Item 16B - Claim for Damages Cristina A. Hawks`GENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public requestit to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council .meeting. TO: FROM: INITIATED DATE: SUBJECT: ABSTRACT Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox, BY: Douglas A. Milton June 10, 1986 Claim for Damages Cristina A. Hawks City Mana. Purchasing Manag A claim for damages has been filed by Ms. Cristina Hawks in the amount of $973.69. BACKGROUND Ms. Hawks was traveling northbound on Pomerado Road and claims she unavoidably struck a water main cover that was not properly secured. The cover struck the underside of Ms. Hawks' vehicle bending and cracking the cross member, bending the frame, crushing the oilpan and breaking the steering column. FINDINGS After careful consideration, and because the City hadno prior notice of the hazard, the insurance adjusters have advised that this claim be denied RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that this claim be denied. JLB: DAM : j t Attachment 1. Claim for Damages ACTION: 1 of 3 JUN 10 1986 ITEM N s CITY OF PCWAY :. CLAIM AGAINST TBE CITY OF POWAY Received by via U.S. Mail APR 2 5? i��*��" Clerk' .� �...� . s Time Stamp Inter -Office Mail Over the Counter ADMIN SERV DEPS` A claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Poway within 100 days 'after t which the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the City of r Poway, not another public entity. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed a or delivered to the City Clerk, The City of Poway, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064 (P.O. Box 78$) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, THE CITY OF FOWAY CALIFORNIA The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information relative to damage to persons and/or personal property: . P PertY= 1.NNE OF CLADAW1 CR [571'01V A P A vV k S a. ADDRESS OF CLAIMANT b pHoNE No(/ E5 -'4c c. DATE OF BIRTH � d. SOCIALSKURITY N0.. -� - DRIVEL'S LIC. NO. 2. Name; telephone and post office aad.,:rc*�s to ,Ll -f elau-iiant desires notices to be sent if, other than above: 3. Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: a. DATE Ll )9-9- b TIME C; S 5 AM c. PLACE (exact. and specific location) uST C3EF69F COOKNER, oF 1 ?rnF2ADp mCNTE U(STA RD. CNUTHBOUNr� �_,EFT A WE ACCPLeSS F2CM porvLE/zADO. pHARkWACYa d, flow and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify the -' particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional paper if necessary). WHIkE NORTH BOVtyD o1U Pdm caADO R —rmF- CAR- itJ F=,LoVT OF IME n ocC '- p MV Vt'Evv OF THE vtirr tc9 covetz, 7� 5 miss THE W-ATErz MAsA CoVE9 OUT SY -THE -rimes .= 51� Gu 1-r ..T! WAS Tod -ATc THF- Co U fZ. H 1 Z' THE FR -4 Cbz: E U nr-D E !Z 111,1Y Ct* CZ A nJ D W D-€ D ► ry iU T H E a 1 1. Rev` e. What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged �amage or injury? FGI..I G-EA`C E FAILUP-E TO SECUREr wA-''ER m�41/U pct, Fk przOPER)-Y GN 9CAD S0 AS NCT i C 13,E A HA2.D 7-G VECH ICLES .DKIV WC, pvE'R 1"T, JUN 10 1986 ITEM 16P-' 2 of 3 4. Give a description ,the injury, �rcperty damage s, so far .as is known at' - If there were no injuries, s�ste "n ,� the time of this c d� .. 3 , o injuries." . 'ABEaT5 caACKED 6D-s 7(2oYFD C2e97s tV4FweE20 BZFAJ7- RzAmE Cgusi4E N o /WKFA) S rEErZI NC. CcsL..0 eE. -EFT F.R,oAJ T W*J NFED: 5 Give name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: 6. Name and address of any other person injured: NON E 7. Name and address ofhe owner any damaged property: - :70F_ HANKS 4vsBA AJC -EG-Ai- pwAIEtZ OF Vj5H(cLF D,4MA6`E_D. 8. Damages claimed: a. Amount claimed as of this dates $ 973,67 b. Estimated amount of future costs e o C. Total amount claimed $ y 7 3 6 d. Basis for computation of amounts claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc.): BASED oN W2)--7`FN Es q fm:gq rr= PoWD Pr.5Yf R1_E HfODFN PA1,o,4C Ee Sr:7 9. Names and addresses f � ��-�CNF� o all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. a. SAF,13A J,f A L EXE!N DER, , , .w' «D T aT rrw�g of d. 10. Any additional information that might be helpful in considering this claim: LVt+TC-C viAJJy «vCy�A5 p_ETv I�"�D 7D �'Dy /EISA 0V AT TH E PO vvq Y Ct 7, Z WARNING: IT IS A CRD+iII1IM OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CWN! (Penal Code X72; Insurance Code §556.1) j I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated upon information or belief as to such matters I believe the same to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is TRUE and CORREcr. Signed this 9 5 day of APRIL 1986 , at &_<C01JD1D0 CA, CeUC_NT7_-td_j-t. Claimant's Signature Office of the City Clerk, Poway, California DOCU, W NO. 3 of 3 FILED JUN 10 1986 ITEM