Item 12 - Minutes of Adjourned Meeting - May 22, 1986look CMY C PCRY, MI UTES CF THE CIW COUNCIL MAY 22, 1986 The May 22, 1986, meeting of 'the City Council of the City of Poway, a adjourned from. the May 20,r 1986, regular meeting, was called to order at ` 4:O8 P.M. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. PRESENT AT RML CUL Linda Oravec, Bruce Tarzy,r Carl Kruse ABSW AT WLL CAEL Bob emery (councibradber M ery arrived at 4:26 P.M.) Mary;Shepardson SIMS" James Bowersox City Manager Steve Eckis City Attorney John Fitch Assistant City Mwn.ager Patrick Foley Assistant to the City Manager., Reba Touw Director of Planning Services Jim Nessel Associate Planner John Bridges Assistant Director Planning Services 71 Jo Seibert Deputy City Clerk CFF-DOCKET CITY MANAGER ITEMS A City Manager Bowersox stated the California State University system has been searching for a location for a north county campus of San Diego, State University. Council has previously taken action to support San Marcos as a suitable site. The City of San Marcos has requested support for S.B. 1732 which Would appropriate funds to purchase a site .for the north county cam- pus. Council concurred-to support S.B. 1732. B. City Manager Bowersox stated the County of San Diego has taken a position with respect to Study Area Six of Poway `s Sphere of Influence. This area is located southeast of Poway between the City of Poway and the City of Santee. The County opposes the inclusion of' Study Area Six in either Poway's or SanteeIs Sphere of Influence. In their opinion, the area should be reserved for Lakeside industrial development, should that community decide to incor- porate. City Manager Bowersox expressed concern that he received notifica tion from the County of the Board of Supervisors meeting on this matter one clay before it was to be 'heard. JUN! 3 1986 i T c M 2185 I Page 2 - CITY OF POWAY ADJOURNF.J? RE MI AR M]M ING - May 22, 1986 C. City Manager Bowersox showed a sample of the new street name _identification signs. Council concurred that the color brown with bone colored letters is good, the larger City Seal should be used, and the words "City of Poway" should be included above the street name. ITII++! 2 PRE -APPLICATIONS FOR GPA 86-02 City Manager Bowersox explained the Pre -General Plan Amendment process He stated it is an opportunity for prospective applicants to determine Council's Level of interest prior to filing a formal application. There will be no action taken, and no indication frau Council precludes the applicant fran applying for a Geneial.Plan Amendment. i 1 y Staff report by Director of Planning Services Touw. She explained each pre - application request. P --GPA 86-02A Claudia Serra, owner, is a 2.15 acre site on the south side of , _ Twin Peaks Road, approximately 280 feet west of Espola Road. The request is to .. change the land use designation fran Residential Single Family 4 to Residential Condominium. Claudia Serra, 2936 Illinois Avenue, Southgate CA., and Magdalena`. Rowsey, 3724 Cannel. Mountain Road, San Diego, CA. 92129, real estate agent for Ms Serra, spoke in favor of the proposed change. Council concurred that the present RS -4 zoning is consistent with the surrounding zoning and should not be changed. (Councilmember Emery arrived at 4:26 P.M.) P -GPA 86-02C Frederick Rodgers and Burl L. Young, owners, is two contiguous parcels totaling 2.97 acres, located south of Poway Road and immediately west of the terminus of Glengate Place. The request is to change the land use and zoning from Residential Rural C to Residential Single Family 5 Frederick a Rodgers, 12956 Christman Lane, Poway, spoke in favor of the proposed change. Council concurred that the request is premature, in that the alignment of the future Midland 'Road has not been determined.. Council agreed that after the road is engineered, changing the zoning on the portion of the site north of Midland Road to RS -7 would be appropriate, bringing it into conformance with the surrounding use. SUN 3 1996 1 T E M I 2186 Page 3 CITYOF POWAy ADJOUR1m Mai.E AR MEETING May 22, 1986 P --GPA 86-02D John Visconsi, applicant, is a site camprised of seven contiguous parcels located on the south side of Stone Canyon Road between Parnerado Road and Contry Squire Drive. The request is to change the land use designation from Residential Single Family 4 to Residential Senior Citizen and Ccmmercial office. idm Visconsi, 12925 Abra Drives San Diego, 92128, spoke in favor of the proposed change. Council concurred that the present designation is proper for that site, and that the residents in the area have expressed opposition to requests for increased density in the past. P -GPA 86-02J Gra bill Medical. Clinic/Michael Hogan, applicant, is a 43.21 acre site located to the south of Poway Grade and to the north of the easterly terminus of Sycamore Canyon Road. The property is quitre steep ranging from- zero to 30 percent slope in the northern half and exceeding 30 percent slope in the southern half The requested change is from Residential'' Rural A to Residential Rural B.. Michael Hogan, representing Graybill Medical_ Clinic,, and Mike wunderlin, of Wunderlin Engineering, 504 W. Mission Avenue, Escondido ' spoke in favor of the proposed change. Council concurred that an increased den- sity is not warranted for this site because of the steep terrain. r. k: t P -GPA 86-02K Jeffrey Yee/Lawrence Scott, owners, is a 20.10 ' acre triangular- shaped parcel which is split zoned and presently undevelop do It is located at the northwest quadrant of Garden. Road and Sycamore Canyon Road. The nested. change is from Residential Rural A and Residential Rural C to Residential Single Family 5. Council concurred than until a second.: access road into the Garden Road area is built, no land use changes in that area will be considered. P -GPA 86-02L Sickels Group/VTN Southwest, Inc., applicants, is a 14.27 acre site located on the west side of Pamerado Road um-ediately apposite Via Monte t Carlo. The request is to change the land use from Residential Rural C to Residential Condominium. Barry Hogan, representing VI`N Southwest, Inc., 4845 s Ronson Court, San Diego, explained the proposed use for the site which includes a senior citizen residential complex and a child care facility. Frank Perl, 4335 Polar St., San Diego, architect, and T. E. Janssen, 1055 Shaf ter Street, San Diego, representing Children's World, stated they were prepared to answer questions from. Council regarding the proposed project. Council concurred that the present zoning and density is compatible with the surrounding area and should not be changed. (Councilnxmier Oravec left the meeting at 5:25 P.M.) } JUN "986 ITEIA i 2187 Page 4 - CITy OF poMy AD4770Inmm REGULAR M=M May 22, 1986 P -GPA 86-02M - Edon Centennial Properties/Donald Fischer, applicants, is approximately 10,285 acres located on the north side of Espola Road, west of Old Coach Road, and extending northerly to Poway°s city boundary. The request is to change. the designation fron Residential Rural A Residential Rural B and Residential Rural C to Planned W nity. An Opportunities and Constraints mu report for a proposed' project for this site, known as "Stoneridge Fast," was distributed to Council prior to this workshop. City Manager Bowersox ream mended that if Council is in favor of a Planned Garrtmnity designation for this site, all of the undeveloped acreage surrounding the Fischer property should be included in order to adequately plan the public improvements. Bruce 'Warren representing PRC Engineering, 401 W. "A" St. Ste. 2500, San Diego, introduced Tan Story, who explained same of the eluents of the Opportunities and report g g g it Constraints re rt usan large drawings with the eleven planning :..areas withinthe proposed development delineated. Ma or Kruse disclosed that he is a twelve-year resident of the StoneRidge cam-' y munity. Cc uncilmanber Tarzy suggested that the planned ccmminity concept for this area is a6 good one, because it would allow clustering the development so that the hillsides and sensitive areas remain in open space. Council-concured that prior to considering a change in the land use designations to Planned Camaunity, Council, developers, and the residents of the area must acme to an understanding regarding exactly what is planned for the entire area.. The surrounding property owners must be involved in the planning process and be in favor of the change, as they were in the South Poway Planned Cammunity. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Kruse restated for the record that the meting today was an informal workshop, and no votes were taken. Direction was given by Council, but no one is precluded fron making applcation for a General Plan Amendment. Upon motion by Councilmember Emery.. seconded.. by Councibuember Tarzy, Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was 5:50 P.M. Jo Seibert, Deputy City Clerk City of Poway ju►q a m% I T E M 12 2188