Item 12 - Pow-Wow Posse - Request for Renewal of Their Annual Permit *GENDA REPORT •F so Gkti CITY OF POWAY• \ W' This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the �� �� reportprior to approvalE '- � tT.� remed by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public Cny�v THE C0'4.-- have it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. • ¶10:' Honorable Mayor and Members \of me City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man-X11. . frot INITIATED BY: Patrick R. Foley, Assistant `e City Managrjf" • DATE: August 12, 1986 SUBJECT: Pow-Wow Posse - Request for Renewal of Their Annual Permit • • • BACKGROUND The Pow Wbw Posse is requesting the renewal of their annual permit to shoot blank ammunition during practice sessions only. The practice sessions will con- tinue to be held in the Old Poway Village on Midland Road, and will not be open to the public. Attached is a copy of their letter requesting the renewal. FINDINGS The Pau Wow Posse has provided the Sheriff's Department with identification cards of their members who will be participating in the practice sessions. As existing members leave and others apply for membership, the Posse will update the information for the Sheriff. The Pow Wow Posse is required to notify the Sheriff's Department two weeks prior to the date of a practice session. The Old Poway Village property owner has granted the Posse permission to use the property for practice sessions during the year. To date, the City has received no complaints. The Sheriff's Department has reviewed the Posse's request and foresees no problems which would prohibit the City frau renewing the annual permit. • "i" • ACTION: APPROVED staff `re\ndation. •Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk AUG 1 2 1986 a E M 12 1of 3 • �ITY �Y _ �, CARL R.KRUSE,Mayor OF POWAY. OF o C/V i; MARY SHEPARDSON,Deputy Mayor BRUCE TARZY,Councilmember ' LINDA ORAVEC,Councilmember ' • BOB EMERY,Councilmember ryP / • 4)' IN THE cpJ:. August 13, 1986 Pow Waw Pcsse P. 0. Box 591 Poway, CA 92064 RE: Annual Permit for Practice Sessions Gentlemen: The above-referenced item was heard by the City Council at their meeting held August 12, 1986. The Council voted to renew your annual shooting permit for practice sessions with blank ammunition. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call Patrick Foley, Assistant to the City Manager. Sincerely, 4 'NM a Oliva Deputy City Clerk so cc: City Manager City Hall Located at 13325 Civic Center Drive Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064 • (619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400 —} • • Agenda Report August 12, 1986 Page 2 The annual permit will not include shows that are open to the public. A separate request will have to be made and approved by the City Council for each public event. RECOMENDATION It is recacmended that the City Council renew the Paw Wow Posse's annual permit for practice sessions only. JLB:PRF:lc Attachments: Pow Wow Posse letter ,( aus 12 1986 ITEM 12 L 2 of 3 ._moo •raftwow ? C'SSE .pWAM +4V P. O. BOX 501 •ter us bring the POWAY, CALIFORNIA 92064 Old West to you•• Dear Patsy;City_ Council, • The Row. Wow Posse. inc.- reppectfully requests thP. renewal._of its s..permit, to, fire: blanks._ The Passe has com- • plied with, the requirements- of theoriginal agreement._ Se:. • to: provide the City Council. and the Sheriffs"s Department wiitbi a. monthly, schedule of practices.. These-practices are always; conductedwith complete- safety int •.n . as well as are our shows.- Tliarrk Yam.. S;mr erelyy. ONS • E.D._Mizell. II: Secretary Paw. Wow. Posse • • RECE@VED , ,L � 41986. CI11 o urti'E s AUG 12 1986 ITEM 12 3 of 3 pck, w .ga .v4 reSSE • ':e0SS€ , P. 0. BOX 591 • POWAY, CALIFORNIA 92064 .*Let us bong the Old West to you Date Decem6ea 31. 1985 RECEIVED JAN 0 61986 Poway City Council cur HAdwsr„': rater CITY OF POWAY 13325 Civic Center Drive Poway, CA 92064 Subject: Pow Wow Posse Practice Dear Sir, The Pow Wow Posse will be firing blank ammunition at practices on ,41,2%4 5, e7nd 19, 1986 The permit far these practices was issued by the City Council on_ Sepember. Thankyou. POW WOW POSSE OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, INC. Secretary/ Copy sent to Poway Sheriffs Department cc: Secty Files Sao`- POW WOW flSSE4�` cis * i P. O. pox 591 • POWAY, CALIFORNIA 92064 "Let us bring the OM West to you— • Date //-laa- 6-C RECEIVED NOV 131985 Poway City Council CITY MAiNwRF9'e prior CITY OF POWAY 13325 Civic Center Drive • Poway, CA 92064 Subject: Pow Wow Posse Practice Dear Sir, The Pow Wow Fosse will be firing blank ammunition at practices on vv . /y� -25/at�� ,:),27 plc The permit far these practices was issued by the City Council . 0II_ Sep.�em6eA ' 198r Thankyou. POW WOW POSSE OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, INC. • Secret7fy Copy sent to Poway Sheriffs Department cc: Secty Files