. 12. A new 1 0-foot-wide public recreation trail easement shall be provided on the east side of the proposed vehicle turn out area to connect the public recreation trail within the project site with the existing worn trail/dirt road 6 of 12 July 15, 2014 Item# 'f.{ Resolution No. P-14- Page4 on the adjoining property east of the project site, as shown on the exhibit in the City's project file. F. Prior to final inspection: 1. The applicant shall repair, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, any and all damages to public improvements caused by construction activity from this project. Section 4: The parties are hereby informed that the time within which judicial review of this decision must be sought is governed by Section 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 15th day of July 2014. Don Higginson, Mayor ATTEST: Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk 7 of 12 July 15, 2014 Item# l.f. f STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) Resolution No. P-14- Page 5 I, Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Poway, do hereby certify, under the penalty of perjury, that the foregoing Resolution No. P-14-, was duly adopted by the City Council at a meeting of said City Council held on the 15th day of July 2014, and that it was so adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: DISQUALIFIED 8 of 12 Sheila R. Cobian, CMC, City Clerk City of Poway July 15, 2014 Item# 'f,/ RR- i I I II I RR-A II • 0 125 250 &..,.; 9 of 12 500 """'Feet Subject. location: APNS 321-100-43 & 46 0 0:: CITY OF POWAY Zoning /location Map Item: MORA 14-006 ATTACHMENT 8 July 15, 2014 Item# 'f. I 1Yl. 10 of 12 ATTACHMENT C July 15,2014 Item# lf ./ ,. / #/ / / / 11 of 12 ~ / LOT 1 PER TIM 03-02 I I I I I I I I 1014 m ATTACHMENT D I OT 4 PER TlM 03-02 \ July 15, 2014 ..... • '(./ 12 of 12 ATTACHMENT E July 15, 2014 Item# _li_ City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT APPROVED CJ APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED D REMOVED D DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: Summary: CONTINUED --------------- July 15, 2014 Resolution No. ____________ _ Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager ~ . Leah Browder, Director of Public Works [-. {?' Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit and Potable Water Reuse In June 2013, Councilmember John Mullin was appointed to a regional Ad· Hoc Steering Committee on the Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant· Permit and Potable Water Reuse. ·The Committee is addressing issues that could have significant financial ramifications for Metro wastewater ratepayers (including Poway residents) and is exploring opportunities to avoid an estimated $300,000,000 in costs. This report is for information only at this time and sets the stage for Council's potential consideration of an agreement regarding water reuse this fall. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council accept and file this report. Background: The City of Poway is one of twelve participating agencies (PAs) party to agreements with the City of San Diego (San Diego) for wastewater treatment. Per the agreements, all of the wastewater generated by these agencies is conveyed to the San Diego system for treatment. Although San Diego's sewage system dates back to 1885, a formal agreement between agencies was not established until 1998. The Metropolitan Wastewater Commission (Metro Commission) was formed at that time pursuant to the terms of the first Regional Wastewater Disposal Agreement between PAs and San Diego. In 2001, the Metro Joint Powers Authority (Metro JPA) was formed to provide the PAs with a stronger voice in the operations of the Metro System, for which the PAs collectively pay approximately 35% of the operation and capital costs. In Fiscal Year 2014/15, the City of Poway's currently projected costs for wastewater treatment total an estimated $4.65 million. Page 1 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit and Potable Water Reuse· July 15, 2014 Page 2 San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater System San Diego's wastewater system consists of both Municipal and Metropolitan infrastructure. A Municipal system (Muni) of pipelines and pump stations specific to customer agencies and charged accordingly sends wastewater to the Metropolitan wastewater system (Metro) for central conveyance to treatment facilities in the City of San Diego. The Metro system consists of several large pipelines and pump stations; three treatment plants; a biosolids (sludge) processing plant; and two ocean outfalls. The Pt. Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant (Pt. Lorna) is permitted as a 240 million gallon per day (mgd) advanced _primary (chemically enhanced) plant that discharges treated wastewater through the Pt. Lorna Ocean Outfall 4.5 miles out in the ocean at a depth of 320 feet. The North City Water Reclamation Plant (North City) is a 30 mgd tertiary treatment plant that produces reclaimed water. Since North City does not have its own outfall, wastewater not needed for reclaimed water customers is treated to a secondary level and pumped to Pt. Lorna. Additionally, the South Bay Water Reclamation Plant (South Bay) is a 15 mgd tertiary treatment plant that produces reclaimed water. Wastewater not needed for reclaimed water customers is treated to a secondary level and discharged through the South Bay Ocean Outfall 3.5 miles out in the ocean in 90 feet of water. Wastewater Treatment Wastewater treatment.is the process of removing solids from the wastewater. • Primary treatment plants remove about 60% of the solids. e Advanced primary treatment plants, such as Pt. Lorna, use chemicals to remove at least 88% of the solids. " Secondary treatment plants follow primary treatment with a biological treatment that removes about 90% of the solids. ~~ Tertiary treatment plants, like North City and South Bay, have both primary and secondary treatment followed by filtration, resulting in the removal of about 99% of the solids. Wastewater Treatment Regulation The federal Clean Water Act passed in 1972 required that all wastewater treatment plants be permitted. The permitting process in California involves the Environmental Protection Agency, the local Regional Water Quality Control Board, the State Water Resources Control Board and the California Coastal Commission. Page 2 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit and Potable Water Reuse July 15, 2014 Page 3 The Clean Water Act required wastewater treatment plants to treat wastewater to at least a secondary level. The actual treatment required varies depending on whether discharging to a lake, river or ocean as well as the particular characteristics of the receiving body of water. A number of dischargers are required to go to higher levels of treatment than secondary. Several years after the Clean Water Act was enacted, it was amended to allow a modified permit (waiver of secondary) if the discharger could demonstrate the safe discharge of wastewater to the receiving water at a treatment level lower than secondary. Initially, San Diego applied for a modified permit for Pt. Lorna but later withdrew the application and be.gan planning to convert Pt. Lorna to secondary treatment. Subsequently, the EPA and several environmental groups sued San Diego for not being at secondary. In 1994, the federal Ocean Pollution Reduction Act was passed. The Act gave San Diego the opportunity to apply for a modified permit for Pt. Lorna. In return, San Diego agreed to construct 45 mgd of reclaimed water capacity. This resulted in the construction of North City, South Bay and the South Bay Ocean Outfall. San Diego was granted a modified permit for Pt. Lorna in 1994 with environmental stakeholder support because of the development of reclaimed water capacity. Pt. Lorna Permit Requirements to Date · San Diego must apply for a new permit or modified permit every five years for Pt. Lorna. San Diego agreed to complete a wide range of studies, as described below, to secure initial support from the environmental community for a modified permit: o Secondary Conversion Cost -The Navy, Cabrillo National Monument, the ocean and a cliff hem in Pt. Lorna. This leads to higher construction costs for the addition of secondary treatment to the site. An initial study indicated a capital cost of $1 billion. When updated to current dollars, and including wet weather peaking needs, the cost has increased to an estimated $2.1 billion. Additionally, secondary treatment requires a great deal of electricity. Pt. Lorna would go from being a net energy provider to the grid to one of the top 20 loads in San Diego. Annual operating and energy costs would increase by about $44 million. o Enhanced Ocean Monitoring -San Diego hired experts from esteemed scientific organizations such as Scripps and Woods Hole to review and enhance the Ocean Monitoring Program. The expanded monitoring program includes over 150,000 samples taken annually. Over 20 years of data indicates there has been no adverse impact to the ocean environment from Pt. Lorna discharge. Page 3 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit and Potable Water Reuse July 15, 2014 Page 4 It is also important to note that Pt. Lorna's 4.5 mile long outfall (one of the longest in the country) terminates in a dispersement structure that spans a mile across at 320 feet deep (the deepest in the United States). The unique natural ocean environment particular to Pt. Lorna further diffuses any potential discharge impacts. G Optimizing Wastewater Reuse -While the original settlement included construction of reclaimed water facilities as noted above, the agreement also required further study of additional water reuse possibilities, which were presented in "The Recycled Water Study" (2012). The product of years of collaboration between st~keholders and technical experts, the Recycled Water Study outlines a concept to divert almost 100 mgd of wastewater that would otherwise have to be treated. This concept would allow the permitted capacity of Pt. Lorna to be reduced from 240 mgd to 143 mgd. San Diego constructed a one mgd demonstration project at North City and pursued studies of San Vicente Reservoir to determine the feasibility of implementing an indirect potable reuse effort there. The demonstration project and studies showed that wastewater could be treated at North City to a level sufficient for safe placement in San Vicente Reservoir for subsequent treatment at a water treatment plant for potable water uses. Findings: The current modified permit for Pt. Lorna expires on July 31, 2015. The application for a new permit must be submitted no later than January 2015. It takes approximately one year to collect and assemble the data required for the permit application. That process began in January of this year (2014). Metro JPA Position Although a waiver was successfully secured in 2010, the Coastal Commission indicated that another waiver would be highly unlikely (see Attachment A). Additionally, all large wastewater treatment plants previously allowed to operate at less than secondary have recently been ordered to upgrade to secondary treatment regardless of individual circumstances and cost. In 2013, San Diego staff indicated that their City would likely pursue another waiver. Metro JPA and staff met in June 2013 to review the situation and discuss options. Metro JPA determined that it was in the best interest of ratepayers to pursue permanent acceptance of Pt. Lorna at a smaller capacity with secondary equivalency. The alternative was to risk a failed waiver application and a regulatory directive to proceed with immediate conversion of Pt. Lorna to full secondary at an estimated cost of $2.1 billion. The JPA felt that an expenditure of this magnitude was unnecessary and should not be imposed upon Metro sewer ratepayers. Page 4 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit and Potable Water Reuse July 15, 2014 Page 5 Separately, San Diego was preparing to recommend that its one mgd water purification project be expanded to a 15 mgd plant. While such a project would certainly benefit local water supply, the cost of this project would be in addition to the estimated cost to convert Pt. Lorna to secondary. In the JPA's estimation, the most prudent and cost-effective course of action would be to pursue a larger water purification project which would have the dual benefit.of offloading Pt. Lorna and creating additional local water supply. The ultimate result would be to avoid the $2.1 billion cost to upgrade Pt. Lorna and invest a smaller amount of funding (now estimated to be $1.8 billion) to help create 83 mgd of new water for the region. The JPA initiated an extensive series of meetings with City of San Diego and member agency City Councils and Boards of Directors; individual Councilmembers and Water District Board Members; federal, state and local legislators; environmental stakeholders; business groups; advocacy groups and many others to generate support for the modified approach. Additionally, the Metro JPA submitted a letter outlining its position to San Diego decision makers (see Attachment B) preparing to provide direction at a July 31, 2013 meeting. Poway has been an active participant in these regional efforts, with Councilmember Mullin and Public Works Director Leah Browder as the City's representatives. As a result, San Diego staff revised their recommendation to reflect the JPA's position (see Attachment C) and San Diego's Committee on the Environment adopted the revised recommendation at their July 31, 2013 meeting. Current Circumstances Since then, San Diego staff, PA staff, the Metro Steering Committee, Metro Commissioners, environmental and other stakeholders have been working to reach agreement on the details of what is now called the Pure Water Program. Agreement details include: e Facilities Plan -the type, size, estimated cost and timing of a 20-year facility plan that will ultimately deliver 83 mgd of potable water realized from offloading flow to Pt. Lorna. o Secondary Equivalency -technical specifications that will constitute "secondary equivalency" for Pt. Lorna at a smaller capacity. o Legislation -formal legislation must be crafted and adopted to ensure the varying, but inter-related goals of direct stakeholders are achieved. The legislation would permanently accept Pt. Lorna as secondary equivalent; identify Pure Water milestones, and eliminate the risk associated with the 5- year waiver application process. o Cost Allocation -methodology for sharing costs between San Diego and the PAs as well as addressing the resulting new water commodity. Page 5 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant Permit and Potable Water Reuse July 15, 2014 Page 6 These components will be central to the permit application San Diego must file with regulators in January 2015. Initial meetings with regulatory staff indicate a willingness to consider this alternative to a secondary upgrade at Pt. Lorna that instead offloads the facility and creates new local water. Should Pt. Lorna secondary equivalency and Pure Water efforts be successful, Metro wastewater ratepayers will avoid about $300,000,000 in costs (the current estimated difference between constructing secondary treatment at Pt. Lorna and implementing Pure Water). Additionally, 83 mgd of new local water supply will be developed and could potentially further offset water and/or wastewater costs. It is important to note that the $300,000,000 savings will not result in a lowering of current rates. Rather the avoided cost would temper inevitable rate increases. Current indications are that San Diego will request, at the Metro Commission meeting of October 2, 2014, the Commission's support of San Diego's January 2015 permit application including many of the details discussed above. City of Poway staff expects to return to City Council in September 2014 with further details and a recommendation in preparation for the October 2nd meeting. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact at this time. However it is anticipated that wastewater treatment costs will rise markedly in the coming years whether due to implementation of secondary treatment at Pt. Lorna (should the secondary equivalency effort fail) or implementation of the potable reuse effort. Environmental Review: This staff update is not subject to CEQA review. Public Notification: None. Attachment: A. Coastal Commission Letter (October 25, 2012) B. Metro JPA Letter to Committee on the Environment (Natural Resources & Culture Committee) (July 29, 2013) C. City of San Diego Memo, Alternative Recommendation (July 29, 2013) Page 6 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 STATE OF CAUFORNIA-NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION 45 FREMONT STREET, SUITE 2000 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105-2219 VOICE AND TDD (415) 904-5200 October 25, 2012 The Honorable Jerry Sanders, Mayor of City of San Diego City Administration Building 202 C St., 11th Floor San Diego, CA 9210 I Members of City Council City of San Diego City Administration Building 202 C Street, MS #lOA San Diego, CA 92101 Re: City of San Diego, Secondary Treatment Waiver Dear MayorJerry Sanders and Members of City Council: EDMUND G. BROWN, fk>lff1r7Jor On October 10,2012, the City of San Diego (City) briefed the California Coastal Commission (Commission) on the status of its ongoing efforts to pursue wastewater reclamation and recycling. This briefing, which summarized the City's July 17,2012, Recycled Water Study, was intended to satisfy the condition adopted by the Commission in its October 7, 2009, conditional concurrence with the City of San Diego's consisten·cy certification for its most recent secondary treatment waiver for the Point Lorna Wastewater Facility (Consistency Certification CC-056-09). Prior to the Commission's October 7, 2009, conditional concurrence, on August 13, 2009, the Commission had objected to the City's earlier consistency certification for this same seconda.zy treatment waiver (CC- 043-09). In response to the City's briefing last week, the Commission expressed appreciation· for the City's efforts taken and commitments made to date. However, the Commission also expressed significant concern that the City has not yet committed to milestones and implementation schedules that would enable the City to end the pursuit offuture secondary treatment waivers. The Commission requested that I send you this letter to communicate its sense of the urgency on this matter. Because the City's current waiver will expire relatively soon (on July 31, 2015), the concern expressed was that it is incumbent on the City to inunediately accelerate its planning and implementation efforts before this deadline occurs, and that short of that, the Comrirission would again consider objecting if the City pursues another waiver beyond this deadline. It was also observed that due to historically low current i.Il.terest rates, the current economic climate is particularly conducive to the issuance of cons~cti~nbonds to pay for the types of expanded wastewater and recycling facilities outlined in the CitY's Recycled Water Study. ATTACHMENT A Page 7 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 The Honorable Jerry Sanders and Members of City Council October 25, 2012 Page2 Finally, the Commission urged the City to commit to clearer and more expedited implementation measures, including specific, enforceable, and realistically implementable timetables and milestones to assure that the City's discharges will be brought into compliance with the secondary treatment requirements of the Clean Water Act, compliance that has now either been achieved, or is on a defined path to assure such achievement, by every other municipal sewage treatment facility in California, as well as by every other large city in the nation. The Commission staff shares these important concerns, and on behalf of the Commission, we stand ready to assist the City in any necessary planning, coastal permitting, or federal consistency review needed to help expedite implementation. Please feel free to contact Mark Delaplaine, the Commission's Federal Consistency Manager, at (415) 904-5289, Jack Gregg, the Commission's Water Quality Manager, at (415) 904-5246, or Deborah Lee, the Commission's San Diego District Manager, at (619) 767-2370, if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, ctl1u:- CHARLES F. LESTER Executive Director cc: Coastal Commission CCC, San Diego District Alexis Strauss, EPA, Region IX David Gibson, Executive Officer, R WQCB, San Diego Region Tom Howard; Executive Director, SWRCB City of San Diego, Public Utilities Department Honorable Jan Goldsmith, San Diego City Attorney Honorable Bob Filner Jay Goldstone, Chief Operating Officer, City of San Diego Andrea Tevlin, fudependent Budget Analyst Megan Baehren5, Executive Director, San Diego Coastkeeper Bruce Bell, President, Carpenter Environmental Associates, Inc. Julia Chunn~Heer, Representative, Surfrider Foundation Marco Gonzalez, Chairperson, Coast Law Group, LLP Dawn Guendert, Representative, Surfrider Foundation Scott Ruth, Past Chairperson, Metro~ TAC Karyn Keese, Representative, Metro-TAC/Atkins Jim Peugh, Past Chairperson, IROC Bruce Reznik, Executive Director, Planning & Conservation League Toby Roy, Representative, San Diego County Water Authority Jill Witkowski, Representative, San Diego Coastkeeper Page 8 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 July 29, 2013 METRO WASTEWATER J PA Councilmember David Alvarez, Chair Natural Resources & Culture Committee City of San Diego 202 C Street San Diego, CA 92101 Dear Councilmember Alvarez: This letter is sent on behalf of the Metro Wastewater JPA regarding the City of San Diego Advanced Water Purification Demonstration Project scheduled for discussion at the July 31, 2013 meeting of the Natural Resources & Culture Committee. The Metro Wastewater JPA is a coalition of municipalities and special districts in the southern and central portions of San Diego County that share in the use of the City of San Diego's regional wastewater collection and treatment facilities. This coalition represents 35% flow and a $65 million annual budget in relation to the Metro wastewater system. The JPA member agencies include the cities of Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, National City and Poway; the Lemon Grove Sanitation District; the Padre Dam Municipal and Otay Water Districtsi and the County of San Diego on behalf of the County Sanitation Districts. We applaud the City of San Diego and its staff for the recent success of the Advanced Water Purification Demonstration Project and associated progress on the legislative front. This accomplishment establishes wastewater reuse as a critical component of the region's future water supply. As a result, we respectfully request the Committee's support for a broader effort to include the following: 1. That staff, in partnership with stakeholders, undertake a process to create a Long-Range Regional Water Reuse Program that includes water reuse options beyond a single facility, incorporating the most cost effective possibilities within Metro's service boundary thus maximizing opportunities to create new, local sustainable water supply while at the same time significantly reducing Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant flows. 2. That staff, in partnership with stakeholders, pursue legislation to permit a smaller, secondary equivalent Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant that continues to protect the ocean environment but avoids billions of dollars in unnecessary capital, financing, energy and operating costs associated with an upgrade to Secondary Treatment. Future steps would Include participation of the San Diego County Water Authority to ensure that water supply planning incorporates expanded water reuse opportunities, and coordinated multi~agency legislative outreach to implement a plan that might serve as a model of fiscal and environmental stewardship for the state and nation. Page 9 of 15 ATTACHMENT B July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 Councilmember David Alvarez Advanced Water Purification Project July 29, 2013 Thank you for considering the Metro JPA's request that hopes to create a true alliance between the City of San Diego, member agencies, and environmental and ratepayer stakeholders to realize the maximization of water reuse to the benefit of our region's ratepayers and the environment. Respectfully, cS~ Chair, Metropolitan Wastewater JPA Mayor, City of Chula Vista Attachment c: Metropolitan Wastewater Joint Powers Authority Board Members and Agency Councils and Boards Metropolitan Wastewater Joint Powers Authority Technical Advisory Committee Members Members of the Independent Rate Oversight Committee Walt Ekard, City of San Diego, Chief Operating Officer Roger Bailey, Director~ City of San Diego Public Utilities Department Ann Sasaki, Assistant Director, City of San Diego Public Utilities Department Marsl Steirer, Deputy Director, City of San Diego Public Utilities Department Page 10 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item # 4.2 THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO MEMORANDUM DATE: July 29, 2013 TO: Honorable Councilmember David Alvarez, Chair, Natural Resources & Culture Committee FROM: Marsi A. Steirer, Deputy Director, Public Utilities Department, Long-Range Planning and Water Resources Division SUBJEcr: 2012 Long-Range Water Resources Plan-Alternative Recommendation We would like to request that an alternative motion be added to the adoption of Council Action - Resolutions R-2014-11 and R-2014-12 (attached) to. adopt the Final Draft of the 2012 Long- Range Water Resources Plan (LRWRP). The LRWRP has been a lengthy process that utilized various studies, including the Recycled Water Study and the Demonstration Project Report, to identify water resource options that were included in the report. The LR WRP report was fmalized earlier this calendar year, and it contains the following implementation recommendation: Near Term Actions (2013-2020): Additional Active Conservation-20,900 Acre-Feet a Year (AFY)/18.7 million gallons a day (mgd) · Rainwater Harvesting-420 AFY/ .38 mgd Groundwater Supply-up to 4,000 AFY/3.57 mgd Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR)-16,800 AFY/15 mgd Long-Term Measures Of warranted) 2020-2035 Indirect Potable Reuse Phases 2 & 3 -76,160 AFY/68 mgd Additional groundwater -10,000 AFY I 8.93 mgd Page 11 of 15 ATTACHMENT C July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 Page2 Honorable Councilmember David Alvarez July 29, 2012 Given the length of time necessary to plan, design and construct Potable Reuse facilities, combined with the City Council direction on April 23, 2013 to determine a preferred implementation plan and schedule that considers potable reuse options for maximizing local water supply and reduces flows to Point Lorna Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Public Utilities Department is recommending the City Council consider an alternative motion that would grant planning level approval to pursuing all three Phases of IPR. This motion contains the same water resource options listed above under "Near Term Actions," although it increases the amount of IPR from 15 to 83 mgd. Alternative Motion for the 2012 LRWRP: Additional Active Conservation-20,900 Acre-Feet a Year/18.7 mgd Rainwatel"Harvesting-420 AFY/.38 mgd Groundwater Supply-up to 4,000 AFY/3.57 mgd Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR)-92,960 AFY /83 mgd (for all 3 phases) Should the City Council vote to approve the proposed Alternative Motion, the final2012 LRWRP document will be modified to reflect this action. Should you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at (619) 533-4112, or by email at msteirer@sandiego.gov, ~ Marsi A. Steirer Deputy Director SB/tm cc: Honorable NR&C Committee members Honorable City Attorney Jan Goldsmith Attachments: Page 12 of 15 l. Resolution R-20 14-ll 2. Resolution R-2014-12 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 DATE: 06/07/2013 COUNCIL ACTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SHEET CITY OF SAN DIEGO ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities-Water SUBJECT: 2012 Long-Range Water Resources Plan (LRWRP) COUNCIL DISTRICT(S): All CONTACT/PHONE NUMBER: George Adrian/619-533-4680, M.S. 906 DESCRIPTIVE SUMMARY OF ITEM: This action is to adopt the 20I2 Long-Range Water Resources Plan (LRWRP) in fulfillment of the Council action regarding the LR WRP in 2009. This previous action included elements that directed staff to update the 2002 LR WRP and revist its water resources strategy. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the requested action. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF ITEM BACKGROUND: The City Council adopted the Strategic Plan for Water Supply (Strategic Plan) on August 12, 1997 which included a water resources strategy to meet future water demands through 20 IS. A changing water supply situation led to a decision by the Public Utilities Department (Department) to update the Strategic Plan and develop a more comprehensive strategy. On December 9, 2002, the City Council adopted the 2002 Long-Range Water Resources Plan (LRWRP), which updated the City's water resources strategy providing direction to pursue additional conservation, recycled water, groundwater, and other water supply options through the planning horizon of2030: The Department moved forward to update the LR WRP and prepare the 20 I 0 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) in 2009. The City Council approved an agreement with Brown and Caldwell, who sub-contracted with COM Smith, to update the 2002 LRWRP. The Department initiated work on the 2012 LRWRP aftei'the 20 I 0 UWMP was final, and the majority of the work on the Recycled Water Study (RWS), commissioned in 2009 to review maximizing wastewater reuse, was complete as data and technical analyses from both documents were foundational components of the 20I2 LRWRP. Like the 2002 LRWRP, the 2012 LRWRP was developed using an open participatory planning process, with input from an !!-member Stakeholder Committee who met over fifteen months. This committee defined key planning objectives, provided insights and input on planning-level options, reviewed evaluation results, provided suggestions for refinement, and reviewed and provided comments on the final recommendations and report. The 2012 LRWRP is a high-level look at our water supply options (options), and it evaluates key planning objectives which serve as the major goals or reasons "why" the 2012 LRWRP .was undertaken. The new options came from a variety of sources including the 2002 LR WRP, 2010 UWMP, annual Water Conservation Update, technical groundwater studies and the RWS. Be~ause no one option would be capable of meeting all ofthe·City's water dem'ands, eight portfolio options were developed and the top three portfolios are: l. Hybrid 1-groundwater, conservation and rainwater harvesting options along with Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR) supply at 16,800 acre-feet per Page 13 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 year (AFY) or 15 million gallons per day (MGD) 2. Hybrid 2 -Additional groundwater, additional IPR supply in two phases at 16,800 AFY (15 MGD) and 56,200 AFY (50 MGD), and rainwater harvesting 3. Maximize Water Use Efficiency-options that increase the efficiency of how water is used in the City's water service area, including conservation, reuse, graywater, and rainwater/ stormwater harvesting The three top-scoring portfolios were evaluated for timing and trade-offs in terms of water supply reliability benefits verses costs. The analysis showed that the resource options included in Hybrid I should be prioritized as "near-term actions" within the 2012-2020 timeframe, and the remaining options under Hybrid 2 should be viewed as long-term actions (2020-2035). These top portfolios were further evaluated regarding their adaptive capabilities in reducing water shortages caused by climate change. The analysis indicated that Hybrid I reduces the City's vulnerability by including more locally sourced water options. Hybrid 2, while costlier, would significantly increase the City's water supply reliability in a changing climate. To provide a flexible strategy that will allow the City to adapt to the future events, the long-term actions identified uncertainty "risk triggers" such as the Bay-Delta fix, direct potable reuse regulations, and groundwater viability. These risk triggers would indicate when and if the City should move forward with some of the additional options included in the Hybrid 2 portfolio. The 2012 LRWRP concludes with the following recommendations which summarize the direction the City should take to enhance our water supply reliability: l. Implement additional water conservation, initial groundwater projects, rainwater harvesting, and IPR at 16,800 AFY (Hybrid I portfolio). 2. Implement water supply options from the Hybrid 2 portfolio for the long-term, if uncertainty risk triggers warrant them. 3. Re-assess all uncertainty risk triggers in concurrence with the City's UWMP schedule (2015, 2020, 2025, 2030, and 2035). 4. Update the entire LR WRP in ten year cycles, starting in 2020. FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS: Not applicable at this time. A planning level cost analysis of each of the supply options recommended is presented in the 2012 LRWRP Report. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CONTRACTING lNFORMA TION (IF APPLICABLE): Not applicable at this time. PREVIOUS COUNCIL and/or COMMITTEE ACTION (describe any changes made to the item from what was presented at committee): On August 12, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution (R-289102) approving the Strategic Plan for Water Supply. On December 9, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution (R-297484) approving the 2002 LRWRP. On March 20, 2009, the City Council adopted Resolution (R-304714) authorizing the preparation of the 2012 LRWRP. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION AND PUBLIC OUTREACH EFFORTS: The stakeholders who participated in the development ofthe 2012 LRWRP represented many diverse interests. The stakeholders in the 2012 LR WRP included representatives from the Independent Rates Page 14 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item # 4.2 Oversight Committee, American Planning Association, American Society of Landscape Architects, Building Industry Association, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, San Diego County Taxpayers Association, San Diego Coastkeeper and a City representative to the San Diego County Water Authority Board. The Department plans to add presentations on the 20 I 2 LR WRP to its Speakers Bureau offerings. KEY STAKEHOLDERS AND PROJECTED IMPACTS: City of San Diego citizens and ratepayers, and members of the 20 12 LR WRP Stakeholder Committee. Sasaki, Ann Originating Department Deputy Chief/Chief Operating Officer Page 15 of 15 July 15, 2014 Item# 4.2 Item# 8.1 Metropolitan Transit Systems (MTS) Board Update (verbal report). TO: FROM: DATE: CITY OF POWAY MEMORANDUM Mayor and Members of the City Council Steve Vaus, Councilmember July 15, 2014 SUBJECT:· Tribute/Memorial to Tony Gwynn As a community, Poway mourns the passing of baseball Hall-of-Farner Tony Gwynn. A resident of Poway for nearly three decades, he raised his family here and he participated in community activities. Thus, it is incumbent upon the City to commemorate his legacy in an appropriate fashion at the earliest possible time. With Council concurrence I propose we immediately discuss the best way, the "Poway way," to pay tribute to Tony Gwynn. 1 of 1 July 15,2014 Item# &. 2 CITY OF POWAY MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Dave Grosch, Councilmember DATE: July 15, 2014 SUBJECT: Silverset Park Off-Leash Dog Activities Since the spring of 2012, a group of Silverset Park users have been seeking opportunities for off-leash dog provisions at the park. Cljrrently Silverset Park, like most City parks, requires dogs to be on a leash at all times. Silverset Park is host to many uses, including a children's play area and sandbox, restrooms, a walking/running track with par course, a fenced ball field, picnic areas, and a large multi-use grass field area. Initially, neighbors requested shared use of the ball field for a designated off-leash dog park during limited hours. That request was brought to the City's Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee on two occasions and was not supported. The group has since added to its proposal to mirror an approach taken in Encinitas whereby a park may be designated for off-leash use during specific days and hours, thus reducing costs and scheduling conflicts for other uses. I am seeking Council support to direct staff to further research the Encinitas model and alternative models and return with potential options aimed at accommodating off-leash dog activities, possibly on a trial basis. 1 of 1 July 15, 2014 Item #8.3 Rosa Martinez From: Sent: To: Subject: ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Sheila Cobian Monday, July 14, 2014 10:45 AM Rosa Martinez FW: Request of extended speaking time for July 15th Attachments: Silverset Park Survey043.pdf; Photos of parks.docx; Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition.docx; Santee Parks for Off Leash Recreation.docx Importance: High Additional Materials for Item 8.3. From: Sue Busch [mailto:sbusch7@cox.net] Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 8:44AM To: Sheila Cobian Subject: Re: Request of extended speaking time for July 15th Sheila, Here are the 4 docs. I will bring the surveys to you this afternoon. 1 1 of 10 (o July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optignal);, _______________ ...z_ ________ _ Phone#(Optional): _____________ --'--------,--- Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? Yes 30 No , 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? Yes ?;3 No 2- 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? Yes ~3 No 0 4. How often for #3? _________ _ 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? Yes 3'-f No l 7. What is 111:e benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this· neighborhood park? 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? Survey Taker's Name and Number: 2 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Santee Parks for Off Leash Recreation In June 2009, the City Council approved a pilot program allowing off-leash areas within designated City Parks subject to certain rules and regulations. Off-leash areas were established at Woodglen Vista Park, Mast Park and Big Rock Park during specific days and times during the week to allow dog owners to let their pets exercise and socialize in designated areas without being constricted by a leash. Based on input from users, off leash hours were increased in January 2010. Signs are posted at each park identifying the areas, days and time for off-leash use at each park. Off-leash use is subject to the following rules: -Dogs must be licensed -Dogs must be under effective voice control -Owner must clean up after pet -Dogs must be prevented from biting or harassing any person or another animal -Dogs must be kept out of playground and landscape areas, sports courts and picnic areas At Woodglen Vista Park, the areas designated for off-leash use are available on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays from dawn to 9:00a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to dusk and are split during the year so the athletic fields ca n be used by the youth sports program in-season. The multi -purpose field space adjacent to Woodglen Vista Drive to the south, basketball court to the east, and park fences to the north and west is open from January 1 to August 15, this section is not available as an off-leash area from August 16 to December 31 in order to accommodate youth soccer programs. The baseball field located at the northeast corner of Woodglen Vista Park is open for off-leash uses from August 16 to December 31. At Mast Park, the first central open space surrounded by the asphalt trail and by the cement mow strip to the west is available for use every day from dawn to 9:00a.m. and from 3:00p.m. to dusk. At Big Rock Park, the open grass area located just south of the picnic pavilion within the side walk loop is designated as the off leash area available Monday through Friday from dawn to 9:00 a.m. Overall the response to the off-leash program has been very favorable. Many of the users of the off-leash areas have expressed thanks for provid ing an area for their pets to exercise and commingle with other pets and have requested dedicated off-leash parks with additional hours of availability. Many users requested clearer notification signs to better define the off-leash area within each park. In response, additional signs with maps were installed at the three parks identifying the areas that are allowed for off-leash uses. Some park users have voiced concerns about persons not removing or placing their pet's feces into a proper receptacle in accordance with City municipal code and as required for use of the off-leash area. Additional dog waste bag dispensers have been installed at each park. Most users have been cooperative about removing feces and have offered assistance when others do not. Unfortunately, there have been reports of irresponsible behavior by dog owners, such as dogs with their owners beyond the boundaries of the off-leash areas, throughout the parks and approaching walkers, runners and other on-leash dogs who are traveling in the park's sidewalks, trails or play areas. Other concerns are owners that bring their dogs to be in the parks off-leash outside the designated hours or days. Unfortunately, this type of unauthorized use puts the success and future of the off-leash program at risk. In response, the Sheriff's Department and Animal Control have increased their surveillance of the parks for unauthorized off-leash use. As a reminder, dogs are not permitted to be off-leash at any time at Shadow Hill, West Hills, Sky Ranch, Santee Mini or Town Center Parks. In addition, dogs are not permitted at any time (on or off-leash) on any school properties. If you are a user of the off-lease pet areas, please he lp to make this program successful by reminding other users of the designated off-leash boundaries and t imes. If you witness irresponsible pet behavior, contact the County of San Diego Department of Animal Services at {619) 236-4250. For additional information regarding off-leash areas, please call (619) 258-4100 ext. 126 or click here. 3 off lea sh parks for a population of 55,000. website source: http:/ /ci.santee .ca.us/index.aspx?recordid:;;244&page=9 3 of 10 b July 15, 2014 Item# 8 .3 Silverset Park ... Poway, California Morning and afternoon shots of ball field and open field. Orpheus Park and Viewpoint Parks -Encinitas, California Shots from the afternoon groups. RULES OF THE PLAYGROUND FOL.LOW THE RULES - PL..\V CAREFUL.LY 4 of 10 h UNLEASHED DOGS ALLOWED Monday, W~dnt.•5ddy, & fnd•y &-.1 30-& J...8- Sund:~y 6·9.,., & l8 .... ~-...-e.,_,Utl.,$.4'-1 UN~EO DOG PRIVILEGES SUBJECT TO TliE f OllOWING: ...... --~ July 15, 2014 Item # 8 .3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA -Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ba ll out field as an Off-leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA w ill be ava ilable to responsib le pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature be low indicate my support of the Off-leash Area Proposa l Name: ____________________________________________________________________ ___ Address: __________________________________________________________________ _ Signature: ________________________________________ Date _____________________ _ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA -Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway t he fo llowing: • A Conditional Use Permit of Si lverset Ball out f ield as an Off-leash Area for we ll-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM dai ly • The comm unity using this OLA will t ake responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below ind icate my support of the Off-l eas h Area Proposal Name: ____________________________________________________________________ ___ Address: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Signature: ________________________________________ Da t e ______________________ _ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Si lve rset Park proposes to the City of Poway the fo llowing: • A Conditiona l Use Per m it of Silve rset Ball out field as an Off-leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be availab le to responsib le pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The commu n ity using t his O l A will ta ke responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signatu re below indicate my support ofthe Off-leash Area Proposal Nam e: ____________________________________________________________________ ___ Address: _________________________________________________________________ _ Signa ture: ______________________________________ Date _____________________ ___ Homes survey in 2013 56 homes contacted: 47 yes 3 no 5 no response 5 of 10 ~ New Surveys for 2014 = 54 + Page 1 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 6 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OlA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OlA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area . ~ ~ {' My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: z1m I {)be! D Address: { Lf rt 19 Qo~ ~ 'f'GV"V_C!A(Z l // , ~.7 7 I I 7!: Signature:W~ ~ Date ___ · --I.......:../_W_,--I.......:../_._!__ ! __ ~~----..::=::=--~------------, I Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OlA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OlA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:. _______________________________________________ _ Address:. __________________________________ _ Signature:. _____________________ Date. ___________ _ Sllverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OlA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OlA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ___________________________________ __ Address: _____________________________________________________ _ Signature: ____________________________ Date. _____________ _ 7 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep oft he area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: a·f=--/ fL /1Q~fir Address: l Vf4-\C ObT/l Wl)t'fl1 Signature: df/L cA q2o6{,t Date J/t1/IY Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: _ ____:_~..:._:__~v~t-"N _ ___,/...:::...!,.4:<:...:-lA.J..::........:::S..u.:Ob~----------,--­ Address: t4l50 Deaw/J7Jtt ~~,X~] Cit .C12-Vf12Cj Signature: {Lp~ J twJil'VJ Date 'l /1 3 1 / i 'f. Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support ofthe Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: Vt K\\l ~l~t{. Address:-1'17@ :DevuVMJ 8£ 1 lbw1f; ur tf;?tJW'f Signature:t!JI".tJb@ ~ Date_7'-J/:.......:..I=-'3.f--!.b-J-'f: ___ _ 8 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep ofthe area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: t>/c_ tlt:/'"6-e-~ J Address l'-/~wood >'f?0/Z~L/ Signature:_~---""-~..c.~-=------------------Date-=-~fl.__~L.~-z<~'--/----,T-',c----- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available_to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ~CS'St··ca. /3ecJt Address: J4?16 ~hb¢ 8+ Signature~ ~ Date 1//3 u4 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name ignature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Address :---11--.-1--,41--lUi~---'>-..:.t....::.:.~~:::,F-~~--"....:.~L---1----------.---.,--.,------Signature:___,~.~~~~~~~~~:=::::==---~--Date __ ·-'-7-'/---:..J_,.4'~/'-'-·.~__.tf,___· ___ _ 9 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:_--:0=--'-l~M~_N\_e.__/G=----=---.e_-ch~·~'· _V)~' Z.---------,....._----------Address:_~l ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~·. ~---~-~~~~' ~~---~ Signature:. __ ----r-)U22-+--r"'---"~-c"'-~=,L----··/_-=· :::>..._.----Date 0 Vv 6 ft 4- V Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ___ ~~~~~~~~--·~;;?-L~,~~~----------------- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ltJ1 '/(I tt-tvl () _IJ cr--f Address: j4<f_&4 C}uJch.P,> 'Prt!K I /~flJ ('fL Signature (/ ~ g ~ Date o1j09l 1' 10 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily e The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: J>Oif\t:A.A ~+ Address ~M ~ rr. 1 ~ Stgnature: __ J_ v Date _ _,-6'-----=2=Z:.--:l_._'t_.__ __ _ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area Address: __ -&----Jt.,,t!!~f-.,___.::;,.-~~~Fl-"""""""-L...!~~-=----=-dfc--=--_:__-----/,/,1-IJJ/__:_ __ _ Signature: __ -4L--"-"--...__----.'--_---.!~r.-1':"""""''111-----Date __ -~;;;{t;v----=Z=-=~------..:ZP/=-=:....;~\f_ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: 3 <lf'o', c... f\ \~C\ 0 11 of 106 \' o \.10~ Cf\ C) 2...0 '-' y Date 1., -·2."£""-'2-o ll.f July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: Je..t"ou'"Y),~ \\\~ Srgnatuk _/ ~L\ _ ___u ......... A.ddress: 1\'\S&;~ ~-~~ S,-\- Date ltl-?...l -L..o\y Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OlA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal /" ' Name:LY~~ Address: I~ I L fll..AJ~_...fC c._::r Signature' ~ c;s;;> Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OlA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal 12 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 1et3' ~o li.J A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily ca The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:_--'A)L-+~ +f.,.L.:'~"\.~-\.!___B.l....!o..;.!.;~\\-\.:l,\U-',\'""'C~O:::..' ~D.J...I) ________________ _ Address: __ \u..r~""'-'---7~<~~5=<-.._ _ __._frl-...L-' ..._, ...._.\ =H'""'P~'o:..:"",.____....y:::.....!._r....._\ ¥-y:_,_e... _____________ _ Signature:-----tU-:::::?""~=t'""""'-' ... Y,.__-cc;'""'~---'.---iR~r'""'"t"""l""'J'""''L.(.-L:-=='"·"'"""' .... :>.....-<Ld ____ Date_-=(p-+J--··?,~C""-? +-)...__/ '-~-'------ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer~ ~o I~ A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:--'--~~/""'-L--}/~/(/;.--'-'--"//6::.....:.....:.1 ~-~ ---,----.,----=--------=-------:~~ Address =-r--+-'---"--""'--'-'-----'-J__ ___ Q_u-'-" -=-r_e___(_~--e:_o_o_d_-=S;__f_._L..__ __ +---"'----"--- Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 29H .;(ol"/ A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to respoflsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal ~ I -\ \ Name: I cg c {,1 -.-0 I<' ( d r I 'd-l ( ~" I (I lA Vk) 1(\ b. Dv= })CivY~ Signature: ;.~ IJ!1_... 1 Date 7/ f / Y 1%ccrch,\~l e (()X.f\<.)1 \' \._;v\~ \ ~ ~-('N.U~ Address: 13 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer Z013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily " The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer Z013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ____________________________________________________________________ ___ Address: _________________________________________________________________ ___ Signature: _______________________________________ Date ____________________ __ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer Z013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: __________________________________________________________________ ___ Address: _________________________________________________________________ _ Signature: ________________________________________ Date ____________________ _ 14 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 rset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, aqdress, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal /J. l!J 12\ Name: ~~~ tAh ~ ;,::~:::e: ,~~~ cm-J (k. Date_1.!.-~---!1'--~_,_f+f=-· __ _ Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ) J ;' J:o Ozt "'ca-- Address 1:;2-~~c;,f-{2r_ S1gnatureA ~ Date~2--f-Z-I--7f--/..:::._2""'-i) 1----'-Lf __ I I Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ___________________________________ __ Address: __________________________________ _ Signature: ____________________ Date ____________ _ 15 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 16 of 106 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 ~ gr~..JG c•f ••ei~i'",bor:; in the vicinity of Silverset Park p<oposes to the City of Poway the following: • !. Cor,.Jition;;l Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park c;s an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OL!; . .._,m be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • Tne community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area Mv name, address, and signature below indicate my S'.!Pport ofthe Off-Leash Area Proposal N:::me.:_jSi_v)N L-'jr/C }-\" _ --=-------- >C.Orecs I~~""' u.N'l_ jl' f ~\J P!j Lfi "'J L o i 'f "'''""'" ~---Date_-"-b-f~-l--">-f-)__,_1-f-'1-- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petrtion -OLA-Summer 2013 A g;oup of neighbo<s in the vicinity of Silverset Par'-: f:-roposes to the City of Poway the following: • .A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Bc:ll Pc:rk ~san Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA. will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA. wi!l take re-:ponsibil!ty for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: _____________________________________________________________________ __ Address: _________________________________________ _ Signature: _______________________ Date ___________ _ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: e A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ___________________________________________________ __ Address: ____________________________________________ _ Signature: _____________________ Date ____________ _ July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: t\l. "E-w~ b+e.. &.9~ '?A Dt '2-Dle 4 Date l.Q( '24 !1 tf Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: _____________________________________________________________________ __ Address: ___________________________________________________________________ __ Signature: _________________________________________ Date __________________ __ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily " The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: _________________________________________________________ __ Address: _______________________________________ __ Signature: _________________________ Date ________________ _ 17 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily e The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ___ __:;J5~s=e'-C_ew __ ~_....::...._ _________________ _ Address: ___ l£_gif--'-'~~-~-J_151V-r-(_1~_~_. __ 4ur......:..'-+--ch------.,------- Signature: ____ -tc;e-::::o-"7S4:,..,.:;J''--:_-L_""""? _______ Date __ b...L-{_?1/~/~,___ ___ _ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the· following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area my support of the Off-leash Area Proposal Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-leash Area Proposal Name: ____________________________________________________________________ _ Address: _________________________________________________________________ _ Signature: ______________________________________ Date ____________________ _ 18 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature bel~w~ndicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ~ tJ1 c{ot?rtJt ~ Address:~~ 0~/), Stgnature: !J2 • Date---t1/'--'-r3...::........,l~ff----r( Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: __________________________________________________________________ __ Address: _____ "'----------------------------------------------------------- Signature: ___________________________________ Date _____________________ _ 19 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: lJ 4\t) \D 'R.oz.-.SA Address: /4~~~?WA't Sognature: ~ Date._l....~./_r3 __ /,_1-4-'f----- Sllverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: /V{ / SS Y !<{)£c;Jt Address: /tf73 7 QtfFL/AJf= Signature: C. F:O Date f · J :j · / Lj-- Sllverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA -Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball out field as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: __ __.fVALL.."-"''12 ...... E"'-'-((_,______;;.E--'-'-~=-~--'-'-=-0------------ Address: ~~~~ 0 Signature:~ ~ _ Date __ L..f:..____;/._:3 __ -....:../ ...... '/'---. __ 20 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: f4_ ViiAf\ S ( D aJt~ . Address:_l-==-=-1 +$"""-=-"'-"_!_ ~~__,~~:=r-::._ ri~t..-...4·-~:..___~ ·\_tJ_V __ 0 _at-e ------ Signature: ~ ~(()-+-} ..:;__7..-+1 l-+-1 ¥-+--- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this·OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Silver set Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, ·address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: "J"~ ~ l ~1.-\~ 1<0~ Address: 1). l) q Signatur~~====~r=s:_ _________ Date---:bq/~J-+~-+/--=-''+/----- 21 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer: 1013-2-0 iY A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: Q_,~ :5 ~~ (jc__ Address: l?zl '-+4 9?<r:u ~ c:::r j P\::>vJhj Signature: Qh .R !10 -r/._ . \}clzfld(lc}z) Date &;;-2-?--I Y Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summ~ Q.._ 0 I <f A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ~r~. ;:!~d.. Address:~ ~~~~ ~ Signature:~~ 8~ Date lJ, -Z S -I Y Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 201r- ' A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: })r-e-.tJSsfu:-S~f\JL Address: f?j'N~~0-t ?., ~'( Srgnature:~ ~~ Date"""'~~+-(;=-zsc.-=.}u..l.,_tf _____ _ 22 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature b ow indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal .. \ ' Add ress:_'---'c..L...ti"---C"""7'"r........,~~""""'"~C.::::..:~sz:---"---~.¥.1...~-"-------:--------­ Signature:---'-L--~"4-'1,.4--r.---'-~~~:...__--Date .b/~/(}i) j L( Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: [\ '()d ( e--Y-ey '"' Address: ) 4 J3lf ShoJov.)'O{c<li:)k G·\-o Signatu.~~7 k;-Date G / d.5j J LJ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal 23 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:_---":-....,X\;::::.,...:..hrt.=...__})~·_,__,]3....__,_n--=-· _._Q-'-'-l-""-'-t ..... 0'------------------- Address: 141 q 9;" ""b ('[)0 lcs{Q vV-bv. Signature: \),.~ .'J:n ~ MY 0 ~ Date___.CI.c.....,~/"'""'J.;=--=vS-.J-J ..__) Cf+----- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area 24 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:_-~ t~ GyVl~ --:---------------Address,_j~~\lne. 31 P6L00:f CJ.z.6&>~ Sognature' ~ Date b J Z.3Jl4 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Lea~h Area Proposal Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ~Se.Ao D~. ... oJzC>C Address: \ ]c !K I l5 h MJ owf/Pe.., s r Signature: ~~ 25 of 106 focvqy g 'VJ'-' cf Date bhVitf July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: 'Q-Q._ r\14./ t/E? f1 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ~6 /t /1 /3 /: h C. C""" J"L Address: l 3 Ill D 11 /L L 1 1 ~ if C-/ · Signature: ~ ~ ~ Date_---'G.o___-_;?:..___::L-_-....:/_-'c/'--- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • 0 • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area signa ure below ricate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal ·" Name: ___________ '--------------------------------------------~~-----:-'' Address: __ t_? _ _;_(_f _I _O_o,_f._<_C._I_f'_I_L;-__ c.._T _______________ _ P .o~.n 14 ./, C. .J. '1 "-Ocw{ Signature: ____ _,k._"--_ .... __ ....,_:l...J.....LL-+··----1"(---------------Date _________________ _ 26 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal ;.-I I~ ' ........ ·--::\"i\...-? ~f'> 1 .r \ ' Name: , .1. J'-t'V \....>t:.uc.. .. =:::J L'i -.....\b), 1..___1':;, Address: ):{S ~-'] ''R l?ri\K~ Vr;--?.._\<(. 'P L , signature: ~i.Lu....-~\\.Q_,<~/'-M.oC ?o'-J~4;.~ Date __ \c_) ~_d._=-.::J_=-----'\L--lj-+' _ Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal ' "l2... .-:- Name: ~JJ\ 'LL{'A-M ~\Q.W\ Ck R (\-\\) -,~ 9 t-t-~~ ,-<-F \_ / . / Signature: ,{/.() f.'/~ Date __ ~'_'---~--__ -_\_1f.!._1 __ _ Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA -Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: l=Je.l \ S $; 4 l tJ (.K'£.. .... Address: I Lf la I/ L3ov.;dotA) Kd Signature: t.{J; L.,4iA{)M. . d.,c!t( Date _ __,~~L.--.:2, 3.-L-+/__._/-+-1-f I 27 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, an~ signature below indicate ryfupport of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: fAyff,s !VIoh!Ma!l ~~t:t~·1tz~ Address: 12-Lf!/ Creek (i_rk (),.. ~t?t.Va.y s;gnatuce' a~~' Date 1 <-h'}_//'f Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: sot l ~ rv~ I I/ /h-- Address: l tf. 73 f7 S ~ ttdovJ WPtJ~ (;?' fo vJ'J 9 dVrP Y Signature: ~ Date fr'/2-:3::> l "2-0 l Y 28 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: t-1 c = t-h ·"-Jr He c "(" b Address: I Lf-~ (V\ G.. f l c-.::. 6 C) d S + Pov-c=J J ~ t\ ) 9 2 66 tj Signature: __ ~--------<:;~==-"'--"="'-~~----""".,-+----Date __ (o=-4l-2---..:::~~,,_/_1,_<--J~-- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ·?h /L ~· /Y1{2jl?J c/lftf)/J lduttrJJ Of7C Address: J}r) Zo -f-p; (1)4 V s), :bl=>' Signature: '{ZJJi~ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:_---"-?__,j,'+-</.....,t"""'?L.:=;_·---'--'~f"-'!Jb'4-p,_,_).:....:,!0: ...... ·5 _______________ _ Address:_-4-i-7-}""'-'6 lk=.~.a"--· ......~-.h-'-"'-~-~--"')~-#-<!2'-Lff/!"--' ..,c...,P-'--/(-'-, Jj---'/....__.d~Wc.p.,&---;<y..-·7 C/1~----_i':....:.-2-=-_ /1_-=-/_t-"--. ~--- W~ Jf, lit/lt1z9 Date--"'-0-=-+-'~L"--'-:z_q-++) )4-'f __ _ Signature: 29 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area Address:_~-l+:~-4----t-J:I:"'-"-"':-...!...lc:"""'---..:::;;f...LJ.---'-..;:_:_-'--"-''-"'+-'--__:;._c--~~~-=-r-+r...,..-t---­ Signature :~"""f-J~~""'-.:._:;:_....:..:....::.-------------- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility forthe fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and sign tur:~ P.elpw indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: . . . c/ 1/ l-e 5 I S/c ..., '/ I "'_f_;;\ .· "( •. /A I (' '7 ~ . I Address: L. J?. --;. ,...._ ;_~ _. tl,) )"'/N I ··r • 7 ;_.,. I, Signature :_---7_6;;;,;"*~/r.:;;.:;-~...,..e?-::;,:,~"'t·,£,::r.""7/~'-r-..L..:::=~--------Date __ -.:_7+/_c1~----'---- 30 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs e TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area ~:~::me1, ad~d~~ess, antigna~ture:~; l~t.te my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal A_ddress: ~'2.-= II v:~·JV~ ~,· Pol.JV'It'i 4 'l~~ffGI(' Signature:_ ~-------' (~:__ a~ / Date 7/•7/Y ~ --~7~,~~~----------- -~ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit ofSilverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name,. address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal • 0 _\ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: Qou<? lJC\ie...<; Address: ~LL--A tv I) RJS Signatu~ \. _______ .... -· l- 31 of 106 Date_---L.z-.~../__,'1._~./_l__,'f_. ___ _ July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs e TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area· ~:;:,me, add~d~¥;cl;te my support of the Off-leash Area Proposal Address: (X3 ? t;l : = i · · Signature: ~ Date 7 f'l/f 'f Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area ure below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal 01 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA -Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the viCinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: e A Conditional Use Permit ofSilverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OlA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily 0 The community using this OlA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name Name: __ ~~~~--~~~~~~~----~~~-------------------------------­ Address:--:;..&:~~~~:::-"'if;.....::~~~~~=-.....!::~~:!...._---------,,-----...=--.-....r-----­ Signatur <::· ;;;;~a~,....,c.~;:;::_="""'~~~,..,Q;~~~:::::::i:'.-...... ---Date_-+-___!!.__J.__4-+------ 32 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit ofSilverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily & The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area ancl-signat_ure bela indicate my support ofthe Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:~q_~~~-~~~\~C~--~~~~~~----~----~~----~~--~~~~---­ Address:_--:-+--+-., ..!.....>:.. ,~~-!.g.~'--_L_!_~~=~~____;I.....!:..I<:::::..:_ _ ___.l..~~~~~~--~~l!....i..-- Signature:_-'-~~.J..6~"-----,~~~.:::.._----------- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area ~:;::me~, rd~dr~s~, and~sign~at~ure b~elow ~~dicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal SA1·dgdnaretsusr:e.·~r?' 1 M ~ --'-~-~-.------>~._,_5;....,_=-'-\-~----------Date \0 ~ :s\)\ y .-\ L{ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2014 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the· following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ~ Address: \ --~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------~w-~r-~.--------- 13. of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 3~ of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the fol • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the t-..... e. b hA c_ ~ , • ~-5 t:--f' Name: ________ L/=-------------~v-~--~~~----~~----------------------------- Add ress: _ _,I...,--."J-_1_5(_0_· _T_·_r_.f_.l2__r_td-4J-=·e__~--c_C2......-_·· _r--_. -J-l_(5_o_. l_J...J_i c_~·_,'-}'---'-t-~_JC\ __ ~_2_0_((:_/ _,_<.f-_ Signature: £)~ kr-1-= Date_l_lJ_·-_7_----.:[3=----- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support ofthe Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: L ;sa Nau ---l&t(tlCL Address:~/~~ Slgnatur~'t-.--->f~~~!:__ _________ Date_CJ7)_:...:::'.3=-:~-;/;'-L-3 ______ _ --- . Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • . A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area • • My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: hAR..tAJ 9-:JE FE t±U.Cr \-t SOl\) Address: l d-..7 l Z TR.t E R. ( 0 Crt Tf Rfl.._Ft-Cf Signature:7'}i:Vlt.O! t/ ~<:P:----= Date CJ /.;;<co /!.3 I ~ I 3.5 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area ~ ·") Address:__.._-L==--+-~~~--"'-'-=:_::::.~...:._-~I-L·-Yl_<L...:..L~---!5"''-------+------~~~~----Date___,t7$>=f-(-""lbl43~h ·......,__~ • __ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for to/rll-be~erugs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from~ -~M daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: (/j:J ·772/c !/} D !:' L-Lv .~ Add ress: __ ;'-'·-...::f;__/..:.::_j;__.., :::::2_ . ..~:.A:____i"'7V-:,--_·....:1·:;_;_y___:.;.~c.)-;....:{_.;__(_.;__$_!d_ti__,_1~fi-'tr7-J __ v•T---'-Y _ __..:...C_t..:..1_..:..cy_· 2~0...:.~ ?::....:...~-­ Signature:_7;f3-'-, ..::;;·_ ... ;_/_;S_-·-..;.;...-"""'(l:;__.-0_,:_g"""~--------oate __ ----:;.t!_., _-_;z __ z_-_/"""3"----- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • 3<c of 106 A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Sllverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 ~group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditio~al Use P.ermit of Silverse~ Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area fqY)Ne~-be~\ed dogs o TheOLA Will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs fro~M -:;..la'AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for ")(e)l-b_eha'V,ed;fie's The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs frorn.~ 10 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:_.,::::::..s.!-~..:..../ r_/___:.v~5..:..:..i-I_IJ..:....}Z__;/---? _______________ _ Address: I 71 L/0 /7u y/141 //1 LL s ))a Signature: 4)~~ ~ Date_.::_)_:_/_)--=c.-1--!_9_)_r_1_~.::../ __ _ I I v/ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily " The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: __ .--.---;___:__.) L.!.·rl_-_A___:.Jli:____J L-L_-~_-fl_-______________ _ Address: ~: d1 o tf . S; L \J'lfl-£. '>--r S"[ Signature:_~ W 1 v 3'1 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Sllverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for hfll-be~e~gs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs fro~~ -.a:eJ\M daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: //.;:} -;/l[Jc ;/} D t"' L-Lo .C~ Address: _ __.lc...·-...:.y_;.:;:;._3.....::?::;__.1£_h_t_'P-=-o/-/'-:f...:...Y_.;/.....:c)...:...._;;C-;_[_._>_!:rt1_..:...1_,,"'-:fi:_P_7-J_.r_7_Y;_____;;c_·,·.....:1_....:.c;-_ .. ..;:;2;_.:o'-'~ ?::;....;;_·~-- ~~~----,/~_//; Ct:j' --7 2 -/?: Signature: ~~j//'-Z1; Date. ___ ...:. __ __:_~ ___ ....~.:L_..:.__ __ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as • The OLA will be available to responsible pet • The community using this OLA will take re area My name, address, and signature below indicate rhy Name: f2At0DY Gflf2w"-\ Address: 1fZ~~ Signature: 'l Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs fro The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off- Name: ~(4 ~L--Df-(.L , d dogs ) ( Address:7V/=L~t W~ Signature: ~~ Date____;,(?..£---.-.L-/.t....<b:.---~{=-==-7.___ __ 3S of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: ( • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area f~ well-b~ved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs fro~-10 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: JoA~ ~At>f:~ Address: \~t Fl8~~ ~b2k-\ Signature: ~-~ _.&.AA , ___ _ )~ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal ~ Yrc . Name: j ornecle-rfC.(.) . Address~?N ,h~UJ /)a_{, 1 j Signatur~ Z -= ~ate 8/~LJ s 7 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal ::::~s: ~-~7 ~~bgu; w~ pn~~' r)A'tJL S : t -_/ J '1 ~ Date r, ><.)_ I t 3 1gna ure: /~~7-J-_ _:~~~:::::....::~-------- / 3'l of106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: V • .. • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved d TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the '1 / Name: D ~Y ~ .tJ IJL Address:_...:..../...LV.--=&:__.:;..._.., .~.....'I_...Lrc-=" c:.:....~.u~/::.!..."'-""'u~o!<:.J· ,.L.?L/)___.5~T_.:: ___ _:____ ___________ _ Signature:_-1:.~~7)L_·~ ... _-:;;;:::::~=====--------Date. _ __:-£+/_·-z_ . .=..Gf.-;;.L(;t-~----L7 I . / Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal j Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate m.Y support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: sa (Yl t G i \c\ Q, Fa($ \_ Address: i Lf 0 3 7 P ( umu/ood 3 i:, Signature:> ~ edJ ~ lu Ll fa UtLifc (l A · Date 8-/z 6 (13 I I Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: L.!A Q (Z '-/ ~ Q-.~:u)\ Address: l\ {y L (A·~ · July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 ..llnvc• ::.cL vu-Lt=i:lsn Area t"etltlon -ULA-~ummer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: LVu,.LJA/(\ CotLrV\ 0 oe-· . .// Address: f!f~ i>L~ Signature:~lt\tb...... _______2_( Date_-=8"------=-~-~----_.(}"-------- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily o The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support ofthe Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:_--'-'k_o---\1.--:-Q/----Y\A~C-'=t-(-""--~-ltA..l_1 ___ C_''-,.----------- Address: .ffiu 1¢ _ j? \MM. W <:. c .\l. '> Signature:-\2)->..,T Date __ ~-=~ +-} ~-~--', \_\ '\---L---- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: -i C"(! ()\a< C\c.q1<_ Address: 14DLJ1 P}umLUCJoC/ 3J .. 4'2.0fs1Jl,~ture: ~ QQc-<~ -Date Jit"}\ 1~-W4.At§t # a.3 --------·---~- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5 AM -10 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: D f C /1... S J-1 l< J V ;';.. A. Address: I '').. 7 Lj?_ In I v Wl pH ])!~ Signature:~ P ~ I Date_8,L-,f_h-'-j-'1-_P---!,..=f ~=· ___ _ --·-------- Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 I A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash A~~.a for well-behaved dogs """"'"'C,"' TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owQers & their dogs from 6 AM-'-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take respo~~ibility for the'f~~:S~g·&.·upkeep of the area • • My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ff Chtl t?d }(, fJ 'G;. Address: I Z f? 2 Lf ~h~~~~ = /Jr to f" , Po wct_~ ~f/~1"//, I??}'\""") Signature:. __ _,.,~~=:::........::..-=:.J.di!:~:..-~-C-LL-.L.LY-;...L<:::. /..:__~::....__Date 7 .... .> v .... P--0/ Silverset Off-leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signat'He belo.w indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: /V\ r:?i'l ;cc. (tvvyl\ctl . CA Address: l!icc'r J~~-5i~ 1oll"/ Gl 97ill 1 ::J 0 ll -h 3 S1gnature: t~ AJ?.AL Date _ _L_~_.:.-~------ 4~~of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area / My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:~KP.....:J~/ ~J.------=~~)'-!_j) Z-~L.~r.aJ-------------- Address: I 1.-~~qor Sji ~~ l? r Signature: __ -b·~=~:::k:::!.~=+f--'~---+-'=~-__:.__t.,.~~~----Date _ ____:::~-l/l.-4...~...· -c~-/~J.-Q'-=-.~-1 3.-{.__ __ r • Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Qff-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, a_~, signature bel~ indic~~e [.!}._~ sup~rt c;J the Off-leash Area Proposal Name: L_O~~~ Address:_+-~~-"'7_:_··~-'~~-==---~--!-!---~~--l-,, _· C(3L_---_----,----:---- 4tol-ill'6'"'e: ~ -c.:> ~ Date __ y;bul)-'y-+,r""·fb<:::-,""'2~0::..j1~a'"'-/l_:-~~#-8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name Umifa f!J!~Ur ;i::~::5re/-w-~~~-~· ::::__Y]--=-ICd?~~~+--· __ Date___,Jr;~0-f..-.l'tf'---O«J__:_:/_3=---- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5 -10 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: 6-ctry /Uob~ / Address: { 7-?7-'f L'l / um /J h [) r-. Signature: ~ ~ Date_-=-,'6 (,___'/L.Lt~f f __ _ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area Address:. __ -+~~~~~...!....:.....:......,fH-L---#~:__-----<CJ£..:~'---~'--L-----L-2'-VC--=;_-I-- J~ 1gf'~enfM ---··~---~--·~------------·---~·---·---------------· ··-·-------------~------------- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: Se~'atn ~ll Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area nature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal / Name:-!~Al~{-~='~UUJUU-~----~~------~--~~--~--------~--­Address:JJ.;:W-Lll_l_LM.!Jlbl-.1._~-____:(b~U)~£t~~~0=---:;-;--,-;----- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs . • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5 -10 AM daily / • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:___._.S<....:......:retl~d""-'<---'-a--1-fh-+-L--'-'-'-(/ __________ _ Address: J.!Joof:? --r,:;~ Signature{!i)t'W '::NiJ) 4 ca of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs / • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: f;e\.SPCA ~\VX~u'C\~ Address: \ "?_,() '6~ ~ \. \ V'f\ \ ~*/) ;J /1 ,-' . /7 ------ Signature: 7l{J x6--P..A;?."--·;A JC<.£_4-{V,~.-£/~ . z; Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ~QJ\Q ;y' \J ~ V'"_US iJ, 1'~. oi ---. I ~)_ Address: \.-5c::Y33 ··-· ~-i \). ·r \ 'I "\~, 'f\( S~nature:~~~p~=c~·~.J~\Q~1 A~'~'~\,u~~(~J=~~~~Q~L~~~~~· wY~~-~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: J?otJ * 5,ltP!>tr£ :;:fdooaf?h;z)' Address ~Jh\ I.Jb. ~-~Y Signature== == ;at:if-4-----'ZGI"} 4'1 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area p rt of the Off-Leash Area Proposal I'LA---l (_ ·, (/1 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • • • A conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ~/} det"'ber' ~ 7 g.,.. 'I Address: l ? If? 6 cf /r 1 "'r t... j) ~ ~ ' // s lvL,~ Sign~~~:::::::_---=~::::::=..--------Date_~-t-~/~J.-,; ... ...l.----- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for ~~!-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from..Hl ~ily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: J::.;m (A 1-ArJ)lt) ~ Address: /3 (} '3 ..3 T If. 1 (/ lh £»/ 12& r.r-. ...._/ (/ Signature' 2~ ~ ? 4& of 106 ' C/1 Date 8' /u /; 5 I JJy~5, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighb~rs in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: ::J&~ {; "'f!'dlt9 1'1$ f'vt ~-~ Address: 13 O~~:..;..o"'-h-lc_ . Signature: 7 Date~ /r~(U5/3 J Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs o TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: 1-o~l frt"cK~ Address J],ogt Tr··v"'~¥r s;gnature: ~ Yf2 _ ~ __ -~--Date g'-'1-j,j Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM -9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area / My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:___._k.:::::..::vtC-.\_±.__._t·----.~.D.£.-eJ$::::=;.::;__::_(}_:;_{ +-'-------------- Address '_Y2f=?._"p h Signature: __ -rL~ ......... ---"'-~~~~=--~'&Lq_.a....:::~-------Date_<T.....,_-f;;_(L-1(J.L. -f-7_,/_·??L-----~~ I Dr 4q of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA -Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for-the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: OM Cl-hQ.-.tf (' C/ C/v? Address IS-;::; 'hi~ Signature: JiPI)w= ~-Date__,'t""--+-(-'-'11t'-'-~-/_z_.u_--'-'/ !>=---- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area I My name, a~dr1s, an~signat e below indicate my support of the Off.-Leash Area Proposal Name:~~ J JU (JIA/$¥'A, Address~~ ~~~1/L-V~T~ . , Signature:_ ~I k 4=~ .. _________ Date_! 'l.L._1_,_(_-v; __ l3=------ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition--OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below in icate my support of the Oft-Leash Area Proposal J Name: L U a. tl ~~~~~-~~~~~-.~-~--------------- so of 106 -~ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily o The community using this OLA wiil take responsibility tor the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal / Name:--1-m..L-.l..--.l-·{ ..Jce.:.c 1-Lhe!o:..::..£1~1 f.c~. -={!_~Q_Q /C_' ----,.:-------o.-. ------- Address:Pt-jfh»w rnph /J:JVe SJgnature: -~J.{!_~~&c_ Date____.q-J-JJ.L:J2_ql-J/L....l/...J....,?L.-_ __ (5~ r 1 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AMi:9 A daily .. The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area P posal (•-I ----\ Name: ,(_.l_ ro '1 n I Q n·) I VI Address: I-~ O'j 5" )~~ ( l i i---', p b T) k Signature: ((A It &\ ',::::;-.,__,j : J \Jl-Y\ ( .._ p J .. .,_. __ , Date---"'<;5"'-' ·_--_.I~C.c::.~;------1..:l ~:::::::l ~---- Silverset Off-leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: o A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • The OLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: 5dELLY L £ff5 . ..-' •-J I)Li Add'm l(jtf 7JZ~i--'7 Signature: J.c-.£./'L-P-~~ _7 0 Date ___ v.ft!:J..,/'-+;-'p:L) t-/..:.1 ..... ,.,j1'-· __ _ /' Sf of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below·;indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal tJ' Name:---J.A=~L=--5~'e_·~?;2:..Lt...L-·();q-.L-HL-· _____ _,__ ________ _ Add ress:.___,/,_9~Ze-:79:w0yl~----.:c:--/-1i-.~t7tfi~J)~:c:>,ll.I+~L41 '-~/ -1-l-11,11:u/':....,J;:{;:.--~·.L'3-"'T~· --------- Signature:_--=;;;z~~,;::;::::=-~--T=-.;a..' _________ Date/O ~ C) 7-;L,D / '3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: " A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily .. The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & /keep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leas~a Proposal e~ ~11~--Name: Address:~~~ ~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- .. 7::F ________ Date·__.jDl.L..J../_---_OC_':f:___~_l_] __ Signature: ~- Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal . r<EE 6 1_ ~-CdX · /V .CT July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 J Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA -Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the followin&: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOlA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily The community using this OlA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-leash Area Proposal Name: Sh~Yl 6r-?f-'Ytj . Address: ;t~~ Rd.- Signature: '===~~ Date I 0/J J.;;.o 13 r t .__. ~M if Silverset Off• Leash Area Petitio~~~LA-.summer 2013 ~ A group of neighb~~"s~~lhe vicinity of Silverset Park prop'gf~s to the City of Poway the following:· . • A Condi.tional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-leash Area for1well-behaved · . • The OIP,t will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from~ AM-~ AM daily • The community using this OlA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature bel indicate my sup ort of the Off-Leash Area Proposal N a rriE:f:I~l ff Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 ty of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5 AM -10 AM daily his OlA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: l/'t=IAD C:::iC140P;Y Address: I r ~t t~N~ £ p Signature: j-¥411 !1:>t/)/ ; I' Date 1;/e,J L1 53 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition -OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors in the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: V/ • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5 AM -10 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name: _:fu G N !\ t--v 2--yV · Address:_--'/--'~-· 7_3~3_.~_;._;--\_A_v_o_w_6~f2_ZU_· O_\c._C.._" ....:....'(_· r-----.---:------- Signature:_..._/Q}f07,_._'_·_~ ____ · _________ Date __ 8...J..'/_..:.,_y_/_;_3 ____ _ _/ Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors surrounding Silverset Park propose to the City of Poway the following: • • • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 5-10 AM daily The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:___,_.LJ5}0~rf;:f.!./I'~'V___:::4L' ~j~L:£..,::'2 s~· fYL-':_:_· =-:--fffv~t.S:-:__:c~~1J~------ j J-f! !f s (}-(Jv1d0~ ~ Address: ______ _/_~~~~~____:_~~~~:_:_=-..:._--::::---::-::-~:----- Jh,IIJ'-+7J /YvvU:1·J Date f.J ·~ Z 3 ~··I 3 I Signature: Silverset Off-Leash Area Petition-OLA-Summer 2013 A group of neighbors sin the vicinity of Silverset Park proposes to the City of Poway the following: • A Conditional Use Permit of Silverset Ball Park as an Off-Leash Area for well-behaved dogs • TheOLA will be available to responsible pet owners & their dogs from 6 AM-9 AM daily • The community using this OLA will take responsibility for the fencing & upkeep of the area My name, address, and signature below indicate my support of the Off-Leash Area Proposal Name:~ L!Y)CCLJ)Olf!jlv :;::~::,:.~ pt1m ~~ Date_Cf+-j t/.L..-.L)-=-d;-=·· )3=---- 5't of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 55 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 ,.---··- Poway Residents Silverset Park Area MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee FROM: Joe Nalven, Poway resident and frequent user of Silverset Park -- DATE: January 15, 2014 SUBJECT: Neighborhood/resident perspective on Request for OLA dog access at Silverset Park qackground: I moved to San Diego over 40 years ago, leaving behind the asphalt playground in Brooklyn, New York. ~---+eame~toPeway--the-Gity--in--the-Bou ntry---in-1-989~--There-are-nerse trails,~a-lak~-for-beating--and numerous hiking paths. There are also rattlesnakes, raccoons, coyotes, owls and numerous wildlife. There is an enormous responsibility to develop and maintain what urban planners call amenities. A well-deserved thank you to the Parks and Recreation Department and its Advisory Committee. What is important to understand, of course, is that these amenities are being developed and maintained for the residents of the community, for the neighborhood and all its various groups -for the children who use the playground, the moms and dads who talk to each other while observing their children, for the soccer players, for the basketball players, for the walkers and joggers, for the picnickers, for the baseball players during the season --and for the people who walk their dogs. Many of the people I know in Poway -what you might call my personal community-is from walking my dog in and around the neighborhood and in Silverset Neighborhood Park. We dog-people ,~ee each other in the morning and afternoon. We used to cluster and run our dogs in the baseball field until that was closed off to our dogs. We still celebrate a Christmas Eve's Eve. , -v\Je move to the side when children ride their bicycles past us, even the motorized battery operated bike that was probably a Christmas present. Joggers might jog around us. We observe the rules of the road that make the park a place that people want to be in and to enjoy. 5toof 106 July 15,2014 Item# 8.3 But occasionally there are antagonisms in this paradise. That's where reasonable management comes in to r--~lve problems. Not all the problems, but some. A small fence, almost like a hitching post, was recently placed I ' vf1 the path off to the side of the baseball field to keep youngsters from riding their bike down the gully and up the other side to the fence. That helps stop erosion and it was a small accommodation that the mom accepted when she protested the fence that prevented her child from riding down into the gully. Not too long ago, several signs were posted to protect the rattlesnakes. Well, maybe to protect us as well, but the signage helps with the management of our neighborhood in the country. But what about the dogs and the dog-people? What about the dog-people who pay their taxes to the City of Poway and would like to enjoy the sense of community in and around our neighborhood park? Should we be encouraged to hop in our cars and drive several miles to a dog park? Not very health minded for us dog-people when we can walk down to the park. Not very helpful to restraining air pollution and global warming. Not very supportive of meeting one's friends. Not very conducive to keep the park alive with people- much like a Neighborhood Watch Group pays attention to its neighbors. There ought to be a reasonable solution to creating an off-leash area for the dogs and for the dog-people -- much like the parents who stand around and talk with each other while watching their children play, we dog- people talk to each other while our dogs play and socialize. This may sound rather strange for those who don't have dogs, but it is helpful to remember that modern man (and woman) co-evolved with the dog.1 There is a much wider perspective on the human condition and the ways in which we enjoy our lives --that is part of the traction that a city in the country has for a significant number of Powegians (whether horse-people, dog- people, bird-watchers, hikers and the like). Specific Comments (Responding to the Robin Bettin report, dated January 15, 2014): Finding from the staff report .... ... . .. •" .. ·, · .. ,:_, ·~ .. Findings: [excerpt] Although the proposal by residents was modified and much thought was put into their presentation, staff continues to find the off-leash use by dogs and athletic play incompatible from a safety and sanitary perspective. It is not possible to maintain off- leash dog turf to a safe and playable standard for athletic use. -..... ·. 1 Dogs and Humans Evolved Together, Study Suggests, Tia Ghose, LiveScience Staff Writer I May 14, 2013 -See more at: http:/ /www.livescience.com/31997-dogs-and-humans-evolved-together.html II Dogs are more than man's best friend: They may be partners in humans' evolutionary journey, according to a new study. The study shows that dogs split from gray wolves about 32,000 ~ars ago, and that since then, domestic dogs' brains and digestive organs have evolved in ways very similar to the brains and organs ·, __ :;f humans. The findings suggest a more ancient origin for dog domestication than previously suggested. They also hint that a common environment drove both dog and human evolution for thousands of years. 11 See more at: http://www.livescience.com/31997- dogs-and-humans-evolved-together.html#sthash.COQCmEXD.dpuf As one might surmise, I teach cultural anthropology at the college level; it is important to see humanity from a number of perspectives, and not simply as a line item in a budget or as a distant priority in an urban planning document. 51 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 1. The ·athletic field at Silverset Park is underutilized, especially for athletic use. How much funds are being /-· ,ntributed to maintain this area by (a) the city and (b) by various athletic groups that use the area during the :season? What percentage of total costs are absorbed by athletic groups? 2. Costs for a OLA dog area (pen) are premature until a further analysis of what is being cost-shared for other part facilities. 3. Dogs could be permitted to use this area during the off-season, much like Del Mar allows off leash use during part of the year in some areas of its beach. Comments to use of athletic field: Alternative from staff report Possible Alternative: As an alternate, staff developed the concept of a small, off-leash pen that could be implemented in neighborhood parks across the City. It is important to understand that an off-leash dog pen may not be suitable for all neighborhood parks due to topography, park usage, square footage, drainage, etc. These pens should also be placed strategically. throughout the City for the enjoyment of all residents. Silverset Neighborhood Park would not be considered a high priority in developing an off-leash pen due to the close proximity (2.6 miles) to the large Dog Park located in Community Park. Staff also proposes that similar to the inception of the original Dog Park, this be a public/private partnership with private donations fundin half of the construction costs. Comments to the alternative off-leash pen: ~ ---~· ~--------~ ------~-~-----------------· ----------- A. Why should the residents of Silverset Park be given priority in this alternative for an off-leash area (pen)? The Silverset residents are the active members of the Poway community that are taking the lead. Just as a Neighborhood Watch needs to be modeled by an active group so too the OLA (pen) would profit by having those most active dog-owners model how such an area would work. B. "Strategic placement" (advocated by Bettin) takes the perspective that all residents are clones of each other rather than individuals residing in a neighborhood with specific needs and wants. "Strategic placement" is top down modeling rather than a people-oriented approach which assesses whether the interests and activities fit the priorities of the various neighborhoods. Clearly, this can be a balance; what should be avoided is an approach that arbitrarily imposes a preemptive planning model on residential variation. C. The 2.6 mile definition of "close proximity" fails to be sensitive to health and environmental considerations. Imagine driving 2.6 miles every morning and afternoon to an area that is outside ~ne's community to meet friends that live within a block of you. Wouldn't it be more sensible to walk a few blocks to a neighborhood park to walk the dog and meet with friends? While some residents of the Silverset Park area are quite fit and can walk 2.6 miles back and forth twice a day (or 10.4 miles daily), many are seniors who fit into a less strenuous daily walk --a few blocks rather than 10.4 miles. 5~ of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 . And: if. the seniors were driving each way, that would then diminish the health effects of a modest .--·~lk. In any event the 2.6 miles is arbitrary as it relates to neighborhood activity. D. To the extent that having many individuals drive 10.4 miles every day adds to needless car driving, there will be a pollution and global warming impact that can be avoided. Again, a neighborhood model should be used in this initial consideration of a OLA pen at Silverset Neighborhood Park rather than taking on multiple parks spanning the entire city. E. Residents of Poway already pay taxes to support parks. To impose a cost-sharing on the OLA pen is premature until a further analysis of tax/resident is analyzed for all park amenities. Recommendation: The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee should forward a recommendation to the City Council that: (1) finds that an OLA for dogs (pen) should be constructed at Silverset Neighborhood Park; (2) that the residents be involved in the planning and location of the OLA pen; and (3) that any cost- sharing be subject to a fairness test comparing all other park facilities, given that residents already pay for park services through existing taxes and that double-taxation should be avoided. Addendum: To underscore how community and neighborliness engages residents at Silverset Neighborhood Park, I append this article I wrote as part of how we get to know each other --which is central to the theme of a city in ~country. The Art and Craft of Dog Written by 1 Joe Nalven 1 6:05a.m., Dec 13, 2012 http://www. utsandiego. com/weblogs/joe-nalven/20 12/dec/13/the-art -and-craft-of-dog/ 59 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Off Leash Dog Area I am a 24 year resident of Poway and have lived in Rancho Arbolitos for that last 9 years. As a San Diego law-enforcement officer, I brag to my peers about how well Poway is operated both fmancially and logistically, but the recent exclusion of dogs in the Silverset Park has me concerned and disappointed. Today I am speaking my part due to the direct impact that banning dogs from sharing a baseball field in Silverset Park has had on me. In the years prior to signs being posted denying access to dogs, I met with friends and neighbors as we allowed our dogs to expel energy and socialize. The dogs needed the exercise that I could not provide to them on a leash, and I appreciated the time to network with people that equally enjoy the park. As we now live in a technological era where person to person contact is becoming so rare, socializing the dogs was a great way to keep the personal interaction alive. In this time I have met my neighbors, from toddlers up to retired Navy officers that I never would have encountered without the dogs. We even have a pot-luck Christmas gathering in the park each year to bring our dogs and owners together. Again, a part of Poway that I used to brag about to my peers, that other cities' residents only dream of. Unfortunately, by banning the shared use of the baseball area for dogs, the attendance at the park by dog owners has plummeted. These Navy officers, school teachers, police officers, electricians, mechanics, doctors, nurses, children, seniors and so on, no longer visit the park. Their dogs may get exercise on the weekend if there is time but more than likely, those are the barking dogs you hear that have been stuck in the house all day begging for the ability to run off their energy. So why not just go to the Poway dog park? I know from personal experience, after being hit by a drunk driver and loosing the ability to walk for several months, getting around was hard. As I regained my ability to walk I was able let my dog run with others in the Silverset Park baseball field where she was contained and supervised. Although mine was a fluke injury, I know numerous other people that have limited mobility, so hiking the 500 yards to the Poway dog park is not a feasible option. From seeing the hundreds of dogs in Rancho Arbolitos, there is defmitely a need for an off leash area. The dogs benefit, the residents benefit, and even the city benefits. It has been studied that people who commit crimes, typically try to do so where there are no witnesses. By having responsible dog owners in the park, it is a deterrent towards people smoking illicit drugs, vandalism, lewd behavior, etc, etc. In the time the baseball field was used to run the dogs off leash, I never observed any vandalism to the park or any other illegal activity. An off leash area is more than an area for dogs to run, it's an addition of security, a place to bring isolated neighbors together, a way to keep barking dogs peaceful and quiet, and neighborhoods happy. An off-leash area in Silverset Park is wanted and certainly needed. f.?c of 106 ~ July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 /-.,obin Bettin ' ··------------------------------- From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Director Bettin, Skip Sharp <skip_sharp@yahoo.com> Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:52 PM Robin Bettin off leash dog area in Poway park I live in the Silverset park area and I am in favor of offleash hours for dogs in Silverset park. I think that a costly building of special pens is not a viable solution, but to simply to use the ball field area during the early morning hours seems to be very practical. The main concern, as I understand it is for dog owners, to clean up after "dog hours". I think that happens, as the dog owners tend to remind each other to do so. Of equal concern for the welfare of the field is the occasional "wild visitor" (coyotes, etc.) and the kids riding bikes over the pitchers mound and around the bases in X games style. In short, it's difficult to monitor those instances, but I think they cause more damage than the dogs. I would hope that common sense would prevail here, and that a way to accommodate all citizens could be accomplished. The Poway dog park is not suitable, as it is not normal walking distance from Silverset, and it is a place with it's own issues (e.g aggressive dogs such as Pit Bulls, etc.). Thanks for taking my comments. kip Sharp skip sharp@yahoo.com 1 61 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 ' ' Silverset Pari< Survey Name (optional); :f}vrt\. 1-U-{9~--L-­ Phone#(optional): ( ~ ~ J ~g f.o ~ /7 ,7, ;)_ <:::::=: Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? ···~ / \Yes .. '~·----~ 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? Yes 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? Yes 4. How often for #3? ___ ~----- No @ No 5-Jo for #2, please comment on dogs ~ou'v~ seen or met tt the Park. 11 1 _'~~t&C,~fWvk: M--,;,e_f0-£)~ ~ "~ ~~~ (0~ -~1£!'/1~~.' (J .. 4J~e_ .,.-~u ~-0-1~---·jff'VJ---lL(b_,~ tJ-J u~ tu-i/i L~ "-' _' . ,r~t.for dog owners, wou~ yoJj like to have an area in this park for off leash activity {~ -irJ~Q) r· dogs? Yes No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? P'n~~,~~t~~,~# )!_;v~ r!JJ~tJJ~ IV~ . 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? /u !L-V' .~11.1' ·"·· N1)-(LL/'-:<Jj t~ /:JJ~. ,· -, -., jj~~\J :t)~ h~, ri/a~~tl~u~C_ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 62 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 I . I· Silverset Park Survey -One page.docx / . / "' tl r'/fl ,. \1 '; :;., Silverset Park Survey ra~~~nal): _ ___,~.OW:....~><-=.· :=-·--I~~· :,.-/<..,<.·~__.· "'-~'--"'--'-'----------------- Phone# rT) -7~ ./' Coptional):~a'""-~-"--o ..... __,z--'~'----=--{-_____::.~_;:_~_u_J _________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? Q 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? ~ J No 3· If yes, do you walk your doycin the park?_"' ..Q 4· How often for #3? 1flvz:jd7 /t#~ No No 5-If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. .--- 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? GJ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leas]J;,,activities at this neighborhood park? s~O'-'~ tJfl~~~~~ ~a,qj~ 63 of 106 , file:!/ fC:/Users/ioedigitall AppData!Local/Temp/Silverset%20Park%20Sqt»ty~i9~1{pfl'e~Qia.:3 7/27/201. Silverset Park Survey Name c-· I 1 C optional):____,_!~--"'OJI\Clt;:;......:J....~...L--(A-'-. -~----"-----'~=---'-i .:..&-m~t d""--"t-_____ _ \ Phone#(optional): ___________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? ~ No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? ~ . No 3. Ifyes, do you walkyourdogp~n the park? ~ No 4. How often for #3?_bG"-2--.~X~1L!-...lL:({b!.:::..__x=L==-..."~----- 5· If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? ~ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? -=-=:r±:-::-:-~:--~~-ite:~:--:r~~o~iis)~--=-~-i£~-yi-Jn =:~~~.;:_~=~~~~~~=='===~~~=~:=~ 8. What coilcerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? be_ . . /d d { ---· .. ·-~----~ ... -Q~~-b:eed---~----~~--~---iq_ ___ 'Ei?}_\_Q~:- _______ }he_._lXYT\a:.~~~j-:_--L ··----'f"'-:±id:__g[:<?-_,. .. Q..~ __________ '" ____ p\dL __ ~~r--~·--· _ ---~----~-IV.'9bt.----~----sa .... e&:e_-.. -d~ _____ t_osa_ Survey Taker's Name and Number: · ~\\Ul ~ ~ !1a~A.OJ S::h;rrdd+ {j,$) 74<b -66sl 64 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey N arne (optional): cf(a R._ E: tJ l± u. 6-H sa ru Phone#( optional): ~5 ~ ~ 7 C( & -/ Lf { 0 Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? @ No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? @ No 3· If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? 8 No 4.Howoftenfor#3? '7DB<j> fl Wet& s. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? C3 No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? -:dbr _,·s _u~c_u& <J. Reo.. L~ El(t-=-oy+-=5 __ _ ..... Vl:S .. I LLa_]_lcJLlh_-l:iJ_f'. Q/=h.t~£_Qa_Gs .. =--~------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? ___ £ DOI'J ~±.!J.euc ;9~ (()llJC tf?.JlJS T -dJ? m.k. _-!};~~~~~~L~~;J_-t;~~~ f~~_5_h_8_--__ a~_--__ J_---_____ t.QjcL: Survey Taker's Name and Number: 65 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Park SuNey N~e~ption~J;~-·~~~~-~'~--~~~n~~~· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phone#( option~) : ____ 1 _____!'{~· VJ.,d_<t~, _q....L.s~-z__:.'---Lq---=0~Z,~~----- Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? @ No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? ~··.·'\ fuJ No 3. If yes, do you w~k your dogs in the park? ~ s No 4. How often for #3? 5'/-I ~y 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? {;;) No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? VtVJt{t-t i"> 4a.t-t+-.JII62.D d5: 1JJ '3oc1~ II ze ~0 \tfl;lcf).vf b.e1:J r-rJtnc.k:o cn1 0-.-/<"4~ 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? ___-/ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 66 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 !,..-. ......._, t.lVL/VL/l) Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); ,o/tv!D ~ $-1BYL-T!~N Phone#(optional): Br~ -77--'2--ql.f9Cj Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? Yes ® ('2 Jk i. e:r.~) 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4. How often for #3? 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? @ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? {j) fVN flll2-!)~G--~ /'rCT!Vt7Y(mecr Neet:> (2.v,v;v/AJ,rj @ fu JJ ~/1-tfviWI'tN > / tn.vtvf!;n... S oF poG--~6-W/t77::f' !IV 6-~ f N rervtifn IJG-~r/t-L-17M & tu/ o7l-£i3n-J)06-cnvtV ~ r 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? -/'ftJIJB - :J. 6Gt.AevB-8'1 ~I? ~ MG SW~ qt1V' ~ ~CIV€'1 ~tE f'rNQ ~rrv<-~r-~r {f.;t'tJ DaG ff)c..-F-J) ;;v 7f.W ;OM~<-.. . Survey Taker's Name and Number: Sue Busch 858 486 1820 67 of 106 I JO I ~~'ed July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 .J Silverset Park Survey Name (optional);_--"'· .. "-. -=0::..._~---------------------- Phone#(optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4. How often for #3? '{-S tJ.~~~ LG"V' \c 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. .__,.../' 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? :9 No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood . "' a, ' park? ~CL:~::j~" -5-"--f~CtS3--\~v~J ~ ~tbo{; 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? "-t~-" c~O~ .k:h..t CVUJ \,o-\ c.."'·\-vo il,o'\ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 68 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional) ; _ _,_k..::..___;:_:.__J_~:-_E,_;:G=· ·:=...··~=·--------------=' _ Phone#(optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? -·------'-~~ No 4. How often for #3? 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? 0s------~ No __ ___.., 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? dc:>s so c:..~o~ \:co-t~~~ ~uf-e-c:;:o Cil-{ 1'~c.-Kv~ ~k--~ ~ )c\1(__ (c:_;k -ft'{ .{y\y c1C<).J' 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? N~ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 69 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional);, _____ -I~J..J.:AO~L...:::.. ·8-~------=C=--=L:AV::::!..:· ~SS.::...:"E~N~------- Phone#(optional):. ____ (l----62h~·G'6....l..J.-...J)~5:.....l>]-=-s::.....____";;,l~~~4F-J·7~------ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4. How often for #3? Z C);:: 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? G No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? [ NA<!>Lt-S t;x c.e..c \ s £ I of? L-1 r[ ? 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? ~ 0 N 6 Survey Taker's Name and Number: 70 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); _________________________ _ Phone#( optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? Yes ---· 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? ~ 3. If yes, do you walkyo~~ogs, ~.·n the p~k~? 0 4. How often for #3? .<J L/ f, ~ c/ ,;;:__ No No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? €) No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? ,---j j2' r~c/;ro. ~--- 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? ./"\./' u---(____ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 71 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); _________________________ _ Phone#(optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? ~ ~) (Yes f ~/ y~ (.J No No No 4. How often for #3? 1 '-/ / d (4 . I 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? (9 No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood ;\ r-~ C\: / L--' \ v ) =r __/ 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? /er Survey Taker's Name and Number: 72 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); ________________________ _ Phone#( optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No I I 4. How often for #3? l P, ~ ~d. 5. If no for #2, please comment on ogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? (;;;} No \ 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? Survey Taker's Name and Number: 73 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); ________________________ _ Phone#( optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? k r 1 I 4. How often for #3? _ __:.r_, 'v'-';"--'· ;._---'.....JiCL.fV_,f-._-·...._f_--"''1)-'-'A_,_\ L-"'-'( Yes ~ G No No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? ~ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? CfJflrJcf TV {lv,.J f)Qiivnd 1 tnrrJ(:-L£ v-.-~d1 dr-f'lt:(l DG;.r, (t-od ft~-t )cf'\'\t? ()&_(Ct. f2. a·Ttf£1/l r~C\l-"' ·:su ST 0--C~ (C r'hy u_);{ J; cfl-o<y .{ y1 g:_J . 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? {) 1 ltu/lfl,'/17 (l.....)(ll,z/' S{/1c(cQ.t ratA. !H0,/l/\. Survey Taker's Name and Number: 74 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional) ;. ___ S._:__o_·n_..__;;; __ ~=---=·=--D_vt_......J __ s_-~ __ '-J----==--' _______ _ Phone#(optional) :_---l<if~-~==----------=6:::::.__-_4~-~[---=&=---__ o_c;_-__;,.8L._'G~------ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? 4. How often for #3? evE"~ 'D~t-·--? ~ ~ ~ No No No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? GJ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? ~~~ ei..zi c___/ S--e__ ~ D Hc::-l4--L Jt-( (' -"'/ 'vv'\ 1 r ~ +-- 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? Survey Taker's Name and Number: 75 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Sil.veq;~t Park Survey -One page.docx ,. -·-' Page 1 of 1 Silverset Park Survey ra~~~nal): ~J ~-Lad_0 Jr£zshxJ f~;~;:al)A&zr __ f)?~ lfn-C1 Fc-1 ) uU ~ ;<f~ 2tJ ~-7 P 2cj . / Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? 6;;) No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? «t;;) No 3-If yes, do you walk your dogs in the,park? &) No 4· How often for #3? J)L tc~Li.-Lt UfVvLt ocz.J: I I s. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met a the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? ~ No 7· What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neig~bor~oo~ park~72~, . Ulitd..J .. a=U al~ tz; )§_t'Utdt~ tv;f-U e>l!-cifi d.o?fi, ~ YU4<-) ~uf f~~ W1_MfJ1Lc)_eJ;/;ud_~--fa§1JhL~1,1 g~51u ~ ·-·~ ~~ -k_Av'U1iil a_ .. t3 tZ tLJ_p/ t0f-F/7· / d aN ~5/'tt cz 8. What concerns (if any) do you have 1f there was a dog off leash contained area __ in t~ispar~ dVL-L_ii~ .6a~ ---·------·------------------- Survey Taker's Name and Number: g~z~~ zit~ t?Ji) d/ ~~?&0 0~ . ' ·72Pf atLnu-un; , t(rJ~ cruJ ';/u_ U ~ud/ ,fd/1 ~~M tl/ ~b&_ 6U~ b /-ITL tj~ 13 . , itCf a/j///1 t~ 1/ziDt /?ad ~zua ~ ~ l~a;:-~;: ;::;ttJ~ :;~r a~aJ ar Slk_.u ~ t.r ?w wilt wt v ~ · · Jlu ~ ~ )4w~. I f r 77 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); G=A /( Y lL £1111 L £ Y Phone#(optional): {iS'" .f) 7 3 {'---/5'90 Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? @ 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? 6il 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? di) 4. How often for #3? ;? -5 Time-s /Jest/. Y No No No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? (§) No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? ;)oG.f 1 J../1«? ~~of7Uf.J/I~.~ ,Soe-.uN-L-/" O~€tv7C!J l"f,vi.-H/1{.. / ~~:.2-/r=VG }7h(t .,-<I'J,I\I ot<Jtor:>A.-)IhV.ITJ" -p Ft/)..t.-/" ~Y~/Zc/.Srf. rnP Do(; ,/9,._--.0 /1-U-v.t-./ /IG-/f.. :;-o ,SHA/2.-E ..J/1/ /1-fe sac//J'G-e></'t£/Z-t't::A.Jct:· or .fZP-¥/V/,-1/C. J=I'(,..Ef!!'A:f/ WJ/}7 or:H~/2-KJ o(;..; /s &Ss-6'11/?/.-#L 70 1-Jc;-/2-0 1/t?"/2-At-t-J.IEAC. T~ tvJ--;Jt 0tL7 4t'liiJ1:I I'?E //"9V.!,/VC fO t::J/Z-.IVC r-/C-.£-o..t:'J ro.v~ wASThvt; .?'vE~ /1.~V!J ,/9/:J.O/.-AJ<?. /-o -Fe-A,rr..~c ('o#Ge=--s1/oA-I;o wh.'<T..v .777'JE/2c /.S· ,4-;;>7/;0~F stf-1/tC ~ ,/2.1 GK7 1-ttF/'F /,V Oc£/2..-/Vf?/6' #/3 oA-}foc{) .f-JAI€.1<.. ~ 0 ,.-1-cc. o.m f?'-IS ~ :;7?//.J,.. 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? /V O IV{: Survey Taker's Name and Number: 78 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name , . A 1 (optional): ________ _ ~; ndCL LJLfZ Lff2 n Phone#(optional): S't:JJ[ t/J?~-i2<b7 Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? (J;;} No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? @ No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? ~ No 4. How often for #3?_.dU"""'·~-o.:::~.'·-"--~tr'---------- 5· If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? ~ No 7· What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? L f 1.. J s h .f-I_ . . . !?__ I . -··----· pm_I.L CZLe ___ ~---__ EA-l±py_aatLeL.wc..a.~ s -fo 'I rlfn k_{'L "-cUILhe ~@_ a_-fkLJLdJdtff___PL;I_fi:>e ~ s, l1.Y---~---:?ta,.JLe..s. __ h_er_ __ e_a.o;_n_e. __ £c.;_ends..s__OD..g--_ow.L?_er :5.~_.....1.2cn1 b.o11ds _th cLt.ma.b:e_.:for --~ C4fli}J-rlfLllc.~f._ed ___ CC2fllt>11AnJ fy. 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area _ --~~-thi~!'_~~:_Hr:t1111l!J--m.e-+__a}JcLgt2tte,rLlo~!!:!-o_eif/lkzJr­ heaL~citJ!J d.W.tJers,I fa~,~~-Oo£Y~tJ_cerll "-'-· Lll~y-c:a,/le__ __ fc-v' f-he..r r oit:J_s_respC>Ll_6_Lb lt7 -t-ra.01 ±be.rn)_Clil:i c__/ean up ct·P+er -t-fJem Survey Taker's Name and Number: · 79 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 -"----.... s i 1 ve rset Park survey -one page_docx silverset Park survey -one page.docx @import url(https://themes.googleusercontent.com/fonts/css?kit=WAPX1HepqA24RkYW1AuHYA); silverset Park survey Name (optional): ____ ~Alice and wayne Duncan'--------------------------------------------------- Phone#(optional): _____ 858-486-3563 ________________________________________ ___ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? not in this neighborhood the park. 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? 4. How often for #3? ___ daily ____ _,_ __ __ No -we live in Poway but but walk our dog daily in Yes Yes 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? Yes 7. what is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? close to home and walking a dog on a leash is not excercise -to have an area assigned with a specific time that my dog could run without a leash would be so beneficial to both his well being and to other animals in the park. 8. what concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? I would 9nly be concerned if the owners were not around -this would have to be a stray ammal. survey Taker's Name and Number: Page 1 80 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Sur.yey . rr~ :·. A p~JNI/ r ~~ · Name (optional); }L .([l/tvr'~-j '-"\... ,~ j) ~ (j . Ph #( ti. al) !J .5 ff-I r1 Lf -L\ ;)_.) (c one op on =-------------------------------------------------- Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? ,.. .. -~~--,' y~~__/ No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? @ No r~ , / ') 4. How often for #3 ? ______ d.. ___ )'_< __ ··--.:....1/_)_Y_~~-'~ _·)-.._·· 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? .. ~-..., :Yes) No '-....__-···· 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? -{).c_.: .. (/~..,_/,.- 8. What concems (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? Survey Taker's Name and Number: 81 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 . Silver.set Park Survey ' ~ rJ . Name (optional); ·j<.:tyYJ rre.der; c...Q Phone#( optional): ~f---lj ff' ~~~ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No No No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? jl1 0 re_ eJ(CJZ .. .r g i Z: c._ 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in thispark?~e_ _L E-I7Cvrr ~ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 82 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); __________________________ _ Phone#(optional): __________________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? Yes 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? Yes No 4. How often for #3? _________ _ 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. ~ fieh\t-~ ~ ~ -110 ..-' 111 ~ ~ ~ v.rrMv 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? Yes No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in thisp~ M ~Ct p~ ~· {~ fx ~ I-. Nit ~ ~ · /)D'f-~ #; £k_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-\--. vfY8 ~ s~ ~ LAtf ~ · · Survey Taker's Name and Number: 83 of 106 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional) ;-------+~.L.I'BU""-'L""'". ·t)+-_ _..::;C'--=Lflt)=· :::;_c;:::.,_s-=E=..!N_,.__ ______ _ Phone#(optional) =----(r---t<&~~_._·'-J)~5'--';J.__,·"S~--=l__,'6':o...-=4r-J.__ _____ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4. How often for #3? Z t;~ T 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. • 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? • .G No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? [NA<5L£S oF L1F[ foil?.... \?oq . QvALl T( ? 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? ~ON 6 Survey Taker's Name and Number: 84 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 • Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); _________________________ _ Phone#(optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? Yes 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? &' · 3. If yes, do you walk you~ogs in the p~rk? j ~ 4. How often for #3? /"} L/ f.~~ c./~ No No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. • 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? • €) No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? 8. What concems (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? ~ u--(__ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 85 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 • Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); _________________________ _ Phone#( optional): ________________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? 4. How often for #3? 1 '1-/JIMJ . I No No No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. • 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? • (9 No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? ff Survey Taker's Name and Number: 86 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 • Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); _________________________ _ Phone#( optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4. How often for #3? l "j-, /d ~ r~ 5. If no for #2, please comment on ogs you've seen or met at the Park. • 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? S No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? • Survey Taker's Name and Number: 87 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 • Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); _________________________ _ Phone#( optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? Yes (;) 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? (9 No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? G No 4. How often for #3? f JF r-1tdf-£ \)AI 1..-'f 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. • 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? ~ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood f) v ,...J f)Q ~und !?'\ rr-1 o-L£ vJ,~f1. (J'?-f'l F(L Dcr) .J . } ) park? ()I..Q( c,· re. 0 Ttft(/\_ 'l~u\l-" ·s<J sT ~ (c r'ny wtc /, 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? () IK u/) fl,' Y'J • Survey Taker's Name and Number: 88 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 • Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); ___ __J_~o_·n._-........J __ ~-=--b_vt_..J __ S_-~ __ 0--=-------,------ ~on~(option~:~~~~-=~~~---~~-~R-·~&~-~0~9--~~-·~~~~~~~- Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4. How often for #3? eve"::q ·D~; 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. • 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? GJ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? ~-Q..---(~ -e~._ ..su c_l c:;-e._ ·#T-t-.-J n )-fe_, }4--L-'b-t r --::>/ )A/t 1 r£__ +-- 8. What concems (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? • Survey Taker's Name and Number: 89 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 • Silverset Park SuljYev . ~ :· J J_,v.1 / {. A .. Name (opt10nal); ~f'_.,.l!L·1J./ t;J~-1J L/ ' Phone#(optional): 8.5 ff, c/''1 L{ -L\ ));) .. (c Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? .r-· -----.:... ~~./ No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? Y:~v No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? @ No 4. How often for #3? ___ :1_· _"_>_··~--v"--.J_-<:_..t_._},_·· 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. • 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? • /_,.....-.-_""' (;~) No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? )', •Vi .• -:;, ''•, \ () \ j/1.1 ~· :r )-=-~ •• ~~·t· '· : r. u ,~ ... -\_.<."' 'I t, .. _r""r; 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? Survey Taker's Name and Number: 90 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 • Si~et Park Survey Na~e (optionaij;_~~··~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~~~~~-~~~~· ~~~~~~~~~ Phone#(optionaij:~-~~-~~~--~6~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No No No 5. If no for #2, please co~~ent on dogs you've seen or ~et at the Park. • 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this pa~k for off leash activity for • dogs? No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? fhorc._. e.J(e_f2Ag; z_ e:._ · 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? flb-ne_ _L E-/7C{,<. ~?-~ Survey Taker's Na~e and Nu~ber: 91 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 ' Sllverset Park Survey Name (optional): t0 ;:,r 4 1 !2... Phone#(optional): ____________________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? /~ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? ~-C0./'7,/111.1/1/if'Y __ /~Ea_c_.T/<7 ,) _____ _ -~-/!4l_(lt~~2. ___ 1f£A t-rqLAG:.Tr.~./27_9 fZ1 LILL~,r /lu '1/ -v ~~--________ _ -··---------------------·---··· ----·-------------------- 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? _____ /LO.f /f(}.o(s,.!f~a.JL _ ./:&1:-_c-. _ cau.A.fl~,;?_?f>. ... AI'J/)) ___ .£!-£5.! ~err.~~_/~---·-____ _ -~-~-/fJ (LK._ -.. --------------·--------:-- Survey Taker's Name and Number: 92 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 ?age 1 ·of l Si~verset Park Survey _ [~~~~~nal): __ ~~:._1 _._·~ '"'· .5U-__ 5t;Jh /Vdt!.f:({ ____ _ PhoU<e# f' ((lptb)iaal);. ______ ~ 1. O'IJ ;w1<u Jjvt i;1 the tlie~gh{K:nh~>Gd ·~ :.L [).')you hdvc a dog or dogs'? 3. If yes, do you 'N~ti.k your do;:!,S ~n l.hc pa_rk? --n - H ft . . f ... . •1 J • . • ( ~ ,-. ..,!.tiL ..... ,. 4~ '0~\/t.! (l; ·en ·O'r ;:::~ ~ .--r-i .... ·.,..J '· --V'~ ·~2:.1 .,,. ~."'--\--- No 5-1f nn fur #2., p~e.ase wm~.snt em d.ogs }'Ot.~e. seen or m•et at t.h P<tirk. G~-) No 7. 1Nhst is th•:: bc:rtefit of D~"tin:g yrmn:-dors in o:ff leash acth.it~e:.; at this: neighl:roihood ~:Mfki Silverset Park Survey Name (optional) ;_---+(--lJ,_l.J..l...{--"'-c.c-==~~co.l2.., --l?L.......I('{...!...J.....:t ~~±0/~------------------..l!:"*:..__ Phone#(optional) :_--=.§_1-=6_---_-7;_')_--_Y_-_7_c.._5_L _____________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? ~ No ' 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? & No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? r9 No 4. How often for #3? i)e-L a.."f)Ju~ci ( 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? ~ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? £~a i,-h-i e V\.f' t>tL ..f._ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 94 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional) ; _ ___,tf\'--. --L......;....\ _,.,Vf_,_' _......&..G_,i-'-tf...!....:. ~_t?_-V\.. ___________ _ Phone#(optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4. How often for #3? O~Lt:, A ~{L 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? {f;;) No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? f_y:_p ( ( r 5 S 8. What concems (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? 1J I A Survey Taker's Name and Number: 95 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional);____:J=--_S_J-1-_A_I_iJ_(i_R/2_ ______________ , Phone#( optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4. How often for #3 ? _ _____,1--/'---_..:.])_,_~_y!_,__ __ _ 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? ~ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? f X E ().. c I s ;= ;::: u tJ PLf\Y F ~~ rcH 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? -p. iJ OG..S OW !Vf-.. ~S. C L f2.AJJ UP /~ ,~if~ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 96 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item # 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional);___:R:_____· _s_· _H_R_t_V_! ;_!< ______________ _ Phone#( optional): _______________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4. How often for #3? __ 1/_,___· -'-j)-'-J-'-~ _YS ___ _ 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? ~ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? {7 X£ {< C } .5 £ 5: o C I A L I S I~ 8. What concems (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? Survey Taker's Name and Number: 97 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey Name (optional) ;c::S' (\ffi~ pa_ \YG Phone#(optional):lo/i q 17 d-();;) D 0 Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? • 4. How often for #3? \ -~ )< ~C ~ No No No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? :i\ tS ·1 m port~ -lu NtVQ 0\f \ t?t:t5j\_ @ ~ No 0 ~~o.-\vN\~ IC'S 111 Oll'f _ne*6or\to~ I 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? 1. r_ -t beY\~ ts S'O\~J al~d cJ. I-t p\fO\J\clPs os:!lLl+s. t cl\~\dr~n 0-0~1Cl-t op~ortun,+-trJ ·~ , .lt ctUow_s ~,_~ u~e o~ S';\\J ers-et for-CLU U\f'~ -'1\0t \ ~QQ-\-\')oJJ_ P. \ Gth L NX 8. What concems (if any) do yow nave if tfiere was a ~dog ~ 1ea~ contained area in this park? Survey Taker's Name and Number: 98 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey N~e~ption~J;~-~-·-~~-·~-~~---'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~ / Phone#(option~) =~~~~~'_J.:__-_(J._---=-J/~/._J_-1(,.~?__,_7-<-----~~~~~~~~~- Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? @ No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? C!!7 No 3. If yes, do you w~k your dogs in the park? & No 4. How often for #3? ?P ,~V-e-'t-4 ;':;{f/ 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? 1Jtt1 }, t~ --------. 8 .. What concerns ~ any) do .you have if ther~ w/ a dog off leash contained area in th1s park? jV [J tJ ,:::; /JtYt;' _f. J'fl-t' tv r/1 ( Uf Survey Taker's Name and Number: 99 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey -One page.docx Silverset Park Survey Name (optional): ____________________________ _ Phone# (optional): _____________________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? ~ 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? ~ 3· If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? <::@ No No No 4· How often for #3?-'~-'hJc..;l=(j_'MI)A-+'-"'c:...~___,_ _______ _ 5· If no for #2, please com~ent ~n dogs you've seen or met at the P@ 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? ~ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? 17 J(EtJ-f Survey Taker's Name and Number: 100t1?J:;Jfl~/Users/ioedigitaVAppData/Local/Temp/Silverset%20Park%20StUmy~SP~1QOn,teowtfP:a:J 7/27/201: Silverset Park Survey -One page.docx .l U.0\,.1 .1. V.J. .&. Silverset Park Survey Name (optional): ____________________________ _ Phone# (option~)=------------------------------------------------------------ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? Yes ·(ffu') 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? ':i§J No .. 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? @ No 4· How often for #3? ..3 ~:j-P 4d A., .u/._., 5· If no for #2, please comment on do;s you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? @ No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? ~~~ ~}-~?~~ ~~~~~- 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? /uJ~c:!~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 1 0 1if~~/ J1~1U sers/1oedigitall AppData/Local/Temp/Silverset%20Park%20S~~~-r&flPmrM9fa:J 7/27/201: Silverset ~ Su"fl'~ Name (optional); ~f'),e ~ . _Ac3, ( I<)'V Phone#(optional): r s f ' D--5!-f-S?o I/ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? 4.Howoftenfor#3? ~~o_cJ~ c9 0£;0 ® No No No 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? 8 No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? M·:O~ ~ '(:C\3 C'S (~~ ~f' 0~ Survey Taker's Name and Number: 102 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Silverset Park Survey ra;~~nal);-=Le:...=ah:.=.....!,: =~ftic..L·~·_:_Il.=d:.-'-.:t1A~1-""t1'--$f1:_;!._---------------- Phone#~~~nal):~~~e_J_~_-_~_._~_--~_-*I ___ -~~~~f_!~·~J-/t_e_.~_--_-_____ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? No 3-If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? No 4-How often for #3? \JJQ..tk::(A-,;)..-- 0 5-If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or mel at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? .~----·---. \ Yes No 7-What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? _ _p ;4! rC?4£: 8. vVhat concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? __ ;00-r\Y...~- Survey Taker's Name and Number: 103 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? ~-] No ~· No ~-2. Do you have a dog or dogs? 3· If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? (!3:--f$-J No 4· How often for #3 ?___...d\¥--~Jj...,Ab-'J._,·_GL-+---------- 5· If no for #2, please commebt on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash acthj_t~or dogs? (!::Y No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? -------- 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park? ---····-----------····------------------------- _QJ)~~---·---------------------··----·-·------------------ ·--------- Survey Taker's Name and Number: 104 of 106 July 15, 2014 Item# 8.3 • • • I Silverset Park Survey Name (optional); __________________________ _ Phone#( optional): __________________________ _ Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? Yes 3. If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? Yes No 4. How often for #3? _________ _ 5. If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. --~Oh<.t-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r11~ (}Ae_ ~ . 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? Yes No 7. What is the benefit of having your dog in off leash activities at this neighborhood park? 8. What concerns (if any) do you have if there was a dog off leash contained area in this park-? • _ A / _ _j} _·_ . ~ ~ M ..-u p/M/(_ ftA ~ ~ , 11 A -1 ~ . ~ ~ ~ . /)O'f ~ 'ffl fx ~ ~ ~~ sNrJ..J ~ vyp Survey Taker's Name and Number: 105 of 106 Silverset Park Survey -One page.docx ... -o------ Silverset Park Survey Name (optional):_~~~}\-"0~(2:......c1.!.____::.5:::___:::::::~:.__·:..::·~r{'_:.-J1:...:::(}::_~--------------- Phone# 1\ (optional): __ B~y-+-/!,_t..f....;..;8~~ :.__--'-t___!.. ·--=o:....:::S:.__<d=:-.. -------------- Questions: 1. Do you live in the neighborhood? @ No 2. Do you have a dog or dogs? @. No 3· If yes, do you walk your dogs in the park? Q No $4. How often for #3? ·r;, D P><Y S /v,J ~ 5· If no for #2, please comment on dogs you've seen or met at the Park. 6. For dog owners, would you like to have an area in this park for off leash activity for dogs? 7. ~the be::fit of having your dog in off leash activitie.s at this neighborhood park? ·1\t--ObL>--s f?IVLCN\E... M o,'Z£._ SDV1PL (Z£,0 ~~ ~JIC._ &&rJ€./<-- 1>~000 w rn-+ ()lt1U2-~b:s 1 fe:cPL.-<£ . ~~ 1 s ~ fY.)DtTlt:~JP.. ·P..cf7<~70'r11 FCfZ--IJ--IC-~uc_ w )-to 6:Vrlb ~X>N -~lf2-- N ~ ~az...s ...-rl tv'\ h.-£.~ ~ cz--A ~'-~01 ~f\JMacrr- Ov-fA1--P<7.L w HCAJ SrJ uuy_aJrL ~C-N CA.N ~ ~ ~ --: . 8. What concerns (if any) do you have 1f there was a dog off leash contamed area m th1s park? N 0 uJ£., /r) j>1.._),-- Survey Taker's Name and Number: --X 1 ·t Uf-131~ 1-1 v j v--JG ~r.£ rC--ot2--~1 ~£ rr~o o.sw ·n.+c.. P f>{Ur-_ S 1 N r:£ 11_ OY~--D _, l/ lo~y ~..£0 W i~N -~ vJ~ 1 1 y?ow Q.£.D 11 1 rJ Ti-t£-f'f'-1~ r;;y Pt.:c¥?~4£. ~f'yuJI.f 0 N u 5 --·l'rl£-f'!'P6D(l/llj cF-Lb p!2£ J 8 wy r<: E...> f~ u3L£ pc& D.AJ N ~ WHo U£..-!Ar-J uP f-fT£12-C>u(Z-~ e;r.s f\N o CpfC£. C)l)-7 J ~ N\ Ui..4+ f(.)D~I M/>d~VAl ~I tJb-A-J'0) Qj£_, f\Jt:t 60-l-OoZ:t+n~ h NDrJ -OD6-ol.AJJVL('~; '1}~2£ uJk::s· p-u00-ND'V!Z--p-LfL [)12-'0~ L;.)+\-v ~ ~ YV\Q'?~It0G-u) l·n-f-0-{'2-:06~ ~0 f\J) ·v-J ·11-t£ f' p{'_./Jc_ I 5 D(u>o ---l,~L~ M'J ''I Ql'~l£ Is ·~.£ - o M (/\-\-? \}J~I"E-cF />' e£-krn F 0 U JX2rc.__p. tle':/1/C:/Users/ioedigital/ AppData/Local/Temp/Silverset%20Park%20&J\ljyyYf~~~df40HHhi'o#~:J' 7/27/201