1986 06-10 AgendaNOTE NEXT WEEK'S REGULAR MEETING WIL 3 `E HELD AT THE CONfNIJNITY CENTER 13094 BOWRON ROAD crri CF EPOWAY NczC0UNCI REGULARMEETING JUNE 10, ;1986 7000 PoMe CITY {SIL 13325 CIVIC.. CZ'NrlEt DRIVE i MEETING OUM To ORDER As CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING cOMMIsSION/REDEvELopNE T AG 1. ROLL CALL EMEW, ORAVECr sHEPARDSON, TARZY, KRUSE { 2. PLEDGEOF ALLDGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR SHEPARDSON i� 3. PUBLIC ORAL COMM(JNICATIONS COWE r CALENDAR - NOTICE TO PUBLIC ITEMS : NUMBERED 9 THROUGH 18 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE MMON AT THIS POINT IN THE MEErkING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE. ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL VOTES ON THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEiMERS OF: COUNCIL, STAFF, OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPDCIFIC ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. NOSE ITEMS MICH ARE RF VM WILL BE ` CONSIDMM I IN THE ORDER IN MUCH THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH ` TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AM GIVE TO THE CITY CLERK. NEW PUBLIC HEARIWGS 4. *Proposed Financial` Plan for Fiscal' Year 1986-87. CITY MHNAGER°S REJCOATION: Continue public hearing to June 17, 1986 S. *Use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. CITY MANAGER'S RECONMATION: Close public hearing; hold funds to supple- .hent 1986-87 Capital Inprovement Program, 6. *Tentative Tract Map 82-01R, Time Extension, :Avocado Acres applicant: a request for a one year time extension to allow the division of 172 gross acres into 77 lots for the 'property located approximately one mile north of Twin Peaks Road and one-half idleae west of Espola Road. _ CITY MANAGER, S REJGONLATION: Close'public hearing; adopt Planning Resole tion granting one-year time extension subject to conditions. *EXHIBIT ENCLOSED NEXT RESOLUTION NO. IS 86-062 #EXHIBIT IN PREPARATION NEXT ORDINANCE NO. IS 190 NEXT PLANNING RES. NO. IS P-86743 NEXT REDEVELOPMENT RES, N0. IS R-86-11 ;i i CITY OF POWAY CITY CO(7NCIL AGENDA June 10, 1986 Page 2 STAFF REPCRTS 7. *Resolution No. - Appropriations Limitation. i CITY IWWER'S REC IDATION: Adopt Resolution establishing 1986-87 limit. i ' 8 *Proposed water rates and sewer service charges. CITY MANAGER'S mcomENDATION Set public hearing for June 24, 1986, and y notify homeowner groups. '1 LJ1.NSM CA 7 9. *Approval of Minutes - City ,Council May 27, 1986, Regular Meeting 10. *Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agencyc R/ /� May 27, 1986, Regular Meeting �A . * r i- ll.*Ratification icatzon of , Warrant Register May 29 1986 . y , } 12.*Award of bid for the installation and reinstallation of traffic striping and raised markers For various locations in the City. 13.*Resolution No. - Annexation to Sewer improvement District.- Poway Valley Hanes, located south side of Twin Pea1w Road. 14. *Resolution No. Rk-86 _ -Acceptance and Execution of Street Light Agreement/A Between mperial Savings Association and the City for installation of Street Lights on Espola Road, TM 40908, 4091R and 4093R. 15 . *November 4, election: A. Resolution No. --Calling the Election B. Resolution iYo. - Requesting Consolidation With the County j C. Resolution No - Adopting Regulations Regarding Candidates' Statements 16.*Denial of claims against the City: A) Laurence Boehm; B) Christina Hawks. 17.*Authorization to bid: Cacnnunity Park 'Temporary Parking Lot. R H 18.*Contract Change Order; Midland and Twin Pe ks Road Traffic Signal. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL J ENDA June 10, 1986 Page 3 crrsr rem= amps 19. CITY ATTORNEY ITEC' 20. CIT! "CO[3NCIL ITEMS 21. BERT EMERY 22. LINDA ORAVFC 23. MARY SHEPARDSON 24. BRUCE TARZY 25. CARL MUSE` AwaoRrr:Mar Adjournment to Thursday, June 12, 1986, 4:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive. TENPATIVE AGENDA FOR JUNE 12, 1986 For confirmation of items on the Workshop Agenda, please call the City Clerk's Office, 748-6600. 1. pre-Develant Conference - Carriage Lane Condaniniums, located at northeast corner of Poway and Carriage Roads. 2 Pre:Development Conference Friends of Chubad Lubavitch, Inc. Church, located on north side of Espola Road at westerly city limits. 3. Discussion regarding revised map, TTM 83-02 (Avocado Glen). 4. Discussion regarding TTM 85-04 5. 6. (Pcmerado Business Park). Report regarding issuance of Tax Allocation Bonds. City loan program for Old Coach Road improvements.