Item 17 - DR 86-05 and TUP 86-36 Standard Pacific of San Diego, Applicant• PROM DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM CITY OF POWAY -111.1111•11•111 City Council James L. Bersox, City Manager Reba W.iw, Director of Planning Services June 3, 1986 DR 86-05 (Item -17) Ca munity Services recommends that the following condition be added to the proposed resolution for the subject application: 14. The landscaping within the Landscaped Maintenance District along Twin Peaks Road shall be redesigned to the satisfaction of the Director of Carmunity Services. Said landscaping shall be instOled, canpleted, and accepted prior to occupancy of any dwelling units' in Phase A-3. JLBaLVO tJEB: js JN 3 1986 ITEM 17 AGENDA REPOR:T� G�� oF ,�� r GITY OF POWAY This report is'included.on the Consent Calendar: There will be.no separate�discussion of the� y Teport prior�to�aoproval by the Ci[y Council unless members of the Covncil,�staff or public � �F ,,, .,,,r t request it to re reROVed 'fzom the Consent Calendar and discussed sepazately. If pou wish to C � LV THE �� have this report�.,pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indica[ing the report number , and give it to the City Clerk pzior to the beginning of ihe City �COUncil meeting. I� TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana� INITIATED BY: Reba W'. Touw, Director of Pla ning'Services DATE: June 3, 1986 SUBJECT: Development Review 86-OS and Temporary Use Permit 86-36 Standard Pacific of San Diego, Applicant: a request for approval of development review and a' temporary 'use permit to allow the construction of 503 single family homes to include the final 82 lots of the Woodside series and 921 lots in fhe Parkside series and a new model Home to be added to the existing modei home complex. The new residences are located on both" sides of Twin Peaks Road and west of' Silverset Street and along Carriage Road and Saddlewood D'rive, in the PC zone. � APN: 314-371-10, & 14, 314-050-1, 2, 19 and 21; 31 8, 16-33, 36-39 ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: James H. Lyon, Assistant Planner • PARCEL SIZE: 115.5 acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Planned Community 20NING: Planned Communitg SURROUNbING DESIGNATIONS: (See Attachment 3) RELATED CASES: TTM'4191R, 4113R, DR 82-08 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: None ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Previously Certified Endironmental ' Impact Report STAFE RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to condi�tions ACTION: • - � , Pi3opted Resolution No. P-86-39 as amended. � �� �� � ��-� [Harjorie.K. wahlsten, City Clerk JUN 3 1986 IT E M 1 7 , �L of 42� I� -�- . , . 2� � � Agenda Report June. 3, 19'$6 Page 2 BACRGROUND A. Proiect Description Reque"st This application requests approval of a development review-and a. temporary use permit to, allow the constructiori of 503 single family homes and a new model home as part of Tracf Map 4191R in the Rancho Arboli,tos subd'ibision.. History Tract Map 4191 which proposed 622 lots was approyed by the Gounty iri May 1981. The Poviay City Council approue3,a revised edit'ion of the map in late T984. The area known as Rancho Arbolitos encompasses approximately 6,70' acres and lies east.of,:Pomerado Road, south of Twin Peaks Road and � , .,, north.of Carriage Road,. Two approved tract maps., TM 4113 and 4'191, subdi.vided the propenty i'nto 977 lots. The :approval of the maps spec,if-ied the number. of lots, street locations; setbacks, openspace areas, and trai:ls. The construction of the S03 single family homes wi1'1 be on ,the remaining 10,000 square foof Tots located withi'n the Rancho Arbol-itos subdivision. Ei,ghty- of the lots-,are located .in the Woodside development phase within TM 4113,; The remaining 421 urnits iocated in Tract Map 4191R wi11 be cons.frueted under the Parkside series development pl5ase. Due to the overwhelming response to the floor plan design of'Ehe Woodside homes, Standard Pacific has designed ra new ser'ies of homes known as "Pa•rkside." These new units incorporate the tiasic fToor plan of the Woodside series but have all new and.different exter-ior elevations. The living units are one and two story single family dwellings rang:ing,iri size from 1,58'8 to 3,073 square feet with three or:four- bedrooms and three car garages. The exterior materials inelude various combinat-ions of wood, stucco, and r-ock with a11 homes having ei,ther a flat or barrel concr-ete roof t'ile. The applicant, in compli"ance wi,th the policies of the Community Design Element of `the Comprehensi:ve Plan is.proposing a color scheme utilizing primarily earthtone coTors and.complementary trim accents. The proposed stucco c.o1'ors would range from ivory fo beige. Accent and siding colors will include various shades of white, brown, and rust. 2oF42 JUN 3 1986 I T E M 17 � � Agenda Report June 3, 1"9`66; Pacje 3 The "Parks-ide" serie"s proposes six models witfr three elevations,of each model. The square footage of each iriodel i's as foTlows: Model Square Fobtage 22-00 1588 2300 1725 2400 2004 2'4'75 226;4 2500 2205 3200 3073 Temporary, Use Permit_,`TUP.,86-36 requests approval of a new model home, Model 2475 to be:,con"structed on the vacant lot next fo the existing Woodside_sales office on Treecrest Street. Because the floor pl�ans for: the Woodside and Parkside series are essentia_lly identical, fhe existi-ng Woodside models will be used as the modeis for the'Parkside series-. Fencing and landscape planters wil'1 be placed on Treedrest Street at the north end of'the iaodel complex to prevent through aceess from adjacent residenti.a�l areas. Th"is request for the cons:truction of 503 single family homes will be separated into a number of phases and div-ided.into "three di§tinct locations-. The first location lies: norfh of Twin,Peaks Road west of Sil'verset'Street to. the subdivis"ion's western boundary. The second location lie"s; to the south of-Twin Peaks Road' wesf of the lasge lots abuttrng Arbolitos Drive and wi-ll,border the Arbolitos Park and Aliraxas High School to the'west. The third housing area abuts the soutkiern boundary of the subdivision at Starridge Drive and extends north to the State,land Tocated in the center of the subdivi'sion: The remai-ning lots outside of these. areas are one acre in size and larger and'will be developed under the future "Palisades" home series. Landscape Review Landscaping for the ar.ea�centers primarily on street and sLope ' planting. The,street tree landscape pl'an incorporates the xequi'red' SO percent evergreen and deciduous trees': The landscape plan est_ablishes a hierarchical system of street trees,that designate a specific species of tree for interior streets°. Slopes associated cai''th the development greater than five feet in height will be pla.nted' with eucalyp'tus ,trees; acacia shrubs, and wh•ite trailing ice pTant to prevent e"rosi.on and enhance the overall aesthetics of the area,,. , 30F4 JUN 31986 fTEM 17 � � Agenda Report June 3, T966 Page 4 B. Development.Facili.ties Development facilities pertairring to aecess, 5treet improvements, grading,drainage, and publ'rc utililies haue been required with the approval of Tract,Map 419'1R:.'Condition 32 under Recreation Facilities in the resoTution of approval -for- this map requires that prior to the occupancy of units in Phase A-3!, Starridge Par-k sha11 be ded'icated and impr,oved to include grading, drainage, ir-r,igation, landscap'ing, and a parkirig,'lot: The Phase A-3 ar;ea was previously noted as the second deveSopment location of the thYee areas pro- posed under this application_ The Community Ser.uices Department is addibionally'requiring that,all landscape improyements along Twin Peaks Road' and `all inter;i9or public lands previously conditioned for landscape improvemenfs' are to be improued to the satisfaction of the Director of Community-Services prior to the issuance of building.permits in :the A-3 area. A traffic signal i"s also regu'ired to be instaTled at the intersection of Twin Peaks and Siluerset Street wi`th Ehe development of Phase'A-3 As previously reguired in th`e Woodside homes the developer shall in the upcoining phases install a six,foot high_fence with a three'foot wide gate between eaeh unit and along tfie:.side yatd on properties with exterior street side yards. Each tiouse�should be preplumbed for solar hot water to facilitate tkie.instalYation of a solar hot water system. Two ma-ilboxes ;should be ins.talled to a post located on the property line: Frontyard landscaping for each Lot must also be installed iaithim 90 days of close of'escrow. C. Environmental Review Concurrent with Board'of Super.visors' approvai of Tentatiue Tract Map 4191, the Board eertified an Environmental impact Reporf (EIR) _ for the subject site. Addressed in the EIR were -issues of traf-fic, noise, and archaeologieal s'ites. All conditions relating to these items on the previous Tentative Map 419,1 were carried ouer to the revised map., Thereforer, the certified Environmental Impact Report cove"rs the environment'al impac,ts associated with this project:, and no further environmental considerafion is required by the California Environmenta'1 Quality Act. Public Not'ificati`on Notice of €he public'hearing has been sent to'property owners adja- cent to the projecb pr:ior to the hearing. 4oF4z JUN 3 1986 I T E M 17 � � Agenda Report June'3, 1986 Page 5 FINDTNGS The proposed development' is consistent with the General.Plan and the specific plan adopfed fo"r this property. No adverse impacts of an aesthetic, safety, or architectural nature upon adjoining pro- perties will occur because rooflines, materials and building loca- tions'will be varied and the colors, styles, and building maferials are compatible with.adjacerit developments. `The projeet meets the Zoning Ordinance critez"ia.and,encourages the orderly appearance of the City because it is_ similar to and complements adjacent development. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Dev.elopment Review 86-OS an3 Temporary Use 86-36 subject to conditions con- tained in Ehe attached.re'solution. JLB:RWT:JHL:js Attachments: ' 1. Proposed ResoTufion 2. Standard Condifions 3. Land Use and Zoming 4. Composite P1ot Plan 5. Proposed Parks•ide Architectural Elevations and Floor Plans 6. Model Home Complex 5oF42 JUN 3 1986 I T E M 17 � � RESOLUTION N0. P-. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY�COUNCIL OF THE CITY'OF POWAY,,, CALIFORNIA. APPROVZNG DEVELOPMENT REUIEW 86-08 AND TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 86-36. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 314-3:Z1-T-0, 13 & 14; 314-050 02., 19 & 21; 314-Q40-21; 314 1`60'-01, 08 , 16-33 , 36--39 WHEREA5., Development,.Rev,iew 86-08 and Temporaag Use Permit 86-36, submitted by Standard Pacific of San Diego, applicant teguests approval of� a development review and,a temporaYy'u'se per- mif to allow fhe const'r,uct'ion of 503 'single.family homes and a new model home to be knowm as "-Parkside" Located' on the north,and §outh side of Twin Peaks Road and east of Pomerado Road in the PC (PTanned Community) zone; and WHEREAS, on June 3', ,1986, the City Council held a heari'ng on the above-referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the.City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1,: F.indingsi 1. That the,proposed development is in•conformance with the Poway Generai P1an. 2. That tfie=pro`po"sed development wil'l not have an aduerse aesthetic, health, safety,.or archi•,tectur-ally related' impact upon adjoining properties because rooflines and building ma,terials are compatible with ad�acent developmerits. 3. That the proposed development is in compliance with fhe Zoning Ord-inance. 4. That the proposed development encourages the orderlp and harmonious-.appearance of structures;and property wi the City because i`t is similar to and compliments; adjacent dedelopment. Section:2: Environmental Findinqs: The City Council finds that the Environmental Impact Report cert:i'fied orr JuSy, 15, 1976 and recert'ified on May F7, 1979, _ covers environmeqtal impacts associated with the projects. 6 oF �` 2 JUN 3 1986 I T E M 17 � � Resolution No. P Page 2 Sect'ion.3: City Council Decisione The City Council here6y approves Development Revi'ew 86-05 and Temporary Use Permit 86-36 subject to the following conditions: Development Review 1. The developer shaSl include within the CC&R's a condition requiring the installation of landscaping 1iy each property owner within minety C90) days of the close'of escrow, with that cond'it'ion to be enforced by the.developer. 2. The developer.shaTl install a six '€oot higfi fence with a three foot wide gate between each unit and a 5ix foot high fence located outside of and paral-lel to the ultimate _ public right-of-way on properties with exterior side yards prior to occupancy. 3. The developer sha11 utilize vanied,noof:ing tile shapes:and colors to the sat'isfaction of tfie Diiector'of Pla"nning Services�,, to be determined prior to the issuance of building permits for any units other than the models. 4. Sidewalk mailboxes that conform to the Umited Stat.es Pos"tal Serviee requir'ements shall'be installed two to a post located between properties prior to occupancy. 5. The developer shall preplumb each.house for a solar hot water heati-ng system:. Building'pl'ans shal'1 be modified to provide the,plumbing prior to the issuance of building permits for units other than the model°s. 6. The developer sfiall incTude within the CC&R's a condition requiring property owners to participate in a landscaping maintenance district._ Said di�stri`ct•shall include but not lim3ted to aL1 Twin Peaks landscaping and the noise attenuating f.ences„ and the engineering costs i.nvolued in district format'iorr shall be borne by the d'eveYoper. 7. Starridge Park shall be dedicated,and improyed to include grad'ing, irri,gation, land'sca and a p arkin g lot ,_prior to com of a tot of 50 homes from amon all units _ ; of the Woods'ide, Parkside or Palisades development series. 8. A signal shal-1 be installed at'the i_ntersection of Tiain Peaks.Road and Silverset Street;in conjunction with the development of Phase A=3. i � af 42 JUN 3 1986 I T E M ] 7 � � Resolution No. P Page 3 � 9, All signs proposed for this development shall be designed in conformance with the City's Sigm Ordinance for on- and' off,-site sutidivision signs. 10. The buyers of-'Lots which have frontage along Twin Peaks shall be provided with a cross section of and related text describing the noi"se attenuating fence.and shall sign a statemenf indicating knowledge of the noise study con- ducted for the pro:ject and the purpose of the wall for noise attenuation;. 11. Upon t6e sale of the last model fhe temporary extens'ion of Treecrest to•Twi-m Peaks will be removed' and returned to a buildable 1ot condi,tion. 12. Ploffing for the 5'03 homes shall be accomplished in a manner that is similar to the exist'ing residences and con= sistent with the requ^irements stipulated in the approved deveLopment;pl:an for Rancho Arbolitos.. Plo€ting of aTl homes shall 6e approved by the Planning Services Department pr.i°or to fhe :issuance of bui-lding perm'r-ts. 13. Withi❑ 30 days of. approval the applicant shall submi`t in writing that all of the con3it'ions of approval have been read and understood. Section 4: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Development Rediew 86-05 and Temporary Use Permit 86 36 subject to the attaehed Standard Conditions. APPROVED and ADOP.TED 6y the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 3rd day of June, 1986. Carl R. K=use., Mayor ATTEST• Marjorie:K. WaHisten„ Ci:Gp Clerk �� � a of 4z JUN '3 1986 I T E M 17 ��,����F oWq _ STANDPRD �GONDIT OF PPPROVAL_. . r � ,Subject'•� T� �i/�� 1�1� �� . I ' , : - �Applicaqt: -�7A�Dl�P.�J��tC— ` . _ ` ���� y..c ��' IN G�J.��y LOCHCLOII: �O�THLy'ID.3JUIft �FTL+K�I �6Vy'QD`�ST���T�Y^�J��� . e, r � �' � - :Those�'�items checked�are conditions approval. . . _.� .._ __ . ��- _� � IANCEEWITdMTHE OF�'�pLANNING'�AND BUIL�ING�� CITY OF POWAYi 'I�- �,SEAVICES " . '��FOliLOW2NG'CONDITIONS:. ' � �A. �SITE'D6VELOPMENT � , �l:�Slte shall�tie developed in accordance�with the�approved site . � Qlans on'file !n t4e�Planning Services'Department and�fhe . eonditions rnrttained.herein. � p 2�. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating•a12. � condltions�of�approval shall be submitted to Etie Planning � Services,D'epartment prior�to issuance of building permits.. � �.3-. Approval'of this request shall not waive compLiance vith all. sections'�.of the 2onSng�Development Code and all other - appllcable��City�Ocdinances in effect�at the time �of building Permit issuance � � .�4�. The.developer.�,shall provide a minimum.of� 258 of .the lots with adequate sideyacd�.ares.for tecreation veh'icle storaqe�pursuant to C1ty sfandards, and the C.C.iR.'e�'shall�,prohibit the sEo;age�of �cecreaEional vehlclea in �the required��front-yard � setback. •�5. Ma17. boxes",on,lots 10.,000 square feet or less in stze and in ' aieas.vhere�sfdewal�ks ace.sequired,:�shall`belinstalled�and � located 6y�the deve_loper��subject to�approval by the.�Planning Servlces Depaitment. �6. The developer shall.integrate an_appropriate��var.iety of . �approved roof materials and colors into the'design'of the _. .. �residential`�development in a manner wfiich is both compatible and compTementary�amon'g each of�tlie residential units�. � 7..Trash��receptacle�,multifamily developments shal�l be enclosed � by�a 6 foob higfi�,masonry. aall with�,view-obst�ucting ga[es . puisuant-to�City standa=ds. Location shall be�sutiject to �approval,by`�the Planni�ng Services� Depar,tmenf. p B."All roof appu,rtenanczs, including�alr condi�tioners.,. sha1�1 be� �archi[ectucally 'integrated�,�shielded from�view and sound tiuffered..��fzom adjacent p�operties�and streets�as zequiced by ' 'the�Planning�.Services� Departmen[.. �� d 9�: Piior to any use��oE the.project site or business activity_ being commenced'tHereom, all conditions,of approval conEained herein stia�ll be" completed to the saEistactlon of ttie Directoc .... .. ...._ .... ot.�Plannfng Sei3ices. . , �-10'. The applicant shal'1 comply with the�latesb adopted . Buildinq,Code, Uniform Mechanical:Code, Oni�form �Plumbing Code, . � National'Electcic Code, U`niform Fiie��COde,�and�all other . . � appldcable'.�codes'rand ordinances 'i�n� effect�ab.the,time of � bui�lding'.permit lssuance. .�11. Pr1or [o the;issuance of bulldfng permi�ta for combuetible construction, evidence shall tie submitted„to the Dizector of � Safety Services that water��.supply'and����facl�lities for fice. � proteMlon ls availatile., ��Where additi"onal f�ire protection is required Direc[or.oE Safety SeiSices,,��'it shal�l be seivi�cea6le�prior�to the time of construction. ' ,� 12.��FOr a new cesidential dwelling unitlsl, ,the applican[ shall pay development fee9�at the��establl'shed'rate. Sucti.fees.may Y��nclude��, but not be�limited��tot PermiE ETan Checki�nq Fees,.�SChoo1���Fees (in accbidance with City-adopted�policy �and/ot.�ordlnancel, Water and�Sewec Service Fees. These �fees � 'sha11 be.paid: , p , ,a. 'Prlor, to final. map approval. ' 9 ,aF 4 Z � �Pribr ,to 6ulld�ing perm'tt Sssuance.. � _ J UN, 3 1986 I T E M 17 � - . -. _-_� '. f �p.l� ",Foz a'new'• erelal or industiial development�c addl�Eiep to� • 'an:exieting the,applicant ehall:pay �development' . � feee,..aC the�eetabllstied cate:. Such fees'may�tnclude�, but not. 'be'limlted toi PecmtE.and Plan Checkipg Feee�,�Watec�and Sewec ServYae Pees'.� Theae fees shall be palde " ' �� �e. Prior��to final��map approval. � b: Pzioa to permit leauance. . . y� This,appzoval.ehall tiecome null.and vold,if building�permlts . � �.ace not lsaued�far_ this project withi� one�yeai�from�Ghe da[e . �of'project approval�. � . � 15. Street�names sHall be by the'�Planning,:$ervices � Department prioc to the recoidation of the final:map�; and etreet addresaea shall'be pravided prioi to Ghe��issuance oE � bpilding permite. ., �16. Bullding ldentifScaEion addcesses,shall�tie placed on • ' all new and exlating��tiulldings so as to be plainly vislble��: . from�,�Ehe��eEreet or access roadt color oE identi�fication and/or . � addiesee���sfiall contzast with their tiackqcound color. . . B. PAARING AND�VEHZCOI.AR ACCESS � �� 1. A14.parking lob.'landscaping shall consist-of�a��.minimum of one� ' fifteen (15,I gallon size tree.for every three P3�) parkinq � apaces. For�parking islands, a minimum 12 �inch wide walk �adjacen`t�ko paikinq stalls shall be provided and�be�separated from vehicular areas�by�a 6 lnch fiigh, 6��inch wide por.tland . concrete.cement:curtiing. .� 2.�Parklnq�lot, liqhts�ehall' be low pcessure sodium�.and.fiave a .mazimum�hefght.of eighteen t18) �feet:from;.the � . :of�the�parking�surface��and be���dtYected�away from all.property lines,'adjacent etreets and iesidences�. p 3. All two-way, traffic>aisles shall he a�minimum oE 24�feet wide . , . ... -". .. -.-. ' a�d emergency access�shall 6e f;ee and . � clear-,�,a"�.minimum�of 24!��feet wide aball.�times du�`ing � ._ - construc£io❑ Ln accordance with Safety�5ervices�-,Depai£ment � �requiiements,.�. �. 'Gr.All parking spaces shall be double sti;iped C. LANDSCAPZNG � Q 1. A�detalled landscape. and irrigatron�plan��.shall.be�submitted� [o � " and approved'�.hy the'��PUblic Services_Oepactment•�and_Planni"ng Servi'ces Uepa'rtment'prior to the issuance of bui_lding��permits. �. A Master Plan�of the�:ezisting on-site Eiees shall be.prodided to the���Planning Seryices Departmen[.piior to Gtie �lssuance of . �building�permi�ts and�•prior to�'grading.,, to�determine�.which tzees. shall.tie.retained. � 3. Ezisting on-sfte trees�shall.�tie retained whereyec possible and:� � ahall tie trimmed and%or topped. Dead,.idecaying;or potentia3ly :dangecous trees shall.be approved��.fbr removal�..at the����discretion: of Ehe P1'anning Services Department dur.ing t6e�.review of the � Master Plan�.of exls[i'rig on-si'te trees�. �Those���trees:w6ich are � appioved foi�.zemoval sfiall� be''replaced on a Eree-foc=tree'basis ee required._by the Planni`ng,;Servlcee . � 4..�.Street trees�, a�minimum oE 15�gallon si�ze or Larger,�shall�be� , installed inlaccordance witd�ttie City of PowayO;dinance end � "shall.be planted at a�n aveza"qe.of eve`ry�;30 feet on interior streets and�20 feeC on exterio� stzeeEs�. � .� 5. A,�minimum�oE SO'trees per gross acre, comprised oE��ttie '� �following sLzes,�shall be provided.wi�tBin the.development;�. 208 � - 24"' boz�or 3arger, 708 - 15 ; gallon" and 108 - 5 gal'lon to the . satisfactiom�..of Ehe.�Director�of Planni'ng� accordance!with•£he��approved 2anHscape plan im a11 multifamily aed:PRD � � � �� 6.• A1`1 landscaped areas�..shall be:maintained in a�healthy�and , � , � � ��thiiving rnnditlon�, �free from�r+eeds, trash, and�debr�is. . .� �. . ' . .' , _ ., . . '� � . . ` �'a.. � JUN 31986 ITEM 17 . 4 � � . � � . D. 6IGN5 �Any signs��propo9ed �foc ttiis.development shall'.6e�designed�and � approved,ln�canformance witfi the�Sign_Ordlnance. ;� 2'. A Comprehensive Sign Program 'for this development sha11 be � sqtimitt"ed,£o the P1"anning,'Services����Department,for. ttieir review prior to��lssuance of��buildirig Approv5l sfiall be by . the CStg�COUncil. ' _ � � B. � RECREATION , � 1. Om.;lots having'a private br publlc�equestrian/pedestrian trail on.oz�,adjacent.Eo property, the developer .is required�to'�.have conEained within tBe C.C.�6R.'"s'the following atatemenE�: In purchasinq the��home, Z�have read the C.C ttiat said is su6ject to an easement�-for the purpose of� allowing..eq6es£=ian/pedesErian traffic.� � � � 2, The developer,shall improve the equestiian/pedestrian tzail . � system in'accozdance�with the adopted sign sEandards and to� the'�sa£isfacEion of �the �irectors�of �PUblic and Planninq Services��� � �� � � � � a. ',Prior to.�Einal map approval�_.., � ' .� b Prior to�building permit issuance. D�3. An��open space easement sha1L be gran�ed to the'City over:, � upon, across�and under the area defined on the���final��maps.as an equestrl�an tiail�and no�building, structures�or�othec things shall��be consEructed, erected�, placed or maYntain ed on�,subjecE.easemen[s`.except�,for ttie'cbnstiuction and mainfenanee.of sald�'trall and strucEuies apputtenant��to the trall. �4. Dedicate.'the�Master�planned,equestrian/pedes£rian trai to. tBe�satisfaction oE Dicectors of��'the Departments.of � Publlc and�Ylaniiing,Ser:vices �in accordance�witti�:the Master. Plan�.of'Trails�,Element. . - . � 5. Parkland�Aedication��or payment of�. Paik.Fees at�the establlshed zate shall be made: _ . p a. Ptioi to��final map approval. � b. Prioi.-to"tiuilding permit'�issuance.� F. � EXISTSNG'STRUCTURES . � � 1. Pcovide compliance��with the Vnifbrm Building Code for property line clearances considering�.�use, area�anH fiie-resi�st'i"veness�of ezisting buildingsr � � 2: Existing tiuilding(s_) shall 6e made�[o comply vith current � , � bullding,�.and.zoning.�requlations foc the intended�use,pr the building shall 6e demolished. �, 3. Existing�sewaqe dispogal facilities,.stiall.be �emoved�, f_illed� �and/or capped��;to comply wit6.appropriate grading practices �.and the.Uni�form Plumbing Code. ... �.G: AD ITIONAI: APPROVALS REQUIREO '�1.�Development�Review or Minoc Development Review�shall�be � :accomplished'prior to the issuance of a.bu'tlding permit. ��2. Development�Review nr Minor Development Review�shall be � �� � -accomplished�pr�ioi to recordation oE the final subdivisibn map: p 3. This Conditional Use Permit is gcanted Eor a peciod of ' �monthl�s7 at [he end of wh�ich.[ime�[he City Counci-l;may atld or delete conHitrons, or revoke the Condi[ional Use Permit. � 4. The�developec sha11 di�splay a current Zoninq and Land Use Map - '� �1 j OE�} 2� - Sm'.the salee��:office at all�times�., and/or suitable altecnatdve _ to�,the satisfactTOn of the'Director of Planning�Service �3 1986 IT E�M �1 7� ' R( . , ' � �� 5:.��When pu6l�lc or. prLyate�.equestri�an/pedestria�rai�ls aie regulred ae e�par�t of the��subdlvision�, the�developer shall dl"eplay a�map in'tbe eal;es�oEfice, of��said autiBivisLon.' . fedicati�ng the trails. -- � � , �6'. All.ealea,mapa. that are�di�stributed:oz��made available Eo' the pq611c shaTi� l�oclude`but� not be'�l�imited to'tralls, future�� and � exi'stSng scliools,.parks, and etreets. � � � 7. The,developer;shal3 pcovide a noise�display tioacd in the sales � office to��tfie_-satYsEcation of�the planning Services Directo�..� �Tfie'�display shall inblude the site plan and noYse!study. � p 8: Worklpg drawings shall iaclude a certification by a cecognised acouatical expect that�the requiremeots of�`the�City oP.POway's noise ordinance-�,vill 6e met. • � 9. At khe completion of�.�constructlon, and,prior�.tq occupa�cy, Ynterio�:�arid,exterloc CNEL eha13 be determine3,by�Eield � hesting at'developec'�s�expenee. TesEs to#be�conducted..by a� recognized acoustical expert. No,occupancy�permits shal�l be granted un[il Condition.G-7 is met�to th�e`isatisfaction of the Building�!COde flatest ad opted eHittonl 'SOUnd Transmission �Control`.' �� � . � � 10. Tfie appll:chnt stial�T�'p�ovlde verificatlon•of State.eoacd . of Equali�zation��riotiElcation and Ehat.appcopr:Pate`�.reviews ._ and/or�.approvale have�6een accomplYsfied to.Che sa£isfac- "tion of 'E6e�Dlractor bf Administrative Secvicea�: - 'II. APPLICANT SHALL�CONTACT THEIPUBLSC�SERVICES DEPARTMEN'C REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH�THE.FOLLOWING CONDZTIONS�: � •� H'. GRADING��. . �1.�. Grading oE�the subject;pcoperty shall be in�accordance�with Ghe!Unfform,BUilding"COde, City Grading Otdin'arice, appioved � grading plan and�geotechnical report, and��.accepted giading practices�. - - � �2. The�=grading'plan�.shall.contain a-certi'ELcaEe siqned by a.. , - [egistered Yivil engineer thaE the grading-plan'Sas preserved a minimum'of 100 sguare'feet of solac°access for�each�dwelling . unit,and for each Euture butiding site vitFiin Etie�subdivision. �3. A soils repoit shal:l be prepared by a Licensed tiy�the�State of Callfornia.!�Eo pecfozm,sucti work: � a... Prioz�to final map approval. � ti_.� Pr to tiuilding�permit issuance. �4. A..geological repor.t shall be prepared by a qual'iEied engineec oz geologist and.submitted at�-the time:of appl�lcaEion for� . qrading plan check. �5. The final,grading plan�shall, be�subject to.review and approyal � � . by the Planning;!8eivices and!PUb1ic�Services�Department;and� �s6a1�1 be,completed prior to �.recordation of;���Che fi'nal' . su6dlvision�inap Lssuance of� 6ui4ding pezmit,�ahichever comes fiist�. � � ��6,� A�pre-b1asC survey of. surrounding property sha11 �be conducted to the saEi'sfaction oof�the City Engineer p,ribi.'to any�rock blaetfng., $eismic recordings.�shall be�taked•�Eor all tilasE�ing . _ and'6lastinq occur onlp at loca[lons,and led`els�approved �� .6y�the City .I.. STAEETS��AND SIDEWALdS � 3�. A1'1�CircuLaf'1on��Element roads shall be�dedicated-:and improved � to'�Circulation Element road standards and to.the.specifications of��the.0l�rector�of Public Services. 12 � JUN 3 1986 ITEM ' 17 . . � . i ;p 2 The �dev�er ehall.pay a pro-raEa.shace:for • installatioa�� ' � or modl tion of� [he traff�ic slgnals at -- ._ . _, _-�- - �. _.... ' . ��- 'e: Prior to�Ei�nal�map;approval. , ��' b. ,Prlor� to building•pecmit isauance�.:FaA-- .� ,� 3. Veh�iculac��:access ii'ghts to ClrculaElon Blement be dedlcated��:,to the Ci'ty of Povay and 'la6eled on the EinAl,map to ; ^Ehe eatlsfaeti'on of.';Eke Direcfor�oE'PUblic Servicea�or 6y� �- eeparate documenE. � - � � � 4. intecior and.e:terloc pu611c st=eeEe eha11� be�constructed� � � to publlc�etreeE etandards. . � 5. Sidewalke. 1�4.5� Eeet ln width ehall be��requlred on . Iboth/onel� elde(sl�of � 6. Recipcocal��accesa and�maintenance_andl,or agreements shall be provided lneuctng access to ell parcels ov pr�ivete roads, drlves or;;parking;areas and maintenance thereoE to�the � eatiafactlon of 'the Olcector of Pub1lc.Servicea. � 7. 6treet etrlping-and aigning shall be. inetalled to Ghe . eatfsEection of Ehe Director of Pu611r Bervicea�. � 8: All sEreet�"atrucEUral��sections shall be subml'tted to, and � approved ,by the ,Director oE. Public 5ecvices'. . p 9.�.Street lmpcovemenb plans�pcepared on standacd�si��ze.sheets by a .�RegLstered; Ctvil Enqineer etial'1 be sutimltted 'for approval by the O1recEo� of�PUtiPtc Servlees. Plan�check�and lnspection expenses��ahaTP;be�.paid�fiy the developer�.. � .� 10.�'All exterlor etreet Lmprovements efiall be construcEed pc to � .issuance�oE':buildi�ng permlts; to the eatlsEac[i�on of the. �Dlrector bf�PU611c'Servicea. � 11. Street Lmpcbvements that Snclude, bat ace not -1lmited to: . e�. Sldeval�ks� e. Crvss guttec b. Drivevays��. f. ��Al,le'y gutEer c. Wheel��chair�ramps _g. 'Street pavSog . - d. Curb�and gutter _h. �Alley paving ahal`1. 6e const[ucted prSor to the occupancy�of. the�units to the edti�s'faction of�tfie Dfiector of Publ�ic Servfces.. ` .�"12. All.damaged_off-eite pu611c varks factll,ties,rliicluding parkway treea,� siial�l��be�,cepaiied or [eplaced prloc to�ezmieratloni oE .bonds and lmprovemenGS. to the eatlsfac['lon.of the Depaz:tment of���PUbl'�ic^SerJices. � �3. Prior to any��vork��bei�ng�perfocmed trt'the putillc rlght-of-way, an�encroacfiment�perm.it shall be obtal�ned �Eiom'the Public Servlces�oFEi�ce�and approprlate tees ln-addition to any' � othec permlte required. � � 1<�. The developec� shall pay one,half the.cvsC>of a City approved - .landacaped.median along the. pcoject ��.EronEaqe('sl'i � � a. F;lor to f1na1 map appioval. Q b. Ptior to 'Sssuance. - � � 15. StteeG lmpcovements��and maintenance ehall��be.made�ln eccordance - rlth City Oidlnnnce etanHards�fo�� � ' ,e. Urban.slcee[e . � �b.'Semt streets � � �c. Oedlcated rural streete � d��. Non-dedlcated rucal streets ��6. Tfie�deyelopei sBall pay tfie�Traff�lc Mltigatdon Fee at�the � . eetabl'fsfied��rate� . ' y..l� OF �F 2 p e. PrY�oc.,to Einal-..map apQroval. , . ,.. . 1 C . . �b. 4[,lov�2o bulldi'ng permit Issuance: :JUN 3 19�U IT`EM �17 � � JL -0RAZNAGE ANO�.PLOOD CONTAOL � Y��.�'Interaection drains:.wi�11 be�required at locaE�ions specified by . ' the� �irectot�.of Publtc Ser�vlces and !n'accoi�dance'with � � -.. . ..... - - - - . _ _ . ' etandard en9lneering�practiaes�. � 2. The,propoaed��.project falls wi�tBin aceas�indicated�as su6ject I to�.flooding'under;ttie NaGional Flood �Irisuiance. and is� ' , , . eu6ject Go�Ehe provlelone of that progcam and.=Ci'ty brdlnance. �p 3. A dralnage��system��capable�of. handl'!ng and_dispasing�of�a13 eurface r+ater origlnating.within the-su6dLvCsiotr,'and all aurface watera thaE�_may:floa�onto the su6divlsion f�om � adjacent lands�.,efiall be�requlred. �Said dral�naqe�:system shall � � lnclude any�.eaeements�.and.etructurea�as requlred��by the Director� of.'PU611c.5ervicea to properly handl"e the:drainage.� . �. 1. Portland cement coricrete cross gutters shall.be installed vtiere�watec''crosses the.roadways. � � .S.�The�Master���Plan�af�Drainage Fee shall.'be paid�.at Ehe established�rate 'in accordance with .the Oiaipage:Ordinance: • p a. Prior to final�map approval. • � b. Prior to�bul'lding permit issuance. . � �.6�. ConcentraEed flove acipss driveways and/or sidevalks sBall not be permiEted.� � - � R. -0TZLITIES � ���.'1. All propoeed+utiLlEies within the project sfia11��6e �installed underqzound�including �existing utilfties�,alonq�Circulation �Element roads,and%or.�highways less than 34�.5 RV. � 2. Ut1l�ity easements shall be provided to the ; specification of . Ghe serving�utility companiea and the:Dizectoz of Public Ser`vicea�. � ' �3.�The developer��'.sha11 �be�responsible��foc ttiei!�relocation and undergroundinq:of existing public utilitles; as��required. �.. Water, sewei�, and fire protection systems plans shal�l be deaigned and.constructed-to�meet requirements of the Ci��ty of Poway and the�HealEti Oepartment oE the�County.of San Dfego. � 5. Priox. to.�.accepEance.of property for sewer service,�annexation to the�sewer.�improvement area shall � � Q 6. The appllcanE'�.shal�l�pay for�a watec�sgstem analgsis�to establish the proper��size and locaEion for-�Ehe public water .sysEem. The amount Gill tie deteEmined by khe cost of the analysis� and'�sha�1-1'be,�patd: � � . � a. Piior. to�Einal map approval. Q b: �PZlor to�building permit Sssuance. � 7. The shall, wi"thln JO days aEter receiving.approval of ttie:tentative tract�map, tentatYve parcel map, 65e permit, ok development,review,, apply for a Letter of �A4ailabi3'ity �(LOA) to reeer.vetsewerage avai�labili'ty.':and posE G16h�[he CSty,� � a nonrefundable reservaEion fee' equal to 208. of the aporopri�ate�sewerage connection �fee�in�effect�aE�the time�tfie � LOA ts issued. --� � �, 8.. Developer sfiall��construct a light system�confoiminq to City of Poway�5tandarda at'no cost to tfie public�, sub�ect to the foll'owing:, a�. Cut-off 1'uminaries shall.be Ynstalled�wBich will,prlvide ' tr�ue.90 degree cutoff and'prevent project`ion�of Ligtit , above'�.ithe'��horizontal from the lowest poi�nt of the Lamp or . . ' �1'igfiE�.emitting refractor or device. � 6�. A1�1�,Ei�zEures shall use a clear, lov pressure:sodium vapor 11ghE;souEce. , 1�?+ a�_'� � J UN 3 1986 I T E M 17 .,. � � ��' . c�. AOvance energy�.charges and Oisttict englneering.�charges � ehall be.��paid�by�the developer. . �� � . d. Annexatiom to��the 11gl�E!Cng,distrlct ehall:be accompllshed , ' �. " and.�evidenee��oE annexatlon and payment of��lightlqg fees . ehal'1 be preeented to�the'Clty pcior�'to final map nppiavel or tiuil'dinq.pecmlt` Lsauance, whichever occura� tirat�. ' . � d 9. Catile telev,ision�services shall be.pzovided�and inaEalled�, . �; � anderground�. The�developer� shall eotify the.Cable company . � • when��trenctiing for'utilities is to� be�apcompl'lshed. � L. GENERAL'REQUIREMENTS:AND APPAOVALS � ��1. Permlta from other�agencies vill be�requized� follows�: a. �Calfrans� " � � b.. San Diego County Flood Control Dlstrict � . � c. Other�:° • � � 2�. A copy of the��Covenants, Conditrons and Restrictfons (CCaR's) and/or Acticles of Incozporation of ttie Homeowrieis Association : ehall be subject to the review Eor compliance with cond'itions � herein, to tfie�saESsfaction��of the Cl�ty Attorney and Director � of `Planning;�Services, and.shall be f�iTed with the�5ecretary, of - SEate, the County-Recozder and the City Clerk,at�.the time of � final.map conaideratlon. . � 3. Prior �to recordatiom,�a Notice of Inten[ion.!Eo form Landscape ' and'/or LighEing•Distticts�shall be:filed with the�City� ' , - Council. Tfie engineering��costs involved Ln disfrict�formation =. � ehall be borne�tiy�the�developei. �- � �-4. £inal parcel and'�.tract maps shall conform�to City etandards . ,and'procedures. � S.�By aeparate�,document' to the�recording oA�the final �eubdivYsion�map,. or.on fBe final subdiyiston map�, there �ehall be granted,to�.the City, an open space easement.over Lota ; common areas � Said apen . easement';ehall���be to form by,;the City A[torney� and�.shall•:limit the��.use of said open spa"ae�'�t� recreational purposes�,��=lncludinq buildings, structuies�,.and improvements. ��6. Should thi�s�.subdibison be further divided, each'�Elnal map'ehall 6e�submitfed for approJal By [he Director of ' Pd611c Seivi�ces�. - . �� � 7.. All provisions����of the�SUbdivison Ordinance.of the Poway � Muni'ctpal Cod'e:shall tie met as they celaEe to tfie �divi"sion'of'Yand. � -� � 9�. Those �poctions the subject prope be � � :..- .. - . - �.. �held under�common owrie=s6ip shall be labeled such and ideritified,bp a�separate Yo[ numbet oa the final map ' � 9. Prioc to final map app;oval�, a1-1 0£ ttie�a6ove� imp=ovemenfs,arid requirements be`,installed and��, � provided�, or�,defe;red by�guaranteeing installation �within two .years from.map rewrdation.or pr.ior to �building,,�permib issuance, whichevez'occurs f�irst,. by�the execution of�a performance agreement, secured�ai'th � su£ficient,securities, in a form'approv,ed by�the city . - . . . ... . . ,: _ . Atto;ney. All necessary processing fees deposi£s�, and� ,charges shall�be paid prior to final map approval: .� 10.���Prior to��final map�approval,.all dedications,shall be �made and�easements gzanted as reqnired above. ' �-11�. The tentative map approval shall expire on � . unless an application for time extension is received.G� � days prio't to'expiratidn in accordance. with the Clty's � �Subdivision Ordinance. . lb oF42 � � JUN 3 1986 I T E M 17 . , � � + 1 `---r:.'�^ -� � . _:...} RR=C � . . _ • •-' � -•- ..-�' • RSF9� � P5.7. � �' ._. 5 � . � i � -� ����� t. ' CG., ` i '�� 'r � RS-2 (' A5=3 . � PC ii �� �- . ' , � . —_ ' �`� t..': ' 05�. � . OS -' ' � i �' � � < � ,. RS4 � ��PR-C' PC. - _ ' OS (i' � qS-4 ` 1 ,�I . f � .RR-C S i - 'RF� Z �RC nsa i 4 ���RS7� � � RS3 '`�'t 'i -:. :PR-C � _ ,q5 ' �? � ns. : _ �, ._PR-C __ . , � q � . . .PC -� .�-� q {RS-7- e�:'�o5 c - i . _ _._.. , OS H9 ]r . R :: 6t' A i.�� RC R �J . FRyC - ' ... '_ C 5 _„ . ' - .-. � k• �� R,,RC i ns�z iR53 . P1 � ' I �' � �:�. �/ A �' � PF{ 5 PS�] 1. ' RS-< S . a n� ,. G �. �W � .�.i; �. ��AP' RA PRC��: G � { �� ; _-• _ _ns=�' "^ cc .OS. : I : . FA �� . �.il.. v . .. CI�. . a CG RR-� _— _ .. . - . i �... _ _ t .. - r :� � -- — t � ;� � . ` ' � '• ..� — a � + 't.. �, ; ��YU.1�.' ry...�.�. .. ':� �� �� t - S. . . � � ' ; O . � ;� z . _ _ _- -r?{;`.?,;:<i _ "_- _ - - !: _ `; . � ` ' _ P f� �T (� �� ' :: .: . : . � Y .. . � � , , " ` �F . � �� ' - e � ...}.. .. � .. ':::7'"'�`' :7:::: - :•._„''..�..' '.:Y.. • /_.: � CITY� OF POWAY �TEM : ��,-�:-��-� TI.T L E :! f "i�`c�—.�.'� �`"� S,CALE c �� ATTAC,HM'E�NT : ` 3 1'boF?+2 JUN 3 1986 (TEM 17 I � � �� 0 • Q / :V � I � C � .�: '�. � / ��e'�,�� iI�'o � O� . . • -:�%" �9 �`u ° �.q�i ' a��f� � � m i �� ` �rl�� - . . .... s,a°" �� � �i�i�-6�/p��S��Pj, 141 �'�l�r� " .��.:. :. ��> : , o �j� �rsov �B�Yi� g .., �a."�/OC pp•�a:��•��i�� G� � nm�i. ��. ; � s�� I�II���.�►�ir•� � �s � ��•. 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MEMORAIV'DUM� �,�� ��� CITY OF POWAY � I ��� � ��`'r� �:. ;�E ��` T0: City Council ' 1 FRpM: James L.,Bdaersox, City Manager ' Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning,Services � � DATE: June 3, 1986 SU&TECP: DR 86-05 (Ite�-17) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Caimunity Services reca�nends that the following oondition be added to the proposed resolution for the subject application: 14. The landscaping within the Landscaped Maintenance District alonq 'Itain Peaks Roaci shall be redesigned to tlie satisfaction.of the'Director of Camtunity Services. .Said lani3scaping shall.be insfalled, canpleted, and accepted prior to occupancy of anp dwelling units in Phase A-3. JLB:RWB:JEB:js JUN 3 1986 I T E M 17 \