Item 14 - DR 86-13 and EUP 86-57, Poway Park, Inc. . __ _ _ GENDA REPORT � G � oF oW9,- ' CITY QF POWAY / � i � yFC THE TO.: Honorable and,Members of- the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manag�/ INITIATED BY: Reba W,. Touw, Director of Pla� ng Services � DATE: September 2, 1986 SUBJECT: Development Review.86-13 and Temporary Use'Permit 86-57,`Poway Park., Ine. Applicant: A request for approval of a development revieia to a11ow-the constr:uction of 78 single-family units in Piedmont Park, Znc._, (TTM 3545R7,'and a temporary use permit for a}model-home complez,for the property located approxi'mate3y 1,30A f`eet.west of Espola Road and north and south of Titan Way in the RR-G (Rural Res'idential C) zone. APN: 278'-:441-.01 to 44 278-442-01 to 33 ABSTRACT PROJECT PliANNER Sharon Crockett, Assistant:Planne,,. PARCEL SIZE 94 gross acres GENERAL PLAN,DESIGNATION Residential Runal C (1 DU/1, 2, or 4 net acre) ZONING � Rural Re,sidential C (1 DU/1; 2, or 4 net acre) SURROUNDING'DESSGNATIONS (See Atfachment 3) RELATED CASES TTM 354SR ENVIRONMENTAL REEOMMENDATION Previously Certif'ied Environmental Impact Report STAFF"RECOMMENDATION Approve subject to conditions AC,TI�N: �ntinuecl to September 16, 1986 for furtt�r- rev3ew of street light �iiditions. , f .. �� ���«.� SEP 16 1986 I T E M 14 r��ori e. x: w�tsten; city 'c�rk SEP 2 1986 I TE M 14 : 2' -o f' .33 -- � . -�� -� - � - � �' � Agenda R:eport September 2, 19'86 Page 2 BACKGROUND fA. Pro'ject DescrTption Thi's application requests approval of a�Development Review (+DR 86-13) to allow the construcbion,of the fi`rst phase (23 units) in Pi!edmont.Park, and a Temporary Use Eermit ('TUP 86"-57) to allow the construcEion of a model home complex:(three units). The pro- ject is located;approx:imat'ely 1,300 feet,west of'Espola Road and north and south of Ti:tan Wag in the RR-C (`Rural Res'idential C> zone. The tentatiye map CTTM 354SR), .which,approved fhe division of 9,4 gross acres into was approved on May 21, 1980. The final riiap (M 10432), wa's approved on J�ul-y 15, 1982. Attachment 4 shows the Tocatiorr"of pha'se one and the model home complex. The architectural styles range from Californian Ranch to Mediterranean. The e_xter_ior elevations of the models depi'ct stucco 'colors.ranging from of'f-white to various shades of beige wi,Eh wood trims in off-white-, gray,, and tan colors;, and roof`i-ng ma,terials of red-clay bar-reT tile"s and gr,ay-brown flat til_es. The'units are one-story with attached three-car garages: They prouide approxi- mately 3,000 to 4,000 square feet of.living area in thr,ee floor plans with a choice of Ehree architectual styles per plan. See attachments 5 through 7 for floor plans and eTevations. The three-unit model home complex wil'1 be constructed on the north- west corner of Ripar=ian and Oakstand Roa$s�. The parcel north of. the units wiTl be developed as a parking, lot. The applicant wouid like to instail a trailer on Lot 33, as a sales office dur-ing cons'truction of the model home complex: Attachment.8 shows the proposed model complex'and the location of the temporary t.railer. The plotting of the un-fts on the proposei3 site plan complies with the property development standards of the RR-C zone. The project has reduced the front yard setback area in less than 40 percent of the development as permitted under the code.. Abtachmenfs 4A through D s�how plotGing plan. Susroundiqg,land uses-and zonings aie as follows_: Poway High Schoo`1'under the Open•Space zone, single-fami'ly un"its under the PRD iPlanned Residential',Development7 zone, and undeveloped 1'and under fhe RR-C zone; all;are located east of the project. S'ingle-family units and undeveloped land are south and nor-th of' the pro�ect under the RR-C zone. Green Valley Groves (TTM 82-067, an approved'but ugdeveloped'project in the'RR-B zone, is west of the project. SEF 1,6' 1986 I TE M 14 �-� SEP 2 1986 I T E M 14 3�of =33 � � � Agenda Report September 3, 1986 P,age -3' B'. Deveiopment Facilities Development fac'ilities pertaining to access, street i:mprovements, grad•ing, drainage,.fTooding, public service, and facilities to serve' the proposed development have been'required through the approval of Tentati�e',Tract Map 3545R and the-associated 'develop- ment agreements, A grading permit (6'6-�10,8'=82) has been issued, and grading of the prope'rty'and construction of the required public improvemerits are in progress. The,applicant,anticipates commencing consfructi:on of the units in September. An improved pedestrian/equestrian trail is required either along both sides of Lake Poway,Road or as shown in Attac6ment 4. C. Environmental.Reuiew Concur,rent with the Board of Supervisors' approval of Tentative Tract Map 3545, the Board certified an'Enyironmental Impact Report (EIR) for £he project., Ad'dressed in the EIR were issues of traf- fic, noise, and draina,ge. All conditions rePating to these items on the previous tenfative map were carried over to the revised map (TTM 354SR). Therefore;, the certified`EIR couers the envirbnmental impacts associated.with this project, and no further environmenta-1 consideration is required for the development of this site by CEQA ' (California Environmental Quality Act). PUBLIC NOTIF-ICATION Notice of the hearing has been sent to property owners adjacent to the project prior to the hear:ing. FINDINGS The proposed development is consistent with the General PTan and . the,Zoni-ng pevelopment Code. No adverse impacts of an aesthetic,. safety,.or architectural nature upon adjoining proper'ties will occur because rooflines,, materials, and build'ing locations wi11 be varied and bhe colors, styles, and building, mater;ials are com- patib3e with adjacept developments. The project meets the Zoning Ordinance criteria and encourages the orderly appearance of the ' City because it is similar to and complemeats the ad_jacent develop- ment. SEP i$ 1986 ITEM 14 �- -�—� SEP 2 1986 I T E M 14 , 4' of'33 � � � Agenda,.Repor;f' Septem6er' 2;, 1,986; Eage• 4 RECOMMENDATION Tt is�recommended',that the City Council approve Development Review 8_6;13 and Temporar,y Use Permit 86-57.., sub�eat to conditions con- fained in tfie attached resolution. JLB:RWT:SEC:•pn Attachments- 1. Proposed' Reso].ution 2. Standard'Cond'it'ions 3. General PLan and Zoning 4. TTM.3'S45R witfi Location of Phase One, Model Home Complex, and P.edestrian/Bguestrian Trail; P:lotting on Phase one, A-D:; and lo,cation of temporary trailer 5: Proposed Eleuatsons and Floor, Plam of Model 2L63- • 6'. Propo"sed Elevati"ons and Floor Plan,of Mod'el 2600 7'. Prbposed Elevafions and Floor'P1'an of Model 3000 , '$. Piedmont Park'Model Home Gomplex: �9. Proposed Trailer�Elevations SEP 16 1986 I T E M 14 .�� SEP 2 1986 ITE,M 14 5'� of "33 ' � �' RESOLUTION NO.. P=. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY'COUNCIL, OF�THE GITY OF POWAY, CAliIFORNIA APPRQU,PNG DEVELOPMENT REV:ZEW 86=1'3'"AND TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 86-57 , � ASSESSOR' S PARCEL NUMBERS '2;78.-44'1-01 TO 44 AND 278-442-OI TO 33 WHEREAS, Devel`opment Review 86-13 and Temporary Use Permit 86=57, submi"tted by Poway Park, Inc..,.applicant, requests;approval of a Development Reuiew;to allow the constructioa of 78 single- ' family� dwell:ing un�i,ts� -in Pied'mont Pa�r-k GT,TM 35`'4�SR) a��nd a model-home complex for the proper'ty located approximatelg 1.,300 feet west of Espola Road and nor'th and south of Titan Way in the RR-C zone. WHEREAS, on September 2, 198'6, the Csty Council held a hearing on the above-referenced item. ' NOW, THEREFORE, 'fhe C'ity Council does hereby resolve as followsa Section 1: Fsndings: Development Revi°ew 1. That ,the proposed development is ,in conformance with •the Poway General P.lan. 2. That the proposed development will not hade an' a3verse aesthe'tic, fi'ealth, safety, or architecturally relafed. impaet upo❑ adjoin'ing properties;. 3. That the proposed development is in compliance wrth the Zoning Qrd-inance-. 4. That t6e development encou_rages the orderly and harmonious appearance of str:uctures and property within tfie'City. Temporary Use Permit 1. That the,p:roposed,use.is in accordance wifh the purposes and the standards of Secti 17.26.020 of the Zoning Development Code,. 2. That the pioposed use is compatib°le with sur-rounding ;land uses. Section 2: En�ironmental Findings: The City Council find's that the Eriu,ironmental Impact Report certafied�on May 21, 1980 adequat`ely-addresses endironmental impacts associated with project. • SEP 2 1986 ITEM 14 5oF32 � � Resolution P- P.age 2 Section__3: Gity:Couneil Decision: Tkie City Council hereby approves Development Rediew'86-13 � and Temporary Use PermYt 86-57 subject; to the following con- ditions: 1.. Within 3O days of approval the.applacant shall submit in writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood. 2. The weed a5atement program shall be completed prior to occupancy of each phase to Ehe satisfaction of fhe � Di�reetor of Community Service§. 3. The dev:eloper shall include wi'thin the CC&R's a eondition requiring landscaping of th'e front yard, sfreet side yards, arid putilic right-of-way area adjacent to the sidewalk. Each property owner` sha1T complete the landscaping within 90 days of the cTose of escrow„ with this condit'ion t'o be enforced by the developer. 4. The deueloper:shall preplumb each ho.use for a soLar, hot water heating system. Building plans shall be modified to pro,vide the plumbing prior to issuance of building � permits. , 5. Build•ing related fees, charges apd/or deposits, _if any, shaTl be paid prior to.building permit issuance to the satisfaction of the Directors of Pu61ic and Plann'ing Services. 6. Street improvments, including but not limited to, pavin,g, hydrants, water, and sewer main installations shaIl 6e completed.prior to 'issuance of bu'ild'ing permits and prior to any buildin_g construction.material delivery on-site to , the satisfaction of the Director of Pu61ic Services. 7. All conditions of TTM 3545R shall apply., 8. A site development plan illustrat3ng t6e of spe- cific architectural elebafions,'the variation'of roof colons and materials, and color- combinations of specific architectural elevations for each design phase of construction shal-L be submitted to and approved'by the Dir:ectors of Public and Planning Services prior to build'ing permit issuance.. Should the deyeloper wish to coritinue us'ing"the same structure'type/elevations on.any of the remaining lots within ffiis subdiv,ision, the loca- tions and construct-ion of those uriits may be approved by the Director of Planrring Services. SEP 2 1986 ITEM 14 6 oF`3 2 � � Resolution P- Page 3 9. I-f the developer locates Ehe sales office in a garage within the model complex, a 6ond, letter of credit'or cash deposit for,$1000 shall be required to insure the recon- version of the office. 10. The sales-of-fice use shall be'allowed for a maximum of two years or until 90 percent of the`homes withi❑ the sub- division are sold, whichever is less. 11. All roofs shall be class "A" fire retardant materials to the satisfaetion of the Direcfor of Safety Serv'ices. 12. Pursuant to Or-dinance 184, school fees shall be paid'prior to the issuance of building permi unless a previous agreement has tieen arranged with the:Poway Unified School District. 13. A landscape plan illustrating street tnees and slope plant'ings shall be approved pr-ior to building permit issuance and installed prior to fi�naling of building per- mits. 14. The pedestrian/equestrian trails, as.dedicated on TTM . 3545R, shall be i:mproved to the satisfaction of Ehe Dirsctors of Public and Community Serqices pr-ior to oecu- pancy of any'unifs. However, the City recogmizes that the developer and'Community Service"s are working cooperat�ively to relocate the trail from Lake Poway Road fo the approxi- mate locaiion as shown on attachment 4 of the staf£ `report dated September:2;, 1986. If the trail is relocaGed, the exis€inq'trail easement on Lake�Poway Road sha11- be vacated, and,the new trail sha1T be ded'icated and improved to the satis€acGion of the Directors of Public and Planning Services, 15. No sttucture or. anything whatsoever,, including dr'iveways, shall tie consfruc,ted over, upon or aeross any City ease- ment without the written approval of the City Engineer.. The driveway €or Lot 36 shal'1 be redesigned to'the satis- faction of the Directors of Public and Planning Services. lb. Rough grading shall be approved by the Gity Engineer pr-ior, to build_ing permit issuance. 17. Sidewalk mailboxes that conform to the,United States Postal Service requirements shall be installed one;per lot, offset seven feet from the face of the curb, prior to occupancy. 18. The trailer shall be required tg connect to water and sewer lines. A temporary powerline may be extended to the trailer if:not currently available to the site. The tem- porary li'ne shall be removed within,l5 days once underground electrical power does'beeome available. 7 oF°3.2 'SEP 2 1986 ITEM 14 � � Resolution P- Page 4 ,19: All water, sewer, and stre.et improvement to the site shall be completed,prior'to fhe commepcement of any sales acti- vify on si�Ee or within fhe tra'iler, 20. If it is d'etermined by the Director of Planning Services that the,proposed on-street parking is inadeguate'to serve the temporary trailer, provision shall be made for an on- sife asphalt parking lot witti locati'on and design subject to the satisfactiorr of said D'ireetor. 21 Any p_r-oposed for the office shall conform to the City's Sign Ordinance. 22. The temporary sales trailer shall be allowed for six, months, or until the model home complex is constructed. 23. A landscape plan for the trailer si.te shall be approved prior to bui'lding permit issuance, and installed prior to occupancy of the GraiTer to the sa,t`isfaetion of the Director of Planning Services. Section 4:: City Council'Decision: Development Review 86-13 Temporar.y Use Permit 86-57, a copy of which is on.file in the P,lanning Services Office-, is hereby approved,sub�ect to the attached Standard' Conditions. APPROVED and ADqPTED by the City Counqil of the Citg oE Poway, California,: this 2nd day of September, 1'9:86. Carl R: Kr,use, Mayor ATTEST: Mar�or'ie K.'Wah'1sEen, City Clerk SEP 2 1986 ITEM 14 `8'oF�32 `. �,,�� oF . �,�r - _ STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL �: Sub ject: �� �� � 3�� T(.'� �' .6 - 5 7� . . . - � � �APPllcdnt: �� �P�Rk-- I�. � � , � �S't. n:-,�... �.i .;S / . , c�r � N"' Location: I 3(qp W CF L�SFL'Y.�. R� PA11� fJ Al.IR�S � TIT�L„ �/�l � ,Thoee;�4tems�c6ecked.,are:condi[Sons�of�approval. . � CITY OF POWAYi - I. �APPLICANT'SHALL CONTACT T8E DEPARTMENT OP PLANNINC ANO'BUZLDING . , _ _, ' SEAVICES�REGARDING'COMPLIANCE WITH.TBE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: -_. _ . . . . ' . i . ' 'A. BITE DEVELOPMENT _. " ' �. Slte ahall be developed Ln accocdance vith'the approved slte � ' plans on file.in the Planning Services Depactment and'the . . condltions eontained heiein. , ' ' , p 2. Revised eite�plans�and building�elevations incorporating all � . � � � conditions of appcoval shall be�suhmitted to the Planning� �� Serviees Department prior to issuance of tiailding permits. �� ].,Approval of�'this�request'shall not�vaive compliance with all� �. aections of Ehe Zoninq Development�COde and all� other �• appllcable�City Ordinances in effect at ttie time of building Permit issuance. ' ��4�.��The�.developez'shall provide a minimum of 25! of �the Lots�wlth. � . adequate ei�deya,rd�area for �ecreation vehicle.atorage pursuant Lo CSEy standards�, and the C.C.aR.�'s ahall�prohibit the . etorage of recreational vehieles in the �iequired fzont�yard � eetback: �. � Q 5. Mail.boxes, on:lots 10.;000 square feet vr less 'Ln eize and in � aceas.vhere sidewalks ace requiredr shall be 'Snstalied and located by the�developer subject to approval by the Planninq . , Servtees Department. . �6. The�developer stiall integzate�an�appropri_a[e variety of � ipproved roaf matertals and colors.into Efie design�of the residential development in a manner �hlch is 6oth compatible • . and complementa�y among each�of the�cesidential units. p 7, Tzasfi �receptacle,muTtiEamily developmen£s shall be enclosed �' ' by a 6 foot��fiigh masonry wall with view-obstructing�qates.. . � pucsuant�to Cify standacds. Location shall�be subject to� � appcoval by��the Planninq Services Department. p 8. All roof appurtenances, Sncluding air�condltioners�, shall be� � � acchltecturally integcated�, shleld'ed �£zom view'and sound . buffered fram.adjacent properties and streets�hs cequiced by �the Planning'Services Department: . . I ' p�, p � � qsiness activitg , L _�� 9. .Prior to�an use of the ro�'ect site oc being commeneed.thereon,�all conditions�o'E approval�contained hecein�shall be�.completed to the�sa[isfaction o£ Ehe Director . � of Planninq Ser.vices. � �10. The applicant ahaPl comply with the latest adopted'Uni'form �BUilding'Code, Unf£orm Mecfianical Code�, UniE,ocm.Plumtitng Code, .National Electric Code, Uniform�Fire Code,�and all athec . applTca6le codes and ordinances in efEect at the time o£ , building pekmiL Lssuance. , �1I..�Pr1oc to the lssuence of bulldi'ng�permlte'�,fo[ camCUetitile ' �construction, evidence shall be submitted [o tAe Diiectoc of' -Safety Services`[hat wa[er supply 5nd facilitles�for fize pcotectlon !s available. Whece�addltional �fire proheetion Ls 'requiced by the.bicec[or of Safety�5ervices, it shall�be 'secviceable�prlor ;o the time of�'construction. • ���12. For a�rtew residential dwelling unit(�s),�the appLioant'shall pay development.fees at�Ehe esta611shed cate. Such fees may � lnclude.�but not,be 1lmited to: Peimit and��Plan Cfieckinq Fees SeMoo� *-- _ �. �e �, ' - . �d: �], a. PEioc [o �final map approval. ' .�b. Pi,ioi to,pol'ld�ing permit lssuance. SEP 2 1986 ITE'M , 14 .� I 1� f �bf =, 3 SEP 1,6 1986 1 I't M 14 � �,�13 For a�;ner cro�Ercial oc,lnduetrlel dev,elopment-,. or�dltlen to • �- . � � � � ' ���� en existing development'_.-Ehe app`1 . . ':feee..et,_the�.eetablish'ed cate.��SUCh fees may,Ynclude, but.noE .. • � . � . ;be:llmited to� Pecmi�t�.end P1an��Cheakipg Feee•, Water and�Sever�. . � . � � �6ervice,Feee: �Theee; pald�i � .� . _� p�' e.�, Y;lar�!to flnaP�map�approval. _ - - p; bc Prior:";to'tiu11'ding permif� . �14. Thie�approval_shall:become�null'nnd voLd�;lf building permiG's � -'� are not isaued for'th�is�project wlthin.one year from�the�.date� �of piojecE . � � . . . p �SEteet,names��ehall be�appraved tiy the��Pla�ning;Serylces. . � 15. � � Department pcior to�,the zewrdaEion of �Ehe fSnal_map, and �etreel�.addresaee�shal�l be-provided pr�tor�" the�,issflance.oE _ �6uilding peimitei � � � . . . � . - , � ,�lb.•BUilding iden!lflcaG'ian and/ok,addreaeea?.,ahal:l'be, placed'on� � . �� ' a13 nev and�existing�� 6uildings�`so as to� be plalnly, vtaible�� � ' from'.Ebe'etreeE or:�bccess roadj:�color•oE��`ldentfEicaElon and7or � �addresae� etiali contrast wiEh Ehetz backqround�;color. . � �- . � ' B. PAARING AND VEHICOLAR ACCESS � . � � �� Q L.�All lot lanHscapinq shall'consYst oE a�,minimum�of one � _� , �� ��fifteen,(LSd�.gallon;si�ze-�tsee for every;three 1�39 parking� � � � ��apaces.,,, Por-!parkinq loC��islands�, asminimum'12 i�nefi vide�walk� � , ��adjaeent to'parklnq'stalls ahalY be provided:and',be4separated� ' , � -tzoia��vehicular areae,by a 6 Snch�high, 6 lnch.wide portland . � - cvncrete cement+curti:ing:. , , � . 2. Patking lot 31ghGS ahall.�be low�pressure sodlum�and have�a �, � - ' �mazimum heighE of eigtiteen (1B1 Eeet from the�ffnished grade . of tAe..parking_�surface and 6e�directed�.a`way frcm'all property � - llnes�, adjacent streets;and residences��: � � p� 3..A1L tvo-way aisles shall be a-minimum�of.�24 feeE vide � � and�'eme=gency;access shall be provided�, maintained��free.�and ' � •-' - cieai�, a minfmum'of 24 `feet wide at a11 �times• d`uiinq � � - coristcuctlon`�-1n accordance uiEh��SafeEy-�Serv'ices�DepaitmenE � ��requirements. . � � . - � d.�All��,parking be double striped..- . . . C:. LANDSCAPING '� � . � � . . ' � � ,� lr,'A�deEalled lapdscape and Irri'qation plan stCaTl be submiEted ta: . � - . and'approved��6y ttie;Puhl�lc SeEvicee�.Depar[ment.and��Planning, � Servfces Department�.prioY ta tha.dssuan'ce of'.dui�lding permiGS�.. � p 2. A� Master Plad' of 'tfie existing bn-site trees shal`1 be provided� ,_� _,. . ._. ._._ to the Planning �Servi'ces. DeparEment pr.ioi to,the issuance of �� . , � bullding permiLs and priar to.grading;:to�determine which,tEees ' shall be retafned. � - � � ]� 3. ExisEing on-5lte Erees'�.shall 6e�retained wherever possitile�and' . ��- ahall.�be trimmed andLor topped:� Dead`..decaying or potentiallp - � dangerous,�trees sha11=��6e.approved,for removal.at Ehe discre[ion � � of °£tie7 Planning vServices Department dufing, the reviev •o£:.°'�the , _ , MasEer Plan�of. on-s1Ee�'irees�. Ttiose;�'trees which.are� , . . � approved for removal.stiall be�ceplaced'on�,a"tree-fortzee�basis ee'��requlred.'�by, �tha, Plenni�riq Servfcee�. �Oepartmen[. � ���4. S�tree[ trees, a minimum oE 15�'gallon�.sYze or 3arger, shal�l be �� lnstalled lm� vitA�tfie City of Poway Ordinance�and , �' . ahal�l'be planted at aa��avecage�.of every Eeet��on.�lnterior ' stieets and�l0�feeE o�.'ezte'rior streets. � `��. ' � p 5. A�minimum 50 Erees�per gross acre, co'mprised�of ttie following,:sLzes, shall 6e provided vithin the 208 ,. - 24" box�.or '�:Larqer�..,._706 - 15�gallon, and 10�l.-�S,gallom to Efie� � . � � sat£sfaction:of.tEhe Director.tof �Planntng :Services.'and Ln�. . accoidarice,with!'�Etie approved lanHscape�plan:ln a11.mu1tlEamily ..._, - . and�-PAD projecis. � .. - ��6. All.;landscaped.areas sha11 tie malntalne3 ln a,healthy and� thr.iving wndi�ion, free f�bm��eeds �trash, and"debris;.', . �i � ` � SEP 2 1986 ITEM 14 :11 �of-, �33 r _ � SEP 1.6, 1986� I T E'M 1� . , , . � . • �, _ . . `D. BIGNS . . �� � - - '� � ' � � 1. My-si'gns„proposed this'.deyelopmenE dhall be deeigned and�� � , . �� �� - � approved in "conformance. with� �the ;Slgn�, Ordinance: � .: � p 2.�A:�Compreheesive'Slgn".Pcogram�for this developmerit shall be �� ,. _, �. � .submitted to��the�.Planning_Services� Department foz thelr review�� . � pBior"to'�i'sauance'ot.6uilding permits�: AQproval ehall.-be`¢y � . Ehe C1Ep�'Counci�l. ' � � . �6. AECHEATZON�. . - . . � � 1�..On Lots having��s private or.putilic equestrian/pedestriao � � trai�l on�or'�ad�jacent 2o thetr ptopecty�, tAe�developer ia , �_:__..: . . � � 'required Eo`:have'"contained� within the C.C.SR.'�s :the £ollaving- - �� � ataEemenGi �. . � � .,., In purchasing the home,,T ha6e reqH ; ttie C C'.zR�.'s and � , __ Ehat'�sai'd lof is�:suhject to an easement for�Ehe purpose�of� • � - nllavinq equestiian/pedeatzian traffir. � �2.�:.The developer shall improve�'the equestrian/,pedestrian�tcail - , � � - �eyatem in accordance��with the adopted���sign sEandards��:and �to �Lhe satisfacElon�.oE the Directors of!.Publ'ic . ' Servicea! � . . � � �' � p� �d�. . Prior�� to .final map approval. � � ' � �� ' � 6. ,PZior'to _- .oCLL1P.+�JLy, p�3�. An apen space easemen[,shall be granted to ,ttie'�Ci[y over,, � upon, across and unHer the area defined on..the Einal maps as�� _. ' . -, , � ��an equestiian trail and �no bui'ldipg:, atructures'�.or ather � - � things shall, be con`sfiucted, erected�, placed. or.r��malnEein��ed�� �� �� on subject.teasements�•�except;EoP the'construetlom..and � � �naintennnce of satd Eratl end,s[ructuiee appdrtenant to..the � �tratl. '� - � _' p I.�DedicaEe�the�.Haster planned,,equestrian/pedes,tzi�_an tzeils:to � , � - - ,the satisfactl'on.fof Ehe Directors oE '�Ehe Depar`t'menfs �of . � � Pa6Pic and�Planninq Services•�'in accordance� the Master , Plan af Tiail's�Elemerit - ' p 5. ParklandiDedication oi payment of Paik�.�Fees'��at tfie; ,� , � � �'es£ablished.zate.sha11� made: � � � �� �a;� �prior._ Eo final'map :approval�. � - . p 'b. '�Prior,ito tiuilding� peimit fssuance. . - � � P�. �� 6XISTING STROCTURES � • . . � L�.�Provide,eomplSance vitfi the.'.Unifocm+Building'Code��:fon ' ' � � . - � property Y'ine clea'ranoes considering��use, area �fire-resistiveness of�exishing buildi�ngs: � - � 2. ExPsting�buildingls).�sha11 be�,made to;�;comply.��,with current. � � 6uCldinq�and:.zoning requlations foc,�the tntended use or:�Ehe� • � buildinq:shnli be demolished. . � " � I.,EZPsting'sewage dfsposal facfl-fti'es� be.4removed„ filled � , � � ' � . �and/or��capped to�'comoly with.;appropri�ate grading��praM Yces .. . � � .; .' dnd�the���Oniform�Plumbing Code'.� � . �• ; G:�ADDITIONAL�.APPROVALS`$EQUIR£D . � . ' �1'. DevelopmenE'.-Review'or%Minor��.Development Aeviev�shal'1 be . accomplished�,pri'or Eo�the issuance of�:•�a buil'ding permi�t. . � . p 2. Developme�rib Review'oc MS�or,�Development,Review'shai�l be . accomplished�.prior to recordation of tfie.final �subdivis • . . map. • ,p 3 Ttii's Condi'tional�'Use Permih Ls�,gcanted �for a��period :of _ � � morifhlsl aG end of u61ch�Cime tfie�CiEy Council����may�add or � de�lete condSEions,.oc revoke�Ehe Condi'tionaL Use Pztmi�t. . � � 1. She:developec sha31 dispFay a�cucrenE� 2oning and Land.USe�.Map . ��in.khe sales;_office a[ all' Umes, andLor sulta_61e alternative ,tb`�the sat£sfaction�of,`the Director of; Planning Services., 12 �o,f,'' 33__,� SEP 1,6�i986 11't,� _14 SEP 2 1986 ITEM 7_4 .. : , , . � - , � . � • � �S.'Mhen'Qubl prLvaEe equeetrSan/,pedestrlanti are � ,[equired .�pert of the eubdlvLsLon�: �ttie deve�r shall . . ' � , diepla,y,e map �ia the eales�off�lce, of��aald aubdiv(sion,. "� � . . - � " lndlcating the tzalle. � ' . � � � 6. All' salee msps that. nre di'stributed,oc��made' to; Ehe ; " pubTdc eha11�1nclude but�not�be:��limiEed to tra[ls;��future!and � � exl�stinq sch6ol's�, parks', and `atreets'. � • � � � �p 7. The��`developer'shdll provide a".eotse�:di"splay board,[q�tAe�sales� � offiee to�the saEisfeation�of;,the plan'nl`ng Seiviees Dlrectoi.. � �Ttie �lnclude the�:eite'�plan'and.nolae study: . . '. ' � 8 Noiking drarfngs°ahall�lnclude:�a certlf�icatlon�.6y a,recognlzed'. � - � , - .�" � � acousfLcal,eSipert �that. requlremeats of��the,�City af. - noise��ordinance vlll��be met. �- ' . . • � „ ��9'. At'the completlon oE����.construction,�and prior to oeeupancy�,� ' -� " � . lateriorl[and�exterior lNEL ehell,be=determinei�,bg fleld. � � ' teeting:,at''developet.'�e�expense. �Sests� to�.be conducted��.�by.a � � ceeognLzed',acousElcal,�experE�. No oocupancy'permits�ehall be � � � "granted unEil Condition G-7���is maE Eo Ehe'saEisfactioe,oE�the� Building �Code flat'esE��ad�opted editionl'�'Soaed Tianami;seian � �Contzol::''� � ' . q 10. The appllcpnE•shall.�provi:de veriEica[ion'of State Board � ��- � ' of �Equalizatlon notiffcation:and.that.approp"r.l;ate reviews . � ' � � ' �and/or+approvala have�.6een the���satisfac- � � . � . tion of Ehe�Director'of Admfnis_[rative Services�. , � . . . .. � . � ' �, II..APPLICANT SHAGL,CONTACT.�THE PUBliIC SERVICES��OEPARTMEN'f'�REGARDING ' ' 'COl1PLIANCE'WITB��THE'FOLLOWING�CONDITIONSt� " � _ . 9. GAAOIHG . . . . . � � lr.'GZading�af tfie�subject propecty shall;be'in,accordance vttA , • � � � �the Unifcrm.BUL!lding�COde; Gcading�0idinanee, approved , �qrading plan�'and'qeotechnical repori,.`and accepted�_,giading practices�. � . - �' 2. The grading�plan shall contain�a�certS�Elcate��s'iqned by a � � iegisteied,civil erig'ineer ttiat the grading plan has pceserved� � a,mtnlmum of��:1�00 equare feet of solaz� EoY each dvellYng� � � unit and.far��each,£uture butl3ing site��,w'ithin..,the spbdivision., , Q 8.�.�A.,soils�report shal�l be'prepared 6y a..qual`ffied engineec. • . ilcepsed�tiy:Che State of�'Californta to'"perform�sucH work:. . � . � � a. ��_Priot to �final- map�approval-. . • � � b:� Prioz,� pertnit fssuance... . . � •4.�.�A�geoloqicaP'teport shall-�be prepared���6y�a quaYiEied.enqineer � � or geologist;and sutimitted at the [ime�of appPl�cation for ; - qrading��plan,pheck�. ' , . � 5. The final gtadiriq, plan shall be subject:.to review and app5oval � by�the�;Planning Services-,and Public Se�viees,De`p'aitvierit�and( - . � � .sfiaIl'�be,completed��grioc�'to. cecordation,of� the final� �subdivision��'mapLOr�:issuance af='�6ui�ldingtpermit, whichever:. � �comes-��Eirst,_ . " � 6.��A:pre-blast'survey'of suirounding_property sha11�6e:conducted , � �.to the.saEisfactibn.aof'���[he City`Engineer - pcior� to,�any rock, -• . �. bl�aeting.� Seismlc.�recordings.shal�l� tie�i-Eaken.for all blas[!ng � and'blasting�shall,occur only,�at:�.locations and�levels approved� � . ,. ' � by Gti'e CiEp� �Enqineer.. � � 2...� STREETS�ANO.SIDEWALRS . � � 1. All'�Circulation Element-roads��sha11� be�dedicaEed and improved � . '� . to Circulation Element road standards�.and tb Che speci�f�ications� of tfie'.oi�rector ofl.PUblic Servicea. SEP 1;6 •1986 I Tf M 14 �---� -� . SEP'z °19861TE.M 14 ' 13'of 33, ! . . _. _ .: 1, ' ._. . " .- ' „� .: ' �.,.n: . - . .. . . ._ ,. .�� 2: ihe�developec ahall�pdy:�a pro=iata ehaie far :ttie lnetallation � � • � �� on �modlfi'c� of [l�e� tzaEfle slqnaln�� at - �' . �� �a.. Prlor to'�final,map�appravel�.. . . , ��. � �bc Prior to�� bullding, permit.:laeuance.. . . . ��,�. Vehiculac.aceeee cighta to;Cl;cnlat'lon`'�C1'ement coads efiall'be� . � _ . dedicated to, the� Clty of �PCway and latieled on �Ehe'Elndl, ioap to' , Etie;_eatiafa"ctian of?the �lieetor'oE Pubile.6ervteee or. by � .�epaiate document:�. � � � p I..ALl�.lnteriar and��e:terior�.publlc etteets'ehdll.be�conatructed , . � � Eo pp611c etandacds. _ �� ' . �� 5."Sldewfilke' 11:5 /'81��'�Eeet�,ln width.ehsll be',reqaired�on .. � � ' �'(both(onel aLdelsl.�of � .. � . ,, . � . . � � . 6. Beciprocal aceesa and!maLntenanee�and/or agreements ehall be�. - � �-._. � � � p=o,61 lneqclnq eec;ebe 'Ea all over��pr'inate roads, - � dciqes or,�pa�king ar`eee and malntenanee lheceof to�.the � .�eEisfactio��°aE,fthe.Olreetor oE Publlc;Servtees,. . � � -7.��Btreet etrlpinq;qnd�,etgniag-ehall 6e ('nstalled�to�the � ' � ;saEiafactlon.of'?the;Olrector of��Publir��6ecvicee. • - � � 8. 'R11•etreeE'�etruetucal sections sbalL�:tie sa6mlEied 20, and . , , x _ � �approved:tiq the;0lrectdr of.PUhldc SecYieee:., . _ , � . , � �. 9: ++Street lmprovement ;ptans preppced�� an'.etandard'. �Bize eheeEs` by. a� " � �Registered.Clvll�Enqineer shali.:6e sutimL�tted�,Eor approval bp � � � ��E6e�Ulrectdr�of'PUbld'c Services. PYan� cheek-��end inspeetian � ' e�peneea eAell' be paid ti`y.�the��developec. � � �� .. p'10.:A11 exterioc etr,eet;liepcuvea�ents ahall�,be�eonstcucted pcior to :lseuance:'oE buLidi�ng,pecmtte, to the:eatlsfaetion oE Ehe� � � . � .� 'Ulrectoc�of �Pd6Yl�c'Secvieee. � � ^ � � , � � 11..:Street lmprovementa�that-lnclude, but are not'1��lmlted to� - . e 6ldewalks; � e. �Crosa quEtec . . b:. f. Plley qutEer , , . � - - � c�. Ntieel-.cfiair.ramps � _q. SGreet pavinq � d. Curb�end�.qutter _h. �Alley paving� ' � e6a11 be eonsLrueted.prior Go Fhe accupaney,of ttie units to'Ghe � � � �. �- � � - . �eafiafecElon��of� OlrecGor'of Publie Seivicea..,� .. � . l - . . . . 'S2. All damaged_'�off-eite_�pubLlc wocks��Eacildtiea.lncluding;pa�kvay � treee,:efiel'l�be',[epai�[ed�.or iePlaeed'p[loc to eKOneratlo,n�.of � bvnds end,_lmprovements.., to��the,eaElsfaCtlon'aE'#he�bepartment � � of�_PUbll d Se`cvleee. - � � . , . p.13.�.:Ptlor ta any^pork be'lnq perfarmed in� E6e publl_c�clght-of-«ay. ��� � , :en eneroact�irient_pecmtt shall� be.obtained from the Publ'Sc, ' -Servi�cea �ofE1'ce, anH-��appropriate �.Eees;paid, l�n.�nddltron to���any� , other perm(E6!��iequired., �� . , . - , ,Q 11. The�developec<.ehall-.pay�ane halE the.cros6',oE a City�epprvved� � � lsndscaped'median �elonq. ��the pro.ject .EronGaqel�sh�e'�. - � � � ' � � s.. Pr1or�.to Einel map approveL� - " � .,� . b: .P[lor�to 6ulldlnq permCG Sesunnee. - , � ��'�:IS�'. Btreel:impravements�end�.m��intenance�ahnll be.�mada !n eccordence, � ' - , ' vlth��Clty'Otdlnance�,etenderda�FOr,r � ' , �Q s'. Ur6an• streete � � �� � .�� ' � � b: Semi-rural 'streets � � � �p r. Ded1'cated�sural streets� � , � �d'.. Non-dedlcated.rural streets� � ._, � �i6 , 1'he ,develdpec;';s631'1 pay the TcafEfc ,Hltlgatlon � a[ the. � . �- �- eeta611shed - p � P P SEP 12 1986 ITEM. ;n Pr,l_or to �f1na1 ma a proval. S 1.�. 14} 0! � :b Pclor to.'ti�ilding pe�mLt ls9uanee.� .s �986 -� - - I' T t M ,-14. , =: .. . . . � � . ��'J: DRAINAGZ.AND PLOOD��CONTAOL � . p� 1 3nteceectiop'dcains�vill�tie�.requiced�dt 6y , . - � the'Olrectoi�of� Putil�ic Ser�vLces and !m acwrdance�ylth � � � � etandard engineerinq�practices_. � . �� 1. Thg:,prapoeed;prajecC Ealls vi'thin areas lndtcated'as subject � � � to";:floodinq:un3er �.fhe Na[1onal.�Flood'Insurance Program��and is � .. eubject to� pravieiona of� that program.�and,City�OCdinance. � p 3. A draiaage��.'eyetem capable disposinq af ��all . eurEece water.��ociqinaEing wittiin the�au'bdivisibn�, end ell• ,� . , � eucface wa['e�s thet may Elow onto the,subdlvlslon'from ' � ' ddiacent land's� ahall'be re9uired. Sal'd dcalnaqe�� � � � lriclude eny'eaeemenEe�and etructuiee��ae requiced�;by� . •. " Direcfor of Pu631e Se'rvicea to pioperly��handle�Gfie � �� /: Portland�cemenE�-��concrele cross gutters ahall be'�.installe8 � , � .phere waEer crosees�ffie�roadvays. � � . p� 5. Ttie Maste� Plan of Drainage Fee s6a1•1_ be, pald:at.the . _� � eatablished.rdEe�in�.accardance vitti��Ehe • p a. '�Prior to��flnal map appioval. •' � ' . p b�. ;Pri�oi to tiuilding permit Pssuance� .f � � ;' '. � `"� 6.�COncentrated���flove aeross�driveways and%or sLdevalks:shall�.not � � ' be pe=mitte3:.� � -� � - . � R. OTZLZTIES - ' 1 � �.� 1. A1.1 propoeed�.u[illtl�es`wiftiin fhe project:sha11.6e Snstalled' "� ', � underground includinq� exi'sting util'itieara�lonq Circulation�� . Element less��than���,34.5'�:RV: . � 2.�0li�l�ity�easements sha13 be provided to.�the specificaEion�of .: �... ' the serving upility.compantes and the�,Dizector�of. Pu61'ic . ..•. _ . � 6ervices�. � - � '. ��� 3::.The�developer°shall�be responsible�for-the relocation and� � � � nnde=grounHing of exi_stinq�pu611c utiPities',jas cequired:� . � 4. Water sewei�., and fi�e.protection sysiems:`plans.shall be� � � � _r, q y _ constiucted ,Eo meet reguirements ofi Ghe City o£ deei ned and Poway and+Ehe Health Department of the.County`o5 San Diego. � �] �5. Prio; Ito aeeeptance of� property�for� sewer service, annezafion � , >: _ ko'tHe.sevei��_improvement are5 stia13"<occur�.� - �Q 6. The'!applicanf shall�_-pap foc a water system analysis �to .� � ,., � eatabliah th'e pzop'er size and locatioq�for ttie putili,c va{er , aysEem Ttie 6e determined the�-cost.of the� ' .analpsis and;shall 6e,paid:�, - ' � I .� a. Pr3'or':to final map�.approval�.� � .6.. Pzior�.to�buiiding��permit'�Lssuance. �� � . ,. � The,;applicant sfiall,� within 30 days•�after recei�ying approval � � � of'-the tentaEive map,, tentative�"parcel map;, use. permit�„ � � ok�development reviea,��apply foi a LetEer of AyaLlability�� � � ' � (LOA} to reeecve eewer8ge avai'labillty and poat ; wlth Etie"Clty,�. a�nonrefundatil�e reservat'Son Eee equal .to 20! of.the -�' � . aporopriate sewe�aqe �conneaflon Eee in effect at�Ehe�time the� � -�LOA�'fs issued:� - . . ' ' ..� 8. Dev,eloper stiall construct a' light systemrconfocming tq.City�.of,. ' ' Povay, Standa=de�a[ no��cosp to th'e pu6'lYc;��.subject [he� � - ,follo'wing'e �- - ' �a: Cut-bff�:luminacies sfiall be tnstalled..which widl,�provide� ' . � 'true 90_deqree'cuEof€ and prevenE projection of:`ligtit� _ � - � ��above the;horizontal from the lo`west poinE of [he:.lamp�,or light emitting.refractor or de4ice.. � h. All��fdx[ures shall use a clear,�lov-pressure sodlum vapoc `�light source. � � - - ` " SEP 2' 1986 ITEM 14 �—I . 15 of 33 :SEP 1:6 1986. I T E M �14 _ _ . . . . .. . �'- - - � . � � c. Advance,energy�cliargee and District�.engineering��charge ehall ba � . � ' �d., Annexatlon�to Ehe 1lgtiEing�.dlstrlct:ehall"be accompllahed � , .- . . � and�evi`dence oE?�annexation and'paymenE,of�.:lighting fees� . -��� . ahall be preaenEed to �th`e City pri'or �to flnal ���.mep npproval bc buLldinq permtt Laeuanee, whi'chener:'occure _ firet'. � � � ' � . `� �,9. Cable televielon services�e,hal3 ptovided�and�inatalled� � . �uede';ground:.� The developer shal•1 notify�the Catile crompany . � � ' ���when��tzenctiing for���utilities� ls��to be�accomplished'. _ � I L. .CENEHAL�REQOIREHEpTS�AdD�APPROVALS , � . � �� �1. Permfta��fram`other:aqencies will be required.as follova: � e. �Cd1Gl8O9' . . ,b. `San DSego��COUnty.Flood Control District � �c. �Othera • . ,- , p��2. A�.copy of tfie�COVenants, Conditrons andlResttictions lCC6R'sl , � -� and%or.Artiele's o& Ineoiporation of the,HOmeowne�s•ASSOCiation , � � '- � �etiall�be subject to Ghe review�foc compP;iance wi'th cronditiane� � � ✓ � hecein, to �[tie satisfaction of �the City' Attorriey: Oizector ' �" of P1ann1nq�5ervices,�and ehall be filed�wtth the�Secretary�of �� ' . -.State:�the and the Clty Clerk�.,at�the time of ' . ��.£Snal map �wnaLderaEion. � � � p�� 3.:Pi�ior-'[o,_recocdatlon,::a�HOtice,of IntenElon�to��form,Landscape� ' �� 'and/oc Gightieg �istzicts shall be filed with�.��the Ci�ty. . � � Council. Th�e,enginee'iing costs�involved�'!n district�formation " . ehall� borne hy the�.developer. - � �� � Q. /.�:Final 'and'tract�maps shall conform to : City�etandards� � � �an'd;procedures. � . � � S.��Bg separate';document".piior to the recocding�'of the final ' subdivisLaq�..map,. or�on�:the final subdivision ma`p, thete ahall��be granted'to tAe�.City, an opeq�.space��.�easement�oJer . ..Lots� - , common areas �� ��Said open� , . . easement ehall bet�approved as'�to form��by the�'CL'ty,�:A[torney, � � � . arid�shall limit the u§e of said open��space to��cecreational' . puEpoees, lneluding tiuildfng§�,�structures and,�Cmp;ovements�.�� � 6. Should this 'subdlvison;6e further dlvided, each Einal �� "� map�stiell be.submitted°for approval tiy ,the Dlrector of . � . . ' Public Services. � . p� 7 Ali `provisions of� .th�e�,Subdivison Ordinance �of=:the �Pbvay � � Municipal Code shall�;tie met as they'ielaEe [o`•Ehe � , divi�sion of 1and. . � " � . �� B.�.Thbse portions o£ the�su6jecC�propeity to�6e . � held�under,,common�ownership sAall be�.labeled such and . identified 6y a:separate�l'ot.number.,pn �Che final:map. . � ' � '�9�,..�Prior�-to fina3�map of the above . �� .improvements�:and'�requizements��shall be�"''installed��and � piovided,�or deferred�.by�quaranteeing�'installation viEhin twa `years ,from map recor'dationl'or prior to. . � , buildirig permit issuance whic6eyer-occurs�•£irst,�� . .execution'.of;a peifarrtiance agreement, se'aured�.aith+ - � �sufficient a foim approved by the'city � . � �Attorney. ��All.necessary processing ,fees, deposit_s�, and�� � � � chacges shaIl:be pai3 prioz�[o.final map approval.. �'10. Prior;to Eina�l map'approval, all Hedications"sha11.6e� . .made and easements�gEanted�as required.above. ��.L1. The tentative map approval shall expice on ' . "' �unless an appYication�for time�.extension is receiy,r.,��qQ � - days "pr to� expiration in� accordance. with the �Ca1LyP'sl s' �986 I�T;E M� 1�4 �� � �.Subdivision�Ordinance.� . _ __ _ SEP'2 '1986� IT`EM 14 ,--------, . . �16��,of �33 � . . � A o.; q� � j'a •a t� .. ae ' ° o a� o . °� '° � ° o0 "- oo a ,_ o�o� a o �o� o 0 ... _ . ' 'L, y 7'�. a 0 0 00 °�,oa.°ro a o'-P 0 00 - 0 0 0 ... o ° e p ° oo � oe � . . � ° a oo ° �. o ° o a o � o, 0 00 0.:0 ^, " — a, o e '.a� �� � o�-�o- o. ,. .ot o` � ° "o'o' y� 0 �rd�_y :p ooa �. I � ��/� 0 0 0.�, o ( l� r1,r p � , � /�`�� " ,�� oYT'1"p ° o: oo ° oa�.c "�A� 7'��V � � � �� ��• . . . O � • � ^, O O O� �— �' O O O� � t . • • ' r ' i r��..�..a_�:. • . . • u _ . .... .'...... ��. _ . � . •• • ` • • ... ••-•� �:..� �� .�. . � . .'�•. . � r . ., n . . ` , � ' , .. , „ , _ _ -- � ., =C ,_ _ , s �::::.::.: ' 4 * _ ' ' PRD ' ;� _ :. �.,. ___�:. ' � , : . ._ z�hll'�l � _.. — , ; _ ' OS R�R�-'B � w . Rfl-C - "RR-C' CITY OF POWAY rTEM : �3 n�,�,7 � Na�.� TiTLE :,�o�`� � SCALE : � ATTACHMENT : 3 S EP 2 1986 ITEM 14 17:.of 33 SEP f6 1986 I T t iv( 14 • . s.x . � . - _ ' _ . � : __ `,, �� ��. . ��` ' �-.! � Y) � �. �.rr i.,-�� ) ��—'�\I � � J - — a � y. ._ . / r..i� i � '- �-.. 9 i/ a _�l .. ' � s� j'. 4 n�7 � !/" . �.i ; �� �r� ... . - � ?; , T�C.cr+ari o� ------ � .:� o ! .� ' 4. � _t � ='._ ... �� �' 1� L �'� ' l - .' inl , l�: �(i9 r ' ' .it �._ `• � � - � . � t* ` � p +� � 9,, ,.�. . �� �a � '_ ��1',�1 F� I ,: ........,i �LIIP-�Q TR<WL ' , \ �"?. z `.. ! � - a.s ppl� dF `o� r ,�ss� ;`,� ',\ E �� . _ _ rTM s5-45IZ i�,k ��;� � . .�;� � � , � _ i •�� s,� ;.,�n� �, � - �� � - 8 � . . —��� F9 i, - ;' •b� 1 � �\ — ',�.'' of�� Y'r`" a! 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( 1 ' .l! � ���� �'_ e __ . 00�1• �.c '• _Ig-" \ v� , . . ..�{�UC..� i r`�nv 0` �o �?-- ,' 1 � ! 1 I i f �i�� e - ° — _' i .r. �',� _9� ,l . . � , ;,.: �* � .: � � -7- ►a-� w�y �.._..� e r : �`'� ---- -'�'-= - 01 'i�l' - — 't: ^ _ __"iL..:"_i� l � ;'\ �-�-�L NC t PA •' r,i1�:� -' ' ' , ��-.. - -�"�'':;z I O c r ' � �Y . �- � � i � ♦ e h'f�+ � �lS �'+ �--� ; i� = 'i •I„� �-... �lt� �.: ��. -=f_ '�—.... _ ri` ��i . =! _,�. _'F 1 1 � f�� C�v� �"C�� Ol _ '_. `, i I �.�' � • 0 CITY OF POWAY ITEM :D L�-I�-�P�-S� TITLE : Ti W1 35g'S IZ SCALE : ��1F_ ATTACHMENT : 4 18<of 33 i SEP 2 1986 ITEM 14 SEP 16 1986 ITtM 14 ; ,. r N - .--� r-, , � d �� W .y Q� ~ �' � � — : �i -- n � , .:. .._ _ .. m.. . ._ I , 1 •.._.._._ -, � .,�,, _. - - -. � � � . � _— .��, — � � � L'r-- � � � 61�''F� 1 ..' r, - � � z � �:'. _ r � i-� r cS� (�1'df'�`d�121 .� � w _ �L •— - : �L f 1= /;;,,- / I �._-. h � i �� 6 . - J; (�{ � , .� + . 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I � r �\ w ' ' ' ' r � / \ ' J , ' ; k _ _ . o � '�:� ✓� �.ti � 36s'C� • F �� � ;:. , �" � ��� �i_ _ � �_ - �: � ; s -;_ i;'��., . ° �^- � � v _ - Tr _ ;' ' : " � — �_21fo3$R�; . � - � . , ..-_ - — i,; i .� i '-.3ccOG. � ° ^ = 5.� ~ . �+:' � � � . , a ` � .� ry .d is:.��r- � � Y � � __ �' ,. � . I�. . _ �`i t <�' - �i.. :.a : � �.,'� e�i �'� �� . . ... ._.. -...._ __ "�' j:� . L�.�. . - � �'� = Q. ��, ' -: {� .. V .,,- � . ` ' „�,'' 1'' .�_ � , ..����'" � � �- ,i':.�/� . l � � 1 � j A . . CITY OF POWAY ITEM ` �`��-13�T"P �6-s' ' T I T L E: C�wr17 i�1(� SCALE : ��E ATTACHMEN'T : q'b r-�, 1��-, =' SEP' 2 1986 I T E M 14 ,. 20 of ;-33.;� - SEP 1.6 1986 I T t M 14 �n � � � � � J W � �- � � � �. .,rr � � ' , �„ ,r , , �E �5; ,� � � .. � � � ._'�f �'� ��� �-- � , �; '� h.' �"', � ; . ; F' °' � � - _ -, <,� i '' — � ' � • _-� - W ;° � �� -- � I � ��^ ". ! 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' CITY 0F POWAY ITEM :'� -'3 " � �� T1TLE : Mc�t_ zl;i�3 3C`ALE : � ATT'ACHMEN:T : S ,--� .23 of 33 I 5�1�6. 1986 I�i t�y 14 . , , � � - I - il � m � �, f I __ roii:ic��u��no� � ' / . � m —_ _—�- � , utr �ue eur�naw - — - i9'=� � I ' . .,:\. ,` �� . ,�r� ��� � - ��._ ;--� _ :_ � ��[� Di �� _ I ; ; �u� mnna� , � ( li �� .,., �,-'� ������� _ �% I ` ,_ � �-_- � I � � _ � �� �� � �-� ! � �,� C.I���� � ; �'-- � �- � � �_ �, - r�wr;nn�na�� _— PLAN 2183-A CITY 0F P"0WA`Y �TEM :�8�-13 �� s6-Sy �c� S �o TITLE ; ���p'TI t�NS `SCAL'E : �F� ATTACHM`ENT : S� � 2� 4,0.� '§��'�ts 1��� IT��I ��k _� �--`� �COVENEO i�TlO •,�[�; �,,,! NOOR � ___'_ _"i. � � �/� _." ' . O �� .� � _ �- � YAlTER l�TN i I �� I � I � / .�� TY'M0, Y�BTET BE�POOY ' ,RITCHEM � ..� • �� _ y .. �I , �:� r\.I C � — . �.�I{ } Yi:l,' {t Fy� -�j'.'� / ._ 1 � 3 J �.'1 { 1 I �. I . __ i �^ ,.. r ��� � �'' � � .� BEDPOOY_.N wotAl � ` �^ UnuT ..' � e�rX �x . . � � I� OIMIMO � . . � r� I I � +r�.�.r � - BEOPOOY I3 _- _ _— _ I I� _ �! CI � �� � � a...o� - i .-...— I i�� � i' � 1- I � �M t� ._.--- PLAN 2163 - - CITY 0�' POWAY ITEM : DR 6-,_ �� g�-s7i . PR�P s�� TITLE : F� �—� S,GALE : ��� ATTACHM`ENT : S 6 ' —� SEP 2 1986 I T E M 14 25 of �33 I . SEP 16 1986; I � civl 14 /`� � � �R � ,F O i. � 4 S ` ..y�i ._I C�ip " __ . . — ._.. . ... t� '.'. . _ �.. i . .�.. .. , '�c.t.. ��� � � " " -� � �,�� .``� P? � r � �F o "�, o - �,�r� . �^,..._,� ' �. �"'1- - `�y�f'°':��#x� r.i�� lc. ti � �.rS'� . '�I j. ._ ^ .�`+"`j�+ t 9.t�� `7� �;:�i; l�i.�Mi:['� - '-� +:....-._, _ ' _ C _ Si`:., ! " _ . ' ..�. _ _ � . .. _ t� ` A J �r , ^-�� � 3'"��`�°� L �j t+rT ' -�a. �.: ' i S.i` ' �.�i'�'°'.����+i��!�i�' ..'.' sA -c` w .: �t � �, � 7 i � �.i'.�.i �. :y . _� l' , �4,� ; ;kabII � -"}'�� ' _ l�7 - a " "�-. �r � w � � _ �� ,� � '-C , - ��,� � � •.P k3i �i �, �"'. . �C� � : !�IGG � � �� . � : -_ (Y�1 � s - • � . `-�-.- .,- :, . ,� - yA .. j ...�WPw�,��3�5 - � --"� - -.. 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I :�.. - --� I �,,.._: . . �--� � �..� . . � � _ - i � ` 3 , . . �l,�F�: � � I . . i � . ; . i �. �.. � } ' _ .� ��,�-�"''. _ _ - -��m-.-- ; ______ _� i , � ;£'-> v.0 „`"�.-=_ A . . � _. - �_ � -�^.nr +:.=!��' �',•. s-�-"r -s. ., ` - � — - - ` = ' , t... �LAN '7F66�` CITY QF P`OWAY ITEM :�'' 6G�'7 Pf+oPOS�r�p' TPTLE : McD�l, z.cou cO SCALE : ��F ATTACHME:NT : � ��1 � 26�:af� 3.3�� I SEP� �1986 ITEM 14 SER 1;6 1986 ITtM� 14 �yd� ��/ -� i � � m T !n�' I I�� ��_ � � � - � �wxr. �a euv�noY .. —� ' I ' _— _ _—" --- — 1 � m � � = _� - I. ^ � � _ _ — — '-� �wr.'�nlwr.nw — �-�\ I / / � i ---- -�� -_� T,� I �° ! � ����o�� o�o �i�l;�ll r m I . .__ �_ L� . ... vu�wr�nw �. I ,f��,���1 �(I l Ii i� �'� ►Il_I � ��� �, ,,�. � Il _ T � �- o ioc� � _ , � � , _ �I� �� �r j, �I� �_ �� i I •,�•:«<••^«� v�wN seoo-c , CITY OF POWAY �TEM :�� -�s� Pt?on sF� T I T: L E: E£-E1/!'���ON S S'.CALE :. �— ATTACHMENT : �� t iw 14 27 �� SEP 2 1986 f T E M 14 I I coviceco�reno � f I �� J MOOK � I / � r�.. �- � — � �eoeaor�a / r — . r:. - � , � : ': I� F11YILy. /� ��f� Y�9TEN 9�TN � J 7K�TCXyM ' DyN'NO Y18TEP.BEOFOOY , ' � �� ��� .I ,. � � i � � L .� i �i � a . � urn.�� � :: � _ � - - r� Yr-- �,�� �i `�' -� - ' ` � � � � T� I � , � l-� � _ — Blrnr I y i , � ��.,--��1 y ' e..x.�� �CDIIOOY N �� �� ��UTILITY:� ��� ���' � � � � � OEN II I — — �::VINO . . � I�� �� -- `� —.e '� /• _ I I � OyNAOT � i I I � � I � � I PLAN 2600 � �� CITY OF POWAY ITEM :°'z��'P �c`s'�. i�f� PcY�E � T I T L E: Ft�l�— RC-. SCALE : ��?� ATTACHMENT : �6 ,---� SEP 2 1986 I T M 14 ; `28 of 33 ; SER 16 1986 I I t ia 14 ' '� � .� _ � - . , _ . .-•---�'� .,_ , `"��-,� � _ . r-! ��_, .... � ' ,� "�� .a��..... .` � . ���� y �.' - + �� � ~ - a. , t.` y � i�� �K ..�, � _ i - _ - ~ �� .� � � � �: I I I I � ��� � .� � `' �a � ..� � . ..._ �. .._ - ,. o L �-'� � ' . '- r . ' ' . ��r , ,.....-. dU _ I 1 "i , . . . . - . . Y .� �L ,. L �, . _, _ ,,. .. s.�� i . . f - - . � . y .. ; �"�._ �._C +�� ..F-' ._�3 Sr ri 6�'t11 . 1 yyi _ 'I..l?.�� '.�`"""�- �=.°S.-�ti�a'. ��_ �i.:�zn6d[�inC+ �.q,n� z^��t._- __ / n...Ti r' 6-�v . � y `i :� , i ... f - � I .� ..tY � � F_J �`�' t`' ��~ _ �. �;iS f�� . i i � �� y -F` c � y � �' • + 5 _� - 5 " �� 'h 7,'1`' t ..- . � `. j� lk� � .� r .i � ,i ��' Ir �i1� � I • `� � F . -4— ;� � ��.f�� �.:. I � � . . '�� - '. �..f. .- t '_ P +?� �9n ',.� ��.�l�bni}' ;"' 't c',. '.�``� Y ; �- _..'-��.�.- -. B ,'�.�.�.�` -"'�.�'`� " - r �-��=r ;;�,.. '4c`.._.,.r' _, .�_ _ . _ ..s , - � ,. , .;`, ,_ � ._.. ...: . --- ,�., : / .� � . � ��H , �;.. �..-��.;`� ' . ----+:.- r"r�---+-�- �.= �_. �.� e� �- �rt- .a�' ����� — h •� I _ � � 1 l'�T�- , .� ;� I - - �;�:-_ 7�3i^". Y•{ ��-7=� t ..�. - J _. .. _ . . �. M � � Y�.dY`.. i i – —�+� V � w/ �� . �".x � }+:. .. 3 � , . _ .. — }w�.�lGy' - N — I 4 ti��� _ �i/.�ai•�� � � � n.� l . '� ' — � w �—_.�` _ . ��` � `PCAN 3 V W CITY OF POWAY ITEM :° �-''3 �5;� �pa � TITLE : M�L- -3°°fl S'C'ALE : ��� ATTACHMENT : � �---� � 29 of 33 ; SEF_ 2 1986 ITEM �1 4 ;SEP:3,6 1986 I T t iyl I4 � , - -- —� I ---�. — - � , ,_, �_..� — �� � = - 'I _ -- - � i � i � l - �-�_ _ _ _ -�-� '_ _._ �� . uoxr we euv�na� _ i — '_' . .___ __ . �� I - _ j '_ -. � _ _ I � i � � Irr^ � ��I I: ° C. I I \>`.. ' " _ urr �ue e�er�nax _' _' v \ � . '�C ? � I ��—_ — � ; � l �� �� '� k�,�'' �; I �ii - 1' f ' i �f 7�� . � � � ' �—` i - ;� � �-� , I,� �u �w�na . � � � �� i I�� ill�il �' \�� � � �� � � _ �, , � � � � - �-��f,,r7� � � � � ��f� l �f �t' . ;. I �'�� � � I�� I� ��' '����'�� �-�_ � � _ _ _� nw«+..,..m. PLAX'3000-C CITY OF POWAY �TEM :n�- -� �. b-s� �Po �:D T.I T L E: ��VATI G'�\5 S''CALE' : "��"�-�� ATTA:CHMENT : 7 � �����i ,. 30: of._3_ � �P216����6 IT�EM� 1144 , . _ . + _ _ ��— C COVfPED���TO �� MOOK.. . . � ��...-....�� � � , � I �I � � ��� U ', .�ri ��� . '�� � � , FyYI�� � BfOPOOY �3 AICHEM J � -•• � ~ � . GtiN�NO >� f � ' � U��NO. . � . / G � .ym . MO 1 � , ,T.�_ CY�` I �I �� I.- - ;. � : � .>Cil . � � . I. B1TX 2 0 0 ;���;�,���.� � ��_ � - _ -�L% JI _.- < �woEwn � i, . ..,.� � - � . � ' � � J� �'� n . � `�`✓ I I Unurlrrl eeonoau`.a �;� W �, W!T[II_�tT1100Y II .�II� i— .-..i�. O�tN r0 � O I V ��J I L_. I ❑ � l' r-� ._I[�... �lO�OOY'1! I I — � i.' . _ I-. � I � I � r If — ^ i .. I— � � � � '_' �e." "_.� � ` � ^ � � QAI11G[ �� �. 148�ER.�ItM .�. --" _ �I - .li �. • i jli = '. � I I I I I I I I ' � / I I '! I II �=--�.a _ �� �� � �__ PLAN 3000 CITY OF' P'OWAY ITEM :D -sr � toP �D T I T L E: Ft,ECI� P�'�'a'� SGALE : ��� ATTACHMENT : � '--- -� � SEP 1.6 1986 I I t M 14 � 31 of 33 , SEP 2 1986 ITEM 14 ;� �.. , , , � = Es, � ' ifi' i . !- 1 / . . . . �/ , �I I I:,��� ..`' I I;.,-.. . O 'x�l. �. I� :�-��..� , S �. " , ..._ I � r � J I � j J' � _ / '. . i I �1 i � 1 _; ; , , ,.� , -; ��� �- ,� , ��,� �. , �� � �� ,.�� ' � �l� � � ; s� � 4' ' � , i i , �; � q , i � � I �'p!- ' r i ` � �- i� i I i '�_�_ � � l. „ - � ° '' d , { ' ==, ` l �� d. � , �,� �� ,. � i < . ,1 � �� , �' : ;�'�!. 1 . , I, ; ` � � ,? j `��. � ' , � � „ � - , ', � � � , '� � ������ �°�� ����G�OO �14 �,� �" ° �� �-�--��� - �,�p �-�'� ��` �uIOO DC�� — - ��`% --�"� -- CITY 0F POWAY ITEM :D��'.'p �`�S' M� 1-aoY�� T-I T L : e:o►^1,Pc:�� . SCALE : �LF� ATTACHMENT : g �� SEP '1'6 1986 I l t wl ], 4 . � 32 of�- 33 ', SEP 2 ' 1986 I,T E M 14 , . � � , - I I � �, y'.(.".ua_iZ F.i:l� OJ If: d'/ 12' �J"� --�wio_ u�m:�LiL7.� I j � 2•..^ w�er_.:�c+o I � n4��o�w��G uuir : � � �� � ��� 1_:�.�� T `��T�_����I .���Ilr'�II I /' ^ li:!�„lr��ivMlc mciloc. L � � � � � � � � � �- f - L J1 J GV ��- ))) 1� � T (. �PJ : I .�.I .� I I I`.�. y li � I � ILG l . LICE I I I1 Ya'(�Y• I � i� I�J�� � ��, �� �� v � �; l ( � e- ,�.� t:- � � � I I I�/ Ir ` —ll �! ��' I� � I I I I e ���� °' I I,_i � �� � �� 1 JI:%-��, II. I 7 I I1 �j r � �� I ��� _ �I� ��i��!i{� I��� '��LW1L1111�,ir�l�Tifiill.11l `_��' � �� Jai-- _. _.:. � � _ ,. _. �-. _ ;- ,:.� �-., . , , ,� r: � » . � - ��..�,-„� ' vz_ T �LEV�TicN . <" v- �L.vro - C csmu _ . - , .a. ' � CITY OF PO'V�TAY rTEM_ �:_ �$6-s� . :�:. . �� � �+ T I T L E:���to1sS ��, , 3 C A L E:�— A T T A,C'H M E N T' : _____2_ 33? o� — f� 33 ; gEp 2_ 1986 I T E M 14 SEP':1' 6 1986 I I t ivi 14