Item 3 - Request by Don Mechling to fill land with Piedmont Park Boulders Ar. MEMORANDU V ( OF POW 1'd CITY OF POWAY �;�.;,�•-, yF' / / TH )E co\'• . TO: Poway City Council James.L. Bowersox, City Manage'L '. FROM: Bob Emery, Mayor Op DATE: . October 28, 1985 SUBJECT: Request by Don Mechling to fill land with Piedmont Park Boulders Don Mechling approached me recently and asked why I was opposed to his filling some of his land with rocks from the Piedmont Park project? He has done this before with material from Hirsch Ranch and I had expressed my concerns to staff. We have no policy on this subject and I personally don't think it is good practice going around filling anything in without proper grading permits based upon a formal Council policy and approval. • I ask for your input on this matter to be discussed at a future workshop session. BE:lf 11-14-85 Council discussed. Staff to look at possible grading Ordinance amendment or policy to bring any requests . to City Council for action. • . �+/�� NOV 14 1985 ITEM