Item 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL posted 10/27/14ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 1 of 3 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 From: Sue Busch [mailto:sbusch7@cox.net] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 11:01 AM To: Don Higginson; Dave Grosch; Jim Cunningham; John Mullin; Steve Vaus; Dan Singer; Robin Bettin Subject: Agenda 5.1 Dog off leash City council and staff, Thank you for your report last night and for the healthy discussion for the prospects of an off leash area at Silverset Park. We are grateful that we are moving forward with the discussion and continue to give you our support in this request. We will anticipate another meeting to follow up on further research for OLA at Silverset and expect that we will be notified when the date for that meeting is set. Attached are the comments I made last night. And to summarize, change is happening and how are we adapting as a city to help meet that change for the citizens? Fondly, Sue "Be a rainbow in someone's cloud" ~ Maya Angelou ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 2 of 3 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 Speech for October 21st CC meeting Good evening Mayor, Council members and Staff, Save Silverset park! That is what I have been reading on a few signs around Poway. When I first read the sign I was asking myself why did Silverset Park need saving? Then I realized there are a few important things that would help save Silverset Park. Bring back the friendly and enjoyable atmosphere, bring back the sense of community, bring back the neighborly atmosphere, bring back the laughter and friends gathering to recreate together. The last two years have taken a severe toll on the park, it is not the same friendly park we once had. Less people come to our park now. Dog walkers choose to take their dogs to other destinations. Those were the folks that helped bring our community together. We continue to propose that using the ball field for off leash play a few hours a day would help bring back our park. We don't agree that there is a health and safety issue, we don't agree that the field will be damaged as to hinder soft ball play. We don't agree to closing the ball field and making it a "dog park". We have never wanted to make Silverset park into a dog park. That would exclude the soft ball teams and any pick up games and we are not inclined to denying others from enjoying the park and the ball field. The 2nd option to use the open field is plausible, but again it would potentially exclude dog fearful people from enjoying the park during the OL hours. Our proposal to use the ball field does not exclude anyone. What we are asking for is Change. A change the way things happen in the park. That word change is at the crux of this request. If we used the analogy of a train for the concept of change then we know we are going to have 3 groups of people: those in the front driving the train, those in the seats with a smile on their face anticipating a great ride and destination and those not on the train standing beside ready to throw rocks at the train. We have a slogan "Share the Road, Share the Park". Why is that so appropriate? I have a question for you... did you ever see your parents go out for a long walk or a run? did you see them ride their bike to work? I know my answer and it is NO, no for my parents, our friends parents, our neighbors. Now, fast forward 50 years and I ask you can you go out and drive 2 or 3 miles down any road in Poway and not see someone walking, running or biking? What happened? A change in how people like to recreate. So much has this become part of our culture that the cities are having to install bike lanes, jogging paths, walking paths and to post road caution signs "Share the Road" to remind motorists that they are not the only ones on the road. Races, take any weekend and you can count on people going out for a bike or foot race or both. There are thousands of people that get up before daylight to go do what they consider recreation- a 5k, 10k, half or full marathons. Now roads have to be closed for miles and for hours during the race so the motorists are not free to use those roads and have to make some adjustments. The locals that live on the course have to make decisions; stay home and sleep in late, leave for the weekend, or my favorite take their coffee and their chair, a boombox, some ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 3 of 3 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 signs and come out on the curb and cheer on those folks running to inspire them to finish strong. We are asking for a change in the park, we are hoping that the change is much more benign then what goes on during a race. We don't want people to have to stay home, or go somewhere else- we hope that they can continue to enjoy the park in their way but we would like to be able to also recreate in our way for short period of time on a piece of property at the park. The ball field offers that possibility. The night of the neighborhood meeting there were lots of folks here to speak about the issue on both sides. There were some excellent thoughts shared that night and none of those comments were part of this report. One speaker was Kyle who is not here tonight as he is back to college at this time. Kyle love to bring Sammy to the park and play fetch with him. He grew up with us and got to know us and would enjoy coming to hang out with us in the ball field. I think that speaks to the community building this allows when a teen wants to come hang out with adults. I am disappointed that the emails that were sent were included but not any comments from the folks that actually showed up to be present and speak to the issue. As I close I want to share my experience in Encinitas. I went over to the parks without my dogs to observe the parks. I got to Viewpoint a little early and I thought I was at the wrong park as it was a beautiful park, very pristine in appearance. But at 3:00 pm the dogs began to arrive with their families, they all seem to know what to do and where to go. There were some that like to play ball, some that wanted to romp with their 4 legged friends, the two legged folks either sat on the benches and let their dogs play or threw the ball for them. They came for about 20 minutes and then they were gone and a new group would come in. Then I went to Orpheus Park and it was the same scenario, dogs and people having a wonderful time talking and playing and alerting people when their dog was leaving a deposit. I was leaving and I spoke to a woman and I said "You have a wonderful thing going on here", her response was " I know, it was a God send as I just moved here 4 months ago and didn't know anyone, then I found this park and it helped me tremendously get in touch with my new community. I love this park" This is what we are asking for in our Silverset Park, we want someone to say how important the park was for them in their lives because of the good people recreating in the park. Recreating with friendly dogs is a sure bet you are going to meet someone as they are good ambassadors and love to meet and greet. So in closing we would like for you to help make a change for our park and allow citizens to come to the park to recreate with their dogs off leash for a short period of time in a space that is respectful to all park users ensuring that they can continue their recreation, but also allows us to have our recreation time with our dogs and friends. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 1 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 2 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 3 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 4 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 5 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 6 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 7 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 8 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 9 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 10 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 11 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 12 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 13 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 14 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 15 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 16 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 17 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 18 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 19 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 20 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 21 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 22 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 23 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 24 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 25 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 26 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 27 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 28 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 29 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 30 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 31 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 32 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 33 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 34 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 35 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 36 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 37 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 38 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 39 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 40 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 41 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 42 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 43 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 44 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 45 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 46 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 47 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 48 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 49 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 50 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 51 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 52 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 53 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 54 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 55 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 56 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 57 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 58 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 59 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 60 of 60 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 1 of 1 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 From: Kim Conant [mailto:kim@conant.org] Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:23 PM To: Steve Vaus; DAve Grosch; Don Higginson; Dan Singer Subject: Off-Leash Hours at Silverset Park To: Jim Cunningham, John Mullin, Steve Vaus, Dave Grosch, Don Higginson, Dan Singer The following is a copy of the remarks I plan to share at the City Council this evening. Just in case we run out of time, I would like this to be entered into the record. Hello…My name is Kim Conant, and I am part of the group of concerned, involved, and connected Poweigians who are willing to work out a solution to the problem presented here tonight. After nearly 30 years of living in this neighborhood and this unique community, I consider my decision to live in Poway one of the best ones ever What I see happening is this: we have a beautiful neighborhood park that allows us to come together to build community. Our group wants to bring our off-leashed dogs here on a very limited and well- defined basis. We’ve, been doing this, should I say informally, for years, and it’s worked. We’d love to work within the system to do it legally, following the rules established by our elected representatives. We’re willing to get our hands dirty – do the work, commit the time, treasure, and talent to make it work for all. Here, you’ve got a group of residents ready to build community by working together. I would like to invite everyone to work together to find a solution. Let’s talk about what we don’t want. We don’t want to build a wall between our neighbors and friends. We don’t want to tyrannize the park with unruly dogs. We don’t want to push any group away for any reason. AND, we don’t want an additional dog park. What we do want is to facilitate community. We do want a trial period to have a chance to let our dogs be off leash in an enclosed area for a limited time. We do want to bridge the divide that’s developed between all of our neighbors. Now, what is it that we are willing to do? We’re willing to fund-raise to purchase gates and signs. We’re willing to police the area to ensure it’s clean and safe for all. We’re willing to establish an accountable group to work with the City of Poway. We’re willing to do whatever it takes! You have us. We want to be a part of the team that finds a solution. Please give us a chance. Regards, Kim Conant ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 1 of 1 October 21, 2014 Item #5.1 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 1 of 1 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 -----Original Message----- From: Mark Salamy [mailto:msalamy@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 11:13 AM To: Robin Bettin Subject: Leerburg | Dog Parks: Why They Are A Bad Idea http://leerburg.com/dogparks.htm Please see some of these articles and stories about the dangers of dog parks. The last article is about a golden retriever killed by a Great Dane at a dog park while his poor owners watched, followed by the Great Dane and his owner's disappearance. Thank you for your concern! Lauren Snyder Poway Sent from my iPhone ADDITIONAL MATERIAL 1 of 1 October 21, 2014 Item # 5.1 From: Ginger Scholz [mailto:Ginger.Scholz@kieranlabel.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:10 PM To: Don Higginson; Dave Grosch; Jim Cunningham; John Mullin; Steve Vaus Subject: Poway City Council Meeting Dear Poway City Council Members, Unfortunately I am unable to attend tonight's meeting but I would like to express my approval of off-leash dog use at Silverset Park. I think this is a great shared use of the park and addresses the growing needs of the neighborhood. Thank you, Ginger Scholz Production Planning & Purchasing Manager Kieran Label Corporation 2321 Siempre Viva Ct. San Diego, CA 92154  ( 619.449.4457 x121 Fax: 619.449.8549 Inside CA: 800.227.8108 Outside CA: 800.556.2600  ginger.scholz@kieranlabel.com Web: www.kieranlabel.com CHECK OUT THE LATEST KLC NEWS. http://www.kieranlabel.com/news.php?news_id=20 The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.  Think Green! Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.