Item 1.7 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL - posted 9/11/14OF Ul�i4� CITY O POWAY �\ - MEMORANDUM `"Y~f� THtC ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (Agenda Related Writings /Documents provided to City Council or Staff after distribution of the Agenda Packet for the September 16, 2014 Council Meeting) TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Daniel Singer, City Manager C14 INITIATED BY: Leah Browder, Director of Public Works Michael Obermiller, P.E., Assistant Director of Public Works Pat Ryan, Public Works Operations Manager SUBJECT: Request for Authorization to Purchase Three Truck Cab /Chassis and Two Safety Services Replacement Vehicles through the State of California's CMAS Purchase Program, and Authorization to Use Informal Competitive Bidding for Construction /Installation of Truck Bodies The City's Fiscal Year 2014/15 Capital Equipment Replacement budget includes funding to replace seven vehicles, including three trucks for Public Works. However, it does not include funding to replace two specialized vehicles for Safety Services. At the time of FY 14/15 budget preparation, staff did not anticipate replacing these Safety Services vehicles. It is now necessary to replace these vehicles so that they can be rotated to the Poway Senior Volunteer Patrol (SVP) unit. Of the three existing SVP vehicles, one was recently damaged beyond repair in a traffic accident and one vehicle has exceeded mileage thresholds such that maintenance costs are now outpacing value. While these replacements were not anticipated at the time the budget was adopted, sufficient funding is currently available in the FY 14 -15 budget because other planned vehicle purchases have been delayed until later this fiscal year. Sufficient funding is available in the City's Capital Equipment Replacement Fund for all anticipated FY 14/15 vehicle purchases. Further, excess vehicle purchase funds were returned to this fund at the end of FY 13 -14 because some vehicle purchases were delayed last year. Staff anticipates returning to Council at a future date to request an additional appropriation from the Capital Equipment Replacement fund to complete the purchase of the four remaining vehicles originally slated for replacement in Fiscal Year 14/15. It also appears, based on updated vendor estimates, that additional funding may be required to "up -fit" the two Safety Services vehicles and to complete customized truck bed purchases for the three trucks described in the original Council Agenda Report. Any additional funding need will be estimated after bids and quotes have been received. 1 of 1 September 16, 2014 Item # 1.7