Item 1.3 - Approval of Meeting MinutesG, OF �qy COY IN THE C�J DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: SUBJECT: City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT September 16, 2014 APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED ❑ (SEE MINUTES) DENIED ❑ REMOVED ❑ CONTINUED Resolution No. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager� Sheila R. Cobian, City Clerk *a-) Approval of Minutes Summary: The August 19, 2014 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes are attached for approval. The Poway City Council sits as the Poway Planning Commission, the Poway Housing Authority, the Public Financing Authority, and the Successor Agency to the Poway Redevelopment Agency. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the Council approve the August 19, 2014 Regular Meeting Minutes as submitted. Fiscal Impact: None. Environmental Review: Environmental review is not required according to CEQA guidelines. Public Notification: None. Attachment: A. August 19, 2014 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 1 of 8 September 16, 2014 Item # 1.3 NOTE. These draft meeting minutes are not official until approved by the City Council at the next scheduled meeting. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES August 19, 2014 City Council Chambers 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California (Per Government Code 54953) (Meeting Called to Order as City Council /City of Poway Planning Commission /Poway Housing Authority /Public Financing Authority and Successor Agency to the Poway RedevelopmentAgency) CALL TO ORDER Mayor Higginson called the Regular Meeting to ROLL CALL Vaus, Mullin, Grosch, Hi Absent — Cunningham STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Daniel Singer, City Ma Attorney; Sheila R. Cc Bob Manis, Director /of Scott Edwards, Dir:,eet Services; Captain Jeff; (Note: ', City PLEDGE ger,.i ina vvnite %H, a, ,Qty// Clerk'Rol evelopm�nt Servic of Administrative �xin,,Sler fF s,Depa at 7:02 p.m. tart' %;ity�Manager; Morgan L. Foley, City Bettin, Director of Community Services; Leah Browder, Director of Public Works; rices; Mark Sanchez, Director of Safety ant. Deputy MayQr,/'Councilmember, City Manager, Assistant City ,rk and Director of Administrative Services shall be used to Fy Mayor/Vice Chair Councilmember /Director, City sslstant City Manager /Assistant Executive Director, City etaryjiand Director of Administrative Services/Finance Officer.) Deputy Mayor GroschFintroduced Barbara Lange, President of the Poway Performing Arts Company, to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. Attachment A 9948 2 of 8 September 16, 2014 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — August 19, 2014 1. CONSENT CALENDAR (Approved by Roll -Call Vote) Motion by Councilmember Vaus, seconded by Councilmember Mullin to approve Consent Calendar Items 1.1 through 1.7. Motion carried by the following roll -call vote: Ayes: Vaus, Mullin, Grosch, Higginson Noes: None Absent: Cunningham 1.1 Approval of Reading by Title only and Waiver of Readi Agenda. 1.2 Ratification /Approval of Warrant Registers for 11, 2014 and July 14 through July 18, 2014. 1.3 Approval of the July 15, 2014 City Cou 31, 2014 City Council Special Meetinggl 1.4 Acceptance of the Bowron Sidewalk Projee Inc., as complete; Authorize the City CIA %�/a' Completion; Authorize the reease of the re M. unencumbered, 45 days afters; /ouncil / /r, am 6. Material and Labor in the amou�t� of $1, 11 0 Performance for a period of one veac. ar Meeting full of Ordinances on July 7, through July and the July ;K4 -013, from Anton's Service, le and record the Notice of in the amount of $958.20, if Lance; Release the Bond for etain the Bond for Faithful 1.5 Award of Bid cNaffiara Electric, Inc., for LMD 87-1 Variable Frequency D j e�'ump Reldbement, 4 /� e amount of $7,698.64; RFB 15 -002. 1.6 Acceptance of G4 j Inv A1111 port as�of June 30, 2014. ON . j am 1.7 Seco:n Reach andEmiption of Ordinance No. 771 entitled, An Ordinance of the y�rty�f Poway, 4alhornia;,�Amending Chapters 17.08, 17.18, and 17.20 and adding Municipal 17.31 ti�i,%��t, the Poway Municipal Code Pertaining to Amateur `1%o�tle 17 „ R�d -io Antenna Insta'I��tions Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) 14 -002). 2. ORDI 2.1 None. 3. PU 3.1 Approval of Conditional Use Permit 14 -001; City of Poway, Applicant: A request to allow the Poway Farmers Market to operate on a permanent basis on Saturdays within a section of Midland Road located between Adrian Street and Edgemoor Street. Associate Planner Carol Rosas presented the staff report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation. Speaker with a neutral position: Jack Senchak. 9949 3 of 8 September 16, 2014 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — August 19, 2014 Motion by Councilmember Vaus seconded by Mayor Higginson to close the public hearing and Adopt Resolution No. P -14 -05 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 14- 001. "; and, Adopt Resolution No. P -14 -06 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, approving Conditional Use Permit 14- 001." Motion carried unanimously by those present, Councilmember Cunningham absent. 3.2 Approval of Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 12 -001 and Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) 13 -004; Ed and Barbara Malone, Applicant /Prope�j�Owner: A proposal for revisions to the Hidden Valley Ranch (HVR) Specific PIapUd subdivision map. Senior Planner Jason Martin reviewed a overview of the agenda report. Concluding the presentation, Senior Plan made a request after the agenda had be the Resolution to add the following Ian "'J r by the No speakers. Council discussiAN n erts01 ate Motion by C mem the public g F%arin and of the City Cou � it of tl to the idden Val -, ��/ / /��i �����Y%% 13 -00 °rid ff ritativ;, viii / /// a�; following iaegt�age CityD%Attorney. Counr member C 4. STAFF REPO 4.1 Tony Gwynn this regardi ion and provided an Martin explainetl ghat the applicant ublished to amenection J.2.e of written instrument proposed project. Vaus seccded by Councilmember Mullin to close Npt Resol�dtion No. P -14 -07 entitled A Resolution Gt�of Poway /California, approving an amendment �� ao chaf6b,$7 /7/under Specific Plan Amendment (SPA) ct Map (M) 12 -001" as amended to include the Section J.2.e The applicant may satisfy this tnative written instrument convevina the required lotion° carried ngham absent. emorial Survey. unanimously by those present, Director of Community Services Robin Bettin presented the survey results. Speaker in Support: John Wismont. Councilmember Vaus suggested the City name a ball field and place a memorial plaque or monument at Lake Poway in honor of Tony Gwynn. Councilmember Mullin concurred with Councilmember Vaus' suggestion. 9950 4 of 8 September 16, 2014 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — August 19, 2014 Deputy Mayor Grosch and Mayor Higginson also spoke in support of naming a ball field at Lake Poway in honor of Tony Gwynn. Motion by Councilmember Vaus seconded by Councilmember Mullin to direct staff to return to Council at a future meeting with funding ideas and a timeline for constructing a memorial and naming a ball field at Lake Poway in honor of Tony Gwynn. Motion carried unanimously by those present, Councilmember Cunningham absent. 4.2 Old Coach Estates Neighborhood Water Issues. City Engineer Steve Crosby provided the staff rep2,04/a/011", '`e'�reviewed a PowerPoint presentation. Councilmember Mullin suggested that the an administrative function rather than req for the permit be adjusted according concurrence to allow a 30 day amne -- connection and did not previously obfatl that during the amnesty period the City not Councilmember Vaus spoke i at the staff level rather than re In response to an inquiry from Deputy WER that it currently t jroximately %� approval for a tgpijporary uuaier conned royal' of temwp/gary water permits be I /Council appro.V61 and that the fee n addition, he requested Council I for residents who ca ntly have a �, app to permit . le%isuggested r :eO eefor the ermit. of temp T/ y water permits being approved wncil actioffil .,. 'r�gineer Crosby explained . resident to obtain Council Mayor Higgiffis'on��also spok 'n suppoAN Councilmember Mullin's suggestion and requested Council, concur;FertEe, o allow�j60 day amnesty period rather than 30 days for a connection and did not obtain the a ppEOUtrate_ ermit. y Motion b Ma a"' , i ifij n seconded b Councilmember Vaus to direct staff , Y Y � ��,99 ns,,fj� Y toring back a g�dinaric to allow administrative approval of Temporary NIN Permits; an' o begin a 60 day amnesty period to allow residents who have <�nunpermitte <; water connection to obtain the appropriate permit at no charge.O///Notion e., ied unanimously by those present, Councilmember Cunning laabs;�r� 4.3 Appeal of the Approval of Minor Development Review Application (MDRA) 13 -023, to Construct a Home on a Lot Located Near the Northern Terminus of Ann -O -Reno Lane, APN 323 - 010 -37. City Planner Rich Whipple presented the staff report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation. Appellants Rich Chagnon and Stephen Woolmer provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding their appeal of MDRA 13 -023. Mr. Chagnon and Mr. 9951 5 of 8 September 16, 2014 Item # 1.3 City of Poway – Minutes – August 19, 2014 Woolmer stated that the proposed home would not be compatible with the character of the neighborhood on Ann -O -Reno Lane. Mercedes Jauregui, the applicant of MDRA 13 -023, came forward to address Council. Ms. Jauregui stated that the home she intends to place on the property will be compatible with the neighborhood and that her application met all requirements set forth by the City. Speakers in support of the Appeal: Marion DeVenere, Scott Melvin, C.W. Stewart and Larry Rothrock. Speaker in opposition of the Appeal: Fernando Leos. In response to an inquiry from Councilmember Vaax Diretor Manis explained that in order for a manufactured home to be per mitt on the lot %icannot be on wheels, must be on a permanent foundation, no more�tfian ten years <"­ and must have a roof overhang. /,y,. Councilmember Vaus asked what wou1fappe `tt pplicant chacmes the type of home she plans to place on the lot. e�y A/ ire Director Manis explained tha "if he change I 'Wificant, the applicant would be required to pursue approval of�Wa�rn`endment t 13 -023. Councilmember Mullin co requirements of the /gQ,, }r,;;gdE RA I 3 -023 conforms to all }exist to support the appeal. Deputy May% GOsch co'r� med w �h Director Manis that the applicant will be �/i required to ,)ace a homen the lot /that is substantially similar to the home approved as paj f MD R///r/A,5///,l 3� 3' 0th ise, an amendment to the application will be necessary //� /- M, �HlVVIFISMI state' /at based on the evidence and the facts, the project met wo !, al ity requiremiquas an %� rranted approval. R. ,., /l//// /, Motion by Mayor : gginso, econded by Councilmember Mullin to deny the appe%jnd uphold approval of MDRA 13 -023, pursuant to Resolution No. P- 14- 08,!ae� titled p./ esolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, CaliforriRm -en i g n Appeal of Minor Development Review Application MDRA 13=0% , sessor s Parcel Number 323 - 010 -37. Motion carried unanimously`bhose present, Councilmember Cunningham absent. 4.4 Appeal of the Approval of Minor Development Review Application (MDRA) 13 -030, to Construct a Two -Story Addition onto an Existing Residence Located at 12343 Spyglass Terrace. Associate Planner Carol Rosas provided a PowerPoint presentation and reviewed the staff report. 9952 6 of 8 September 16, 2014 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — August 19, 2014 Appellant Bryan Thai gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the appeal of MDRA 13 -030. Mr. Thai stated that the size of the proposed addition to the home located at 12343 Spyglass Terrace will result in a structure no longer harmonious in character with the other homes on the street. He also explained that the applicant currently has more vehicles than can be accommodated in the driveway. The additional vehicles are often parked on the street creating hazardous driving conditions on Spyglass Terrace. Attorney Terry Hellencamp and Architect Nick Arthman, representing the applicant, came forward to address Council. Mr. Hellencamp and A -Ar. Arthman stated that MDRA 13 -030 meets all of the requirements set forth by�the City and approval of the project should be upheld. / Speakers in support of the Appeal: Lirio Ramos a' 0' hang. /j �/ In response to Councilmember Vaus, Captain Maxinplained that law enforcement cannot ticket on a private s�/��0 . Councilmember Vaus stated that altha' -code co liance issues gist at 12343 %% Spyglass Terrace, he could not find a,;, Jng i the City's development review procedures that would warrant granting the-, j j Councilmember Mullin suggested M�� e nt an ameRdrr�ent be added to the condition of approval allowing staff to inspect theerior o home on a periodic basis to ice, ,, ensure the floor plan remains open and'rrteg;rated tofunction as one single - family iiia /fin residence, and that nat more than ;one kitc,rAp sts wit in the residence. Architect Nick °' ' ' an confirmed thAlltie applicant would agree to such periodic jjvs 4j jj interior inspeGtfor�ss. Deputy Mayor " "'sch stated° hat the pr "o'osed addition to the home is out of scale , � //��� . with the other homes on%the/ �eet�a� o�ild change the character and aesthetics oft .'eigorhood�� conclusion, hesated he could support the appeal. ayor Higgmsa P11�omme��ed that the applicant met all standards required under the;�City code; there,re, he %�G,o „uld be voting to deny the appeal. Motiwa by Councilrttember Vaus seconded by Mayor Higginson to deny the a eaL%ar�d uphold th6 approval of MDRA 13 -030, pursuant to Resolution No. PP %, A�� P -14 -09 e� itled // /Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, myth an Appeal of Minor Development Review Application (MDRA) 13 03OAssessor's Parcel Number 314 - 820 -29,” as amended to include the following: G.12. A deed covenant restrictin_g the addition areas from containina a kitchen facility or being leased as a sevarate unit shall be recorded on the property. The covenant shall also include a requirement that the residence be subject to periodic inspections at the discretion of the City, by City staff to verify that the floor plan remains open and intearated to function as one single - family residence. and that not more than one kitchen exists within the residence. Motion carried 3/1/1, Deputy Mayor Grosch — No and Councilmember Cunningham absent. 9953 7 of 8 September 16, 2014 Item # 1.3 City of Poway — Minutes — August 19, 2014 5. WORKSHOP 5.1 None. 6. CITY MANAGER ITEMS City Manager Singer announced that a Special Meeting will be held in Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. on September 9, 2014 regarding the design of the Community Center remodel /expansion. 7. CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS All No report. 8. MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL - INITIATED ITEMS Councilmember Vaus 8.1 Water Saving Tips. Councilmember Vaus encouraged residents.. way to capture water i ucket while ARM awaiting shower water to warm up. He stated t approve �, ately 15 -20 ga ffs of water could be captured and used for irrigation purpos /% 8.2 Performing Arts Center Use icy. Councilmember Vaus requested COURCil '// detailing the pros and cons of revising Performing Arts in order tow, -. and the pE �/�/ ���io, Council discussion e;;ed Q g thei Councilmember MU[n — No re Deputy Mayor Groscffi N i 10:16 p.m. a %crrrence 00' .sect staff to prepare a report the "jP,olicy a %ie Poway Center for the ort for Councilmember Vaus' request. Sheila R. Cobian, CIVIC City Clerk City of Poway, California 9954 8 of 8 September 16, 2014 Item # 1.3