Item 5.1 - Workshop for Proposed Half Marathon; Beyond Events, ProponentG`t•{ OF P0 IP�1 City of Poway Y I �pJ COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT CrN THE DATE: September 16, 2014 APPROVED ■ APPROVED AS AMENDED O (SEE MINUTES) DENIED O REMOVED O CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of tie City Council FROM: Daniel Singer, City Manager im INITIATED BY: Robert J. Manis, Director of Development Services Steve Crosby, City Engineer Melody Rocco, Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Workshop for Proposed Half Marathon; Beyond Events, Proponent Summary The Proponent, Beyond Events, is requesting input from the City Council regarding their proposal to hold a half marathon in the City of Poway on a Sunday morning in the fall of 2015. The organizer will be making a presentation to explain the event concept. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council provide input regarding the proposal and direct staff to work with the proponent on an administrative level Temporary Use Permit (TUP). Background: City staff was approached by Beyond Events with a proposal to hold a half marathon and 5K event in the City of Poway. The proposed event will benefit the John Wayne Cancer Foundation. It is anticipated that the event will draw between 3,000 and 5,000 participants. They have indicated the intent to host this event annually for multiple years and are seeking City approval. A half marathon is 13.1 miles in length and a 5K is 3.1 miles in length. The proposed route will minimize disruptions to traffic by using major roadways with multiple lanes as much as possible, including Twin Peaks Road, Pomerado Road, and Espola Road. Findings: The race would begin on Midland Road in front of Old Poway Park. Registration will begin at 5:00 a.m. with pre -race announcements at 6:00 a.m. The half marathon race will start at 6:30 a.m. heading north on Midland Road along the course shown on Attachment A. 1 of 7 September 16, 2014 Item #5.1 Workshop for Proposed Half Marathon September 16, 2014 Page 2 A portion of the half marathon route goes through the City of San Diego which will require approval by the City of San Diego as a separate action by the organizers. Both the half marathon and 5K races are starting at the same time, announcements will be made prior to the race indicating the route differences. Signage will be posted at the Twin Peaks Road intersection along with volunteers helping direct the runners. The 5K race will head north on Midland Road along the course shown on Attachment B. Streets that cross the route will remain open with vehicles being held by race volunteers until a gap in the runners will allow them to safely cross through the intersection. Residents affected by the route will receive advance notification of the race and any impacts to them on race day. Portions of Midland Road, Twin Peaks Road, and Tierra Bonita Road will be closed at various points during the half marathon and 5K races. A few residential neighborhoods adjacent to the two routes will have their streets closed to vehicular traffic during the race. These neighborhoods will receive advance notification of the road closures and the approximate time frame that their street will be affected. After runners have completed segments of the race, traffic control will be removed along that portion of the route, and those roadways will be reopened to traffic. In order to prevent the half marathon from lasting longer than the proposed three hours, the organizers will set up a sweep point where runners will be held if they reach that point after a specified time. Those runners will be driven back to the finish line so that the roadways can be reopened on schedule. Attachment C depicts the average run time for the elite runner that averages a five minute mile and the slowest runner that averages a 14 minute mile. The sweep point will likely be located between miles seven and eight. The proposal includes using Sheriff Department Services to provide traffic control at all signalized intersections along the route. Costs associated with the Sheriff's Department staff time will be covered by the race organizers. Volunteers will staff each non - signalized intersection in order to hold cross traffic until gaps in the runners allow them to cross safely. All traffic control for the race will be paid for by organizers and set up by a private company. Advance warning signage for road closures will be posted along the route prior to the event. At this point in time it is not anticipated that staff time will be required during the event other than any Community Services staff time that is normally provided with the reservation of City facilities. Access to Adjacent Properties There are a number of churches along the route, primarily located on Pomerado Road and Espola Road. These churches are either located on the opposite side of the street from the race and will therefore not have access impacted or have service times that do not conflict with the race. Staff has identified potential access conflicts with three churches along the route, although staff believes some level of access can be provided 2 of 7 September 16, 2014 Item #5.1 Workshop for Proposed Half Marathon September 16, 2014 Page 3 to all of them. Two churches located along Twin Peaks Road have service times during or just after the race and will have access from one direction only during the race. A third church located on Pomerado Road has an 8 a.m. service time which may conflict with the tail end of the runners. An event volunteer will be posted at the driveway to the church allowing drivers to enter the church during gaps in the runners. Coordination with those churches will be required in order to notify their congregations of the impacts for the affected services. The organizers have proposed partnering with the churches as well as other local organizations to provide water and cheering stations with the potential for portions of race proceeds benefitting the partnering organization. The half marathon route passes Pomerado Hospital at just after the mile 5 marker. It is anticipated that runners will be passing by this location over a period of approximately one hour. A sheriff will be stationed at the signalized intersection to the hospital and will hold the runners in the event that an emergency vehicle requires access to the hospital. The organizers will be required to coordinate with the hospital prior to the event. A portion of Green Valley (see Attachment A, mile markers 6 -8) will be affected by the race for about 2 hours between approximately 6:45 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. The roads in that neighborhood are not wide enough to accommodate two lanes of vehicular traffic as well as a lane for the runners. Staff is working out the logistics of maintaining one - way traffic for vehicles versus closing the roads for the two hour window. Entertainment Bands playing a variety of live music will be stationed at various locations along the half marathon route to motivate runners. Each band will be set up on a flatbed truck adjacent to the route. Since the race begins at 6:30 a.m., several bands are proposed to begin playing music prior to 7:00 a.m. The City's Municipal Code section 8.08.040 Sound Level Limits has restrictions on noise levels prior to 7:00 a.m. Section 8.08.170(6)(2) Exemptions lists sporting, entertainment, and public events as exemptable activities for the provisions of the Noise Abatement and Control chapter. The organizers are also planning festivities at Old Poway Park after conclusion of the race. On the day prior to race day, the organizers will hold a packet pick -up event and a pre -race carb dinner. The organizers will work directly with Community Services staff on site diagrams, event schedule and details, shuttle transportation and parking plans, best management practices, City and other agency permits, and payment of all applicable use fees. Temporary Use Permit (TUP) This event will require a TUP from the Development Services Department. The permit fee and all submittal requirements will be provided by the event organizers. The permit will cover all the necessary traffic control, signage, and notification requirements for the event. 3 of 7 September 16, 2014 Item #5.1 Workshop for Proposed Half Marathon September 16, 2014 Page 4 Parking Parking will likely be made available near Old Poway Park as well as at other City parks and facilities. In addition, the organizers will coordinate with businesses near Old Poway Park in order to use their parking lots during the event. A shuttle service, provided by the organizer, will be made available for participants. Details for the event parking will be announced on the event website as well as through other event marketing strategies and will be assessed with the TUP. Fiscal Impact: None. Environmental Review: This action is not subject to review under the 2014 California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines. Public Notification: None. Attachments: A. Half Marathon Course Map B. 5K Course Map C. Timelines MAC1P_Development \C1P Admin\Agenda Reports\2014 Reports \Half Marathon\Agenda Report Template.docx 407 September 16, 2014 Item #5.1 Half Marathon Course Map r" ,r. HO &- Rj a CC -: C A 5 of 7 ATTACHMENT A September 16, 2014 Item #5.1 5K Course Map 6 of 7 ATTACHMENT B September 16, 2014 Item #5.1 H 61fllmikath an:Tlmyy el Mile Location Description 0 Old Poway Park - Midland Road Left on Twin Peaks Road 1 Twin Peaks Road 2 Twin Peaks Road Right on Pomerado Road 3 Pomerado Road 4 Pomerado Road Right on Rancho Bernado Road 5 Rancho Bernardo Road turns into Espola Road Right on Avenida Florencia 6 Avenida Florencia Left on Avenida La Valencia 7 Avenida La Valencia Left on Calle Colina Right on Valle Verde Road Right on Espola Road 8 Espola Road 9 Espola Road 10 Espola Road 11 Espola Road Right on Twin Peaks Road 12 Twin Peaks Road Left on Tierra Bonita Road Right on trail south of Poway Valley Road Left on Midland Road 13.1 Midland Road .5"'1 v.. ..•6' Ati '� r �w b Vii. - 'u.:.f ��tt, "''v. , y,.' • ;.;,; ,,.'.� 7:50 8:22 7:15 Elite Middle Last (5 min /mile) (10 min /mile) (14 min /mile) 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:35 6:40 6:44 6:40 6:50 6:58 6:45 7:00 7:12 6:50 7:10 7:26 6:55 7:20 7:40 7:00 7:30 7:54 7:05 7:40 8:08 7:10 7:50 8:22 7:15 8:00 8:36 7:20 8:10 8:50 7:25 8:20 9:04 7:30 8:30 9:18 7:35 8:40 9:32 '� '«' .•r*` 9�" - `gab..' -<'h��4:dN".:� = M�. �? "...a .. <.' ^ "t' ,;�'.'•f "•R'�r - t'• - -- s' _ tea?.,. ...e'. , M• �` nxx :y. Mile Location Description 0 Old Poway Park - Midland Road Right on Twin Peaks Road 1 Twin Peaks Road Right on Tierra Bonita Road U -Turn on Tierra Bonita Road between Donart Drive & Calvary Road 2 Tierra Bonita Road Left on trail south of Poway Valley Road Left on Midland Road 3.1 Midland Road 7of7 Elite Middle Last (5 min /mile) (12 min /mile) (20 min /mile) 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:35 6:42 6:50 6:40 6:54 7:10 6:45 7:06 7:30 ATTACHMENT C September 16, 2014 Item #5.1