Item 8.3 - Silverset Park Off-Leash Dog ActivitiesPOWAY ITY OF MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Dave Grosch, Councilmember DATE: July 15, 2014 SUBJECT: Silverset Park Off -Leash Dog Activities Since the spring of 2012, a group of Silverset Park users have been seeking opportunities for off -leash dog provisions at the park. Currently Silverset Park, like most City parks, requires dogs to be on a leash at all times. Silverset Park is host to many uses, including a children's play area and sandbox, restrooms, a walking /running track with par course, a fenced ball field, picnic areas, and a large multi -use grass field area. Initially, neighbors requested shared use of the ball field for a designated off -leash dog park during limited hours. That request was brought to the City's Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee on two occasions and was not supported. The group has since added to its proposal to mirror an approach taken in Encinitas whereby a park may be designated for off -leash use during specific days and hours, thus reducing costs and scheduling conflicts for other uses. I am seeking Council support to direct staff to further research the Encinitas model and alternative models and return with potential options aimed at accommodating off -leash dog activities, possibly on a trial basis. 1 of 1 July 15, 2014 Item #8.3