Item 5.1 - Off-Leash Dog Access at Silverset Neighborhood ParkG1� OF POlji9r City of Poway COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT Cam, IN THE CpV APPROVED APPROVED AS AMENDED 0 (SEE MINUTES) DENIED 0 REMOVED 0 CONTINUED RESOLUTION NO. DATE: October 21, 2014 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Daniel Singer, City Manage INITIATED BY: Robin Bettin, Director of Community. Servic fit SUBJECT: Off -Leash Dog Access in Silverset Neighborhood Park Summary: At their July 15 meeting, the City Council directed staff to look at possible options for off - leash dog access in Silverset Neighborhood Park. Staff reviewed work that had been done in preparation for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, and researched an off -leash dog access model that the City of Encinitas utilizes at three of their neighborhood parks. Additionally, a neighborhood meeting was held on September 4, 2014, to elicit feedback from residents within 500+ feet of the park. This report summarizes staff's evaluation of options for off -leash dog access at Silverset Neighborhood Park. Recommended Action: It is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report, and provide further direction to staff. Background: As defined in Section 10 of the City of Poway Facility Use Rules and Regulations and adopted by City Council, "neighborhood parks are for the enjoyment of all Poway residents. In scheduling the use of neighborhood parks, the objective shall be to balance the use of the park for the enjoyment of the surrounding neighborhood, and use of the park to meet the needs of organized sports." On May 16, 2012, an organized group of Arbolitos residents presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) a proposal for off -leash dog access on the ball field in Silverset Neighborhood Park. See Attachment A. On October 16, 2013, the group presented a second proposal to the PRAC_ requesting access to the ball field for off -leash use, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. each morning for a trial one -year period, to be evaluated at the conclusion of that year. On both occasions, the PRAC requested staff to research the feasibility of the 1 of 22 October 21, 2014 Item #'5 -.1 Off -Leash Dog Access at Silverset Neighborhood Park October 21, 2014 Page 2 proposals. When conducting research, staff looked at a variety of factors, including: current use patterns at the existing Poway Dog Park, Silverset Park's proximity to the existing Poway Dog Park located in Community Park, a comparison of acreage dedicated for dog park use in San Diego County, maintenance costs, liability factors, and sports field usage. During the review of the second proposal, staff also considered creating a separate, fenced area for off -leash dogs within the park, and the costs and impacts associated with that option. See Attachment B. The organized resident group could not reach consensus on a fenced dog pen. Their preference remained the shared -use proposal of the ball field. On both occasions, the PRAC declined to recommend the proposals to the City Council. The decision was based primarily on Public Works and Community Services staff findings that off -leash dog use and athletic play are incompatible from a safety and sanitary perspective. Also, PRAC members felt that if a second dog park were to be established, a location should be selected that is further away than the 2.6- miles that Silverset Park is to Poway Dog Park for a wider geographical distribution of facilities. The PRAC members suggested that the Arbolitios residents address the City Council with their proposal. On June 27, 2014, the City Manager met with representatives of the organized group of residents requesting off -leash dog access at Silverset Park. During that discussion, the group proposed evaluating another model that is currently used by the City of Encinitas. In this model, dogs are allowed in all areas of several neighborhood parks during designated off -leash times. At their July 15 meeting, the City Council directed staff to look at possible options for off - leash dog access in Silverset Neighborhood Park. Findings: Staff has identified two options that could be implemented on a trial basis that would be of nominal cost and easy to repeal if the trial proved unsuccessful. Option One: Offer designated off -leash dog access hours in all areas of Silverset Park except the playground, basketball court, and ball field. An example of the proposed hours would be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. The afternoon hours would not be allowed during soccer season, which runs from approximately August to January. Staff contacted the Poway Youth Soccer League (PYSL), and they did not express concerns with this concept. This option is similar to the Encinitas model; but, it is important to note that three of the Encinitas neighborhood parks that allow designated off -leash dog.access, do not allow permitted /organized sports use. 2 of 22 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 Off -Leash Dog Access at Silverset Neighborhood Park October 21, 2014 Page 3 Option Two The second option is to no longer schedule the ball field for softball practice or other athletic use, and designate it as an enclosed dog pen during all open -park hours. Gates would be installed to enclose the dugout openings. Field use by the Poway Girls Softball League (PGSL) is dependent on participation levels. For July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013, the field was utilized 34% of the available time, with primary use by PGSL. For July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014, field use was reduced to 19 %. When contacted to vet concerns, PGSL informed staff that they intend to increase use at Silverset Park for the 2014 -15 season due to reduced availability of the fields at Midland Elementary School. For August 2014, PGSL increased their use by 500% or from 3 practices to 18 practices. Neighborhood Meeting On September 4, staff hosted a neighborhood meeting to present the proposed off - leash dog access options and elicit feedback. Over 60 people attended the meeting. During the meeting, staff provided the history of the request, and presented the two options described above. Staff then opened the meeting to allow for public comment. A total of 37 people spoke. The speakers were passionate and discussion ensued. Attendees were relatively evenly divided on the issue. The organized group of Arbolitos residents once again discussed, at great length, their original proposal to use the ball field for off -leash dog access each morning between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. for a one -year trial period. At the conclusion of the meeting, staff asked attendees to fill out a form indicating their support of one or both of the off -leash proposals presented by staff, the shared -use proposal once again discussed by the resident group, or opposition to any off -leash proposal. There were 34 votes in favor of the original shared -use option proposed by the organized neighborhood group, and 31 votes against any off -leash use. Additionally, staff received several emails from citizens who could not attend the meeting, which are included as Attachment C. Five emails were in opposition to off leash dog access, three emails were in favor of it, and three emails provided only general comments. Conclusion Although 34 attendees of the neighborhood meeting voted in favor of shared use of the ball field, Public Works and Community Services staff still supports the research that off - leash dog use and athletic play at the Silverset Neighborhood Park ball field are incompatible from a safety and sanitary perspective. Option One would allow for a low -cost, trial basis for off -leash dog access. It would be easy to reverse if deemed not viable after the trial basis evaluation. The clear signage would allow the San Diego Humane Society to enforce leash laws during the hours when dogs are not allowed off leash. Residents who are concerned about safety due.to 3 of 22 October 21, 2014 Item, # 5 - Off -Leash Dog Access at Silverset Neighborhood Park October 21, 2014 Page 4 unleashed dogs could avoid the park during those designated hours. However, this would limit the general public's use of the park as stated in the primary function of a neighborhood park. It would be the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after their dogs and avoid the playground, ball field, and basketball courts. It would be the responsibility of the general public to be aware of the designated off -leash hours. Option Two would provide the secure access for off -leash dogs during all open -park hours. This would address the safety concerns of residents who are not comfortable with unleashed dogs in the park. The cost to enclose the ball field is relatively minor as it would only require replacing the gates on the dugout openings and adding signage. This option will have a potentially -large impact on PGSL. It requires closing the ball field for athletic use and removing it from the inventory, not only for organized sports groups, but also for residents using it for a pick -up game or practice. All use of the ball field at Silverset Park could be relocated to Valle Verde Neighborhood Park. When discussed with PGSL, representatives stated that the location of Valle Verde in north Poway poses distance challenges to both coaches and players. Additionally, this option could be costly to the City as it will lead to wear - pattern damage to the turf and interior of the ball field. If the City desires to reclaim the ball field for athletic use after a period of one year, costs would be incurred for turf and infield renovation and dugout modification. Estimated costs to rehabilitate the field back to required standards are highly dependent on turf conditions and range from $10,000 to $19,000. Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact associated with this report. Environmental Review: There is no environmental impact relating to this report. However, it is anticipated that some level of environmental review will be required once a preferred option is identified. Public Notification: A notification of this meeting was mailed to over 200 addresses within 500+ feet of Silverset Neighborhood Park and residents who attended or provided input into the Neighborhood Meeting. Notices of this meeting were also placed at the park. Attachments: A. Resident Proposal for Off -Leash Dog Use at Silverset Neighborhood Park B. Potential Fenced Dog Pen Locations for Silverset Neighborhood Park C. Email from Residents Unable to Attend Neighborhood Meeting 4 of 22 October 21, 2014 Item #5.1 Silverset Park Conditional Use Proposal for Canines Proposal: Shared use of Silverset Park softball field by canines and their owners. Requirements for use: • Canine owners are respectful and leave softball field when in use. • Pick up after their dog and others, discourage digging. • Ensure the canines stay in enclosed area of softball field. • Canines are recipients of a certificate of good behavior from a program. • Volunteers manage a rotation of "staff' to monitor enclosed softball field as outlined below. • For a consecutive three month period canines and their owners will be allowed access to the enclosed softball field during park hours. • The canines will be allowed off leash within the enclosed softball field only when not in use by persons using the field for softball. The following will be provided by the dog owners in order to maintain a proper softball field: Twice a day, morning and in the evening prior to close, the enclosed softball field will be checked for any excrement and will be properly disposed of. Twice a day, morning and in the evening prior to close, the enclosed softball field will be checked for any holes in the field. Those holes will be filled with the proper soil that recommended by the park maintenance staff. The filling of the holes material will be purchased by volunteers. (Even holes made by gophers will be filled by the volunteers) Utilize on =line Goggle Apps to schedule volunteers to monitor park and use a forum to address issues. Establish a Point of Contact for the City to contact in case concernsarise during the trial period. (Contact person for volunteers will be Janet Di Prinzio) Conclusion: At the end of the three month period a report back to the Parks and Recreation committee will be made regarding any issues /concerns that came up during this conditional use period. This report will be made by the park maintenance staff. An assessment will be made at that time to determine if modifications need to be made and if this shared use policy may continue. 5 of 22 ATTACHMENT A' October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 Silverset Park Off Leash Area Proposal September 2013 Proposal: The members of this OLA Committee,-and many more park visitors are asking for an "off leash area" (OLA) in Silverset park. The proposal is asking for the ball field to be available to dog owners from 6:00.to 9:00 am each morning. This would be a conditional use for a trial period of one year. Requirements: 1. The -OLA Committee will provide two gates in the dugout area in order to secure the perimeter of the field. 2. The OLA Committee will provide a sign that states the rules for use of the ball field with your dog. Please see attached for the stated /suggested rules to include. 3. The OLA Committee will conduct ongoing education to the visitors of the ball field in regards to the good behavior of dogs, clean up and care of the field in order to enlist more people to care for the park in a respectful way. 4. The OLA Committee will arrange for daily "sweeping" of the park at 9 :00 am for dog dirt and general clean up. Comments: The OLA Committee is making this proposal so that the neighborhood can access their neighborhood park for a brief time to exercise and socialize themselves and their dogs in a more natural organic way. Cesar Millan's - star of National Geographic Channel's hit show The Dog Whisperer-and internationally known dog trainer reveals the formula for contented and balanced dogs. It is simply - exercise, discipline and then affection, of course in that order, and often times we do it in the reverse order which can cause the problems. It is good to note that more and more people are coming to the park and into their neighborhoods to exercise with their dogs. This exercise keeps the dogs in a balanced state and we all know how good exercise can be for us. The exercise comes in many forms for dogs; walking on leash, running off leash, swimming in a pool, chasing a ball, and wrestling with another 4 legged friend. Dogs bring the community together, they help our neighborhood come together. CCI (Canine Companions for independence) dogs do remarkable work with and for the handicapped, but one of -their most important acts is to pull the community to the handicapped person in order to help that person be integrated into the 6 of 22 October 21, 2014 Item #5.1 community. Dogs do that so effortlessly for all people, handicapped or not. I rarely go to the park without meeting someone new. Why? It is because I have my 2 dogs. It is either another dog owner and the dogs want to meet and greet or it is a non -dog owner that just wants some dog time, or it is small children that act like magnets to my dogs. I would guess that 90% of the neighborhood around Silverset Park I know is through my dogs integrating me to the community. They are great ambassadors for bringing people together. The committee has spoken to many park visitors and there are many more neighbors of the park and park visitors that are very interested in a OLA at Silverset Park. They love coming to the park they live near so that they can get their exercise in a local familiar area with their dog. They don't want to add to the traffic in downtown Poway to get to the dog park that is not easily accessible due to location and parking issues. Other complaints they have for the dog park behind the pool and ball fields are; the 3 pens are somewhat small and don't allow for dogs to move in and out of play groups, hot at times, lack of knowledge of dogs that are visiting, aggressive dogs that could be a danger and the mosquito infested creek is a problem at dusk. On August 3rd, 2013 in the Business Section of the Union - Tribune was an article by Roger Showley regarding Balboa Park and its status as one of the top 40 public spaces. This status appears in a book, "How to Design Our World for Happiness" by Jay Walljasper. "Every community needs a commons where people can gather as friends, neighbors and citizens, " Walljasper writes. "This can be a grand public square, or a vacant lot with a few handmade benches where locals sit down to for conversation. Or even a beloved beach, bridge or bus station. What's important are connections made among people, which can lead to wonderful things: friendships, love affairs or partnerships that flower into new ideas for businesses or community projects." As our OLA team met with people many were willing to fill out a questionnaire regarding the park. The common thread was the ability to socialize and meet their neighbors with their dogs and to easily access a common area that had a safe environment like our beloved neighborhood Silverset Park. Our committee would like to work with the city to pilot this program at our park. We want to ensure that we have a safe, sane and respectful program for the field and our neighbors, especially those living closest to the park. We are willing to put in the time and money to give it a chance, knowing that we are learning as we go and will need to make changes as determined. This OLA program is something that is familiar to many other cities including Portland, Oregon and we would like to see how it could work and look in our city of Poway. This is a small way to test the waters with a willing group of citizens. Members: Respectfully submitted by: Susan Busch, Kim Conant, Janet DiPrinzio, Rich Forsey, Stacey Forsey, Karen Hughson 7 of 22 October 21, 2014 Item #5.1 Silverset Park OLA Hours Daily 6:00 to 9:00 am OLA Rules of Use • Be respectful of all rules to ensure continued use of the OLA. • Dogs must demonstrate appropriate social interaction. • Dogs displaying aggressive behavior toward people or other dogs must be leashed and removed from the OLA immediately. • Owners and handlers must accept responsibility for any damage or injury caused by their dog. • Dogs must display tags showing proof of current license and rabies vaccination. • Bring no more than 2 dogs to the OLA at any time. • Owners and handlers must remain in the OLA to supervise pets, and keep them within view and under verbal control at all times. • To prevent injury, remove pinch or choke collars when playing off leash. • For health and safety reasons, do not bring a dog in heat to the park. • For health and safety reasons, do not bring a puppy without a complete cycle of vaccination to the park. • Children must be closely supervised. • Be considerate of park neighbors by playing quietly with dogs. • Comply with all other park rules. • All dog owners must clean up their dog fecal deposits before leaving. ® At 9:00 am do a `sweep" of the field for any fecal deposits that may have been left and do a general clean up where needed. 8 of 22 October 21, 2014 Item #5.1 r Cn CD O k: (D 0 :3 U) Q ID + U) = 0 (D W T). -d (D CL (n L 1) 0 (D o. 01 C) 8 C) n 6 (D 9 of 22 As wr now A&— ATTACHMENT B October 21, 2014 Item #5 Aa ki � � � `wig (D 0 :3 U) Q ID + U) = 0 (D W T). -d (D CL (n L 1) 0 (D o. 01 C) 8 C) n 6 (D 9 of 22 As wr now A&— ATTACHMENT B October 21, 2014 Item #5 Robin Bettie From: Mike McMillen <mmcmillen @gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 01,2014 11:40 AM To: Robin Bettin Subject: Concerning Silverset Park off -leash dog use meeting Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hello Robin, Couple of questions concerning Silverset Park off -leash dog use meeting this Thursday: (1) What exactly is being proposed? (2) Off. -leash anywhere in the park? Behind a fenced area? (3) Is there a plan to convert something else, like the baseball field, into a dog park area? (4) If we are unable to attend the meeting, is there another means to voice our opinion? Thanks for the help, Mike 10 of '22 ATTACHMENT d October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 > Sign up for our Community Services newsletter! > > • - - - -- Original Message - - - -- • From: Kimberly Morse [mailto:kmorse.code @cox.net] • Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 8:50 AM • To: Robin Bettin • Subject: silverset park > Hello Robin, > > We received your letter about the potential off -leash dog use at Silverset Park. > I have a few questions. There is some confusion from people I talk to about the amount of the park that is being considered for off - leash. > Originally I believe, they were asking forjust the ball field. But in everything I've read it justsays "Silverset Park ", not delineating the ball field. > My concern is many if it means the entire park. I am a dog person, in fact I am a volunteer at the Humane Society. I dog walk as one of my duties. So I am very aware of dog behavior and that most dog owners are not. But in the past I have had unleashed dogs come up to me at Silverset to say "Hello ", the owner was across the grass. If I was dog fearful... well, you can imagine. I would think you would have to fence in all of Silverset to contain the dogs from running into the street. > I also have a dog that is dog- reactive. I have had to wear a form of pepper spray because my dog has been attacked 6 times by other dogs that were off leash. So you can imagine my concern for having loose dogs running around Silverset. Does this mean that my dog and I cannot even walk on Silverset St? I will add that I do not take my dog into the park in case there are dogs off leash, so this will probably not change our routine. • Thank you for your time, • Kim Morse 11 of 22 Z October 21, 2014 Item #_5 -1 Robin Bettin From: jessleefreeman @aol.com Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 2:48 PM To: Robin Bettin Subject: Silverset Dog Park Proposal Hi Robin Bettin, My name is Mary Freeman, & I live at 13185 Triumph Dr - just a block away from Silverset Park - for over 20 years. I am not able to attend the upcoming meeting regarding the off -leash proposal for Silverset Park & wanted to present my opinion to you & the council. I have heard that there are 2 options being considered: off -leash for the open grass area; fenced in softball field area. I have 3 dogs - 2 large & one small & do love seeing them have the opportunity to "run free" in approved areas in San Diego - however, I am opposed to the, proposal of the open area being "off - leash" even if it is for specified times. This lovely little park is enjoyed by all ages at all hours of the day, all days of the week. Parents never know when their little ones would benefit from some "fresh air" for them to run free to burn off some energy. Our seniors too enjoy this park all hours as it is safe, level ground for their walks. Even the "best of dogs ", in their eagerness could injure someone. Some people don't even know how their dogs would react to being free with other dogs because they haven't been exposed to this type of situation before. I see off -leash in the open grassy area a recipe for disaster on so many levels & is not worth risking the chance of personal injury by any dog. I do support the idea of using the already fenced in ball field which can be secured with minimal changes. There are a few gates that may need to be installed to ensure the confinement of the dogs - but all gates must be closed at all times while it is "dog time ". I believe that our community park has rules & regulations that require dogs to have had their shots & that everyone is responsible for cleaning up after their own dogs. I hope that since this area is large, people will indeed keep an eye on their dogs & do clean up after them - better than they do when they walk them in public places - we find "presents" all of the time on our driveway /sidewalks & front yard ALL of the time. Thank you for reading this message & for all that you do for our lovely community. Respectfully submitted, Mary J Freeman 12 of 22 1 October 21, 2014 Item #6 -1 Robin Bettin From: Dan Singer Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 2:29 PM To: Robin Bettin Cc: Sheila Cobian; Tina White Subject: FW: "No" to Off -Leash Hours at Silverset Park Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged From: Assi Friedman [mailto:assi(a)kiloxray.com] Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 8:33 PM To: Don Higginson; Dave Grosch; Jim Cunningham; John Mullin; Steve Vaus Subject: "No" to Off -Leash Hours at Silverset Park Dear Poway Mayor and City Council: I would like to object to considering off lease hours at Silverset Park. Allowing off -leash hours at Silverset Park poses real issues to the local community. Declared off -leash hours turns parks into a free - for -all dog park, in which animal owners are under the misconception that that anything is tolerated, since, after all, it's a dog park. Such parks are well -known for being a health hazard. Pet owners often neglect picking up after their pets, even if that's a posted rule, nor are they always in control to know what the animal is doing, and- all just because it's an official dog park. Most veterinarians caution dog owners against the use of such dog parks. The word that Poway has created a dog park will quickly spread to local communities, and Silverset Park will become the focal point for many people — many of whom are not.local tax payers. Do we want to be playing baseball in animal feces, Bordatella, fleas, ticks, and intestinal parasites? The City of Poway has a horrible track record of enforcing the animal control ordinance, which already poses serious health and safety consequences to the people of Poway. By turning Silverset Park in to a dog park, we further increase the health and safety risk to regular users of the park. Any pet can be unpredictable, and some dogs can seriously maim and kill. Every year, a number of people are seriously injured or killed in San Diego County from dog attacks. If we decide to move forward with this horrible plan, we should require animal owners to carry liability insurance, and we should demand a Sheriff's Deputy to be physically present during off -leash hours in order to, protect public safety. Poway parks are for people; let's not lose sight of that - -let's keep it that way. Assi Friedman Poway, CA 13 of 22 1 October 21, 2014 Item #5• 1 Robin Bettin From: Kevin Bostenero <kbostenero @cox.net> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 8:42 AM To: Robin Bettin Subject: Silverset Off -Leash Dog Use Dear Robin, Unfortunately I am not able to attend the meeting regarding the Off -Leash dog use of Silverset park due to work. I am ABSOLUTELY NOT in support of allowing dogs to be off -leash in a open area of Silverset park. The baseball field does not qualify as a fenced in (closed) area, as there are openings in the dugout and at least 2 of the gates are not locked. I am a dog owner and have been forced out of using the park because my on -leash dog has been attacked several times by dogs that are off -leash in the park. In addition off -leash dogs have acted aggressively towards me as I have been walking in the park without my dog. Off -Leash dogs whether in the current baseball field or on the sports field cannot be managed by their owners because "they are dogs" and get excited. The owners believe they can control them with their voice but it does not work all the time. Dog excitement always wins. Dogs cannot be contained in an area such as the sports field without proper fencing and self locking gates. Besides begin attacked I have seen dogs on the basketball court (while children are playing) and in the children's play area. Dogs that are off -leash create a huge safety issue for adults, children and other pets. If the city enables this activity it would increase city liability. Although I would not use it, I would support a completely fenced, (with self locking gates) area for off -leash dogs. Unfortunately there is not enough space in Silverset park to supported. a fenced in area. I would not support taking any space from the sports field for this use. I suggest that the city investigate the use of Starridge park for an off -leash dog area, which has significantly more open area. There is.a perfect area back behind . the baseball field. (large area, not near homes) This is the park I have been forced to take my on -leash dog because of the significant issues with the off -leash dogs in Silverset park. Best regards, Kevin Bostenero 14 of 22 1 October 21, 2014 Item #5 A Robin Bettin From: Mike & Laraine <mikelaraine @cox.net> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 4:53 PM To: Robin Bettin Subject: Silverset Park - Open to Dogs of Leash Hello! My name is Mike Dunlap.and I live on Triumph Drive behind Silverset Park. I have the following comments /concerns about opening up Silverset Park to dogs that are off their leash: • Who is going to monitor the Park and dogs to make sure that the rules are being followed? Currently people walk their dogs up and down Triumph Drive and do not pick up after their dogs. When I walk my dog I pick up the dropping of other dogs because I am embarrassed to think that neighbors who walk their dogs will not pick up after them. Further, a lot of the people that do, pick up after their dogs leave the bag of droppings on the sidewalk or in the bushes, they are too lazy to carry it home and dispose of it properly.. • Does the City of Poway have the necessary insurance to cover any litigation brought about as a result of dogs off- leash fighting or biting someone in the off -leash area? • Has a study been performed to determine what the parking and traffic impact will be? A lot of families�use the play ground area as well as the track that runs around the park. Many people are having to park on the street already. • 1 don't use the Silverset Park to walk my dog because of the flea problem. Keep in mind that more dogs mean more fleas. More fleas mean more children and parents and others getting bit by them. If the playing field is going to be used to play baseball, etc. the fleas may cause an issue. If the City decides to go ahead and make an area of Silverset Park an off -leash area for dogs it might consider developing a specific set of rules for that specific area as well as consider trying it on a trial basis. Then get feedback from the users and the residents and make an informed decision. I also need to mention that when the City had the park developed and installed I expressed a concern that people would constantly be walking the fence line looking into people's back yards. The City assured me that the design of the Park would be such that it would discourage that action. I recommended that the City install plastic sheets in the fence that would for sure keep people from looking into the back yards. Well, the park design did not work and the City did not install the plastic sheets in the fence. As a result, we constantly have people walking the fence line many times with their dogs, stopping to look in. Point is, you start adding more people, more dogs, etc. and this current minor annoyance is going -to become a major one. Thanks in advance for considering my comments /concerns. Best, Mike 15 of 22 1 October 21, 2014 Item # 5. 1 Robin Bettin From: Paul Libuda <Lbuda @cox.net> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 4:12 PM To: Robin Bettin Subject: Silverset Park Dog Park Proposal Comments Dear Poway staff and City Council members, Following are my comments on the contemplated use of Silverset Park's softball field as a dog park. I like dogs but am against using the ball field as a dog park on either a scheduled, regular or full time basis. I've lived on Triumph Drive since 1985 and use the ball field for batting, fielding and other baseball uses with my, grandson. While the City does provide "dog poo" pick up bags at the park and other locations ( e.g. Blue Sky trail area), many dog owners do not use them and /or don't properly dispose of them. Persons (neighbors) who walk dogs in my neighborhood have tossed filled dog poo bags into my bushes and have not picked up poo when their dogs relieve themselves in my yard adjacent to the sidewalk. I see the same conditions now at Silverset Park and Blue Sky. Allowing a dog park at Silverset Park would bring yet more dogs and people from outside_ of the neighborhood who may be less inclined to pick up after their dogs than immediate neighbors who should have a vested interest in keeping the area clean. I don't relish the thought of fielding base balls on a shared use area with yellowed and dying grass resulting from dog urine or worse yet the ball rolling into dog poo that is wet from the park's sprinklers. I'm familiar with dog parks, such as Escondido's Mayflower Park (on E. Valley Parkway) . E G. three separate enclosures to differentiate between size of dogs and to allow closure of an area for grass recovery. This park has a lot of use and isn't within easy walking distance of area residences. People apparently do not mind driving to a properly constructed and dedicated use dog park. Similarly, the residents near Silverset Park can drive to the current Poway-dog park. What's the cost to the City going to be to police up the park after dog use and before base ball use? Is the City prepared for the cost of treating the area after any parvovirus infestation or similar occurrence? I urge City Council members to preserve the current use and not allow dog park usage at Silverset Park. Sincerely, Henry Libuda 13021 Triumph Dr. Poway Sent from my iPad 16 of 22 1 October 21, 2014 Item # 5 0 Robin Bettin From: Curt Egan <curt_egan @yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 7:45 PM To: Robin Bettin Subject: Silverset Park Potential Off -Leash Dog Use Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hello, we are unable to attend the meeting on Thurs.. Sept 4, 2014 about this issue but we are the homeowners at 13165 Triumph Dr. We wanted to voice our opinion on this option and that is we are not in favor of the proposed off -leash dog use due to potential danger from loose dogs and the potential mess /increased traffic /lower property values to the area as well. There are numerous other dog parks and we don't feel this is a necessary use of our community park facility. Thank you for your consideration. Curtis and Kathleen Egan curt egan(a�yahoo.com 858 - 842 -4950 17 of 22 1 October 21, 2014 Item #5 • I Robin Bettin From: Melinda Markiewicz <mam332000 @yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 2:34 PM To: Robin Bettin Subject: Fw: Off leash play area Please see below From-"Melinda Markiewicz" <mam332000 a- yahoo.com> Date:Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 2:32 PM Subject:Off leash play area Hi. I would like to voice my support of a trial period for dogs to play off leash in the ball field area of silverset park. As someone recovering from hip surgery it would be so helpful to me to have a place I could let my dog burn some energy so close to my home instead of having to drive to an actual dog park. I cannot yet hike with my dog, jog with him or even go on long walks yet as I'm still in physical therapy. I am unable to be at the upcoming meeting, but I wanted to at least put a "yes" vote in for my husband and I to at east give this thing a try! Thank you for your time, Mindy and Brian Clark 12745 Boxwood Ct. 520- 226 -5833 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 18 of 22 1 October 21, 2014 Item # 5 Robin Bettin From: Joe Nalven <joe.nalven3 @gmail.com> Sent: Friday, September 05, 2014 2:28 PM To: Robin Bettin Subject: Re: In support of an off leash area for dogs in Silverset Park Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Robin Unfortunately, we had theater tickets that couldn't be changed. For that reason, I had asked that my comments be read by another (Jim Schindler). One of the difficulties in a situation such as this (as an anthropologist who has studied community issues, I have first hand experience collecting and sorting and interpreting such information) -- is how to assess surveys that are collected in different ways. My account does not dispel the sentiments in one side opposing an OLA at Silverset Park, but does point to how'support' is partially manufactured. . Hopefully, you will be able to weed through the -- information and come up with a reasonable approach to inclusivity in the use of Silverset Park. Many thanks, Joe On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Robin Bettin <RBettin(,poway org> wrote: Thanks Joe, Hope to see you tomorrow night at the neighborhood meeting. If not I will retain your email and enter it into the record. Thanks Robin Bettin Director of Community Services City of Poway 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, Ca 92064 858 - 668 -4585 19 of 22 1 October 21, 2014 Item #5 4 1 �a Connect with us! Sign up for our Community Services newsletter! From: Joe Nalven [mailto:joe.nalven3 @gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 10:24 AM To: Robin Bettin Subject: In support of an off leash area for dogs in Silverset Park Robbin Bettin Community Services I find it helpful to re -state a supporting statement in case the earlier comments get side - tracked. I believe that an off leash area [OLA] for dogs (whether in the underutilized ball field or a similar set up) would be a positive use for the Silverset Park area residents. Even if others come, from outside the area, they would be following the rules of the OLA. Please be sensitive to the OLA residents as a significant user element in Silverset Park. It would be a shame to deny these residents a place in the park for recreating their dogs (and not harming usage by anyone else). I support the OLA for dogs in Silverset Park within defined hours in a specific location. 20 of 22 2 October 21, 2014 Item #5.1 Thank you Joe Nalven 14738 Shadowbrook Court Poway, CA 92064 858- 679 -1242 21 of 22 October 21, 2014 Item #5.1 Robin Bettin From: Sally Nalven <sallyn21 @gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 12:00 PM To: Dan Singer, Robin Bettin Subject: Support for an Off Leash Area in Silverset Park Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Hi, As a resident of Poway who lives 2 blocks from Silverset Park, I would like to voice my strong approval for a time and place in Silverset park for dogs to play off leash. I believe it would be a great way for neighbors to meet and socialize, keep crime down by having people use the park, and have a safe place for dogs to recreate off leash. Respectfully, Sally Nalven 22 of 22 1 October 21, 2014 Item #5--.1