Off Dockett - Supplying Treated Water to the Ramona Municipal Water DistrictAGENDA REPORT 1 QF CITY OF POWAY a too IN THE C i. OFF DOCKET I TD: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council_ PROM: James L. Bowersox, City DATE: June 10, 1986 SUBJECT Supplying TreatedWater to the Ramna Municipal Water District i�GT�OUND Attached for your review is a copy of a letter to the San Diego County Water Authority from the Ramona Municipal Water District. This letter, which will be discussed by the San. Diego County Water Authority Board of Directors on vune 12, 1986, describes the treated water dilemma faced by Ramona Municipal Water District. According to the letter, the City of Poway, by means -of an -agreement with the San Diego County Water Authority, "provided 39 percent of Ramona's potable water needs" in 1985. After describing the alternatives available to } address the needs of the Ramona Municipal Water District, they conclude by stating "What is unperative is that the citizens of Ramona cannot be left without potable water supplies. "'Further, Ramona Municipal Water District requests San Diego County Water Authority staff and consulting assistance "to develop the most cost effective and suitable resolution of the problem." FIND The Poway City Council has, on several occasions, advised the Ramona Municipal Water District of the probable loss of treated water from Poway in 1989. It is apparent that with only three years remaining of the term of the agreement that no plans exist for correcting or financing the need for potable water in Ramona. If one reads reports of new construction in Ramona, -you can only surmise that the dependency on treated water from Poway will increase. It would appear that Ramona's problem is only going to get worse before it gets better. As a nxmber of the San Diego County Water Authority, it is important to point out this major problem to the Board of Directors. A loss of 39 percent of the potable water needs is Virtually a crisis with the lead time necessary to undertake a majorcapital improvements . ACTION: JUN 10 1986. ITEM Agenda Report June 10, 1986 Page 2 REOMENDATION It is recc:nmended that the City of Poway representative to the San Diego County Water Authority, Alan Archibald, be directed to present the above concerns to the Board of Directors on June 12, 1986. It is further recommended that in con- sideration of the gravity of the situation, that a moritorium on new water ser- vice hookups be required; as a condition of San Diego County Water Authority assistance. This nx ritorium should remain in affect until a potable water plan is developed, financing assured, and a reasonable ccletion date is guaranteed. JLB:cb Attachments: Ramona Municipal Water District Letter dated March 25, 1986 JUN 1 0 1986 ITEM OFF-eoeKE%