Item 7 - City Council Workshop on the Proposed Ridgeline/Hillside Ordinance GENDA REPORT /\ QF )- // CITY OF POWAY • THE TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manai0\ - • INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning ervices N` James R. Nessel , Associate Planner DATE: July 10 , 1986 SUBJECT: City Council Workshop on the Proposed Ridgeline/Hillside Ordinance BACKGROUND On April 29 , 1986 , the City Council held second reading on the proposed Ridgeline/Hillside Ordinance (Ordinance No. 187/ZOA 86-01 ) . Following discussion of the proposed ordinance , the Council voted unanimously to refer the proposed ordinance back to staff and to have the item brought back at a future Council workshop. ANALYSIS The proposed Ridgeline/Hillside Ordinance was prepared by Staff subsequent to a comprehensive study which Staff conducted over a period of several months during 1985 . As Council is aware, the subject study generated three specific documents : a proposed General Plan Amendment (GPA 86-01 ) amending the text and graphics of the General Plan related to the development of land located within the ridgeline/hillside areas of the City; a companion Zoning Ordinance Amendment ( ZOA 86-01 ) amending the Zoning Development Code (Title 17 of Poway Municipal • Code) regarding new property development standards in residential zones ; and, the proposed official City of Poway Major Topographical Features Map which depicts the areas of the City in which the said topographical features are found . For additional background information and reference , the subject study , proposed General Plan Amendment Resolution , and proposed Ordinance are attached to this report as Attachments 1 , 2 , and 3 , respectively . F / ACTION: 7-10-86_0ouncii concurred for staff to procccd._ Terrain sensitive grading ordinance and review of hillside landscaping requirements are needed. M. Jahls e , city Clerk IUL 10 1986 ITEM' 7 _dd. 1-of 62 • Agenda Report July 10 , 1986 Page 2 Specific Concerns/Objections to Proposed Ordinance As Council recalls , the proposed ordinance was the subject of several public hearings at which a substantial amount of public testimony was taken . The major concerns/objections raised by the public were in the following areas : 1 . The proposed ordinance is vague and confusing. 2 . The proposed ordinance is too restrictive . 3 . The requirement for specific colors and materials of struc- tures is excessive and unnecessary. 4 . The requirement for one-story structures in some areas would cause property devaluation . 5 . The proposed ordinance could be subject to legal challenge . 6 . The proposed "Major Topographical Features Map" was questioned as to its accuracy , and that the map, as presently drawn , includes properties which are surrounded by hillsides and ridges , are not seen from lower elevations , or are other- wise topographically screened from surrounding views . At the April 29 public hearing , Council specifically directed Staff to: o Delete the restrictive color requirement language from the body of the ordinance; and , o Refine the proposed "features map" to depict only those areas of the City to which the ordinance standards would precisely apply. Staff is uncertain about the nature and extent of other changes desired by Council . Major Topographical Features Map The subject map prepared by Staff for Council ' s prior con- sideration is a 1 ,000 foot scale base map of the City . This map depicts current property lines as well as dedicated streets and roads . 2_8f ' 62 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 Agenda Report July 10 , 1986 Page 3 The peripheral boundary of the areas of "major features" was established by utilizing a 1 ,000 foot scale slope category map and the set of U.S.G.S. contour line maps which comprise the City of Poway. The slope map used to plot the subject boundary consists of three slope categories : 0-15 percent, 15-30 percent, and 30 percent and above. The boundary line was drawn at a point where the natural grade approaches 15 percent slope and above. The "major features" area proposed by Staff comprised about 11, 000 acres consisting of approximately 800 individual parcels of land. It was suggested that exceptions could be made as necessary by variance procedures as development was proposed . Proposed Refinements to "Major Features" Map Staff has obtained a preliminary draft set of slope category maps prepared by VL Systems, the mapping firm that maintains the City ' s base maps . These maps are provided as wall exhibits at today ' s workshop. These draft maps are of the Boulder Mountain/Twin Peaks Mountain area located east of Pomerado Road. This area is representative of many areas within the community which contain the topographic features in question . The maps are at a scale of 200 feet per inch and include property lines and street rights-of-way . The five slope categories depicted on these maps are differentiated by boun- dary lines and symbols , and consist of the following ranges of slope: 0% - 10% 10% - 15% 15% - 20% 20% - 25% 25% and above 3 of 62 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 • Agenda Report July 10, 1986 Page 4 Under a current contract with the City , VL Systems will prepare a complete set of 200 foot scale slope category maps which encom- pass the entire City area. The final map product will provide Staff with a greater level of detail in the area of slope analy- sis . The methodology used to determine the peripheral boundary of each slope category was by combining a manual measurement of topographic contour lines with a special computer software package. The resultant category boundary represents an accurate depiction of the relationship between an existing parcel of land and the degree of slope on which it is situated. With this detailed slope information, Staff would be able to accurately identify, by existing property lines , which parcels fall within each slope category. This information can also be used to deter- mine the specific parcels, or portions of parcels , that would not be subject to the proposed ordinance standards. It should be noted that the completion date for the set of city- wide slope maps is approximately 3-4 months away and therefore, Staff would not be able to commence further analysis until then. Also, the five slope categories shown on the draft maps will be combined on the final product into three categories which conform to the current General Plan categories . These consist of: 0-15%, 15-25% , and , 25% and above. Terrain Sensitive Grading Some time ago the City Council directed Staff to undertake a study which would address terrain sensitive grading, and to for- mulate new regulations which would amend the City ' s Grading Ordinance. Many of the proposed General Plan policies and pro- perty development standards which came from the original "Ridgeline/Hillside Study" are directly related to grading and the creation of man-made slopes . These policies and standards address the following areas of potential landform alteration and associated impacts . o The design, configuration, orientation, and development of lots . o Access roads or driveways serving structures . o The limitation of grading to that area necessary for the development of a lot, including approved accessory structures . o Maintenance of rock outcrops and mature indigenous trees . 4 of 62 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 ® • Agenda Report July 10 , 1986 Page 5 o Visual impacts associated with grading activity on hillsides and ridgelines . o The orientation of single-level structures parallel with natural contours . o Multi-level foundations for structures proposed on slopes that exceed 25 percent . o The minimum grading necessary to support a cantilever or stilt-type structure. o Structural setbacks from adjoining downhill slopes to minimize the visual impact of the structure on surrounding areas . o Grading required for earth-sheltered structures . o Geotechnical considerations which may limit the location and extent of grading activity. The above list illustrates that the scale and intensity of develop- ment within the ridgeline/hillside areas of the community is directly associated with grading activity. Therefore, Staff would suggest that any modifications to the proposed hillside/ridgeline ordinance be synthesized with the terrain sensitive grading study and its recommendations . This approach would result in amendments to the General Plan and Municipal Code which are consistent and compatible. Staff anticipates that preparation of a terrain sensitive grading ordinance would take about 3 months . Unresolved Issues Staff requests Council ' s clarification and/or further direction on the following issue areas . Many of these issues are contained in the proposed ordinance as presently drafted . 1 . Should the Ridgeline Ordinance preceed the Terrain Sensitive Grading Study, visa versa , or should these issues be treated simultaneously? 2 . Should specific guidelines be prepared for grading including quantification of the amount and extent of grading? 5 of 62 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 Agenda Report July 10 , 1986 • Page 6 3. Should the City regulate: o Structure height and location on a topographic feature; o Structural setback from adjoining downhill slopes; o Architectural design, including multi-level foun- dations , second-story setbacks, etc; o Roof slope conformance with natural grade; o Cantilever/stilt structure projection over natural grade; o Location and design of driveways and access roads; o Landscape screening of a structure without diminishing views from a structure; o Orientation of structure on hillside lot? 4 . Are lot configuration, orientation, and design appropriate considerations at the conceptual stage of development/land subdivison? 5 . Are the 200 foot scale base/slope maps adequate for the level of detail and accuracy desired? 6. Does Council wish Staff to conduct a "parcel-by-parcel" analysis when determining the specific areas subject to the proposed ordinance? 7 . What is the time frame desired by Council for Staff to complete the Terrain Sensitive Grading Study and revised Ridgeline/Hillside Ordinance? 8 . Are there additional areas of concern which the Council wishes to address in the ordinance? ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Additional environmental assessment may be required for proposed amendments to the General Plan , Zoning Development Code, and Grading Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council accept and file this report, and give Staff additional direction on how to proceed with this matter . JLB:RWT;JRN:pn JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 6 of 62 ( AGENDA REPORT �'• CITY OF POWAY )4 ti , cc r=.= c'< TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council lb FROM: ‘. a James L. Bowersox, City Mana... INITIATED BY : John E. Bridges , Acting Director of Planning Services James R. Nessel , Associate Planner DATE: • March 18 , 1986 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment , General Plan Amendment 86-01 ; and Zoning Ordinance Amendment 86-01 : Recommended new policies and standards resulting from the City-initiated Ridgeline/Hillside Study. • ABSTRACT • Following the City Council ' s review of the Draft Ridgeline/Hillside Study report at the November 14 , 1985 and January 9 , 1986 workshop meetings , the City Council accepted the subject report and the recommendations contained therein , and set a public hearing for the consideration of said study and report , and consideration of the proposed General Plan policies and property development standards .' The final adoption of the proposed General Plan policies would constitute an amendment to the text and graphics of the General . Plan section of the Poway Comprehensive Plan. The adoption of the proposed general plan amendment would also require a companion amendment to the Poway Zoning Development Code (Title 17 of the Municipal Code) in order to bring the code into a state of con- sistency with the General Plan , as required by State law. The proposed general plan amendment (GPA 86-01 ) is the first of four such plan amendments during calendar year 1986 , which the City Council may consider pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code. , / ACTION: . JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 MAR 16 1986 ITEM 4 _.__t# • 7 of 62 Afltr uMet I r 4 •• <. • ( , ® • • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 2 The following Draft Ridgeline/Hillside Study report discusses the pur- pose and methodology of the study; the areas of the City affected by the study; and the existing policies which currently guide and regu- late the development of land •located within the study area. The report concludes by recommending a number of new General Plan policy statements and corresponding property development standards . The proposed amendments are designed to further implement the goals and objectives of the General Plan , and to expand the development review of properties where prominent hilltop, ridgeline , and hillside areas of the City are concerned . BACKGROUND In the past , prior to the City ' s incorporation , many of the community ' s prominent knolls , hilltops , ridgelines and hillsides have been indiscriminately developed with residential structures . Unfortunately , many of the structures were designed and sited without regard for Poway' s visual quality and the preservation of this community' s rural character and unique natural features . Policy 2 .e of the Land Conservation Element states , "The City shall perform a study to determine the prominent ridgelines and hillsides • including an analysis of their characteristics and value to the community. " This General Plan policy statement is one of many policies which were originally adopted by the City Council as part of the Poway Comprehensive Plan for the purpose of enhancing the City' s image and preserving its rural character . On April 2 , 1985 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 85-01T requiring Minor Development Review application and approval for properties lying within the "major topographical features" areas depicted on Figure 9 , Community Design Resources , of the Comprehensive Plan . While this measure has provided interim pro- tection to the resources in question, the proposed recommendations , if adopted by Council , would be added to the Comprehensive Plan as new policy statements and development standards . The City Attorney . has recommended that requirements which the City Council chooses to adopt as a result of the ridgeline/hillside study also be adopted in ordinance form. ANALYSIS • A. Purpose of Study The purpose of the ridgeline/hillside study is threefold: o To identify the prominent knolls , hilltops , mountain tops , ridges , ridgelines , and associated hillsides within the community; J 10 1986 I T E M 1Z APR UL 15 1986 ITEM 4 8 of"'62 ' MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • • • (® • (� . Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 3 o To determine the characteristics and value of these topographical features to the community; and o To recommend specific language in the form of new General Plan policy statements and property development standards which would add to or complement existing policies and standards found in the General Plan and Zoning Development • -Code sections of the City of Poway Comprehensive Plan . B. Study Methodology The areas comprising the "major topographical features" were deter- mined through an analysis of the community' s unique terrain and its physical , visual , and functional relationship to surrounding prop- erties and other natural resources , and to the community-at-large. In general terms , these areas are comprised of the following topographical features: 1 . Slopes generally greater than 15 percent; 2 . Natural terrain which is elevated significantly higher than the valley floor and adjacent lower foothills; • 3 . Hilltops or knolls which are situated at elevations signi- ficantly greater than adjacent properties; 4 . Ridges or ridgelines which are visually demarcated by an elongated ridge or a series of ridges common to a longitu- dinal axis; 5 . Major hillsides associated with significant hilltops and prominent ridgelines ; and 6 . Mountainous terrain which is within the viewshed of Poway proper , designated scenic highways , and public places within the City and adjacent communities . C. Area Affected by Ridgeline/Hillside Study As mentioned above, the areas of "major topographical features" are depicted on Figure 9 (Community Design Resources ) of the Community • Design Element of the General Plan ( see Attachment 1 ) . During the course of the study, • these areas were superimposed upon a 1 ,000 • foot scale City base map which depicts the parcelization of the City. • JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 _ MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 9 of 62 • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 4 For the purpose of determining the actual geographic location of the features in question, and to more accurately depict the peripheral boundaries of the areas of major topographical features , Staff utilized a slope category map along with the U.S.G.S contour • line maps which comprise the City. The results of this closer examination of slope categories and contour lines indicated that the areas of major topographical features cover a larger geographic area than that depicted on Attachment 1 . Th'e larger or expanded Study area, which is depicted on •Attachment 2 , was sanctioned by the City Council at their January 9 , 1986 workshop meeting. This revised study area is also highlighted on a 1 ,000 foot scale base map which will be provided as a wall map exhibit at the public hearing. The subject area was then measured with a planimeter from the 1 ,000 foot scale base map and calculated to have an overall area of approximately 10 ,732 gross acres . While these gross acres comprise the approximate total areas of the major topographical features of the City, they also contain specific areas or enclaves which would not be subject to future development, or are not otherwise affected by this study . The following table provides an explanation for this and further describes the specific areas not affected by this study . TABLE 1 Areas of Major Topographical Features • Area Description Gross Acreage 1 . Total area of major topographical features 10 ,732 ac. 2 . Portions of total area not affected by study: • - BLM/Open Space Zone 520 - Wilderness/Open Space Zone 150 - Rancho Arbolitos 106 - South Poway Planned Community Development Plan o Light Industrial/Industrial Park 644 o Commercial 28 o Open Space 481 - Existing Dedicated Open Space Easements 210 • SUBTOTAL 2 , 139 -2 , 139 ac. 3 . Total area minus areas not affected 8 , 593 gross • acres Note: As indicated in Table 1 above , the areas of the South Poway Planned Community designated for light industrial/indus- trial park, commercial , and open space use have been excluded from the study area . The several areas within the Rancho Arbolitos development have also been excluded . These exclusions ' were made because the City Council has already approved the ' development plans in both areas . APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 10 of 62 • JUL 10 1986 ITEM 11 _ MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • c• c• Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 . Page 5 Similarly, the portions of the total area presently zoned Open Space (BLM land and Wilderness Area) , and all existing dedicated open space easements have also been excluded . The resultant approximately 8 ,593 gross acres of major topographical features are the focus of this study. This acreage is equivalent to about 13 square miles of territory , which is close to 35 percent of the City' s present incorporated area of 37 square miles . 4 . It should be noted that the peripheral boundaries of the "major topographical features" areas , as depicted on Attachment 2 , are not specifically defined by a contour line , point in elevation , or demarcated by a property line . This is because the City ' s land form is very diverse , and therefore , the peripheral boundaries are general and should not be considered as precisely definitive. A site-specific topographic examination and field investigation would be , in many cases , necessary to determine whether a parcel of land is wholly or partially situated within the subject boun- daries . For the purpose of implementing the proposed policies and stan- dards at the staff level , Staff is recommending that the City Council consider the adoption of the 1 ,000 foot scale base map, which depicts the subject areas , as the "official" ridgeline/hillside map of the City. In addition , Staff would recommend that Figure 9 of the Comprehensive Plan be revised to conform to Attachment 2 as part of the General Plan amendment process . • D. Parcel Inventory In order to identify the assessor parcels which are located within the study area , the parcelization map was again utilized. Once the parcel inventory was established, the development status of each affected parcel was determined . From the 1982 Housing Needs . Assessment Study, a housing location map was prepared and updated for housing units constructed between 1982 and February 28 , 1986 . • The parcel inventory and associated development status is sum- marized in the following table . TABLE 2 • NUMBER PERCENT OF TOTAL Developed Parcels 140 18 Undeveloped Parcels 636 82 Total Affected Parcels 776* 100% * Approximate total since study area boundary is not considered precisely definitive . APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 • 11 of "62 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 610R 18 1986 ITEM 4 Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 6 The parcels which are presently developed are generally concentrated in five areas of the City. The areas of concentration are shown on Attachment 3 . E. Highly Significant Topographical Features • At the November 14 , 1985 workshop, Council expressed a concern regarding highly significant topographical features upon which any development should be strongly discouraged or prohibited . These features consist of steep hillsides generally in excess of 15 percent slope ; the extreme tops of knolls , hills , and mountains ; and, ridges or ridgelines . For the purpose of better identifying these highly significant features , Staff again utilized a 1 ,000 foot scale slope category map and the U.S.G.S . contour line maps which comprise the City of Poway. An analysis of the slope categories and contour lines indicated that nearly one hundred significant hilltops exist within the study area . The analysis further showed that almost all of the involved parcels of land are impacted by hillsides of over 15 percent slope. However , when looking only at hilltops and ridges , approximately one third of the affected parcels are directly impacted by the presence of these features . It should be noted that the majority of these parcels are larger than 20 acres in size and are zoned RR-A. In order to protect these highly significant features , residential structures proposed on directly impacted lots should be located on the least impacted portion of the lot . This would afford the features the highest degree of protection from potential visual impacts , but in some cases may not be feasible due to physical limitations or other environmental constraints . Staff is of the opinion that policies which guide and regulate development in these sensitive areas should be somewhat flexible and not too rigid .. If rigorous policies which contain prohibitive language are employed in all cases , it may be difficult or undesirable to administer such policies . The following problems could arise: o Future subdivision of existing large lots could require "lot • averaging" as the only alternative for development. This would necessitate lot, clustering. o The buildable , or least impacted portion of the lot, may be land locked from access . • JM 1' • APRUL 10 15 19861986 ITEM 4 12 of 62 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 C® 0 • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 7 o The buildable portion of the lot may be otherwise impacted by environmental or physical constraints . o Eminent domain powers may be necessary to ultimately protect the features in question . Staff has prepared a policy which addresses the "location of devel- opment" to the least-impacted portion of the lot, but recommends that it be used as a flexible standard, and in conjunction with the other recommended policies and. standards . Attachment 4 illustrates a "worst case" situation which presently exists , and where flexibility in development review would be necessary . As shown on the attachment , the 40 acre parcel is directly impacted by highly significant features . While the parcel is located over 1 ,000 feet from a major hilltop (elevation 1 , 420 ) , it is impacted by a prominent ridge which crosses the full width of the property . Physical constraints , like the canyon north of the property and the drainage feature adjacent on the south , could cause problems with access to the property . If City water were available , the 40 acre parcel could possibly be divided into two 20 acre parcels and could accommodate a maximum of two dwelling units . In order to protect the most highly visible features of the site, the structures would have to be located on the least-impacted portions of the property. However , that may not be feasible due to the presence of physical or environmental constraints which are unknown at this time . Staff recommends that where proposed residential structures on existing lots , subdivisions of land, or adjustments of lot lines affect a highly significant feature(s ) , said feature( s) should be avoided and protected through their dedication as permanent open space. Staff believes that these types of situations can be adequately addressed by utilizing all existing and new policies and development standards . The full utilization of these guidelines and standards will ensure the highest degree of protection possible to the features in question. • F. Development Potential of the Study Area At the January 9 , 1986 workshop, Council expressed a concern regarding. the number of potential residential lots which ultimately could be developed within the boundaries of the study area. As mentioned above , the portion of the study area which would be affected by this study is comprised of approximately 8 , 593 gross acres . At the present time , approximately 776 parcels of • land exist within the affected por- tions of the - study area , and only 140 parcels or 18 percent of the total , are currently developed . The existing affect parcels are situated on terrain in excess of 15 percent slope and are currently zoned RR-A, RR-B, or RR-C. JUL 10 1986 ITEM 111 ' APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 • 13:. o f; 62 MAR 18 1985 ITEM 4 • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 8 In order to calculate the ultimate development potential of the affected portions of the study area , Staff utilized the existing land use and zoning designations and "rural area parcel sizes" prescribed in the General Plan . The following table summarizes the results of this potential lot calculation . TABLE 3 Calculation of Potential Residential Lots ' Number of Potential Lots Existing Average Gross With City Without City Zone Slope Acres Water Water RR-A . 15-25% 1,960 245 98 25-45% 5 , 749 - 287 143 RR-B 15-25% 628 254 - • 25-45% 16 2 - • RR-C 15-25% 20 10 - 25-45% 220 55 - Totals 8 ,593 853 241 As indicated in Table 3 above, the "worst case" potential number of lots which could ultimately be created and developed under current zoning and slope criteria, if City water were available , equals approximate 853 lots . When this figure is compared to the number of existing parcels (approximately 776 ) , the difference between existing and potential lots equals about 77 additional lots over what exists today. This number may be somewhat less because the lot calculations are based on gross rather than net acreage. G. Characteristics and Community Value The major topographical features found within the City of Poway are ' considered a significant element of Poway ' s rural' character . The knolls , hilltops , ridgelines , and associated hillsides are physical components which combine to make up the City ' s unique physiography or land form. As defined, "land form" is a feature of the earth ' s surface attributable to natural causes . The characteristics or quali- ties which coexist in• the community include , but are not limited to the following : • o physical relief or inequalities of the land surface; o undulating contours ; o moderate to steep slopes ; • o dramatic and vivid sky line , silhouetted rikEllig ffSt ITEM 7 - , • APR 15 1985 ITEM 4 1:4'of - 62_ MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 40 • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 9 o natural seasonal colors and shadows ; o diversified vegetation and wildlife communities ; o terminal views/focal points ; o majestic mountains and rock outcroppings ; o visual diversion and scenic quality; o distinctive form and appearance; and o interface with low passing cloud formations . One of the main goals of the City and its residents is the enhance- ment of the City ' s rural image and character , and the preservation of the country-like atmosphere and environment which now prevails in the community. A high intrinsic and physical value is placed upon the City ' s natural resources and scenic quality by both its residents and those who travel along its scenic corridors . The value of the natural features to the community-at-large can be described in terms of the following functions : o provision of open space and associated benefits ; o resource protection/conservation; o preservation of unique cultural sites; o promotion of human health and well-being; o preservation of natural vegetation and wildlife habitat; o prevention of urban sprawl through the maintenance of a • natural greenbelt and hinterland; o protection of the community' s watershed and major drainage basins; o provision of psychological relief from the stress and strain of urban life; o promotion of the town and country dichotomy; o maintenance of a limited population threshold; o provision of a healthy environment for generations to come; o enhancement of the visual quality of the City; o provision of opportunities for large-lot ownership and estate dwellings ; and o promotion of air and water quality . Based on the above-mentioned characteristics and community value of the resources in question , it is of paramount importance that their continued protection is insured through close adherence to related municipal policy and standards . H . Existing Policy Staff has reviewed the text and graphics of the Comprehensive Plan and has determined that existing policy regarding development in hillside and ridgeline areas should be supplemented to provide ade- quate planning policy to guide development in the areas of major topographical features . This determination was made after a number of issues relating to design , access , and visual aesthetics sur- faced during the course of . the study . APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 15 of 62 JUL 10 1986 ITEM '1 . M1AR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 10 It was also determined that existing policies regarding development in hillside and ridgeline areas are found within three individual elements of the General Plan--the Land Use Element , Community Design Element , and Land Resource Conservation Element. This dispersal of related policies is preferable to achieve adequate cross-referencing and internal document consistency , but is not advantageous to the efficient administration and implementation of the General Plan . If Council chooses to adopt the proposed new policies , their adoption would constitute an amendment .to the General Plan . It is suggested that as part of the amendment process the existing policies and new policies be consolidated in the Community Design Element , and that other elements be amended to include cross references as deemed appropriate by Council . Internal consistency would be maintained. The proposed policies should also be added to the residential section of the Zoning Development Code as property development standards for development within the areas of major tbpographical features . For Council ' s information , the existing policies include the following: 1 . Land Use Element - Policies 3 .c, 7 .c, 7 .h, and 15a-15 .m 2 . Community Design Element - Policies 12 .b, and 16 .a-16 . e 3 . Land Resource Conservation Element - Policies 2 .a-2 .e The study also revealed that a significant number of the affected parcels may, in fact , be presently situated on the extreme top of or close to existing hilltops and ridgelines . Existing policy, as written , would tend to preclude any development on these signifi- cant features . For example , Policy 15 .e of the Land Use Element states , "Prominent ridgelines and hilltops as defined in the Community Design Element should not be built upon . " Objective. 2 of the Land Resource Conservation Element states , "Ridgelines and pro- minent hillside areas should be retained in open space . " In regard . to these policies which could be interpreted as being too restric- tive or exclusionary , Staff has prepared new policies which would address the special circumstances of parcels which are situated on , or partially on , prominent hilltops and ridgelines . I. Relationship to the General Plan . The areas of major topographical features and the affected parcels which are located within those areas are designated either Rural Residential A, B, C, or Open Space (BLM leased parcels and Wilderness Area) on the Land Use and Zoning plans . JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 '16tof 62 h1AR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • S • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 11 J . Environmental Review Staff has considered the environmental significance of the proposed amendments to the text and graphics of the General Plan and Zoning Development Code and has concluded that the proposed amendments would not result in any significant adverse impacts on the environment . The resultant impacts would , in fact, be considered positive in nature , in Staff ' s opinion . With that , Staff would recommend that the issuance of a Negative Declaration would be appropriate when action is taken on both the proposed General Plan- Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Amendment. K . Notification Notice of the public hearing for the consideration of the subject city-initiated amendments was provided 'in accordance with Section 65091 ( 3 ) ( 1 ) of the Government Code . This code section provides that an agency, in lieu of mailed or delivered notice , may provide notice by placing a display advertisement of at least one-eighth page in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the local agency in which the proceeding is conducted at least ten days prior to the hearing . This noticing requirement was provided accordingly in the Poway News Chieftain . If the City Council desires , Staff could prepare an informational . pamphlet ( counter handout) which would contain all related General Plan policies , zoning development standards , and graphics for development in the ridgeline/hillside areas of the community. The pamphlet could be prepared following the adoption of the proposed policy and stand- ards , and be made available to the general public at the Planning Services counter , and could be explained in detail to individuals when necessary. It is also recommended that local professional groups who need to have an awareness of these policies and standards be made aware of their existence by written correspondence so that they are familiar with . Poway requirements when dealing with potential Poway property owners . These groups include realtors , architects , and designers . L. Pr000sed Amendments The following proposed amendments are designed to address development of land which is located within the general boundaries of the "major topographical features" areas , as depicted on Attachment 2 . Staff believes that these amendments would sufficiently guide and promote good planning and sensitive development within the subject • areas of the community. JUL 10 19186 ITEM 7 • APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 17 of 62 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • ® ® • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 12 1 . Delete existing Policy 2 .e of the Land Resource Conservation Element which makes reference to the "Ridgeline Study . " 2 . Add new Policy 2 .e under the heading of "Ridgelines and Hillsides" (Land Resource Conservation Element ) : Where development is proposed on parcels of land located in the areas of "major topographical features" (as shown on the official map on file in the office of the Department of Planning Services ) , the applicable policies of the Community Design Element shall apply to such development. 3 . Modify Policy 15 .e of the Land Use Element as follows : Existing Policy - Prominent hilltops and ridgelines as defined in the Community Design Element should not be built upon . • Proposed Policy - Prominent hilltops and ridgelines located within the areas of major topographical features (as shown on the official map on file in the office of the Department of Planning Services ) should not be built upon or otherwise physically altered. When special circumstances occur where existing parcels of land are located on top or near the top of prominent hilltops or ridgelines , the applicable policies found in the Community Design Element shall apply. New policies and graphics proposed for Community Design Element : 4 . Modify heading of Objective 16 from "Hillside Residential Design" to "Hillside/Ridgeline Residential Design. " 5 . Modify Objective 16 as follows : Existing Objective - Lots and structures in hillside areas should follow and not significantly alter the natural contour of the land . • Proposed Objective - Lots and structures in hillside areas and • areas of "major topographical features" (as shown on the official map on file in the office of Planning Services ) should not significantly alter the natural contour of the land and should be designed in accor- dance with the following policies . JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 APR 15 1985 ITEM 4 61AR 18 1986 ITEM 4 11 18 'of 62 Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 13 6 . New Policy 16 . f - The land developer or property owner of an existing lot , prior to the preparation and filing of official plans required for a Development Review/Minor Development Review Application , shall concurrently submit to the Department of Planning Services a conceptual grading and site development plan , for preliminary review and recommendation upon the official plan submittal . This review shall consider the proposed development ' s potential impact upon the physical character and visual quality of the site ' s natural features . The design , configuration , orientation , and development of proposed residential lots and the development of existing residential lots shall adhere to the maximum slope height criteria for cut/fill slopes as prescribed in the Grading Ordinance of the City of Poway . 7 . New Policy 16 .g - Residential structures proposed for develop- ment in "major topographical features" areas shall be ade- quately set back from adjoining downhill slopes so that the structures ' visual impact on the surrounding area is precluded or substantially reduced (see Attachment 5 ) . 8 . New Policy 16 .h - Where physical constraints or other limitations preclude the above-preferred setback of a structure, the struc • - ture shall maintain a low profile and also be adequately screened with trees or other substantial vertical plant materials . In the preliminary siting of structures , view corridors from lower elevations should be determined and considered , especially those from public places , directly adjoining residential properties , and designated scenic roadways ( see Attachment 6 ) . 9 . New Policy 16 . i - Access roads or driveways servicing residen- tial structures in areas of major topographical features should not alter the area ' s physical character by the creation of "notches" in the ridgeline , but rather should follow the natural contour of the land form. Sufficient berming and landscaping/erosion control shall accompany the construction of access roadways so that visual impacts are adequately mitigated ( see Attachment 7 ) . 10 . New Policy 16 . j - Single-level residential structures proposed in areas of major topographical features should be oriented such that their greatest horizontal dimension is parallel with, and not perpendicular to, the natural contour of the land . Extreme cantilevered or stilt (pole house) structural designs shall not be permitted. The use of multi-level foundations which fit the structure to the natural contour shall be the preferred struc- tural design (see Attachment 8 ) . The maximum height of the structure measured from grade shall be that prescribed in Policy 16 .o below. JUL 10 1986 ITEM 1. APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 1` 19 of 62 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 ® • ®. • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 14 11 . New Policy 16 .k - Architectural designs for residential structures in areas of major topographical features shall incor- porate building line offsets and building level transitions which fit the structure to the natural land form and enhance the character of the site ' s terrain . Blocky, rigid , extremely angu- lar , or otherwise obtrusive geometric building designs , which are not in scale or proportion with the surrounding land form, shall be discouraged ( see Attachment 9 ) . • 12 . New Policy 16 .1 - Residential structures proposed in areas of major topographical features should be sensitive to the character of the land form, as well as responsive to the community' s visual quality . Second-story levels should be set back from the lower building line , at the downhill side of the strdcture, so that vertical mass and emphasis on height is avoided , and scale and proportion with the surrounding areas is achieved ( see Attachment 10 ) . 13 . New Policy 16 .m - Where residential structures are proposed on parcels of land situated on or near the top of prominent hilltops and ridgelines , and no other feasible or practical structural siting can be achieved within the property lines of the subject parcel , as determined by the Director of Planning Services , the proposed structure shall be designed and sited in accordance with the following criteria ( see Attachment 11) : o The building pad shall be excavated or sufficiently bermed so that the structure maintains a low profile appearance and the character of the ridgeline or hilltop is not substantially altered . In order to achieve this appearance , the height of the structure , in some cases , may be limited to one story. • o Ridgelines should be supplemented with sufficient ver- tical landscape plant material if the ridgeline is graded . • o All other applicable policies within the Community Design Element shall apply . • 14 . New Policy 16 . n - Where existing parcels of land are directly impacted by the presence of major topographical features , as defined herein , proposed residential structure( s) shall be located on the least-impacted portion( s) of the parcel , as deter- mined by the Director of Planning Services , so that the maximum protection of the features is ensured. Other physical and environmental constraints which affect the development potential of the parcel shall also be taken into consideration when struc- tures are sited . In some cases , the ultimate protection of the features in question may require their dedication as permanent open space . JULR 110 1986 ITEM I - MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • 20 of 62 • • • 110 Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 15 15 . New Policy 16 .o - Where hillside parcels of land are solely or substantially comprised of rock-outcrops or other surficial rocky material , the use of cantilever or pole-type foundations may be considered in lieu of multi-level foundations . Where these types of structural designs are determined as a necessary alternative , the maximum height of the structure measured from grade shall be determined by the combined building height provisions of the Zoning Development Code and Uniform Building Code of the City of Poway (see Attachment 12 ) . - • 16 . New Policy 16 .p - The use of earth-sheltered or earth-bermed residential structures may be considered if they are appropriately designed in conjunction with all applicable policies herein , and foster the preservation and visual quality of the natural land form and surrounding features ( see Attachment 13 ) . 17 . Under heading of "Colors and Materials" - New Policy 50 .e - Exterior colors and materials used in the construction of residential structures proposed in areas of major topographi- cal features shall be harmonious in both tone and texture with the natural biological and geological resources in the vici- nity of the building site . Earth tones , rather than bright or abrasive colors , are required , and synthetic exterior materials , if used , should closely simulate the appearance of natural material . 18 . Under heading of "Roofs and Rooflines" - New Policy 52 .d - Where residential structures are proposed in major ridgeline , hilltop, and hillside areas , the structure' s dominant roof slope( s ) shall follow the slope of the natural grade . Flat roofs or other roof designs not conforming with the natural grade shall be avoided (see Attachment 14 ) . 19 . Proposed "Cross-Reference" Amendments : a ) Under "Criteria for Protection" heading of the Scenic Highway Element - New Policy 2 .e - Residential development proposed on parcels of land located within the view sheds of designated scenic roadways shall be subject to the • applicable policies of the Community Design Element . b) Under "Mountainous Areas" heading of the Open Space Element - New Policy 2 .d - Where residential structures are proposed for development within the mountainous areas of the City the applicable policies of the Community Design Element shall apply . JUL 10 1986 ITEM 'I • APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 21 of 62 • 0 ® O. Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 16 c) Under "Hillside Development" heading of the Land Use Element - New Policy 15 .n - When calculating the density of parcels located in the areas of "major topographical features" , the applicable policies within the Community Design Element shall be considered herewith . M. Proposed New Definitions and Property Development Standards The following proposed definitions are recommended to be added to the Zoning Development Code in conjunction with the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment. Chapter 17 . 04 Definitions The following sections of Chapter 17 . 04 are added to read : 1 . Section 17 . 04 . 391 Hillside "Hillside" means a part of a hill between the summit and the foot . 2 . Section 17 .04 . 392 Hilltop "Hilltop" means the highest part of a hill . 3 . Section 17 .04 . 416 Knoll "Knoll" means a small round hill or mound . 4 . Section 17 .04 . 419 Landform "Landform" means a feature of the earth ' s surface attributable to natural causes . 5 . Section 17 . 04 . 536 Mountaintop "Mountaintop" means the summit of a of mountain. _ 6 . Section 17 . 04 . 631 Ridae "Ridge" means a range of hills or moun- tains . A ridge can also be defined as an elongate crest or a linear series of crests . The following proposed property development standards are a refine- ment of the above recommended general plan policy statements . It is recommended that these standards be adopted in ordinance form as an amendment to the Zoning Development Code- section (Title 19 of Municipal Code) of the Comprehensive Plan. The new standards , in • their entirety , would constitute the following sub-group of require- ments and would compliment the existing Special Requirements listed under Section 17 . 08 . 180 Property Development Standards : Special Requirements . JUL 10 1986 ITEM APR 15 1986 IT t iN 4 22' of' 62 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • S ® . • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 17 • Chanter 17 . 08 Residential Zones Section 17 .08 . 180 Special Requirements The following subsection under Section 17 . 08 .180 is added to read : S . The creation and development of parcels of land located within the areas of "major topographical features , " as shown on the official map identifying .said features on file in the office of the Department of Planning Services , and as determined by the Director of Planning Services , shall be subject to the develop- ment standards listed under this subsection. The development of residential structures upon or near existing prominent knolls , hilltops , mountaintops , hillsides , ridges , and ridgelines , shall be in accordance with the applicable policies found within the Community Design Element of the Poway General Plan . The Director of Planning Services and the land developer shall exhaust all available development solutions in attempting to preserve and protect the visual quality of these natural topographic features . 1 . Residential lots created by parcel map, subdivision map, or those lots proposed for alteration by official boundary adjustment , shall not cause by their location , design , configuration , or orientation , the significant alteration of the natural contour of the land form and its prominent topographical features . The con- figuration or design of individual residential lots shall con- sider the potential impact of grading , building pad location , and building envelop upon the site' s natural features . 2 . The land developer or property owner of an existing lot , prior to the preparation and filing of official plans required for. a Development Review/Minor Development Review Application , shall concurrently submit to the Department of Planning Services a con- ceptual grading and site development plan for preliminary review and recommendation . This review shall consider the proposed development ' s potential impact upon the physical character and visual quality of the site ' s natural features . • 3 . The design, configuration , orientation , and development of pro- ' posed residential lots and the development of existing individual residential lots shall adhere to the maximum slope height cri- teria for cut/fill slopes as prescribed in the Grading Ordinance of the City of Poway. JUL 10 1986 ITEM 1 ' APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 2'3 of 62 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • • ® • ®• Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 18 4 . Single-level residential structures should be oriented such that the greatest horizonal dimension of the structure is • parallel with , and not perpendicular to, the natural contour of the land. The structure ' s maximum height measured from grade shall be that prescribed in standard No. 10 below. 5 . The use of multi-level foundations ( floor levels separated by a minimum of five feet in height ) shall be considered the stan- dard design for residential . structures . Where a residential structure is proposed to .be located on a natural hillside with a slope of 25 percent or greater , the structure' s foundation and vertical elevation shall be designed to conform substan- tially to the natural grade of the hillside. Other structural designs such as stilt or cantilevered foundations , and earth- sheltered or earth-bermed buildings , which otherwise fit the structures to the natural contour and grade of the landform, may be determined as acceptable design alterations . 6 . In the preliminary siting of residential structures , view corridors , especially those emanating . from lower elevated public places , directly adjoining residential properties , and designated scenic highways , should be determined and con- sidered . 7 . Access roads or driveways servicing residential structures shall generally follow the existing natural contour of the landform and shall conform to applicable City road/access stan- dards . 8 . The construction of access roadways or driveways shall be accompanied by sufficient berming and landscaping/erosion control so that visual impacts associated with said construc- tion are promptly mitigated . Landscaping materials shall include ground covers , shrubbery, and trees . Irrigation .of landscape materials shall be provided on a permanent or tem- porary basis where feasible , as determined by the Director of Planning Services . . 9 . Residential structures should be adequately set back, where feasible , from adjoining downhill slopes , so that the struc- ture ' s visual impact on the surrounding area is precluded or substantially reduced . • 10 . Where multi-level foundation , cantilevered, or stilt ( pole house ) structural designs are proposed on hillside parcels , the maximum height of the structure measured from grade shall be determined by the combined building height provisions of the Zoning Development Code and the Uniform Building Code of the City of Poway. In all cases , the proposed structure shall maintain structural integrity, architectural quality, and shall be visually aesthetic . APR 15 1986 I7tret 4 JUL 10 24 'of 62 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 e . .e Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 19 11 . Where physical constraints or environmental considerations preclude the structural setback preferred in (9 ) above, the structure shall maintain a low profile through the utilization of the visual impact reduction methods stated herein . 12 . In order to substantially reduce the structure' s visual impact on surrounding areas , landscaped berming and/or trees/shrubs of suf- ficient height shall be installed as a screening technique. 13 . Architectural designs shall incorporate building line offsets and building level transitions which conform the structure to the natural land form and enhance the character of the site ' s terrain. 14 . The dominant roof slope( s ) of residential structures shall substantially follow the slope of the natural grade. 15 . Second-story levels of residential structures shall be set back, from the lower building line, at the downhill side of the struc- ture, so that vertical mass and emphasis on height is avoided , and scale and proportion with the natural terrain is achieved . 16 . Where residential structures are proposed on parcels of land situated on or near the top of prominent hilltops and ridgelines , and no other feasible or practical structural siting can be achieved within the property lines of the subject parcel , as determined by the Director of Planning Services , the proposed structure shall be designed and sited in accordance with the following criteria: a . The building pad shall be excavated or sufficiently bermed so that the structure maintains a low profile appearance and the character of the ridgeline or hilltop is not substantially altered . In order to achieve this appearance , the height of the structure, in some cases , may be limited to one story. b. Ridgelines shall be supplemented with vertical landscape plant material if the ridgeline is graded . c . All other applicable standards within this section shall apply. • 17 . Where parcels of land are directly impacted by the presence of major topographical features , as determined by the Director of Planning Services , proposed residential structure ( s ) shall be sited on the least-impacted portion(s) of the property so that visual impacts to the features are avoided. JUL 10 1986 ITEM I APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 25 of .62 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • 0. ®® • Agenda Report March 18 , 1986 Page 20 18 . When siting residential structures, they shall be located in con- sideration of all physical and environmental constraints which exist on-site, and those which could be impacted off-site as a result of the proposed development. 19 . The preservation and continued protection of major topographical features located within the City of Poway may, in some cases, require their dedication as permanent open space. 20 . Exterior colors and materials used in the construction of residen- tial structures shall be harmonious in both tone and texture with the surrounding natural biological and geological elements . 21 . The above development standards shall also apply when the "density of development" is calculated. RECOMMENDATION • It is recommended that the City Council hold the public hearing and take public input and continue the public hearing to April 1, 1986 . At that meeting , recommendation will include adoption of General Plan Amendment 86-01 by resolution, second reading of the ordinance adopting Zoning Ordinance Amendment 86-01 , and adoption of the official City Ridgeline/ Hillside Map. JLB:JEB:JRN: is Attachments: . 1. Attachments 1 through 14 (Graphics) 2. Proposed Resolution for General Plan Amendment 86-01 3 . Proposed Ordinance for Companion Zoning Ordinance Amendment 86-01 • • JUL 10 1986 ITEM e APR 15 1986 ITLM 4 • -L26`of - 62 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 e . ... 6-- --\\ . , COMMUNITY DESIGN RESOURCES . . . ......,•.- I -77-5. . .T.Y:.1 stfrz ,- =. I I / I . ,e7 .,t.z .-‘// c :, • ' —12I *i.::.7;1-7 4 i /el '; Tt---1::: ;:ii<1 --. ) . •- ;- 1 - 1 ,' ' / i • / j I / (i— !. 1,: ,; \ I J) 0 / / . :I >ii / i i / --• iy:f1:::5: . -1, • ./ :k-i-•\— -- ;":" ;;:-' I P r-c). i , , 0 1 .. rif..-31-r-2_ 1 ,, i / ;t7..:iii-:-..,---_i: •- , 0 .< .:: i fr3 .. ... 1% /., ..1 .• . 0,st •mi.. ::: 3. . i r ''f-'Ltlilizt;:•";=:: :s .--/ i • i _ 2.`. -,•->--- I x t,f2EUP 7 % P77751 MAJOR TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES . : '... /MCMi FOCAL POINTS ....., i SCENIC ROADWAYS - : riN r----,1 HISTORICAL STRUCTURES AREA 4 t" W MAJOR CREEKS AND CHANNELS - Flea_lat I • CITY OF POWAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN • 66-0/ CITY OF POWAY • ITEM : GPA /zoA neAP-r- T IT L E : iala-iviLLE/4 • _ /./.07--- JUL 1 0 1986 ITEM 7- ..i SCALE • Alcr r° sole-a- ATTACHMENT : I \... •• — APR 15 1986 II tIVI 4 L_ 27 of 62: MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 : ® ®• COMMUNITY DESIGN RESOURCES .4.941 :- i I r '' a-, ► fY� /_ i �. I - ,. ....._. . 1 �c .5 a1. ! 4 .. p •a I �` 4`I / . l', 1 tc)-- " - .....„,,, ,r. ...,.. • p ( LEQENP MAJOR TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES (REVISED) \.` 0 FOCAL POINTS `..": L--4 SCENIC ROADWAYS ' HISTORICAL STRUCTURES AREA 4 W MAJOR CREEKS AND CHANNELS MOST CITY OF POWAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CITY OF POWAY ITEM : G, /ZOA 56 -OJ /DRAFT TITLE : PIDGE/� 5/N'LLsi� APR 15 1986 - t IVI r 4 SCALE • ,i°r m Sc.(-E �LCHMENT : 2 JUL 10 1986 IT Em 1 28 of 62 1.1AR 19 j0°S- ITEM 1. 9 COMMUNITY DESIGN RESOURCES _! \ill--, 4 v Li i -.2.--..r:-...::::.i I / F / tL1 • I `� 0 ff I 1 Q'/' r---1,-..-- 1 , : . 1 — a ) ff F- - 1 r r-- :O i'J .% * t LEGEND . - 1. P-r:-.•l MAJOR TOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES �� O FOCAL POINTS , L I SCENIC ROADWAYS i _ � =3 HISTORICAL STRUCTURES AREA 4--{ MAJOR CRSS AND CHANNELS rgwe Y CITY OF POWAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 7* - AREAS 0P DEveLcPnaAJr Ccc/C, rRAr/ac./ CITY OF POWAY ITEM : 6/31 /z,,A 86 -01 . .A2.4,---7- T I T L E A2 rTITLE : R'o&etA/E/H/LSCC JUL 10 1986 ITEM 1 ' m,7- SCALE : morra sCLE- ATT& MLNTIJEM 4 3 1,198 1R 19A6 ITEM 4 L19 of 62' 0® .40 rLr _ \ • f Af • � F� a 4-e �p"� ce, SV. 0 r it ,r•rt'�• it k xi r (:.�UnAt 1t •nt :-V A Yf : r fit..[Vr '4r 4•P' Atli ¢'e A "\' r.',/",:'• r-N..,S/i v t -t v 1 r. t'rJ -:-:.T+.x��i 7'tQ:.- .t ,}YL1,Nr;ma 'a . , A Y Y••rrs4 �� ir, �• tSA�'ti�u� .{tw tit ..w..-. iSX- w •A' a. �yv3.. o0 d �,}A? A• l�J.r4 nw'r {f •auw t -. , �M.r ®o r� 8 144° .:. -tact/446 �0•C• : it } .• AA!`Sx{,vr'1+'r v;,- Y 000 . ���Or /4 �li :::•-�h ' •r.•'} '•Aid'" pA00®I. 0 >+.` .. .M fdw.r tr re .w•..e.i-4:9 - ,p r.J-e.. 000® �•... +yF�!4r r•,� fr:,p s r }tJ L p•Jr�x wWf rf- a f3 .: Ftp I • t ff -•.•r W !f' �•j• :{�.fa_. tr6 :` - `.! �yf{w}'.tt `r?kY3C2{VX f ?- : rot+�-�.. :. A._ � y:. Y® ` .a :: . , , fP� • :ccir } Yf : �xa•✓^it r;4µ Q}4 'fa7tC a •� � ''' r'9s - '.3�w' •h 10.0✓,fulrC+$7 !IOtJSy'''- r .,,A'— ' w.. j -,.•• -•-•::•:,•• »}%,3y ..see_••rrA,....:. I�� --eriAt i ::. ,,w� 7 NrjM4t 0 lrK�� nom."t?� . ."-- v _ Y !r--a A'':5:::srr -` .1 w. 0. sF •y . JA.y�.{- liY r ruaP+ l"4 a fC;a3-•:'• 9. f/�:1.0.;,,'tri.rze;v e, a ;wdt3.�. _ - t. !. SLOPE CATEGORY EXISTING "WORST CASE" CONDITION PARCEL SIZE: ' 40 ACRES �. 0 - 15% ZONING: ' RR-A AVERAGE SLOPE: ABOVE 25% 15 - 30% • PRESENT ACCESS: NONE MAX. DENSITY: 2 LOTS (WITH WATER) wita, ABOVE 30% •oeoemeeooeee PROMINENT RIDGE. of CITY OF POWAY ITEM : GPA /1°A 86 -0 ' ZRAFT TITLE : T07986 N�///rcLvocJUI. �j M 7 - SCALE : NOT uALE ATT APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 30 of 62 f • • . . • • • • 141,1, 5ETD1 cK ''��;1�� � 11x41 III°IU thIintAI,IL. lWLiQiii i CurtU 11111'U!tI}�uI . . w lui� I Fr=rCR-DSitr�.IC� Cts �fl�rly� FL51¢1.tTIt.L 5� KU-Cr-tilt= • r • 5 CD• CITY OF POWAY ITEM :. GPA /zOA $‘ - p/ co PRAFr TITLE : '4ioG=`i`r=�Hiczsiz� -� J APR 15 19t4'cVA 4 SCALE : 'v� � ATTACHMENT : 5 • 31 of 62 MAR 18 1986 ITEM 4 • • • • r�lYSICAL.. Gums-TRA1 nST i • / \ 40-•= t S 1-I ( II Ipl 1( p11114'ldVlll6'A IJ11111 ® ' 0111InIUJ I II / ;� 1 pail/ II I1�b�r ii1 ^ Low PROFILE E SCREEIUEO J` +1.1191 . • • • U= CITY OF POWAY ITEM 91/zoA 66-ocr TITLE : Pioc-.Ev.ce:/Hx-e-.siz6 STUDY- • SCALE • Nor rt) SCALE- ATTACHMENT : 6 MAR 1 : cm 32 of 62 APR 15 1986 1TEM & • • 49 • • /00 • ft K 't • • P YY 1.....,••••••1YI �t1 � iawu pyiu:t�l • lj! 1cRM L nit)Sc.AF. SCRcctdIUG • • • • CITY OF POWAY ITEM ; GPM/ZOA r36-o/ • TITLE : RiDG.:U.t�/HiLtSi2Le • JUL i 0 7986 Ftr Y1 • SCALE : .v°r rn `�LC ATTACHMENT : _ 7 APR 15 1986 ITEM 4 / 33 of "62 (MR 18 1966 ITEM 4 • • ..17),. y.,,, PARAr l --L WtTld .CouTOUR.. FERPaMDICULAR TO cnkrrouic cC.. 41 / _ -.� .- } 2 • _ ter/ , EX TEMr STILT 4. CA kITI L—aVTZ DESIGu5 NOT ?ER MITrWD • NJ IS /_ � / . � . I» o _ • ['�// IVIIII11mil. liwyr - r:• .i IIIIIIIIVpd 111 r IJIdUgIUYII/jiulllulglltlpurNul 0V� 7 t roto" mu' • Illl,ll�l/l /IOIIJ MULTI-LEVE L • \• �rl !rlrll� SIIJGL LVcL .ruIP Four.lDA.TIoss -11 iv" i FOUAIOAriokl � ;I� REl�UIi��D • J�' NOT PERMITtED -.1` An • • CITY OF P0WAY ITEM : �'4/ M 86-�� DRAFT • TITLE : Rip 6-5445/#11-4.£'zL • JUL 10 1986 TrEir T - SCALE : 'tier 77) scg4C ATTACHMENT : 8 \. ari. -34 -of 62 APR 15 1986 ITEM b • S • 1 I • -,--4* T-\ t,� - 4� '11111 ill16 a1,1' 1'11 r"R`i‘. ' ""� ��•.1',/&,:-.->^cam.. plllllldl wurrWlu mUl 11 , l tit. ;,ems 1,1111, lIIL Ip is. eLOGKI' F ►XTREM=L`" ANIGULAr _ Ill 9q • DESIG4S DISCOUR4r-E--n I' • � , 1 La q 1111111 iiiIIP Ze 'u1111111uullllu' I m II VIII _„ kl pl in 1111111 11 • V-1 1 STRUCTURE' Firs NIATUAAL- Iat' RoszM .it pJ l' :011110 CITY OF POWAY ITEM : 6/1'11 /Z°4 BC-O/ • ,77/2.4F7 — TITLE : xvea/ca-/4911-Siz`e JUL 101986 II • SCALE : 'larmLC ATTACHMENT : 9 . 1 35' of ;62 . . : , n Tr�pL�' J IVI 4 . • • i. _r____T__ _ 1 Clic ranjeiscial— I lIIIIIV• �\�� IUDs! 1 IIij111111uwt➢m11 unu1I1111uuullllwauuu II VISUAL IMPACT Cc V=F2-riCAL MASS 1 lid il111 It l/ . ll • •� II .' 111 Jd a illI I!1 d _. 3•y , ,., >JF y11111 141:16 9ninilli IIIp1 AIM us l • AI, 1111 4IWflht1 SoiJD-STORY �TSSAGK • r r RE-:Ducess USUAL IM�G'1- • II • II • • CITY OF POWAY ITEM : GPA/r(1484-- O/ DRAhT TITLE : ace= • �I flu:I hail T t e�.�'G I . 1 ,tlbllllluululli4i1111 , 1711 S \F! i Ypdr yu6. 11 11 r u pprllr 1 III, yllilu p 11! HIL!.ToP/Rioc_TpF /till .1001 III SI" i JC4. s= IOESIGN 411 5tO6 LiUE Thf f -TA1t•IcD . 1111,1111111 Ip 1111% it il 11111 1 . I 11,1 II I L Wy I I't X,11 1 11114luuuv 11. \--,e • in.....`Ly RIDGELIst= �y ICU I /5UPPLEM�7TED 1 L —z p. • I 1,IWI'Il t1 `� 1 , 1 III •. s . \ I III Inn IIIUI„1111111 II ” - • .... I1 %,.1 J A I , , . • I Ifii'. N • Ii. }II .. M Lu I— CITY OF. POWAY ITEM : 6E4/Z-0/1 86-0/ toco • RAP7— �' D TITLE : AIDGECJ.uc/HJLLS' ti APR 15 ligircf re M -7 • SCALE : '`fOT 7a LE: ATTACHMENT : 1 1 37' of 62 MAR 18 1995 lTFM i� ' ® ® . ®® • • • it , • • Allgtl ulll lmuluu�l i Il 1 1 Q . I I IIIII1111111111jI111 1 � II� ROCKY HILLSIDE PARCEL- llll ,iull w khi . lir lik ,1U„ 1 • • w • I- CITY OF P0WAY ITEMco GPA // c14/ c% -0/ p2AF-7— cn TITLE : Ri 244/6- Nic[si2� o 3APR 15 19 6T I TDE M ��ttrrG�� 38 of 62 SCALE : ,tt7rTO ��� ATTACH 8N198 : II EM 14 S• • • ry - 1 - 'caesx -. ■ . • REta4& /; ` , r Mau-W'ADa • / 1 A_TURAL / • EARTH - S - ELr 2IM /LAND vrZM FR=S=-ZJ=c. VISUAL w�SF*L n -- OP f Pcnir-= • • N a • • W 1- • CITY OF POWAY ITEM : 6P4/zoA B6- 0/ co• DRAFT TITLE ; R2�_<5uruc 1/42-1 4 , • �., APR 15 1W6- ITEM SCALE : NCT 777 -Z•41-5- ATTACHMENT : 39 of 62 R 18 1986 ITEM 4. J ®® o® • . ( WII .. � •• I • Imu! CrClrno,g11M1111n1G1UIRCC1101r111L1U4/ / III IpNIIoII / / I / III • / 111Ij1 WATugat_ ren>c II IJ • • .00 /.....ro I fll . /� p,i4 ��� — Ir. 1 � ISI tl,llgI1UJJIg4III,IIIIII IV410a '� ono i II final,. COi, mikiG '�FuhIE • • / ter ill / J . / wool) IJfar.JIZAL 67•ACE. • / I ill I ii • CITY OF POWAY ITEM : aPA/ZOA 86-0/ DRAFT TITLE : 'T'i°G-`aur/Hrtt_szr APR 15 1986 Tifr 4 ,q SCALE UOr �� -1 ATTACHMENT : 1 �} • MAR 1R 1986 ITEM if L 40 of._62 • . C ® • C ® RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL • OF THE CITY OF POWAY , CALIFORNIA AMENDING THE TEXT AND GRAPHICS OF THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE CITY OF POWAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (GPA 86-01 ) r WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Poway recognizes that the need may arise to amend the City' s General Plan ; and • WHEREAS , Section 65350 , et. seq. of the California Government Code , and the California Environmental Quality Act, describe the procedures for amending the General Plan ; and WHEREAS , Policy 2 .e of the Land Conservation Element of the General Plan of the Poway Comprehensive Plan states , "The City shall perform a study to determine the prominent ridgelines and hillsides including an analysis of their characteristics and value to the community" ; and WHEREAS , the City performed the subject "Ridgeline/Hillside Study, " and as a result the City Council determined that the text and graphics of the General Plan should be amended in accordance with the recommendations contained in the said study; and WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Poway held a properly • noticed public hearing on March 18 , 1986 in accordance with the California Government Code and the California Environmental Quality Act to consider the subject General Plan Amendment and continued the said public hearing to April 1986 ; and WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Poway has determined that the subject General Plan Amendment will not have any signifi- cant adverse environmental effects and therefore issues a Negative Declaration . NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City Council does hereby amend' the text and graphics of the General Plan of the City of Poway Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Exhibit A attached hereto . • PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway , . State of California, this day of April , 1986 . Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: • Marjorie K. Wahlsten , City Clerk • JUL 10 1986 ITEM i 41'of' 62 APR 29 1986 ITEM 5 • ATTA04 P NT 2 • • EXHIBIT A General Plan Amendment 86-01 - Amendment to the text and graphics of the General Plan of the City of Poway Comprehensive Plan In accordance with Planning Resolution No. , adopted by the City Council of the City of Poway on April , 1986 , the following text and graphics shall be hereby added to and incorporated in the appropriate elements of the General Plan section of the City of Poway Comprehensive Plan . A. General Plan Text Amendments The following amendments either modify existing "Objectives , " which would apply to each policy statement listed under the "Objective , " or add new policy statements and supportive graphics under existing "Objectives . " 1 . Delete existing Policy 2 .e of the Land Resource Conservation Element which makes reference to the "Ridgeline/Hillside Study . " 2 . Add new Policy 2 .e under the heading of "Ridgelines and Hillsides" (Land Resource Conservation Element) : Where property development , subdivision of property, or adjustment of lot lines are proposed on parcels of land located in the areas of "major topographical features" (as shown on the official map in the Department of Planning Services ) , the applicable policies of the Community Design Element shall apply to such development. 3 . Modify Policy 15 .e of the Land Use Element as follows : Existing Policy - Prominent hilltops and ridgelines as defined in the Community Design Element should not be built upon . Proposed Policy - Where existing parcels of land are located on top or near the top of knolls , hilltops , mountains , or ridge- lines , or on hillsides within areas of major topographical features (as shown of the official map in the Department of Planning Services ) , the applicable policies found in the Community Design Element shall apply . New policies and graphics proposed for Community Design Element : 4 . Modify heading of Objective 16 from "Hillside Residential Design" to "Hillside/Ridgeline Residential Design. " • JUL 10 1986 ITEM 1 _ APR 20 1986 ITEM 5 42' ofL62 . • ' Exhibit A Page 2 5 . Modify Objective 16 as follows : Existing Objective - Lots and structures in hillside areas should follow and not significantly alter the natural contour of the land . Proposed Objective - Existing and proposed lots and structures located on hillsides within areas of "major topographical features" (as shown on the official map in the Department of Planning Services ) should not significantly alter the natural contour of the land and should be designed in accordance with the following policies . 6 . New Policy 16 .f - The Director of Planning Services shall ultimately determine if an individual existing or proposed lot or structure is subject to the hillside/ridgeline policies , since portions of some properties identified on the official map may not be affected by the policies herein . If a positive • determination is made, the applicable policies below shall apply to the specific area of the property on which develop- ment is proposed . • 7 . New Policy 16 g. - Residential structures should be ade- quately set back from adjoining downhill slopes so that the structures ' visual impact on the surrounding area is minimized to the extent feasible ( see Attachment 5 ) . 8 . New Policy 16 .h - Where physical conditions or environmental considerations of a lot prevent the above-preferred setback , the structure shall maintain a low profile appearance and also be adequately screened with trees , shrubs and ground cover plant materials . ( see Attachment 6 ) . 9 . New Policy 16 . i - In the preliminary siting of structures , • view corridors from lower elevations should be determined and considered , especially those from public places , directly' adjoining residential properties , and City designated scenic roadways , and other major roadways . 10 . New Policy 16 . j - Architectural designs for structures in areas of major topographical features shall incorporate building line offsets and building level transitions which conform the structure to the natural terrain and enhance the visual quality of the site and surrounding area . Blocky, rigid , extremely angular , or otherwise nonconforming geometric building designs , which are not in scale or proportion with the surrounding land form, shall be discouraged ( see Attachment 7 ) . • • JUL 10 1986 ITEM l APR 29 1986 ITEM 5 43 of 62 • • Exhibit A Page 3 ' 11 . New Policy 16 .k - Access roads or driveways serving proposed lots and residential structures in areas of major topographical features should not alter the physical character of the landform by the creation of "notches" in the ridgeline , but rather should follow the natural contour of the land form. Landscaping shall accompany the construction of access roadways so that visual impacts are adequately mitigated ( see Attachment 8 ) . 12 . New Policy 16 .1 - Exterior colors and materials used in the • construction of residential structures proposed in areas of major topographical features , shall be harmonious in both tone and tex- ture with the natural biological and geological resources located on and in the vicinity of the building. site . Earth tones , rather . than bright or obtrusive exterior colors , are required , and synthetic exterior materials , if used , should closely simulate the appearance of natural material . 13 . New Policy 16 .m - Where residential structures are proposed in hillside areas , and in areas of major topographical features , the structure ' s dominant roof slope( s ) shall follow the slope of the hatural grade . Flat roofs or other roof designs not conforming with the natural grade shall be avoided (see Attachment 9 ) . 14 . New Policy 16 . n - Where residential structures are proposed on • parcels of land situated on or near the extreme top of knolls , hilltops , mountaintops , and ridgelines , and no other feasible or practical structural siting can be achieved within the property lines of the subject parcel , the proposed structure shall be designed and sited in accordance with the following criteria ( see Attachment 10 ) : o The structure shall maintain a low profile appearance and the natural physical character of the ridgeline , knoll , hilltop, or mountaintop, shall be substantially 'maintained . In order to achieve this , the height of the proposed strucshould be limited to one story . o Ridgelines , knolls , hilltops , and mountaintops shall be supplemented with a sufficient amount of trees , shrubs , and ground cover if the particular natural topographic feature is graded . . o All other applicable policies within the Community Design Element shall apply . • • _ _ JUL 10 1986 ITEM - "441'of';62 APR 29 1966 ITEM 5 • 010 • • ' Exhibit A Page 4 • 15 . New Policy 16 .o - Single-level residential structures proposed in areas of major topographical features should be oriented such that their greatest horizontal dimension is parallel with , and not perpendicular to, the natural contour of the land . Extreme cantilever and extreme stilt (pole house) ' structural designs should not be permitted . The use of multi-level foundations or limited cantilever/stilt foundations which fit the structure to the natural contour and grade shall be the preferred structural designs ( see Attachment 11) . 16 . New Policy 16 .p - Second-story levels of proposed two-story structures should be set back from the lower building line, at the down-slope side of the structure , so that emphasis on height is avoided , and a low profile appearance is achieved ( see Attachment 12 ) . 17 . New Policy 16 .q - Where hillside parcels of land are solely or substantially comprised of rock-outcrops or other surficial rocky material , the use of cantilever or pole-type foundations should be considered as an alternative in lieu of multi-level foun • - dations ( see Attachment 12 ) . 18 . New Policy 16 . r - Where an existing parcel of land is directly impacted by the presence of major topographical features , the proposed residential structure should be located on the least- impacted portion of the parcel , so that the maximum protection of the features is ensured . Other physical and environmental constraints which affect the development potential of the parcel shall also be taken into consideration when structures are sited. 19 . New Policy 16 . s - Earth-sheltered residential structures may be used if they foster the preservation of the environmental and visual quality of the site ' s natural land form and surrounding features (see Attachment 14 ) . • 20 . Proposed "Cross-Reference" Amendments : a) New Policy 2 .e - Under "Criteria for Protection" heading of the Scenic Highway Element - Residential development proposed on parcels of land located within the view sheds of • designated scenic roadways shall be subject to the applicable policies of the Community Design Element . b) New Policy 2 .d - Under "Mountainous Areas" heading of the Open Space Element - Where residential structures are pro- • posed for development within the mountainous areas of the City , the applicable policies of the Community Design Element shall apply. JUL 10-1986 ITEM 7 APR 29 1986 ITEM 5 45-of' 62 • • • • • Exhibit A Page 5 c) New Policy 15 .n - Under "Hillside Development" heading of the Land Use Element - When calculating the density of parcels located in the areas of "major topographical features" , the applicable policies within the Community Design Element shall be considered herewith. d ) New Policy 50 .e - Under heading of "Colors and Materials" - Exterior colors and materials used for single family residen- • • tial structures shall be in accordance with Policy 16 . 1 (Hillside/Ridgeline Residential Design) . e) New Policy 52 .d - Under heading of "Roofs and Rooflines" - The slope of a roofline shall conform to that required under Policy 16 .m (Hillside/Ridgeline Residential Design) , where applicable . B . General Plan Graphics Amendments • 1 . Figure 9 , Community Design Resources , of the General Plan section of the Poway Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended in accordance with Attachment 2 of this resolution and in regard to the areas of "major topographical features . " 2 . The graphic illustrations contained in Attachments 5 through 14 of this resolution shall be incorporated in the appropriate ele- ments of the General Plan . C. Official Map of Major Topographical Features 1 . The 1 ,000 foot scale City base map that identifies the areas of major topographical features , which was considered and approved by the City Council at the public hearing on April 1986 , is hereby adopted as the "official" City of Poway Major Topographical Features Map. • JUL 10 1986 ITEM 7 APR 29 1986 - ITEM 5 4'6 of 62. r -- • " COMM TY DESIGN R_E OURCES JJ is ti• J , rry} r\• l / mss. - Ii• �_��.�` vvriv_I . . ) • . . n:., _, �.-- . . _i Net, d 1 e / r _,.... • • , •Ct* : .F'i i.rii1/2).1t77.: -.„5 r-zr2.1 - - " � �s • (- —. r::,: -_ ,ter�1 / o,. - ^ ' 71:. t : j L - J� E r % ___ MAJORTOPOGRAPHICAL FEATURES' (REVISED) • _ gy` O FOCAL POINTS ��' - t SCENIC ROADWAYS ve. r /�, �� =3E3 II1STOR3C =AL STRUCTURES AREA - I= MAJOR CREEKSCHANNELS R AND R IP • ® v CITY OF POWAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN • • CITY OF POWAY ITEM G /zo4 86 - O/ • lea- r TITLE : pig-z-�yrtLsiz- SCALE : '`iOr 70 L--- ATTACHMENT : 2 • vi JUL 10. 1966 ITEM 1 47 ortz _ J I • C . • • • SET SACK • 44141 •Of 11 • � +Iif v, ,tom.• may. P�rE JrC D S;Tiu&e cF • lly • FLTw-T',AL • • • • • CITY OF POWAY ITEM : GPAiza4 86_p/ • pRAFT TITLE : MoGEL457Hi sizer • 48of 1 62 • SCALE : '.�T ' 4 - ATTACHMENT : .5 `� JUL 101986 ITEM — • • I : • . - . fr. . . . -1TJ1H GA r - % •;at ..--4141kor la ' oma . ! I/I11 �1 �g ' IIIUIYIIIuuu puuili l I unufll V i IT►d flu ,gill . Lc �r►t.r 4. Sri==a'1�D 6- : fid 7 CITY OF POWAY. ITEM : 6 /Za4 Bs-o° • TITLE : 1vDc=424e/ffissi Srurrr . SCALE : iUOT rm soka- ATTACHMENT ,. 6 49 of '62 JUL 10 1986 ITEM . -_i 1 1 111, • • n,1 r • rr 41.01 r: ��~�;�.`:!„ II 1X114 - I b • 51.DCK -Xr - j ANIGULAR, IrlS1J,IIJ • -- DES IGLIS DtSCouR2_ —D t • • r LI Plijillill��rtliWilllfI0i IisIIII UUI! I IIIIIU J 0.1 INA .- MI r STRUCTUIZ= FITS )la.rU2AL 1.A1/411 Poi • u . r • • CITY OF POWAY ITEM . GP4 /z0l es-O/ • PR TITLE : R7D6-7744E- ./1/141-s/24- STUDY- SCALE : '�cr m 4Lc ATTACHMENT : 7 ' • JUL 10 1986 ITEM .TI 50 of 62— • • • • _ ACCESS 'ROADS / DR►VaWA\r5 • • friot 1414 • •ulu" iWL.O�I LANDSCAFP. 5CP-_ta:LIG it • • • • • CITY OF POWAY ITEM CIM /'ZoA e6-°' • PRAT-- . ' TITLE..: .moo c4s/Hit.Ls✓ ce SCALE : mar rt SCALE? ATT��C� S �TiV8 51 of°62-• r � =• ,, :- d M 1 'J111ll 11 '�Iilll�llll llllllllllllllllllll)1111111I11LL UMW {� .• / '1 1 I fllilll X11 (\ • doe `114TLJYAL amaze 01# 1111RCCFL IJE Nor FoLLO CJI JG SLoPE • • I . .� • /—� 10 o .0„,--ec y J.�. a 1Z 111 j.gWlJILUU1111UI111I11 n 111 11141111 // Ulan 1 • / 1 r . /�� '1 uanrizAL �A� ! TIT • 1' 1r''3 • RoOFLnjE' FOLLOWS SLOPE _ • • CITY OF POWAY ITEM : 6/'4 86-0/ • PRs4FT_'_ TITLE : .17v6: /Hius e STUDY SCALE : A 4tc ATTACHMENT : 9 52 0`2 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 1 2 . (: . C . • ;loPCóRAfl4'C FArofC tz_-ru,46o ,''IIIII�dt1Ul1 III i .. � (� • II'UIII I ..ti I . I • nullIJ R,t e.. ,f I f ilitra illu, ens. \V« II is, \ ii -foftx,>'Af111G FEATURE 4k1. SufTLMvntTt=D ii , • i %,I • i . m 'k . . � • wuu s ', . dr I!q �n' LH mull ii UWI! 'i s.,, . . , tel . !h I,t .• . CITY OF.POWAY . ITEM GPA/ZOA BS-D/ 2. - TITLE : 10 tiv=/HitLS/ . : 53 0> ``2 SCALE : 1ucrrtescAL r �'LTi0C9 ,86 gNT ITEN� 7IO 1 • 5UUGLE - LEve L STJ.'t.K.TU2ES . --- ..----1 % ._._._.._....__N'-"--.._____Ts_____./______y •- ... -ally *-"s.-1.----(:__:______Y • PARAl _ WITH COISVOUK P=RFEUDICULAR TO CO.ITOUi� r� —;•ter mt r • i _�� � - } •tel XTtaM= STILT 4 CA I.ITI Le-V--"R_ 1 I D_SIGU5 NOT PERM1iT=D • NATURAL GRAD5 EXEr=Dikla L5 'fr...ttcstf SLOP---._ - a / 1 BSc -; Is res _ a •ma= wpyrwurolllUYl nohow 1. rG '�uu uuruiu4 u+wu u,ul rd U Fr Alia ,yJP MULTI-LEVE L -/\ 1 •• tU 51UGL:-L=VEL :'l Fotna�.T+d.l o FOuutAT1o►J ,y+' MILD NOT PERMflt D `� d� • • • • CITY OF POWAY ITEM : GPA/zoA S-c/ pRAFre TITLE : 11F2o6=vv=/ffi[Lsi STUIJY SCALE : "r ro scA` AJul_TT gii 1u 1985 NT 1 1 tm 54 o'f 62 • • • • poo ,,iful UMW 111UU11111 U 11U 111wu Y{Y..52»Ia v./.1f EMPHASIS 0,.1 HEIGHT' CP.EAT_5 VISUAL imatr • • yL '. • ,r • • • • • • Siga '1-1. - --- , AW _ na f U, IIHWU1Uu1J;11,ISIUWJH WUu:UJI?I • • " r 1L1 u1• Fa u=,✓S VISUAL ► -r • • • • • • • CITY OF POWAY ' • nalGPA�zOA es- D/ �2.+1rT .. TITLE : '2ac=t_aF/f'1 cc Sr rr, ss of 62: • SCALE : 'ter - = ATTACHMENT 12. • JUL 10 19A6 ITEM 1 • . Illoiluuul • ROCKY HI LSIDE FARC_L llllJim ', ''I •. , . . . 'It1;41r . - ' I 11411111 �� . �. I ��� CITY OF POWAY. ITEM : GPA /zc�4 85-0/ rR. — TITL E : Rinz.w -/x"-'CizE • 57Z/Dy 56 oif 62 SCALE •: T TD - -Al.. ATTACHMENT • • 13 \� JUL 10 1985 IYtw� .L . 1. :• • • • • • • • „i- - /i, - I // -v-F • REC5SsilJG_ STRUCTugE. REDUCES VISUAL IMFPGT— KATURAL i • • • • • • • CITY OF POfAY • ITEM GPA/zoA 86- 0/ •• DRAFT" TITLE : R1 UAE/H/[%s/cam Sruor 57 of 62- 9CALE : Nor TD -ZgL- ATTACHMENT :. I4 UL10 95 IT M 7 • \. • • ORDINANCE NO. 187 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHAPTER 17 .04 , AND SECTION 17 . 08 . 180 OF TITLE 17 ( ZONING DEVELOPMENT CODE) OF THE POWAY MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS , the City Council periodically finds it necessary to amend Title 17 ( Zoning Development Code ) of its Municipal Code in response to amendments made to the City ' s General Plan; and WHEREAS , the City Council , as a result of the City prepared Ridgeline/Hillside Study , adopted Planning Resolution No. on April 1986 thereby amending the text and graphics of the General Plan (GPA 86-01 ) related to the development of land within the ridgeline/hillside areas of the City; and WHEREAS , the City Council desires to amend the Zoning Development Code in order to bring it into a state of consistency with the General Plan , as prescribed by Section 65860 of the Government Code , and pursuant to Section 17 . 46 .020B of the Poway Municipal Code , and that amendments to Chapter 17 . 04 (Definitions ) and Section 17 . 08 . 180 ( Property Development Standards : Special Requirements ) are necessary to meet the said consistency require- ment; and WHEREAS , the City Council finds it in the public interest to preserve the rural character of the City through the protection of the major topographical features found within the community , which consist of knolls ,• hilltops , mountaintops , hillsides , and ridge- lines; and • WHEREAS , the City Council adopted under Resolution No . • the official City of Poway. Major Topographical Features Map which depicts the .areas of the City in which the said major topographical features are found ; and WHEREAS , _ the City Council recognizes the scenic quality and community-wide value of these features , and finds that they shall not be developed without regard to the visual impact of such deve- lopment on directly adjoining residential properties , public pla- ces., City designated scenic highways , and major streets ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has determined that the creation and . development of lots and structures located within the subject areas of the City shall not cause adverse environmental and visual impacts to the subject topographical features; and WHEREAS , the City Council , in order to preserve and protect the environmental and visual quality of the major topographical features , finds it necessary to amend the Zoning Development Code by adding new property development standards which are applicable to the development of parcels of land 'within the subject areas ; and • JUL 101986 ITEM 58 .of.;62 • APR 2 9 1986 ITEM 5 ATTACNMar" 3 • • .•® C • Ordinance No . 187 Page 2 WHEREAS , the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing on March 18 , 1986 to provide interested parties the opportunity to address the proposed amendments to the Zoning Development Code . The said public hearing was continued by the City Council to the regular meeting of April 15 , 1986 for first reading and continued • to April 29 , 1986 for second reading of the subject ordinance . NOW THEREFORE BE IT ordained that the City Council hereby adopts the following amendments as part of Title 17 ( Zoning Development Code ) of the Poway Municipal Code : SECTION 1 : Chapter 17 . 04 Definitions • The following sections of Chapter 17 .04 are added or amended to read as follows : 1 . Section 17 .04 . 280 Development "Development" means the total number of dwelling units permitted on a net acre of land exclu- sive of all existing public or private streets and rights-of- way : "Development" also means the grading and excavation of earth 'for the purpose of creating a building pad , private driveway or private access road , and any cut or fill slopes associated therewith . 2 . Section 17 . 04 . 391 Hillside "Hillside" for the purpose of this ordinance means those areas as designated as major topographi- cal features on the "Major Topographical Features Map" that are neither hilltops nor ridgelines . 3 . Section 17 . 04 . 392 Hilltop "Hilltop" means the highest point of elevation of a knoll , hill , or mountain . 4 . Section 17 . 04 . 419 Landform "Landform" means a feature of the earth ' s surface attributable to natural causes . 5 . Section 17 . 04/511 Major Topographical Features Map "Major Topographical Features Map" means the Major Topographical Features Map as adopted or amended by the Poway City Council . 6 . Section 17 . 04 . 631 Ridgeline "Ridgeline" for the purpose of this ordinance means the physical and visual demarcation between the sky and the highest elevation of the earth ' s surface along or between a range of knolls , hills or mountains , or along a linear series of crests designated as major topographical features an the "Major Topographical Features Map. " JUL 101986 ITEM 7 _ •59 of- 62 APR 29 1986 ITEM 5 • • C � C•• � Ordinance No. 187 Page 3 Section 2 : Chapter 17 . 08 Residential Zones Section 17 . 08 . 180 Special Requirements The following subsection under Section 17 . 08 . 180 is added to read : S . The subdivision and development of a parcel of land located within the areas of "Major Topographical Features , " as shown on the official City of Poway Major Topographical Features Map on file in the office of the Department of Planning Services , shall be subject to the following development standards appli- cable to the creation and development of a subject parcel . The development standards listed within this subsection shall also apply when the "density of development" is determined through the tentative subdivision map review process . The land developer or property owner , prior to the preparation and filing of a formal application required for Development Review/Minor Development Review, or a Tentative Subdivision Map, shall submit to the Department of Planning Services a con- ceptual grading and site development plan for the involved pro- perty, . for preliminary review and recommendation prior to formal application submittal . Where all or any part of a par- cel is contained within the boundaries of the areas identified on the official map , the applicable development standards • herein shall apply to the specific area of a parcel on which development is proposed . The applicability of the following standards to the subdivision and development of a parcel of land shall be formally deter- mined during the processing of Development Review (Chapter 17 . 52 ) and Tentative Map (Chapter 16 . 10 ) applications . 1 . The design , configuration , orientation , and development of lots shall adhere to the City' s requirements for Excavation and • Grading (Chapters 16 . 40-16 . 52 ) • 2 . Access roads or driveways serving structures shall follow the existing natural contour of the landform and shall be • • constructed in accordance with the City ' s Construction Standards for Streets (Chapter 12 . 20 ) and driveways in residen- tial zones ( Section 17 .08 .180 ) . 3 . Grading of a lot shall be limited to that necessary for a required access road or driveway , the development of a single family residence, approved accessory structures , and permitted agricultural uses . • • JUL 10 1986 ITEM --i 60 _of 62 APR 29 1986 ITEM. 5 • • Ordinance No . 187 Page 4 4 . Existing rock outcrops and native or indigenous trees shall be maintained . 5 . Ridgelines , hilltops , and hillsides visually impacted by grading activity , including that for the construction of access roads and driveways , shall be accompanied by and supplemented with landscaping so that the visual impact is mitigated to a level of insignificance . Landscaping materials shall include ground cover , shrubs , and fifteen ( 15 ) gallon minimum size trees . Irrigation of landscaping shall be provided on a per- manent or temporary basis as necessary to maintain its healthy condition . 6 . Exterior colors and materials of structures shall be earth tones or other colors harmonious in both tone and texture with the natural biological and geological conditions located on or in the vicinity of the building site . For example , white exteriors and red tile roofs shall be prohibited . 7 . The dominant roof slope( s) of a structure shall follow the ' slope of the natural grade . Flat roofs or other roof designs not following the slope of the natural grade shall be prohibited. 8 . Where a structure is situated on a hilltop, or a ridgeline, the structure shall be limited to one story not to exceed twenty ( 20 ) feet in height as measured from the lowest portion of the foundation wall or pier on the down-slope side to the highest point of the structure ' s roof . • 9 . For those structures not located on hilltops or ridgelines , the maximum height shall be thirty-five ( 35 ) feet as measured from the lowest portion of the foundation wall or pier on the down- slope side to the highest point of the structure' s roof . However , in no case shall the highest point of the structure' s roof exceed by twenty ( 20 ) feet , the height of the hilltop' or ridgeline . 10 . A single-level structure shall be oriented such that its greatest horizontal dimension is parallel with , and not perpen- dicular to , the natural contour of the land . 11 . Multi-level foundations ( floor levels separated by a minimum of five feet in height ) shall be required where natural grades • exceed twenty-five ( 25 ) percent slope. JUL 10 1986 ITEM 1 61 .of 62 APR 29 )986 . ITEM 5 1/4141 Ordinance No . 187 Page 5 12 . where a two-story structure is proposed on a grade that exceeds 25 percent slope , the second-story down-slope exterior wall shall be set back a minimum of fifteen ( 15 ) feet from the down- slope exterior wall of the structure' s first story . 13 . Where the cantilever or stilt portion of a structure' s foun- dation projects over the slope , the projection at its furthest point, shall not exceed ten feet in height above the grade, directly below that projection. SECTION 3 : The City Council of the City of Poway hereby finds that these amendments are consistent with the General Plan and the intent and purpose of the Zoning Development Code. SECTION 4 : The City Council of the City of Poway hereby finds that these amendments will not cause any significant adverse impacts on the environment and issues a Negative Declaration . EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty ( 30 ) days after ' the date of its passage; and before the expiration of fifteen (15 ) days after its passage , it shall be published once with the names and members voting for and against the same in the Poway News Chieftain , a newspaper of general cir- culation published in the City of Poway . Introduced and first read at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway held the 15th day of April , and thereafter PASSES AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held the _ day of , 1986 by the following roll call vote: • AYES : COONCILMEMBERS : NOES : COUNCILMEMBERS: • ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS : Carl R. Kruse , Mayor Marjorie K. Wahlsten , City Clerk • • JUL 10 1986 ITEM '7• 62;•of -62 . APR 29 1986 ITEM 5