Item 4 - EA (Neg. Declaration) - Midland Rd. CIPAGENDA REPORT
I I . rl
Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counc
FROM; James L. Bowersox, City Man
• Director of Planning -Services -
INITIATED BY. Reba W. Touw, Direc •Services -
o g
James R. Nessel, Associate Planner
DATE: June 3, 1986
SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment (Ne Declaration)
Midland Road Ca ital Im rovement Project Norwalk
Street to Aubrey Street)
On April 151 1986, the City Council authorized the bidding for the
Midland Road capital improvement project betweenTwinPeaks Road
and Aubrey Street.
Staff previously conducted an Environmental Initial Study of the
subjectproject between Twin Peaks Road and Norwalk Street, and the
City Council, at their May 61 1986 meeting, issued a Negative
Declaration for that segment of the project. Since Staff inadver-
tently excluded the southerly segment of the project between
Norwalk and Aubrey Streets from its previous environmental
assessmentl it is now necessary to address the potential impacts of
that portion of the project.
Environmental Review -
The Environmental Initial Study _prepared by Staff in conjunction
with the "
Pa ua Redevelopment Project and Plan concluded that no
g Y p �
significant transportation effects would occur from the
Redevelopment Project because transportation -related objectives of
the project are intended to overcome existingdeficiencies in the
street system. However, the-EIR prepared.for the Redevelopment
Plan did not address the project, at hand because the -project, at
that time, was non-existent
JUN 3 1986 ! T E '1\1f
s CiF
Agenda Report
June 3, 1986
Page 2
Therefore, Staff conducted an Environmental Initial Study of the
subject segment of the Midland Road project. The findings of the
study are discussed in the following: paragraphs.
1 The City-wide Traffic Study prepared for the EIR of the Poway
Comprehensive Plan analyzed the potential impacts of future '
growth on the City's existing and planned roadway system The
circulation element of the Poway_ General Plan designates the
segment of Midland Road . between Twin Peaks Road and Edgemoor
Road as a "collector" road. The proposed upgrading of the
roadway within the existing public right-of-way does not exceed
the two lane collector road classification set forth in. 'the
Circulation Element.
2. The project improvements include the reconstruction and
repaving of the roadway within its present right-of-way, curbs,`
gutters, sidewalks, and bike lanes. The intersections at w
Norwalk and Aubrey Streets will also be reconstructed and both
streets will be,repaved to a_ -.point- approximately 100 feet west
of Midland Road. Driveway entrances to existing residences {
will also be constructed
The project will also involve storm drain and. channel• improve-.
ments on the west side of Midland Road. These improvementsy,
call, for the provision of new underground storm, drain pipes
between Norwalk Street and the existing bridge at Rattlesnake
From the bridge to Aubrey Street the existing unimproved open
channel located on the west side of Midland Road will be
reconstructed As a gunite-lined channel approximately 20 feet
in width. In addition, the existing drain pipes under Aubrey
Street will be replaced with three forty-eight inch pipes
3. Staff has reviewed the most current improvement plans, (dated
April 28) for the project which were available at the time this
report was prepared. According to those drawings, the only
potential impact of the subject improvement project is that to
several trees.located near the project's westerly boundary `
adjacent to the existing creek
Agenda Report
June 3, 1986
Page 3
At the present time, 19 trees are near the creek's westerly
bank. The species consist of
P pepper, ash, elm, olive,,.. and oak
trees, and the trunk sizes range from four inches to 60 inches.
Of the total number.of trees, seven are noted for removal on
the improvement plans. These trees are situated either on the
side.of the existing bank of the creek or at the top'edge of
the bank.
The channel improvements will require over -excavation -and soil
recompaction due to the nature of the existing soil. These
grading operations will necessitate the removal of the seven
trees It should be noted that these trees are of a 15 inch.
and less trunk size The remaining 12 trees are significantly
more mature and are noted "protect in place" on the improvement
plans. In order to emphasize the importance of protecting the
non -impacted trees, the contractor should be made aware of
their location and significance in the field prior to the
commencement of construction.
Staff has prepared an exhibit which contains photographs of the
impacted trees. This exhibit will be available for the City
Council's viewing at the public hearing.
on the east side of Midland Road, between Norwalk and Aubrey
Streets, 20 mature- trees are situated just outside of the:
public right-of-way. These trees are noted "protect in place"
on the_improvemenet plans and will not be impacted by the
Presently, there exists 11 power poles in this area.. Several
of these will be removed and replaced with a lesser numberof
new poles the new poles will maintain the current positioning
so, that the mature trees will not be impacted. It is also pro-
posed that the new sidewalk be poured to form a bulb around
the power poles. The decision to relocate or underground the
existing utilities will be postponed for future consideration.
Project Conformance with Comprehensive Plan
Th.e.project was authorized by the Redevelopment Agency in the
adopted budget for Fiscal Year 1985-86. The resolution approving
said budget on June 15, 1985 (Resolution No, R-85-02) found that r
the subject capital improvement project is in conformance with the
City of Poway Comprehensive Plan as
governed. by Section 654..02. of
the California Government Code.
Agenda Report.
June 3, 1986
Page 4
Public Notice of Negative Declaration:
Notice of the Proposed: Negative Declaration was provided in the
Poway News Chieftain, in accordance within the noticing require-
ments under Section 15072(a)(1) of CEQA.
It is recommeded that the City Council accept this report and
approve the issuance of a Negative Declaration.
4 oF
JUN 3 1986 IT LAI