Item 12 - Minutes of Meeting - May 13, 19862171 4: Page 2 CITY OF POWAY - May 13, 1986 Tom Tremble, 18049 Old Coach Road, representing the Old Coach HaTKKA nerS Association, thanked the City and Sanitainer, Inc., for sponsoring"'Clean Up Day" on May 10, 1986. He stated that in spite of these events, illegal dumping continues to occur. He submitted photographs showing the accumula- tion of trash along old Coach Road and suggested that the City, Sheriff's Department, and citizen groups work together to eliminate illegal damping in the community. s I Council suggested scheduling a sheriffs patrol of areas that are used for illegal dunping, such as old Coach Roado Beeler Canyon Road, and Blue Sky Ranch, in an effort to -control the problem and sponsoring "Clean Up Day" twice a year. City, Manager Bowersox stated the hauling for "Clean Up Day" is donated by :{ sanitainer, and Miramar Landfill permits free dumping on one day each year. If r i second day were scheduled, the City would have to fund it. Betty Rexford, 11570 Creek Road, expressed regret over the ,May 12th decision of the San Diego City Transportation and Land Use ammi.ttee regarding the reaLgr$rent of Patierado Road. The committee voted to adopt Alternate 11A against the recannendations of the City of pcway. She asked staff to help determine if the City of San Diego has the proper easements and right-of-way 1 for their proposed alignment.. because she believes a portion: of the road wi11 cross hermay• Council directed staff to assist Mrs. Rexford in i. e property. this matter and to be fully involved in the 'process 'of determining the exact location of the road prior' -to construction. Margaret Williams, 11674 Creek. Road, thanked Council and staff for support in the effort to obtain an acceptable realigm ent of Panerado Road. I'ra S 6 15 CONSENT CALMAR Motion by Councihmnber Rnery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to adapt the Consent Calendar as follows. 6 Approval of Minutes City Council: April24, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting April 291 1986, Regular Meeting 8. Ratification of Warrant Register: May 2, 1986 9. Denial of claim for damages, Louis C. Burgener, claimant. k JUN 1986 ITEM 12 u 2172 r _ x �N I Page 3 - CITY OF POW - May 13,r 1986 f 10. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-041 entitled, "A Resolution of the City E - Council of the City of Poway, California, Establishing, Traffic Control. Measures at the intersection of Del Poniente and Crestview Court and Tannin Drive and Solera Way." 1.1. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-042. entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Requiring Minor Development Review Approval by the City Council," regarding applications for building permits for assessory, living quarters. 12. Adaption of Resolution No. P-86-27 entitled, "A. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Minor Development Review 86-03R, Assessor's Parcel Dumber 275-291-09.11 Lawrence and Valerie Quate, applicants.. 13. Adoption of Resolution No. P-86-28 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Minor Developpmant Review 36-16 Assessor's Parcel Number 273-900-41 and 39.11 Dale and Barbara Dinsmore, applicants. 14 Approval of a temporary sewer connection for APN 275-201-21, James & Rita Donahue, applicants, with the following conditions: 1. Payment of all sewer related fees and costs. 2. The execution of a Tanporary Sewer Connection Agreement by the owner. 3. Tanporary, connection shall be made after the City's acceptance of the sewer main installation at Deergrass Court. City sewer main. shall be fully operational at.time of connection. 'i 4. owners are responsible for acquisition of necessary easements for the temporary sewer lines and shall provide the City with a copy or copies of recorded easement documents. Lot Book Reports for verification of grantor's name shall also be provided. 5. Completion of all the above conditions within six (6) months of Council approval, if granted, and prior to issuance of a sewer connection per- mit, otherwise the approval shall be deemed expired. Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy absent. 'l i Page 4 -CITY OF PCGJAY -May. 13, 1986.. ITEM 5 STREET LIGHTING ASSESNE DISTRICT Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated the maintenance and admi- nistration of the street lights within the city is currently carried out by San Diego County Fighting District No 1., with some of the poles belonging to the Lighting District and some belonging to San Diego Gas and Electric Canpany. In 1984, Council directed staff to begin working toward the eventual assumption of z these facilities and responsibilities by the City of Poway in order to improve } the level of service and: decrease the response time required for that service. Recommendation is to adopt the proposed resolution .initiating proeeedings to form a city-wide lighting assessment district for the installation, operation, and maintenance of public lighting facilities and to direct the Director of Public Services to prepare and file an Engineer I s Report. in accordance with Article 4 (commencing with Section 22565) Chapter 1 Part 2 Division 15 of the Streets and Highways Code. City Manager Bowersox stated that with the for- mation of the district, those poles and lights belonging to the Lighting Distict Will be assumed by the City. He asked: if it is the desire of Council to pursue acquiring those belonging to San Diego Gas and Electric. Council directed staff t. to do so. Following discussion regarding conversion to low-pressure sodium lights, Council directedstaff to report on a timetable for the ultimate conversion of all the street lights within the City. Motion by Councilor adder ar ery, seconded. by Councilmember oravec, to adopt Resolution No. 86-043 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Initiating Proceedings to Form an Assessment District for the Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Public Lighting Facilities in the City of Poway:," and to direct the. Director of Public Services to prepare and file an Engineer's Report as stated by the City Manager. Motion. carried 4-0 with Councllmember Tarzy absent. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 16. City Manager Bowersox announced that Deputy City Clerk, Jo Seibert, has resigned to accept the position of City Clerk of the City of Del Mar. COUNCIL RE ITEMS 8. A. Councilmen ber Emery stated that with the approval of Item 15 of this Agenda, over $750,000 of Redevelognent funds will be expended to do improvements to Poway Unified School District property. These are the first of the joint projects and as such, mark the beginning of coopera- tive efforts between the two entities for the benefit of the community as a whole. JUIN 3 1986 1T E N1 t? 2174 Page 5 CITY OF POMY -,May 13 1986 B. Councilmember M ery thanked the Sheriff's Department for assigning a deputy to the intersection of Midland and Train Peaks Roads. It has made a signif icant improvement. in themovemnt of traffic C. Councilor ober Emeery cc minted on the result of the San Diego City Transportation and Land Use CamAtteeIs decision on May 12 1986, regarding the realignment of Pomerado Road, D. Councilmember wry asked staff to respond to the letter received frau Fieldstone Company regarding The:Pond Subdivision, TM 3994 19. Councilmember Oravec announced her appointment of Vern Marston to the Budget Review Committee to replace Chris Klee who resigned. 20. A. Councilmember Shepardson commented on an article in. the Los Angeles Times regarding- a'possible moritorium on. sewer hook ups in the area surround ng the City of San Diego's Penasqui.tos Pum Station. Tfie eta tion has experienced a series of overflows of untreated sewage into Fenasquitos Creek, and faces a possible fine by the: State Regional Water Quality Control Board. City Manager Bvwersox stated Poway has an. agreement with. the City of San Diego for sewage treatment,, and staff is working with them to insure that new units in. Poway will not be precluded frail hooking into the system, and that the fine, should they incur one, will not he absorbed by those paying for sewer service.. B. Councilmember Shepardson asked about the equestrian trail through the Bridewood Subdivision, TM 4092. She suggested the trail be cleared and masked prior to the sale of the hares so no misunderstanding occurs regarding its location ADT Upon motion by Councilmember Shepardson seconded by Councilmember Oravec, Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned.. The time of adjournment was 7.45 P.M. Jo Seibert, Deputy City Clerk City of Poway tI 1 t �U86 t T EM 1 2175