Off Docket - Ramona Water DistrictLong Range Ptanning Committee t�aAuEY OF.. it �f%%/� �► FOAM MUNICIPAL WATER DIST �• �-* ' ' �: - _ RIFT 1105 West Earlham Street ' - - • �., Telephone• Post Office Box 849 (619) 789-1330 Ramona, California 92065 AT F i 0 March 25, 1985 � Board of Directors rj 7,19 .l San Diego County Water Authority?', } TY 2750 Fourth _Avenue. San Diego, CA 92103-6295 Attention: Nat L. Eggert, Chairman SUBJECT; ASSISTANCE IN PROVIDED TREATED WATER SUPPLIES TO CITIZENS OF THE RAMONA MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT' Dear Honorable Board Members: The Board of Directors of the Ramona Municipal Water District, on behalf of the citizens we serve, respectfully request the assistance of the members of • the San Diego County Water Authority in assuring the continuation of treated' water supplies to the Ramona area. F ..rte ,.; Ramona currently has three sources of. treated water: 1. Bargar Plant, ownedand operated- by the District, treats water received from Lake Sutherland. The plant's nominal design capacity is 4 mgd with a hydraulic capacity of 6 mgd. Experience has proved that the plant can be operated at a maximum of about 5-mgd. In calendar year 1:985 the plant accounted for 50% of the District's total potable water needs. However, our peak daily demand for potable water, not including agricultural demands provided through .our untreated system, was 12 mgd t : 2. District wells, owned and Teased, produced 11% of the potable water supply in 1985 The District is interested in expanding this source but we don't expect It to become a major source of supply. 3. County Water Authority aqueduct water, which is now being treated' at the City of Poway's treatment plant through an _agreement between the Authority and the. City. In 1985 this source provided 39% of Ramona's potablewater needs.: - These percentages vary from year to year but in general they give a reasonable picture of the District's sources of potable water. It is obvious that the District depends greatly on the treated water from the Authority to supply the needs of its citizens. The District gets virtually all of its untreated water for agri- cultural irrigation from the Authority, but that is supplied through a separate piping system and is not part of the concern of this letter. The concern is. generated by the fact that the agreement between the City Z ty of Poway and the Authority to treat water from the aqueduct on behalf of Ramona JUN 10 1986 1 T E M 6 PF -Daek 1 WATER • FIRE PROTECTION RESCUE • SEWER PARK & RECREATION San Diego County Water authority March 25, 1986 Page- Two- expires wo:expires on June 30, 1989, which is Tittle more than three years away. The City has indicated that it may not be able, or willing, to extend that service agree: ment. Even if an extension can be negotiated, the arrangement i s unlikely to provide a permanent solution to the long-term needs of both Poway and Ramona. As you probably know, the District is now constructing a dam which will create a lake impounding approximately 11,000 acre feet of water, representing a little more than one year's total usage..That construction is scheduled to be completed about one year from now. The initial use of this water, and the sole use until treatment facilities are available, is for agricultural irrigation. It has always been intended however, that a treatment plant would eventually be built in conjunction with the lake. Extension of the Bargar Plant, at least to a limited degree, is an option that will continue to be explored. It is not expected that the Bargar Plant can be .made large enough to serve all of the District's potable water needs as population growth continues._ That plant is at the far eastern extremity of the District, while the lake is on the far western extremity. So long as Bargar Plant is dependent .on water from Lake Sutherland there will be doubts about water reliability during dry years, The District has assumed that the solution most compatible with its needs and opportunities is a water treatment plant near the site of*Lake Ramona. Your staff has suggested the alternative of extension of a line from the treated water aquedu.� as a possibility to be explored. In any event, decisions need to be .made and pl anni ,.. f. must get underway. 4 What is imperative is that the citizens of Ramona cannot be left without adequate potable water supplies. The.Ramona Municipal Water District, on their behalf, respectfully requests that the Board of Directors of the San Diego County Water Authority approve in concept adequate financial assistance for the construction of water treatment facilities and instruct its staff to work with the District's z staff and consultants to develop the most cost effective and suitable resolution of the problem. Sincerely, Robert F. Bradford r General Manager cc: Larry Michaels, General Manager, SDCw JUN 10 1986 ITEM OFF - ODC��l