Item 1.3 - Approval of Meeting MinutesG`� { OF POW�y T -L C�'fN THE C�J DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: Summary: City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT July 15, 2014 APPROVED 0 APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager �, Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk Rosa Martinez, Senior Administrative Assistant R-OA Approval of Minutes The Minutes of the June 3, 2014, Regular Meeting of the Poway City Council are attached for approval. The Poway City Council sits as the Poway Planning Commission, the Poway Housing Authority, the Public Financing Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Minutes of the June 3, 2014, Regular Meeting of the Poway City Council as submitted. Fiscal Impact: None. Environmental Review: Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. Public Notification: None. Attachment: A. June 3, 2014, City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 1 of 6 July 15, 2014, Item # 1.3 NOTE. These draft meeting minutes are not official until approved by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES June 3, 2014 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California (Per Government Code 54953) (Meeting Called to Order as City Council /City of Poway Planning Commission /Poway Holing Authority /Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment %Agency) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Higginson called the Regular Meeting to /9,,1 1 t 7:01 p.m. ROLL CALL Cunningham, Vaus, STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Daniel Singer, City Manager; Tina`Whfit6W Attorney; Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk; Ri ��AN Bob Manis Director of Development Servi Scott Edwards, Director of6, Administrative Services; Captain Jeff�Maxin�Sheriff s Dep Grosch, Higginson stant C°i .° 'Manager; Morgan L. Foley, City i%, //Bettin, Director of Community Services; %�j% Leah, Browd, ,6 Director of Public Works; NIc esMark Sanchez, Director of Safety vent. (Note: Hereinafter the'titles Mayor, eputy Ma)MCouncilmember, City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney',,, City Clerk and Directon/of Administrative Services shall be used to indicate Mayor /Charm% Deputy��Mayor/Vice Chair, Councilmember /Director, City Manager /E /e, Director % Assistant Gity/�Manager /Assistant Executive Director, City Attorney / %ounsel %ty�,Clerk/..S,ecretary and Director of Administrative Services /Finance Officer.) ALLEGIXNCE Deputy Mayor Grosch' intr jduced Dave Mullett, the new Exalted Ruler for Poway Elks Lodge 2543�t b. lead the edge of Allegiance. Immediately afterwards Mr. Mullett gave a brief overvierNiof, the Eiks Lodge. PRESENTATIONS City Clerk Sheila Cobian administered the Oath of Office to newly appointed City Manager Dan Singer. Mayor Higginson gave a presentation regarding the New Rapid Transit Service scheduled to begin service on June 8, 2014. 9921 2 of 6 July 15, 2014, Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — June 3, 2014 PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Sergio Garcia asked for support of the release of Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi who is being held in a Tijuana, Mexico prison. Joy Fodor suggested the following: • Adjust pool hours to allow class participants to enter the pool area at least 15 minutes prior to class beginning. In the winter time, the pool opens at the same time class begins. • Increase pool space for water aerobics class.%// /// • The City adopt an ordinance prohibiting dogs in ;soes unless the dog is a service dog. 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved by Roll -Call V Motion by Councilmember Cunningham, approve Consent Calendar Items 1.1 throw roll -call vote: I Ayes: Cunningham, Vaus, Noes: None Absent: None � f�� /%h,,.. 1.1 Approval of Reading by Title onl9gnd Agenda. 1.2 Ratification /Approval of Warrant Regis. 25, 2014 and !April 28 through' May 2, 1.3 Approva of the M'ay6j20'14 >rided by Council ember Vaus to .7. Motion carried bye the following rosch, Higginson in full of Ordinances on for the periods of April 21 through April I Minutes. 1.4 A'pp`roval of Fire j�n L'ife afety Plan Review and Inspection Services for the City 16UPoway. 1.5 Appr al of Lease Agreement between the City of Poway and Verizon Wireless for the installation and�o /eration of a telecommunications facility located at 17301 ButterfieldTail, Po;�ay� CA 92064 (Boca Raton Reservoir). 1.6 Second Reading %and Adoption of Ordinances 764 and 765 repealing Poway Municipal Code (PMC) Chapters 15.18 and 15.22, and adding new Chapters 15.18, and 15.22 to the PMC, adopting by reference the 2013 California Energy Code and the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code. 1.7 Cancellation of the July 1, 2014 Regular City Council Meeting. 2. ORDINANCE (Ordinance(s) that do not require a Public Hearing) 2.1 None. 9922 3 of 6 July 15, 2014, Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — June 3, 2014 3. PUBLIC FEARING 3.1 Adoption of a Resolution entitled "A Resolution of the City of Poway, California, Amending the Master Fee Schedule, Development Services — Building Division." Director of Development Services Bob Manis presented the report. No speakers. Councilmember Cunningham confirmed with staff the re the Fee Schedule would be an annual revenue increase $45,000.,, Director Manis explained that the City is operati so the increase is needed to maintain the currer, In response to an inquiry from Councilm that the contract with Esgil is a long terr by either party with a 60 day notice. Councilmember Cunningham confirmed impacted by the proposed inc,a „s „es. Councilmember Vaus asked if°'t "le 75%2 industry. Director Manis replied th t it is i /�%///% %oi� %Vi.. Councilmember MUTT n%i a.t:i.red if it is k the City cove /th - permit p j cess D, e with processngpermits is believed to cc fee Is of the amendment to proximately $40,000- old valuation schedule ningham, Director Manis replied however, it cou d; % „be terminated ng permits would not be considered standard in the vn to wh'at egree the 25% collected by )r Manis replied that the 25% associated r the costs. ii/ i / ' i iii. Councilmembern /I�lin /�� /�kedifiwould be easier to add an annual cost of living. %O�/f////i %��, increase rather than /�yrewing theFfe „e�srevery few years which results in a more significant increase City Attorney Foley advised the City is only permitted to i� // ///y//io�. charge the reasonable cods /to provide service and there is a possibility of litigation rft.exceeds what t sts to!provide the service. Co 11 ber Mu'llrn: commented that the community receives high - quality se cefrom Esgil. A In referencejsgl''s letter in the Agenda Report, Deputy Mayor Grosch asked what the serVic 'livery times were and the consequences if service times are not met. Director Manis replied that the service times have been met and pointed out that service times are actually less than the current standards required in the contract. Deputy Mayor Grosch suggested that staff review the contract on a routine basis. Director Manis explained that the contract does have room for flexibility and that the City is constantly working to improve processing times. 9923 4 of 6 July 15, 2014, Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — June 3, 2014 Mayor Higginson spoke in support of the great service Esgil has provided to the City of Poway. Motion by Deputy Mayor Grosch, seconded by Councilmember Vaus to. close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 14 -030 amending the Building Valuation Table of the Master Fee Schedule. Motion carried unanimously.. 4. STAFF REPORTS 4.1 None. 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 None. 6. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 6.1 City Manager Singer stated that he ilooking forward to serii''ig the Poway community. He also commented that, due to the recent fire co�nc'erns and in preparation for the tough year ahead, staffwould befworking with Safety Services to // /" provide education and outreach to the comrrrunty� 7. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS 7.1 None. 8. MAYOR AND CITY Councilmember C;unni'ngham 8.1 "Hike, Bike and Ride across Poway" — (verbal report) Councilmember Cunningham gave a PowerPoint presentation providing photos and details of the Rattlesnake Canyon and Tooth Rock Trails. C o u dfflffi member Vaus��/�/%//Q %�,,,,F, � , Councilmember Vausl/welcombd City Manager Dan Singer to the City of Poway. 8.2 AII- Way /jtjop Contro Rt the intersection of Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road. Councilmember�Vus brought up the May 20, 2014 Council Meeting where during Public Oral Communication the three members of the public asked for re- consideration of the proposed all -way stop sign which was denied at the April 1, 2014 Council Meeting. He suggested that the new information presented warrants reconsideration of the issue. In the interest of public safety, he urged the Council to reconsider the item at the earliest opportunity. Councilmember Mullin asked what the process is for reconsideration of an item. 9924 5 of 6 July 15, 2014, Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — June 3, 2014 Mayor Higginson responded that since there was no applicant for installation of the stop signs, there was no need to have new evidence in order to reconsider the item. He stated that if Council concurred, they could direct staff to bring the item back. Attorney Foley explained that Section 2.18.140B of the City's Municipal Code requires that "A motion to reconsider any action may be made only at the meeting and only by a member who is on the prevailing side." Mayor Higginson suggested Council direct staff to evaluate the use of AB1572 funds for the installation of flashing warning signs at the location, rather than reconsideration of the stop sign issue. He stated that residents living close to the jig intersection have expressed their support for such warnin:gsigns. Councilmember Mullin said that he was in sup % j Mayor's proposal to allocate the AB1572 funds for that purpose. j %Councilmember avor /% Cunningham spoke in faff returning tgouncil to advise the cost and feasibility of the traffic calming idea suggested by MayoHigginson. Councilmember Vaus also spoke in intersection safer. Councilmember Mullin j Councilmember Mullin repo& Anniversary Celebration of the L Deputy Mayor Grosch Deputy Mayor i Dearborn Memori Ilia nice speech. 1,He inclusion in the�P, Mayor Higginson ai//i % i,, Mayoriggrns ;o cor p of Fame. Mayor Higginson a`IS PRO-P(Poway Rec acting as lintjerim City ADJOURNM of an, -4711 that wdW make the family attended the 29th ,lance Battalion. veral "`Councilmembers attended the nked Councilmember Cunningham for a of Mark Sanchez had been selected for )y High. nchez for his inclusion in the Poway High pres&Md Assistant City Manager Tina White with a staff nition of Peer Standouts) lapel pin for her leadership while The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Rosa Martinez Senior Administrative Assistant .City of Poway, California 9925 6 of 6 July 15, 2014, Item # 1.3