Item 17 - Award of Bid for Construction of Street and Soundwall Improvements on Pomerado Road - Phase III?GENDA
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TO: Honorable Chairman and Directors of the Poway
Redevelopment Agency
FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive Dire
INITIATED BY: Alan D._Archi d, Director of Pub c Services/
City Engineer
J. Bradley Ku er, Senior Civil Engineer
DATE: October 28, 1986
SUBJECT: Award of Bid for the Construction of Street and
Soundwall Improvements on Pomerado Road - Phase III
At the August 19, 1986 meeting, the Poway Redevelopment Agency
authorized staff to advertise for bids on this project.
The following four (4) bids were received on October 21, 1986:
1. Hayward Enterprises, Inc ........ $199,361.05
2. William J. Kirchnavy, Inc....... 213,066.50
3. ABC Construction Co ............. 219,069.00
4. T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc......... 228,585.00
The engineer's estimate was $227,100.00.
It is recommended that the Poway Redevelopment Agency award
the bid to Hayward Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $199,361.00.
ACTION: Approved Staff Recommendation.
S anne Oliva, Deputy City Clerk
OCT 28 1986 ITEM 17