Item 8 - Preliminary Zoning Ordinance Amendment •AGENDA REPORT occ •WHY CITY OF IPOWAY Ffi TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manati Nib INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Servicesl.F' James H. Lyon , Assistant Plannerge DATE: July 10 , 1986 SUBJECT: Preliminary Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Amendments to various sections of the City 's Zoning Development Code to provide for the establishment for hotel/motel development standards. BACKGROUND Earlier this year the City Council heard Conditional Use Permit 85-14 and Development Review 85-20 that proposed the construction of a 55-unit motel complex on Powayi Road. The Council denied the applications on the grounds that the project was not consistent- -- with with adjacent structures, uses and densities. To provide guidance for future hotel/motel developers , staff was directed to prepare additional performance standards for such development . A similar use that has been brought to the attention of the Planning Department but has not been discussed by the Council are the bed and breakfast facilities . Although they do provide lodging , the number of guests is very limited and such facilities are typically adapted to a single-family home and' should be considered separately. ANALYSIS The City' s Zoning Development Code currently allows, with approval of a conditional use permit, hotels and motels in the General and - Community Commercial Zones only, with provisions for their possible inclusion into the Planned Community Zones . Under the current motel/hotel standards, no more than twenty per- cent of the rooms shall have kitchen facilities , rooms shall be for ' transient lodging only ( 30 days or less) , and each hotel/motel must provide a swimming pool . ACTION: Concurred to bring back forlfirst reading with elimination of \ minimum number of units andladdition of minimum size for pool. Bed and breakfast a separate issue . M. Wahlsten , City c3r110 1986 ITEM 8 _ • Agenda Report July 10 , 1986 Page 2 The Code, however, does not reference bed and breakfast facilities and therefore they would not be permitted under current ordinance. Adoption of the proposed motel/hotel standards to the bed and breakfast use would be inappropriate due to the difference in scale and density of the two uses. A separate workshop is suggested to discuss bed and breakfast facilities, should the Council wish to allow them. Staff has reviewed the characteristics of all existing and proposed motels in the City and the surrounding communities as well as guidelines used by the Best Western, Quality Inn and Comfort Inns for the construction of new facilities. Interpolation of this data indicates that a majority of this new motel under consideration/or construction contain 100 units or more and have associated restaurants or cocktail lounges . Room sizes ranged from 288 square feet to 370 square feet with the minimum room size being 11 . 5 feet by 25 feet. Projects with 120 units typically required a 2 . 5 to 3 .5 acre parcel . Design standards stipulated 1 . 2 to 1 . 5 parking spaces per unit with 10 percent of the project site to be landscaped. A majority of the motels were providing kitchenettes with few cities having any regulation on a maximum number or per- centage. During the City Council hearing for the Stage Coach Inn, CUP 85-14 , DR 85-20 , the Council expressed concern with the inclusion of kitchenettes into a motel in that such facilities could attract the undesirable transient. A review of the people and groups patro- nizing the Franciscan Inn for extended periods of time (over two weeks) indicated they were families looking to relocate to the area and/or construction crews working in and around Poway. Based on this premise, Staff believes provisions should be made in the ordi- nance to accommodate a percentage of these people who would benefit from the use of a kitchenette. In adapting this data to comply with the needs and character of Poway, staff is suggesting that all new hotel/motel sites be one acre or larger in size, that the minimum number of rooms per complex be 45 , that the minimum room size be 300 square feet, that a maximum of 10 percent of the proposed rooms may contain kitche- nettes , and that 400 square feet of landscaped open space shall be provided for each unit. An analysis of the Franciscan Inn and Mr . Lai ' s proposed motel indicate that both facilities will comply with the proposed hotel/motel development guidelines . 2 of 3 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 8 Agenda Report July 10 , 1986 Page 3 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS The proposed amendments relating to the following areas within the Zoning Development Code are indicated by the use of a dashed underline for additions and clarifications. Commercial Section 17 .10 .080 . 31 should be amended to read: Hotels and motels subject to the following : a. A minimum of one net acre of land area b. A minimum of 45 units shall, be-provided c. All units shall be 300 square feet or larger d. A swimming pool shall be provided e . No more than ten percent of the rooms shall have kitchen facilities f. Rooms shall be for transient lodging only ( thirty days or less) with the exception of the on-site manager ' s residence g. Four hundred square feet of landscaped open mace shall be provided for each room. h . The hotel/motel standards shall be applicable to develpp- ment in the Planned Community (PC) Zone. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment will modify only the text of the Ordinance to stipulate design standards which will not result in any potentially significant environmental impacts . The issuance of a Negative Declaration is recommended . FINDINGS The proposed modifications are consistent with the intent and pur- pose of the General Plan and ZoningHevelopment Code, and the requirements of the California Government Health and Safety Codes. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council review the suggested modi- fications to the City ' s Zoning Ordinance relating to hotel/motel standards and direct Staff to introduce and hold for first reading the revised Ordinance in approximately four ( 4) weeks. JLB:RWT:JHL: nm 3 of 3 JUL 10 1986 ITEM 8