Item 13 - DR 86-19 - R. B. McCormic, Inc., Applicant � �'., ENDA REPORT -�— � oF o e` � w� CITY OF POWAY This zeport'is included on the Consent�Calendar. Theze will� be no ttie �'y . ' .4 repozt prior to apptoval by xhe,City.Council unless members of the Council,.staff or public FC� '"'�""� �- request,. it �to' 6e fremoved" from, the! Cbnsent Calendar and. discussed .se aratel `If �' ev TME ce p y.. ,you wish to have�t6is�repozt pulled �foi discussion, please fi13 out a�slip ind3cating the report numbez and give it,to�zhe Ci[y Clerk prior'to Che-beginning of the City Cowcil meetinq. *'ia,*�*�**.*.*:**.*********i�****#*.**********�******.**..**.****.** TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of bhe City Council FROM: James L: Bowersox, City � X INITIATED BY: Reba W. :Touw, Director of Planning Services M DATE: December 2, 1986 SUBJECT: Development Review DR 86-T9 - R. B. McComic, Inc., . Applicant: A.request for approval of a d"evelopment rewiew to a11ow the construction of seven single- family dwelling units within Bridlewood Country Estates (TTM 4090R) in the Planned Residential � DeveTopment zone located at the'northeast corner of Lake Poway Road and Espola Road, Lots 10, 24, 42, 56, . 69, S5, and 86 of TTM 4090R (northeast). ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER Sharon Crockett, Assistant Planner . � PARCEL SIZE 183 Gross Acres, 100 Net Acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Planned Residential Development ZONING Planned Resid'ential Development SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS (See Attachment 2) RELATED CASES Specific P1an for Hirsch Ranch, TTM 4090R and Resolution No. ` P-86-14 ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION Previously Certified Environmental Impa'ct Report STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve subjeet to conditions ACTIO N: Adopted Resolution No. P-86-84. �� �t���, L(.�.(Q_l�U� 5= nne Oliva, Deputy City Clerk DEC 2 1986 ITEM 13 1oFZ6 � , �. , Agenda Report December 2, 1 Page '�2. BACRGROUND A: Erojeet Descrip€ion 'The applicant is requesting the Council appro.ue Developmen:t Review ('DR 86'-19'j and a�llow the construction of" seven single-family resi- dences wzthin:Bridlewood Country Estafes '('TTM 4090R). The project i�s loca,ted at Ehe nor�theast corner of �Lake�P.oway and Espola Roads� iri the PRD CPlanned,Resident�ial De¢elopmentJ zone. The remaining lots wi>thin Bri`dleiaood Country Estates wi11 be developed with custom.homes 'th'rougki the in"inor dedeLopment'review.process. Approval of this appl�ication wi11 allow thrse Lakeside models, one Americana model, and ,three custom residences to be cons"€r-ucted on Lots'•'10, 24, 42, 56y 6,9; 85, and 86 with:in T-TM 4090R. The tract map w-itfi EHe subject lot"s has been includ"ed as Attachment-3. '.Attachments 4 through 9 illustrate speeific models. The_ three custom homes have been approved by the architectural com[nitEee (see Attachment 10). Th:ey are similar in ss2e, arch-itectural .style, and colors Eo the residences with Ehe Lakeside and the Amerieana Ser-ies _ of. Br.id'lewood (see Attachment 2), Lakesid'e Countrg Estates is governed' tiy a Spe'cifid Plan (,SP 80-02)' that was adopted,in,con-junc,tion wi:th the underly'irfg map (TTM 409OR; also known' as part'of Hirsch Ranch). The Speqific Plan requires approximately orie kial'f`bf the lots within TTM 4Q90R to have a.mini- mum area of 4'O,OOO square feet. The otkier lots are;required to have a mirrimum area of 20,'000 square feet. In,addition, a SO:foot front yard setback area;;as.'measured from.the center3-ine of' ttfe street, a ten foot sid"e yard area,, and a rear yard setback area of 5'0-feet are r,equired. The propose'd residences comp'ly with the requirements of the specific pT'ari. The properties north of`TTM 4090R are zoned RR-A and.B (Rural Residenf-ial) and are undeveloped. The property to the east is zone"d'Open Space and is part of Lake Poway's wilderness area. To the south and west, Ehe propeYties are under'the �ame zorning des�ignat=ion,as:liakeside Countr.y Estates'and are deveLoped respec- ts"vely as part of ttie;Lakesid'e and Americana series of Bridlewood. DEVELOPMENT RACILITIES . Development facilitiestpertaining to access, street improvements, -- ' grading,; drainage, tlooding, publia serqices, and facilities to - serve the propo§ed development were required through the approval of Tentatiue Tract Map 4090R and the as.s"ociated development agreements. • � DEC 2 1986 ITEM 13 ? oF 2,6 >, � Agerida Report Deeemb,er 2; 1986 Page 3 ENUIRONMENTAL RSVIEW Concur-rent:with Ehe Board of Supervisor.s' approval of Tentative ^ -- Tract Map 409OR, the Board.certified an Env,i`ronmental Impact•Report . (+SIRJ for the subject s-ite. Acldressed in�the EIR iaere issueS of traffi'c, noi•se, an'd a;rchaeoTogical sites. The certified Erivironmental 3mpact Report addressed the envrronmental impacts a'ssoci�ated with the'd'evelopment of this map; and no f•,urther environmental consideratibn is required 'by CEQA (California En,yironmental.Quali;ty Act). � PUBLIC NOTIFICATTON The ordinance sequ'i'es noti`ce of.the hearing to be to adjacent � . properties,. The proposed'building Tofs °are' surrounded by other lots under McComic's control. .FINUINGS The proposed,development is consistent w:ith' the General Plan and the speci-fic�plan adopted for this prope"r�ty. No adverse impacts of arr aesthetic!, safety:,'or architectural,nature,upon adjofning pro- perties will occur because�rooflines, mater-i;als and bu-ilding -loca- tions will be var-:ied and the colors, styles; and buildi�ng mater,ials are compatible with;adjacent deveTopments,. The project meets the Zoning Ordinance cr and encourages•trie:o'rderly appea'rance of the Gity because it is s'imilar to and comp3ements ad'jacedt develop- � ment. RECOMMENDATION 'It is r that the City Council approve Detielopment Review 86-19 subject�to conditions contained in the attached resolution. JLS�:RWT:SEC:pn � Attachments: l. Proposed Resolution 2. Land Use and Zoning 3. Site P.lan 4. Lo't 10 5. Lot, 2_4 6. Lot 42 and 6'9 � 7. Lot 56 8. Lot 85 9. Lot 86 1-0. Architectural Committee Appro�a Letter D.EG2 1986 ITEM 13 3aF26 � � RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING DEVELOPMENT REVIEW b6-19. TTM 4090R (M14A226) WHEREAS,�Development Reuiew 86-19, submitted by R. B. McComic, Inc_, applicant, requests approval of a de6elopment review to allow the construction of.7 single-family dwelling units in Bridlewood Countrg Estates (TM 40:90RJ.,for the property located on the nor,theasE corner of Lake'Poway Road and Espola Road, in the Planned Residential zone; and VGHEREAS, on December 2,. 198'6, the City Gouncil heTd a hearing on the above-referenced it-em. NOW, THERBF.ORE, the City Council does tiereby resolve as follows: . Section 1: FinBings: 1. That the proposed development is in coqformance wifh the Poway General Plan. 2. That the proposed'development will not fiave an adverse aesthetic, health, safety, or arch'itecturally related impact upon adjoining properties. 3. That the pYoposed development is in compliance with the , Zoning Ordinance: 4. That the proposed development encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property wi'thin the City in t6at other lots within.the same zone and vici- nity have consEructed similar or identical single-family residences. Section 2.: Environmen;tal Findings The City Council:finds that the Environmental Impact Report certified on June 19, 1980 adequately addresses environmental impacfs`as'soci'ated with project. � Section'3: City Council Decision: The Ci�,ty Council hereby approves Development Review 86-19 sub- ject to the following conditions: DEC 2 1986 ITEM �3 4oF26 � � Resolutio❑ No. Page 2 1. With'in 30 days of approval, ttie:applicant shall submit in writing that all the conditions of approval have been read and understood. 2.. All conditions of TTM 4090R, SP 80-02, and associated development agreements shall apply. 3. Prior to issuanee of building pe'rmi,ts for TTM 4090R, the required public improvements sha11 be installed, completed, and accepted within Bridlewood's TTM 4092R - � Americana and TTM 4A90R Country Estates. SpecificalLy the pedestrian-eqaestrian trails, the Tandscaping within the landscape maintenarice di'strict area, and the required drainage i_mprovement shall be accepted by the Directors of Public and Community Services. 4. Each lot shall be served by one driveway unless otherwise approved by Planning and Public Services. 5. The developer sha11 preplumb each house for a solar hot water heating system. Building plans sha11 be modified to provide the plumbing prior to issuance of building permits. 6. The developer s6a11 include with the GC&R's a condition requising t!he installation of landscap'ing by each property owner within 90 days of the close of escrow, with that condition to be enforced by the developer. The developer shall include wif6 Ehe CC&R's a conditio❑ requiring property owners to participate in the Landscape Maintenance District 86-01. All slopes over thYee feet in height and all areas cleared of brush during grading shall be irrigated and landscaped with the trees, shrubs, and ground cover. A landscape plan sha11 be approved by Planning Services prior to building permit issuance. The developer shall establish a fund to purchase and install street trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size or larger, every 30:feet with deep-root liners from the approved street tree land§cape plan for TTM 4090R. 7. Lots 1, 87, 61, and 60 of TTM 4090R shall record a declaration of land use restriction limiting the.height of the propo"sed residences on said lot's. S. All roofs shaTl be class "A" f.ire retardant materials to the satisfiaction of the Director of Safety Services. DEC 2 1986 tTEM 13 5oFZ6 � � Resolution No. P,age �3� 9. Sidewalk mailboxes that confo"rm to the United States .Postal Services requirements shall be installed one per lot, offset seven (7) feet fr.om the face of the curb, prior to occupancy. 10. Street improvements, including but not limited to paving, hydrants, water, and sewer ma`in insfallations shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits and prior to any buildincj material construction material delivered on-site to the satisfaction of the D'irector of Public Services. 11. Occupancy shall not be allowed on any lots until all required piiblic:facilities serving such lots h"ave been completed and accepted by the C'i•ty. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California., this 2nd day of December, 1986. Bruce J. Tarzy, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk DEC 2 1986 ITEM 13 6oF26 � .. � .. " � .. : .. a . . ' � i!.e'M1.� . • ;Cy , yy��p4,�. + •t � .. .. - . , . . . , . , J . F Y : . � . . �tr. t )+'S . . . ._ . ... _ V' 1 � . ' y I .3 f' z _ _ . . rc` _ . . . � R, ��-. .. , '� ' _ .� v . x � _, , , . , . I ' � , �) ` ^ ` 'I �' • ,'f 1�{,��?'a . 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J � , ', r. ;?� , j : _ ,, , � j ; ;�. f�, /. _ ,; . ., / ; LT.E M : [�� � —r� � CITY OF P='Q�1VAY . , T I T E: c.FST I O ... � SGALE : N�� ATT`A'C;HMENT' : 4 � DEC t986 ITEM 13 10o�Z6 ° t. � � _— �����_ _ \\� �::-- '– II�I� �,�� ;��fl � � � flJll� l�l[�l I� IIJ -- ? � �. �: I J _J � I T E M :1�Fz '86- I y. ,; CITY OF P:OWAY T I T L E: CresT �.4 ,3G�ALE. : N�� ATTA,CH-MENT, ; S DEC 2' 1986 1TEM 13 l,1 0� z 6 _ � T � � ' I ! �I � ....... W � � ,_. . �.' ._.,_. � y � j �� . ... -.-� � -a=*- , --�- �'�, . � � � .� � a -----� - --... , �- o � �� _ ��� � Q�� � ��' 4'0.' � . �ncrmsasY . y n ,N[�v (LE�JOEH cE� � L.OT-T24._ � , � n� _ _ a� l �:i ., 8z ; ' � � a7a' id � Y:! h � ;. : . . _ �� i � � " \ � \ � ,� � i:� /� ', � _67 ' M: Ll � '.�.\ 7 � . . Y q � �:r. � � n I � �� � � � , L�eLt '�I" _ " � ,�/_ �I Q ,3j ��h/ �- �o� " ^ � - , . �:� �� . _.�-� COUNTRY DAY ROAD:-! CITY O.�F` POVVAY �TEM : bR .;��-�9 TITLE : c,coT Z4 ' SCALE : ���� - A'TTA :: Sa DEC 2 1986 ITEM 13" I;Z.eF;6 � :. . . , .,,.. , _-- � •Y'� �eP ___�� .� .. .. �., • '' �' Cd . "�—��,� . an u+ � ' 1� ' �- � L � + I ' � 4 __ __ ___ _ _ __ ___ ' : � r . � , � xox F � w,a�.w ' _tn� oV'��" -o _ � F. * .;j � � , � , � _. . �� � j n � ,J' t � ;rp�.�� {,. 1 o .{ ' . � � �eec'- '"�:.� ' � � 9 �' � L _ ':;. """':°°'► � �-J 1��� - .� .� � . .� I � . M � ' f � . �.. J': i �".�."` i '�� x' _ ' . .=�° I . ' f �� v � 1 I ,.. .. . e . I _ ..'. - �,I i .. 1 I '�- I „ , �. � .,• . „ ._ .,. .. �— ... � . . .�r �.__ ..______ b �- w�. -� -a- L �� , _ � ,� f � o � -- �_ I �I � , i . �� m �, � � � o � _. —_ : . I �:a ° _` � , 9DJq. , �.'d� �� �1�s 9 / � . � � _ ,.cu�auua �\ I Z 'I •/ W I ( � / � � �, � �f'r,� �l1 _! . �.' � ' .... O. , i� �' � a ` r y r, ��'. � � �, �� .�. _. .� ,_� - � . � �� .. �y 'it . I �--' j c�. 4 � � —'• � � ,. � a; � °Y. ,j1t ; � � � — i i —i. - ' . . 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CITY OF POWAY ITE'M `�Djz �-i�► TITLE : �-�� S � BCALE : �d��- ATTACHMENT : 7 DEC 2 t986 ITEM 13 1AncJF, . ! o la _. ` � . , !' rT ' � aN � . / / '\ / � —�� �/ � ! � / �--' �/ � // / �/ . % % � - ij ` X I � � . �`I� , � \ � ;' / I I � � , I, � \ � , � ,, , �L_ � � - �\ \ �'• \ � A, \. . ^ � \ `\\ \, Z ._ . � � , \ ��. \ ' : / � �' ' �� �. � � � ,�b � !d� . \ ��� � � � �� \ ^� ..� � � a .,`\ _ ,\ ' ., ,�. ^,� ,o� •. 1 N � , k , ff 775� 8 ` �� � ���. � �' '`�� f�j ' 3 � . ��J . / , � � �� � � 8 � �_ '� � �I � l� NF, Q�. � . ^ ���` � . ' . �. . " , � . CITY 0F .PO,WAY �T.� : p� �-�5 TITLE' : �1-�T S!� 3'CALE : N'oN� A-TT-A^GHMENT : ?"� - _ . '" DEC.2 1986 !Tf M 13 i9ofz.6 - _ �✓� � —� � \ �� _--� __ - �- � -� , - ,_ �. _�- - � <�`�_� � JJ�Ayyyy � � - . " �� �FTJ�M1Ni��J.NJJ N ,'.. 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' -.. . . o G��DD �C��IOO OD , lakeside series C ITY O F P� WAY IT.EM ': t�R �-.�� - TIT : t,oT' `�3S 9CALE ;: °t�1c�NF ATTAC•HMENT : $ -;DEC 2 1986 I?EM I3 �O oF;26 . .� � ,N 6 \� l � ' �` � ' � `� i B � •� "\� �. , \� � - •\, �� � . � , . � q .. \ y � 2��B b �(✓� �� '\"� L / � � .�' , . t' i� \ � i � ' � V . , �' '• \ � \ \ ! � i `Z5 2C �`,�-� \ � � \ b ,\ � � � �� \ � `� , � 6 .,. � t� �� \ ,, 9� / 4 p �` : A � . ` i� ' 8 J� " � i t� � � I G � t GR ` �'� ;ff'� j � . � , . \ �" i�� 7�h'a�� h�� \ � 6 2 5 � . ��� 5 �%�, \� \� " ' � �� � � � I /\\ � 'a' G6 � � / I \ � r. � � \ � / \ \ a � \ ' � , \ � � �� v ��� � � � � ��, 1 .\ � B sc• � j o2 �t� � \ / ��`..� �� € � y . / . "' , , CITY OF POWAX ITEM : DR g�-�y TITLE : �� 'F25 SCALE : ��� ATTACHMENT : � �i ofz6 DEC2 1986 ITEM 13 - ------------__.. ��--------------.. .. - . .-- . � �� (� � .---I-�--�-� ` - +�:� ^� � �� . ;; ;��.,i�l'i�`�I � �� �� -, � ,a` �, i i l �.�._�„ � � nI ��, '' � ;liiill;��� - --^� i JI' \r , � _ r '., . i � � � �'+��� � � ` � _ . !� {��� � _ �1�iU a � �._ ,,, L , � ! � .; , � v ■ .,,�, �, � , I T1 : � ' MI� ;."I h1 �.I� ,..__ i'.�: I.�i ..�. � IliHUIIB NIYP .. � � �� i NWl I �MPI1 I' f. I .`1 �_�� i ,.�..,. iii' a!�a PLAN Y CITY Q�' POWAY ITEM : � ��-�q TITLE : �T 435 3CALE : �1d�E- ATTACHMENT : �� DEC 2 1986 ITEM 13 _. �2eF�6 -- � • - - ; ,_;: . _ �E.:r�. � "� � "' 'F , ,� . '�'' . • �' ,f � �,: . � ` r'' �,' , � ��r-:{ . �:: � -- - - - i ' __ _ _ .. _ - -- _ _ � n � �—�-,`---= '�"'�' �" :_,- �;.�__ . _ . .,,:� �v:. .__ - - _ . �t � _ --. _ _ �, _. F� � , L � �� '- ,. t '.. I I -- I �� ,�p, k)f L— : r � �� I ��� I �,�+ 1 � ��. I i '�`� C=„ . '. 7� � •.rF 7�}- �=�,� ��I I i• I I i x�{� CITY OF POWAY ITEM : t�iZ g6 �� TITLE : l�'ST 8� 3CALE : ���— ATTACHMENT : � �_ DEC z 1986 ITEM 13 z3oF�6 _% �� ,, , � � � � �� �-- : _ - :� __ _ _- z: ,,- = , �� - �� � "� 9� \ ,t �/ �: i / . �_�' � : C „ ;,_ :, , :�-- _ , . � . ;......__ � �� i T � a � I � � �� , —. � � � ` — �,� -.%�,--"_`= II X . ' � — \ S . � �_ �,. / � : )V � ' I: � '] • I � �. k _ I � � � j �i ' = , > ��)' . I `�1_� I. '`° `_ 1 ; ` `` I • I 5. � � a �. � �� . CITY 0�' P`OWAY iT�E�� :� g � - ��� �� TITLE : '--�� �S� SCALE : M�� ATTACHMENT : � � DEC z 1986 ITEM 13 2!+� _ . . �.J . � _'. ..._ _'_��_ I I I � + _ � '_ _`, �* � . � '� "_' i .J i ` I _ � � . � �� � � �'�- 4. . I ..J L � i� r�_ ,.....��� . . �� tr^�~I = � . , _.. ...: . �----i f :� : � � - � v�r�3i � . ,,,. � �; - . . � � , _ � � � � � ��a,�= ,�_ .� � , . � � �I �-.__ + J =� 1'. � JI ...�� _ . - • . � �� _ - i � i 4� t�• I � � . 1 . 1 11 I I • � ��� . ; ... ..r... . ; .. P ` ° CITY .OF POWAY IT.EM : a� ��-�q TITLE : �"� �� - SCALE : ►—►.p1�► - ATTACHMENT ; �'� ��. . DEC 2 1986 fl'EM 13 2:oF�5 � �� � 'R`�;Ii/�cCoa�c,Inc. November 19, 1986 ,, �,E L E � v E'. D NOV 2119ao Ms. sharon crockett _ 'p�ppp�{�� pEppRTklE�1 P.lanning Department CITY OF POWAY � P.O. Box 785 - Poway, CA 92064 RE: LOTS.10, 24, 42„ 56, 69.,'85 AND 86/TRAGT 4090R Dear Sharon: This letter will.serve as the Architectural`Review �ommittee's approval for a constsuction.of homes on the above-referenced. 1ofs. The Brtidlewood Counfry Estates A"rehitectural Committee . has reviewed ;and appfoued.the'plans�and specifications for these homes. Please contact me if you have any questions;. Sincer,ely, i '<.��, � . � � � ,. .. � ��/'.�r ,/l/r/.••-�'�z:�,__�,� . , . James D. McMenamin,,President ARCHITECTURAL E2EVIEW'COMMZ.TTEE JDM:ldl cc: Ross:M. Felber Kathleen `R. Cour;tney 14.;031 1'�E�'I : b.1�- "�6'� �/ _ - ,�— C��i'�R F['oM . r�Pµa �p 'fi,'fl::� . , �4�f*�cHhl�lSf : ► fl — DEC 2 1986 ITEM 13 � 6 OF'Z'6 6920�:Miramar.Road, Suite 104,,San Diego, CA.921217(619j��578-5760