Item 8 - DR 86-11 - Thomas Hunt, Applicant � GENDA REPORT — G ��� o ,� CITY OF POWAY \ s � � F C �ry �11.�•� THE. C Ja R T0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana� INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services�v' � DATE: July 8, 1986 SUBJECT: Development Review, DR 86-11 - Thomas Hunt, Applicant: A request tor approval of a Development Review to allow the construction of six single family dwelling units in the Resi-dential Single Family 7 zone, located approximately 100 feet north of the intersection of Poway Road and Evanston Drive. APN: 323-201-18 through 20 and 23 through 25 ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: Marijo Van Dyke Planning Technicia PARCEL SIZE .79 Acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Residential Single Family 7 ZONING Residential Single Family 7 SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS (See Attachment ) RELATED CASES None CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED None ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION Issue a Negative Declaration STAFE RECOMMENDATION Approve subject to conditions I ACTION• 7-8-86 Resolution P-86-50 ad'opted approving with conditions �and i suance of Negative Declaration authorized for DR86-11. `YY�G..-�, . K �����s�G:_ --=— - — - - — S;arjofie &. Wahlsten, City Clerk �J JUL 81986 IT*E.M 8 1 aF"1 8 � � Agend'a Report ' July 8, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION REQUEST This appTication requesfs approval of a Development Review to a11ow the construction of six:sing.le family homes as the residential por- tion of TM 3971 - Bvanston Terrace. HISTORY Tract Map 39J1 was.or-igi•nally approved bg Poway City Council and recorded Yn November of 1983. A total of eight lots,were created, seven,which are residential and the remaining, commereial lot faces Powag Road. Of the..seven resi- dential, all but one.ane iacluded in this Development Rev'iew°: The remaining residential lot is owned separately and is nof proposed for improvement at this t"ime. , ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Section 17.52 of the Code establishes regulat-ions €or the Development Review approVal process prior ;to i'ssuance of any building permit for 'single family subdivision development. Council revi'ew'of the application provides for- fhe.evaluation of a develop- ment's quali'ty,, visual appeal, environmental soundness, economic stability, and impact upon property values within the City. The Community pesYgn'.Element of the General,Plan provides.for guidelines to promote ways in which deveIopments can be compatible with the community's desire to mainfain a rural image. Tlie poli- cies of the community design element recommend textured materials, utilizing primar:iily ea•rth tone colors and complementary accent colors i❑ mubed shades of reds, blues,,g-neeq, grays,, and yellows, and addit-ional guidelines for evaluating tract subdivision construction i family residentiaT deyelopment. The proposed development, while not.providing a two=story _model, offers a vari'ety of`�single story elevations and afforability to f'irst-time .buye`rs. The living units are all similar in size and interior floor plan with the ma�or, variation bei-ng change ofigarage positioning, ei'ther fnont or side entry', and interior access to the garage through the kitchen or exterior entry adjacent t'o fhe front door, Tfie standar- dization of floor plan and' use of the same roof treatment throughoat the projeet tend to make the.homes less expensive, r 2 �u�. B 1se6 IyT�E�I. 8 ,,,• � � Agenda Report July 6, 198b Page 3 Although the homes:are small, bhe site is surrourided by a neigli- borhood of general-ly mo;dest sized homes,, so that the new units will not conflict with wha�t exists in the presentYy. Since there appears to be a market for first-time and ret`irement type buyers, these homes afford' ample space for stor-age of recrea•tional,vehicles on the side yard and in general provides an alterna-tive fo con- domininm living to those who prefer a smal-ler livrng uni-t but sti11 des`ire their own pr'ivate yard area. Because of.the pnoject's close proximity to 'the commercial center to the south, it may be a less desira6ie place.for large family units. The architectural styles for all models are var of the California Ranch style, utilizing both gable and hip.roof types. Roof-ing materials wi11 be primarily red wission tile.. Exterior. finishes will consist of stucco in shades of'off-white, pales yell'ow, and tan with,wood facia and siding in tones ranging -from tan to medium brown. LANDSCAPE REVIEW Most of the existing trees on the site wi11 6e saved. The house model for lot 6 wa's modi'fied to accomodate f�ive trees including two oaks. Street trees will be installed,in front .yard setback areas at intervals of 30'feet. In accordance with poliay 15.g of the Genera'1.PTan, sid"e and rear yard areas will be' enclosed'by six (6) foot wood fencing. DEVEI;OPMENT FACILITIES Development facili�ties pertaining to access,, street improvements, grading, drainage, public services, and -faci'lities,'to .serve the proposed.deuelopment have been requi-red tHrough the approval of Tentative Tract`Map 397-1R and the associated deveTopment ag ENUIRONMENTAI� REU:IEW Concurrent• with the Ci;ty Council's approval of Tentative Tract Map 3971R, the Gounpil issued a Negati=ve Declaration for the-subject site. The environmental impacts of this project have been miti- gated by conditions of' the tentative map. 3 oF 1 8 JUL � 1986 I�T�Ej,�l 8 � � Agenda Report July 8, 1986 Page 4 PUBL3C NOTICE Notice of the:public hearing has been sent to property owners adja- cent to the projec't prior fo the hearing,. FINDINGS, The proposed deye�lopment is consistent with the General P.lan. No adverse impacts of an.aesthetic, safety, or architectural na-ture upon adjoining propertie"s will occur because materials and building locations will be var-ied and the colors,. styles, and building materials are compatible with adjacent deuelopments. The project meets the Zoning Ordinance criteria and encourages the onderly appearance of the City beeause it is simila.r to and complements adjacent development. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Developmept Review 86-11 subject to condi,tions contained in the attached resolution. JLB:RWT;MVD:pn Attachments:: 1. Proposed Resolution 2. Standard Gond'itions 3: Land-Use and.Zoaing 4. Proposed Site Plan 5,. Proposed Elevati�ons Lots 1 and 2 6. Progosed Elevations Lots 3 and 6 7. Proposed Elevations Lots 7 and 8 4oFi�a JuL s 1ge6 IsT�E`I�t $ � � RBSOLUTION NO:. P- A.RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNGIL OF THE.CTTY OF POWA•Y, CALIFORNIA _ ._.., APPROVI'NG;DEVELOPMENT REV'IEW 86-I1 _, _ _ ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 323-201-1'8 THROUGH 20' AND`323-201-23 THROUGH'.2S WHEREA'$, Deve-lopment Review 86-11, submi,tted by Thomas Hunt, app•licant,:requests approval of a Development Review to a11ow tfie constr.uctiorr of siz s3rigle family dweLTing, uirits approximately 10:0 feet,north of the inter-section of Poway Road' and Evanston Drive, in the Residenbial Single Family 7 zone. WHEREAS, on 8; 1986,, the City Council held a hearing on the above-r`eferenced item. NOW,"THEREFOKE,, tfie City Council does hereby resolve as follows:, Section.l: Find'ings: 1. That the proposed deuelopment is i`n confozinance with the Poway General:Plan. 2. That the,proposed development will not.have an,adperse aesthetic, Health,, safety, or architecturally related • impact upon ad•joining properties. 3. That the'pr_oposed development is in�compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 4. That the pr-oposed development ericourages the orderl.y and harmonious appearance of structures and property withi�n the City. Section 2: Environmental Findings: The City Council f'inds fhat this project;will not have s'i,gni- ficanE impact on the environment and hereby is"sues a Negative DeclaraEi`on. 5aF18 JUL � 1996 1TEM 8 � � Resolution No. P- Page 2 Section 3: City Council Decision.: . The City Counci� hereby approves Dev,elopment Reyiew 86-11 subject to the f'oTlowing conditions: 1.'The:developer shall include with the CC&R's a condition requiring the installation of landseaping by each pro- perty owner with�in 90 days of the close of escrow, with that condition to be enforced by the developer. 2. All conditions,of TM 3971R shall appl-y. 3. Road's a. Prior to any building permit issuance, all access roads sha31- be constructed with A.C, paving base course wi,thin one (1.0) foot of finish grade. b. Each lot shall be served by one dr-iveway unless other- wise approved by the Cify Eng-inee'r. 4. Utilities a. Prior to any building permit issuance, all underground utilities, including water, sewer, and storm drain, shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 5. General a. Occupancy shall not be allowed.on any lots until all pubT•ic fac.ili,ties serving such Tots have been completed and accepted by the City. Section 4: City Council Decision: 6ity Council hereby approves Development Reqiew 86-11 subject, to the attached Standard Conditions, APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 8th day of July, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. WahTsten,, Gity Clerk JUL S 1986 I�T���M 8 6 1 8 ` --- " � �'� ,�,. ��. W� J` STANDA �"CONDITIONS�OF_AP:ROVAL_,_ , G, _ . � : Sub ject: �� �6�Ca� � � � ". , . - - Appllcant: ��C7Q�'1i4 �-�'�N'� - � �' +`\\ ��'�'Tr.n r'+E �o� �� � , Locatione C�� tc'N� o� �-aW/st'� ,A►�}� �\!fA'S�OV�1��. . i ��'�-: � -- � � - ''- -- ' Those 3tems�.cHecked�are�..conditions of appLOVal. ;�_ --__'- -_ . _.. . , � � CITY':OF POWAYI� - 'I - • APPLICANT SHALL,_CONTACT THE.DEPARTMENT.OF PLANNING�"AND BUZL�ING ` ,__ � SERVICES REGARDING�COMPLZANCE WITH TtlE FOLLOWING�CONDITIONS: ' &� � � _--_-`� , A. SITE�DEVELOPMENT' . . . , . t f � 1. Si£e shalL�be developed in accaidance�with�the�.approved��site � , plans on £ile fn.the Planning Ser'vices Department.and the conditions� herein. - , . ��2..Aevised site:plans�and tiuildinq elevations� incorporaEing. all ' . � � coriditions'of shall tie su6miGted to;the Planrting � ' E Ser'yices �epartment prSor. to issuance�of�building permiEs. � '. , ��.. Approval.of�.�•this requeet shall not dai_ve compl!iance with all. � ' - �aections,of��ttie Zoning Oevelopment Code and al'1 other . • � � � appllcable�City-Oidinances in e£fect at the-time of'�6uilding� - •Permit issuance. ' . _ ��4. ��The; deyelopec shall 'provide a minimum �of �258� of the. lots with ! � � . adeguate 'sideyard a;ea��,for cecreation ve6icle storage� pursuant _ ta��Clty stan3ar`de, and� the C.C.SR�.'s ahall profiibit�Ehe� storage of"=ecreaEibnal vehlcles in.the reqyi,red,fiont'.yard � ' .setbackr . ��'S;. Nail boxes�, on loEs 10,000 square feet or,less, in si'ze.and in areas where;si'dewalks are�required� shall be insta�lled and�. � located 6y'Ehe devel6per�sutiject to.approval bp the Planning - ' Setvl'ces Department. . p 6�:. The d"evelooer shal=1•integrate an approp�iaEe�variety of � � �� , ,�pproved roof mateiials and colors Lnto tti'e design of the residentYaL'��development in�a��manner wfiich is�tioth compatible � - . �and complementary,.among each�of �ttie�residential units�.. � . � 7.,.Trash receptacle muTtiEamily developments shall Ce.�enclosed. • �by�a 6�foot;high masonry r+all with view-obstiycting��gates .pursuant��to Ci'ty s,tanda=dg. LocaEion^.shall , �approval:bg�the��Planning Services�Department: . � 8. All•roof �appurtenances, Sncluding:�air_conditroneis:, sha11 be � - aichitectur"ally�:integrated,.�shielded fcom view�and sognd tiuffeied f�om'adjacent properties and streets.as�requiced by - the Plannin,`g Se=vices Department.! � ' ��. Prior�to(apy use;qf the project site;or busi,ness,activity � being:commenced EAeredn, a1T conditions of app'roval contained� herein ehall be�completed to the satisfaction of �tfie Director of Planninq-5ervices. . ,�!/� 10. The apQli�cant shall -the latesD Uni,Eoim��. � Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, Uni�form Plumtiing�COde, .National Electria Tode Uni��form Fiie'�COde,� and�.all other ' � ' � .appl�icable�codes..and.ordinances,in effect�at`tfie time of tiuPld_ing�permit 'Lssuance. - �11�.�P;ior to�-�the l�ssuance oE building permiea .for..;eombueflitile constructi"on�,'evidence.shall�be submitted Go the DSzecEoz of Safety Serv'i�ces'that�water supply and facil�Yties:for fiie� protection_is�.avaClable. Wheie additional �Et're protecEion is reqpiied bp'the Director of��5afety�5ezvices, it shall tie serviceable pr`ior to tfie ttme,of construction. ' �. For�a new.�residen£ial dwellLng unitts,l;, the�5pplicant shall �, pay.�developmenttfees at the established rate: ,Such fees�.may include�, tiut noE�be,limited Eo: Permi�t and:�Plan Checking� Pees, School Fees'(i�n accordance with.City-adopted_ pafIcp ; and/or ordinancel, water and Sewec Pees. �These fees . .shall `be�� pa,id� � ' . � a. Pr"ioe'.Eo fLnal map approval�. � �F�l�p !�� � b' Prior� to buildi�ng pecmit issuance. JU� S�98U ITr �':'Y'' '� - . D , p 17 For :a•.nev..ca• rcial or S�ndustrial development, or to • . - an exieting',�,development, Lhe appllcantr�ehall pay � �feee;,at the=eeEabllshed rate�.� Eees may include, bu[��'-not �, �be�ldmLted �Eon Fermi�t�end Plan CheckSng Feee; Water and Sewez � Servlce.Feee. �T4ese feea.shali.�be, pafd� � . ' ' 'p �.a: Yricr�to�final � � ; � p b�.�� Prior'lo�6ui�lding permlt Sasuance. , � ,�T4. Thie��approval��ehall beco"me nu1S and�void �if�.building permlts� � -are'ncE Saeued for-'this project within one yeac from Ghe date . � o£,project'�'approval. ! � , � 15. Stteet names sha13,�6e approved by the Planning',Services � � �� � .Oepartment pcioc Eo��„the cecordation.of �the fi�nal map, and ' �eGieet addresaea.sfial'1 be provfded prioc to the�fssuance oE ' . _ � ��bdilding- permits:� � ��16. Building ideutiEication,_and/or addcesses�sF�a11�.6e placed on � � �all nev and�existing�bulldinga so as to'be plafnly viaible . . � �from the��etreet or�.�accese road; color of' identiflcation.and/or addresaea:ahall.co�trast wiEfi thelr�backgcound,coloi. . . � ' B, PARRING��AND'�VEHICOLAR.ACCESS . Q 1.-All parkinq.lot Landscaping shall consist.oE a�minimum of one �� , � fifteen'f15d qallon�.s[ze tree for..every!three (�3�): parking. � - ' epaces.. For parking,`lot isla�ds,�a minimum 12'incfi �vide walk adjacent to�paiking,sEalls sfiall be provided and be�separated .� from vehi'colar aieas by a�6 inch�hi'gh, 6.incB��wide portland wnczete��.ce`ment c'v=tiing. �' .� king lot lights�.shaI.l be low pressuie'sodium and.have�a � � 2 �max'imum height,of eighteen� ftBl feet f;om the�;finished, of the�,parking�surface and be directed away fzom.all�propertp S�Snes,radjacent atreets and�residences��.. � � � 3.�A1�1 twa-wag traff�ic�aisles shall be�a minimum�of 24..feet w}de� and emergency,access'sHall be provided,.maintained free and - clear, `a� minimum�of..'24 �feet wide at �a1�T � '.during _ �- construction Ln accordance with Safety�Services. Department �requirements. � - � C. All parking.spaces�sAall be double sEr;iped. . � �C.. LANDSCAPING � � 1. A detailed landscape�;and iirigation�plan shal�l.be submitted to� and appzoyed��.tiy��tbe'PUtilfc�Services.;Department'�and Planning - Services Department�pcior to the issuance�of buil3ing,��permits. - � 2-. A�Master�Plad�of the'�existing on-site trees shall be provided � to �the Planning Services DepaitmenE pr3pi to tfie.�lssuance of bui�lding peimiis anH`pzior to grading�� fo determine which Erees shal�l be.retalned. _ _. . _ . . . .... � - ing�on-site trees sha1L tie retained wherever pbssi6le and �� 3 shall' 6e,t'rimmed and[o[ topped: Dead,.�decayi_ng,br poEential-ly dangeious trees shall approved foi �removal!at�the"dtscretiort of�ihe Planninq Seryices Depar�tment during�t8e�ievier+.oE the �Mastec�,Plan�of�exlsting on-site �tcees. THose tiees which are . approved for�removal sfiall be replaced on�a �tree-for-t;ee basis � ne requlLed.Gy the Planning� Sarvicee: Oepartmant. ��Street�Lrees, a minimum,of S qal'lom size.or lacgec,�,sBa11 be lnstalled�..�ln��accordance wt'th�the City�oE�.�Poway Ordinance�and ,stiall be pTanEed at �an average:�of ever.y_30 �feet on inter.ior � �streets and 20 feet on extecior streets. p 5. A minimum ofP50 trees per gross acre, compr.ised'.of the � folloGing sizes, stiall be provided witti�in•�the development; 208 - 24"� box oi larger:, 708 - 15 'gallon,�and 108 - 5 gallon Eo the Satisfaction�of the Dizector. oE Planni;ng Services and in . � .accordance wlfh .the approved landscape plan,in multifami-ly , and PRD projects. - � � ��6. All� landscaped'�areas�shali be.�maintalned in.a healthy and , tfiriving.condit_i'6n, �free Erom weeds, ��[rash�,�and debr�is�. � . gaF18. JUL� 81986 ITE_M .8 = ' . � � D.� 6IGN5�_ . . � .�1. Any, signs;�pioposed foc lhis�.d'evelopment shall be�desi,gned and - '� �� � appioved !ri'coqformance wiEtr the S1gn.Ordinance�. , , p 2. A,Comprehensive Siqq�Program�,for Ghis 'development shall,be � sutimitted,'to the.Planning Services Oepactment�for their�review � prior to isauance of .butlding�permits:. Ap'provaL ehall be by ,� ' ; the'Ci£y Counci�l. � , i 6. RECAEATION p 1-. On lota having a�pzivate or�public�equestrian[pedestrtan � tiail on'or'adjacent�to their propertp, the developer is �. ' ' reqaired to have_�.contained within the•�C.C.sR.'�s�the Eollowing atatements ' In purchasing the�home, L have cead'the C.C.6R.'s and dndeistand � � that�said 1ot is�aub�ect to�an easement foc khe purpose of - �� allovinq equestzian/pedestrian�traEfic�. . - � 2. The develbpet shal�l��improve the equegEiianYpedestriart tiail system Ln acco5darice yith the adopted,sign standacds and�to � � - . the�satisfactioe�of the Oirectors oE'PUblic:and Planning � Services: . p a. .Prior. to final map approval. - ' � �� b. .Piior to building permit issuance�. . � � 9.�Art open�:spece'easement shall be granted to Ehe City over, ypon, across"�and under the�acea de£i'ned�on ttie finaL maps.as an�,�_'equestrlan:tcail.and no building.;� strucEures oc.bther . things shall',be constructed, erected�,��,placed 'or matn[ain.ed ' on.��subject-easements except for'the constzu`cY1"on and� .mai�ntenance�of'said.�trall and strucEuies,appurtenaot.�to the - � �trall. -. .. �� 4. Dedicate ttie Mastec� planned.equestr.ian/pedestzian trai�ls to the satisEaction ot, the Dicectors of the DeparEments�of Public andiYlanning�,.Services in accordance wiEti.the�Mastei Plan�of Trails'�.�Element. . � �5��:�Parkland Dedication�-:or payment of� Park Fees at the established.rate��shall be made: _ .. . �� a.. Prior to £inal map approval. �� b._ � Prior.to building permit � . P. EXISTLNG�STAUCI'URES ' � .�� 1-. Provide compltance•vi�th the Unlform�BUilding Code��£oc. property line�clearances considering use, area'�and . . fire-resi"stiveness of��ezisting�buildingsy �.� 2. Existi�ng buildingfs�).sha1�1 be.made�to comply�with cu�rent ��. . "� bui'lding and zoning regulations foc the Ln[ended .use o;��the . tiul,lding sha114be�demolished�. ��� 3. Existing sewage disposal facil!'ties,shall'be removed�, fflled � and/or cappeH to�comply vith appropriate�gzading practices dnd tfie�bnSform�Plumbing , G.�ADDITIONAL APPROVALS REQUIR2D , � 1..Uevelopmenb Revlev or Minor Development Review shall be �accompll`shed "pcior to the issuance�of a building permit. p 2., Development,Revieq or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation of the final subdivision� map. p 3..Tfiis Conditional�USe Permit is�.gcante�l'for�. a.�period of .month(sl at� the end�.of �Which t the��City Council�may add oz - delete�condlEibns or revoke tfie Condi61ona1 Use Pz[mtt. - 7 �G. The develooer�.�shai'1 displ�ay a cucrent Zoning�:and Land Use Map ' 9 OF 1 S � Sm the sal'es'afflce,at�a11 times,�and/oc sul�eable:al�tecnative to the saEfsfactlon oE the Directoc of:,Planning :Secvices�. , . JUC � B 1986 I T E M R. ; � p'�5': When publ�or prlvate t�ls_�are� • cequired,ae a part of�:the edbdi�vislon, the develope�-`�sh'all dtaplag,a 1n the�sales offlce, of sald eubdlvision, tndicating'�the�tcails. � , ; �;6. All salea�mapa that dre distrlbuted or made,availatile��to the � pu61'!c ehal�T�include;�but nob be limi�Eed to��.t�ails;�futuce and . ` 'existing ,ecfiools, parks,. and! e[zeets. . p 7.�The�developer.shAl1 pcovide a noise�display board ln.�the sales � E office to.the.satisfcation of the pla'nning Seiyices�Dizeator. . � �The display,��sBa11 lnclude the site plan�and nolse study._ � .' � � 8: Working drawings shall lnclude a certi�`ficaEibn bg a�-cecognized � " acooetical expert that the requirements of'Ehe Citp�of Paway'��a .noise�ordinanae will be met. . � ' p 9.. At,Ehe compleClon-�of consttuctlon, dnd prior Eb,occupancy. � �iaterioc�and��extecior CNEL ehall be�.determine�'by Eield � � teeting,�at developer��`e expenae. Tests to 6e conducEed by a . '�recogniied.aeoustical expert. No occupancy�pecmits stiall� be ' . granted��unt1_1 Condltion G-7 Ys,met���to the satrsfactioi+ of��. tfie � Bui�lding Code���F1'atest ad opted edSEionl •Sound-Transmission . ContioL' - . � . � �'30. The appllcan6 shall� verificatlon of State Board of EquallzaGion noEi�flcation and� that appcoprdate reyiews and/or approvals�,have been accomplished to the,"satisfac- � tlon�of�:'the.'Director oE Administ�ative Se�vlees�. II. APPLICANT�SHALL�CONTACT :THE PUBLIC SERVICES �EPARTMEN'P'�REGARDING � COMPl:IANCE WITH'THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:� • ' d. GAA�ING � �.. Gr_adlnq�of��the�su6ject property shall be in accordance wifh � the•Unifa�m��BUi�lding Code�, City�Grading Ordinance.'approved � �grading plsn'and�geotecknical report,.and accepted grading ' pzacti'ces�, �� � �2..'Tbe�.grading plan shall eontain a certificaEe�signed��6y a � ceglatered"civil engineer�Ehat the g'rading�plan,has preserved a��inlnimum�of��:100 square feet of solar access for each.di+ellinq �uriit�and�for::each future building si�te vithin�the subdivision. ' �. A'�soils repoit sha13� be prepared 6y'a gualified��.engineer licensed��:by Ehe State of. CaliEornia to perfoYm��such�work: � � a�. Prioz to �Einal map approval.. � J� b.. Prior. to building permit.issuance. � � 4. A�geological; report shall be prepared� by _a�quali�fied engineer oY.geologi9t and sutimitted at the time of"application fbr . . grading. plan . �S.�The�final qrading plan shall tie su6ject to review and�.approval � � by��the Planning_Services and Publir Seivices �Department and. �sha14 6e��completed�prior to recordaE'!on of ; Ehe:,Einal� - � subdlvision map or 3ssuance of building permtt,�qhicheSer.. comes firat. � � 6. A�pre-blast survey of surroundinq propecty sha�ll,be�conducted' Yo 2he satisfacUon oof the.City Engineer rock� tilasting. Seismic'record'ings shall�be taken for all:blasting� . and�blasting shall bccuz only at locations and.levels�approved � by�2he City Engineec. �I. STREETS%'AN� SI➢EWALRS � ��1. All Circulatron.Element roads shall 6e dedicated�and. improved� to�CircUlation Element,road.standaids and to the specif�ications � of��Ehe Direc[oc of Public Servlces l: p oF 1 8 • JUL II 1986 I_TEM $ - - . . , 6 ��,� 2.�The develo�ahall�pay a p_co-rata�shace�.Eor tti�stal�.lation • � , � or modi£ic n of ttie trafEtc slqnals at . .. .. . . . � . . �_ �a�: Prior to Einal map app�oval��.. . . � � b�. Prior to buLlding permit �issuance. . ' Q . � �3. Yebicular�. accees��:cights to Clrculatlqn�6lement:coads shall be -�� � dedicaled to�the��Cl:[y, of�POway and labeled on.the flnal.map��to . s . � Che`�aatisfacGion'�of the Dtcector'of Publld Services oi by � � . . E � eeparate document - , ; � ��. All intecioz and�ezEerloc publlc�eEreete shaPl�be�constructed ' ; . . . � �� to publlc etireet�etandacds. ,. � _ p 5`. SLdewalke f/.5�/ Bl'Eeet in vidth ahall 6e�requlred on � . - Yboth/anel, a�lde(al of . . - p. 6. Reciprocal eccess and malntenance end/oc agreements.shall tie � �� pi:ovided ineucing access to all parcels oveE p�ivate roads, i drives or parEing aieas and mainteaanee theteoE��to the - 1 eatiaEaction of�the Olrector oE Publlc.,Seivlces.. ' .� 7.� Btreet atrl'ping and_ signing shall� to the . . eatisEaction of. ttie Diiectoc oE Pub11a.5ervices. p� 8. A11 etteet atructacal sections shall�.�be submltted to,,and . � epprooed' of..publlc Secvices�.. . _;� 9. Stieet impiovemenb�pl'ans prepared on atandacd�.�slze�sheets by a � BeqSstered C1vll�En"g�lnee� sM1all=.be submltted��.for appr,oval 6y � � �the�Ol�cectd[ of..�Publdc.�Servlces. Plan.-check��.end fnspectfon .expensee efidll`be.pafd tiy the developer. �..� '�10.. All exterior etreet improve�nents ehall pcior�to � � � lesuaace of;building pecmlts�� to�the eatlsfaction of the � ' Dlcectoc�cf •PUbllc Servlces. � � 12. 8treeE,Lmprovements that lnclude, but are.not.11mtEed Eo.: � V� a. Si`deualk�s e, Czoss�.gutter ✓`6. Drivewaye �. � Al��ley�'gu[ter 'c. NheeY�chair.�.ramps �� g.� Stieet paving ' . �d. Curb _h. Alley paving� � aha13 be conetcucted prlor to the occupancy oF.'�the units.'to the � - eaElefaction of��Efie��0liector of Publdc Services,.. . �12. All�damaged,.,off-eite,publlc r+orks Eacflitiee,�lncluding�parkway- . treea 6e�.eepal'red or.�cePlaced'�pilor to eieonerat'!on of . bonds and,'lmprovements, to the eatrsfactlod:of tfie �epar'tment of Puti11c;�Services. , �3: Prlor to dqy �vork being perfocmed in��Ehe publ`ic rlgfi � en�encroachinent permlt.shall be obtain�ed Erom��the Publl�c 6ervlcea oEEice.and�•approptiate fees Sm addltion to any other.�permite�cequized'. . � � - q 31. The;developer:-.shall�pay one halE the�'cost of 'a,City appcoved� - landscaped��medlan along the pioject:EiontageFsJ,s` . � ec . Pr to�findL map approval. � � � � �b. Pilor to�bulidl�ng� permii�lssuance: � � '-�15��. 6treet improvemenEs�and'maintenance ehall be.made ln nccordunce vith�City�OCdinance e[endards'for� � � �e. Urban elreeta' . �' b. Semi-ruraT streets. �. c.��-0edicated rural streets � � � d. .NOn-dedlcated rurai streets . � "�6.'The developer stSall pay the TraEE'lc HC�tigation E'ee at.the �eeEabPi�shed-ratei . � . _-. � a: Pr.lor_ to f1na1 map �approval. : � - � 7 p JUL 81986 I;TE,M 8.. - 1 . -. Ci�b. ' Prdor. to bullding permit S�ssuance. ' , . � � . J�. DRAINAGE�'ANU PLOOD CONTROL . �; 1. InEeceectlon drains vl�ll be requlied.;at locationa spealEled by � the O1recEor of Publ'ic:Services.and'dn�accocdance..vith� � � . � etandard�englneerinq pzacttces.. � 2.!The pcopoeed project��.fal'ls wtth�in "areas indicated as subject { � �to;�floodi'ng�pnder the National�Flood,Insu�ence and is� � - . . � .eubject to��the.�provielone of��that�,program.�and�City Oz3lnance:� , �� 3. A�drainage��system;capakile of handling and di�sposing of..�all � �.� eurface watei:�origina[Sng withln the sutidivi�aion��and all � . -� ' , � eu[face watera�that may flow onto the su6d1'vlsion Erom � adjacent lands, ehall iequlred. Safd dralnage system�ahall � '. � inclpde eny-"eaeements'�fand etructures a's�requlied'by Etie Diree"tor : of Pu611c Seivices to prope;Iy fiapd2e the-dra'lnage._ � � 1�.'Por:tland.cemenb.,concrete cross gutters shall,be lnstalled vtiere water�crosaes the road�ays. �� S.�Ttie Master��Plan•of�Dcalnage Fee shal�l be paid at the . ' � � � esta611stied rate�in,accordance v1th.Gfie prainage Ordinances • � �;a�. Prior to�final map approval�c • � ,b. Prlor Go�building permit.lssuance. �_ � , - �6. Concentrated.flowe�across driveways and/oY��sidewalks shall not ' be pe=mitEed.� . � �E: UTSLITZE$ � "�1. A1'1.propoeed�utilYtiea vithin the�,project'�shall be installed undeiqround'�including existing utiltties� along �.Element roaHs ��and/or 'highvays �Less fhan 74'.5 ICV.; p 2. UtiLity easements shall be provided"to the�� . Ehe.seiving util�ity�companies and Ehe DSrecEor of �Public 5ervicea. ' � � - � � 3. The developei�shall be.responsible Eoi the�relocation And � undeigrounding pf ezis�ti�ng pub2ic uttYities, as�ceqaized. � :4. �Water�,�,sewer,��.and fire protectioa�systems•.plans�shall be deaigned�,�and constructed to��meet Yequtrements;of the Ci�Ey, of ��POVay and'the'�Health-�Oepartment oE the County�of�San�Diego. � S.�Pribz to acceptance bf propecty for sewer�seivice, annexation to Ehe sevez. impiovement area shall;occur. � Q 6 appllcant shall.pay�foc a water system analysis to � -- esGabliah!the proper�sf�ze�and location for'.Ghe publ�fc water - _ system. '�The amount�will be.determined by�Ehe cost.of tAe analysls,!and�shall be�paid: � .�' .a. Prior to Einal..map approval.. , . �, b. Prior to'tiuilding permit �issuance. '� 7 Tbe applicant shall�.,.within 30 days after recelving app�oval of the tentaEi`ve tract�map� teritative parcel map, use�.permit, ok development reviev��y apply�for'a Letter of Availability (LOA)-to reee'rve sewerage avatlability and'_poet�with Ehe�Clty, � a nonrefunda`ble�reservation :fee equal�� to�208 of the appcopriate sewerage'connection fee 'in�effect at the Eime ttie�� LOA. fs issued�. � � � � ,� 6. Developer shall construct a 1`ight system conforming to City of' Povay Standaids 'at.no cost to the putil'ic, subject to £Be follovingi �� � � a, ,Cptroff shall'be,�lnstalled�Nhi�ch will��provide ' �true�:90�.degree cutoff and,prevent projection of .light � �above [he hori�zontal fcom��the.lowesE poi�nt of the-lamp or - , Light emittfng ;efractor�or devi�ce. � b�. All Eixtures sha11 Use a clear low pressure sodium vapor . light source. . • , ��oFl� - . JUC �1986 ITEM 8 � . 4 _ ... � �- ' ��c.. �Advance'enecgy char,ges and 'Ui�stiict engineering�charges � � ' � �' efiall be paid'by Ehe,developer.: . • � d. �Annexation Eo 1SgfiEing dlstcict��ehall�be _accompllshed , . �. ,and:�evidence'.oE annexaEion and�payment�of`,.,11gtiEing.-fees ehall,be presented to��the�CSEy-pzidr+to Flnal�map . � npprovel or bui�lding permit��isauance; 'i+hichevei�occuce firat. ' . �. q 9. Cable television services shall be:provi;ded��and inatalled ' . '�. , andergzound'. The��developer shall:notify ttie:�Cable w`mpany . . When tzenctiing.for�utilities is to be��adcompllshed. �� ' L.. GENERAL'�REQUZR2MENTS��.AND APYROVALS - . p 1�. Permita �from other agencies�will be�requfred as follovs:� ' � a. Caltrans - � � � b.: San.Diego`COUnty F1ood.Control Distiict � c. Other•� • � ��2. A.copy of the Covenants, Conditdons�and 8estrtctrons (CCfiR'�s) andLor Articles of Incorporation�of "Ehe Homeowners Associ'ation � ehall be sutiject p'o�t6e teview for compliance yith conditiions , � hereln, to satisfaction of the�CiEy Atto"r'ney and Di�ector � � of��:Plannirig Services, and shall be fi�led with Ehe Secre[aip.of - Sta[e, the Countp Recorder and the� City Clerk aG the trme of flnal map:cons�lderapion. � � 3. Prior to recordaEion, a Notrce oE�Intentiom,to form Landscape � � and/ac Ligtiting�DfsEiicts shall be filed with Ehe�City , - Counci�l.�. '�The°engfneering costs Lnvolved in�.district formation ehall be borne�by��tAe�.developer. � � 4. Final parcal and?-Eract,maps shall confocm [o City sEandards, � and.procedures. � �, 5. By. separaEe document prior to the.recording of��the final � ��eubdLvision map, or'on the - final subdivision�map�, Eheie , . .. . _ .._ . �� eha1�Y be,granted to��Ehe City, an open easement nver � Lots . ; common�areas� Safd:open�space easement approved�as to City Attorney �and.ahall `1�imit the use of sai8�open space;.to recreational purposes�, including�bui��ldings, structuies!and improvements. ' . �. 6�-. Should thi�s�:sutidivison be Eurther�divided,:each�final map'shall��be sphm[tted for approval-by ttie��Director�of � PdtilY�c Services. - . - ��7�. All.provisions of fhe�.Suhdivison Ocdinance of Ehe,Poway � � Hunici�pal� ,COde�,�shall be.met as they relate��to Ehe . _ � ' . division�.of land. � � - . �.8. Those portlons�of Ehe subject pcoper:ty proposed�.YO be�� � ��tield under�common ovnership shall be labeled such�.and�. idenElfied�,tiy,a aepar'aEe�lot nuen6er on the���Einal map. � � � 9. Piior to final map approval�, all�of the�above , � impr`ovements and requirements,stiall be installed and piovided, o= defe�ied tiy guaYanteeing in5tal�lation , within two,years from map recordation�or �prior�to � buil`ding�peimit.�issuance, whichevei occu'rs�first, by the execution"of a�performance�agreement,..secured���wi�th � . sufficient:.secucities, in a form approved.by the city Attorney. All necessary processing £ees, deposits�,.and charqes���shall�tie paid prior to final map approval. � �.10. Prior. to final map approval,�all dedicaEions shall be � made and easements gzanted as•required:above.� . , �,11�. The ,tentative map approval shall expire�on � � unless�anrappldcation for time�..extension is� receiyed Q� � � days in accordance with the City's Su6division Ordivance. . . � � 13nF18 . JUL B 1986 1T 8 . � . . e .:e , : � ' ` ra�' . � +�� s e e • y' � . �«.� � ,�„ �.... � , s :r� ;y,,�. , . y(i. . �.,1�,, :�: J•.r• K'�`E .'� � ' . . . 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F POWAY ITEM '�- �6-,, �o�d��. T.I T L. .; S r-r�. �i-;e.�1 ,� � $'CALE ;: .�ti�o� A-TTAC�HME��N�T : �_ 1� c, .. , JUL S)996 1TE:M g i i i i ���� � r� �� � � �'.�. � � i 6�Ii�iei�unoiaiilaie�nln�iOJWia;erirwt�uqra��aam�eaw.�mas,�ner�mai.i.� r�eu,eieu�ea�ri�,e��i��a���a,aa,�me�,ue.�i��a�r.�n��� �s�w��sw������d�� o��u,�i�N,�e��ei��i�i�i��ie�a.e�itu���s.�uiYa�,��� ■�olYl�li:ii�l���� �a�,�,OiAi�i�or�m�����ie�it�so�i��i�t�rli�� ; �i8.t:�:91�101��i�i�l�.�.oi�le�0la�itl�1���,��- •-�.. :,.� ���ei�,mi�i��e��a�o,�d��wA� _ --- -__ - - - , �� � ° t, ■ j� ' �� ��'� , _� I�� �� ■ . � -� � =±���U�n11�t��er:aoi�;Yi�i�i�I�1�17�irimte'if�aiv�i ,,�;�,a�,���:av�aa�o�9���v�o�e�,�iu��o�a�m�m�:a���� __ - � _ _ - _ , � ..� "'����41��!�:Bii�i�ilYIWiIS�.I��i��:ilOiYiiOis�e � ��I������� ������'���� _ •..qa��:i��e,��m�iwi�i���s;�:s,�����,� _ _ -+���aw��mw�im�i�i�s,�a� � ...�.�.�. -- ! � � ,� � � �'.� . � i�uali / � ./ ° � 1 � � ` �� � ` B - ► O _ • •� • .. � �� I ;�� �� . . . _ . . , _. . urr;3 . . � . � ...�... :. - -- � . i . , ;�:.� :�.. . . . -- :� .. .. ... , . � , „ ,_ . -. . �..,:� i : ., . . , ,,... ...... - ...�. r.... �,.. i.� i���..,:.i. �,., ��i_.. ,i � il �;::• :�'�� m : : . oo � :_ . - . � LOT /o CITY OF POWAY � ITEM `' �1z 8�-"_ ���� TITLE : ���va� S'CALE : ��NE ATTACHM'ENT : �o 1 � oF 1 g JUL II 1986 ITEM 8 , . . ...-�� � c�'L : .�.�.q� . . _� _i . .�:�. r �.,..� , ._.,. .. . �—_.::. � - . _. _. ,..... ..,_�.�. . � ' . � i P • . i . ..,. � . �:i � _... . � . _ _I;- :i� i _i' . � .. . . ... 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