Item 14 - Sidewalk on Twin Peaks at Tierra Bonita Country Creek � _ , �GEIVDA REPORT G ��� oF ,� qy . �I,TY UF PQWAY This repozt is-included on the Consent Calendar. There will 6e no'sepazate,diswssion of the,��� r `. - � '� report pzior to'epproval by'the City memtiers of the;Council�.,staff or putilic � y F ; _ . ., c �..M.,:. �. a �c� , _ ._ �. _ . . -- • [equest it tD�he�resoyed fzom the Consent Cal�endar and.discussed separately. If you wish to � �"IN 1qg�CO have�,this report�oulled.for discussion� please fill out�a s1ip�.indicatioq�ihe report..number and.give it to'ihe City Clerk prior to�the:beginninq oF Yhe Litg Council,meeting. � # * * * * * * * * * * .*�•* .* * * * *;�* * *' * *�� * * * * *� *� tk �* * * *� * * * * * * �;, Honorable Mayor and ManbPSS of the City Council . FRQMe James L. Bowersox, Citg M�a����� ;INITIATED BY: Reba Zbuw, Director of Plenning Services DATE: Decanber"2;.E986 SUB�7ECT: Sidewalk on°7Wi.n Peaks at Tierra Bonita CountrY-Creek B�UI�ID At the Novenber 18 meeting, the;City Council considered,:the Develoixnent Review 86-17 to;allaw construction of 50`single-familg dwelTing units in the.project lmown as Country Creek at"tlie southwest comer of Twin Peaks and Tierra Boni:ta. At that meeting tfie Couneil rai'sed' the issiie o€: the sideiaalks along Ztain Peaks. ' ec asked whether meandering,sidewalks had been required in that area. Recall- _ _,-. _ ._ Cwncil.manbPS Oray ing a discussion at the, April '�29-, 1986 meeting, staff sesporide9 that meandering :sidewalks F�ad been, a,concliti'on of approval of the tentative map. 'The applicant indicate3 t}ia€:additional landscap'ing i4as being provided in tliat area. On revi�aing tlie records : of the April 29 meeting, staff has learne3 that in fact meanderincj sidewalks were;not_reqaired. The cronclusion of the discussion at - that'meef`ing was thaE tYie'p'roject wvuld fiave five feet of sidewalk adjacent to ZWin Pealcs_. Behind the sidewalk would be f-ive feet of Yand"scaping then the � pedestrian/equestrian trail and £he masqnry.:sounel,wall. The WaTl wquld be ' constructed with "off=sets " similar to that,alonq Panerado,Rc�d: The conceptual landscape plans that have'tieen suiinitted shbw an.arranganent siinilar to this; however,, there is approximateTy= ten -feet of lan'clscapirig sHown between equestrian - trail and' the wall. 12 F] C Ct • P' �� ID A T I Cd � 7 Staff suggests that this,azranganent provides adeguate softening of the wall and .. reconmends that the Council fi:nd.that the design su6stantially meets ttie conditions discussed at the Novankier 18 meeting. JLB: laVT'� is/ml ACTIO NC ,Approued staf_f recommendation. � ���� Sclzanne 01iva, Deputy,City C�lerk � � � • DEC:2� 1986:� I:T��_M 14