Item 2 - PDC for Carriage Lane Condominium-ISM Development. s f �/A�� RR _ A��A R��®.:i f! -t - OF CITY OF POWAY - T tiF i'.M.s.a i,w C� IN THE C� TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of P ing S rvic-�V es James H. Lyon, Assistant Planner DATE: June 12, 1986_ SUBJECT: Pre -Development Conference Analysis for Carriage Lane Condominiums -IAM Development, Applicant ABSTRACT Consideration of a request to construct a 120 unit condominium project. Location: Northeast corner of the intersection of Poway and Carriage Roads Gross Acreage: 11.9 acre Surrounding Land Use: The property to the north is Zoned for single family residential. A 7 -Eleven convenience store is located to the west, an ARCO AM -PM minimart to the south, and Wendy's restaurant is located adjacent to the east boundary. Slope: Previous grading has established cut banks There is a'25 foot elevational change from Poway Road to the plateau equal to 57% slope. From the plateau to the top of an adjoining hill there is a 107 foot ele- vational difference equal to a 36% slope. General Plan and Zoning: The subject site is zoned Residential Condominium Properties to the north are zoned RS -7 with those on the east, west, and south Zoned for General Commercial uses. There is also a small section of RA zoned property to the northwest. LK- Concurred'to hear at worktop 6-12-86 'nn. PfWahs e�� n JUN 12- 1996 ITEM JUN 3 1986 ITEM k( y : p; June 12, 1986 Page 2 History: Tentative Map 4180 was approved by the County of San { Diego in October 1980 and revised in 1902. As part of the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 1983 the zoning was changed from -RV -3 and RV -10 (Residential is Variable) to RC (Residential Condominium) The approved tentative map included a conditional use g permit for a 71 unit condominium projectd for the site. A third time extension. for the tentative map was denied in, December 1984. With the denial of the map, the Conditional Use Permit 82-02 for the project also expired. The site has been previously graded creating an elogated plateau parallel to Poway Road and Carriage Road which is suitable for development. a A large hillside extends to the east from this pla- teau area and was designated as open space under the now expired tentative map and conditional use permit. Zoning: The Code provides for a maximum of 7-12 units per net .. acre. The gross acreage of the site is 11.9 acres. The net acreage, inclusive of slopes, is calculated to be 10.63acres Thisacreagewould conceptually support up to 127 condominium units at a maximum den- sity of 1.2 units per acre. If the slopes were removed from the net acreage, there appears to be approximately 4.5 acres of flat developable area A maximum of 54 units could be considered on the 4.5 ' acres. A 50 foot setback is required from any single family zone when the proposed building exceeds 15 feet in height. An eight foot high block wall is required on the boundary line between the two zones. Building heights are limited to 2 stories or 35 feet whichever is less. On-site parking is based on the number of bedrooms with a minimum one garage space per bedroom. On-site improvements such as a swimming pool, chi.ldrens play areas, and park -like quiet areas are also required. All existing slopes must be landscaped with trees, shrubs, and groundcover General Plan: Due to the high visability of the project site, future structures should be constructed in a non obstrusive manner and painted in earthtone colors to minimize the visual impact. JUN 12 1986 ITEM 2 of 8 JUN 3 1986 1 Tq June 12, 1986 r , Page 3 Summary: The project site was originally divided into three lots with Lot 3, consisting of 3.5 acres, placed in open space to protect the hillside. Sierra Pacific,' the previous owner of the property had intended to build the approved 71"unit condominium project but never moved forward with the project. The map is no #` longer active and any new development would require the approval of a tentative map, and a development review, y JLB`:RWT:JHL:js f Attachments: :. 1. Applicants Letter 2. Agreement of Understanding _;I 3. Site Plan 4. Building Elevations 5. Surrounding Zoning and General Plan ,JUN 12 )986 ITEM JUN 3 1986 ITEM f 3 or 8 V Y6T�'N SAN AIiT DIEGQ 4845 Ronson Court San Diego. California 92111 (619) 292-1040 April 14, 1986 Job No. 5520-002 C F' V E E 1e .(3) (P-3) h� �1 APR 17 19r� Ms. Reba W. Touw 4 Director of -Planning << of Pl anni n9 Services PLONING DEPARTMENT - City of Poway P. 0. Box 789 Poway, CA 92064 RE: Predevelopment Conference for IAM Development at the Northeast Corner of Poway Road and Carriage Road Dear Reba: We are requesting this predevel opment conference on behalf of our Client, IAM Development, because of the unique nature of the subject site._ IAM Development proposes to construct 120 multiple family units on the subject property. He will meet all standards of the Residential Condominium zone and of the General Plan for the ' property. No variances are expected'. .' X4 . He has taken great effort to design a development which blends with the topo- graphy opo graphy of the site and does not require any grading or re -grading of the { existing onsite slopes. The Client_ proposes a heavily landscaped site. The units proposed are simiia"r in architecture to the Willow Apartment project on { Hillary and Midland Road. The proposed colors of the buildings are muted tones of brown and tan in order to blend the development into the hillside. Roof material will be a flat, dark brown colored concrete tile that would resemble wood shake. Access to the development would be through a new street_intersect- ing with Carriage Road. The existing stub street from the residential single family subdivision would not be carried through as an access to the develop- ment except perhaps for emergency vehicle purposes. We trust that you will find the development acceptable and one that meets the standards of the Residential Condominium zone and land use. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me or the Client. Very truly yours, A UT EST, INC.K. �ganor a1T P nni ng BKH/l h cc: Bill Ki ntzel e, IAM Development 4 of 8 ATTACHMENT 1 JUN 12 1986 ITEM 2 y ENGINEERS PL-kNN RS SURVEYORS JUN 3 1986 ITEM . art ACML r OF UI11i}ERSrAMII s City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "City" and IASia'1P , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent"s enter into -this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described, by tax i assessor's parcel number(s) 31-7 --De O _3q � n 46 Proponent desires to develop this prooerty in accordancewith the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development pians unsatisfac- tory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory develon�nent plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above-aentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon, the following understand- ing A. City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part: thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a. particular development plan. C. City will Hake urn representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any development proposal: or part thereof Proponent imy subsequently submit. D If any deveiopnent proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has rmde no representations upon which Proponent may rely. Dated: Proponent: (A4. �Nf�dc r $ gna e 0 G i JUN' 12 1986 IT EM 2 j 5 of $SUN' 198��T 2 CO z w jp C]IJdti�rdll�eLrl V1 UNLiiiRSTA1.YLJ= t City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "Citya and IAS p , hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax, assessor's parcel number (s) 1311 -77010 -'3q A. n b Proponent desires to develop this property in accordance with the will of the Cit and without the Y expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development pians unsatisfac- tory to City and consume time and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless: City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above-mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a hearing prior to filingany application for &vel a -- 1. r.: ,. S... t Jf3 ;j3 i #jt M7+r 'rf�i. 'ir�r , #rt'�iifi i K�{{';� .h., ,•• RR� • � �%�'3 � f. xYV r f' !,r�•r, i. . � � - ;y'4'��X r is _ _. �. 32:ni% r ��` J ' t% ii i ®s f r•� r, J ° �ayyY /�•'� rr ,ir t v. +.. .,i+.;.v,.'�•�xs ,� r �i yo+rC �• r f:!rS...G •�j r 4rri/Y•` ff' 'f s ...:r yy`' �' 1 _ ., r/,{fry yC• }CG., • 'tom•°' i.. r. • ry.• CM ^' x cc c® (, L r ' , _ �O iq, 9'mf�J�`:�`gi WRw.T Jfa;.. t ♦`# � <� '� a �<��.e r w `ti ,. s .�i% �' + �,�,�g�f:ft�� s os x• r� o7t�r+ x0 Y f G # e y 'V'�..� if#'! � . e� tea• o>,cf�11^c! <; i i #rAv# s n s a i•• a C�w.� R b s ^.� �. ♦ tax s • � }i • i r • wt fs s4 s <' �. •' • •, > <� a.. « • y� t r a�"•'Rr#dli�: o��% .e i•#y# �I"r A � '�` ♦: �."� • .lw. n.�t ' �. . ®• . �a.p+�' �' r: if► is i.: • •;O,'o# Iia i R 0 � i ••-•••••! t 3 i' CI""fill YOF PO wv w ITEM: AY TITLEa SCALE moo= ATTACHMENT S G JUIN 121986 ITEM 2 s 8 of Q 1Cil11 1At?� �'T G Nll 'fC�n