Item 5.1 POWERPOINT presented by staff at meetingSilverset Park – Off leash Dog Presentation History •May 2012 – Request submitted to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) for off- leash dog access in the Ball Field at Silverset Neighborhood Park by OLA Committee. •July 2012 – The PRAC declined to recommend the request to the City Council. •October 2013 – Modified request submitted to PRAC for off-leash dog access in the Ball Field at Silverset Park. Factors PRAC Considered •Limited parking – opening an off-leash dog access area will draw interest from outside the neighborhood. •Acreage per capita in comparison to other agencies in San Diego County. •Proximity to existing Poway Dog Park (2.6 miles). •If a second off-leash area is to be created, it should be placed strategically in the City for a wider geographical distribution of facilities. Outcome In both instances, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee declined to refer the item to the City Council, based on staff research and recommendations. Discussion and Council Direction On June 27, representatives from the OLA Committee met with the City Manager to discuss their proposal. The model used by the City of Encinitas for designated off- leash hours in a park was also discussed. At their July 15 meeting, the City Council requested that staff explore options for off-leash dog access on a trial basis. Current Request The Off-Leash Area (OLA) Committee’s current proposal: Make the Ball Field available for off-leash dog access daily from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. as a conditional use for a trial period of one year. Current Request Continued. Additional suggestions or offers by the OLA Committee: •Provide funding for the two gates in the dugout area. •Provide “Rules for Use of the Ball Field with Your Dog”. •Conduct ongoing education for park visitors. •Arrange for volunteers to conduct a daily “sweep” of the park at 9:00 AM to ensure the cleanliness of the park and field. September 4 Neighborhood Meeting •Over 60 people attended, and 37 individuals spoke on the topic. •Attendees were almost evenly divided on off-leash dog access in Silverset Park. •At the conclusion, participants voted on the proposals –34 voted in favor of the OLA Committee proposal –31 voted against any off–leash use. •Post-meeting emails received: - 5 against, 3 in favor, 3 provided general comments Staff Suggested Options Based on Council’s request to explore options on a trial basis. Option 1: Use of Ball Field The Ball Field would be utilized as an off-leash dog pen on a trial basis. Upon conclusion of the trial period, staff would return to Council with a recommendation on whether to make the use permanent. Option 2: Designated Off-Leash Hours For a trial period, specific off-leash hours would be established. For example: M.W.F. 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. and Tu.Th. 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. This would exclude: the playground, walking path, Ball Field and basketball court. City of Encinitas Model •No permits issued to organized athletic groups. Some unofficial soccer use. •Other parks not big enough to accommodate athletic use. Field Utilization 311 309 311 60 105 107 19% 34% 34% FY14 FY 13 FY 12 FY14 FY 13 FY 12 % Utilization 19%34%34% Days Reserved 60 105 107 Days Available 311 309 311 Silverset Ball Field Utilization 311 309 311 65 79 150 21% 26% 48% FY14 FY 13 FY 12 FY14 FY 13 FY 12 % Utilization 21%26%48% Days Reserved 65 79 150 Days Available 311 309 311 Silverset Soccer Field Utilization Additional Considerations •Once a proposal is selected, further analysis would be required. These include, but are not limited to, environmental review, potential sign costs, and fencing/gates costs, etc. This research would be brought back to the City Council for a final decision. Next Steps Staff is looking for direction from the City Council on whether to pursue any of the options presented tonight for Silverset Park. 1.The OLA Committee’s proposal – limited shared use of the Ball Field. 2.Exclusive use of the Ball Field as an off- leash dog access area. 3.The City of Encinitas model of designated off-leash hours at Silverset Park. 4.Take no further action. 5.Direct staff to explore another idea. Field Use by Days 1 9 16 14 21 19 18 23 17 17 26 17 1 2 12 8 20 23 1 4 3 FY 14 FY13 FY12 Silverset Ball Field # of Days in Use Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 16 15 19 16 15 36 16 17 18 17 16 39 16 37 1 FY 14 FY13 FY12 Silverset Soccer Field # of Days in Use Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun