Item 4.3 - Safety Improvements related to the Intersection of Martincoit Rd & Stone Canyon RdGlt`i OF POW91 City of Poway TyF ��ua 19� COUNCIL ,AGENDA REPORT C'�, M THE GGJ� APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED O (SEE MINUTES) DENIED O REMOVED O CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: September 2, 2014 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Daniel Singer, City Manager 1;81_-4 INITIATED BY: Robert J. Manis, Director of Development Servicesptk Steve Crosby, City Engineer Melody Rocco, Senior Civil Engineer, SUBJECT: Safety Improvements related to the Intersection of Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road Summary: The City Council considered the installation of an all way stop of Martincoit Roa d approved but the intersection that Committee (TSC) the possibility of approaches. and City Stone Canyon Road on April 1, 2014 control at the intersection The installation was not Council directed staff to consider other improvements at the would address safety concerns and return to the Traffic Safety with recommendations. Since that meeting staff has been analyzing installing other safety features to improve the intersection and Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council: 1) Direct staff to restripe the Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road intersection approaches, install three W1 -8 signs, and install a new flashing beacon with W1 -10 sign and vehicle detection as shown on Attachment A; and 2) Direct staff, as a separate item, to install one additional speed limit sign and pavement legend in the northbound direction on Martincoit Road, just north of Stone Canyon Road and relocate an existing sign and legend to just north of Rostrata Road. Background: On May 7, 2013 during the discussion on the 2013 Traffic and Engineering Survey, which included a proposed increase in the Martincoit Road speed limit from 30 mph to 35 mph, the City Council requested that staff investigate the possibility of an all -way stop control at the intersection of Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road as well as options for traffic calming on Martincoit Road. After meeting with the TSC, reporting to City Council, and conducting additional research, staff returned to the TSC on February 26, 2014. Staff reported on the all -way stop control and options for traffic calming on Martincoit Road, based upon the direction from the City Council. Based upon the speed survey data collected, it was staffs opinion that traffic calming measures were not 1 of 13 September 2, 2014 Item #4.3 Safety Improvements at Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road September 2, 2014 Page 2 warranted and therefore no traffic calming measures were recommended. At that meeting the TSC unanimously approved staffs recommendation of an all-way stop at the intersection of Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road. The City Council did not approve the item when it was presented on April 1, 2014 but instead requested that staff analyze the possibility of installing other safety features to improve the intersection and approaches. Speed data was collected at five locations, as shown in Attachment D, close to the subject intersection on January 29 & 30, 2014, as part of the all-way stop analysis. The speed data was recorded in each location for a length of time that provided information on at least 100 unimpeded vehicles. The 85th percentile speeds were measured as follows: 85th No. Road Direction Location Percentile Speed 001 Stone Canyon Rd Westbound 105' west of Martincoit Rd 26 mph 002 Martincoit Rd Southbound 345' north of Stone Canyon Rd 36 mph 003 Martincoit Rd Northbound 70' north of Stone Canyon Rd 34 mph 004 Martincoit Rd Southbound 70' south of Stone Canyon Rd 33 mph 005 Martincoit Rd Northbound 260' south of Stone Canyon Rd 35 mph Based upon the measured speeds, the existing corner sight distance to the south for Stone Canyon Road drivers turning left (north) on Martincoit Road does not meet the minimum or recommended site distances per the California Highway Design Manual. It was previously reported that in the past three years, between June 2010 and May 2013, there has been one reported accident at this intersection. The incident involved an overturned single vehicle. There have been no additional reported accidents at this intersection through June 2014. See Attachment E. Staff has become aware of an accident that occurred on Martincoit Road in July 2014. This single vehicle accident was approximately 1300 feet south of the intersection. Findings: Staff reviewed several options for safety improvements related to the Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road intersection. Some of the concepts considered are summarized below: 1. Installation of rumble strips to slow traffic approaching the intersection on Martincoit Road 2 of 13 September 2, 2014 Item #4.3 Safety Improvements at Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road September 2, 2014 Page 3 Rumble strips were originally reviewed as a possible traffic calming measure and were re-analyzed as a safety measure; however, due to the noise that these strips can create and the proximity of adjacent homes to the roadway, staff feels that while they may slow drivers, they would create a significant noise nuisance. 2. Adding an acceleration lane for the left turn onto northbound Martincoit Road An acceleration lane north of the intersection would allow drivers turning left from Stone Canyon Road a place to accelerate without impacting northbound traffic. The acceleration lane would require grading of the existing shoulders, pavement widening, and re-striping. Due to the expense involved in completing a design and construction project in order to widen the street and the limited benefit gained due to the low traffic volume of the street, this concept is not recommended but will remain a future option. 3. Installing guardrail along curves on Martincoit Road Guardrail installation was analyzed at curves along Martincoit Road south of the Stone Canyon Road intersection. The Caltrans Traffic Manual section 7-03.3 Guardrail Installation Criteria provides a guide for the installation of guardrail at an embankment or a fixed object. It discusses criteria such as collision history, roadway alignment, operation conditions, climate conditions, and roadside recovery area. Section 7-03.4 Guardrail at Embankment Slopes provides a figure (Figure 7-1) for determining whether the severity of a collision with guardrail would be more or less severe than a collision over an embankment without guardrail. Based upon Figure 7-1, the curves analyzed would result in a more severe collision with guardrail than without due to the existing slope adjacent to the road and the embankment height; therefore guardrail is not recommended. 4. Installing a reduced speed sign for the curve south of the intersection on Martincoit Road Staff does not recommend adding reduced speed advisory signage along the curve just south of the intersection for northbound traffic. Staff analyzed the advisory curve speed for the curve south of Stone Canyon Road on Martincoit Road per the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Section 2.08 Advisory Speed Plaque using a design speed equation. The current posted speed is 35 mph. Using the design data of the road, including the radius of curvature, superelevation percentage, and side friction factor, an advisory speed of 35 mph was calculated. Posting an advisory speed below the posted 35 mph would not be consistent with the MUTCD for this location. Since the posted speed limit and advisory speed limit are equal staff does not recommend installing an advisory speed sign along this curve. Instead, staff recommends installing three W1-8 arrow signs along the west 3 of 13 September 2, 2014 Item #4.3 Safety Improvements at Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road September 2, 2014 Page 4 side of the curve south of the Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road intersection, as shown in Attachment C. 5. Re-striping the Stone Canyon Road approach to the intersection and Martincoit Road at the intersection Staff reviewed the existing striping at the Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road intersection. The Stone Canyon Road striping as it approaches the intersection follows the alignment of Stone Canyon Road and therefore does not meet Martincoit Road at a 90 degree angle (or perpendicular). This configuration makes drivers making the northbound left turn onto westbound Stone Canyon Road pull further through the intersection before turning left in order to stay within the westbound travel lane. The tendency of most drivers is to cut across the corner of the stop sign road striping when no cars are present at the intersection. Restriping the eastbound approach to be more perpendicular with the Martincoit Road traffic will help alleviate this tendency. This will also allow drivers for the eastbound Stone Canyon Road approach to have a better view in both directions on Martincoit Road prior to moving through the stop sign for the northbound left movement. Drivers will not need to look over their shoulder in order to see in the southbound direction. In addition, the centerline on Martincoit Road is proposed to be lengthened approximately 30' indicating to northbound drivers where they should begin their turn. The proposed striping is shown in Attachment B. 6. Installation of channelizers along the Martincoit Road centerline south of the intersection Channelizers (3' tall flexible retroreflective posts attached to the roadway, see Attachment F) could be installed along the centerline of Martincoit Road near the northbound approach to Stone Canyon Road in order to prevent drivers from cutting across the corner of the stop sign road striping for Stone Canyon Road. Staff is currently recommending extending the centerline striping along with the Stone Canyon Road approach restriping per item 5 above to better indicate to northbound drivers where they should start their turning movement, which should eliminate this issue. Additionally channelizers are a maintenance concern as they can be easily be knocked down. If they are not continuously repaired, they could lose effectiveness. Staff recommends installing the striping and monitoring future movements of vehicles to determine if this has resolved the issue prior to installation of channelizers. 7. Installing a flashing beacon with signage for northbound traffic on Martincoit Road Drivers headed north on Martincoit Road, south of Stone Canyon Road see a curve warning sign which also indicates the approaching intersection. Staff recommends 4 of 13 September 2, 2014 Item #4.3 Safety Improvements at Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road September 2, 2014 Page 5 replacing this sign with a solar powered flashing beacon and warning sign as shown in Attachment C. The flashing beacon could be installed with vehicle detection so that the beacon is not flashing all the time. The vehicle detection would detect a car and then begin flashing. The vehicle detection is proposed to be placed on Martincoit Road to trigger every time a car approaches the flashing beacon. The flashing beacon is intended to warn of the upcoming curve and intersection. Alternatively, the detection could be placed on Stone Canyon Road, however it would be more expensive since the detection loop would need to be hard wired to the flashing beacon and depending upon the detection placement on Stone Canyon Road, it is possible that a car may have passed the flashing beacon on Martincoit Road before it begins flashing, indicating a car approaching the intersection on Stone Canyon Road. It could give drivers a false sense of security that there are no vehicles at the Stone Canyon Road approach. For these reasons, staff recommends installing the vehicle detection on Martincoit Road as shown on Attachment A. At the April 1, 2014 City Council meeting, in addition to the all-way stop control, staff recommended adjustment of the northbound speed limit signage on Martincoit Road. In the southbound direction there are currently three speed limit signs and pavement legends (painted speed limit on roadway) located just after each of the major intersections, Espola Road, Rostrata Road, and Stone Canyon Road. In the northbound direction they are located in two places, just after the beginning of Martincoit Road at Orchard Gate Road and approximately half-way between Stone Canyon Road and Rostrata Road. The sign and legend located between Stone Canyon Road and Rostrata Road could be moved to just north of Rostrata Road and a new sign and legend installed just north of Stone Canyon Road. Per the MUTCD regulatory signs should be used conservatively because these signs, if used to excess, tend to lose their effectiveness, so it is not recommended that more than the one additional sign be added, however staff is still recommending this signage modification. Summary of Recommendations: Staff is recommending restriping the Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road intersection approaches, the installation of three W1-8 signs, and installation of a new flashing beacon with W1-10 sign and vehicle detection as shown on Attachment A. The recommended improvements are inexpensive and will create better awareness for northbound Martincoit Road drivers of the upcoming curve and intersection as well as where the appropriate turning movement should be started for a left turn onto Stone Canyon Road. The intersection restriping will benefit drivers on Stone Canyon Road by creating the heightened awareness of the intersection for drivers on Martincoit Road as well as provide them a more direct view in both the northbound and southbound directions. Staff is also recommending the installation of one additional speed limit sign and pavement legend in the northbound direction on Martincoit Road, just north of Stone Canyon Road and the relocation of an existing sign and legend to just north of Rostrata Road which will help remind drivers of the speed limit on Martincoit Road. 5 of 13 September 2, 2014 Item #4.3 Safety Improvements at Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road September 2, 2014 Page 6 Traffic Safety Committee: At its meeting on August 13, 2014 the TSC voted unanimously to support staff's recommendation to restripe the Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road intersection approaches, install three W1-8 signs, and install a new flashing beacon with W1-10 sign and vehicle detection as shown on Attachment A. The TSC also supported staffs recommendation to install one additional speed limit sign and pavement legend in the northbound direction on Martincoit Road, just north of Stone Canyon Road and relocate an existing sign and legend to just north of Rostrata Road. Notice of the TSC meeting was sent to all persons previously notified for the April 1, 2014 City Council meeting for the All-Way Stop Control at the Intersection of Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road agenda item. This included residents living within a 500 foot radius from the intersection, 2,000 feet from the intersection along Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road, all residents that signed the previously submitted petitions, all residents that attended the February 26, 2014 TSC meeting, and all residents that emailed staff. Approximately seven (7) residents attended the TSC meeting. The residents were given an opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns. Of the residents who chose to speak a majority indicated they either wanted the installation of the all-way stop or lowering of the speed limit but did not indicate an opinion on the recommended improvements, one was opposed to the flashing beacon, and one was opposed to the re-striping. Staff received 2 email messages; one opposed to the flashing beacon installation and one indicating the desire for an all-way stop installation, prior to the TSC meeting. Resident Input: Since the TSC meeting on August 13, 2014 staff has received no resident input as of the printing of this report. Fiscal Impact: There are sufficient funds available in account number 0407-4330 for the estimated $1,000 striping and legend costs, and in account number 0407-4514 for the estimated $10,000 signage costs. Environmental Review: The proposed installation of roadway safety improvements near the intersection of Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road is Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a Class 1(c) Categorical Exemption, pursuant to Section 15301 of the 2014 CEQA Guidelines, in that the project includes installation of new pavement striping at the Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road intersection 6 of 13 September 2, 2014 Item #4.3 Safety Improvements at Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road September 2, 2014 Page 7 approaches, installation of three (3) W1-8 signs and installation of a new flashing beacon with a W1-10 sign and vehicle detection. The improvements will occur on existing City streets and the installation of these roadway improvements involves no expansion of the existing use. Public Notification: On August 25, 2014 three public meeting notice signs were posted at the subject intersection. Additionally, notices were mailed to residents living within a 500 foot radius from the intersection, 2,000 feet from the intersection along Martincoit Road and Stone Canyon Road, all residents that were noticed for the April 1, 2014 City Council meeting, all the residents who attended the August 13, 2014 TSC meeting, and all residents that emailed staff regarding this matter. Attachments: A. Recommended Improvements B. Proposed Striping C. Sign Details D. Map with Speed Data E. Accident Report F. Example of Channelizer M:\engsery\traffic\Agenda 14\Martincoit and Stone Cyn Safety Imp\Agenda Report_Final.docx 7 of 13 September 2, 2014 Item #4.3 A. a QC Ea) a) Cl) _c .7.=, a) L > H o o C 0 o 0 cn - Q C o ._c a) c Cc`6 Q CD L G — e 0_c Q co C a) C a) W c4 C L O O ¢ -0 _ CA co — -0 C C C _ O Om co CD NcC a) 0 E C. U �' C 0) `. 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E Item #4.3 9 of 13 ATTACHMENT B September 2, 2014 ' ,4.k-y A 'X�`S H .v 8. . 2 � Restripe intersection `'° ' _- '' 4 .' approaches ,=4- �� s a 61 _ % a r Jr'4 Y m �os Z' O ,' co e 0 Option for vehicle detection + - �: h , ` _ for the new flashing beacon x , �„ ,� , , at the Stone Canyon Rd � �_� ,`- - r ` intersection approach . tr s Option for vehicle detection for the new flashing beacon , , on Martincoit Rd ir - u CDr.. a incoit Rd '� s .,, Remove Install three existing sign W1-8 signs and instal new LA) W flashing 1-10 with beacon Zglglgllkkc--- / 111.111"‘4----'-----_______, CAUTION , iIIIIIIIS >>>Horn 4 Attachment C Kimle Y Sign Details 10 of 13 ATTACHMENT C September 2, 2014 Item #4.3 el i.ir .fir t y "" ,�". fir°� "' ' J� 1 4 i A � e' t • MP r a' r ,j d i •y' " i t tr .Y ifi„._... i ,...... .. � � P <e i r qr . 1. ' 41 „.m a ce r C d il: �� A � e ' �' Air :1?, )--1 s; )4' ''' " '4_,-.,-'.;•cl...__ -,,. :I!' , ,„, it, ,, . 70'• • 345' 70, i fr. . � Martincoit Rd :• 'q't'r :,. 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Example of Channelizers 3 in Minimum i 1 1.5 in Max. Minimum 3 In x 12 in 3 ft Retroreflector 2 in Max, 4 in Max. 2.25 in Minimum Flexible Post Rigid Base Flexible Base 18 in Min. ;:; SURFACE MOUNTED BELOW SURFACE ANCHOR NOT TO SCALE Chapter 3H—Channelizing Devices Used for Emphasis of Pavement Marking Patterns January 13,2012 Part 3—Markings I N 13 of 13 ATTACHMENT F September 2, 2014 Item #4.3