Item 3.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL posted 10/21/14DATE: TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: City of Poway MEMORANDUM ADDITIONAL MATERIAL October 21, 2014 OF POIy 91 4. �CI�^IN THE �BG�J Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Daniel Singer, City Manager J,, Robert J. Manis, Director of Deyalopment Services Rich Whipple, City PlanneO SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment and Minor Conditional Use Permit (MCUP) 14- 001 /Development Review (DR) 14 -001; Mark Abelkop /MLGP &L, LLC, Applicant: A request to construct an 'automobile inventory storage lot on a vacant two- parcel site located at 13956 Poway Road and 13917 Courier Way, within the Automotive /General Commercial zone. APNs: 323 - 203 -18 and 323 - 203 -19 Summary: This additional materials report is to provide follow up information on written concerns submitted by Mr. Eamon Kavanagh, property owner of 13243 Evanston Drive. Mr. Kavanagh's letter, received on October, 20, 2014, is included as Attachment 1, to this additional materials report. Responses to Mr. Kavanagh's concerns are summarized below: Concern: The vacant field is a unique isolated biome. Response: The vacant project site was previously developed with two single - family homes, which were demolished within the past seven years. In conjunction with the demolition of the homes, all previous landscaping was removed leaving only non - native grasses. The site is surrounded by existing residential and commercial development. There are no sensitive species or habitat on the site. Concern: What plans has the Poway Fire Dept., taken to control a fire on this lot during a Santa Ana or high wind conditions? Response: The project application has been reviewed by the Poway Fire Department. The project resolution includes conditions requiring adequate safety design features to accommodate emergency response to the site. This site is not in the High Fire Hazard Area. 1 of 5 October 21, 2014 Item # 3.1 Environmental Assessment and MCUP 14- 001 /DR 14 -001 October 21, 2014 Page 2 Concern: The eight foot high wall surrounding this lot gives the impression of a prison like environment. Six feet should be the maximum allowed. Response: Pursuant to Poway Municipal Code (PMC) Section 17.10.150(6), a minimum eight- foot -high wall is required where a commercial use abuts property in any residential zone. The wall shall be measured from the highest finished grade at the property line. Concern: There are too many cars planned for this parking lot. There should be no more than fifty, although I would prefer none. Response: The proposed storage lot will add 223 spaces for automobile inventory and vehicle service parking. The PMC does not limit the amount of vehicles to be parked in an auto storage lot. All PMC development regulations, including landscaping design, stormwater requirements and fire /safety requirements, will be satisfied through conditions listed in the project resolution Concern: Unnecessary number of lights on this lot will eliminate neighbor's, from viewing night time satellite fly - overs. Response: The applicant is proposing the installation of ten 18- foot -tall light standards that will be placed in the central portion of the storage lot. The Poway Municipal Code (PMC) permits the use of conventional lighting sources until 11:00 p.m. after which outdoor lighting must be either turned off or switched to low- pressure sodium (LPS) lighting. The applicant is proposing the use of LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights that will remain on until 10:00 p.m. each night. The applicant has agreed to turn off the storage lot lights after 10:00 p.m. each night. The applicant has also agreed to install cut -off glare control shields on all of the 18- foot -tall light standard poles to address neighborhood concerns about light spillage onto the residential lots. To further minimize light glare (and noise); a free- standing masonry block wall will be constructed along the residential /commercial zone boundary. Trees will also be planted along the storage lot side of the wall, to further minimize any light intrusion onto the residential lots. Concern: I am asking you to ban the off - loading of cars on Evanston Drive. Monday through Saturday is outrageous to have these car carriers using our street. They can use Poway Road to accomplish this very same task. 2 of 5 October 21, 2014 Item # 3.1 Environmental Assessment and MCUP 14- 001 /DR 14 -001 October 21, 2014 Page 3 Response: The hours of operation and operational criteria for the Hyundai /Mitsubishi dealership were established with the approval of MCUP 05 -04 /DR 05 -09, and are contained in City Resolution P- 06 -17. The hours of operation specified in MCUP 05 -04 will remain in effect for the Hyundai /Mitsubishi dealership and will also apply to the operation of the proposed storage lot. The operational criteria from Resolution P -06 -17 are summarized below and are included in the draft Resolution for the proposed storage lot project. All delivery and unloading or loading of new or used vehicles made by automobile carriers or any other transport shall be made onsite (dealership premises). All automobile transport carrier vehicles shall enter the site from Evanston Drive. No delivery and unloading or loading of new or used vehicles made by automobile carriers or any other transport shall be made on any public street pursuant to Chapter 12.26 PMC. Onsite loading and unloading of an automobile, car or pick- up truck, from a truck with the capacity to transport more than one such vehicle, is not permitted unless delivery complies with all of the following: No deliveries will occur on public streets or on the access road into the subject site. 2. No delivery truck will enter residential areas. 3. Delivery hours for vehicles are restricted to between 7:30 am and 6:00 pm., Monday through Saturday. No deliveries are permitted on Sundays. 4. Delivery of parts and supplies is not permitted on public streets. Onsite delivery hours for parts and supplies are restricted to Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday from 7: 00 am to 6:00 pm. Mlplanning \14 Repo rts \MCUP \Poway Hyundai Expansion MCUP14_001_DR14_001 \MCUP 14- 001\Additional Material.docx 3 of 5 October 21, 2014 Item # 3.1 1118cFYV�' Oct 20 Poway City Council meeting of 10 -21 -2014. 04EV n%oFPo ?0�f FNSE��y� FS Mr. Rich Whipple. Poway Planning Dept., r City Mgr. Dan Singer, Mayor Don Higginson, Deputy Mayor Dave Grosch, Council Members Jim Cunningham, John Mullin, Steve Vaus I, Eamon H. Kavanagh. 13243 Evanston Drive, Poway, Ca, 92064 respectfully ask the City council not to approve Mark Abelkop's proposal until all requirements have been satisfied. This vacant field has morphed into a unique isolated biome with all of the requirements necessary to allow indigenous flora and fauna to thrive. What environmental steps has the City undertaken to safe guard the protection of these assets? How many city council members have taken the time to visit the area and seek feed -back from the residents who will be impacted by this item, which will further lower the quality of our lives and well- being, from this increasing industrializing of our neighborhood? This lot should be used as a neighbor park, rather than an eye sore, as it surely will be if this item is approved. What plans has the Poway Fire Dept., taken to control a fire on this lot during a Santa Ana or high wind conditions? The eight foot high wall surrounding this lot gives the impression of a prison like environment. Six feet should be the maximum allowed. There are too many cars planned for this parking lot. There should be no more than fifty, although I would prefer none. 4 of 5 October 21, 2014 Item # 3.1 Unnecessary number of lights on this lot will eliminate neighbor's, from viewing night time satellite fly - overs. I am asking you to ban the off - loading of cars on Evanston Drive. Monday through Saturday is outrageous to have these car carriers using our street. They can use Poway Road to accomplish this very same task. This sort of intrusion into our lives would not be tolerated in North Poway, Why should it happen to those of us who live in South Poway. The Council should not approve this item until all concerns are resolved. 5 of 5 October 21, 2014 Item # 3.1