Item 20 - Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Vehicle & Equipment Storage Bldg.i
This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate. discussion of the
report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or publicF..,,,„,,,, ,..• c
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TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of. the City Council
FROM: James L. Ba%erSQX, City Mana#_
INITIATED BY: Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services=.
J Bradley Kutzner, Project Manager
DATE: June 3 1986
%MJE = Authorization to Advertise for bids for the Construction of
Vehicle and Equipment Storage Wilding
it is reed, that the City Council authorize advertising for bids for the
construction of the vehicle and storage building located next to the
Operations_Facility on Lake Poway Road.
The project provides a garage and storage facility for City vehicles. It also
provides a workshop with pertinent equipment to be used by City personnel.
The plans and specs have been approved by the City Engineer and are ready to
advertise for bids.
The original budget amount of $205,000 was appropriated in FY 85-86. Because of
the addition of a carpenter shop and the -requirements of the fire and building `
codes, an additional $155,744 needs to be appropriated to complete the project.
This amount needs to be appropriated frau the following accounts:
Unappropriated Water Funds $ 77,872
Unappropriated Sewer Funds 62,298
Unappropriated General Fund 151,574
JUN 3 1936 ITEM �' C))
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Authorization to Bid
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June 3, 1986
It is recommended that the City Council appropriate $155,744 from the unapprop—
riated water, sewer and general fund accounts, and authorize staff to advertise
the project for bids.
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JUN 3 1986 ITEM �.