Item 13 - DR 86-12, R.B. McComic, Inc. Applicant �� . Y _ I GENDA REPORT G` ,��:OF - pI r CITY OF POWAY T E FC �ry ln' THE TO: Honorab-1e Mayor and Member-s of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox,:City Mana� INITIATED BY: Reba'W, Touw,, Director o£ Planming Services � DATE: July 15,, 1986 SUBJECTd Developmen"t Rep-iew 86-12, R:B:;:MCGomic, Inc. Applicant: A request for approval of a Development Re'view to al'low Ehe construction of 71 single-fami-ly units in Bridlewood-Americana (,TTM 4093R) for the property loca£ed at tkie southwest corner of the extension of Lake Poway R'oad:and its intersecbion with Espola Road in the planned residential zone. APN': 275-6�7;5-01 through 49 275-6'76-OT tHrough 30 ABSTRA@T EROJECT PLANNER Sharon Crockett, Assistant Planner PARCEL SIZE 63 gross acres GENBRAL PLAN DESIGNATION Planned Residential Development ZONING Planned Residential Development SURROUNDZNG DESIGNATIONS (See Attachment 3) RELATED CASES Specific Plan for Hirsch Ranch, TTM 4093R ENYIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION Pre¢iously Certified Environmental Impact Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve subject to conditions ACTION: 7-15-86: Apgroyed staff recommendations and adopted ResoTution P-86-53. ���� � �v�� Marjor� Wahlsten, City Clerk ` JUL 15 1986 ITEM 13 1. OE2` Z � � Agenda Report July 15, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND ' A. Project Description On September 10, 1985 Council approved Development Review 85-i6 which allowed the commencement of construction for the first phase of Bridlewood-Amer,icana in TTM,4092R. The final phase of TTM 4092R is under construction. The,applicant is requesting the Council approve Development Review 86-12 and allow the construction ot DR 85-16's models in TTM 4093R. TTM 4093R, 63 gross acres, has been subdivided into 70 lots and seven lettered lots (see Attachment 4). This request is for the first phase of 27 units (see Attachment 5). The models are one- and two-story units which range in size from 1,b76 to 2,559 square•feet with attached three-car garages. The development provides four floor plans with a.choice of four elevations (see Attachments 6 and 7). All homes have barrel or flat concrete tile roofs. The color scheme is as follows: stucco ranges from off-white to 1i+ght tan; siding ranges,from,off-white to varied hues of brown; and fac3a trim of wh'itey green, rust, gray, and various shades of brown. Basically, the houses will look the same as those constructed in TTM 4092R (see Attachment 3). The area known as Hirsch Ranch encompasses 435 acres and lies north and south of Lake Poway Road and east and west of Espola Road. All of the Ranch has an adopted specific plan (approved by San Diego County) that specifies the min`imum number of buildable lots and requirements for open space, trails, and setbacks. The approved revised map (TTM 4093R) contains lots with at least 20,000 square feet, open space along Espola Road, and the open space areas along the creek. The Specific Plan (SP'80-U2) adopted with TTM'4093 required a minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet, a 35 toot front yard setback area as measured from the centerline of street, side yard.setback.area oE 10 feet, and rear yard setbacks of 40 feet. Said specific plan was con- sistent with the underlying zone: Surrounding zone designations and land uses are as followa: the properties to the north (TTM 4092R) and east (TTM.4091R) are under the same zone designation as the subject s`i' (.planned residential developmentl. TTM 40'91R is being developed with different models (DR 85-21). The property to the south is zoned open space and is developed as Eoway High School. To the west, the properties are zoned RR-C (Rural Residential C) and'are undeveloped. •'� JUL 15 1986 ITEM 13 2oF22 � � Agenda Report July 15, 1986 Page 3 B. Development Facilities Depelopment facilities pertaining to access, street improvements, , grading, drainage, flooding, public services, and facilities to serve the proposed development have been required through the approval of Tentative Tract Map 4093R and the associated develop- ment agreements. Staff is recommending the redesign of the drive ways to serve Lots 11, 57, 60 and 69 to comply with the development regulations and design standards for residential driveways. � C. Environmental Review Concurrent with the Board of Supervisors' approval of Tentative Tract Map 4093, the Board Certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the subject site. Addressed in the EIR were issues of traffic, noise, and archaeological sites. All conclitions relating to these items on the previous Tentative Map 4093 were carried over to the rebised map. Therefore, the certif'i:ed Environmental Impact Report coders the environmental impacts associated with this pro- ject, and no further environmental consideration is required for the development of this site by CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act). PUBLIC NOTIFICATION _ Notice of the hearing has been sent to proper,ty owners adjacent to the project prior to the hearing. FZNDINGS The proposed deveTopment is consistent with the General Plan and the Specific Plan adopted for this property. No adverse impacts of an aesthetic, safety, or architectural nature upon adjoining pro- perties will occur because rooflines, materials and building loca- tions will be varied and the colors, styles, and building materials are compatible with adjacent developments. The project meets the Zoning Ordinance criteria apd encou=ages the orderTy appearance of the City because it is similar to and compliments adjacent development. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Counc'il approve Development Review 86-12 subject to conditions contained in fhe attached Resolution. JLB:RWT:SEC:nm Attachments: 1. Proposeii Resolution 2. Standard Conditions 3. Land Use and Zoning 4. Revised TTM 4093 with Phase 5. Phase One Plotting 6. Proposed Elevations A and B 7. Proposed Floor Plans A through D JUL 15 1986 ITEM 13 3oFz2 � � RESOLUTION N0. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CSTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-12 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 275-67.5-01 THROUGH 49 AND 275-676-01 THROUGH'30 (LOTS 1 TO 70 AND LOT "A" OF TTM 4093R) WHEREAS, Developinent Review 86-12., submitted by R. B. McComic, Inc., applicant, requests approval of a Development Review to allow the construction of 71 single family dwelling units in Bridlewood-Americana f.TTM 4093R) for the property located at the southwest corner of the extension of Lake' Poway Road and its inter- section of Espola Road in the Planned Residential zone; and WHERE_AS, on July 15, 1986, the City'Counail held a hearing on the above-referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Findings: 1. That the.proposed development is in conformance with the Poway General Plan. 2. That the proposed development will not have an adverse aesthetic, health„ safety, or architecturally related impact upon ad�bining properties. 3. That the proposed development is in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. 4. That the proposed development encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City. Section 2: Environmental Findings: The City Council f-inds that the Environmental Impact,Report cert'if'ied on June'19, 1980 adequately addresses environmental impacts associated with project. Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Development Review 86-12 subject to the following conditions: 1. Within 30 d'ays of approval the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understoocl. 4 oF22 JUL 15 1966 ITEM 13 � � Resolution No. P- Page 2 2. A11 conditions of TTM 4093R and the corresponding adopted specific plan (SP 80-02) shall apply. 3. Street improvements, including but not limited to, paving, water, and sewer main installations shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits and prior to any build'ing construction material delivery on-site to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 4. Eliminate one driveway on Lots 69 and 57 (circular drive- way not allowed on these two lots). The driveway on Lot 60 sha11 be confined to the easterly half of street fron- tage. The ci'rcular driveway on Lot ll is permitted with verification that 50 percent or less of the front setback area is not covered with paving. A revised site plan sha11 be approved by the Directors of Planning and Public. Services prior to issuance of building permits. 5. Building related fees, charges and/or deposits if a,ny shall be paid prior to building permit issuance to the satisfaction of tHe Director of Public Services. 6. Occupancy phasing plan or plans shall be provided to the Planning and Publi=c Services Departments prior to issuan'ce of building.permits. 7. The open space areas shall be repaired and revegetated to their original condition to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services. 8. The landscaping within the easement areas along Lake Poway and Espola Road and all associated improvements shall be installed pr;ior to occupancy of the final phase of TTM 4093R to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services. 9. The weed abatement program shaTl be completed prior to occupancy of each phase to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services. 10. The developer shall include with the CC&R's a condition requiring the installation of landscaping by each property owner wi:th'in 90 days of the close of escrow, with that condition to be enforced by the developer. 11. The deueloper shall preplumb each house for a solar hot water heating system. Building plans shall be modified to provide the plumbing prior to issuance of building per- mits. 5 oFz 2 JUL 15 1986 ITEM 13 � � Resolution No. P- Page 3 12. The developer shall include w;ithin the CC&R's a condi requiring proper-tg owners to participate in a Landscape Ma`iritenance District. 13. A site development plan for each construction phase illustrating'the loeation of spec3fic architectural eleva- tions, the va"riation of roof colors and materials, and , color combinations of specsfic architectural elevations for ea_ch design pha,se of construction shall be submitfed to and approved by the Director of planning Services prior to building permi't issuance. Section 4: City Council Decision: Deveiopment Reuiew 86-12, a copy of wh;ich is on file in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to the ' attaehed Standard Conditions. APPROUED.and ADOPTED"by the City Council of<t'he City of Poway, California, this 1Sth day of Ju3y, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk b.oF22 JUL 15 1985 ITEM 13 • � ��:,oF PoW " STANDAR CONDITIONS,OF` AP °OUAL__. � � , �. � - �r. . _ — ,. Sutijecti I�rL�.��2� �Z -� - `:.� ,. .. � � 'APPllcant: �,�: �J�.: /v�R_.��J.�� C��--� k-1-� ` � � � ' e ' !1 W � Ec ���'r.� n+E c �" s . Location "� �IZ�Y? �..'(�� 'F�l ILL lS�� EF L�= PC(.<7��. �! \ , - R, t-�c� FS�cX=f�. '�?n . f'. �- . �.Those.items checked conditions�of approval. _.. --'-- °,.---: � --. CITY`OF-POWAY; B., �APPLICANT SHALli'CONTACT.'TH6 DEPARTMENT'OF;PLANNINC'AND BULLDLNG _ . ______ �SERVICES REGARDZNG.COMPLZANCE WITH''TBE�FOLLOWING CONDITIONS4, � ; . A: 'SITE DEVELOPMENR. .- . � _ � ,� 3. S1Ee-ahall..be devel"oped�Sn accordance��wiEh the approved:site� . ; - . plans on ffle Sn the Planning ServYces��Department and �the � � ' � � conditions��'contained hereln. � - _ � � _ �plans�and'bui3dinq elevatipns incorporating�all . ! Z• .condltionsto'f approval shall be submitted�Eo Etie Planning� � . [ � Services Department piio�r to Lseuance o£ building permits. � i � 3�. Approval of+'+Ifhis� �request �sha11 not� waLve ,compliance wiEti all � - ' � aecEions of,',Ehe Zoning'��Development Code and a1l�other app11ca61e�Citp�Ordinances �in�effect aE Ehe of building �� � .. � Permit. 'dss az'n`ce . ' � 4. The�developec�shaTl provide a� minimum��of 258.of f6e,lots_ wlth � � � �adequate si'deyard.area for recFeatiop:�vehicle-storage puisuant [o�City�standards" and the C�.C.6R.'s shall-�prohibxE�the �sEorage�of recceational vehicles in th`e requlred front yard. � � .setback'. . � • �� 5. Mail bozes�,'on �lots� 10,.000�square feep less dn stze and:in . �� areas where sYdewalks'a=e sequired, shall be lnstalled.and located tip����ttie subject to approval 6y the�Planning � � �Services�Aepartmerif. � � 6. T6e developer, shall integraEe an agpcopriate variefy�of � . �pps,oved roof materials and colors into the design of���t4e , iesidential� developmenb'!n a�manner whlch is tioEh compatible. � and complementarp�aniong eacfi of� the.residential�.units.� -� 7.�Trash receptacle�..multifamiLy developmentsrshall tie enclosed �' tiy�a 6 foot'�higti masonry wall,with view-obsEructing gates pucsuant to�.City���sEandaids. Location shall 6e subject to approval by;£he Plannfng Services Oepartment. - � B�. All roof appurtenances., lncluding,aii conditioners, shall be architecturally integiated, shLelded.,Erom view and'sound. � buffeced fzom ad7acent pzoperties and streets as required by , the Services Oepartment. � �9. Pr�ior to any use of'the project site�oc business activity tieinq�commenced�..thereon, all condiEions of.approval�contained herein ahall�`�6e�completed�to the satistaction�of the Director of�Planning Sezvices. � � 10: The applicant,shall comply�with the Latest adopted Uni�form � .BUilding Code, Unifoim Mectianical Code��, Uniform Plumbing Code, ��National��Electria Code, Uni�form�Fire Code. and�.all other � applicatiTe codes�..and ordfnances in effect at the�time of .Duilding,��permit issuance�. � � 11�. Pr.ior to the S�ssuance of bullding�permita�Eor oombue[.ible construction; evid'ence shall�:tie sutimltted.to. the �irector of _ SafeEy Se�vices that vater supply�and Eacillties for fire piotection is available. where addi�tional.�fi�re protection is ' required,by�the �Lrector of Safety ServYces;"it stiall be servfceable prior'to the time,of construction. � ��,12�. Foz new residential dwelling;unitlsl,, the �applicant snall . pay,development fees at [he establis6e`d rate. SucM:�fees�may lnclude; but�not be l to: Permit and .Plan Checking � Yees, School Fees (in accordance wi'tti City-adopted poTdcp , and/or ordinancel, Wa[er and Sewer Service Fees. These fees 6 � stiall �be paid: . , �� i � a,. -Prioc to .final map�approv5l. - � � h. Pr3'oc. to 6ui�lding permit �issuance.' 7 oF2 2 JUL 15 1986 ITE'M � 13 � �-1] �Yor a-.nev;co• ial,or 1'ndustrial development, o�l��tion.�to • I � � an.e:iating'development, the applfcant�eh511 pay'-development . �. :fees��a4.2he:eetabllshed cate.� Such�fees may Lnclude, but noE � � be�l'1mi�ted Eoi PecmL�t and Plan Checkinq Feee, Water;and Sewer ��.Service�Peea. These�feea sha11 be paid: � ' ' � � p� e. 4ilor�.to final map�approval. • b.. Prior-�to building permi�t isauance. � � �.H. Yhie�.approval ehall.become null and void.lf bui�ldinq pecmite � � are not iaeued'For� this pzoject within one year�from date . , � .of projecG approdal�.�� , , ' � �15. Street names�shall be�appcoved�6y the:Planning„Services Depactment pribi to Che cecordaEion of Ghe final map., and - etreet addiesaes shall be pravlded prioi`to�the issuance�-oE � building. peimits. . � q 16. BuHding:identif,icaEion and/on addresses ahall be�.placed on� � � ' � all.�new�and exLsting bulldings'so as to be plainly visible . ' from flhe�eEzeet'or access� roadi color�of identif�icatlon and/or � addtesseo�.ehall�contrast with thelr background color. � � • • - . . . ,� . � , . . . .. . 8, PARRING AND�VEHICtlLAR ACCESS � � 1. All.parkin9 lot lanilscaping shall consist of a minimum of one � � fi'fEeen (151�.q'allon size�kree for ever.p three (3l packing� . � 'spaces. For;parking��lot,islands, a minimum 12 wide walk adjacent�,to parkfng. stalls ahall be proyided and be separated ' . � from'vehlcular areas�by a 6 inch hlgh 6�.Lnch wide portland -, . . concrete�cement,curbing�. . . � �� 2. Parking,lot lights shall be low pressure sodium.and tiave,a . maximum hel�ght"of. elg6teen (1B) feet from��the finished�grade � - of�the,park'ing;"sutface.and tie directed.away from-all�property . . " � linea,�-adjacent�.s£ieets and residences. � - � � 3. All twa-way traffic aisles shall 6e a�.minimum'of 24 feet wi3e � and�emergencg eccess�.shall be provided,�;maintained free�and c2ear.,•a�mi'nimum�of 24�feet wide at�all�times 0uring constiuction ia�aacordance with Safety�Services'Department. � reqni;ement's. � � �� C. All. paiking spaces shall be doutile str.iped�. , C.� - � � 1. A detalled..;landscape�and�.�drrigation plan�,shall be submitted to and,approved�6y,�Ehe'PUblic'Servicea'�_OeparEment.and.Planning Sei4lces�Department prior to the issuance of building permits. � � 2. A�Master Plan��of Ehe existing on-site��irees shall-�.�be provided to the Planning!.Ser,vices Department piioz,to .the.lssuance,of building�permits and pzior to grading�, to determine which.trees� shall be.cetained. � � � xis[ing�on-site �trees.ahall be�.retained��,wherever possi6le and 3. E eha11 be�krimmed-,and/or �ead�',.decayi'ng or_�potentially � dangerous�trees sha1116e��approved for�removal at.'the�discretion of ttie P1annLng Services Depaztme,nt�during..the review of' Ehe Master Plan df"ezisttag on-siEe�trees'�. Those trees vhlch.ace appioSed foz removal�shall be replaced,ou�a'tree-for-tree basis , ee�iequired 6y ttie Planning Servtcee�DeparEment�. � �. Stzeet trees��, a minimum of �15�gallon si�ze or -larger,, shall be . _ _. installed iri accocdance wlEh tfie City�of,POway Ordinance and � shalY be planted at an �average eveiy 30�feet on interior streets�and 20.feet on exterior stzeets � 5. A mfnimum of 50 trees� per gross acze, comprised of the � fol�lowing�sizes, shall be provided withtn the�development; 206 - 14" boz.ot larger, 708 -�15.gallort, and.108 - S gallon to the . satisfactlon of Ehe Director of Planning Servi�ces�and in , , accordance wiEK Etie approved landscape plan in all multifamily and PRD'projects�. . _ . � 6. All landscaped areas shall 6e maintatned in�a heal[hy and� [hrtvfng condition, free from u+eeds, trash, and debzis. � 8',oF 2? � JUL '15 1986 ITE �M 1`'��;': ' � F ... - . . . . _ r"!� ' . ., .. i . •• � . - ;D:.6IGNS i � � . � 1. Any eigns.�proposed for thi@ development shall be designed�and � � ' � appcoved,in conformance"vi��th the Slgn'Ordlnance. , ��, 4. A��Comprehens�ive�.Sigd Progzam�for tfiis s6aF1 be ' - ' ' sdtimiEted,��to the�Planning .Services Department their review . - _. . prior to�iss`uance of buildinq peimits�c Approval shall be by . the City, Counci�l�. � . � �B'. +AECREATION� � � ,,, 1. On lots having�a private oi� - �� trail on'or adjacent.to theiL pcope�ty, Ehe�developer �is � .� � requiied to�have�contained within�tfie C.Ci6R.'s��the folloaing � � � eEatemente � - . .� � In;purchasing the fiome, I have read�the�C.C�.6R.'s and understand that sai3-lot is�subject to�ae easement�foc the�purpose of � . . - allowing.equestrdanypedestrian Eraffic.. � • � � 2. The devel'oper shall improve�the equestrian/pedes£ri'an tiai�l � system in accordance'wlth the adopted.slgn staqdaids and to �.the satisfacti�on ��Ditectors�oF���Pub1lc.�and.Planning ' ' . 3ervices: � . , � .a. �.Yrior-�to final map approval., " ' ' � � b. Prior to building permit issuance�. - . � - � 3..An.open�.space�easement sfia11 be granted to [he CiEy�over, �� upon,�. accbss��and�under the acea defined:on the final maps as �an equestrian-.�trail.�and� huil'ding,=structures or:othez �tliings sfiall� �tie constructed, erected;: spla`ced or maLn`tain ed'. � � opisubject easements except Eor the constructlon and� mairitenance���o£ said�trall and structure's�appurtenant.to the � . tzail�. - - - � � � 4.� DedicaEe ; the.Mastez+planned�equestiiap%pedestiian trails to the�satisfaction of'the Directocs.of the�Depaifinents.of � •PutilYc�and�Planning�.,Services fn accordance wiEh�the�Master �Ylam.of'Trails��Element. . � � , �� �5. Parkland or payment oE��Pazk Fees at �the � established. shall tie made: � .. . p a. Prior to.final map approval�. . � b. �Prior.to building permit,:issuance. � � P. � 2XISTING�STRUCTUAES + �� � 1. Provide compll�ance c+i�Gh the Uniform �BuilHing Code for property lfne-clearances considering;use, area and fire-resistiveness of existing bui3dings �. 2. Existi�ng bufldt�ng,(s�). shall be�made Eo�complp�with cucrenC '. 6ailding and zoning regulations for: Ehe Lntended:use or the � buildinq shall be��demolished. . Q� 3.�Existing sewage�disposal..Eacil�lties�shall� be removed, fll-led ,. : - Lnd/oi capped with.appropriate grading - pracUces and�ttie .Uniform�Plumbing Code.� , G'. ADUITIONAL APPROVALS-,REQUIRE�� _.� 1. Development.Beview or�Minor Development Review shall be � accomplished prior to the �issuance�oE�, a building permit. . � L�Uevelopment Reyiew or Minoz Development Review shall be accomplished�prior to recordatiort of the�final subdivision map. .� 3.�.Tfiis Conditional Use Permit is granted for�a,period of _ monthYsl at Ctie end�of which time the�City Council may�add or �delete condiEions, or revoke the�Conditional�Use PzrmLEr . � 9 �� Z� �C. The.developer shall display a,current Zoninq and Land Use Map � tn.lthe sal=_s-offi�ce at all kimes,.andZor.sudtable�altecnative ta �the Satisfaction of the Directoc of Planning.�Service - - ,#liL 15 1986 `IT"E�M 13 � � � 5 WhenupubllC'dr pr[vate equesEifan/pedesttlart tc� are • " ieguired'ae a�part oE.the sutidlvislon; the�.developec shall ,dlsplap, a Ln Ghe'eales�ofEdce,.��of eaid.subdivisi'on, lndicating�Lhe trafls. � ' , j � 6..All,salea maps'that�are distributed oi made available��to the � �public ahalP�lnclude 6ut not.tie limi�ted to��trafls, futu�e and , �� exi�sting.acfiools, parks, and�stree[s. � : �7. The.developer sh9l�l�provCde�a�noise di�splay�6oard�ln Ehe sales ' ; 'office to .the_�sati'sfcation oF the;Planninq'Secyices Dlrector.. � ! � The��display'shall include the site�plan end'�.nolse�study. , i . � ' � B:�Working�drawing"s s6a11 include a cerfi�flcatiod�tiy a recognized - � acouatical:expert Ehat the requicemenEs of,�Ghe City of Poway's .� � - � �noise ordinnrice wi13�6e�met. � � • .�'� 9. At the completlon of�..constructlon,.!and pcfor�,to occupancy, � -�� interior'�and�exEetioc CNEL ehall be determine� by fi`eld'� � ' teeEing at-��.'develope[.'e'expenae. �TesEs to be,conducted��fiy a �. cecqgnized'acouetical exper[. No,occupancy-peimits sliall tie giented unGi�i Condl�tion G-7 is met..to the_satisfaction.�of Ehe� Bdi'lding Code llatest ad opted edition) 'Sound�TZansmission . • . . �COntrol':'� � ' � p 10.-The�appllcpnt shalP.pcovfde veri'EicaElon oE�State�BOard �of`�EqualliaClon�noEiEication�and that�appcopciate�reviews �and%or approvals have�been accomplished to`Ehe saElsfac- , . ' tion of Efie'Director of AdminisEraEY've�-Ser'vicea. � � LI'. APPLICANT SflALL. WNTACT THE SERVICES DEPARTF}ENT REGARDING � CONPLZANCE�WITH�THE;FOLLOWING CONOITIONSe . " �6�.. ADZNG . � � �. 1. Gradinq of,.fhe pcoper,Ey shall be Sn..accordance�yith � the Unlform Bull`ding Code, CiEy Grading Ordinance approved ' qradinq plan and geoEechnical repoit,� ' � practi�cea. � . � 2�. The;gradi'ng,�plan�shall contain a cecti'£tcate,.�.siqned�by.a cegistered�civil.-engineer'that the grading pla❑ has pteserved a mi"nimam of 100!square'feet of'solar..;access�'for each dvel�l�inq uoit'and butlding site'.vithin� subdivision. � 3., A soils ,repoct shall be prepared by a.quaYi�fied engineer ' llcensed by,�the,State of Ca1lFornta to�perform�suc6 work: �. ;�� a. :Prior-to finai.map.apptoval. � � ti. :Piior�to building permit Lssuaece. � 4.�A.geological �reporE�shall be prepared 6y�a:qualified�engineer , � or geologis0 and sutimitted at the�-Gime�of`�appll'caGion.�for � � grading'-plam�check � , � -� 5. The finaL,grading plan shall be subject to�review artd approval � � � tiy�the Planning Seivices and Pub1Lc Se�vices Department and � sfiall 6e'�'completed,^pribc to� recordation of the final �- , „__ , , sybdivision��map oi.. issuance bf building permlt,�whichever :comea fiist.� � � . Q 6. A.pre-blast,survep�of surrounding�pzopecty�shall be conducted� � 'to,the satisEaction oof Etie City,'Engineez_prToc,to any tock �blasting: Seismic,recordings sha1l��,tie taken For�all�tilasting� � _ 'and bIasting,shall qccur only at locations�.and.levels.approved � � �by ,Ehe Citp Engineer. �- ' � I. , STREETS} AND SIOEWALICS . � 1.�ABL�Circulat.ion Element roads.sha dedicaEed and improved 'to'CSrculatYon,Element�road�standards�and to.the.speciflcations �of �Ehe� bf Public Services�: � � � , l 0,0� 2 2 '.. JUL 15 1996 I7;E:M 13 "'�� ' p 2. The�develo hall pay a�pco-rata efiace Eor �!h �tallaEion �• or mcdlfic�'�o£ t¢e lraEftc sLqnals�at �� � � - �� � a��. Priar to final map approyal. � � �. �.b.� Prior to 6uilding peraiit lsauance. � � p� 3 Vehiculac access�tights to Clrculatlon�6lement�coada�shall,be� , dedicated lo�the C1'Ey af Povay and,labeled.od tfie Einal.,map.�to ' tde-�eetlsfact!"'o`n' ot the�UlrecEor�of' Publla Servlcee��o'r by � eeparate document: � �� . i � - p� 1. All+lnterlai and��e:terloc publlc streeEe "ehall be conatructed� � � to pbblic stzeet�standarda. . . � �p��5. SSdewalke .1:1:5 /;BI Eeet !n width efia1S 6e�..required on � .. � ��IboGh/one'I.sidelel of � - . p 6. Recipcocal nceeee�:and malntenance.and7or•agreements ehall 6e � p'rovlded �tnearing acceea to-all�parcels over�pcivate roads. . drivee oc�paikl6g�areae�and maintenanee theceoE �Eo.the � � � eatl�aEac£ion oE Pub1le.Servicea: � � '� 7�..8[reeb�eErlping end _elqning ehpll be the �� � �eatiafaction�oF the DirecEar oE Pu61'`1'e'�Servtcea. �p 8.� R11 etteet-alructural sectlons shaPl'�tie satimltted�to, and� � . �approved� of.PUbllc Serviees'. . � � , , 9..Stteet improvem=nt plans pcepaced on sEandard�.eize�eheets��,tiy��a Rggisteced��Civil_Bngtneec shall be s'ubmltted•for appravad 6y the 0lrector„of'�-PUhllc'Services. P1an���checK�:and Inspectdod ecpenses�.�eAell be patd'by�the developei_. .' ' ..�0. All exterlor et5eet Lmprovements ehal'T.6e.coostructed�pCior 'to, ,Seauance of-.6ullding to the.eatlafaction of �ttie � ' � Alcectac,of� Secvlcee.. �p 11.�5E=eet lmprovements Ehat lnelude, but are.not 1�lmlted .to: a. Sldevalka� e. �Crose gutter � ti. Orlvevqys��- f. �A13ey guttec - � c: Wheel�,chaic ramps _g. SEteet:,paving ' � � �d. Cur6:and�guEter _h. �Alley.paving eha2�l�be��cans�truc£ed;prior�ta the occvpancy of��Ehe units to the eatlefaction�of'Ehe�Olrector of Publlc Ser_viceeL _ � p 12: All;damaged putille works Eaef�llHes�,lncluding�parkway � tzees�.�ehall�6e cepa;IYed�or ceplacedl�pcloc to;e:onerat,lon'oE � � bonds,and 'lmprovement§.. Go the eatlsfactl�on oE the�0epartment - of �PUbl��lc� 6ecvicea�. - � 13. Pzioc to �ang vork� perfocmed Sn Efie publ�lc rlght-of-waY. en encrvaetiment pecmlt shai�l be obtai�ned from,.the Putilie Servicea,office a'nd..:appr6priate fees paid, La.addltion to other:�permlEe `requlred�. ' - Q 14: The��develapec�ehal'1 pay one halE the crost of �a City eppraved � landacaped,.median nlong the project Ezantaqels)�� � "� e. ��Prlon to flnnl map approval. � � p b. Pt1or to bul�lding pecmtt lssuance�. � 15. Street�lmpravements�end maintenance�ehnll be made ln nceordence � vlth�Clty�OCdlnance-atendacda Eor� � � e. Urban�etreeGe �. .b..Bem!-rural streets ��� �c. Oedicated rural streets � d. Non-dedl�cated �rural.streets � � 1�6�. The developer shall pay the Traffilc Mltigation Fee at the � eetab�Tished�ratei � . . _ � n;�. .Pa1�oc to final map approvali , . '� � �F 2 2 . �' b. . Pc.lor to bul.:ding perml.t t99��„�e-. � �.JUL 15 1986 '�T` .1'3 .. �. . � . . � . . , J., DRAINAGB'�'AND PLOOD EONTROL . � 1. InEereecEiqn drains dtil be;teguired�.at locations specified by . the.DirecEoc of�.'PUblic Services and.=in accordance,.vLEh� � ' etandard��engineering..�practices. � � . ��. '�� 2. The,���propoaed projeat Ealls wi'Etiin�areas indicated as sutiject �, . . .. ... ._ . ._..,.. to flooding the�National Flood' Insurance Piogram and is�� � . � . . aubject to�the�provtaiona of.�Ehat•program�and:City Ordinance. . � .� 3. A drainage �syatem' of��.handling•and disposing of ,all �� eurface watec�origina[ing wittiin the'�.subdivision; andrdll� . eurface vaters thet�may�flow onto the:suhdi�vision from . _ . � adjacent lands, etiali be required. Said�,dia�lnage���system.ehall �, � . Sncl'ude eny easements�and et�ucturee 'as reqqtced�by�the � , Ditector of Pu611d Ser6lcea �to properly handle the drainage. � � � . , � /: Portland�cement�:concrete cross gutte�a shall�be installe0 � _ �where�watec crosses the roadvays. . � �� �� '� 5�. T6e�MasEer�P1'an'of brainage Fee shall be paid<at�the � -. eatablished�rate.in accordance wiEh Draihage -0rdtnance: . ' .� a. Prioz to final map approval: • . . � � b. Prior'to�building permiC�issuance. - �. �� � 6.�Concentrated flove acrose driveways aod/oc..aidewaTks shall nof�� ' � ' be' permitted. � � � �E: : tl'fILITIES � 1.�A1•1 proposed��.uti�lities Nithin�the_ pro.ject shall be installed � undergrbund.including .exlsting�utll'lties_alonq Circulation Element zoads and/or�highways less than �34�..5"�lBV. � .. . y� ` ts,;shall be provided to;�the speciEication of _ 2. Uti�llt easemen the:servinq uti�lity companies and the Diiector of Public. Servicee.� � � �� 3. The��developei stia11 be responsible.for'the relocation and. undergroanding of�exLsEing publlc utili[ies�,�as�requiied. � � 4. �Watec� sewer;��and`�fire protection sysEems plans shall be� .designed,and constructed,to meet requtrements of �the City of Poway�and��the.Health Department of the:COUnty of�San DLego. ,� ' Q 5.'Ptior to acceptance�o£� property�for sewer service,. annexation to Ehe sewer�improvement area�shall"occuz�.. � 6. T6e:applfcan£ shall,pay.for a��water system analysis���to establi�ah E6e�pzoper size and locatlom�'for the water system: The:amounE.vi�ll be determined bp the cost of the� ^ analysis and��shall be paid: � � a, Prior;�to final map approvad. , .� b. .Prior to buildlnq permit� issuance. � 7. The�applfcant shall, within 30�days aftet receivinq approvaI of the tenta6lve tracE map_, t_entative.�.p"arcel� map, use permit, ok development review,.appTy for a LeE[er of,AVailabiFity _(LOA)_to reee�ve eewerage aved�lability;and post��wiGtr the City., a nonrefundatile resecvation fee equal'to Z08"�oF tfie� o�,. , apnropriate seweraqe connectiop fee ln�effe'ct at the tlme the LOA i9.d98ued. - � 8. Developer.shall consEruct a l,ight system'conformi�ng�to City of � �POiday Sfaridacde� at no cosE ko'Che public', subject tb �the � foilowing: � -a.. Cut-off lumi�nar:ies sha11 tie�Tnstalled�which wi11 provide ' tiue�.90 degree cuEoEf and��prevent��projection of�llght � above-the tiorizontal fromtEhe lowest point of the lamp or , �l�ight'emitting refractor�.or device. . ,. . .b:; �All f�ixtures�shall use a clear.,�. 1ow'piessuce�sodium vapor _ � � lighb source. 12oF2Z' - ;, . JUL 1.5 1986 ITEM .:1 ,3 -- - �;� , - � - ; � .. . . � .�. ., . �.. � ,.. � - . .' � � i .� c.� Advance�.energy charges and`Olstr:ict enqineeiing�charges � ehal�l be paid by Cfie.�depeloperr�. . � � � � d'. AnnexaEion to �the ltgh! dis[r�l"ct shall be accompllahed .� ' �. � and��e`oidence��of annexation'a.and:.payment of llghting fees . . � ehdll pzesented to��ttie°Ci�ty prior to fina2� map � ' approval or. buildinq�permi'E� laeuance, vhlchever�occure . . flret. � � . � � 9. Cable Eelevision��secvicea�shall 6e provided.and fnatalled . � . � . underground. The'�developer shall noEify�the,�Cable.company� � . vt�en trenetiinq �fo; utlli�ties is to be :acaoa�p23shed. , � � L. �GENERAL�REQOIREMENTS�AND APPROVALS � � � � 1: Permite�ftom�other agencies vill be required�as follows�: a. Caltrans. . � . b. San Diegd�County Contzol District � � . � � c. Otfiek• � � . '� �p 2.�A copy of Efie�Covenants�, Conditions and Restric[Sons fCC6R'�s) _- and/or�Articles Incorporation of the Homeovners�ASSOCiation � - ahall�be subjeet�to the�review�.for compliance �qitti�conditione ' tierein�, to the:satisfactlon of. Ehe C1Ey A[torney and Di�iecto7� � of Planninq�Bervtces�,. and ehall be fi�led with'Che Secietarp of� � � State,� the�County Recorder and the CSty��Clerk���at the�.time of ftnal� map corteideration�. ' p 3.��Prlor tb teco�rdation� a-Notfce oE Intention to',form Landscape �and/or Light'ing oisE'zicts shall be filed wit6�,�the�City �� . � Council. 'The�engineering�costs`��Snvolved Ln�disEricG formation � � �ehall be�borne�by�the�developer. � . . � 4. Final:parcel and�'tract�maps shall conform�to�City etandards � � - and piocedutes. � - � S.�By separate. to�the recocding,��of �the�final � aubdivisi�on�map,_or on the final.su6divis`i"on.map,��the�e . ehall 6e gzanted�Eo the�City, an�open space easement over� �Lots. .,�"common areas .. Said open',space � ,easement ehall be;_apptoved �as to !Eorm�by the.City Attorney� � and�shall - lYmit tlie use�of -said open space to�recreational. - purposes; including�buildings,.structures�and Ympzovements. � � � 6. Should Eh�i�s;sutidivison be fuithei di�vided, each final map�shall be.�submifCed�foc approval by the'Diiecfor,of � � Pu611a�Servi'ces. - p 7�. AY2 provisions��of��the Sutidivison Ordinance of��tfie Poway � � Mdnicipal Code shal�l b�e met as� tfiey ielate to��'�the ;division of ,lande. � . . _ . _ � 8. TAose portione of.'Etie sutijecE properEy,prbpased��to 6e � held�undez common ovnership shall be labeled such and� . � . identified hy a separate.�Sot num6er on the:'fi�na'1 ��9.�Prior to��final map approval,: all of fhe���atove , � improvements�and?requi�rements.shall tie installed and . provided, oi�defetred by�.guaranteeing installation '' � with�in�two years from map�recordation���or prior to _ - building perm'it issuance, wtiictievez occurs first, by the � .execution"of���,a performance agieement, secured with su€Bicient securitres,� in a form appr'oved�hy the city Attorney.._ All�necessary processing fees:., deposits, and charges,shall be�paid prior to final map��;approval. • ��10. Prior to final map��approval, all dedications shall be . -" .made.and .easemenEs granted as required above. • . � � �:11. The�tentatiye.map�approval��sha13 expire on� unless�an application for time extension is received,9fj � . days pr.ior fo expiraG�ion in accdrdance witti Ehe,City's� � , , , Sutidibis;ion Ordinance. . , � � � 13 oF22 , - JUL 15 ]96S ITEk1+1 I3 : '„�, e ..,y_ ' .. _ _ �� � � : :. . . _ . __.. ; - r`-, ,:--- ',� , ._- � . , ;;; .,:: - � ; ' � C��l�— -P��1 -;�_`: ��° . _ :i e4: ' �.?' � ; _ pv. . �' . e — .� ---..:.... . ..= ,. ., . :; �/ — ....... n.� . . .. .. :� , _ . __�.. � _� _ i .�- ,. :�l � PRD `...� � �° ' . __( J ;� z��i�11t�1 � - � ,:. �9z o . � _�� � — � PR_D . ';.. -_ s�. '� a:i�:: 1.' �"hM 4090 ; V ._- ..-. � . L� ,ay R.p RR'=C ' '. � (\'� � PRD'��� '�� �' �I. . —.___._, -� � `' " ` -_ - `pq5 ` PRD -- - �.� ". �S . . _..I . — - '— , ~, I - .._ _-i,'.. CITY OF POWAY ITEM ; o� 86-�z- . ��- � � TITLE : ��ttN� 3CALE : ►1'��'F ATTACHMENT : —3 1� oFZ2 JUL 15 19B6 ITEM 13 -... s � f �' . . . .� �N i C � lJ� / '/ . .��� � � . ��_�j �' I :. '����� � I ^ - � �� • , � l ,�. , �uacr ao9z' - �� - �� � MAP lOdZ7 > .� ,� ,. . . � -����� �, ; : � , � � i�n � � i:! {s� Iq� ; � .� �_ '•. ._ ,: � � t :...,. � � i � ; � �.� S ; ��� i;�� ��R - (. °• . _- `:!•f r ,� , y: - ,v . �,, „ �i� o , ' 1 . —ta;_ _' ; ; � v°,�,.. 'g y _ �_.. � . �A � � � � � ��� o h � ' (� j � [ ' � a � F I i � �. [°� _ �e "-•�..v,. �� �:, . � ., ' � / �� 1�� �� �..,�''\ _.�-T�`r t� I ° - s - �i. ' ! �: � =I=[ '�� �'� f � _ � � > � 3 � y � • l� � �� � �� -{ ,- :.6 �-R._ ', a � ` I � � , �; ,� �. 4�� ' +� � i, � .,+ � � n �/ � �� ; � � ..� �'� Qi �r3 . C . . �' \ ... 7 - —i� d �t'� - lt` �ft• , • . i. 1� • � r• R- I % ��a �' , � � � r • � . � , ••� ���„ 3i+ .. � � ' �� j �� e S � � itt . � � ' � �� i i '� � �;,• I \ i & _ y �=E . � �;� i '� �r ,� � .z. � , 0 3 '°�t,.; �R �, s �•R �e;, 3s, �=' h , t � � . ' ��,- _ § . § 'I - `�. . _ , - ,' . , . _ ; � irs n T _ --- _ -_—_ --_. -- _. _ - R:O:S 5637 � POR E1/2 NY✓ 1!4 SEC 3J T735 R71N CITY 0F POWAY ITEM : D�- �F� —IZ- �.ST _. 01�1�_ T I T L E:"1"TP1 �!'Og31Z-- SCALE : ��_ ATTACHMENT : _� • 15 oF22 JUL 15 198fi (TEM � I�" s � �, .,�� . . � �� r,,,,, :� ._ � . � . � "�t °'�,�� �� 3 �j .. � �j� _� }_ w y .:. � i � I' I � I f� . �•T '� ^ Q '� ��.. Y �C� . " � �,ra� � v a �—� ` � // r.� ��I -� .� � � .'li .'�'. . r u n ., I � • ✓I � nl , 1, � � .i'� , . . ' 1.. �" �.y ' • � C' E � � .> � �e ;, �r � + . D , i7,� . . �. � .--�'... i � y . Q < �F Bj . � t:, ;� a C R g� •�r � _ ; � � LOr t V . .. 1 `tii`' • �� " � � � � '�+� Y 1 � ���'�� '�,� � I �' �,. - o � � y , �. :o - rj� �I � ��� .�' � � ���.. _ T . , , . 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